Anna's Apartment Complex by TinyEd

Nathan, a guy who has problems managing his money, gets the opportunity to live in a really nice and cheap place.
What's the trick? Well, there's no trick exactly, just some peculiar situation going on around this apartment complex.

(This story includes some images as visual reference for some scenes)

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Feet, Gentle, Insertion, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Sci-Fi Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 61721 Read: 130471 Published: July 04 2022 Updated: January 12 2023

1. Welcome to AA Apartment Complex by TinyEd

2. The descision by TinyEd

3. First time inside by TinyEd

4. Weird normalcy by TinyEd

5. Getting to know the landlord lady by TinyEd

6. A late night talk with a goddess by TinyEd

7. My landlord lady can't be so goddesly cute by TinyEd

8. What a good life by TinyEd

9. Distant thoughts and giant bodies by TinyEd

10. Anna's pleasure - part 1 by TinyEd

11. Anna's pleasure - part 2 by TinyEd

12. Anna's pleasure - part 3 by TinyEd

13. Anna's pleasure - part 4 by TinyEd

14. Anna's pleasure - part 5 by TinyEd

15. Size dilemma and self thoughts by TinyEd

16. The goddess, the good and the idiot by TinyEd

17. Clover's precious time - part 1 by TinyEd

18. Clover's precious time - part 2 by TinyEd

19. Clover's precious time - part 3 by TinyEd

20. Clover's precious time - part 4 by TinyEd

21. Two big reasons to look foward by TinyEd

22. Final Chapter: Welcome to the complex by TinyEd

Welcome to AA Apartment Complex by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This story will have a slow start, the "action" is gonna appear in future chapters
This first chapter is mostly a long introduction
Also, I have to make notice that english is not my main language, if you see any error in the writing please let me know <3

It was at night, one week before I had to go back to classes on college, and here I was looking for a place to stay the rest of the month since the landlord from the place I was living on got arrested for tax evasion, and to be honest I wasn’t up to deal with any of the problems that might have come from that, the guy was really good with me and all but I bet the payment from my rent was pretty low because he got some kind of pity on me… so here I was trying to search for a new place to stay, I was gonna use this last week before classes to go to places and pray that someone will take a new tenant in such a quick time (sigh…).

My name is Nathan, 23 years old, student that leaves alone, my parents are pretty much busy taking care of a pretty big company that my dad works at, developing the new shrinking technology and making sure every process goes according to the protocols, allowing to all the shrinking technology to be safe for daily use. Since the creation of the shrinking technology by a really awesome inventor some years ago, it has been searched deep into and it has become a technology that you can see anywhere, transportation, medicine, recreation, art, etc.

Although it is a kind of common technology, it is not a cheap one so not any person can afford some kind of shrining/growing device, and most of it it’s developed on Europe, meaning my old man and my mom are never around, so they at least give me an allowance to afford living all by myself, but even if I say that, I have problems with my money management, which is the same reason why I really wanna find a cheap place, quick, and that might be a decent place.

Sounds a bit impossible right? Well, miracles happen… or should I say…

“Fuck… the impossible is just in front of me…” I said to myself as I was just looking at a place that just had all my standards for what I wanted, and better yet, it was nearby, and even better yet, it was affiliated with my college.


“No, this has to be a scam… although I might just check it just in case…” I said to myself while looking for the landlord’s profile the name ‘Anastasia Cruz’ there.

(Have I seen this name before? It is kind of familiar sounding.)

The person didn’t have any profile pic, which make it even more suspicious, but I was desperate and would probably still be looking for places all night.

“All right, I’ll send a message requesting all the information and where can I check the place” as I said that, I typed my message to the landlord lady.

After that, I kept looking up for different places with no more luck than that, each place being either expensive or too much far away from my college, which only got me around 3 different places to check including that first one.

“Guess I’ll be able to check them all through this week” after saying that, I saw popping out a sudden notification on my screen, I got a reply from one of the places, that first one actually “talking about fast…”.

“Hi Nathan, I can see you’re interested in the apartment in rent, you can check it out tomorrow if you want, it’s okay if we meet up on ‘x’ street near the pizza store with the dog mascot, 2 pm is okay?” read the text.

(I know that place, is really nearby, I even go there sometimes to eat lunch)

“sure, I’ll go there at that time” I typed, and after that I went to sleep.



The next day.

After getting no replies from the other two places and drowning on my own misery, I was hoping this place could be what I was hoping for, otherwise I probably won’t be able to find a place with classes starting so soon…

“Please be a good place, please be a good place” I prayed to myself as I was walking to the according place the landlord lady Anastasia said.

And there I saw a building I come across from time to time, I saw it from outside and thought to myself that it was a nice looking building.

(Should I go in? should I ring a bell? Is there even a bell in this building?!)

And while I was lost in my own thoughts I felt something touching my left shoulder and turned to see.

“Hi! You must be Nathan right?” In front of me was one of the most beautiful faces I’ve seen, a good looking blonde girl with a short haircut, big boobs and a smiling expression was just in front of me asking for my name, she was really cute.

“I… am?” I said confused, she giggled at my reaction.

“Sorry, I’m Anastasia, but you can call me Anna, I’m the landlord of the place you’re interested” Anna was smiling naturally as she was talking, something on her seemed familiar on me for some reason.

“Wait, you’re the landlord lady?”

“Yeah, I know I’m too young, but some stuff happened and I got to be able to rent a whole apartment complex, it’s a long story, you don’t wanna hear it” she said a bit awkwardly, as some kind of speech she already had prepared for the kind of reaction I had in my face.

“I-I see, well the information on the place seemed pretty much complete and formally put, so I don’t mind I guess” (that and the fact that I really am desperate, I just wanna look at the place with my own eyes).

“Well let me show you the place then, come with me” she said.

“Okay then!” as I said that I was about to go right into the building in front of me but Anna just looked at me weirdly.

“It’s not there hahaha, I just got this place since it is a pretty good reference point to meet up with someone” she said giggling, basically making fun of how I got confused thinking this building in front of me was where I thought was gonna be my renting place.

“Oh… sorry I guess that…”

“It’s okay, let’s just go” she said with a smile, I followed her back.

It was just a street away or so, but we got to a small place, it wasn’t even a building, it was really just a small place, it appeared to be some kind of joke, this was more a house than an apartment complex, you could not even take it as some “roommates” kind of house.

“We’re here!” Anna said with a smile.

“I… expected this place to be bigger” I said.

“Let’s just say this is some kind of reception” she giggled at my reaction while walking to the front door, it was not that funny for me though.

I got inside with her to what seemed to be an actual small reception, there it was a woman with long black hair and glasses, she was reading some book behind a desk, and was clearly deep in her lecture to notice us two getting in, Anna just got closer to the desk and started talking to the woman.

“Hi Becks, I brought the would-be tenant, would you mind to show him all the info and stuff? I have some stuff to do, you know.”

The woman behind the desk glared at me, glared at Anna and then took her book away.

“Sure, I handle this then” Beatrice said with a monotone simple voice.

“Thanks! I owe you one” Anna said to her “Nathan, I’ll leave you with her, she’s Beatrice, she will give you all the info about the place” as she said the she left the place through a corridor on the left, leaving me with this woman.

Beatrice glared at me for some seconds.


She kept glaring at me.

“Uh… I kinda…” I got a bit awkward with this.

“Yeah yeah, come over here to this room” Beatrice said standing up and opening a door that was besides her desk.

“Uh… sure” I said while going in.

Inside this new small room it was just some chairs, a small table, some papers and some other stuff you might find in any normal office, even some kind of coffee machine.

“Take a sit” she said pointing at a chair in front of the table.

“Thanks” I said while sitting.

“Want some coffee?” Beatrice asked.

I wasn’t the coffee-drinker kind of guy but I didn’t want to be impolite so I accepted the offer, Beatrice turned on the machine immediately and after that took a seat in front of me.

“Okay, so, welcome to AA apartment complex, we are working for a company who became our patrons recently so we have some really nice accommodations for living, we also checked in your profile you are student from one of the colleges we work with so you might even get a better treatment than some others of our tenants.”

“Well that sounds nice”.

“But if you wanna live here, you have to agree to one of our policies, I’m sorry it’s a bit strict but the building entrance is only open on weekends so you might as well live here on week days”

“B-but…” I was about to complain on something but Beatrice interrupted me

”Of course our patrons knows about the inconvenience this could make, so they also offer a full outside world view screen, as to say, you can attend classes from the commodity of your home.”

“That sounds suspicious, why do I have to go…”



Suddenly the sound of the coffee machine made a sound

“Oh, the coffee is ready~” she interrupted me again while saying this with a smile and getting to the coffee machine and pouring some in two cups.

“I do wanna know why this is a request… can’t I just leave the complex any time I want?” I asked.

She put my coffee cup in front of me while sitting again in the same chair as before.

“Our patrons are pretty much generous with the accommodations they give to us” she said while taking some papers out and showing me some pics that seemed to be similar to the ones from the page where I found this place.

Massage sofa, some videogame consoles in a big room with a lot of stuff to entertain yourself, a small bar, a big kitchen, and the commodities that where on those photos looked so nice it made me feel kinda envious of those rooms.

“Our Apartment complex also contains a social living room for our different residents to interact”.

I took a sip from my coffee, invested in the images while Beatrice was talking.

“Okay I get it, the place is nice and all, your patrons don’t want us to leave but will allow us with interaction with the outside…. It’s hard to believe it though, I kinda wanna see the place” I was just insecure from the whole possibility this could be a major scam for me.

“Sure, today is weekend after all, we can show you the place and…” while Beatrice was talking my head was feeling kinda dizzy, it was so sudden that I just couldn’t… stay… conscious that much…

Everything went dark for a moment…







I woke up again by the voice of Beatrice who was holding my head, making me realize I did fall there for a moment.

“Ugh… my head hurts…” I said.

“We arrived to the complex Nathan” she said.

“We what?” I asked confused.

“You asked that you wanted to see the apartment complex and we got here, you fallen asleep deeply on the way here though” Beatrice said with a concerned expression, she seemed worried about me.

“Ugh… I guess I was too stressed about college and didn’t notice…”

“Well, good thing we got here, look around” Beatrice said.

I looked around, adapting my eyes to the surroundings, here it was a big living room, big enough to fill a whole party of people, with a big TV screen in the center of the room, a small oasis in the corner, with a small table to fill up to 8 people, and a big fridge behind.

“This is the social living room, where our tenants interact from time to time, right now there’s just one person in the building, everyone usually takes their chances when weekend hits, some go for groceries or some other stuff, you save a lot of money by renting this place after all.”

The room was nice, probably one of the most comfortable living rooms I have seen in all my life, perfect to enjoy some time talking with people, getting to know the others, I was already imagining it.

“You can take something from the fridge if you want, you can check whatever you want and then we can proceed to the next pl…”

“I kind of want to see the rest” (this already looked good enough, I just wanted to keep seeing the rest of the complex already)

“Okay then, you can follow me here…” Beatrice stood up from the big couch we were both on, and went to a door that seemed like the entrance from an elevator.

(An elevator? The building from before wasn’t that big… so are we really in the complex already? Talk about fast…)

We both went inside the elevator, and there was some 7 buttons there.

“We have some kind of unique architecture here, so you might think as we have 7 different floors but that’s not it, we have 7 different building so to say, the apartments are all on the floor 1 and 2, the rest are all just places to look up to, we are on the floor 6, floor 7 is just the entrance”.

I was taken by surprise by this sudden explanation of the complex, it took my interest as how actually complicated the whole place was.

“On ‘floor’ 3 and 4 are the bathrooms, gym, training room and the jogging track”.


“Yeah, we don’t share all of these so openly because some people might find themselves too pressured to sign in to be a resident or they might think it’s a scam, but people is usually well surprised when getting here” I was amazed by Beatrice’s explanation, everything sounded really great to be true.

“On floor 5 it’s just a medical area, in case any person gets injured or something, we help them with part of our patrons staff who work here as to make sure all our residents live healthy”.

(Oh god is this really true? It sounds all good to be true!)

“Floor 6, where we are, it’s all for interaction and recreative enjoyment, downstairs there’s even a pool table and a small bar”

(What the actual f..?!)

“Where do you wanna check first?” Beatrice asked with a nice smile.

I knew it was too good to be true, I just couldn’t think of this as for something that could be true… the price, the place, the rules, the commodities.

“What’s the trick?” I asked.

Beatrice giggle a bit, first time I saw her actually a bit happy since the start.

“The trick is, you cannot leave until weekends, I already told you…” she said.

“No but, that is just…!” I was about to shut a bit when Beatrice just pressed a random button on the elevator.

“Just check” she said.

The elevator started moving slowly and steady, moving in some direction… and while it was happening I saw it.

“Wha-?” I saw suddenly we were in a clear transparent space, I could clearly see the outside and our surroundings while the elevator moved through what it seemed some open views from this elevator.

Our surroundings… we were moving through a giant cable, going out from what could be tell it was a gigantic sphere, and it was a bit hard to tell but I could see the giant cable was directing us to another gigantic sphere.

“Are the ‘floors’ actually separate buildings…?” I asked confused, Beatrice giggled at my question.

“Quite the opposite actually…” she said “this is just a whole structure build thanks to the development of shrinking technology and the help of our patrons, going on with an investigation with the help of your college science department, would be hard to believe for you but this is a really top center of technology.”

I suddenly realized what she meant by all of what she was saying… as suddenly something massive was moving outside of the ‘complex’.

Shrinking technology, something humanity already developed in so many ways it was hard to believe how advanced it was, it was safe for everyone but it wasn’t something any person could afford that easily….

Outside in the distance up in the sky I could see something I never imagined I could ever have seen in my life.

A gigantic, no, gigantic was not even close to the world I was looking for… she was just hard to describe as size… she was massive, gargantuan… could bet not even Mt. Everest was as big as her…. No, Mt. Everest would be envious of the size of the giant cute girl who was there, full nude with a small towel covering her massive breasts…

“Ah, she finished talking her bath, I must inform her where we are” Beatrice said as if this was totally normal.

“I… uh…. I….” I was totally speechless while Beatrice was making something with her phone.

A sudden ringing started, what could have been what you could say was a ringtone from a catchy song coming from the distance.

“Oh~” said the gigantic figure.

“Hi Anna, we are in the complex with Nathan, we can see you from here” Beatrice said with a smirk at the emphasis on that end.

Suddenly I saw the gigantic figure of what I could tell was Anna, turning around to us, her breast fully exposed, showing nipples that could be the size of mountains for us… moving at such a normal speed that you couldn’t believe something so big could move so fast…

“HYA!!! I’M SO SORRY! I DIDN’T MEAN TO!” Anna covered her big breast with the towel she was holding, completely blushing and embarrassed by the fact that we saw her naked.

“He’s speechless” Beatrice added.

“Oh my god! Nathan I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to…” Anna’s apologies where getting lost in my head as I was fully trying to understand the situation I was in.

As if suddenly something told me I had to ask an important question…

“Don’t act as you weren’t trying to show off you big pervert” said Beatrice, making fun of Anna in the process while I was thinking.

“Hey Beatrice…” I said.

“Hmm? What is it?” Beatrice asked.

“Where the fuck are we…?” I asked back, Beatrice smirked softly.

“Welcome to ‘AA’ Apartment Complex… also known as… Anna’s Anal Apartment Complex”

“I told you to stop calling it like that!” pleaded Anna on the phone while her gigantic form outside was making some nervous moves of embarrassment.

I got more confused as the elevator just kept moving… I turned to see directly to Beatrice.

“No… I mean ‘Where’ are we?” I asked more directly.

Beatrice showed up a more confident face and said.

“This whole apartment complex with more than 27 residents, is inside some small anal beads that Anna has to take care of…”

My mind went blank from the sudden realization of everything…

The whole building, the rooms, the medicine department, the jogging track, the giant living room, the kitchen, the bar, everything… all of it was inside some anal beads that Anna, the cute girl that is the landlord lady uses…

The descision by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This chapter follows a bit of the introduction but also introduces a new and important character for the story

didn’t even know where to start.

“So you drugged me with that coffee… shrunk me without my consent, inserted me inside some anal bead’s ball, wanted to scam me, to make me sign to accept living there… without telling me any of that until the end where I was about to actually accept living there…” I was mad about all of this, I could even sue these guys for all of that, but in the end I kind of had a consent to go there, it was all recorded in some video footage they obviously took just in case I actually did, these guys had done this many times before… of course they did.

“If you put it like that… it sounds a bit bad” said Anna without actually looking at me.

“We think that as long as your accommodations are good enough there won’t be any problem where you live” said Beatrice, not taking any care about my mood.

“That’s not the point here, the point is..!”

“You wanted me to show you the place, so I did exactly that, nothing else, if you don’t want to live in our complex you’re free to go out at any moment!” Beatrice exclaimed.

“Becks?! But…!” Anna wanted to say something but Beatrice interrupted again.

“We don’t have to deal with this guy if he doesn’t want to, and he’s clearly against the idea of living in our complex, so there’s no need for us to force him in” Beatrice said something that hit me.

(Yeah, I guess she’s right, I don’t wanna be living inside some girl’s sex toy even if the whole place had everything you would want to live with, and with such a low price…)

“Now if you want to leave and…” Beatrice was about to say something but I had to interrupt her

“I’d like to talk with a resident” I said.

Anna and Beatrice got surprised by my reaction, they didn’t expect me to give them a small chance.

But then again, I am desperate for a place to live on and this was the only place that really has it all…

“Sure, I can get you in contact with one of our residents right now” said Beatrice.

“Are you thinking about this?” Anna asked nervously.

“I wanna know how hard it is to live there, from an actual resident, if what they tell me it’s good enough, I might accept… living in your complex… but if not”

“You will leave this place never to come back, sure sure” said Beatrice while looking for something on her phone.

Anna finally was looking at me for a moment, with the same expression of wanting to apologize, and while it seemed she wanted to say something, she never got the words on what to say.

“My parents work developing shrinking tech, it’s not new for me that stuff like living places inside small objects could be made…”

“Is that so?” said Anna looking to a side.

“If you guys where honest about all of this, I wouldn’t be as mad as am I right now”

“…” Beatrice and Anna went silent, as if something was crossing their heads.

“What? Why that reaction?”

“It’s uh… well…” Anna was trying to say something but couldn’t finish it, seeing her struggle to express what she wanted, Beatrice intervened.

“When we started running this complex with the help of our patrons, there were some problems with the whole idea of people living inside a giant sex toy… after a while our patrons declared to us that we should just take in people by ‘unethical methods’ to accept living to a place that would look to good to be real, so as time passed we started avoiding mentioning where the complex actually was, but as long as people accept to live in our complex, our patrons are pleased since they are allowed to get their investigation further”.

“Your patrons made you do all that?” I asked, they both nodded.

“I was suddenly hired by shrink tech. staff, they said my body was ideal to perform the tests they wanted to do, the research team that became our patrons wanted to develop a way of living inside someone’s body, to make colonies full of professional people the can solve sicknesses and other stuff by inserting a whole team inside someone’s body… but of course, that is far to get done yet, they want first to research on how people’s lives can change or how they would react by living inside a person’s body, but since it wasn’t something easy to test about, they are using stuff you can insert in a body as some replace for that… including ours, there’s already 5 complex apartment places in our country that has people living inside someone’s uh…”

“Sex toy?” I asked, embarrassing Anna.

“It’s not only that… we have people working with piercings, buttplugs, prosthesis, underwears and… anal beads”

“Whoever think about all of this where a bunch of total idiots” I said.

“I totally agree with you, but so far the whole project has given so many good results… it seems people can easily adapt to a close environment like these with ease and enjoy the time there” Anna said.

“I find that hard to believe” I said.

“I have to disagree with you” a sudden voice proclaimed.

I turned around to see, there it was Beatrice holding her phone in front of me, showing me on the screen the face of third girl, a girl who dyed her hair to some reddish color, with some kind of aura that just told me ‘this person is a problem’ kinda vibe.

“This is Clover Spark, she’s a resident from AA Apartment Complex and she is one of the residents who never leaves the complex, in fact, she’s inside there right in this moment so I’m contacting her through our special online service” Beatrice said.

“Hi, Becky told me that you were unsure about living in the Apartment Complex and wanted to talk with me about it” the girl on the phone, Clover, said.

“Yeah, about that, I want to ask you some questions” I said.

Clover looked at me with a challenging expression.

“All right, shoot” she said.

“What are your opinions on living in the complex?”

“It’s a nice place for sure, you can basically do anything you want here inside”.

“What about going to the store and buying stuff?”

“Other people get what I want, usually Beatrice goes on weekends to get us groceries and to fill up the place with stuff”

“What if you wanna go on a date or appointment with someone?”

“You’d be surprised how much stuff you can do from the commodity of your home, that includes going out with the help of the online tech, have you seen those moving screens with people’s faces on it? The ones they use for hospital patients to see the outside? It’s the same concept though I bet you won’t be needing to see the outside world that much, there’s plenty room enough here for a while”

“Plenty of room you say…”

“Well it is, this place is really big after all”

“You are just really small” I said.

Clover laughed at that statement, while Anna looked away with some kind of embarrassed expression.

“Take it however you want, this place just have anything you need for a great while… and you know it” Clover said with a smirk that was a bit annoying.

“Well then let me ask you one more thing”.

“Sure, shoot again”

“How do you feel about the fact that you get inside this girl’s ass constantly?” I asked while pointing out to Anna who suddenly broke into pure embarrassment and covered her face.

Clover started laughing at my question, Beatrice even let out a soft giggle.

“Well that was a fun question, let me answer you that…” Clover looked directly at me and said with a straight face “I think it’s lewd as fuck”.

Anna covered her face even more while complaining “I knew she’d say that” in a soft voice.

“Come again…?” I asked a bit confused by that answer.

“Well just think about it, look at that girl’s ass… so big and thicc” While Clover said this, Anna was covering her face even more, embarrassed to death. “Now what would it be to be inside that ass, just imagine, at this size, everything is just ginormous, what people would give to be in the pants of this girl”

“S-stop, that’s embarrassing to say…” Anna said.

(That was an unexpected statement, but then again she kinda has a weird good point) I took a small glance at Anna’s hips, a roundy big butt sitting there in place, Anna noticed I was looking at her in between her fingers covering her face.


I took my sight away, looking back at clover who just had a smug smile on her face.

“See what I’m talking about? If it wasn’t because this place is so closed, I’d do anything to get outside of one of these beads one day and just explore the immensity of her ass as its fullest size” Clover set that statement there and let it go inside our heads, I could see Beatrice nodding a bit as if she agreed with her.

(So this is basically some twisted perfect place for a pervert like Clover, and it’s heavily implied that the place is really nice, so nice itself that even the rule about only being able to live on weekends doesn’t sound so bad, is there really a reason for me to reject an offer like this? Am I really about to agree to live inside some giant sex toy as a part of one social experiment? To live in an environment like that for such a cheap price? I can’t believe what I’m about to say.)

“That’s enough I guess” I said.

“Well, I hope that helped you to make a decision,” said Clover with a smile “If we ever see each other again, I hope I’ll be as ‘roommates’ pretty soon” And with that, the phone went black, the call did end at that point.

“I hope you can give us an answer then?” asked Beatrice with her usual monotone voice.

“Yeah, I guess I can accept living in the complex, I am desperate to look up for any place and I guess your complex has really nice accommodations” I said.

Beatrice nodded at my answer.

“That and the fact that I can get to live inside this girl, it sounds like an opportunity not to waste” I said while pointing out at Anna who was just suffering of embarrassment this whole time.

“Well I guess that settles it then, I’ll go back for the official contract” with that said, Beatrice left the room, leaving only us two, Anna and me inside.

“…” Anna was a bit quiet.

“Weren’t your intentions to get me to sing up for this?” I asked.

“Hey, it’s not like I don’t want you to live in the complex, I’m also a victim here as well… remember?” Anna let out a sigh and look back at me.

“A victim?” I asked.

“Yeah, what if they suddenly tell you ‘hey, we need you to put up this anal bead inside of you, where there would be people living their daily lives as if nothing’ and suddenly gave you the said anal beads… I mean sure, they pay me really nice for doing this and the people inside seems to be having a really nice life…” Anna seemed trouble, I guess that’s why she means that she’s also a victim on this.

(Why couldn’t it been some normal apartment complex though…?) I let out a sigh, Anna giggled at it.

“It might be a whole weird situation but I still would be your landlord lady, after all, I hope we can get along” Anna said with a big smile.

Beatrice came back with a bunch of papers, probably the contract and stuff related to their patrons, she started showing me all the places where I was supposed to sign and I did as I was told, Anna watching the whole process a bit interested in this whole exchange that we were having.

After finishing all related to the contract, Beatrice nodded pleased.

“That should be all, if you wanna move in you can do that today or tomorrow, if you can get all your stuff or whatever you need from the place you’re living right now, just tell us”.

With that said, and knowing I lived nearby, I went back to my home and took the short amount of stuff I had, and packed it all into some boxes.

“I guess I’m actually going to do this huh? Well, it can’t be helped… I just hope there won’t be any problems with other residents or stuff…”

With that idea in my head, I got mentally prepared for what my future might depare.

End Notes:

Thanks for reading! Expect a new chapter every week for a while!

First time inside by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This chapter introduces some important stuff for the rest of the story, finally the shrinking part and a small surprise at the end

It was impressive to say the less, the shrinking machine they had in this place, normally shrinking devices or guns would only shrink material stuff or humans without their clothes and it sometimes takes some time to make them get enough charge to work, some even give you timers so that the stuff that was shrunk would grow again after a certain amount of time.

This machine though, it could shrink anything that was inside the room, and keep a small portable ground that can be taken in any way, outside of the room there were people clearly observing behind a float glass if there were any mistakes in the process or just to carry me around after I got shrunk with all of my stuff.

Besides me and my packaged stuff, there was Beatrice and some other couple of people I didn´t know carrying some other stuff as well, mostly bags with groceries and others.

The first time I didn´t get to see the process of shrinking since I was unconscious so this time I didn´t want to miss any second of it, you can´t get shrunk any normal day after all, unless you´re working directly with the technology itself.

“Watch this, it never gets old how amazing this looks” said Beatrice getting close to me and whispering to my ear.

A sudden light started to shine around us, embracing me and the others with some warmth, as I felt some kind of dizziness that I was trying to get used to as it was hitting me, realizing slowly that the room around us was starting to get bigger, no, actually we were getting small, really small.

“I think I forgot to ask this before but… how small exactly are we going to get?” I asked.

“The beads itself are around 1 inch each… looking around 100 feet to our destined size”

“T-that does sound big…” I said a bit disturbed, though inside my head I was panicky screaming.


“So I’d say we would be around 1/20 of an inch tall or around a millimeter tall if you prefer” said Beatrice while making a thinking expression.

The world kept getting bigger and bigger, my amazement continued as everything turned to be unbelievable gigantic, then it suddenly stopped, it seems it was finished.

Around us, the others were just talking with each other or spacing out at the moment, but everyone turned to see when a giant door opened up, the same door where we came from when first entering the room.

The ground was shaking as a giant figure started to cross through that door, what could only be described as a living mounting, miles high of moving flesh and clothes coming in our direction, I was panicking a bit but seeing Beatrice and the rest just watching amazed made me feel a bit more secure, it was a normal process for them.

But I have to admit, it is a bit disturbing seeing such a gigantic human form moving so fast and directly to you, knowing exactly where you are, despise the size difference, and as I was thinking that, that person was already above us, bending down to use what seemed to be some kind of specialized tweezers to hold our ground, and as they did, the whole ground started shaking.

“W-woah… one should think that a direct contact with something that big should move the ground a bit more” I said.

Beatrice just smiled, like she wanted to show off a bit “Well that’s just because we’re using special technology that minimizes the vibrations created on us, it’s also all over the complex so you will never feel dizzy no matter how much the place is moved”.

“That sounds convenient”.

“It was one of the first ideas in design, that scientists got when they tested shrink technology”.

As we both were talking, the giant person put us on top of their hand, a vast space that you could outrun for a while and never be able to cross it all, in front of us was their giant face, covered by some mask, probably to avoid any inconvenience when breathing on top of us or something like that.

“Wait, what if we were up to fall from here?” I said, asking about the fact that we could probably be miles high up with no way of going back if we fell.

“Relax, your body would react just like it would for an ant, if you fall you just fall, the problem would be to find you, but you have your phone with you, so getting lost is also a difficult task to do unless you actually want to”

“I definitely not…”

We saw as this person was taking us to another room, probably whenever they had the complex, as far as I know, this should be a quick and secure process, or as far as Beatrice made me let know.

So the caring giant monolithic person took us to our destiny, one of the spheres on the Anal Beads had some kind of entry that Beatrice opened up for us after putting a code on some panel, opening some kind of hangar where we were just pushed inside, while the door was closing behind us slowly, we were able to finally feel like ‘able to move’ in some sort of way.

