Lost Desires by amanda

A story of a womans inability to take control.

Categories: Mature (40-49), Entrapment, Toilet, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 2745 Read: 12245 Published: September 23 2009 Updated: September 23 2009

1. Chapter 1 by amanda

Chapter 1 by amanda

This story came to me as a result of communications with a friend; I thank him for this as I have enjoyed writing down my thoughts and desires. I hope you all enjoy this tale.

Lost Desires.

I lay in bed perspiration covered my body; I shivered as the cool breeze kissed my exposed skin. This was the third night this week that I had this vivid insight into future events, my recurring dream haunting me… the nightmares had started about a month earlier.
The content of my dream still hung behind my eyes my brain playing it back to me like a projector in a cinema. I looked at my husband sleeping contently next to me unaware; I hadn’t told him about my dreams…
I was not sure how to tell him…after all this did involve him in a way which would alter our lives in an unimaginable way. I was always fearful that this day would come but I did not think for minute that Brandon would be the person that I would choose through my subconscious mind to fulfill my inner desires… to be my first after five long years of fighting to control my deep routed inner feelings.

I lay there quietly the cool breeze washed over my skin I was wet between my legs, I touched my sex the sticky fluid clung to my fingers the sexy aroma filled the air. God I was so hyped up my mind raced I could feel my heart pounding in my chest the sound emanating through my body the loud thump, thump hurting my ear drums. I was no longer in control I had struggled all my life to control this urge but now it was trying to control me, and it was succeeding.

I crawled out of bed trying not to wake Brandon up he stirred rolling over to his side of the bed, I touched his warm skin my orgasm catching my breath… my mind going over what was to come, I pulled the sheets over his exposed butt trying to hide him away removing the temptation from sight.
He snuggled up under the sheets contented, he looked so sweet and at peace. I loved him with all my heart I belonged to him and he to me, I had to regain control of my desires, my inner thoughts this affliction that I had managed to suppress and control until now.

I sat on the toilet my urine sprayed from me my mind jumping ahead at what might be, I smiled as I wiped myself clean.

I wrapped my silk dressing gown around my naked body the one you gave me for my birthday. I sighed my memories came flooding back to me I could see your smiling face as you handed me my present; I was so excited I knew it was an item of clothing. I loved the pink silk nightly I had discreetly pointed out to you a week earlier hoping that you would buy it for me.
I could still smell the scent from your body lingering on in the fibres my mind slipped back to the evening of my birthday, I remembered the sensuous kiss on my lips and the warmth of your embrace I had never felt so loved, you were my saviour the day I met you I knew that I would be saved, given a second chance to be normal it was hard to believe that only a week had passed since then.
I shook with dread my brain playing back my dream to me as if to punish me for being happy and contented.

I made my self a cup of tea and sat down to watch some day time TV trying desperately to clear my mind of my dream. I was so turned on my pussy ached it screamed out to me, I was terrified my head hurt my whole body craved sex ….the kind of sex that’s forbidden, I felt sick I convulsed my stomach trying to cleanse itself.
I rushed to the toilet and emptied the contents of my stomach into the white porcelain below.
My mind raced I could taste your salty skin in my mouth it turned me on……..
”Bloody hell what’s wrong with me”. I cried tears rolled down my face I shook with fear!! … At what I was capable off, I was mature enough now to be able to carry out this act in a predatory manner just as my mother bless her soul had tried to tell me about all those years ago.
She had warned me not to fall in love and get married, I ignored her advice a typical reaction from me I always thought I knew everything even though I knew what I was capable of. I realized now what she had meant I never got the chance to meet my dad I realized then what had happened, but having never known him it meant nothing to me.

I had made mistakes… I knew that but I was in control now who was she to tell me any different she wasn’t me. I would be the one to take control of this affliction I felt strong and capable of taming these urges buried deep within me.