Everyone started moving while I was just amazed of the process this was, only taking no more than 10 minutes to be shrunken down and inserted into the complex.

“You should get your stuff moving, you can’t ever know if they gonna take the surface out for the next group to come or something” Beatrice said while trying to take me out of my speechless state.

“Y-yeah.. You’re right”

(On the other hand, I can’t believe I’m again inside of some gigantic anal beads).

With the help of Beatrice I took my stuff and moved them all the way to where it seemed was the way to the elevator.

“You told me the first sphere was mostly an entrances but isn’t the space kinda wasted on just that?” I asked.

“Well, we do have a storage room around here, emergency stuff, some medicine, lightbulbs, candles, etc. though getting all the way here would be kind of annoying if there was an actual emergency that needed most of that stuff”.

“So it’s also a garage then”

“You can take it like that I guess” said Beatrice.

We kept moving until getting to the elevator room, already empty, everyone else who came before us already left, Beatrice just pressed the button to wait for it.

“So I guess I should be asking this, do you live here in the complex or...?”

Beatrice let out a small giggle “I do live here, or well, most of the time, there’ll be sometimes I won’t be in the complex, it depends on how’s the business outside, most of the time I can work my stuff from here but they need me out from time to time”

“Isn’t it complicated with the weekend outside schedule and stuff?”

“They do inform me if they need me outside beforehand, so there might be times you just won’t find me in here” Beatrice said.

The elevator got to us at that moment and we both got on it.

As the elevator was taking us all the way to the sphere 1, where apparently my room was going to be, we keep talking with Beatrice about the complex and some other stuff.

After a good while and finally getting to the sphere 1, the elevator opened its doors and suddenly I felt dragged by some force.

“wh-wha?!” I turned around to see someone grabbing my arm, almost making me drop all my stuff by accident.

“I knew I would be seeing you really soon! Your face had it written all over!” Clover, the girl I had a conversation with on the phone just yesterday, was in front of me, standing there a full head smaller than me, dragging me out of the elevator by my arm with a happy smile on her face.

“I guess I don’t have to introduce you but this is Clover, she didn’t look like that on the call but she has no shame regarding personal space” Beatrice said.

“BECKY!” Clover almost instantly released my arm and went all out to hug Beatrice, who in the approach of what was coming, took my stuff at one side, taking the full impact of Clover’s hug with the rest of her body.

“Come on Clover, I’m helping Nathan to move in, can you at least help us or wait until we have finished?”

“Oh right, uh… sorry” Clover stopped hugging Beatrice, while putting her arms up as if telling her that she wasn’t guilty “let me help you with that” Clover took some of the stuff Beatrice was holding and we went all the way to one of the rooms.

‘Room 29’ was written on a plate.

Beatrice opened the door with some keys and the three of us went inside.

It wasn’t my first time seeing one of these rooms, they had photos on the website I saw, but I still couldn’t believe my own eyes, a room with enough space for at least 4 people living inside, a small couch, a personal space for a television, a personal kitchen, the entrance for my own bathroom and my own bed.

A room that was just perfect enough, it didn’t need that much stuff to be added, it was good enough for me, and that room was now my house, it felt kinda like it was some sort of dream.

After leaving my stuff on the ground or the bed, Beatrice gave me the key to my room and left with Clover, leaving me there to unpack all my stuff, finally enjoying some time alone on my new room.

I charged my phone and my laptop, connected some stuff here and there, and found where the important stuff should be like first aids or where to storage the toilet paper or the trash bags.

“Wait, since we’re this small in such a hard-to-get-in place, we don’t have bugs around here either… huh, that’s another plus side I guess” I said to myself.

Some hours passed and I was resting in bed enjoying my free time alone, and while I was at that, someone knocked at my door.

“Helloooooooooooo” from the screams from outside I could tell it was Clover, being annoying was probably one of the things she knew to do mostly.

Doubting a bit if to opening the door was a good decision or not, I just went with it and opened it up.

Standing there was the girl with the reddish hair “Good to see you opened the door! You have to see this” she said while taking my hand without taking any answer on my part and just dragging me where she wanted to take me.

“Where are we going?!” I asked.

“The end of the sphere, it’s almost time!”

(Almost time? What does she mean?)

When we were getting there I realized what she was talking about.

“The weekend has practically ended, and this is kinda a ritual now!” Clover said as we were getting to the end of the sphere, where it was a big black window, we were the only ones here even if it was a really open space.

“A ritual?” I asked.

“YEAH! I come here every weekend just to see this!” Clover then proceeded to press a button that was at the side of the black window.

When she did, the black window turned transparent slowly, and the first thing that I got to see… was a butt…

A massive butt, a mountain of flesh, all roundy and sexy looking ass that was not a mystery who it belonged to.

I blushed instantly, this was insane, Anna’s butt was covering the whole outside, it was so big you could never be able to see the end of it, and for that same reason and the angle we were up from, it was impossible to see anything that wasn’t Anna’s gigantic Ass as long as the distance could determine.

“She usually just let the Anal Beads stay on top of her butt…. It’s so fucking majestic….”Clover was practically drooling over the mountain in front of us, and I can’t blame her, I was kinda enjoying this view as well, to think this landscape of lewd skin was the butt of that cute girl…

“After a while… and when she’s on the mood to do it… she just pushes the anal beads inside her… and from here we have a front seat view of everything….”Clover was practically panting with a red face, looking intensely at the gigantic butt in front of us.

“You really… do like this huh?”

“I LOVE IT!” she said a bit too excited, then noticing her own overreaction and stopping for a moment “I-I’m sorry… I just have a size fetish…”

(No shit genius!)

“I can see that… you’re practically begging with your eyes to be thrown out there…”

“God, you don’t know how much I’d like that… to be thrown on top of Anna’s gigantic landscape ass and just crossing the whole place… getting lost inside her gigantic… oh, sorry I’m doing it again…” Clover seemed like she was on some internal fight, trying not to show her most pervert side coming out that much, but taking in mind she lives inside a giant sex toy, that seems like something she finds hard to do.

“That’s okay, I get the appeal” I said.

Clover’s eyes shinned at that answer, just at the perfect moment when ‘that started’.

“It’s happening!” She exclaimed.

In front of us, and separated by this strong layer of the window, we saw as one giant hand, the size of any skyscraper you might find in the big cities, started moving apart the mountains of flesh that were surrounding us, showing us suddenly the darker space between her cheeks, a place that was getting darker and darker as it was moving, only being able to see thanks to a light that was probably outside the bead, and we also didn’t feel any of the movement of course but knowing we were getting moved so fast and so much with just one simple movement of Anna’s hands was a thrilling and exciting thought.

“Ah… we’re getting inserted…” said Clover in a sexy tone of voice, but I could clearly see why, one hand of hers was inside her shorts, probably even inside her underwear, making movements clearly suspicious.

And she was correct, we were getting ‘inserted’ as how she said, as we saw a massive splinter in front of us…

A massive entrance like a cavern was standing there, all fleshy and dark… and hungry…

“Can you see how is just asking for us to get inside? Anna won’t look like it but I know… she’s just into this as I am… she just can’t stop thinking about inserting in her ass a building filled with people… even if she wants to deny it… just look at how hungry that cave is…” as Clover said that we both could see that giant entrance clenching, the skin moving as if there was something already there, like tasting something in advance “see?! I told you, she’s definitely into this oh my god…” with that said Clover’s legs started trembling as she was struggling to stand, then suddenly the entrance got bigger as we were getting closer and closer at some incredible speed, ending with the asshole opening around us, revealing the dark intimate insides of Anna, where light never gets in, there was us, watching it all with some small light resource.

As soon as we were getting inside, Clover ran off to what could be her room, probably to finish some indecency that she didn’t want to finish where we were.

(Not that she did enough indecencies just now….) I thought as I saw again in front of me, the meat walls that were standing there, and moving as we were getting deeper and deeper inside Anna…

I felt a stiff under my pants, it was probably there for some while now…

(Yeah, I probably will have to go back to my room as well…)

End Notes:

I hope you liked this chapter, expect a new one next week!
And if you like the story so far let me know

Weird normalcy by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

Here's the new chapter

Between the days before getting back into college, I had to check up on stuff with Beatrice, letting me know how to use the outside-talking robot that is supposed to be placed already in my classes when they get to start, we went to the sphere 5 where I met some of the staff and some of our doctors that will check up on me from time to time, or if I felt any kind of change in my mind or dizziness I should contact with them, with Clover I checked the sphere 6, to play for a while some videogames she has bought before.

I also received some contact numbers on my phone including Beatrice, Clover, Anna, and some of the staff.

Receiving a message from Anna at some point saying only “Hi Nathan! I hope you’re enjoying your stay for now, if you need anything just ask Beatrice and she will do what she can to help~”.

It was weird receiving a message from a girl you’re inside in that said moment not gonna lie, but I let that thought slip off my head.

I also got to meet with some of the other residents, a guy who just wanted some space from the outside world, a pregnant woman who it seems is just trying to hide from some people on the outside, and a guy who is trying to forget his past, and some others, it seemed this place attracted some strange individuals as well, guess that includes Clover and myself in that mix, not that I mind.

Talking about Clover, for the last 4 days she’s been coming to my room regularly, trying to talk to me about her size fetish and her fantasies, something that I didn’t ask for but she has been doing anyways…

Though I gotta admit I have heard about size fantasies before and even heard some stories here and there, Clover has made me start to admire a bit of this side of weirdness that I didn’t know I liked before this.

“I had been in some size sexy situation before being in this complex by the way” said Clover, as tonight’s starting topic.

“That’s not a big surprise, considering how you are and all that…” I said.

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!”

“Nothing, what was it anyways?”

“Well you know how puberty can make someone a bit too stupid and horny… and…”

“Yes, I have experience with puberty Clover, what did you do?”

“My friend and I tried experimenting with some shrinking machine we got ourselves to rent, it was something that we both wanted to try, she wanted to check her own room with me at that size, and the machine was going to turn us back in a couple of hours anyways, it was one of those machines with a timer effect.”

“Yeah, I know those, those are used in the moving industry as well.”

“Yeah, those!” exclaimed Clover, suddenly realizing again she turned her voice a bit too loud again “A-anyways…”

Clover continued telling her story.

“We were really small, like around half an inch tall back then, maybe a bit bigger I don’t know, and we started running through her room, checking all her stuff at a tiny size, and at some point, we climbed up on top of her bed, she and I had some kind of tension going on lately at that point but oh my god I was convinced I was bisexual back there, when we were getting on top of her bed, I went inside her blankets, checking in there while she wasn’t looking and there I found some giant panties of hers, and I bet you she had used them recently because they had this scent on them that was definitely there, I think she hid them from me before I arrived but didn’t get to put them on the laundry basket… and guess what…” Clover said while biting her lower lip just of remembering.

“What did you do… oh my god…?” I said, already expecting something stupid.

“I started touching myself inside said panties, I didn’t see her around so I took the opportunity, I had my suspicious I was into size stuff before but that moment, inside some giant panties that belonged to this girl, I was just in bliss and started touching myself really bad…”

“You said all that about puberty and being horny but you really haven’t changed one bit since then” I said.

“S-shut up! I am more moderate when in normal size! I think I am just like this because being small gives me such a thrill… ugh…” Clover was a bit annoyed by my comment, but regardless of that, she continued telling her story once again.

“At some point I lost myself in the moment and didn’t notice when my friend got there, taking her own panties folds apart to see myself in there, enjoying myself, I really don’t know how much time she was there watching but when I noticed I couldn’t explain myself, but my friend just giggled a bit and asked me if I was enjoying her scent, that kinda drove me a bit wild…”

“You really are a weirdo...” I said.

“Sh-shut up, idiot…” said Clover and then proceed to continue.

“Things happened and we ended up making out inside her panties, I couldn’t believe I was making it with her in such a place, but you know, getting that small and there made me go pretty easy for her… she even joked about using those panties with me still inside and that just made all the foreplay go more intense for me… at some point we stopped though, and we kept exploring her room as we were doing, but at that moment we were holding hands most of the time” Clover was smiling at that image in her head, that person must have been special to her.

“What happened with her? It sounds like you haven’t been in contact with her” I asked.

“Well she ended what we had at some point, in good terms I mean, but she said she needed her own space or something, even after I explored her insides more than one time… geez do you know how hard it is to make someone a hundred times your size to cum twice in one session?!” now Clover sounded a bit mad, but that seems like for some entirely different reason….

I sighed, this girl cannot be fixed…

“Hey, did you know we had windows in our rooms?!” she asked.

“I didn’t know at all actually”

Clover went to one corner of my room, showing me a button that was there that I saw before but since I didn’t know what it was for, I haven’t touched it yet before, Clover pressed that said button and what appeared was a meat wall...

“I should figure…” I said, not expecting at all what was there, for some reason expecting something else entirely.

“Pfffft!” Clover started laughing at my reaction.

“You got me there I must admit…”

“Yeah yeah, but if you press the button some more time, it actually appears a really nice city background, to make the illusion of the outside, you can use one of the backgrounds here whenever you get on classes, I mean, I do that all the time” said Clover.

“Oh right, you’re also a student… wait, you go to my same college?” I asked.

“Probably, but I don’t think we have classes together at all” she explained.

(That’s some relief I have, to have Clover as a classmate would be something I won’t be able to stand without losing my head)

“Why are you making the expression?! You just thought about something mean didn’t you?!” Clover said annoyed.

I patted her head and shake her hair a bit in response.

“I just thought how hard would it have been to be your classmate, that’s all”

“I knew it was something mean!” she exclaimed.

After that the weekend came by, five days already passed and I was just 2 days away from starting classes once again.

This time Beatrice said she wasn’t going to be around for the next week, which was understandable taking in mind how much work she actually has after I’ve seen her work for a bit.

I decided to not leave the complex at least this weekend since I was still getting use to the place, so I was basically with Clover the whole weekend, talking more and getting to know each other.

“You know, if you were giant size, I’d totally be into you” she said at some point, I just took my hand on top of her head and took it slowly up, up to my own head, showing her our size difference.

“You’re already quite small” I said.

“That’s just rude, you idiot” she said.

We both laughed for a while, but deep inside I knew Clover wasn’t joking that much, it seemed that even if she had this close friend vibe, she was a pervert that could go along for any person that took her interest, she most likely was flirting with me from time to time but I’d take it as a joke.

It’s not that I’m not into her, but Clover seems more like your weird relationship partner than a love-involved partner.

I patted her head again and she pouted like if I was making fun of her.

We both enjoyed some more time playing more video games and such, and after getting close together the whole weekend, Clover hugged me at the end of the day.

“We’re partners from now on… get it? I don’t get to talk so much random stuff with anybody that much…” she said, getting a bit personal and open with me.

“I get it” I said.

“And if I ever need to get a partner for a size ride please come with me” she said.

“I don’t exactly know what that means but sure…” I said.

And just like that, I got a really close friend in this place, Clover, despite being an annoying short girl, she was really sweet deep inside, and I could see that when she went and hug Beatrice as well.

The weekend ended and everyone that got out on those days came back to the complex and to their rooms.


The morning to start classes again begin and the only thing that I had to do was to wake up, take a bath and sit at my desk, opening the virtual call system so that I could “attend classes” while being there presentially in some way, a really unusual method that foreign students or hospital patient students use from time to time, this technology was developed around the same time shrinking technology was invented, to be able to talk with anyone no matter where they were as if they were there as well, though it wasn’t as impressive as shrinking technology, it wasn’t cheap either.

I turned on the system, and with that also my camera.

The first thing I saw when opening my camera was a normal class kinda place, it wasn’t as big as a place to give seminars but you can definitely give classes for a lot of people here, not that I mind, I wasn’t going physically there right now.

I saw some classmates getting in, some of them greeted me, some others found it weird to have me on a screen, some others didn’t mind, the normal variety of reactions.

I was getting my notebook to take on some notes and suddenly I heard some familiar voice over the other side of my laptop.

“Nathan?” the voice asked.

(Wait a minute… is that….?)

I turned to the screen to see in surprise who it was in front of me.

A blonde girl with a short haircut was there with a somewhat nervous expression.

It was Anna, no, more exactly, Anastasia Cruz, her real name, and a sudden flashback came to me realizing that when I first saw her the other day I thought she looked familiar to me, it was because of this.

Anna was one of my classmates, in fact, we attended some classes together but we never get to speak to each other at all… so that’s why I knew her from somewhere before but I didn’t get to know her.

“Oh god, IT IS you!” Anna exclaimed with her hands covering her surprised expression.

(How could I let that slip my head so much?!)

“I didn’t know we were classmates” I said, half lying.

Anna was as surprised as I was, clearly not knowing how to react, and I mean, how could she? It must be weird to talk to someone who currently is living deep inside your ass…

Wait… that’s right… this is weird as fuck?! I’m talking directly face to face with this girl, when I’m also living inside her ass! I could literally just take a look at the window outside and would literally be able to check the inside walls of her ass.

I’m basically a millimeter tall guy talking normally with a living mountain cute goddess as it was nothing?!

Oh god, this could not get any weirder.

“M-mind if I sit next to you?” Anna asked a bit nervous.

Well, it seems it can…

End Notes:

Thanks for reading the chapter!
Here's a small sketch design of what the inside of the complex would be like, to have a mental image!

Leave a review if you like the story so far

Getting to know the landlord lady by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This is a short chapter, more focused on bonding and Anna's view of things

As if it
was some kind of luck, I get to talk with Anastasia Cruz, a really nice a kind
of popular girl from our campus that just happened to be the landlord lady of
the place I was currently living in, and the whole building was also currently
inside her as well, all of this was just some absurd circumstance that was way
too surreal to be true, making me constantly think that I may have been

But that
was clearly not true, I can tell I’ve been ‘sitting’ next to Anna this whole
class, talking with her from time to time and even getting to see her giggle
once or twice as we talked, it was a really good experience as we both were
enjoying the company.

After class
ended we happened to both have some free time at the same time so we started
talking more about the complex.

“You know,
I was kind of surprised when I didn’t see you getting out of the complex this
weekend, I thought you might had some kind of problem in there or something, I
even wanted to talk to you about your first week living in the complex” Anna
said, seemingly a bit concerned.

“Well it
was just that I just happened to want to try and get to know the place a bit
better, the whole place is kinda big to be honest” I said.

giggled at that last statement, a funny sweet giggle as if she just heard
something curious and fun while trying to hide her smile behind her hand that
happened to move just by instinct.

probably thought something like ‘that big place is actually pretty small’ or
something along those lines)

that the place is really big is always a surprise for me, I have never actually
been there inside myself to be honest” Anna said with a smile.

“Really? My
room is really big and has some good accommodations inside, I have gone to the
kitchen with Clover the other day and it’s also pretty full of stuff and
ingredients to use” I said.

“I see
you’re getting really used to the place” Anna said with a smile.

although I still am around my room most of the time, unless that shorty girl
comes around to check on me”

“So you’re
getting really along with Clover? She might not seem like it but she’s really
nice… a bit weird I’d say though…” Anna seemed as if she remembered something
at that moment, choosing her words carefully.

“I think
she’s into you” I said.

Anna let
out a sigh.

“She’s not
into me, she barely even talks to anyone outside… but she behaves well so I
can’t really complain about it” Anna said, thinking about something.

Looking at
her through the screen sure was a different experience, I remember that when I
met Anna the other day, she surely made some body expressions like moving her
hands from side to side, or covering her face out of embarrassment and stuff.

But this is just like having any normal video chat where you barely see the body of
the other person.

(Wait, what
I’m thinking just now? I want to see the rest of her body? That’s a really weird
statement I just thought there…)

really, I can’t believe you guys have such good rooms there…” Anna said checking
at the background behind me.

“Oh yeah,
this room is… well… it has its perks even if we’re so closed up” I said.

“But isn’t
it too empty? Like I remember having some conversations with others before and
you could see some different backgrounds in their rooms and stuff”

“I think
that’s because of the background button, it’s around there in the corner, it
changes the window image and such, Clover just showed it to me yesterday”

“Oh! I
never heard of that, I always thought rooms just had some different designs
there, can I see?” Anna looked at me with some expectant eyes.

“Sure” I
stood up and went to press the button of the window and pressed it to change
the window background that I had on default mode.

The next sound I heard came from Anna’s mouth as I saw her face full red on the
other side of the screen, blushing deeply as she saw what was in front of me.

The meat
wall on the other side was the first image that appeared there, Anna was
looking at the walls inside her ass, being as clear as day.

that…?!” As Anna was clearly surprised and embarrassed, you could see the walls
suddenly compressing and twitching against the window outside, showing her
surprise from the inside as well.

I pressed
the button again almost instantly and it changed again to a more normal
background with a view of some sort of park.

sorry… I didn’t know that was going to happen” I said.

“Eh….” Anna
was embarrassed and didn’t know what to say, she was so confused as to how to
react that she could only blur out some stuttering words.

Until she
knew what to say.

“I guess…
it’s unavoidable… but to think… that the insides of myself are so easy to look
at…. God this is so embarrassing…” Anna wanted to say more but didn’t know what
to say.

“I’m sorry”
I said.

“No no,
it’s not your fault, I’m just surprised… I think I’ve never seen my own insides
like that…” She was blushing deeply, but somehow it didn’t seem like she was
bothered at all.

(Perhaps I
shouldn’t tell her about how Clover sees Anna’s ritual of inserting the
complex in her ass every weekend, then again that doesn't sound like a good idea)

“Wait… now
that I think about it, though it’s a bit of a personal question” I said.

“Go ahead”
she said.

“Do you
have… the complex inside you all the time in between weekdays?” I asked.

blushed at my question, let out a short sigh and responded seriously.

“I… well, I
don’t have it inside me all the time… I take it out whenever I need to go to
the bathroom, when I bath, when I go to sleep or when I…” Anna stuttered to finish that

“Or when you?” I

“Nevermind… it's not important”
She said.

(Okay, that
was a weird reaction)

“I see…
well that just leaves me with another question”

“Please be
gentle with it….” Anna said expecting another weird question.

I went with
a full-force question.

“How does
it feel knowing there’s a lot of people living inside your ass right at this right moment?”

Anna let out some weird noise over there “Th-that was… a not gentle question at

“…” I kept
silent while expecting an answer.

Anna let
out another sigh.

“It is… a
weird sensation… I uh… never know how to feel about it, the only thing I know
is that I got to make sure they are having some nice accommodations and
enjoying their stay, and as long as they behave there are no problems there”
Anna said, thinking her words carefully as she spoke.

“So you
have no problem with Clover or me?” I asked.

“Well, you
two seem to enjoy your surroundings more than anything else…” She said with
a bit of a mad expression on her “But Clover behaves pretty well and you seem
to be the type of guy who doesn’t want to cause any trouble… I really like
that” she said, giggling a bit at the end.

As we got
ourselves talking for some time, we both started to get to know each other a
bit more, as we spoke of the complex more and more, it seemed to me
that Anna was really interested in the whole place even if she had many
opportunities to go inside but hasn’t done it yet when I asked her why she hasn’t
shrunken down and got inside to see the place, she only answered with something
like “I don’t know, I don’t think I’d feel comfortable knowing that whole place
could be… uh… inside of me…” while clearly being embarrassed about it.

So that
left me thinking for a while, that Anna might actually be into all of this just
as how Clover theorized before, maybe as how she said, Anna was not into size
stuff until she started pushing people inside her asshole.

The idea of
a living person, getting inside her ass and having a lot of space to spare, was enough erotic thought you cannot overpass at all, no matter how much time
she has tried to repress the thoughts if she’s been doing this whole complex
thing for a while now, she has thought about it from time to time definitely
more than once…



finishing my conversation with Anna, and each of us getting to different
classes, Anna just told me with a sweet smile “I’ll talk to you later on
messages” and left the place, letting me there alone looking at the
screen as I could just take my next class and appear there at any moment on a
screen there.

minutes later I was just eating some lunch in the social common room with
Clover, watching some TV show and talking for a bit when I suddenly received a
message from Anna who probably was in class at that moment.

“It was
nice talking with you, I hope we can do it more

A late night talk with a goddess by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

We keep going with some small teasing and interactions with Anna

As days passed on the week, I got questioned by Clover so many times on what was I gonna do with the “goddess” as how she has been calling her lately, it seems that she somehow got into the weird idea of thinking of Anna as some deity that has to be adored.

When I told her that she was exaggerating she just called me blasphemous and tried to hit me with her punches, I responded with a flick on her head and she got instantly defeated while rubbing her forehead to heal her own pain.

The rest of the time I was either talking with Clover and enjoying playing some games, or taking classes, or just enjoying the life on the complex.

I visited the Bathhouse that Beatrice told me about the first day I came in and I swear to god I regret that I didn’t come sooner.

A big place full of hot water, generated by the heat of Anna’s body it seems, where you could enjoy a spa, and even ask for a massage if there was any staff member available.

I took some time to enjoy myself, and at nighttime it seemed they let some steam out there on the place while allowing you to enjoy a private room with the same transparent kind of window, allowing you to enjoy the view outside.

Since Anna takes off the anal beads at night, it depends at which time you get into this room, you can either see the inside carnal lewd walls of Anna’s gigantic ass, or you could see the outside world with a great view of Anna’s room, where she usually was just there on top of her bed, either reading a book, working on something or just enjoying a bit of the nighttime.

But after 3 days of trying this Sauna place at this time, I could see Anna clearly nervous on her bed, and while I was there, taking a bath in the middle of the night, I heard my phone ringtone.

I took a small towel to clean my hands while I checked it.

It was a message from Anna, the very same gigantic being I was looking out on the window.

“Are you ready for tomorrow? It’s almost the weekend” it said.

(So she’s a bit anxious about tomorrow as well huh?)

“Yeah, I’m just taking a bath just now, after this I will go to bed I guess” I said.

I could see Anna instantly sitting down on her bed, surprisingly looking at her phone.

It was like seeing a spectacle outside, some giant mountain outside was moving in the distance, funny looking at her own phone.

Thinking about it, her phone might be larger than more than 3 beads of this whole complex… Just thinking about how big that would be, Anna’s gigantic fingers bigger than skyscrapers taping on it, if I were on top of that phone… I’d be just pushed down hard against her warm skin… again and again and again…

As she was writing….

“Are you taking a bath at this time? But it’s so cold right now” she typed.

“Well, it is a bit kind of hot here on this floor” I said.

“It is… hot?” She asked there.

I could see Anna’s face looking up at my direction, probably just thinking again that I was just inside these anal beads.

“Wait, I see one light on the bathhouse ball… are you… taking a bath there…?” She asked in a new message.

(Wait! Did she just see the small light that this room is making all the way over there?!)

“I guess so…?” I said.

I could see the gigantic cute blonde girl smiling down and waving her hand from her bed, trying to greet me. I waved my hand back but I knew for sure she couldn’t see me at all from there.

“Hi there!” she typed.

“Yeah, I just saw you waving your hand at me”

“Hehe” she typed.

“WAIT!” she added “does that mean that if I went all the way there to see on that small window, I could see you nude body?” I could see her making some smug expression all the other way on top of her bed, giggling at the thought.

“I doubt you could see me at all” I said.

“What? Wanna try me” she typed.

(Was this a test? I bet it is some joke from her) so I, in my naive thought, accepted her challenge.

“Sure, you can try all you want lol” I typed and went back to taking my bath as I was going to enjoy her struggling on watching this giant cutie trying to watch me from all the way on…

Just when I was thinking about my more than guaranteed victory, I saw Anna taking something from her desk that was just beside her bed.

As I saw a magnifying glass, a modified example to be able to watch with a very precise zoom on shrunken objects, one of the best inventions created after shrink tech. that was used for a variety of situations.

When I saw her going with that on her hand, and a smug smile on her face, I knew I was in trouble as I went deep in the water just to hide my lower body as much as I could.

The next thing I saw was a giant eye through the magnifying glass, and the sound of my phone ringing as I was now receiving a phone call from the goddess that was just in front of me.

(Thinking I just thought of her as a goddess… but when you see outside of a window and all you can see is a giant eye the size of a lake, that you could literally get drowned on it, it is pretty hard not to think of this cute girl as some sort of goddess without even realizing)

I watched speechless as I heard my phone ringing constantly.

I took my hand slowly out to grab it, as I picked up the call…

“So… why are you hiding now? You’re not so brave now are you?” she giggled as that was the first thing I heard her say.

“I just… uh… well I didn’t think you would have one of those” I said.

“Well duh, we work directly with this stuff” I saw her eye blinking from time to time as she spoke, clearly enjoying the teasing she was giving me.

“Yeah… I can… ‘see’ that…”

“What do you exactly see?” she asked, teasing a bit more.

“Your eyes are… really big” I said.

“Mmhhmm yeah, I bet it is to you, being so puny and little, I barely can see you from here but I can see you’re pretty shy and hiding there”

“It’s also really cute I’d say”

“Wh-what?” I saw Anna moving a bit, maybe a bit surprised.