I sobbed my mind doing battle with my sexual urges; they felt so strong this time stronger than I had ever felt them before. They dominated my thoughts bullying me into carrying out this act that would end the life of the man I loved. My vagina leaked fluid constantly I washed myself with a damp cloth and changed into a clean pair of knickers knowing that I would stain them quickly the creamy consistency of my discharge would make sure of that.
I smelt of sex my vagina’s aroma was strong Brandon would know I was hyped up he would want to have sex with me; this scared the hell out me of what if I couldn’t control it.
I sat nervously staring at the TV, aware that my body was preparing itself for sex, my nipples were hard and erect my lips had turned a deep red my eyes sparkled, my clitoris reacting to my every movement God this felt sooo good.
I remembered my first, the look on his face was priceless I had a massive orgasm as I watched him disappear inside forever; I can still hear his screams begging me to stop as he slipped into me, my warm body greeting his my stomach stretching to accommodate its new food source . Mum asked me if I had enjoyed him although the bulge in my tummy and the look on my face told her all she needed to know. I rushed upstairs to continue my pleasure in private.

My common sense screamed at me, I was so agitated I needed to occupy my mind with something else; this proved impossible my thoughts going out to him taking control of his mind my subconcious working away deep inside brain to gain control of his dreams.

I fought back my internal struggle turning into all out war as I battled with the monster lurking in the shadows like something from a horror story.

I went upstairs to shower I peeked in at Brandon I moaned I longed for it he looked so inviting, my mouth filled with saliva, he had kicked the clothes of his body he lay there fast asleep his naked body stretched across the bed sheets.
I turned to leave but my desire to consume him pulled me back, the dream filled my mind with every detail as it played back to me , my head ached as my body went into the next phase, my ability to control it broken. I knew that I had lost… my predatory instincts surfaced no longer burdened by the love I felt for my man. The urge to take another life grew strong my brain reprogrammed my emotions rerouting my thoughts, burying my memories locking away any emotional attachment to my Brandon, to enable me to carry out my dark desire. He was lost to me; from that moment on I knew that this would be his last day on earth, our last together.

I eyed his testicles I loved sucking on them tasting his seed within, my stomach grumbled impatiently it wanted sustenance and Brandon was now on the menu.
I did battle with my conscious my love for him losing against this irresistible need to feed upon him, to enjoy his fear this was the ultimate fix for me nothing he could do would ever give me as much pleasure and satisfaction as taking his body inside mine. My brain locked onto the task in hand my common sense and the love I had for this man no longer mattered to me.

I walked up to the bed my fingers buried in my knickers teasing my sex my other hand concentrating on my nipples.
Brandon had been up all night he would sleep heavy after his night shift, I felt at ease with this by the time he awoke and realized what was happening it would be to late, I was already in his head soothing him whispering words of comfort to him as I had done many times before. I had plenty of time to enjoy my husbands last hour on earth; I licked his groin his penis reacting to my tongue.
I touched his skin gently smoothing the warm flesh around his scrotum I licked his limp shaft taking it into my mouth for the last time and gently sucked on it I could feel the blood pumping into his warm member, it soon filled my mouth. I sucked on it moving my mouth up and down its length until Brandon pumped his life giving seed into it I swallowed his gift tasting the warm sperm as it worked its way down my throat into my stomach, I moaned with pleasure my bodily fluids run between my legs staining my panties.

He was totally unaware that I was actually with him my erotic thoughts imprinted into his dreams keeping his mind closed from the outside world as I begun the next stage of his journey.
I was totally locked into my psyche Brandon was no longer my husband my lover and friend he was entertainment… my entertainment he didn’t exist to me any more he had a new role in my life, one which would be short and abrupt he would soon be a memory to me just like all the others.

Brandon rolled onto his back I licked my lips at the sight of his naked form my sex craving for satisfaction I entered his mind our thoughts becoming one.