“You have some pretty eye there, really cute the view I’m getting” I said, teasing her back.

“Wh-what are you saying?” I could even hear her getting flustered and also see her face moving a bit, showing a bit more, and her face blushing red after that last comment “wait that’s not playing fair!”

“Hey, I’m not the one who tried to deceive a resident of my complex into seeing them nude” I said.

“I-I did not…” Anna started to back away after hearing me trying to now tease her back on full force.

“So do you wanna see me that badly? I can show you” I said.

“I-I-I-I….” Anna started to get embarrassed as she was backing away even more.

“I can show you I guess” I said as I was starting to stand up.

“I-I-I! FORGET I SAID ANYTHING!” she said as she covered her face and turned back from embarrassment.

It was nice and funny looking at some living mountain goddess moving so awkwardly as she was getting embarrassed and trying to hide her red face from me… when all I could literally see was her red face covering the whole outside world view.

After finishing my bath and talking a bit more with Anna on the phone, we started talking about what was in for tomorrow’s plan.

The base idea was to go and watch a movie together and then go to buy some groceries, as we were talking about it I thought that since I was going out, it should be great to ask Clover if she needed me to bring her anything back from the outside.

Anna told me that she wanted to also visit a bookstore since she wanted to buy me a book she wanted me to read and after that, we could just eat something and enjoy the time or something.

And as we were getting ready to sleep, Anna let out on the phone call something about how she enjoys talking with me, even if I’m a little mean to her sometimes.

I told her that I also enjoyed talking with her.

And we wished each other some sweet dreams after that, followed by a “see you tomorrow” at the end.

While I was getting ready to actually go to bed and sleep, I turned off the lights from my room and a funny idea crossed my mind as I remembered that right now the whole complex wasn’t really inside Anna at this time, so I went to my background window on my room and pressed the button to make it all transparent.

 A soft light from the outside covered the inside of my room, as I could see again the figure of Anna’s gigantic body laying there on her bed, and for a moment I thought it was a really nice view, watching that cute and nice girl, all quiet and calm… and…

(Does this make me some kind of stalker or something?)

I could see her checking her phone on her bed, and while she was doing that, I was just supporting myself on a desk that was against the window, quite just watching this beautiful girl in amazement.

But suddenly that amazement turned on to be some quiet embarrassment as I suddenly saw this girl, this goddess… slowly taking off her top, showing instantly that she was wearing no bra as I could see her majestic orbs fully uncovered, or at least the shape of them in with the small amount of light that was over there.

Anna’s boobs were there, practically uncovered mountains at my size, suddenly getting squished softly by her hands as Anna started caressing them slowly.

She was masturbating… and I casually out of all the things I could have done, just so happened to start watching her doing it…

“I should not be looking this…” I said to myself, but I was actually invested in the sight...

I saw this goddess, showing off her body as she took her mountain-sized boobs, and squished softly her nipples that could hold a hold residency on top of them…

I saw this goddess figure touching herself under her blankets, probably inserting her fingers, bigger than any building humanity has constructed, inside her small pussy, or at least should be small for her, but for us…

Just the thought made me wet, the image of Anna’s gigantic pussy lips, as some monolith fingers were getting in and out of it, a deep cave, bigger than anything you could ever see, fully engulfing those fingers and having space to spare… Thinking about how wet, hot, and how the whole place should be filled with her pheromones… the thought drove me a bit mad…

As a matter of fact, it was hard for me to sleep easy that night, although I could say the same about Anna, who seemed to enjoy herself quite a bit…



Even so, I managed to sleep something, I think…

End Notes:

I hope you like this chapter! leave a review if you enjoyed it or if you want to comment on something :D

My landlord lady can't be so goddesly cute by TinyEd

I woke up the next morning a bit later than usual, it was already the start of the weekend and that meant we could leave the building at any time that we wanted and get inside at any time as well, usually, it was a preference that we could get in and out on groups of people to avoid using a lot of resources but the staff has said some times already that it was okay to use the system whenever we needed.

I knew all of this already thanks to Beatrice who instructed me all about it the first week we were here.

If I wanted to go out I should just go to the hangar in sphere 7 and they should allow me to leave if I notify any of the staff members, that included Anna or Beatrice as well.

Clover knew I was going to have a ‘date’ with Anna this day, so she was whining about it all morning as we were eating our breakfast.

“Ugh, I still can’t you don’t even have a month here and you already are hitting on with the goddess as if it was nothing” she said.

“For the eleventh time, I’m not doing such a thing… she just happened to invite me to go out for a bit and…”

Clover raised an eyebrow, not believing any word I was saying.

“Well, if that’s the lie you wanna give to yourself that’s okay…” she said.

I let out a deep sigh.

“Oh right, I just remember, if you want to since I’m getting outside today, I could bring you something if you wanted” I said.

Clover’s eyes started to shine at my words.

“REALLY?!” she asked.

“I mean, I know that Beatrice already does that to you but if you don’t mind I can make you the favor” I said.

“Becky never gets me all the stuff I want though! She always avoids getting me sweets and others cuz she finds it to be too much of a hassle to bring!” Clover said, acting a bit childish if I say so myself, as if she desperately wanted a piece of chocolate or candy she saw in a store.

“Okay, I can get you some sweets if you want” I said.

“Pretty please! That would be really nice of you Nathan!”

“Sure, I can bring you some chocolates or some gummies” I said.

“You’re the best!” she said with a big smile that could melt your heart.

(I can get to see why Beatrice hasn’t brought her any sweets yet, just for the look of it, if I actually gave her the sweets, her smile could melt your soul and anyone could die from happiness at that moment… wait no, what the hell am I thinking about?)

After a short while I went to the hangar on the sphere 7, at the entrance I just saw on my first day, I was standing there on that giant lid that was there, with some of the staff members that just also happened to be going out for a while.

I was again amazed by this whole technology as the hangar entrance opened, and such as how it was the first day, the process turned in the reverse process, as I was getting carried by a giant person with some specialized tweezers, we got into the size changing room, we were filled with that heat again, and our bodies started to grow back to our normal size.

It was again a short process no longer than 10 minutes but it was still an amazing process you could really pay to experience at least once in your life, though I’m technically paying for it, I’m paying more for a place to live than for this whole impressive process.

After going out of the room, I found Beatrice outside of the room, checking some papers while sitting on a chair.

“Oh, hi Beatrice! It’s been a while” I said.

She didn’t notice my greeting at first, but after taking her a while to react, she stopped checking the papers to see who was calling her.

“Oh, Nathan, glad to see you’re doing great, how is it life on the complex?” she asked nicely, although with her same old neutral expression.

“Well, I’d say I’m doing great, the place is really nice” I answered.

“Even if you’re living inside a giant girl’s ass” she asked, giggling a bit at the end.

“Especially because I’m living inside a cute girl’s ass” I replied.

Beatrice laughed a bit at my answer.

“I presume you have something to do today? Since I didn’t see you last weekend at all” she asked.

“Well yeah actually, I was about to meet up with Anna” I said.

“Oh?” Beatrice asked intrigued.

“Uh… well she wanted to hang out and…”

Beatrice suddenly gave me a soft smile.

“Oh, I see how it is… that’s why she was a bit happy this morning” she said.

“She was?” I asked.

“Yeah, she was” she said giggling a bit “ you can find her in the office, you know where it is”.

“Thanks, Beatrice” I said.

“You can call me Becky” she said as I was leaving the room.

I turned to see her.

“Really? I think Beatrice suits you better” I said.

“If you think so” she said giggling again.

I went to the office where I made that official contract that allowed me to live in the complex, I knocked the door and heard a “you can get in” answer from the inside, when I got inside my eyes met up with Anna’s, who was working on some stuff on the office desk.

“Hi” I said.

Anna’s eyes lit up as soon as she saw me getting in the room.

“Oh! Nathan! It’s you! I wasn’t expecting you to come so soon” she said.

“Am I interrupting you?” I asked.

“Well not at all, I was just finishing some stuff” she said while typing some stuff and closing whatever she was doing at that moment.

Anna stood up, showing me a cute smile as she was getting closer to me.

“Shall we go then?” she asked.

“Y-yeah” I said, admiring a bit of her cuteness, as well as having some flashbacks of last night.

(God… is this girl actually… a perfect goddess…?) I asked myself.

We both went outside of the small building that happened to be the residency where it was the office, Anna’s living place, and where nobody would expect, an apartment complex with so many rooms and places inside.

No one would even think that in this small building you could find an ever bigger building inside just some anal beads that stand on top of the night drawer of a college girl.

When you think about it, this is all crazy and messed up, but I already got used to it so much that I didn’t mind it.


As how we planned, we went out to see a movie that was announced a while back, Anna and I wanted to see it so we thought it was a nice idea if we went out together to watch it.

The movie was about this guy that got shrunken down by some sort of accident and at a tiny size he tries to solve a mystery about a person who was killed and shrunken down after it was killed to get rid of the corpse, as the movie goes on, the protagonist allies with this woman who was a relative to said person, at some point they fall in love with each other, and after finding out that the culprit was this guy who wanted to take advantage of the person who was killed by defaming his image.

After that whole plot, the guy gets back to his normal size and kisses the girl.

At the end of the movie Anna was sort of happy for the whole story, but she seemed a bit mad with the way it ended.

“You didn’t like that ending sequence?” I asked.

“It’s not that I didn’t like it, it was nice, it’s just that the whole story they both had such a great dynamic with him being tiny and able to do a lot of stuff even though his size… but when he gets back to normal it just seems like their whole dynamic was done at that point”

“Well it’s the ending, and leaving the protagonist shrunk would have been bad marketing for the size tech. because they are supposed to be able to regrow you no matter what”

Anna let out a small sigh

“Yeah, I know that already, I just said it was lame, I liked the protagonist to be small” she said.

I raised an eyebrow.

“Oh really?” I asked with a smug smile.

“Shut it, I know what you’re thinking” she said.

I laughed a bit, then after that Anna also laughed at it.


After that we went to the bookstore and got the book that Anna wanted to give me, some kind of book that again just happened to be a story about a guy who gets shrunk in the story, I decided to read it later on in my room.

Anna was happy after giving me that book and we decided to get something to eat for lunch, there was that pizza store nearby the office building and my old house where we could actually get something really tasty.

So we were eating some pizza for lunch, laughing at some jokes we were telling to each other, and basically enjoying the time we were sharing together.

At some point Anna got this flustered expression and it seemed like she wanted to tell me something, since I already developed some kind of trust with her, I directly asked what was on her head, and Anna just let out a small sigh and then smiled softly.

“It’s just… well don’t get a bit too creepy about this but… the thing is Nathan, I’ve known about you for a while now” she said, a bit embarrassed, moving her arms from side to side as she was struggling a bit with her words.

“Huh?” I asked.

“I-I-I just so happened to hear about you on the campus some months ago! I wanted to talk with you since I heard that you were really smart and a nice guy but I never found an opportunity to do so” she said.

“I-I see” I could feel myself a bit flustered as well, I didn’t expect that this nice girl knew about me from the very beginning, and she actually wanted to talk to me from a real while ago.

“So the thing is… I kind of like you… and when I get to know you were going to start living in the complex, I couldn’t avoid getting a bit happy about it…” she said blushing.

“Oh… Anna I didn’t know you were feeling like that” I said.

“I-I just find it pretty weird… since we have known each other for like two weeks but I’ve heard about you before and I…”

“Yeah, I kinda like you too” I said.

“Eh?” Anna’s expression was a bit of confusion.

“Yeah, I’ve seen you before on the campus as well, I didn’t recognize you at first when we met the other day but I remembered that I was really interested in you as well… so I guess both of us are interested in each other” I said.

“Are you serious?” she asked.

“Yeah” I replied.

Anna’s eyes were lit, she seemed happy.

“I-I see… se we both share a mutual feeling…” she said.

“I guess I could be asking you out but I don’t know how you would react?” I said.

“I would gladly accept it” she said with a sweet smile.

It was an official and simple way to start dating someone but it seemed that Anna and I were both interested romantically in each other, something that just happened to be and it was a bit obvious looking at it back.

Anna and I shared some more moments talking with each other, she seemed like she lifted something from her chest, a little bit nervous all the time but she was definitely more than happy.


After some while, we both got back to the office building, and I had to go back to the complex, idea that fully passed Anna’s head after realizing that her new boyfriend was actually living inside her sex toy, an idea that seemed it excited her but she didn’t want to admit at all.

Although after watching her masturbating last night and the interest in stories she showed this day, it was quite obvious that she was into size stuff…


When I got back to the building the first thing I saw was Clover’s expression after asking me how was my “date”, and when I explained to her that Anna and I started dating, she lost her mind and went crazy and telling me stuff like “cheater” “bastard” “goddess fucker” and some other stuff…

But what really got her mad would probably have been that she might be a bit jealous of it, though I don’t know if she was jealous of me dating an amazing goddess like Anna, or if she was jealous of Anna, that was dating a guy who actually understood her…

But I bet what really got her mad was that I forgot to bring her the sweets that I promised her…

“Idiot! Cheater! Why the fuck did you forget my sweets?! After making yourself looking cool in front of me just to betray me at the end! I hate your guts! You should die! Idiooooooooooot!”

“I-I… I promise to get them for you tomorrow…” I said.

End Notes:

I hope you enjoy this chapter
Leave a review with your opinion so far if you want :D
What a good life by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This chapter is a bit of teasing of what's to come in near future chapters, I hope you like it!

After I started dating Anna, a lot of stuff started happening all of the sudden, we had a second encounter the next day, we got to hold hands around the day as we went wandering around town to look up for stuff, going to the mall, playing a bit in the park.

It was a nice date with this perfect girl that now was officially my girlfriend, something that I couldn’t believe at first but it was certainly one of those gifts that life gives you that you don’t even know how to take as how amazing they are.

Anna seemed to be this kind of romantic girl who was trying to act like she wasn’t emotionally invested but failed on it as if she was also happy to think that I got to be her boyfriend, liked the idea, and also thought of it as a gift.

Well, we’re still starting this so I guess it is a bit obvious that we’re gonna be a bit happy about this.

At the end of the day, we said our goodbyes with a hug and Anna gave me a kiss on the cheek, telling me that she enjoyed the day and that she wanted to keep having this kind of date.

Thinking about how we could only be getting to see each other on the weekends, asides from our conversations through calls, it was more likely that this was going to be some kind of weird distance relationship.

Even though the concept of distance was just a mere ‘idea’ since we are both living under the same building, we get to be closer than any other people on earth has been as a couple… all because I’ll now have to keep in mind that I’m living inside my girlfriend’s anal beads, living inside a sex toy that goes right inside of her ass for almost a full day, 5 days of the week, with some exceptions here and there to be said but it still was a surreal thought.

“See you in class” she said just after leaving me in the size-changing room.

When I got to be small again, the mental image got me a bit, lost in the same thought again…

I am a 1mm tall guy right now, I live inside my girlfriend asshole’s sex toy… not only that, I have neighbors, a whole jogging track, a medical building and who knows what else…

If Anna wanted to have some fun with me at this size… it would be a scenery I won’t be able to believe myself.

“Geez, you really are lost there…” Once arriving at the complex and getting in front of the door of my room, I was standing there for a couple of minutes until some familiar voice started calling me out.


“Hey, you listening? You owe me chocolate!” exclaimed Clover, taking me out of my trance.

“Eh? Uh? Oh! Right, sorry I spaced out just now” I said.

“Yeah sure, you were thinking of your giant girlfriend as far as I know” She said with some annoyed expression.

“I-I was not think-” I was interrupted by Clover.

“You have a hard-on” She said pointing at the lower half of my body, it was quite obvious and hard to decline Clover’s last comment.

I suddenly crossed my legs and tried to hide what was quite obvious.

“I-I’m sorry” I said.

“Geez, you really are an idiot… did you even bring my chocolate? I just came here for it” she asked.

“Ah! Yeah I did… just… uh… wait a moment” I said while opening the door of my room and getting inside, covering my lower half all the time.

Once my mind got cleared and I got to change clothes to refresh myself with something more comfortable, I got out to see that Clover was still standing there with a still mad expression on her face.

“Well? Where’s my chocolate?” She asked.

“Come with me, I want you to see something” I said.

Clover raised an eyebrow but after seeing that I got something in mind she just followed me.

We went to sphere 6, and got into a room that had some food inside, they even had a cold room that was exactly where we were going.

“Ta-da!” I proclaimed after getting in the cold room.

Inside this place was a gigantic piece of chocolate, larger than a human being, single chocolate, big enough to last for days, weeks.

“Wh-wh-what is this?! WHY IS THERE A GIANT CHOCOLATE HERE?!” Clover was surprised, exclaiming as if she just found an amazing treasure in the middle of the ocean, her eyes were lit, basically showing some level of happiness I haven’t seen on her before.

“I asked some of the staff members If they could resize a chocolate candy so it could be a bit bigger than us, and take it to the cold room, they said it was possible to do, so now everyone in the complex has basically free chocolate for a good while, and it only cost me 25 cents” I said.

“YOU’RE A GOD!” she exclaimed while looking at me with a great smile.

“I told you I wasn’t going to forget it, at least today” I said.

“Thank you! You don’t know how amazing this is! I never thought of using size tech. to make something like this!”

Now I was raising my eyebrows, questioning myself.

“Wait, so you had imagined yourself having sex with giant people, you live in an apartment complex inside some sex toy and you never thought of making food larger size with size tech?” I asked.

Clover started blushing, most likely to the fact that she got embarrassed by how dumb this statement I just put there, the fact that she never thought about size stuff more than for lewd stuff, was more than enough to say that this girl was lost on her own thoughts more than I was.

For a moment I wondered, why is Clover such a weird person….

But then again, in just a couple of minutes later, I was keeping her Company to watch the ‘ritual’ that goes along every weekend, that one that Clover just showed me my first day here...

Anna’s gigantic cavern of her asshole wandering outside, she was in a mood today, her ass was clenching just by letting the complex stand there just right in front of her ass.

“Well aren’t you a lucky guy, that’s your girlfriend's asshole, waiting to eat you whole” said Clover teasingly, hitting me with her elbow.

Though I couldn’t put too much attention to this girl, as I was myself swallowing some saliva at just thinking, for the first time how much big of a deal was that Anna could eat an entire building with multiple rooms and floors… with just her asshole…

Then suddenly, something else happened, Clover watched in amazement at what was going on in front of use.

Suddenly and out of nowhere, we saw a pair of fingers, massive pillars, going around the ‘small’ cave compared to them… Touching it slowly, opening easily, and closing the entrance of this cave.

“Is… this normal?” I asked.

“I… uh… it is not… I have never seen her doing foreplay before inserting the complex…” she said a bit confused but excited as well.

And just as we were looking at this scenery, we were never expecting a second surprise going on here.

As Anna’s giant fingers were teasing her own cave-sized asshole, I got a message on my phone from this same girl...

“What is it?” Clover asked me.

I kept silent as I opened the message.

“Nathan, I have something to show you, can you look outside for a moment? Pretty please~” said the message.

Clover peeked again at my message and started giggling.

“Dude, she’s making this show for you… she’s foreplaying with her asshole just before inserting the complex inside, I’m so jealous of you!” she exclaimed.

I saw again what was going on in front of us and I just couldn’t believe it.

Anna’s fingers were massaging the skin folds of her asshole, making slow movements just enough to show off her skin, teasing with the entrance as she was doing so.

A second message got on my phone “are you looking?” it said.

“Tell her that you are, tell her that you are!” exclaimed Clover.

“Ah… yeah.. I am…” I typed through three different messages.

Anna used two fingers just to open the entrance of her asshole a bit more.

“Do you like what you see?” it said.

“It is… really something” I typed.

“LAME!” exclaimed Clover.

“Well I’m glad you like it, my little guy~” Anna sent that message and as soon as she did so, we saw the asshole cave getting closer and closer “Because my tiny asshole wants to eat you whole right now~ I hope you don’t mind it” just as Anna finished sending that last message we could see her asshole entrance starting engulf the complex, just as how she normally would do but now she was totally into it, showing off, making some foreplay, teasing that she was going to eat my with this asshole of hers...

All of it was way too much for me…

“God that was hot…” Clover said, interrupting my train of thought as I noticed she was also really into it “I really I’m jealous of you! To be able to get the goddess like this… geez!” Clover, left those words in the air as she went to her room suddenly, probably to touch herself at the whole situation that just happened.


I went to my room, mostly to do something similar, to be honest, but in my case, I kept talking with the person whose ‘fault’ this was.

Anna called me with the communication app, it was again a video call, and I could see her cute face, all red from the probable embarrassment she just passed a while ago.

“I hope that you uh… you enjoyed the show… I really never do this kind of stuff” She said nervously.

“I liked it, it was a bit too intense for our second date but I guess I can take that” I said.

“I-It was?!” she asked while covering her face a bit.

“Actually… I have to admit… I was already looking before you even sent that message” I said.

“R-really? B-but how could you…” Anna asked nervously, maybe regretting a bit of the show she just showed me.

“Well… I think I forgot to say this but Clover Uh... Well, she has already in mind the time when you insert the complex inside your ass every weekend…”

“SHE WHAT?!” exclaimed Anna, now this time fully dying out of embarrassment.

“Y-yeah… it is... something that she wanted to show me the first day” I confessed.

Anna was covering her face with one hand.

“Ugh I can’t believe it… you both saw me playing with my ass and… ugh…”

“It was really nice though! I really liked it!” I exclaimed, trying to avoid her embarrassment.

“…” Anna kept silence for a moment.

(Did I fucked up? Did I just make this relationship get screwed in less than a week?)

“I-I’m sorry… if it’s not something I should be commenting then…”

“What part did you like…?” asked Anna, just showing her mouth as the rest of her face was covered.

“Wh-what?” I asked.

“What part did you like… the most of it?” She asked, still covering her face.

(Does she expect to me answer sincerely? Oh god I’m so dead…)

“Well uh… It was really hot… the way you were playing with your asshole and… well… when you said that it was going to eat me and inserted the complex inside… I… uh… really liked that part…” I said.

“Really…?” She asked.


Anna smiled there, slowly uncovering her face, showing off that she was shyly trying to avoid eye contact but wanted to open herself to me a bit more.

“Well I’m glad… I really wanted to make something that you liked… even though if I’m some kind of… public attraction and don’t have too much privacy for stuff like that” she said, mostly blushing at that last part.

“I will gladly like to see you doing more stuff… I mean… you are really big… your asshole looks like a giant cavern from my perspective” I said.

“Sh-shut up, that’s really embarrassing to hear…” She said, covering her face again, but this time only covering mostly her mouth and her nose, showing me some sort of embarrassed expression she haven’t shown me before.

“Huh… I guess the shorty weirdo was right, you are into size stuff” I said.

“Well yeah… you cannot be expecting me to insert a full group of people in my ass and don’t get a bit excited after some time… teasing is just a bit fun too even if it’s a bit embarrassing sometimes” Anna was a bit happy while answering to this, kind of like she wanted to tell someone from a while now but she had to hide it.

“Well this whole situation and a lot of stuff that Clover has told me have made me be a bit into this whole size stuff as well” I said.

“Really?” Anna stared at me, with some expectation in her eyes.

“Y-yeah…” I said.

Anna didn’t waste any second to then throw a big question.

“Wanna… try some size play experience next weekend then…?” She asked, face red, biting her lower lip

End Notes:

Now that we have our special couple confirmed, just see how this is getting developed, we're going to see some "special" interactions pretty soon

I hope you liked this chapter! leave a review if you liked it :D

Distant thoughts and giant bodies by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

So this is the setup chapter, the set up for you know what's coming

I don't know why but somehow the week went a bit faster than usual, or at least I think it was my perspective and impatience about this whole situation.

Anna just proposed to me that we should have some ‘size play experience’ for this coming weekend, I accepted of course, not really thinking about the implications of what it actually meant, but it was definitely something perverted, I can at least tell that.

I didn’t want to ask Clover for advice because I knew I was either gonna be annoyed by her asking me to join in the fun, or she could get mad at me for doing stuff with her ‘goddess’ that she so admired.

Even so, in the time I was waiting for some size experiences to use for reference on what could happen, I ended up finding a ton of porn based on people of different sizes, changed by the size tech. some studios have managed to afford this technology and have done movies or videos based on the whole giant people concept.

You can see a pattern of people liking domination, people wanting to be taken care of, or that want to appreciate or be appreciated as some kind of deity, which could explain Clover’s behavior towards Anna.

If there was something that was recurrent was the fact that feet were something pretty usual to play with, and I’m not unfamiliar with the feet fetish but the amount of feet that these videos had was pretty much more than half of the content I could see.

Being pressed against the skin, soft places and some others were also pretty recurrent and most of it was stuff I actually kind of liked to see, I guess that the thought of the warmth coming from a much giant body and how you could be pressed against it so softly and easily was more appealing to me.

And there was also the heavy perverted stuff, people inserting other people inside their bodies, putting them inside their mouths, pressed against some more indecent places of their bodies.

It was hot, I can’t deny it, but it was still so surreal to think that this is the kind of stuff that could be happening to me in some days.

I wonder really, what does Anna have in mind?

A mental image got in my head, of Anna teasing me with her gigantic body, how she was playing with her asshole, and teased me about her eating me with that giant cavern that was just only one small part of her body.

And as days went by and the weekend was getting closer, me and Anna talked every day about random stuff, and classes and at some point, Anna started teasing me from time to time.

One night, during my typical bath time in the bathhouse, she insisted on having a video call with me, where she was basically wearing just her underwear and putting her phone beside her on her bed.

She started saying how much she would like at that moment, to steal me from inside the complex and put me under her underwear just to leave me with the warmth of her body, but when I asked what piece of underwear she was referring to, she just grinned at me with a gentle expression and saying “I’ll leave it for your imagination little guy~”.

“God… why is my girlfriend so perverted…?” I asked myself that night.




The next few days I was mostly doing some routine of taking classes, going to eat something with Clover, having some conversations with her, and mostly discussing some size scenarios as I was now getting myself to know more about this topic and the whole fetish surrounding this size situation.

Clover made some chocolate cake on Friday, as some way of sharing her love for chocolate with the rest of the complex, and trying to wish me some kind of luck with my date with my girlfriend coming the next day.

We eat some of it in my room when Clover suddenly asked me something.

“So… what are you two guys going on about?” asked Clover, with some expression as if she suspected something.

“I don’t know what you are talking about” I said, trying to avoid the topic.

“What? Are you gonna believe I’ll fall for that? You have been talking more about size topics with me, our goddess suddenly finds herself in the mood to play with herself more lately, and when I talked to her the other day she even tried to avoid me!” Clover said, not a surprise but she was a bit mad with me.

“Wait, you talk to Anna? I thought you didn’t talk to her at all” I said surprised.

“I talk to goddess Anna from time to time... most of those times I might have done some indecent comments or similar but she always discarded them as jokes… but this time she… got embarrassed at my indecent comments…” Clover said a bit confused about how to react here.

“Isn’t… that what a normal person should do though?” I asked.

“BUT GODDESS ANNA IS NOT A NORMAL PERSON!” Clover exclaimed, suddenly realizing she screamed at me out of nowhere.

She took a bite out of her piece of cake and then apologized to me.

“Are you okay Clover?” I asked.

“I just am a bit jealous I guess…” she confessed, with a bit of embarrassment on her words.

“Jealous?” I asked.

“Yeah, of both of you… I think I am jealous for both parts at this moment” she said with some serious expression on her face “If I think about it, I think I am a lost case, I got into a goddess girl and fell for a pretty boy that just appeared one day, and now they’re both dating and ugh…” Clover let out a sigh after that statement.

I realized that she must have been really mad with me and Anna all this time, it wasn’t something that I could help easily with though…

Clover must really feel lonely being here inside all the time and not having actually someone to talk with that much, so I guess she could be taken as one of those shut-ins that just need to see the outside world for a bit even if it’s out of their comfort zone.

I couldn’t help Clover with something like some romantic or weird experience that she might be thinking about, but if there was something I could do, that was inviting her to some fun experience, maybe trying to let her get out of her comfort zone might help her overcome herself and get to think better of her own.

Though that was just mostly a supposition, I only patted her head and let it slide for now.

“Hey, I promise to humor you one day in the future okay?”

Clover let out a sigh and then pouted.

“You’re such an idiot…”

“No, but I mean it, I will invite you to something next week” I said.

“Really?” She asked with doubt in her eyes.

“Yeah, but you will have to come with me” I said.

“Go… with you?”

“Yeah, let’s go outside of the complex one day, you could even talk to Anna properly then, I think if you get to know her more as a person and less as a goddess you surely will get a new perspective on whatever’s going through your mind”

Clover thought about it for a moment.

“I guess… you’re right” she said.

After a while and finishing our food, Clover went back to her room.

And with that, the day ended with just a message from Anna “I can’t wait for tomorrow” announcing the start of what could have been probably one of the longest weekends of my life.



I woke up that morning and after taking a bath and changing into some casual clothes, I got outside of the complex with the first group who wanted to leave early that day.

One of the staff members took us to the size changing room and we all got to grow to normal size again, I was about to leave the room to find Anna and talk to her so we could have a small date before whatever she had in plan for the afternoon, but to my surprise, one of the staff members stopped me from leaving.

“I’m sorry mister Nathan, but we have some instructions to not letting you leave the room for now” said this person.

“Huh? Wait, I was going to see Anna to talk and…”

“These are specific instructions given to us by the landlord lady Anna herself, I’m sorry for the inconvenience”

“Wh-what?” I asked confused.

“Let me handle this from here” said a familiar voice.

I turned to see at Beatrice, who just gotten inside the room, with a small grin on her face.

“Beatrice, do you know what’s happening here?” I asked.

“Well yes, in shor-speaking terms… Anna wants us to specially deliver you to her… but uh… she wanted you to be tiny for that to happen”

“Wait what?!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah, you will go through the shrinking process again, and once you’re back to being small, we will take you to her...”

“That is quite disturbing” I said.

“She told us that you could reject this whole thing but I bet something like that would only hurt Anna’s feelings don’t you think?” Beatrice said that with some devilish smile just right there.

“I don’t like where this is going but… I guess that’s just to be expected from Anna…” I let out a small sigh while don’t believing the words I was about to say “Okay then... you can shrink me”

“Thanks Nathan, I’m glad you understand” said Beatrice with one gentler smile.

After letting to be alone in the size-changing room, I was enveloped by the typical warm light as I got myself smaller and smaller… I stopped at the same size as any other time, 1mm tall average, might be more, might be less, but at this size, it didn’t really matter a way to find smaller sizes than a millimeter to measure my size… but regardless of this silly thoughts random thought I was having after getting shrunk to the usual size, I was expecting for some staff member to come and get me, but oh I was impressed when I saw Beatrice being the one who took the place of the usual staff member.

I saw a giant woman, size of mountains in height, walking on high-heels, already bigger than any building I’ve ever seen… not even the tallest of the buildings could even compare to that shoe that was coming to my direction.

For the first time in a while, I felt some dread at experiencing this sensation.

Suddenly, this moving mountain that called herself Beatrice stood up there right in front of me, making me notice all the way above, in the canyon created between this lady’s skirt, was some big cloth of underwear that was as visible as anything else, I felt a bit guilty at watching this from my point of view but it wasn’t something that could be helped.

Beatrice then squatted down, revealing even more of said underwear to me.

The image of some giant thong was right in front of me, a piece of cloth barely covering one of the most intimate places for Beatrice, just being helped by some transparent black stocking covering most of her legs, but even so not letting too much to the imagination.

When she finished positioning, her thong was basically stretched around Beatrice’s privates, not letting you to avoid that much of the image of her pussy lips being restrained by this cloth.

You could say, if Beatrice moved her thong just a bit, there could be a hungry lust monster just above me, a giant monolithic monster that could eat me whole and still would crave for more as I won’t be satisfying enough for it... Just to think that one piece of cloth was standing there just to avoid my meeting with the said monster, was enough to make me sweat and gulp.

“Well then Nathan, I will be the one delivering you to Anna, she said she wanted to have some privacy with you this weekend, so the staff is pretty intrigued by this and they actually wanted to interfere but Anna insisted that everything was okay”

Beatrice then lifted my ground with those special tweezers that the staff members used.

As I was traveling all above, leaving behind that monster and the fleshy legs of Beatrice, I was getting all the way up to her ginormous chest, and as I tried to avoid seeing such tremendous mountains, it was a sight quite hard to ignore, but quickly I got to be right in front of Beatrice’s face.

“I hope you don’t mind I’m the one taking you there” she said.

“Not at all…” I said, but she was clearly not expecting to hear an answer from me at this size.

Beatrice walked outside of the room, all that time trying to check on me, the 1mm tiny guy standing literally at her mercy, a sudden devilish smile crossed her face.

“Hey, wanna travel between my boobs?” she asked, giggling a bit at the end.


“It’s a joke, if you ever had the idea in mind, then I’m pretty sure you can ask Anna for it later, don’t you?” she winked her left eye, totally making fun of me.

“I hate this” I said, letting out a big sigh right there.

Beatrice took me through the main hallway, on her way to Anna’s room.

She opened the door with the hand she wasn’t using and there she was, on her bed, resting while reading a book as she usually does on her free time.

My perfect gigantic girlfriend, Anastasia, though calling her by that name has been something I haven’t seen anyone doing in this place, to think that the perfect mountain cute lady with a short haircut wanted to have a spend time with me even at this size, it made me fall for her even more than before.

“I brought the tiny passenger Anna” said Beatrice right after getting inside the room.

“Leave it here with me” Anna answered with some sweet soft voice.

“As you command” said Beatrice with a soft sweet tone in her voice.

The next thing that happened was the sudden movements of Beatrice, moving my whole ground, the lid where I was in, and getting me closer to the perfect goddess of a girlfriend, the only living mountain I was actually interested in seeing today.

“…” Beatrice saw me for a moment and let out a soft giggle, clearly planning something out.

And my suspicions were correct as this woman, out of nowhere, dropped the lid on top of Anna’s chest, just before the grand valley of mountains that was her breasts.

“HEY BECKS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” exclaimed Anna, completely embarrassed as Beatrice was quickly leaving the room, getting her hands cleaned from the situation she just put me in.

And Anna unavailable to move that much if she didn’t want to throw me somehow, limited herself to make some angry noises at Beatrice, who in less than 5 seconds, completely left the room and closed the door behind her.

After calming down, and trying not to move that much, Anna took her book at one side, and watched the small lid just a bit before her breasts.

I could see over there, right behind the mountains, the face of my cute girlfriend, magnified hundreds of times in size, smiling softly at me, trying to think on what to say, as she guessed the best way to have an actual conversation with her.

“H-hi Nathan… I… uh… I think you should… open your communication app” she said.

It was still pretty early for the day, but it was going to be a long one for sure….

End Notes:

Well, everything is set for the next chapter, where the fun is going to start >:3
And it's going to be... a 5 chapters arch of the story!!
I hope you're liking this story so far! leave a review with your opinions :D

Anna's pleasure - part 1 by TinyEd
Author's Notes:
Here it is, the first of the five parts, this chapter will contain some teasing and some play with the size

In all my life so far, I have gone only once to mountain climbing, it was some vacation trip I had with my parents back when I was a kid, the climbing itself was a bit tiring but I wasn’t really ‘climbing’ as with some rappelling equipment, it was more like walking until getting to the top of the mountain, and camping on the top of said mountain, it was probably back then and a tired younger me, that I decided that going to the outside and enjoying the nature was probably not my thing.

Or at least that’s what I thought until just some moments ago… because you see, right now I’m just a 1mm tall guy, just a bit more below the giant valley of my girlfriend’s boob mountains.

I’ve seen Anna in normal size before, her boobs are not as big as her butt was, but they were not that left behind at all, a DD cup was her bust size as far as what she told me one of these days, and I’m pretty sure she was being honest, Anna is not the kind of person who would lie only to look herself better in my eyes.

And even so, the difference between some B cup and some DD cup, at this size was basically not so different, no matter the size, her boobs would’ve been literal mountains for me.

Imagine a hand groping some boob, big enough to fill the hand and even have some extra to spare, now imagine some small recognizable dot in one of the fingers of that hand… that, could be me at this exact moment.

So the moment Beatrice left the lid just in front of my girlfriend’s chest, I knew I was in for something BIG.

“H-Hi Nathan…” I saw Anna’s face blushing slightly, considering it could be really hard for her to actually see me, looking down just above her breasts almost hiding me from her sight.

The good thing was she could see my full face from the communication app and I would not have to risk my vocal cords trying to scream as hard as I could just so she could barely hear me.

“Ummm… just letting you know, it wasn’t my decision to be put here” I said.

“Th-that’s… alright… I know it was Beatrice's way of teasing me” she said.

“Yeah, she seems like that kind of person” I said.

I saw suddenly the sky turning darker, as the looming enormous hand of Anna approached.

“Ummm… let me just take the lid a bit away for a second, is kind of uncomfortable to have you in this position” she said.

I couldn’t even reply, as the hand suddenly grabbed the whole space I was standing on top, taking me and this lid away from her chest as she carefully placed the lid on top of her night drawer next to her bed.

And as the whole sky was mostly covered by her hand, I could not basically see anything outside from the skin and the ‘delicate’ fingers of Anna, though at this moment they were literally large walls more than 25 feet long each.

It was like living some kind of dream where I couldn’t decide if I wanted to wake up from, or stay inside forever.

“There, now I can move like that” as Anna said that, the sky lightens up as before after removing the shadow coming from her hand, then I could see Anna stretching up while still sitting on her bed, groaning softly in the process “I use to get in a bad posture whenever I get to read, it’s really involuntary I swear”.

As I saw the literal goddess figure in front of me, stretching all the way to the skies and beyond, showing off her great silhouette as much as basically covering the light from my ‘sky’ again with the shadow of her looming boob mountains.

I kept silent all this time, being amazed constantly by the sight of this perfect goddess who called herself to be my girlfriend

“Uh.. Nathan, is everything alright?” she said, taking a look at me, or at least the "me" on the screen of her phone.

“Uh… yeah… I was just mesmerized by you…” I said.

Anna suddenly noticed the whole size difference situation, really taking in mind she literally just showed off her whole upper body in front of me, blushing deeply as she realized completely.

“I-I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to… uh… you know I’m not like…”

“It’s okay Anna, I just told you I was mesmerized by you, that’s all, I think you are perfectly gorgeous” I said.

Anna covered her face with one of her hands, trying to hide her reaction to that comment, but I could clearly see her smile on her lips from where I was, really hard not to see it actually.

Then, as if she wanted to compliment me back, I saw her looking directly at the lid where I was standing, lowering her face herself, just a bit enough to take a better look at the speck on top of her night drawer.

“Well, I think you look really good as well you know, taking a look at you from this size is just… the best” she said with a sweet smile, really giving herself a hard time on not saying something like ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’.

“Well darn I thought you were going to say adorable” I teased.

“I-I was trying to avoid sayi…! Oh… haha, you got me” she said, realizing that she basically fall for my bait there.


Me and Anna enjoyed some more quality time together, as she was basically toying with me from time to time, trying to poke me with her giant fingers, or telling me that she could easily just open her drawer and throw me inside all of her stuff just to keep me with her on the nights.

We also talked about some other stuff, as she was really wanting to hangout with me the whole day and watch some movies at night.

At some point we ended up “eating” as Anna went out for a moment to take some plate of food that Beatrice prepared for her, and giving me some smushed grain of rice covered in some red sauce, it was hard not to spill it on the lid I was on, and it was definitely hard to eat all of it on my own as well.

(This could have been a full meal for 10 people at least… there’s no way I can finish it)

And after we finished ‘eating’ as I literally could not even be able to eat 1/8 of this thing, Anna saw the remains of my food standing in front of me.

“Oh, let me take care of it” she said, as suddenly her giant finger came in my direction, wiping out in an instant what was in front of me, leaving just some red stain from the sauce right there, and taking her finger on her mouth, leaving it clean in just one second.

I swallowed, astonished by the scene that just happened in less than 5 seconds…

Anna could notice my expression changed a bit, asking “what is it?” a bit confused, only for me to reply while stuttering some “n-nothing” out of my mouth.


And taking out that whole thing with the grain of rice, the rest of the day was pretty much chill… well, that until the night got to us…

At some point, Anna took the lid and put it on top of a pillow on top of her lap as we started watching some movies on her laptop, and my expectations for this day were to get back to the complex after watching the movies, but Anna had other stuff in her head for today.

“So Nathan…” she said, not looking at the communication screen, avoiding eye contact.

I was watching the movie on the big screen, it was like watching it from a cinema theater but it was way more bigger than one of the screens they had in those, could really get used to it, there are also less people around.

“Yeah?” I asked not actually watching the screen for the communication app either.

“Do you remember what are we gonna do this weekend right?” she said, in some serious but soft tone.

I did remember it but taking a big amount of effort on my part, I tried not to touch the topic since the start of the day, and as we weren’t doing anything more than hanging out normally, well except for the clear size difference between us, I wasn’t expecting something was going to happen at all at the end.

“Y-yeah” I said “size play…” I added almost mumbling.

Then I saw, on the reflection through the screen of the giant laptop, Anna was unbuttoning her blouse just behind me… or more than behind me you could say she was unbuttoning her blouse above me.

I turned to see up in the sky, as I saw the movements of her hands, slowly taking off the buttons, showing another more semi-transparent thin white shirt, that could barely hide some accumulated sweat on it, sticking to Anna’s skin, and showing another layer of clothing behind it, her underwear, a giant amount of cloth covering mountains of flesh like it was nothing, when I did not even stand any chance by trying to lift even her finger just some while ago when she was toying with me on her night drawer.

There was no way I could even handle trying to lift even a single gram of Anna’s tits… but this bra was holding them in place perfectly, making them avoid falling on top of me for sure.

“The movie is about to end” said Anna, implicitly implying the obvious.

“Yeah” I said, trying to stay calm, closing my eyes just to be sure that what I was seeing was not a dream, to open them again, just to see Anna’s hands removing the blouse slowly.

“You know I’ve been trying to… stay calm all day, but I guess… nighttime really does something to feeling to flood huh?” Anna said, half-joking there but her intentions were clear as the day that got behind us this afternoon.

Her big massive boobs the size of mountains were hanging there just above me but so far away still.

“Well I didn’t want to force you to anything either” I said.

Anna let out a soft giggle, suddenly turning to watch me down below.

“YOU didn’t want to ‘force’ me to do anything? You’re so sweet Nathan… but I think that should be the other way around” she said, suddenly pressing the power button on her laptop with one finger, and with her other hand, she lifted the lid up in a high speed, not letting me to fully enjoy the view as I traveled all the way up to Anna’s face.

“I mean… Nathan… do you really believe I don’t wanna do this?” she said while biting her lower lip “I mean… I was the one trying to not force anything on you…”

“…” I stayed in silence for a moment, just enjoying the beautiful face of my girlfriend for a moment.

“Then I guess we’re both surely on this” I said.

“Huh?” She asked a bit confused, maybe trying to confirm my words.

“Let’s do this” I said.

Anna’s eyes lighten up there with a sweet large smile.

“Okay then, let’s both enjoy this together” she said.

Suddenly, I felt myself being tilted, as a giant hand appeared down below and the lid that had been my support all day was starting to lose its gravitational space.

As a matter of fact, this lid was designed to be able to support tinies to not fall down or not get dizzy as they could easily be handled, but if you tilted them good enough, it would lose its full purpose until it gets stable again, and Anna knew this clearly, tilted it just so I could easily fall on top of her hand, trying to avoid making any harm to me in the process.

As I was falling on top of Anna’s hand, I could see the lid that was caring me all this time, getting far away in the distance as Anna just took it aside on top of her night drawer.

Then from one moment to another, I found myself on top of something really warm and soft, and just as before, the time to enjoy this sensation was cut short as I found myself falling again on top of something else warm and soft, but also a bit moistly.

“There you are now…” Anna said.

I was getting myself to getting used to my new surroundings since my head was spinning around there, seeing the giant hand of Anna getting away slowly.

“Wh-where am I?” I asked.

“Well… I put you on top of my shirt, right above my belly” she said.

I saw the ground under me, it was the same white transparent cloth from before, it was still humid, meaning I was basically standing on top a combination of Anna’s sweat, skin, and clothes…

(wait, she said above her belly?)

I suddenly turned in front to see, those two massive globes I’ve been admiring this whole day.

Anna’s boob mountains were standing right in front of me in all their glory.

I swallowed a bit, enjoying the view for sure but a bit mesmerized by it as well.

The same distant face of Anna was there as well, looking at me with some slight blush on her face, half-hidden by those mountains in front.

“So Nathan… I wanna toy with you a bit, before this gets a bit kinkier…” she said, her hand appearing right in the sky once again, I was already getting used to seeing the shadow this monolithic hand could cause already.

She started making ‘small’ circles with her finger around me, shaking my ground heavily as she did so.

“T-toy with me you say?” I asked, she took away her finger for a moment and the giant head nodded.

“Yeah… I can’t stand how cute my tiny boyfriend is… for real… it just makes me want to tease you a lot” she said.

“I-I see…” I said.

“So here’s the deal” she said, making her finger coming back at me, making circles around again “I want you, my cute tiny boy” she then moved her finger slowly up to her chest, then started making circles right on top of her boob “to climb all the way up to the top of my boob… you can choose your favorite doesn’t mind..” she said with some more seductive voice, she was really into it.

“To climb all the way up there…?” I asked.

“I know the climb is gonna be a bit long, but the cloth will help you with some support after all” Anna said then with a sweet smile “and even so, I know you can do it~ and since I know that you can do it, I promise you something…”.

Anna then used her full hand to tease me, moving an entire mountain with such ease, making it jiggle a bit just before saying some magic words for me.

“If you manage to climb on top of my boob, I will take off all my clothes… and will let you play with these mountains up and personal~” with that, she bit her lower lip once again.

(GEEZ, HOW LUCKY CAN I BE?! THIS IS LITERALLY A PERFECT OFFER FOR ME!) I screamed on the inside, but remained composure on the outside.

“I’ll do it, it might take a couple of minutes though” I said.

Anna let out another sweet smile.

“It’s okay… we have all night to play together after all”

As she said that, her hand completely disappeared from one side, leaving me alone with a pair of big sweaty, and giant boobs the size of mountains just in front of me.

Remember when I said that when I got climbing a mountain as a kid was my first time doing that and thought would be my last?

Well, here I was now back again in front of this ‘big’ challenge, my girlfriend asked me to do something for her, and I didn’t need to be told twice to try and make her happy with this request of hers.

(Well, make us both happy anyways.)

While watching my girlfriend Anna smiling at me with expectation in her eyes and without anything else to be said to me, I started walking right in the direction of her right boob, about to climb and conquer that mountain…

End Notes:

I hope you liked this chapter
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Anna's pleasure - part 2 by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This chapter has two visuals and some more size interactions

The ground felt soft as I walked, every step I took was a soft sensation under my feet, there is no surprise about that, I was walking on top of some clothes, on top of a giant chest, and if I'm going to be honest, more than feeling like this was some kind of perverted act, I felt a big embrace coming from this whole situation.

My girlfriend, Anna, was the whole landscape, with her big smile looking at me, trying to move as less as possible, letting me know she would watch over me all the time so I could feel safe with her.

It was a nice feeling honestly, knowing she cares and that she’s there, as massive as she is, it still feels like she’s showing me her love and trust, and I’m not planning on letting her down.

Although walking on this surface was becoming hard to do as the inclination was going up, I was making sure to prevail and stay determined, I can’t retreat when the night is just starting.

I gotta make sure to let my girlfriend know, that I love her as much as she does.

(Good thing I train from time to time, I just used the jogging track a few times but It still is a good way to kill time inside the complex, but still, you can just compare it to… this…)

As I was walking through the folds of Anna’s shirt, trying to make my way up to the top of her boob, it was getting clear that I was not going to have that much of a problem finding something to grab on to climb.

Folds of clothes here and there, a lot of them were a bit soaked in what was left of some sweat that came from Anna’s body, even now I could grab on them and they would hardly be able to move at all because of my small stature.

When reaching for something to grab with the giant wall of cloth and flesh in front of me, I decide to go for that, using it to impulse my body to reach more folds up on top.

And I gotta admit, I was cheating a bit, since I decided to go for an area easy to climb, closer to Anna’s cleavage, between her boobs, because climbing one of those things from the front would have taken me ages for sure.

I know Anna had big boobs but seriously, I wasn’t going to make it for hours if I took that route.

“Hehe… looking at you there, you’re just so cute Nathan…” Anna killed the silence that has been going on for a couple of minutes now, mostly because she was too focused on not moving and basically ogling the tiny guy trying to climb her breast, and I was just too focused on climbing this giant wall.

“It is… a bit hard to climb” I said, still connected to the communication app, but all this time my phone was secured in my pocket, to be able to use both hands and not lose my grip at all.

“What? Are my boobs too big for you? I thought guys like them big” She said, teasing me.

“Yes, they’re big, big enough it could take days to fully explore them if I really wanted” as I was climbing this wall of clothes, I just felt some movement as Anna reacted to any of my comments on my way up.

“I-I see.. so they’re a way too big then…” she said.

“I swear, once I reach the top, I will find your nipple and make a house there… if I make all this effort I swear I’m claiming these lands”

“Th-that’s an interesting review of my boobs… but…” Anna was getting a bit flustered with the mental image on her head.

“I didn’t finish, I swear I’m gonna get a flag and nail it on the top of this mountain”

“N-nail it?”

“Yes, and pretty hard as well, so be prepared!” As I was already getting halfway through this, I felt some movement coming from her body, which made me lose my footing and almost fall down.

“Hey what was that?!” I asked.

I saw Anna looking away in embarrassment.

“I just touched my nipple…” she said.

“What?!” I asked.

I tried to see the top of the mountain I was climbing but it was impossible for me to see the top of it from where I was.

“I… wanted a better mental image of how would it be…” she said.

“A mental image?” I asked.

“If you were to live on my nipple… I could press you against it whenever I wanted…” she said, clearly getting red from her own words.

“Well, that’s a hot idea to think about” I said, trying to get again on my climbing.

“But there’s no way you could live there, there’s nothing that could let you live on top of it… though maybe one of those complex with the shape of a piercing…”

“You’re… thinking too much about this” I said while struggling with one of these folds that were a bit hard to reach.

“Y-you’re right ehehe…” Anna said, letting out a soft giggle.

I was making my way almost to a more easy ground to handle, it wasn’t still something that could be considered a walk in a park but I was almost getting there.

“Huff.. This is... Hard...”

“Do you want some help~?” She asked.

“No, I can do it, I’m almost there” I said.

“Are you sure about that? I can see you’re pretty much still on the base of my breasts”

(The distance perception must be so different for us, and she might not be able to see me perfectly looking down right at her boobs, well it’s not like I can help up with that.)

“I’m getting there, believe me” I said.

“If you say so, but I’m getting worried my boobs might be TOO big for you”

“I love them just as how they are” I said.

“Uhng… That’s embarrassing to hear…” She said, letting out a soft sigh, trying actually to look at the speck climbing her boob at this moment.

I set up footing in the ground easier to handle, as I was getting a different kind of inclination here, I could see the top of my girlfriend's boob just there.

How could I know it was the top was easy, the sweat covering this area was a bit more noticeable, revealing most of the bra behind her shirt.

A black bra with some decent and attractive patterns on it was now covering most of the view in front of me, mostly covered with semitransparent white cloth but it was there after all.

And there at some distance, it was where the shape concluded in a perfect curly meadow, standing just there, a “small” peak, and it was no surprise at all that it was there, considering Anna has been holding herself for some while now and she’s been talking about some perverted topics and considering she was just touching it, this peak must have been what I could guess, Anna’s nipple, pressing against the mattress of her bra, a hard nipple trying to get unleashed but being restrained by this clothes.

With the image on my head, I kept heading forward, Anna was probably trying to continue to the next thing already, but I knew this had a process after all, and if I wanted to be worthy of being able to please this goddess, I had to do this.

And with each step I took, more softness I could feel, it was as if my feet were digging into the silky ground every time I tried to take another step.

I knew it was probably because of the clothes and the humidity, but for just a moment it felt as if her body was trying to consume me, like if I took one step on the real skin, I could have gotten completely engulfed by her soft flesh in just a moment, getting buried on the softness of her boob.

Leaving that thought behind, I took a look at my girlfriend, Anna, looking at me with expectant eyes, as if she wanted to see the conclusion to this journey I just took, maybe mesmerized by the idea of a tiny man actually climbing her breast and getting to the top of it, with a bunch of other ideas in mind on what to do with this tiny man after he finalizes this first journey.

I took step after step, watching as the ground was turning from a transparent white with some skin below, until it became a full black ground, with a bit more hard ground and even easier to walk on since it was probably more firm from how her bra was fitting.

“Oh my god, you’re actually getting there…” Anna whispered as she didn’t want to break my concentration or move that much to avoid me slipping or something.

(Not like it would matter, if I tripped or slipped or something, I’d be only falling on top of this crazy amount of flesh, in fact, I don’t think I’d hate that idea at all)

As I was getting there, I could see the “tip” of the mountain moving a little, probably more struggles of Anna’s nipple trying to press against this amount of clothes.

I glared at this peak, the tip of some precious and sensible area for Anna, and all I could think for a moment of pure lust was “I need this…”

And then, leaving aside all my tired body or my poor mental state after that climbing, I just run there, I run all the way to the top, even if the ground was still not something you could walk up on that easily without some support, I just run to the top for at least two or three minutes straight, getting more tired as I did, but managing to get there, and without even thinking about it at all, I hoped straight on top of it, just as how you could run to your bed and jump on it just to hop on top of its softness… well this was similar to that as I just jumped straight to Anna’s covered nipple.

“HHeee!” I just heard Anna’s complain as I started burring my whole body into this small peak, and even if it was small, it was still bigger than my entire body.

“Y-you surprised me…” said the goddess, owner of this pillow of softness that I was rubbing my face against “that… tickles a little bit…” she said, embarrassed of my actions but clearly enjoying this sensation as well.

My whole mind and body were focusing on this place so much that I didn’t notice when it happened, it was really sudden but when I felt some dark and warm presence coming right at me.

“Hnng…” It was too late for me when a soft moan came from Anna’s lips, as she pressed my tiny 1-millimeter tall body against her own gigantic shape.

One finger.

One finger was enough to stop any movement from my part, it was enough to bury my whole body against the softness of my girlfriend’s body shape more than anything I could do.

If there’s a good thing about size tech. is that ever since it was invented, the afraid of getting crushed with some kind of brutal force was out of the scheme, durability was indeed one of the effects that being shrunken could do, and as more tiny you get, the more durable you are, so even if a car or a truck run over me, I’d still be pretty much intact, the only problem might have been that since its easier to manipulate a tiny person, getting dizzy and headaches are the normal stuff.

So me, getting pressed against Anna’s body was not hurtful at all, even so with such a small amount of strength she was doing so, but as she started pressing me against this small peak, releasing her strength and started to apply force again consecutively, it was not only making me dizzy, but making me hard as well, as being toyed around with just a finger, to make this goddess feel a bit of pleasure from the sensation.

“It’s just as I imagined this could be… it’s just... exciting and playful… I love this…” Anna said, probably talking to herself but also letting me know she was enjoying this.

And suddenly, out of nowhere, I was liberated from all that mess of a ride, but only for a short amount of seconds as the giant digit came back again for me, but this time it was accompanied by another finger.

Two floors of flesh came directly at me, to pick me up so suddenly, making me lose sight of what was up and what was down for a brief moment as I was traveling a fast amount of distance as if nothing, completely trapped between the two fingers that were taking me a prisoner of their strength.

As I was regaining my field of vision and my head stopped spinning around, I saw a giant face in front of me, a face that was big enough that could put on shame any statue or building done in human history, it was literally watching a goddess looking directly at me, smiling with some small blush on her perfect cheeks.

“You did it~ you got to climb all the way up little guy~”

A small tingle got in my body when I heard her calling me like that.

“y-yeah… but next time make me know before you grab me like that, my head is spinning since you picked me up” I said.

“Oops! Sorry, I guess I was too excited about you that I didn’t think about that” she said, a bit embarrassed of how she acted.

“It’s okay, I enjoyed it a little”

“Oh no, but you still need to get at least a small compensation for it” Anna looked directly at me and with some sweet smile that melted my heart by how perfect it was, as her lips parted to say another sweet thing “do you mind if I kiss you?”

My brain had to process that question for a couple of seconds, I was between two gigantic fingers holding me in position I could not do anything to get free at all, in presence of this goddess that for some reason or destiny decided that I was worth of touching her perfect soft lips that without any doubt, could take me fully inside and wouldn’t be able to bother them at all.

“I.. I don't know if I heard correctly” I said.

Anna rolled her eyes and without even thinking about it she got me closer to this giant mouth, this cave of wonders, protected by teethes that surely were bigger than trucks, and some soft, beautiful lips that I was dying to touch for a while now.

My mind was even more blown up as the giant lips parted away, revealing the inside of some unbelievable scenery, hard to distinguish as she was talking, but a tongue bigger than anything I have ever seen before was just there moving any time she spoke, like if it was nothing, that it was normal such creature could move so easily.

“I saw you working hard on top of my nipple you pervert little guy… you deserve a reward for your hard work” A strong scent of vanilla invaded me, she surely used some kind of mouth freshener for this occasion without even me noticing, not that I minded it at all, I was loving every second of this.