We danced in a field of poppies enjoying each others company for the last time.
We sat together and talked about all the good times we had shared. He made love to me the soft breeze cooling our bodies under a hot sun; he smiled at me contented I caressed his lips with mine my tongue tasting him my saliva mixed with his I felt loved needed by him, he caressed my naked body the warm touch of his hands sent shivers down my spine. He squeezed my breasts rubbing my erect nipples between his fingers my clitoris tingled in anticipation his penis probed my sex to find the entrance into my wet slit. I moaned as he slipped inside me my pussy stretched to accommodate his shaft. We writhed about on the carpet of red the scent of flowers filled our senses, our bodies entwined as we gained pleasure from each other. Brandon went rigid as his life giving seed spurted into my womb fertilizing my eggs in readiness. I smiled satisfied… he had completed his final task I was now ready to let him go, his role now only to feed my passion and forgotten desires.
I prepared him ready for his final gift to me, his last to ensure my new born would have a good start in life from her father; I released his mind allowing me to gain maximum pleasure from my quarry.

He opened his eye’s my lips were wrapped around his legs as I moved my mouth over his skin, he rubbed his eye’s his brain unable to decide if he was awake or still laying naked in a field of red.
He stared at me his eye’s pleading with me to stop; I slurped as I took in a breath my saliva coating his skin, lubricating it in readiness. I smiled back at him with my eye’s… it was a contented smile my fingers teased my clitoris rubbing it frantically as my body readied itself to release all my forgotten moments, Brandon was about to pay back a debt to myself.
All my lost years of excited pleasure whilst I lied to myself about how I really felt, he had saved many lives by being my spouse now he was about to pay with his own life.

I moaned with pleasure every part of my body reacting to his, I was up to his waist my tongue teased his erect penis tasting it for the last time. He started to cry he tried to stop his progress into me, his arms flailing about uselessly, I grabbed them and pinned them to his side until they too entered my mouth my lips held them in place whilst I pulled him ever closer to his final resting place.
My body quivered as my excitement grew; I watched Brandon’s face change as his torso entered me stretching my skin to breaking point, filling my mouth with his warm flesh, sheer terror in his eyes. He mouthed something to me; his words disjointed his fear evident in his face, pleading with me with his deep brown eyes asking questions as to the reason why.
This added to my orgasms my excitement; I felt his face brush against my lips he managed to scream out to me as I closed my lips around his head sealing him off from the world outside forever. I groaned loudly as he slipped into my throat…my stomach bulged outwards stretching to accommodate his body.

I stretched out on the bed where Brandon had slept so contently Moments before, my meal struggled inside my belly, I could hear his pleas for help as my body started in earnest the task of breaking down my hapless husband’s body.
My orgasms came thick and fast as my body releasing all my pent up desires that I had locked away deep inside me all these years, I felt fulfilled my spunk spurting from me onto the bed sheets. I was Free from my burden I could live again the life I was destined to have, I would never use a man the way I had chosen to use Brandon ever again, they would serve only one purpose from now on. Their place on earth was to provide me with all my needs “until death do us part” that was their reason for being born.

Brandon kept me entertained all morning until he finally succumbed to my bodies natural processes, I got up my belly still quite large and had a pee, no doubt the first of many that I would need during the day to rid my body of Brandon’s waste material.
I knew that the bulk of him would be with me for at least a day before I felt the need to relieve myself.
I went shopping with my friend Alison she commented on how radiant I looked, I smiled at her “I have my husband to thank for that” I giggled and went about my shopping Brandon no longer in my thoughts.

It was 3 days before I needed to open my bowels I had all but forgotten about my former husband, I had already planned his disappearance, everybody was very supportive… after all he had run off with another woman and emptied my bank account before doing so.
I smiled to myself as I pulled my knickers down to go to the toilet, my stools slid into the bowl with ease I had forgotten how good a laxative a mans body was until that moment, I wiped myself clean and flushed away the smelly contents and went about my daily routine happy and contented.
The End.

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=1267