And even without waiting for a response on my part, which could be hard since I was practically mesmerized by these gorgeous soft enormous lips getting closer and closer to my body.

And suddenly, I was practically touching them.

A big pillow of flesh was pressing softly against me, a lovely sensation showing me just how amazing this girl was, as for this moment she was practically my everything, all I needed and all I had to love.

As I was getting pressed softly against these lips, I kissed them as however and as many times as I could before getting gently separated from them, as my field view became again Anna’s giant face, smiling at me with the same lips she just ‘kissed’ me.

“Hey, don’t be getting lost in my lips, you still have work to do little man, we can keep the kissing for when you done” she said, giggling a bit at me.

My mind went back to my situation, I forgot for a moment after getting lost on her lips, that this whole climbing her boob was to be able to get a special reward.

“As I said, if you managed to climb on top of my boob, I will have to take off all my clothes, and will let you be able to play with my boobs as much as you want~ that at least, until I decide I get to have my own fun~” Anna was practically teasing me with the way she speak.

“Well… I guess that was the deal, yeah” I said.

“Then if I’m gonna take my clothes off, you need to stay in some place safe in the meantime” she said, suddenly moving me again, this time making sure to get be more gentle at it.

Putting me on top of her nightstand right beside her bed, or more like dropping me from a not-so-high distance.

And after that, she stood up just right there in front of me.

“I’m pretty sure you’re gonna enjoy this show, but I suggest you to take off your clothes as well… I have in mind some stuff that will uh…” Anna blushed a bit at the realization of what she was saying “L-let’s just say it can get your clothes dirty…” she finished.

My mind was on the sky, quite literally, watching this goddess about to undress herself just for me.

But I got the message from her so I didn’t have to think twice to start unbuttoning my shirt, just as the same time she started to take off her shirt, lifting her arms up, reaching basically another world at the distance, while taking that white semitransparent shirt that has been my partner and ground all this time… revealing finally those two mountains, almost finally and totally uncovered.

Anna glared at me, making some small expression, pursuing her lips and then giggling a bit, it was kind of cute but it was incredibly hot taking in mind this girl was basically undressing her being basically approximately a mile in height, maybe even more, who could even know…

She was about to start taking off her bra, and as she suddenly stopped, giggling at her own thoughts she just playfully continued, suddenly getting closer to the nightstand, showing me basically the area of her hips, and the pants basically covering them completely.

As I was getting distracted by the sight, I tried to keep taking my own clothes off but this was too much for me.

Three fingers started to unbutton it, taking it to slow down, and then showing me in all its glory… Anna’s panties.

I gulped, looking at this immense amount of cloth just being shown to me, covering again, my whole field of vision.

There was definitely amazement coming from looking directly at the crotch area of a gigantic cute girl, stunning even.

“Say, I’m pretty sure you already are used to my posterior… my um… buttocks… but I don’t think you ever have seen directly my lower lips… have you, little guy?” Anna teased me, moving her hips side to side for a moment, showing off her curvy lines, and the intense sight of this giant panties just covering everything, might dare to say her panties could even be used in cinema theaters to use as an ate to project the movies… and even leaving room to spare.

Anna slowly, but seductively, turned around, making herself to show off more than before, literally making my jaw drop as her hips moved, showing me then the ‘backside’ of those panties.

A butt, immense as any part of this goddess body, bigger than her breasts I took so much time to climb, a perfect round ass that could even be used as a pillow at my real size… This perfect fraction of the goddess was being shown to me, covered by a pair of panties, struggling with the immensity of this ass, to hold in so much flesh just wanting to be released.

Wait no, if she released those panties in this exact position, I might as well would be completely squished under this butt.

“This is just surreal…” I said, looking at the looming ASSteroid in front of me.

“Yeah, I guess making you take off your clothes was a bad idea, I can’t hear you that much if you don’t have that phone near you…”

“Oh sorry!” I suddenly rushed to my clothes on the ground and took my phone with me, I took my shirt, and wrapped it around my waist, securing it with a knot.

“Do you like the view?” Anna asked.

“Y-yeah… pretty much… your butt is so immense, no joke I’ve been living inside it all this time… you could fit an entire city inside…”

“Geez… didn’t I tell you to not say embarrassing stuff like that…?”

“Ahaha….” I said.

“So… I was thinking” Anna said, still covering my whole sky with her butt, jiggling a bit as she talked. “You don’t mind if I cheat on our agreement for a bit…?” she asked.

“What do you mean…?” I asked.

“Panties will stay… for now at least…” she said.

I glared at the impressive view in front of me.

“I don’t mind at all…” I said.

“Great~” she said, wiggling her butt on purpose.

An incredible amount of flesh just started jiggling in front of me, making me really hard at that moment, as the mental image of me, been living inside this ASSteroid, my mind was making feel so excited I had to do something about it…

“Then as for now…” She said, as I saw up in the sky, with her barely visible back before all that ass, I could hear the unclipping sound of something.

Then a black giant cloth fell down that I could see pass by her legs.

Anna turned around again, this time her crotch area was in front of me for a short amount of time, as she suddenly dropped herself to her knees, suddenly revealing to me…


A pair of nude breasts…

Some mountains of her own soft flesh were shown to me almost directly on my face, almost falling on top of me, covering me with the soft skin of this goddess… and on the tip of said breast there were here erected nipples… totally aroused from all this teasing she’s been doing all this time, she totally loved this.


“So… ready to confront these girls~?” she said, lifting said mountains with such ease, wiggling them, teasing me with how much control she had over me.


And I enjoyed every second of it…

End Notes:

I hope you liked this chapter and enjoyed all the teasing!
if you enjoyed it, leave a review and tell me what do you think
thanks for reading!

Anna's pleasure - part 3 by TinyEd
Author's Notes:
This chapter has a focus on size breast play, hope you like it

This might be a weird question to do, but have you ever thought you were in a dream, a fantasy where everything it’s just too surreal for you, overwhelming, and you just don’t want to wake up because you’re actually enjoying yourself so much?

Well, that’s me at this exact moment, I was still tired from my last mountain climbing activity, and without even too much time to rest, I was already in the middle of a second event with these mountains.

As they rise upon me, giant boobs loomed over me, balloons full of tons of flesh and meat, softness that could kill you just by looking at them.

Anna had positioned her boobs in front of me, dropping them, making a small earthquake that almost made me lose my balance.

“I still can’t get over this… my boobs are so immense compared to you little guy…” Anna giggled, using just one hand to grope her gigantic nude breast, leaving a soft moan with it, the image of a literal mountain moving with such ease was scary, the kind of stuff you would be only seen in disaster movies for sure, but it was totally happening here in front of me.

Thinking about this, if Anna was compared with me as a normal size guy over a city, she could be smashing buildings with her boobs with such ease it’s almost scary to think.

(Good thing growing technology is not a possible thing according to some theories, we can shrink stuff and return them to their original size, but thinking you could grow someone as big as Anna is for me right now… the simple image was outstanding)

And how could I not think about this stuff, Anna is having fun toying with me, a guy 1mm tall, not bigger than a dot you could make with a pen; although I got to admit, I’m having the time of my life.

I can enjoy the view of some gigantic nude breasts, a real dream coming to life, any man’s dream for sure.

Anna keep groping her boobs some more, all this time her whole ordeal was to give me a show, and hell she was.

A hand was holding her left breast up in the air, groping it, grabbing it softly while trying to constantly poke that nipple that stud up erect this whole time, making sure to caress her own softness, to pamper herself with her touch, trying to make me enjoy this whole view.

I mean, I was speechless as to thinking ‘what could I even do to a boob this big?’ so Anna suggested that she could please herself as a little show until I decided what could I do.

And the thought was killing me, I couldn’t allow that Anna took all the work for this, my pride, even with this size wasn’t allowing me to accept it, even if I knew she was okay with this and even if I knew it would be a hard task to manage at this size.

And even so, I was enjoying this show so much.

As one of her fingers started pressing her nipple against the rest of her boob, trying to bury her nipple in her own areola, letting out a small groan of pleasure while doing so.

(God, I wish I could be there…) I thought.

And there I had my idea.

“Anna… I think I know what to do… but I’ll need your help”

Anna, slowly stopped, and took a look at me.

It just passed less than a minute but her eyes were dreaming, her face was red from all the blushing, with her breath a bit more accelerated than usual, looking directly at me with some expression of lust.

“What… is it?” She asked, thinking carefully about how to answer to me.

“Drop your breast in front of me” I said.

“Hehe… okay~” her hand didn’t think about this twice and this giant balloon of flesh suddenly dropped in front of me, so close in fact I almost got caught in the jiggling it did right at the end.

I was taken back, dropped back on my butt, looking at a wall of soft flesh, with some need of attention, feeling only the warmth emanating from this beast of a breast.

I tried to grab on it but as expected, the softness of her skin, the texture of her boobs, and probably how because of how they were compared to me, I was totally unable to climb this wall in front of me.

I ran backward, trying to allow some space between me and the giant breast.

“Can you position yourself in a way that your nipple is in front of me?” I asked looking at the face of my girlfriend looming on the sky, smiling at me by how cute I appeared to her.

“Sure can! Thought this position might be hard to mantain” she said.

Suddenly, the breast that I thought I left behind, moved completely, and while doing that, it also made that the peak of this breast, aka the areola area, and her nipple came close to me, making small contact with the night drawer.

This nipple was as expected, bigger than me, I mean, I think I could be at least taller than the diameter of this precious erotic sack of flesh and wrinkles, but even so it was still bigger than I was, probably even four times my size just in diameter, not even talking about how long it was this erected nipple compared to my tiny body.

And even though this giant nipple was maybe fifteen or even twenty times bigger than I was, I approached it slowly, trying to be careful about my movements as I came closer and closer to it.

“Hnnn….” Anna was expectating, she enjoyed this unwillingly teasing to her, the tiny boyfriend she adored so much was going to get close to her nipple, she was expecting this to happen but he was taking his time on doing so, she was just so tempted on pushing him against her nipple, bury him against her erogenous part, use his tiny body to increase the pleasant factor of it…

And I did take my time, but it was probably because I was just impressed by the details I could see on this nipple… all the wrinkles, the goosebumps on this cute and delicate part of this amazing goddess, standing up from all her hornyness and feeling, her lust coming from the fact that I was also here making part of all of this situation.

When reaching it, I touched it softly.

“Hee…” Anna let out a soft gasp, probably reacting to the sensation of myself finally touching her.

I got closer to it, putting both hands around her skin, the bumps of her nipple, and the hard yet soft texture of it.

Then I kissed it, making Anna release a small groan of pleasure from the realization of what was I doing.

Then I started caressing it with both hands, then my arms, then soon enough put my full body into massaging with great force this giant nipple from this goddess.

“Hnnn… Nathan… that feels great…” she said, moving without noticing her whole body, and while doing it she also pushed a bit of her weight on top of her breast, trapping for a moment my face fully buried into her nipple.

It was surreal, the fact that I could bury my whole head in this thing, that I couldn’t even reach the upper part of her nipple from this position since it was taller than me, and that I was completely caressing a single nipple using my full body… it drove me crazy.

Just as it was natural, I tried applying more force against this nipple, I started bitting it, caressing it with my hands, grabbing and pushing my arms as much as I could, I don’t even know at which point I tried to start fucking it, pushing my dick against this nipple.

A small groan or moan of pleasure from time to time was the only way I could know I was doing something great here.

And suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt something coming at me from my back, it took me by surprise and I barely could understand it at first, but I completely got it in a couple of seconds, that Anna was pushing me with her finger against her nipple.

Letting out of more recognizable moan, Anna pushed my tiny body against her nipple, it was so easy for her to push me against her body, to use me as however she pleased, to take my tiny form and play with it, or amuse herself just with the mental image of her boyfriend being so small compared to this small yet sensible part of her.

“Hnnng… Let me move… back to my bed… It is hard to keep this position…” she said, suddenly applying more pressure and basically imprisoning me against her giant nipple, and as much as I tried to fight back the giant digit, I only was arousing this goddess even more with my struggles in vain.

And just as any time I was repositioned in some sort of way, my head was getting dizzy, taking in mind she never let me go and she was lying on her bed, my body gave up just there for a second, so when Anna took her finger off from me I was just lying there, tired, on top of her erected nipple that she just toyed with.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know this could be that tiresome for you” she said with embarrassment looking at the tiny on her nipple.

I raised my hand trying to stop her from talking, it was most likely she couldn’t see it but I still interrupted her.

“I’m fine… just a bit dizzy… I’ll be back at it in a minute” I said.

Anna was looking at me with some happiness in her eyes, biting her lower lip at the moment “you’re using all your might to please me aren’t you…? my my, I have such a good and adorable guy for me” Anna said, revealing a sweet little smile for me.

“I love you Anna…” I said out of nowhere, kissing the nipple I was on top of it as a way to show her my appreciation.

“…” Anna left a soft silence there, her face got really red there, as she was trying to find her word to answer.

“I love you too my little guy” she said, flicking really softly her own nipple, moving everything around me for a moment, and at the same time, she enjoyed the feeling.

I stayed there, trying to re-adjust my own vision back again, it’s so easy for me to get dizzy at this size that I found it quite hard to readjust every time it happened.

“There there my little guy, you can keep enjoying my left nipple… and in the meantime…” Anna bit her lower lip once again “I’ll play with the right one…” she said, blushing a litter from her own comment.

Anna was letting me rest on top of her nipple, a weird thing to say in general since it wasn’t something you could say every day, though resting was just a way of saying, since her breasts moved every time she moved her arms slightly, I was practically in a water bed sort of situation.

At least the impressive sight got me this.

Looking at my giant girlfriend, playing with her right breast, groping herself, playing with her nipple, making circles with her fingers to arouse herself, she was basically moaning softly again after a couple of minutes of touching herself.

Anna had so much control over her breasts that I was envious of it, she was basically teasing me since I could also feel her nipple under me getting erected and moving from the stimulation she was getting.

As I was just only resting for a bit, I tried to help my girlfriend with this nipple by biting it and kissing it constantly with my mouth, still caressing her however I could.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I saw Anna grab her full right breast with one hand, it was impressive the elasticity these things had, as I saw she could easily take her boob, and while moving her head and her whole body a bit, her mouth was practically about to kiss her own nipple, licking her own lips before savoring it even before reaching her lips… then opening her mouth and, inserting her own nipple slowly inside her mouth.

Hardly with some struggle but surely, her whole right nipple got fully inside her own mouth.

Anna enjoyed this, tasting herself, it didn’t seem as if it was the first time she did this, and it wasn’t like she was an expert… but it was such an amazing image to see, that I didn’t get to see the moment her other hand unwillingly or maybe it was out of habit, her hand suddenly came and ‘attacked’ me, pinning me down against the massive erect nipple as Anna was starting to play with herself and her left breast as well.

I was moved from up and down, in some circle motion stimulation, to left and right, all the time my whole body was being buried in this hard-soft erogenous flesh, stimulating me even if my body was having problems with this.

After a couple of seconds, my eyes squinted as there was suddenly light all over me, I thought that Anna had realized that I was on top of her nipple in the middle of her own play, but suddenly, to my surprise, I felt another darkness coming.

I was adjusting my eyes, as I saw, the giant mouth of my girlfriend, wide open… letting her warm breath come to me, filling me with some musk in between.

“Uh… Anna… I’m… still here” I said.

I couldn’t clearly see Anna’s eyes, but I saw a single smile over me, as she make her left nipple and myself get closer and closer to her mouth, looking at the monster of her tongue just being there, waiting for her prey to come inside.

Then suddenly, Anna let out some soft words “I know… that’s the best part”.

And after that… I just saw… darkness…

End Notes:

I hope you liked this one! expect some mouth play for the next chapter!
Leave a review with any of your comments!

Anna's pleasure - part 4 by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This chapter is focused on mouth play mostly

“I know… that’s the best part” Anna said that licking her lips as she was about to take her prey inside her mouth, I couldn’t do anything as I watched her gigantic tongue starting to lick her nipple, making me fall on top of the said monster, a sudden hot yet wet sensation covered me all over as the sticky and slimy monster was practically toying with me, licking me and pressing me against this giant nipple I just had problems trying to please.

As Anna was practically pulling me in a pool of her saliva, toying with me with her monolithic tongue… she was almost sucking her own nipple at this point, pressing me completely, and being against two soft monsters yet completely different in concept.

Have you ever gone to a pool and felt some kind of small pain after someone pushed you inside as a joke? Well, this was kind of it, but the pool was all sticky and hot, and the pain was better and stronger this time, filling it also with a lot of pleasure to my own body.

“Hnnng…” she was moaning softly, clearly enjoying this.

It took me a couple of seconds after that first scary image, to know that Anna actually wasn’t trying to do any harm to me, but as many times just today, she managed to play with me not only physically but mentally as well.

I tried to welcome the giant tongue, tried to kiss it with all my might, but it was so hard to keep still as she was literally savoring her own nipple and I was just there for the ride.

And for a moment I saw the light filling in as her mouth opened wide again, but it was just a strong sight for me, as I saw Anna’s left nipple retreating from her mouth, and as I tried to reach it or something, but her tongue only played even more with me as I was pushed back to the center of this monster.

The sigh of the teethes, the sky full of flesh, the giant tongue under my own small body, I was nothing compared to this goddess, she could literally eat me right up and I’d be going down her throat to a really uncertain death.

And there’s the fact that shrunken people had been eaten before, it’s not so weird considering there’s a whole amount of people who would love to try it, but the risks are there, not because of all the digestion process, we are still practically invincible, but the main reason is because it’s so easy to get lost inside someone’s body once you’re eaten that usually, people need medical surgery to safely retreat…

But Anna was not going to go through any of these problems, I am so small she could literally eat me without even knowing, and the only way to contact her was my communication app, that I thank can be used even in the harshest environments…

Then suddenly, Anna’s tongue just started to move, as her lips were getting closed, leaving me fully trapped and at the mercy of this goddess… no… at the mercy of her own body, her mouth… at the mercy of this tongue that has been toying with me for a while now.

I was there, on my knees, on top of my girlfriend’s tongue, inside her giant mouth, completely covered in her saliva, as I just suddenly felt some vibrations coming from the shirt I had my phone on.

I tried searching for it, I could see a couple or recent notifications from the communication app.

“sorry, had to mute you for a moment, all the sounds coming from my phone made it really hard to understand anything at all” there it was a message from Anna, the same girl I was literally inside this exact moment, not that it was something rare, considering I get to be inside her ass a lot more…

And in that darkness, I tried to type an answer, getting some struggle as my fingers were all wet and the screen had problems with it, but somehow I managed to write something.

“you scared me…” I typed.

“Sorry! You just looked so tasty and cute~” as Anna sent this message, her tongue started moving again, making me fall on top of it once again.

My face was totally pressed against this goddess’s tongue, the thought itself made me a bit kind of hard, considering how warm it was in this place, you could even consider it some kind of sauna or massage, as it really was kind of pleasant to be in.

“So… how’s it inside?” Anna asked.

“It’s so surreal… to think I’m totally trapped inside your mouth is just… unbelievable” I typed.

A sudden sound coming from her throat, then the sound of the flesh at the entrance of her mouth was something that took my attention.

“I just touched my lips… It’s just incredible to think I can have you inside me, tell me more, how’s everything in there? I want details!” Anna seemed a bit excited by this, well of course she was, she also has shown many signs that she has a size fetish as well.

I sighed as I let myself lay down on her tongue, and began to describe my surroundings.

“Your tongue is like a massive monster, it is so fast and gigantic it’s really scary the way you move it”

“Well that scary monster is just happy to see you and wants to taste you a lot, so try to please it a bit if you can~” as Anna answered she tried to move her tongue as less as possible from that point on, and I, as a way to try to answer to her, tried to rub all my body all over her tongue, barely getting any reactions at all, just something slight as a comment from Anna, “I think I can feel you moving there, but sadly I cannot taste you like that”.

It was also hard for me since rubbing myself against this hot monster just made me hard enough to try and rub it off while I still could, making myself moan softly out of the pleasure.

“It’s just so dark and warm inside here, feels like a really private place, or a really scary cave to get inside” I was trying to concentrate on my typing while also trying to get myself off on top of this monster.

“Like that movie with the ‘cave of wonders’? Be careful to not touch anything you should not~” she typed.

(too late, I’m already touching something I should not) I thought as I was practically trying to ride this tongue, pushing my hips against its softness, the warmth and the wet sensations only added a couple of extra feelings of pleasure on my penis as I was trying to get the full of this experience.

“Being here inside is just so warm, and also wet and sticky, is weird but it’s actually very pleasant in general…” I typed.

Anna moved her tongue just a bit.

“I bet you’re liking it…” Anna typed, while my mind was totally in heaven, hardly putting attention to this.

“It’s just awesome…” I typed.

There was a moment of silence there, as I kept rubbing myself against this giant wet monster, but after a short and pleasant while, I came entirely on my girlfriend’s tongue.

“Hmmm…” a ‘slight’ moan covered the whole ‘cave’ that was her mouth.

“That was salty, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself~” Anna typed.

I was taken by surprise, it seemed that Anna knew what I was doing as she suddenly typed more.

“I lied about muting you, I was just teasing you, I could hear you moan all this time and tried to keep my mouth shut to not speak and bother you that much…” she typed.

“I… uh…” I said, trying to find something to say.

“It’s okay Nathan, I’m honestly glad that I can make you happy like this… hope you don’t mind I um… do myself as well…” she typed, honestly taking me more by surprise.

“no no, it’s okay… you shouldn’t be holding yourself back because of me…” I said.

“Really? Then I’m glad, I will do ummm… something a bit loud for you” she typed.

Then after that, Anna opened her mouth and pushed two fingers inside her mouth, astonishing me for a moment as I saw the two new monsters entering this cave, as they just enter with such speed,  getting themselves all covered in this goddess’s saliva, and returning to the outside world as fast as they came inside.

“I’m gonna touch myself a bit… okay?” said Anna, her voice trying to be soft, but completely surrounding me.

I gulped some saliva, maybe even some of Anna’s at this point.

Anna kept her mouth slightly open all this time, barely showing the outside world, but letting in enough light to see more clearly.

It took some minutes and I started to feel her breath getting a bit warmer, and as the seconds passed it was also getting faster and faster, until it came to a point where I could start hearing her breathing going deeply, letting out small groans that didn’t take too much time for those to become small moans…

Anna started to pant as her mouth started salivating more than it was before, a sight to behold indeed…

Then I got a sudden new notification.

I thought of opening to answer whatever Anna wanted to tell me, but to my surprise, the message came from Clover instead.

“How’s everything going?” she asked.

‘Should I respond to her?’ was my first thought, then the idea to share this with her came to me.

I took a photo, of the inside of Anna’s mouth, took even a small selfie inside, seeing myself all wet and sticky inside this place, and sent both photos to her.

It wasn’t even a second and she answered.

“I hate you, I hope she eats you and you’re date gets ruined, idiot” I laughed at that message, knowing she was definitely jealous of this situation I was in right now.

“Thanks for the photos though…” she sent, disappearing completely after that.

And suddenly taking me by surprise once again, Anna’s tongue started to move, making me fall for the fourth time on top of it, as her whole mouth also started shaking a little

“Hhnnngg….” A bigger moan than the ones before could be heard.

The simple idea that my girlfriend, a literal goddess, was touching herself with me inside of her mouth, was more than enough to make me hard once again.

“Nathan is… on my mouth… my tiny little guy is just on my tongue… I have so much power over you…” Anna suddenly started talking in between her panting, getting herself off here and now, as suddenly, once again, a couple of fingers got inside again… this time, going full inside her mouth, as her tongue started savoring the couple of fingers, completely ignoring I was in this gigantic monster, Anna just started licking her fingers with me in between all this action.

I was getting up and down constantly, making my head spin around once again as I was getting to feel, hear and taste this new sensation… and somehow… the taste… and the atmosphere was getting different from before…


The idea itself was exciting, something that Anna would surely do, knowing perfectly what she was doing as well.

Then suddenly, I just felt everything getting a bit colder, as some new brightness was covering me, and even if I had my eyes closed to avoid getting dizzier from all the movement, I could tell definitely I just got out of Anna’s mouth somehow.

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling my body all sticky, maybe even more than before, as I suddenly found myself trapped with this stickiness.

Opening my eyes even more, I started to realize where I was.

“You are so adorable… all stick to my small little finger while covered in my cum…” I saw Anna’s gigantic cute face standing in front of me, looming all over with her greatness and the vibes she gave of a goddess as well, she was smiling cutely as always, but her expression had more than that, she had some eyes of hunger there as if she just saw something she really wanted to bite and toy with.

It was lust, Anna was looking at my tiny body with an expression of lust, just loving and enjoying this moment for herself, as I just waited there as I was too mesmerized to even say a thing.

“Nathan… I want you inside me…” she said with a smile.

The environment suddenly changed quickly once again as her fingers moved fast to a new and darker location.

And now I was there, stuck to my gigantic girlfriend’s finger, all covered in her cum, looking directly up at what might be the biggest of them all… as a matter of monsters I’ve seen today… this was probably the biggest and scariest of them all.

Even if I have seen her asshole almost directly face to face in the past, and I could even see it from here at this point… this one was bigger… larger… dripping juices as if it was leaking out in anticipation for my come.

Anna’s gigantic vagina, a valley of two giant and exotic lips, that hold folds of flesh that could take me weeks, no, probably even months to try to uncover… protecting a smaller monster that was probably one of the most sensible spots of her entire body… and under it, protected by the barely and recently open lips… a cave, not as big as what was her mouths… but definitely a cave that could engulf me whole, eat me and use me as a toy with no restrictions at all…

“I so wanna just straight up inserting you inside me…” said Anna once again through the communication app.

“But unfortunately I don’t have with me the equipment to let you get inside to your fullest content… so you will have to wait until I get one, another day… I mean, I don’t wanna lose you inside me on our first time ehe…” she said, sounding a bit disappointed in herself but trying to be positive about it.

But Anna was right, even as much as I also wanted to just dive inside her pussy lips and inside her vagina cave in between the lovely valley that was her pussy… it is known that tiny people will find it hard to get in there and get out without any proper medical attention… as the juices will just stick me inside her, and she would have it hard getting me out on her own… for that I should have a piece of special equipment… that we don’t have… The thought that it was so close yet so far made me feel a bit bad…

“But don’t worry… I have… something else you might like…” said Anna, suddenly bringing something over with her other hand...

There I saw, a small lid, similar in many ways to the one we use to get in and out of the complex, but it was definitely smaller...

And at the side of it… a giant egg vibrator standing there.

“I have somewhere… I want you to go Nathan…” she said.

End Notes:

The next chapter will be the last of this small arc
I hope you're enjoying it so far!
leave a review if you wanna let me know anything!

Anna's pleasure - part 5 by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This chapter has insertion at some sorts, and is also the last part of the pleasure arch, I recommend reading it altogether if you wanna get the whole experience again

A bubble, a really big bubble at least three stories tall, big enough to be considered like some small building, a bubble that was able to keep inside at least 50 people without any problem, but to say the least, it was more like some kind of weird machine that I just happened to came across for the first time.

Whoever thought about this thing was a total genius, and I’m not just talking at whoever invented sex toys in the first place, but at whoever designed THIS one specifically.

Inside this egg vibrator was everything you might need to enjoy for at least a week, it had the space, the accommodations, and even a control command area to toy around with this whole place.

This egg vibrator was made taking into consideration all the shrinking technology and sex size playing as its most general overview, the whole point of this vibrator was to get a shrunken person inside of it, then put said vibrator inside the love partner, and the rest was easy to tell, you can control the vibrations, the intensity, the speed, almost everything of this vibrator, but only from inside, it's not as expensive as you think since with the shrinking tech is most like a paper weigh overall.

It was a kink vibrator for sure, planned to be used as a sneaky sex toy, the thing that works a lot with exhibitionists or people who generally enjoyed size play, I know this because it was something that you could see on the internet pretty often.

Porn videos or anecdotes on internet forums about people shrinking down to be inserted into sex toys, and then using those sex toys in a really wide variety of ways, there are tons of them, some even faked since they can't afford actual size tech.

And now, I was inside of one of these as well, this egg vibrator with a complete view of the outside, also made for the shrunken partner, so they can enjoy this experience on a better level.

“Hnnnng…. Hnnnn… hnnnnn… tell me… when you reach the control command panel….” Said Anna, touching herself on the outside world beyond these walls.

I had a clear view of my girlfriend, taking her lower lips and taking them apart while inserting two fingers in between those lips, making a wet sound as they got inside, and glistening them over with her cum from her already wet play from before, all this time while the vibrator was laying there outside of it while I was trying to get to the top floor to the control command panel.

The vibrator was ON, and Anna wanted to really play with it, but she wanted to wait until I got there to start full with me, and in the meantime, she was touching herself, mostly because she couldn’t wait at all, and because she really wanted to give me a show of everything while I was here.

“Don’t worry, I’m almost there…” I said.

“N-No… I’m almost… HNNNGGG…. There…..” said Anna, making me question myself if she actually just made a pun in this situation.

I saw as her vagina, the giant sex monster was receiving the constant entrance of Anna’s fingers as she kept rubbing herself, and at the same time, fingering her own clit in the process as she let out some deep moans and groans as well, getting herself off and cumming for the third time in all this while.

“Hunnng...” Anna let it out to be heard through the app.

And just at that I got to the control room, rushing my way to the control command panel, looking at it I noticed the thing was full of different configurations such as the speed or intensity, along with some system where a male could insert their own privates and get some kind of warm and moist textures inside, and there was even a button to send shockwaves through the vibrator.

(This thing is really deeply designed for almost any taste) I thought.

“I just got there” I said, announcing to my girlfriend who was waiting for me all this time.

“Ha…ha… ha… Well, then be prepared, I’m not letting you out until I’m satisfied…” she said.

My initial thought was the surprise that Anna just came a moment ago, but as a matter of fact, she already came three times in less than an hour (women really are just built different and better, huh?) I thought.

And to confirm my own thoughts, I could see it there.

The lips of my girlfriend’s most intimal place, parted away, as the whole vibrator was moving towards it, making her fingers toy with the whole building as they were slowly inserting this place inside her huge and hungry vagina.

It was as if seeing everything in the front row, though you could literally say I was in the front row for this whole experience, the experience itself was totally letting me in awe, as the folds of her skin started covering the walls, making way to look directly at the dark abyss that was just in front of the whole building.

“I can’t imagine at all… how it must look to you…” said Anna, making me get out of my trance of speechless.

“It’s simply amazing...” I said.

“Is it really that great? I’m pretty sure it won’t look that great at your size… I mean… how could even…” I lit interrupted her, and just activated the camera of my phone as I just started pointing out at the gorgeous, wet, meaty, and dark cavern that was in front of me.

“Look at this…” I said.

“Hnnng… Is that… my pussy? Omg… it looks so much big…” Anna was completely in awe watching her own phone, also surprised by the huge but sexy monster that was her pussy.

“It’s like… a cavern… a really big cavern…”

Anna pushed the vibrator a bit more inside herself, the whole image became even deeper, as her pussy was basically starting to consume this building without any problem.

“Hnnng… just pushing it a bit is making such a difference, I can’t… Nathan if I keep looking at this I’m gonna become crazy… I want you so deep inside me… geez…” After Anna said that, she pushed the whole vibrator inside her, a single “pop” sound was heard around it at the end, making the whole place getting darker than before, but thankfully the whole place had lights around that allowed me to at least see enough in this place, my eyes going directly at the control command panel in front of me.

“Let me see what I can do with this” I pressed a button and set a small intensity with a constant speed.

“Hnnn… that feels nice” she said, as I could see the inside walls of her pussy pushing a bit against the walls of the vibrator, as if they were tasting the strange oval object that just got in between, or rather, inside them.

“You said you’re gonna lose your head? I can see from this point that you’re pussy is liking this” I said, still showing my girlfriend what was the image I had from this side, as her vagina has already literally eaten me whole.

“If I knew…. Hnnnn… it was that big compared to you…. Believe me… I’d have teased you with it even more… just now...” she said, getting back to the excited rhythm again, probably touching her clit and groping her breasts in the process.

As I heard her talking, I inserted my dick inside that thing I saw before, and before I could realize it, I was already feeling completely good with the texture this thing was giving me.

“So… huff... how much teasing are we talking about?” I asked, at the same time, pushing the intensity a bit stronger.

“Oh gosh just thinking it… Hnnnnn… I’d have parted my lips… and dropped you in front of the entrance of my vagina…. To let you explore just the entrance…” Anna was feeling really hot as she said this, releasing a couple of sexy groans in the middle, she was clearly still touching herself all this time, and with the vibrator inside her, she wanted even more, especially from me.

“To… huff… explore the entrance of your vagina?” I asked heavily breathing.

Anna giggled softly at me.

“I would let you explore all the entrance to your heart's content… haah…” Anna let out a small moan at her own dirty thoughts “but if you got any close to excite me at all… even if just a tiny bit…” Anna’s heavy breathing stopped, just so she could try and whisper the rest of it “I’d have pushed you from your back… to get lost inside me while I masturbated with you…” she said.

My honest reaction was speechless as my mind was running wild just with speculations of how that could have developed at all.

(A full body massage by some lewd walls, the full recreation of a lust moment... to let me be eaten by Anna's pussy, to be trapped inside of it like if she would only be taking me fully under her control... or even more... leaving me fully at the mercy of her sex, engulfing me full...) the image was completely now in my head at this point...

Me and my tiny body pushed inside this giant cave monster hungry for lust, getting instantly lost as my sense of direction would have gone totally wrong immediately, being completely engulfed by my girlfriend’s titanic monster pussy, as it would cover me with her walls, rubbing me completely out of my own will against the horny, warm and wet walls of her insides, as she would have masturbated, touching herself and inserting her massive fingers inside herself, pressing me against her insides even if she was totally unaware of it… as her the juices inside her would have been accumulating, completely covering me and literally making me swim inside my horny as fuck goddess of a girlfriend that I have, completely owning me and leaving me trapped in her climax as she could come countless times, and who even know if she would even get me out in the first couple of hours after being ‘satisfied’.

My mind running wild only made me try to make a comeback and attack this goddess back, as I pushed the strongest intensity and the most random speed of them all.

“Hhyahg?!” the instant surprise on Anna’s end was priceless, as she was just trying to comprehend what is suddenly happening inside her body, I could suddenly see the walls around the building making a strong effort and trying to engulf completely the sex toy with them.

“Hnnng… it seems… you’re pussy is clearly speaking, you are loving this” I said.

“St-top! Hnnng… Nathan… Hnnng….” Anna was getting off from this, at this point probably touching herself harder than before as her voice was all broken and all I could hear on her end was wet noises.

At the same time, the walls were getting completely getting covered in her juices, as she was really getting to her highest point.

“I believe… Haah…. You said you wanted me inside you…. Hnnng… that you wanted me to get lost inside you…” I said, trying to keep teasing her, even if I was at my limit myself.

“HHnnnng….” Anna was basically getting to her climax at this point.


“Nathan…! Hnnng….”

We both were trying to reach each other with words but weirdly enough they weren’t necessary at all, just the voice of the other one, was enough for us to know this was a really deep and exciting experience.

After a while of the constant pressure of her inside walls against the building, I came… my second time today… and not too long after that, Anna came for the fourth time… leaving both of us panting, trying to get a hold on our breathings.

The building vibrator was fully covered on her juices, basically distorting the view of anything outside.

Anna kept silent as she was looking at the image through my phone.

“Haah… that was incredible… really… I’d love to actually try pushing you inside…” Anna said, still recovering her breath “but if I put you inside right now… I legit don't know what’s going to happen with you… and as wet as it is right now… I don't wanna expose you to a risk of drowning inside me… hehe…”

Anna wasn’t lying, there was indeed a risk of me drowning if I was let out in a liquid space for a long time… I mean, I was more invincible at this state, but I could definitely drown if I were inside any kind of liquid for an extended amount of time… so to say, around three hours or maybe a bit more.

The idea that Anna was planning on keeping me inside her and trapped in her juices for more than 3 hours was more than enough to make me tremble both with fear but also with excitement.

“We can keep it for another occassion” I said.

“I know… I bet you’re tired after I toyed with your small body so much…” Said Anna, probably feeling a bit guilty about it.

“It’s okay Anna, I really enjoyed this all… you can’t always explore the body of a goddess and get her off” I said jokingly.

“…” Anna let a small silence.

“Huh? Did I say something wrong?” I asked.

Anna sweetly giggled “No, it’s just that I think… I really am in love with you so much… this whole moment… was just…” Anna was getting now emotional.

“Hey now, this was special for me too… I also love you a lot Anna” I said.

Anna let out another sweet giggle.

“Now I wanna hug you… and kiss you…” said Anna.

“We can do that when I get back to my normal size” I said.

“Hehe… I still can’t believe that you are so tiny… and cute… and and… geez, I just want us to share some lovely moments together, just like this”

“Anna, we can always have moments like this whenever you want... but if you want me to get back to you and give you some normal-size love and cares, you first will have to get me out of your pussy” I said.

Anna giggled again.

“Sorry! I somehow forgot!” she said.

“Seriously?” I asked

"I mean... I want you all for myself, and keeping you in my pussy would make things easier for me"

After sharing some more words, Anna started laughing, and sooner we were both laughing at the situation and how trippy it was all of this.




After a good while, from cleaning the vibrator and also cleaning the apartment complex (that Anna took back from Beatrice's office), taking advantage of the situation and basically washing both sex toys at the same time.

Anna and I kept talking, having fun while talking about random stuff, making time to pass as it was already getting pretty much really-really late.

I was taken to grow again to my normal size for a couple of minutes, taking in mind the whole staff probably knew about our whole ‘adventure’ together, since they were basically looking at me with expectant eyes all the time, but they also seemed tired as we were literally asking them to work at 1 am.

Anna and I shared a special short moment where we kissed and embraced together for a couple of minutes, more than enough for her to tell me she’s happy that I don’t actually have to stay tiny all the time, something that I also appreciate.

And after that, the staff shrunk me back to my 1mm tall body and took me back to the complex at a really late time compared to the rest, but they said it was okay since it was a 'special request' from Anna.

When I got back inside the complex, the first thing that I wanted to do was to get back to my room and rest for a long long time.

I took the elevator and then got back to sphere 1, and when I was about to reach to my room, I saw ‘her’ there, resting in front of my door, basically sleeping sit on the ground.

There it was Clover, completely knocked out.

(And you HAD to cover the entrance to my room huh?) I thought to myself.

I patted softly her head, trying to wake her up nicely.

Hey eyes started to open up lightly as she was basically half asleep.

“Clover, you should get back to your room” I said.

Clover, still half asleep just looked at me with a weird funny face, then yawned.

“Yehr… right… I shul… get back…” Clover said, trying to stand up again although having problems with it.

I helped the half asleep, if not drunk Clover back to her room, letting her get back inside and get on her bed to sleep again.

“Let’s talk tomorrow okay?” I said.

“Hmm” was the only sound that came from her mouth while getting ready to properly rest on a bed this time.

After that, I got back to my room, hoping to get some more rest myself and once in bed, Anna called me to my phone that I already cleaned after all this journey, and I heard her sweet voice getting to my side, as I saw to the external window, there at the distance my lovely goddess of a girlfriend... as we kept talking until we both fell asleep on our own beds…

End Notes:

And with this, the pleasure arch is finished
And with that! I will take a small hiatus, it will not be long I promise
But as for now, if you're liking it this far, leave a review and tell me your opinions of the story so far

Size dilemma and self thoughts by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

Hi there! it´s been a while since the last chapter! the story is now resuming once again and this chapter is just a small chill chapter with some Clover development, hope you like it!

I woke up really late that day, my whole body feeling sore from all that ‘exercise’ I had to go through last night, and it was really not any joke, my arms were completely worn out, my legs felt all stiff and rigid, it was like waking up from a really rough dream, but god what a good time it was, totally worth it for sure.

As I stood up to prepare for a new day, the first thing in the morning I did was go to the window of my room, pressing the button to see the outside, and be greeted by the inside walls of my girlfriend’s ass as the first thing in the morning, my mind instantly went back to that whole experience and I let out a soft giggle while smiling, not being able to stop my own happiness or my train of thoughts.

I sent Anna a message telling her that I just woken up and that my whole body felt tired from the whole experience from yesterday.

“So you’re awake? You probably will have to uh… talk to the staff members in the complex... they might want to ask you some stuff” Anna sent some messages, trying to hide a simple fact that was as clear as day.

“Ask me some stuff?” I asked.

“Yeah, I might also be busy all day because of that and classes, so we probably won’t be able to talk that much until night” she said.

“Okay then, we can talk when you’re less busy” I said.

“I’m sorry! Guess being such a great landlord takes time from you, I will compensate you tonight!”

The whole staff members probably knew already about our whole ‘bonding experience’ that we had last night, and I mean it is to no one’s surprise, taking in mind that Anna and I were, after all, still part of this social experiment to get through interactions with shrunken people and normal sized people, it was pretty obvious that these people would have their questions and would be asking me some stuff.

I mentally prepared myself, took a bath, changed my clothes, and took a step out of my dorm room, when ‘that’ suddenly.

“You sure did take your time to wake up today!” Clover was practically in front of my room, leaning her back against the wall in front of me.

“Ah, good morning Clover, I kinda had a rough night and…” I was about to say something else but it was pretty hard to take into mind Clover’s expression.

“You sure fucking did… obviously…” Clover got her phone in her hand and showed me the picture I took and sent her last night “you goddess fucker” she exclaimed.

She was mad, or at least heavily annoyed, and the worst part is that I don’t even know if she was mad because she was jealous or she was mad directly with me for basically leaving her completely alone and bored yesterday.

“I thought you might want to see… you know since you’re into size stuff and…” I tried to excuse myself in a way that sounded as if I was apologizing as well.

“Ugh… I hate myself for all the things I did after watching this photo…” said Clover with a blush on her face.

“Wait, what did you do after watching the photo?” I asked, Clover ignored my question by clearing her throat.

“Anyways! I heard that you were going to talk with the staff members, Becky told me to go along with you whenever you did…” she said.

“Oh right, I was literally about to just do that” I said “but about what you did with that photo…?” I tried to take the question out again.

“Okay then, let’s go!” and Clover completely ignored it once again.

We both went together to the medical area on sphere 5, and we travel all the way from Sphere 1, basically watching the anal walls of Anna all the way from here to there, with Clover killing me with a glare the whole travel and me trying to ignore everything.

When we made our way to the medical area, I was greeted by some of the staff members that I met on my first days here to know if the shrinking process had any secondary effects on me or not, which wasn’t the case, some people might feel lighter than usual and some other actually have problems with blood circulation after shrinking so taking these kinds of exams for your first time shrinking is actually a recommended process.

We made our way inside one of the offices they had, as Clover and I both sit down in place, the staff guy lit went and asked me a simple question.

“So… how was having intercourse with Anastasia Cruz, was it painful or tiresome?”

My embarrassment, Clover’s killing glare, the whole situation… it all killed me internally as I started answering the questions this guy was making me.

All the info they basically needed was to know all my experience outside, physically and mentally, so I had to mention all those times I become dizzy as fuck and how my head even got to hurt at some points, how I was basically able to stay inside her mouth for about 20 minutes without any problem, or how I woke up with my body completely sore this morning.

All the time getting this look from Clover, that as time passed, it just became even more complex to understand.

“Well, that should be all the info we need, for now, the rest should be on the staff members asking Anastasia for the rest” he said.

“Is that all then?” I asked.

“Yeah, you’re free to go, though I have to add something to Clover over here” he said.

“Me?” she asked confused.

“Yeah, Clover, according to our data, you haven’t left the complex ever since you first got here for the first time, as a professional I have to recommend you to take some real sun on the outside, remember that staying here inside for a really long time might damage your emotional and physical state, so I recommend you to go out and walk on a park or something, you do need it”

“G-going out? M-me? But I really do not…”

“You can ask Mr. Nathan here to take you out, if you don’t trust the staff members to go outside with you, at least you should trust him to take you out to eat something or whatever”

“Me?” I asked.

“I’m counting on both of you” he said with a smile.

We both got out of that room with heavy faces, tired from the sudden lecture Clover had and my interrogation.

“…” and there it was an awkward silence after that.

“…” in which none of us knew how to break it.

“…” or that was it until Clover turned to look at me.

“I don’t wanna go out” she said.

“I don’t know if I should be asking this but, Clover… is there a specific reason that you don’t want to go out?” I asked.

“Escapism…” she said.

“Escapism? From what?” I asked.

Clover looked around us, looking at the people walking in and out of the medical rooms, and then took a look back at me.

“Let’s go to my room” she said.

We traveled all the way back to Clover’s room, basically silent all the way back, and when we arrived there, Clover went to something that was in between all of her stuff.

“Here, take a look at this” she handed me a photo.

The photo was a selfie between Clover and another girl.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

“My ex” she said.

“Your ex?”

“She dumped me after finding out I had a size fetish, or that’s what I thought…” Clover let out a small sigh.

“Care to explain?” I asked, a bit concerned by this.

“Remember that other girl I told you about the other time? With the panties incident”

“Ah, yeah, I remember her”

“Well, I was lonely after we took our distance and I tried meeting new people… and this girl… made me realize something at some point…”

“What is it?”

“I’m a masochist…”

“Woah… must been a surprise…”

“You idiot! I swear that’s not what I mean! The thing really was different… she actually cared a lot about me and loved me a lot… but when we had fun together she realized I was too co-dependent on her… I believe that she was so worried about my way of taking care of myself that she started to actually get mad… at the fact that I… ignore my own pleasure on behalf of pleasing others…”


“She got mad at me because I lit never wanted to be pleased… I know that sounds dumb but I swear it’s not like…”

“Omg that’s awful” I said.

“Huh?” Clover confused expression was all that I could see that moment.

“I mean, in short terms, you’re definitely being a stubborn idiot, taking care of your partner’s happiness before your own is just gonna get them mad for sure, and your answer to that was escapism by living inside a girl’s sex toy just because you like size stuff?! It’s like… it sounds totally like you!”

“Ugh…” Clover sighed, sitting down on her own bed, and looking at the ground with a sad expression.

“If you do realize what you did was wrong, why haven’t you tried to fix your ways?” I asked.

Clover tried to avoid looking at me.

“I uh… was waiting until I felt prepared to do so…” she said.

“Then you’re doing it wrong” I said.

“Huh?” Clover looked back at me once again with a confused expression.

“Leaving it until you feel prepared it’s making it as if it’s never going to happen, if you wanna change something and you can change it today, then don’t leave it for another time! And if that change is for a better good, then you might as well have to done it yesterday!”

“Why are you suddenly getting all motivational…” Clover asked with an annoyed expression.

“Idiot! I’m telling you because I’m also worried about you” I said.

Clover suddenly stopped at that moment, looking at me with a perplexed expression.

“You are...?” she asked, literally questioning herself about it at the same time.

“Of course I am, we're friends! why wouldn’t I?!” I asked, a bit mad.

“I… thought you disliked me or something… after all the annoyance I have been with you… and everything… I thought that I…” Clover then, started getting her eyes watery, as she was literally about to cry about this, but she tried to stop herself at that moment “I’m sorry… I’m really a mess of a person… and even like that you decided to actually care about someone like me…”

“Don’t apologize you idiot…” I said.

“I’m sorry for all the awful and perverted things I did thinking about you and Anna last night…”

“NOW WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!” I asked, practically screaming.

Clover laughed at me, trying to get in a better mood herself.




Some minutes passed and Clover calmed down, thinking again about what the guy from the medical staff said.

“I guess I wanna get out one time… you know, at least getting out of the complex or something might not be the worst… especially if I go with you” she said with a small smile.

“And while we’re at it! Guess we can go with Anna as well, you know, so you stop idolizing her as some kind of deity!” I said.

“M-meeting the goddess outside sounds nice… but I don't know how she might react… you know… with all the stuff I have done… and that I’m practically praising her inside walls on my masturbation sessions every day since I’ve been here…”

“Yeah, about that… you should definitely not mention that last part” I said.

“Roger captain!” she said, with an awkward expression.

“Okay then, you should at least mentally prepare yourself for this next weekend coming, you’re gonna go with me outside, I will let Anna know about it and all” I said.

“G-got it…” she said, nervous just from thinking about it.




After taking care of Clover’s problems, I went back to my room, where I practically spent most of my day until it was already nighttime, meaning that I was going to get my usual late-night bath in the bathhouse.

When I got there, the Anal beads complex was already taken out by Anna, and I could see my girlfriend basically studying something on her desk at the time.

“How’s the studying going?” I sent her a message, with a waving hand emoji.

Anna’s gigantic form turned to see the anal beads on top of her nightstand.

“I was basically finishing, I can see you’re taking your bath a bit earlier than usual” she said, giggling a bit.

“I didn’t want to miss the experience, and I did need it with my muscles all sore” I typed.

“Care if I call you?” she asked.

“Not at all” I said.

We both got into a video call through the app.

“How was your day after all?” I asked.

“It was pretty tired… the staff didn’t stop any moment and kept asking me embarrassing questions such as how was I handing you or grabbing you, or what did I make you do… and such stuff like that… all the time Becks was having this grin on her face… it made me feel so embarrassed”

“Yeah, I was kinda the same here on this side, I guess they just wanted to take notes for their research”

“Yeah, nothing we can help with about that” she said.

“I mean, we should at least had that whole experience as something intimate for both of us and…”

“You were so tiny and cute… so small… omg… just thinking about it again is just…” Anna seemed happy just remembering the whole experience.

“We can try it again next weeken… oh wait! I have to tell you something” I explained to Anna the whole situation that happened with Clover, and what was kind of my plan to let her be out of her bubble.

“Oh, I see! Guess we won’t be having our alone time like we did yesterday… until about two weeks” she said, sounding a bit disappointed with herself.

“It’s okay, we can try some stuff another time anyways” I said.

“Shame, I wanted to see you trying to beat up my clitoris…” Anna said, clearly a bit horny from all the mental images she kept having in her head for a while now.

“Beating up your clitoris? Wouldn’t that hurt?” I asked.

“I mean… as you, as a tiny… riding my clitoris… and beating it up… ugh… the image on my head is just good for that…” she said.

“We can try that next time for sure” I said with a smile, getting a bit turned on just by the idea.

“Oh but actually… I’ve been thinking myself about something since yesterday”


“When you were inside me… my pussy I mean… you shared with me that image of how everything looked like from inside there… that made me feel so hot… and I didn’t know until now but I guess I do have a size fetish after all…” she said.

“I mean, I kinda got that already, but if it’s something you just noticed that’s totally fine” I said.

“No, I don’t mean that, I mean something else” she said.

“What is it then?” I asked.

“I think I kinda like the whole size difference as a whole, the mental image of you climbing me last night… it made me wonder…. How the sights might have been for you at that moment…”

“So you like the size comparison between you and me?” I asked.

“More than that… I think…” Anna looked at me with a bit nervous expression, biting her lower lip in anticipation of what she was trying to say “uh Nathan…”

“Yeah?” I asked a bit confused by her reaction.

“I think I kinda wanna know more about your whole perspective while being tiny” she said.

End Notes:

And this is the chapter for today, I hope you liked it!
Please leave a review telling me your opinions about the story so far!

The goddess, the good and the idiot by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This chapter is focused mostly on the characters

As the days passed and I had to deal almost directly with Clover’s anxiety through the week, as she was basically getting into constant emotional crisis as the days went on, meanwhile I managed to get a new hobby when talking with Anna every night, while we both were trying to find size comparisons with different objects and different sizes for many different things in general.

 My week became pretty much occupied but at least it made the time run faster as the weekend approached without any other issues or inconvenient, besides the fact that Clover was basically now waiting outside my door almost every day in the morning since she didn’t have anything else to do in this place besides clinging onto me.

I did mention this to Anna but she didn’t seem to mind getting to know that Clover actually was into me, since she already knew Clover was a total weirdo, and I mean, Clover is also into Anna so who knows how many people is Clover into as well…

Though in the general sense thinking that Clover was into Anna was what probably made Anna laugh the most because Clover was literally in love with her and inside her as well, a joke that I had to reject with a serious expression while telling my sweet girlfriend that she was being as much as an idiot as Clover was with only that simple joke.

And taking out whatever stuff I learned through the week in classes, I was mostly enjoying my time talking with Anna almost all the time we both had some free time to share, basically getting a deeper and closer bond as time passed, taking even my bath time as a time for both of us to talk, chat and even send each other some “special” videos so to say.

And at the end of the day, my unusually tired self would try to get some sleep, only to be bothered by Clover knocking on the door, claiming to be having problems sleeping and trying to get into my room to try and sleep there, and at first, I thought she was literally trying to tease me with something but after actually letting her inside and letting her sleep on the bed while I slept on the couch, I managed to notice that she actually had been having nightmares now and then, probably all because of her anxiety of leaving the complex for the first time in a while.

I thought they might have been exaggerations but we’re talking about Clover here and she’s just like that after all, and the only thing I can do is just... take care of her I guess, I really don’t know, my relationship with this girl is just weird enough to even care to think about it, she is a great friend, at least that I can say clearly, a really clingy and stubborn one that is.



And as days passed with these kinds of stuff throughout the week, the weekend arrived, meaning that we were allowed to leave the complex once again, letting me deal in the morning with another rare event.

“Come on Clover, open the door…” I said, knocking at the door of her room on a normal Saturday morning.

“Nooo! I will get abducted in the park! Or worst! I might find myself accidentally meeting someone I know from the outside!” a muffled scream response came from the other side of the door.

“Clover that’s not going to happen! And you should definitely prioritize your security over your social awkwardness!” I claimed.

“Ugh!” An annoyed grunt was everything that came from her side.

A sudden idea on how to help her get out came to my mind “okay Clover, here’s the deal, if you get out and we meet with Anna, and after we spend a nice day outside, you have a free ‘let Nathan do whatever the hell you want’ card or some sort of thing like that” I said, trying to convince her on her own stubborn and greedy game.

The door opened slowly and I got to see this girl peeking her face through the small gap of what she opened.

“Can I ask anything…?”

“Sure” I said.

“Even lewd stuff?”

“Don’t take your chances, you know there are limits”

“You didn’t say no…”

“Whatever, just get out and I can buy you something to eat outside, I bet you haven’t eaten something cooked from a restaurant in a while” I said.

Clover opened her door slowly, revealing as she did the blushing face of this girl who was practically trembling of fear of the unknown.

I patted her head, then messed her hair a little bit at the end.

“Idiot…” she said, as she proceeded to follow me through the complex as we made our way to the hangar.

I called Anna in the process and basically told her that we were both on our way to getting grown again, all the time watching as Clover was basically praying to who knows who that nothing bad happened this day, just to let me try to calm her down, which resulted on her basically grabbing the sleeve of my shirt on the way to cling onto something as we were starting to get taken out of the anal beads.

Clover looked at the giant tweezers outside about to take us out of this place, making her get a mixed feeling between excited and totally panicking.

Our luck was that everybody else already got out of the complex before us, otherwise, she would be making a scene that would be impossible to ignore.

And as the giant staff member was taking us out and taking us to the size changing room, Clover closed her eyes, only feeling the small amount of vibrations the lid we were standing on was bringing to her.

“I’m steady… I’m a rock... I’m a future governor of this land…” she was reciting something weird as some kind of way to process this.

(If you were the governor, we would be doomed…)

And after a short while, we were placed on the growing spot, changing slowly in size, as our whole surroundings became smaller and smaller, until they became just about the right size to be.

Anna opened the door to receive me and Clover, just smiling sweetly as she saw the girl basically clinging onto me with fear.

I tapped Clover’s shoulder, letting her know that process was done.

“Is it over? Really?” she asked.

“Yeah, it is, you can open your eyes now” I said.

Clover slowly but steadily opened her eyes again, looking at the ground under her feet, then at me, then turned with fear to see at the person that was in front of her.

“A-ah… I-is…”

“Hello Clover, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Anna said, with a sweet smile on her face that had deep meaning behind it.

Anna has been worried about Clover for a while now, I already knew that from the start, Anna does worry about the tenants as a good landlord lady she is, even if the situation is a bit weird and complex, she always cares for us, and I knew that ever from my very first day.

“H-Hi… Anna, it sure has been a while” Clover tried to avoid making any eye contact with Anna, practically trying to avoid taking any risk to have an interaction with the girl in front of her.

Anna knew this already and practically walked over to us, just to take Clover’s hand, and as she softly grabbed her, she just sweet-talked to her.

“Hey, you don’t need to feel tense around me” she said, with her sweet classic smile.

Clover, trembling a bit, just turned to see the girl holding her hand.

Anna and Clover got face to face looking at each other.

“Ehehe…” Clover let out a nervous giggle as she just suddenly started blushing while looking at her.

“Um… why don’t we start the day now? Where do you wanna go first?” Anna asked, ignoring completely the attitude Clover just had.

“Oh! Y-yeah about that! I was planning on going to eat something first…”

And just as kind of how the plan was, we took Clover to a family restaurant, ordering some food to take after a good while of not eating outside of the complex.

The dynamic between Anna and Clover was almost comical, as Anna would do make a totally normal question about Clover, with the idiot basically answering something not related at all or using some weird alternatives to answer, such as “so how are the studies going?” with Clover saying something like “Well, I can at least concentrate in my room… maybe a bit too much” and even with those kinds of insinuations, Anna totally ignoring her comments and taking the answer as if were something like “studies are doing well” and leaving it like that.

At some point, it just started getting even funnier with the interactions these two had.

From time to time Clover clung to my arm, and Anna basically claimed to her that I was her property, which somehow made me feel a bit flustered by the way my girlfriend was referring to me.

Or some other moments where I would be talking about some topic from our class with Anna, and Clover basically trying to claim the attention back from Anna and just showing me her tongue as some kind of childish annoyance.

And after we finished eating some pancakes with chocolate syrup, some scrambled eggs, and some coffee with sweet bread (I would let you guess who took each of these dishes), we went on our way back to the small building, or to say the least, back to Anna’s house and keep our conversations there.

We all sat in a small room that I wasn’t in before, probably a living room for the facilities, where people would barely get inside since there were other resting rooms besides this one, and to be honest I didn’t really care too much about it.

“Huh… this living room is really small” but apparently someone was actually caring too much about this.

“Small? I think is really spacious though” Anna said with a slightly confused expression on her face.

“Ah-Ah! No sorry, I didn’t mean to be impolite or something… is just that the living room in the complex is actually really big compared to this” Clover said, with a nervous expression as she was trying to avoid eye contact.

“Hmmmm” Then Anna got into a thinking position.

“Umm… is something wrong?” I asked.

Anna was basically thinking a bit about this “You know, I’ve really been thinking about this since it’s really been mentioned before… but the complex is actually really big huh?” said Anna, maybe a bit too concerned about this topic.

“Eh? Well… it is really big yeah… the building itself is really big with different stuff inside, the only problem might be taking the elevator for each place constantly”

Anna glared at me, then back at Clover.

“A-and when you’re on the elevator… it’s supposed to have a transparent view of the exterior right…?” Anna asked, blushing a bit in the process.

“Ah… well… yeah…?” Clover said a bit confused by the question.

“Then… do you guys… well… see my insides every time you take the elevator…?” Anna asked, totally doubting if to finish that question as she did.

“Eh… well… not always… I mean, it’s pretty much dark inside so there’s only a small light in the elevator”

Anna was probably trying to picture it herself, as for some reason, she has been really curious recently about how her own insides would look, but as being totally unable to explore the complex and be inside someone’s ass, she always seemed to want to see different opinions about it…

And Clover… might be the perfect person to answer these kinds of questions for her…

And it seemed that was also the thought that came to Anna’s head, as she started pushing now the topic on Clover, basically two size fetish enthusiasts starting to talk of their fetish without trying to talk about their fetish.

“So what about nighttime?”

“I sometimes take a look outside but most of the time I just see a giant wall covering the sky, probably because my room is on a side you never left looking at you…”

Anna came to think of that same thing, as she realized that people in the complex might actually be able to look at her on her bed at nighttime (such as how I’ve been doing)

The whole topic of the complex was super embarrassing but also exciting for Anna, so thinking that some tiny people living on her sex toy might have seen her doing weird stuff at night (which I have) might be able to literally watch a person of her size, being basically hundreds of feet tall and doing her daily stuff, or even masturbating at night.

Anna was seriously blushing at this stage but tried to keep herself calm, although sucking at it.

“But yeah… as much as I like the complex, the doctors have told me a lot that I need to get out more often… since I need to take some fresh air and some sunlight they said”

“So… you’re planning on going out more often now?” asked Anna, trying to keep the recent conversation while taking all of those invading thoughts that she probably had on her face.

All this time I was just there, basically watching these two, a goddess and an idiot having a conversation about their daily life, and seeing them both having fun together I just thought it was nice that they were getting along too well.

“Also there’s this whole stuff about how I don’t know really how to let myself be pleased… as in… ugh… it is a really complicated shit…” Clover tried to explain to Anna her whole problem with letting herself take compliments, be pampered, or other stuff and how she couldn’t allow herself to be in ‘that place’ or ‘position’ as how she described it.

Anna thought about this and without any kind of warning, just approached Clover and gave her a hug.

“Eh-Eh? Wh-what’s the meaning of this?!” Clover asked while getting embarrassed and confused.

“You know, caring for others is like a hug, some might like it, some might not, but when both agree to give a hug and both are enjoying it, then you can say that is a really special moment” Anna let out Clover for a moment, holding her shoulders for a moment while looking her directly at her face “so letting yourself be hugged it only means that you’re also giving a hug yourself at some extent… since caring for one another is a special expression that would make others happy, and so as you, you should be happy that you’re allowed to care for another”

Anna smiled at Clover, who had a really deeply invested expression.

Clover teared up for a moment, maybe understanding how actually dumb and simple her problem was, as she slowly hugged Anna back, trying to not only show her affection but allowing herself to get said affection back.

And in the middle of that hug, Anna glared at me.

“You don’t mind do you?” she asked.

I simply shook my head, telling her that it was fine by me.



And after a couple of minutes and everything calmed down a bit, the three of us kept talking for a while, although I could notice something was on Anna’s head as minutes passed.

It was simple but quick the moment that it suddenly happened, when Anna stopped thinking and actually seemed like she wanted to say something.

I just straight asked “what is it? Are you okay?”

Anna simply stayed silent, glaring at Clover for a moment.

“Say… Clover… you are a lot into size stuff and all that, right?” Anna asked.

Clover blushed a little, looking down for a moment “Y-yeah I am…”

Anna took a deep breath, preparing to say whatever she’s been thinking about.

“So… There’s been this thing I had in mind for a while…” Anna looked expectantly at Clover for a moment “you wanna learn a bit more about being pampered and such… and I do… am interested in the perspective view of a tiny… so…” Anna bit her lower lip before saying this last part “Is it possible for me to try and explore you as in tiny size… and I mean, try to give you some cares…?”

“E-eh?” Was all that came out of Clover’s mouth as she literally couldn’t believe what she just heard.

‘Her goddess wanted to change places temporally with her it seemed, she wanted to explore ‘her’ over all things?!’ was probably what was on her mind.

The Clover, blushing as how she didn’t have any idea that she could, simply nodded.

“Really?! That’s great! I will ask Becks about it and…”

“But on one condition...” Clover said with embarrassment.

“Sure, what is it?” asked Anna with curiosity.

“He has to shrink as well…” Clover said, pointing at me.

“E-eh?” this time the question came from my mouth.

“Got it then!” exclaimed Anna with a sweet smile directed at me.

End Notes:

The next chapter is gonna start a new event, I hope you like it
and if you're liking the story so far, leave a review with your thoughts about it :D

Clover's precious time - part 1 by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

And with this we're getting into a new arch, I hope you like it!

A big cheeky smile raised up from the ground, suddenly looming above both of us as we were only allowed to watch in awe, the smile was pretty playful as well if you could say, a thing that didn’t let me feel completely safe knowing well who did that smile belonged to.

Anna grabbed my arm as she said with a heavy blush on her face “L-Let´s do it…”

(What are we doing in this situation…?) That was the only thing I could think at the moment, finding myself once again being shrunk against my will, these two girls being completely at the fault for it.

Anna and I were looking at the now gigantic face of Clover literally covering all of our field of vision as we both of us stood on top of Anna’s night drawer at the classic only one millimeter tall, just as how I did last week just with her in this exactly similar situation.

Although I couldn’t complain a bit about this at all, since the moment these two proposed the shrinking down for Clover, I was already into all this mess, so the less that anyone could do for me, meaning Beatrice (who shrunk us and transported us), was to give me the option to go along with these two and make sure to take some mental notes of anything that might happen here, and in exchange, any payment on my apartment would go lower than what it already was.

It was supposed to be something the whole investigation team was a bit interested in it too, no one might have ever thought that Anna, the host and landlord lady of the complex, was actually up for the idea of shrinking herself completely at her own will.




The moment of shrinking was a totally new experience for Anna, since it was the first time Anna was getting shrunk, it was more than expected to see her getting surprised ever since start to finish, as she couldn’t believe how everything was getting actually bigger and bigger each second, coming at me super excited about all of this, rambling how she was so happy that I was accompanying her on this ride, and all that… but as it suddenly started trembling, thing that startled Anna for a moment as she noticed something coming at the distance, it was at that moment that the towering figure of Beatrice was about to reach to us.

“Holly mother of… Is that Becks? Oh my god she’s fucking huge…” Anna watched in complete awe at the gigantic figure of her secretary and assistant in the maintenance of the complex, now totally towering over her at more than two miles tall, approaching us in high heels as she made the ground tremble with every step she took, Anna’s legs started trembling at the monolithic figure now standing right in front of us.

“Sh-she's not going to step on us right…?” asked Anna with a genuinely concerned expression on her face.

“She won’t, remember she’s a professional at this” I said, trying to reassure her.

When Beatrice reached up to us, she simply stood there looking at the small lid that was on the ground, making Anna get all surprised, looking from the giant high heels that were in front of us, up to the face of this gigantic woman up above at the distance, and slowly she squatted down in front of us, once again showing in all her might the gigantic monster of her crotch covered by her clothes but being clearly noticeable just above, this time, I could see a deeply blushing expression on Anna’s face as she was focusing her sight on the obvious monster that could eat us whole if it there was free up to the chances.

“Th-that is… that is…” Anna wanted to say something but she didn’t allow herself to even finish that sentence.

And as much as I kinda wanted to keep seeing her reaction to this situation, we were lifted up from the ground as the massive tweezers started to hold the lid we were both standing on.

Anna, for a moment, lose her footing and fell on her knees, as a matter of fact, she might have been taken by surprise, although the lid was going to take us completely safe, the sudden movement probably confused her sight and by a natural reaction, she tripped while trying to stay in equilibrium when it didn’t even need it at all.

That’s one of the first things the staff asked me about when I got to the complex for the first time, as it seemed to be a natural reaction for some people to feel disorientated, it seemed Anna was one of these people.

“Ugh… I can’t stand” Anna said, looking directly at the ground, as she saw through the transparent lid, seeing how we were basically rising up to the ‘sky’, and reaching face level to this goddess that literally had it in the palm of her hand.

Beatrice gave us a soft smile.

“It’s okay, you will get quickly used to it after a while” I said, patting my girlfriend’s back for a moment.

As in that moment, I received a call from Beatrice on my communication app.

“Hello there, how’s everything for Anna?” asked Beatrice, looking directly at us with a small grin.

I turned to see at my girlfriend who was basically trying to get herself up again.

“She’s managing… I think” I replied.

“Is she fine?” Beatrice asked, moving the lid, trying to look up closely, just barely being able to see the two small people she was holding.

Anna turned to see at the godly-like figure of the woman that was basically holding our lives, and then turned to see me with a helpless expression.

“N-Nathan… wh-what do I do…?” Anna turned to look back at Beatrice, saw her face looming above us, then saw the rest of her body, then turned back to look at me once again “Her boobs are HUGE!”

“Hahahahahahaha” Beatrice only laughed after hearing that all the way from my phone, suddenly the whole environment shifted as we were suddenly greeted by a giant pair of mountainous breasts basically in front of us.

Beatrice always used this same office-lady type of uniform, one that made sure to highlight all of her best features, and her breasts were not the exception, as these pair of mountains, covered by just a classic formal shirt and a black coat, while her coat was not fully covering her breasts either, just pronouncing them more as they were practically begging to be released by it, and even more, her light blue bra was slightly noticeable inside that formal t-shirt with all the small amounts of sweat Beatrice was holding unaware of it at all.

“You know you can always ride these if you want Anna, let’s call it a special service just for you~” Beatrice said with a seductive tone, showing off her incredibly large bosom to both of us…

(These are even bigger than Anna’s… you could practically get lost on them…)

Anna covered her facial expression with one of her hands, but I could clearly see some embarrassment in that reaction, the whole idea might have gotten deep inside her head, but a second thought made her reject that idea.

It seemed that she wanted to say something to Beatrice so I just approached my phone to her

“I’d lie if I said I didn’t want to uh… check you out… but right now… Clover is waiting for us, so I don’t wanna let her down, and uh… I mean… maybe another day or… uh…”

Beatrice laughed at the nervous reaction that Anna had.

“I knew you were a pervert, I was just messing with you” Beatrice said, lifting us once again in front of her face.

Anna’s face became as red as possible from blushing in just a second, totally regretting her own words.

“Ugh! Becks you idiot!” and with that last complaint from my girlfriend who just got exposed as a pervert, Beatrice got us to Anna’s room where it was Clover, practically waiting and sitting down awkwardly on Anna’s bed as she did.

“Uh… Nathan, I just noticed something” Anna turned to me, with an awkward expression.

“What is it?” I asked.

Anna pointed out to the nightstand of her room, there it was laying a small… black device.

“I think I got a bit too excited before shrinking down and forgot my phone there…” Anna said, a bit embarrassed by this fact.

My first thought was to laugh a bit at this attitude from my girlfriend who’s usually pretty serious about a lot of stuff, but seeing her being all excited and nervous from the whole shrinking experience just made me reassure her that it was okay.

“If anything we can both use my phone anyways” I said.

“Y-yeah… you’re right” she said.

“Here, I got the couple” Beatrice said as she got into the room, reaching up to Clover and asking her to reach out her hand, Clover doing it with a nervous expression.

Beatrice didn’t think twice and just tilted the lid on top of Clover’s hand, the whole ground for us completely moving as the lid's gravity properties got loose, making us fall almost instantly on top of Clover’s palm.

“Eeee!” Clover got surprised by this, watching the two small dots falling on her hand without any notice.

Beatrice simply turned around and left the room.

“They're all yours! Tell me whenever you guys stop playing!” Beatrice waved her hand as she shut the door right behind her.

“E-eh… I UH….” Clover turned to see the small dots on her palm.

As for both of us, we found ourselves in a gigantic palm around 500 feet in diameter, practically a surreal land, completely warm and soft.

“Ugh… I wasn’t expecting that” Anna said, recovering herself from the fall.

I turned to see up at the curious expression of this new goddess that had us in her possession.

Normally I’d be looking at Clover at a bit smaller level under my nose, but now, looking up at the sky, I could not even hold a normal conversation with her without breaking my neck by just trying to look at her.

“Yeah… me neither” I told Anna, being distracted by the sight in front of me.

It was weird if all, to watch this girl who usually is this quiet, weird, and annoying cute girl, being this whole godly figure, a titanic creature that literally had us on the palm of her hand.

“Sh-shouldn’t we call her?” asked Anna, getting by my side, and taking me out of my trance.

“O-oh! Yeah right!” I said, taking out my phone and calling Clover through the app.

Clover’s reaction when hearing the sound of her phone ringtone coming from her pocket completely startled her, searching for it with the hand she wasn’t using and answered the video call.

“H-hi Clover, I kinda forgot my phone so I’m gonna be using Nathan’s phone to also talk with you” Anna explained.

“Ah, y-yeah that’s alright… I was just uh…”

“Surprised by how small we are?” I asked.

“Y-yeah… I mean… I can tell it’s both of you but you really are…” Clover lifted her hand up close to her face, making Anna fall on her knees once again as we were basically under this girl’s face “But you’re so small… I lit could eat you both in just one gulp and not even taste you at all…”

As Clover said this, a small grin crossed her face “well actually…” she said, opening her mouth in front of us, suddenly showing me another one of these scenarios that you could only get to see when you’re as small as we are.

Her lips parted away, showing us a dark and deep cavern that was begging for something to eat, as her gigantic teeth separated in the process and a giant tongue monster greeted us, letting out a small scent of the chocolate that Clover probably e before coming here, and as drops of saliva that could practically b hundreds of galons for us, and this whole cave was approaching to us, trying to tell us we were going to be the next meal for this idiotic goddess that was standing right in front of us.

Then it suddenly closed.

Anna watching in some kind of instability state, getting excited by the giant monster that just threatened to eat her but also being totally curious about the whole experience she could be getting in there.

And as Clover’s lips closed, we were both shaken by this sudden heavy teasing that this girl just gave the two of us.

“Just kidding~” Clover said, her lips separating as she spoke, all the time holding some sort of devilish grin on her face.

Suddenly, an idea crossed my head, knowing what this girl was all into, knowing her deep love for size fetishism and size scenarios, knowing how much she loved all those stories and porn about giant people teasing tinies with their gigantic bodies… this girl knew exactly what she was doing, or more or less, she could project some of those ideas into us and tease with us at the same time, making her, probably one of the scariest people to be around when being tiny.

I gulped some saliva just by thinking how scary and good at it this stupid girl could be, maybe the only thing she could be an expert at.

Anna approached to my phone “Umm… Clover… I know that was all teasing and all, but I kinda am getting a bit dizzy from trying to stand on top of your hand… you’re shaking too much…”

Anna realized something that I did not, but in fact, Clover was trembling a bit, all probably because of nervousness from this situation.

(Ah, I see, even if Clover could come up with some of these size scenario ideas, it doesn’t mean she is not getting nervous from all of this… I mean, after all, taking care of tinies might be one hell of a big deal for someone who actually has never treated with them anytime before)

“S-sorry! Let me just uh… put you somewhere more uh… stable” Clover said as she was looking for somewhere to put us, then noticing the nightstand beside Anna’s bed might be the best place to drop us onto, literally sprinkling us out in the not so soft surface that was it.

Once we landed, Anna practically got surprised by the literal small amount of pain she got from being dropped out from at least a 100 ft. tall, wondering if there was any way a tiny could actually take real pain from being treated harshly at all.

Clover was now looming over us as her shadow was basically all over the nightstand, her face was also taking most of our field vision of what was in front of us, literally if you were to watch this from a normal perspective, it would only be Clover looking these two millimeter dots that stood there in front of her gigantic face by comparison with it.

“I was thinking… if this whole thing you’re doing is to make me try to find myself comfortable with being pampered and pleased by others... and thinking that I am a literal giant goddess compared to you… only thing I can think of is…” Clover started to doubt if to finish that sentence.

“It’s okay! Whatever it is, I think we can handle it! Right, Nathan?!” Anna exclaimed, making a sort of determined expression.

“Ah? Oh, yeah!” I replied.

Clover bit her lower lip, a bit embarrassed by the request she had in mind.

“Well… since there’s two of you.. I figured you guys could uh… clean my feet… or at least try and clean small details that I wouldn’t notice! I-I mean, there’s some dirt for sure between my fingers that could easily be taken by people as small as you! And that way I can toy with both of you and… and…”

“Okay then! We’ll do it!” Anna exclaimed once again, although this time she was doubting her own words after saying them.

I turned surprised to look at my girlfriend, being all nervous about this, then she turned out to look at me and grabbed my arm with some blushing that started to appear on her face.

“L-Let's do it…” she said nervously.

I nodded, internally regretting this, but thinking about why we were doing this.

(If something like this kind of stupid idea is something that could help Clover to help herself, then might as well try it out and check any results that might come from this)

“A-are you guys sure about this?!” Clover complained.

“Yes, totally!” But Anna stayed with Clover's plan.

“O-Okay… lemme just uh…” Clover then, without any notice, simply licked two of her right-hand fingers with one single lick, and moved said fingers towards us, it was all so sudden and quick that we weren’t even able to run, as we got stuck to the fingers of this gigantic girl.

And while we were being captured by the sticky saliva on her fingers, Clover simply got herself on the floor of Anna’s room, laying there as she slowly start taking out her socks.

A single but small grin crossed her lips, as well as some small blush while looking at the two tiny people that were literally trapped against her fingers.

“Ehe~” a small but soft laugh escaped from her lips.

End Notes:

Thanks for reading this far! if you're liking the story so far make sure to leave a review :D

Clover's precious time - part 2 by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This chapter features foot play

It is a really strange concept to think about this, the feet measurement was made in base on the average size of a foot, which also fitted with the conversion to inches, it’s a strange measurement indeed… but how can you tell a foot is a foot tall? People have different foot sizes after all… although… even if it’s the case… you can tell that a foot should be around the size of one foot tall… so, you could tell anyone, even Clover’s feet are one foot tall… but as for us, one of Clover’s feet was larger than any building that you have ever seen...

Clover herself did the calculations and proudly said once in the complex “a single foot would be larger than a 32-story building” so even if you wanted to climb something like a single human foot, it would take you hours without any rest, maybe even a day and some more, and that if the person to say wasn’t moving at all.

Clover knew all this, but she still wanted to tease us with one of these gigantic feet, dropping us directly on the cold ground after sitting herself down and dropping us both just in front of this gigantic building that was her foot.

If only an egg vibrator took me a couple of minutes to explore and get only to the center of it while using an elevator…

If climbing one boob was enough to tire me the hell out and drop out of tiredness to sleep 16 hours after even taking a shortcut…

Climbing something like this would have to take literal hours with no stop… the only thought was tiring my arms just by thinking about it.

“Is… massive… is just… I can’t believe it…” Anna was looking at this foot with a speechless expression, the only thing she could say was the obvious thing, and the obvious thing was that this girl’s feet were fucking gigantic in any kind of concept you could even think about.

Clover’s feet started wriggling a little, getting nervous by showing us such a fetishized piece of her body, Clover was embarrassed by this and her body language was clearly showing us that, seeing the wrinkles on her feet basically colliding up and down constantly, liberating as well a scent that was definitely what you could guess, a foot smell.

Although it didn’t stink so to say, it seemed that Clover took good care of her feet, since they weren’t dry at all and you could practically smell rests from deodorants and skin care creams that she might be using.

Anna got closer to this foot and practically hugged it.

“I don’t know why but this is just welcoming for me…” Anna said, patting slowly the sole of Clover’s gigantic foot.

I showed this image through the camera to Clover.

“Ugh… stop, that’s embarrassing…” she said, blushing.

“You don’t expect us to be climbing this thing do you…?” I asked.

“This thing?! How rude! They are my feet you know?! And I take real care of them… that’s why I’m not asking you guys to clean all my sole! Just between my toes… and of course, I wasn’t planning on letting you climb them! I’d get bored as fuck if I did!”


“Th-Then why did you drop us down here?” Anna asked the real question here.

I saw a small grin on Clover’s face.

“Well I just wanted to toy a bit with both of you ehe…” as Clover said this, we could see how suddenly her giant right foot raised up to the sky, showing in the process her gigantic and impossibly long as hell of a leg, showing her inner thighs in the process as her skirt was getting lift up by this ‘small’ action, and showing her panties at the distance as she did so.

The next thing I saw was this monolithic foot… coming right at us in just an instant.

“AAAHHH!!!” Anna screamed as she saw the monster coming for us.

A sudden big hit, a really tight sensation, a dark humid, warm and dark environment… We were both pinned down by Clover’s gigantic foot, completely squished under her foot, with no way to move, just being trapped again by the floor and this soft sensation.

“Ehehe… I can’t believe it… you guys are totally under just one single foot…” I could still hear Clover’s voice through my phone, but I couldn’t even move my jaw to answer something.

“Hmmmpphhhmm!” A muffled sound came from me.

“Hmppphh!!!” And also Anna’s muffled sounds came along nearby.

“Hehehe… are my feet that breath-taking? You guys only need to relax there, enjoy the ‘feet massage’ that I can give you here~” after making a terrible pun, the whole ground started moving, as the giant foot only proceed to rub us to the ground, a squishy sensation was all that I could take, unaware of this, Clover was actually pressing every part of my body in a tight way that almost felt intoxicating… I was practically drenched in her sweat in less than a second, being grinned against her soft skin as she moved her foot from left to right, to front and back, just barely using her heel to move us everywhere…

“Hnn… it feels nice… to know that you two are there… I hope it’s at least pleasant” Clover said, probably with a blushing devilish smile on her face.

And Clover was not wrong, it was a bit pleasant, though you could not say it was the best massage or experience ever… if anything it was hotter than a sauna but softer than some other stuff, and the slight scent of her skincare products and creams on her feet that were actually making it a bit comfortable to say.

But feeling something so big, making pressure all over my body, even feeling my dick getting practically pressed hard… being toyed so hard was actually getting me a bit excited overall, even if her intentions were to give us a weirdly enough full body massage, the roughness in her playing actually made me feel tired already just from getting squished against this giant sole.

Clover slowly lifted her foot from the ground, making me slowly get peeled off from her skin, falling on my back while heavily breathing from this quick experience that I just had, while slowly at my side, watching my girlfriend also falling on her back, and turning to look at her, I saw her also heavily breathing with a heavy blush on her face, while holding her boobs with both hands forming an ‘X’ with her arms, as if she was trying to protect them.

“That… huf…. Huff… was intense…” Anna said, massaging her own body, getting all flustered by it.

My only guess was that Clover, also unaware of it, gave Anna a boob massage so intense that she couldn’t handle it… but somehow, Anna seemed that she actually kind of enjoyed this, but so as I was, we were both really tired just from this.

Clover saw our reactions to this and for a moment she felt a bit guilty about it, but we reassured her that it was totally okay since we agreed to this from the beginning.





We took some short time to rest and talk with each other, explaining a bit to Clover this sudden experience with her feet, we exchanged some talk with her as she also told us that she was actually nervous about all of this though we already knew that, but after a while and once we rested enough, we were each of us taken back to the main task, cleaning in between Clover’s toes…

Clover took us one separately, taking me and putting me between her Big toe and her index toe from her left foot, already getting there I noticed something.

(HER TOES ARE HUGE!) was what I thought

I found myself dwarfed by just some toes, looking at both of my sides I could literally only see giant walls of flesh surrounding me, and the space between them even if was a bit big for my size, was clearly obvious to me that Clover could literally squish me in between them at any moment, and the simple thought of it made me shiver.

I looked around me but just as what Clover said, both of her feet were pretty much clean already, making me appreciate a bit more that she is not giving us such a big of a task but simply looking around me, I didn’t know what to clean exactly… is like giving a rather useless task to someone who was prepared for an inferno.

I saw Clover dropping Anna on her other foot at the distance, it was probably rather amusing for Clover the idea of having two people taking care of her feet, that might be the approach we needed for all that pampering material that she would enjoy, but thinking it as a matter of shrinking people to let them take care of your feet was actually a really weird idea coming from Clover… and probably Anna too because she was the one who wanted this shrinking…

(But I bet they’re both enjoying themselves) I thought.

And just as if I was being watched, I could hear a scream coming from my phone.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” A sudden squish got me, and being instantly squished between her toes took me by surprise as her toes started rubbing each other and quickly getting me all messed up in just an instant, then being released as fast as it come.

“Ugh… what was that for?!” I exclaimed.

“I can see you’re not working at all! I don’t allow lazy insolents when they are even allowed to enjoy my feet!” Clover exclaimed, followed by a sudden second wave of squishing and rubbing.

“Agh… But what do you expect me to do?! You already cleaned these feet more than enough, that the only thing you might need is just put them in water or something!” I complained.

“Well... then do it” Clover said, with a bit of an embarrassment in her tone.

“Do it?” I asked confused.

“Yeah, clean it wet” she said.

“How do you expect me to…”

“Lick it…”


Clover once again squished her toes together, the pressure making it really tight for me, rubbing me against her toes as she did “I’m telling you to lick between my toes, wasn’t I clear?!” squishing me again and again, Clover seemed to be actually enjoying of putting me in such a harsh spot.

Clover released me from that struggle, letting me fall in between her toes once again, then as I was recovering myself.

“And just so I can confirm it, you have to show me…”


“Put the camera on, I wanna see you actually getting to do your job properly, otherwise…” Clover started to wiggle her toes just a bit, but just a bit was more than enough for me to look at them move like crazy, menacingly and threatening to squish me once again.

“Fine…” I said, complying with her request by putting the camera to a side, getting myself on my knees… and starting to lick the surface that I was standing on

“Hn!” A small gasp of happiness was released from Clover’s lips (she’s definitely fucking enjoying this, the nerve of this girl…)

I kept licking while hearing Clover getting a bit excited there, could even see her in the distance, taking her hand in front of her skirt and starting to tease herself a bit with this powerful feeling she had over me, probably starting to get aroused by this.

“And you don’t dare to be lazy either Anna, you have to work too!” said Clover, while looking at both of her feet and wriggling her toes with a devilish smile.

I manage to keep working at Clover’s toe gaps, licking constantly would leave my tongue dry for some moments, so I took some pauses to clean with my bare hands, rubbing her skin and trying to at least make sure her skin looked better than before, even if it was a minimal change, I was kind of proud of how much I managed to do.

And after finishing with one gap between her toes, I had to move to the next one, this being a really difficult task alone as I had to move from one toe to the other, practically avoiding falling this 32-story building foot… and avoiding the regular wriggling of her toes that Clover did from time to time.

Taking around 20 to 30 minutes to barely clean in between her toes, I managed to clean them all, or at least the general surface of it, a really demanding task if you ask me.

As for Anna, it seemed that she also managed to clean at some point but didn’t get to finish in time.

And what was our goddess doing while we were both killing our backs working on her feet? She barely was paying us any attention at this point, just looking at our general direction from time to time but mostly checking on her phone, even ignoring a few of my comments on the call we still had.

“Hnn… huff… huff…” some soft groans of pleasure were coming from the gigantic goddess that was literally just toying with us at this point, still looking at the screen on her phone all the time, while slowly moving her other hand over her waist, sliding it slowly under her skirt and most probably her panties as well.

(I can’t believe this… she’s fucking masturbating…)

The sudden realization came to me as I got to know what she was doing all this time.

She was fucking watching porn on her phone or more than it, she was most likely getting off with the idea of the size difference that we had at this point, the general size difference was her main focus, she didn’t care if she was the giant, in this case, she only cared to have this difference in size, enough to look up for some lewd content on the internet and starting to wander on her own thoughts… the idiot.

It was most likely that after waiting for so long for us to finish, at some point she got tired or bored of it and started scrolling on her phone to look up some other stuff, the nerve on this girl being totally in another world.

 And to get her out of this stupid trance she was on I had to just keep telling her that I was done with her toes through the phone, and after like ten tries she got back to reality, suddenly taking out her hand from inside her skirt and replying nervously with something like “wh-what a good job you have done! Yes, I can see that!” while clearly not looking at the hard job I have done, like her mind was totally into the idea that we worked ourselves pretty hard but she only wanted to have the image on her head and didn’t care for the results at all.

And as bad as her acting was for this, she simply licked one of her fingers, not even noticing it was the same hand she was just touching herself with just some seconds ago, took said fingers in our direction and sticking both of us to them just like before, covered in a combination of smells here while getting ourselves closer to her face, and with a heavy blush on her face, she simply saw the two tiny dots on her fingers, and whatever she was looking at just a while ago just gave her heavy ideas on her head that was clearly slipping out in that happy expression she had just by looking at us.

“Y-you know guys I uh… Am kind of excited… and I know you guys said you were kind of going for the ride here so… I hope you guys don’t mind if I… use you both to kind of… you know…” Clover looked at us with a really perverted expression on her face “wh-what I’m even saying, of course, you guys wouldn’t want to get involve in…”

“I-I actually do!” Anna suddenly screamed, being able to be heard through my phone.

Clover stopped there, and looked at the tiny Anna that was on top of her finger, getting slowly released from the stickiness of her finger.

“Wh-what? No, there’s no way I heard that correctly because I mean…”

“I said I want to Clover… I-I mean… if you’re not against the idea Nathan or that you umm… oh shit I should have thought my words sooner” Anna got a sudden realization that she said something that could be considered a bit insensitive with me, but as a matter of fact, I wasn’t bothered at all by this.

“No, it’s okay Anna, I get you, I mean, I really understand it even if you were kind of trying to hide it, you’re really enjoying this whole experience so far, and I’m happy that you’re doing it because I can really see you smiling while doing all this… and I mean you are kind of curious, so it’s totally okay on my part if you want to do some fun with Clover” I reassured my girlfriend, as a matter of fact, I was supporting this situation from the very start, it could be a help for both Anna and Clover at the end so there was no reason for me to be against this.

Anna went over to me and hugged me.

“Thank you, I love you so much!” Anna said, then kissing my cheek.

“You know you are still covered on Clover’s saliva”

“I know…” Anna said, getting a bit embarrassed again.

Clover looked at us with a soft smile.

“So… is it really okay for me to… uh?” Clover asked.

“Yes, it’s totally okay, you may be able to use both of us Clover… I mean, I was actually kinda expecting for you to do something like that at the end so…”

“O-Okay then! I-I promise there won’t be any kind of insertion or such, just a light foreplay that’s all…” Clover said.

“R-right” Anna replied.

“Wait, I’m also into this?” I asked confused.

“Well, duh?” both of them said with a perplexed expressions.

I let out a small sigh as the two girls just laughed at my reaction for a moment, then Clover took her almost serious expression back, still blushing all this time as she did so.

And as we both were standing on Clover’s sticky fingers, the giant girl took a look at us with a brief smile while totally blushing, her cheeks all red and I didn’t even wanted to know why she was blushing now, but even if I didn’t want to know, she just straight explained her plan.

“Okay, so this is how we’re gonna do it… I’m going to play with both of you… and I um…” Clover tried to explain herself without any hesitation in her tone but her nervous expression was telling us otherwise “I’m gonna put Anna inside my panties… so she can play with my clit… I mean you’re a girl after all, you might be able to get how to work with it… and as for Nathan, I’m gonna put him… inside my bra… and you better fucking make my nipple feel you…” Clover said, biting her lower lip just at the perverted idea she just let out.

Anna started looking down, trying to reach out with her eyes at the skirt that was just all the way down, and getting all red just by the idea of this.

“Omg… her clit is surely going to be enormous… I… I… how should I even start? Should I lick it? Wait no, bit it? Use my whole body?!” she started having a discussion with herself, being overwhelmed with such a task not knowing how it is going to go.

“And I’m going to…” I saw at the giant chest that was Clover’s boobs… and between all the giant girls I’ve seen so far, she was the smallest between all of them, not meaning that she had small boobs at all though, but looking at her B cups standing right there in front of me, a flashback from last week came back to my mind “Well… I’m ready for it then…”

Clover dedicated us a sweet but devilish grin.

“Well then, be prepared hehe…” as she suddenly took us both in different directions “because I’m gonna enjoy this myself…” and as one finger with a tiny Anna entered her panties, Clover let out a small gasp of excitement.

End Notes:

As always, I hope you're liking the story so far!
if you do, leave a review with your opinions of the story so far

Clover's precious time - part 3 by TinyEd
Author's Notes:
Another chapter for Clover's body adventures, this one is based on nipple interaction mostly, hope you like it

It is rather amusing, if not, to say the least, the experience of being shrunk down and getting to be in contact with a person of normal size and interacting with them at said size.

I’ve known Clover for a good while now, as the idiotic girl with some weird attitudes and who never wants to leave her comfort zone, that girl whose just a bit shorter than me and I could keep mocking her on and on about it all the time.

But this girl was now towering over me, although the towering would still be keeping it short when looking directly at her.

This girl was sitting on the ground and laying against Anna’s bed while she was practically holding my whole self just on the tip of one of her fingers, and not so far from me, was Anna, now crossing from the finger on one of Clover’s hands, right to the other one.

Clover was taking Anna on a small “trip” as to how this was going, placing her on the tip of her finger as she just took her all the way down to the area of her waist and hips, her hand making some movements to try and avoid tilting too much, while opening an entrance that revealed some white panties and a very dark place that already was radiating some warmth from it, letting Anna feel just how intense that place actually was, looking directly at this abyss that was just in front of her, and in just a small fraction of time, Clover took her fingers inside her panties, taking Anna along with it and making the girl that is my girlfriend completely getting lost inside this girl’s panties.

“Hnnnn… that will hit the spot right there… all safe and sound just around my clit…” Clover said and I turned up to look at her while she was holding this devilish smile and looking down at her panties as if she committed a sweet crime, then she let them go with a sudden snap, trapping the landlord lady against her own tenant’s privates.

Clover let out a soft giggle as she suddenly turned to look at me, the guy who was still standing on her fingertip.

“And now for you, my tiny little hot idiot…” The ground shook as she moved me toward her face, traveling hundreds of feet in a matter of a second, almost making me fall on my back more than once as she did so.

As I recovered myself from getting all dizzy at that moment, I was suddenly greeted by a pair of giant squishy lips, smiling up at me, a smile that could literally devour entire buildings without even bothering, a thought that crossed my mind and that made me got all flustered for some random reason.

“How you doing Nathan, did you enjoy that last experience with my foot from before?” Clover asked, showing a clear image of the inside of her mouth each time she let out any word from those soft lips of hers.

“…” My mind was completely shaken by the image, thinking that this goddess’s mouth was actually Clover’s just made me get completely lost in my thoughts.

“What is it Nathan, did the cat cut your tongue?” she said with another devilish smile “Well don’t worry about it then, I have plenty of tongue for you if that’s the problem” and with that, Clover unleashed the monster, a gigantic and viscous reddish serpent went out of the gigantic cavern, making a quick movement around the lips, Clover licking her own lips, ending with a smile that turned into a biting of her lower lip, just looking at the prey on her hand, a tiny little dot that could easily disappear inside of her mouth, me.

“D-didn’t you say s-something about t-taking me to your nipples?” A strong reaction from fear was all over my body, scared just by thinking of what could even possibly happen to me if I even got inside this gigantic cave that was Clover’s mouth, as I have seen tons of foods disappearing in said mouth.

This girl had an extreme appetite for both any kinds of food and for any kind of lewd content for herself… so there is without a doubt the possibility of Clover not even thinking once, of just completely swallowing me and letting me ‘enjoy’ to the full the track of her body.

It was that big of a fear that was caused in me, that I had to reply while asking about that other part of Clover’s body that I had yet to explore and that she announced just a while that should be my ‘task’ in pleasing her.

“Oh, you’re right! I got just distracted with that girlfriend of yours that I almost forgot what the plan was from the beginning” as Clover said that, she moved her hand away from her mouth, letting me sigh of relief as she did so, but suddenly realized what have I gotten myself into as I was approaching to my next destination, her breasts.

Clover always had this style in which she would be using a crop top, and on top of that any random shirt that she might found in her closet that morning, a thing that would not usually bother me but here and right now, it was different since I was going to get inside this clothes that usually won’t be bothering me, but now, they would be covering completely my whole world and letting me sink into darkness.

“You have five minutes to make my nipple get erect, and if you fail, I will definitely eat you” Clover said, letting out a short giggle after that, making me realize that she knew the game she was playing with me once again, and my fear just incremented as I saw her other hand came by and opening a small space for her hand that I was standing on to get in.

And just like Anna was presented with a small abyss on Clover’s panties… what I saw was a canyon of boobs, hundreds of feet of falling distance, and a big possibility of simply getting lost on this girl’s boobs.

“Well then, good luck~” and without any regret or remorse, Clover simply dropped me on a really high spot of her left breast, taking her clothes back to normal as I was suddenly sliding down the hill that was created by such a big mass from these soft breasts, getting down and down with no breaks at all, seeing directly the bra that was holding this two mountains, and passing down the entrance, sliding down all the way to a ‘that small bump’ that stopped my ride, not giving me too much to guess that I had landed on top of Clover’s left nipple.

I almost fell upfront and continued to fall to who knows where, but there was this small bump from one of her wrinkles that helped me stop in time, taking in mind that her nipple was indeed not erect at all or if so,  just barely if anything.

“Have you gotten to my little nipple yet?” Clover asked in a seductive voice as I was recovering myself from that sliding.

“I just did… I think” I said, completely overwhelmed by the darkness and warmth that I was getting in this place.

“Okay then, you have five minutes, starting from this moment” she teased.

“Wait, you were serious about it?!” I asked, practically screaming at my phone at that moment.

“Come on Nathan… Would I even lie about taking you on a trip inside me? I so wanna eat you and let you record the whole process, geez I could even make Anna try to save you on a rescue mission or something… hehehe…”

(She’s crazy… no, she’s insane) was all that my mind could think of as an answer to this statement.

I rushed my way to try and please the nipple that was under me, tried all that I could, punching her, licking her, biting her with all my might, and getting a small reaction from it but her nipple was way far from getting erected any time soon.

I even recorded myself for her, trying to please her nipple with all that I could, just to avoid a bigger event with her mouth.

And I could definitely hear Clover getting aroused by this situation, starting to moan softly, while suddenly groping her right breast, as I saw the neighbor mountain getting completely demolished by the hands of this devilish goddess who was starving for some lewd size interactions, but even like that, her nipple was not getting hard erect, just a bit more than before after all that effort.

(How I am supposed to make this monument get hard at all in five minutes?! Does Clover realize that her nipples are bigger than a small building to me?!) And that’s when an idea hit me.

I grabbed onto Clover’s nipple skin, making my way down, to that place where it could easily lead me to a really stupid idea or an actual brilliant way to get this done.

“Hey Clover, do you have any room open for this complex?” I asked in the dumbest way possible, showing myself on a video on this call.

What was in front of me, was the entrance to Clover’s nipple milk duct, big enough to try to make my way inside and get myself to be felt even more by this starving goddess.

“wh-what are you doing?!” she asked in a completely nervous state.

“Oh, just saw this entrance to the building that is your nipple, thinking there could be room inside and all that you know”

“St-stop right there you idiot! Don’t do what I think you’re trying to do!” she exclaimed.

“…” and with some silence, I forced one hand inside.

“N-Nathan, I’m telling you to stop!” the lantern of my phone was making a clear vision of what I was doing at that moment, and with the exact image on Clover’s head, I got a small reaction from this, her nipple getting a bit more erect just by this simple action.

“Sorry but, your nipple is just so big, it’s inviting me to get inside” I said.

“S-STOP! I WON'T EAT YOU SO STOP DOING THAT!” Clover panicked at the perverted image and thought of her friend basically about to force his way inside of her nipple, sending a contradictory message by making her nipple more erect, making even more room to be able to get inside.

I pushed my phone with my other hand and slipped it with my hand inside the nipple duct.

“Oh, it’s really warm and cozy in here” I said, upper torso almost inside, and as much as I was planning to get inside anyways.

“Ah! S-stop… Hnnggg…. This feeling…. I HATE YOU SO MUCH!” while saying so, I could feel her nipple growing in size around me, suddenly moving my whole body, almost getting fully inside the gigantic nipple.

“Ghh… it´s getting cramp suddenly” I complained.

Then suddenly, an intense earthquake invaded the whole place.

“Hnnng… This is only your fault idiot! Hhnnngg… how are you so fucking small to get inside my nipple hole… that´s so fucking hot… Hnnnnggg!” Clover was now, groping her left breast, shaking my whole environment constantly as the walls inside of her nipple were just hugging me in place, getting me stuck in place as I struggled from keeping my head calm, getting completely dizzy by this sudden experience.

Clover groped her own breasts while shaking my world, pinched her nipples and squishing me in the process, started touching herself and moaned from the pleasure from time to time, while I could only hear her through the phone, being completely overwhelmed by her quick heartbeat sounding at the distance.

With my body shaking all over the place, making me feel completely dizzy, and the fact that I couldn't do anything at all to help myself get free from the giant nipple in this state, it all made me pass out in just a moment.




It passed around eight or ten minutes until I got woken up again, it was all because of a certain idiot calling me out constantly throughout the call.

“Nathan please wake up! Please don’t die on me! I don´t wanna explain to the authorities that you died trying to please my nipple!”

It all seemed to have calmed down since she wasn’t violently shaking and groping her breasts like before, and her tone of voice told me that she might have already cum a while ago and started to recover her senses back.

“Ugh… shut up, I’m not dead idiot” I claimed, waking up still trapped halfway inside on her nipple.

“Oh thank god you´re alive…” She said.

“You know as tinies we are practically invulnerable… you got rough on purpose because of that same reason didn’t you?”

“Ehehe… I guess so…” Clover said with some kind of embarrassment “Can you get out though? It feels weird having a tiny person trapped inside my nipple..”

“Sure… let me just…” I tried getting myself out, but it seemed that the whole place compressed a bit…

“Umm… Clover… is your nipple… erected?”

“It’s… not? It passed a while and I got a bit… calmer?”

“Please pinch your nipple, I’m kinda stuck here…”

“Pervert… asking a girl to pinch her nipples for you” She said with a despective tone.

“Aren’t you the one who asked me to please this nipple?! You knew that should be an impossible task for me at this size and you still asked for it, you damm pervert!”

“I-I’m sorry…” Clover said with an embarrassed expression “but hearing you complain while being inside my nipple.. while I’m pinching myself to get it erected… it’s kinda… lewd…” she got all red while letting out this comment that I didn’t need to know at all.

And as her nipple got erected once again, I was able to move once again, getting myself out as soon as Clover stopped playing softly with it.

“Ugh… that was something…” I said.

“Please don’t do it again…” Clover said with an embarrassed expression “I might not have too much sensible nipples but that sure was something hard to deal with…”

(Don't do it again? Is she expecting me to shrink for her another time…?)

“Anyways, if you think this should be it, you can take Anna back and we can call Be…”

“UMMM ABOUT THAT!” Clover seemed like she was bothered by something.

“What is it?” I asked.

“So I tried to take her back from my clit after I ended up… ahem… you know…”

“Masturbating with two tinies on your body?”

“Y-yeah, that…” Clover glanced at me with embarrassment “so the thing is… I wasn’t able to find her when I tried to search for her on my pussy… and she has no way of communicating with… and so umm… I think I know where she is…” Clover looked at me with a heavy blush on her face.

“You don’t mean…”


“Is she in your…?”

“Yeah…” Clover turned to see another direction.

“How do you know? It could be that…”

“I can feel her moving in there… it’s a bit ticklish but whenever I try to reach her… I just can’t find her…” and the whole miscommunication is a problem, I can’t reach to her…”

I knew where this was going, Clover also seemed to realize to the same conclusion as me, so it was clear that there was no reason for me to avoid the topic.

“So… Do you know it’s only one thing we can do right…?”


And as if we were thinking similarly, we both blurred it out

“Getting to a doctor to check you up and take her out”

“Sending you to a rescue mission”


After that there was silence

“What did you say…?” I asked.






“The amount of pleading just to avoid getting embarrassed by going to the doctor… don’t you have shame? Aren’t you embarrassed about letting a guy literally getting inside your vagina?!”

Clover looked away, avoiding eye contact even though it was practically impossible for her eyes to meet with mine.

I let out a sigh.

“Okay… I’ll do it…” marking that statement out, and with it, preparing myself mentally to what was next…

I hate how dumb this girl… so much…

End Notes:

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Clover's precious time - part 4 by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This one is a bit of a long one, mostly focused on insertion, I hope you like it

One guy once said ‘this world has many wonders to be explored, so we better try and explore this world’ or probably something among those lines I’m not really sure about it, my mind just cannot think straight when it comes to this kind of things, and I mean, this world indeed has many wonders to be explored out there but this is… just a bit too extreme in many ways than I can even think about.

Around me, a pair of pillars of flesh that went up to the sky, Clover’s thighs were basically in opposite directions while trying to make as much separation as possible without trying to get herself in some uncomfortable position while doing so.

In front of me, a giant hand and some giant fingers that even if they weren’t as large as those pillars that were her legs, were still big enough for a guy like me, who doesn’t even stand more than one millimeter in size, making a real general view of myself as a small dot that could be recognized as a human shape.

And behind that hand, one of the wonders of this world that are going to be explored but definitely shouldn’t be, in more than many ways, Clover’s pussy, a giant monster that was being ‘controlled’ by the gigantic hand by trying to spread the lips of her labia, revealing to me an utmost exciting and erotic view… as Clover was basically spreading the lips of her vagina, allowing a more intense examination of her privates while I was trying to actually check for Anna, to try to locate if she was actually in the outside of them, but just as Clover said, it was probably that she was inside… ‘there’.

“Yeah, I can’t see her on the outside, guess I will have to actually get in…” I said.

“Hnnnn… this is so embarrassing…” Clover said, with a really anguished expression.

“Oh believe me it’s more embarrassing for me, having to look up at such a gigantic pussy literally exposing to my…”

“Okay okay! I get it! If you get the image in my head I won’t be able to hold myself so stop describing it and just get inside!” Clover exclaimed with an obviously embarrassed expression.

I looked at the giant intimate cave dangling on top of me, way out of my reach, with the only way to get all the way up there being climbing the point where her butt cheeks were meeting with the ground and climbing all the way from there, passing through all the of her labia majora, then reaching the folds of the labia minora, then reaching the actual opening of her vagina… all the time she should be holding her position and her lips in place, for around… half an hour if my calculations were right.

(Yeah, there’s no way I’m doing that!)

“Even if you say that… it’s gonna be really hard for me to… you know… climb up there…” I said trying to explain to Clover without giving her too much detail.

I could hear a groan of annoyance from her.

“Ugh! Fine I get it! I’ll take you inside myself…” she said, her face blushing red and clear to see through the screen on my phone and also the gigantic figure up in the sky.

After Clover said this, I saw her doing ‘that’ once again, licking her finger to get a considerable amount of saliva on it, and reaching my tiny body with the ginormous digit that was her finger, pressing my body to the ground, making sure I have gotten stuck to it, and then transporting my whole body several feet up above, reaching in just a second that scary looking cave that was the entrance of her vagina.

Clover inserted her finger inside herself, releasing a soft groan when doing so, pressing me against the inner walls of her pussy, then trying to slide me so I would get unstuck to her finger.

The first thing that I could feel at that moment was the sudden pressure against a fleshy wall that was gooey and warm… and besides that, it was the smell, a strong aroma that filled the air with lust and carnal desires, so strong that just by taking it in I could know instantly that the heavy amount of pheromones made my whole body feel light and dizzy.

Being inside this place was making me horny by any means, it didn’t matter what you could do, just being inside could make you get lost in here…

“I must stay focus…” I said to myself in a low voice as I was practically sliding down the walls until I reached a decent ground to stay on foot.

“I will look out for her then, try keeping your lips spread open… otherwise I won’t be able to see in here… and also… I need external air just to keep myself sane…”

“Idiot… Don’t say such mean things please…” Clover claimed.

I started screaming for Anna’s name, as my first instinct, but as a matter of fact, it would be rather difficult to find her on the first try, and since we already searched for her on the external sides of the pussy, I started walking deep inside, trying to look out for my girlfriend.

“Anna! Are you here?!” I exclaimed, each step struggling with the fluids from Clover’s insides, all of it was really gooey, making it hard to walk inside as each time I took a step it was as if my feet were getting stuck to the inside walls of Clover’s pussy.

(Just thinking that was something I have struggling with was also a big consequence on my own)

“Clover… can you keep me distracted here? I’m struggling a bit with your… pheromones…”

“Ugh… idiot, I literally am also struggling here! How often do you think a guy can see the insides of my pussy like this?! It’s so embarrassing and immoral… is really a turn on and I…” as Clover said that I could definitely feel the walls around me moving a bit, maybe even clenching a bit if it wasn’t for the fact that Clover was keeping her pussy spread “UGH! I ALSO HAVE TO FOCUS HERE DON’T YOU SEE?!”

“Sorry, my bad… I’ll try to endure it…” I replied.

Trying to keep myself focused on something that wasn't the warmth of Clover’s sex… I tried to cover my mouth and nose, trying to filter as much of the pheromones as I could, but even like that, the smell of sex was as strong as you could imagine when being inside a sex organ.

“Anna!” I kept screaming, trying to look out for my girlfriend, when I suddenly could hear a faint “here…” deeper inside.

As soon as I realized I heard Anna deeper inside, I ran towards where I heard the faint voice, struggling with my footing but managing to get deeper and deeper but losing any light that could have even been given to me from the entrance of Clover’s vagina, turning on the light on my phone and keep running as I did so.

Then I found her, laying on the ground and completely covered by Clover’s fluids, Anna turned to look at me with a heavy red blushing and embarrassed expression, with her lower body completely naked.

“Oh my god! Anna you’re here!”

“Hehe… Hi Nathan…” Said Anna, with a very tiresome tone of voice that revealed a peculiar happiness on it.

“D-Did you actually find her?” asked Clover through the phone.

“Yeah! I’m taking her out now!” I said.

“S-sure!” replied Clover.

I didn’t ask any questions to Anna as to why she was naked from her lower body, but I helped her get on her feet, acting as a support for her and using my strength to walk her back.

But it didn't take more than two steps to be completely soaked by the fluids that were covering Anna as she leaned onto me.

“Hehe… I really am sorry… you’re trying to help me but I’m finding it really hard to move” Anna said to me, trying to apologize but still sounding as if she actually didn't care about being a weight for me.

“You’re completely covered on Clover's…?”

“Yeah… she masturbated really intensely just a while ago… it was really rough…”

“I’m so sorry I-” Clover tried to say something but was interrupted.

“Don’t be sorry… this is exactly what we were here for…” Anna said, trying to keep her cool with Clover “It's great that you allowed yourself to get pleasure from others… so I would say that is a really big progress…”

As I helped Anna to walk with me, I saw her smile sweetly, a classic reaction from her.

“Even so, I'm sorry… I should have noticed…”

“It’s okay… I actually enjoyed it too… it was really rough but god the environment here is intense and it makes you a slave of sexual desires…” Anna said, explaining the obvious situation about the inside of Clover’s pussy that I also had been experimenting with for a while.

Usually, when inserting a partner inside a place that is usually really intimate, the secretion of pheromones could affect really intense to any shrunken person, so for these kinds of situations and for size technology, in general, there were invented different kinds of equipment that Anna mentioned last week, one of them allows you to travel without getting hit by the pheromones as strong as this…

I saw Anna who kept blushing all this time, realized that her libido must be on the skies right now and that’s why her lower body was practically naked…

(Did Anna masturbate inside Clover…)

“That being said…” Anna practically didn’t have to do much, as the weight that I was carrying was more than enough to stop me, she hold me back for a moment that I wasn't expecting, and without any notice, I tripped and fell on the ground in front of me, meeting face first against the internal walls of Clover’s pussy, getting my whole face covered with her fluids.

“Ugh, what was that for?” I exclaimed, trying to stand up again, but a sudden pressure didn’t allow me to do so, and it was not hard for me to identify that it was Anna’s fault, getting on top of me for a moment, then falling at my side, meeting my face with hers as we were both covered by the warm yet sticky fluids of Clover’s pussy.

“Hey Nathan… let’s have sex in here…” Anna said with a soft giggle.

“Eh? What do you…?” I questioned myself, my full senses recovering from that moment.

“WH-WHAT?!” Clover exclaimed through the phone.

Anna just took my phone from my hands without any questions and turned the app on the video mode from our part to Clover’s end of the call.

“Say, Clover, I want this to happen, I wanna have sex with Nathan inside your sweet and hot warm pussy…” Anna said, her libido playing hard on the way she expressed.

“Wh-what?! There’s no way that I…”

“Please, are you saying that you don’t want to? I’m pretty sure you can feel us both inside here… it should be stimulating for you two right?” as Anna said that, she reached the nearest bump of meat around her and bitted it without hesitation “like this perhaps…?”

“Nhhhg stop, I’m telling you to…”

“Take it like this Clover, I will fuck around with Nathan… and that would be our way from both of us to pleasing you…” Anna said that with a sweet smile on her face, for a moment trying to show that her intentions were actually nice even if she was possessed by her libido at the moment.

“Wait, Anna, I don’t think that we should…” I tried to stop Anna before we could actually offend Clover somehow but to my surprise...

“Fine…” Clover said with an embarrassed but straight expression “Just allow me to at least… watch you both…”

“Hehe… it’s a deal then” said Anna with a big perverted smirk on her face.

“Don’t I have a say in this?” I asked.

Anna looked at me with a sweet smile and denied with her head “of course you do silly”

(Your actions and words don’t match…)

Anna ordered me to take off my pants as she started positioning the phone in a way that the camera could look at us, it was pretty much a really bad angle but it was the best she could manage in these conditions, I mean, our environment was also moving.

I struggled a bit in my mind by taking off my pants and trunks, watching literally Anna’s butt in front of my face as she was positioning the phone, making me completely ignore any inside reasoning voices that could have kept me retained until now, leaving aside any logic, and literally going for her ass and planting my head in between her cheeks as I grabbed her ass with both of my hands.

“Hnnhhg!” the sudden movement from my part and the strong grip on her butt startled Anna, and since her libido was already in the skies she only could release a small groan of pleasure as she complained “geez Nathan, that’s bold” releasing her movements in a seductive way, rubbing her butt on my face and basically pushing my own face at the “ground”.

“Hnnnng…” I could hear Clover’s soft moans coming through the phone, but I was busy with something that was just in front of me and was really hard to ignore at this point.

I tried to nibble in between Anna’s cheeks, getting a sweet reaction from her as her legs became a bit numb, allowing me to be able to hold her legs even if I was under this woman, using some force to spread them a little bit, massaging her thighs with my hands in the process.

Anna seemed to enjoy this since she started to practically start rubbing off her butt against my face more constantly, involving her hips a little more into it, as I could suddenly feel a hand figuring out my dick, taking it on with one hand and giving me a sudden handjob with one hand as I was practically struggling with my face planted between her legs, as she was moving her hips to try and catch more enjoyment in the process, rubbing off her pussy against random stuff like my chin, my nose or my hair in this whole process.

“Hnnhhhgg Oh my…” Anna was enjoying this, looking at her surroundings and using her free hand to just rub it against some of the ground around us, getting covered by Clover’s juices that started to increment little by little, grabbing hard the fleshy ground, trying to spin it, to pull it, and even to scratch it, all the time taking off some of the juices and using them as lube for the handjob she was giving me at the same time her pussy was practically covering my head right now and more juices started flowing from her as well.

As we were practically fucking inside Clover’s pussy vaginal cave, we didn’t notice at all when this gigantic horny goddess started practically inserting her fingers softly inside herself, at the beginning teasing her clitoris while watching us both fuck around inside her, but the mental image of two tiny people doing something so immoral and just literally getting intoxicated by her own pheromones inside one of if not the most intimate place on her body, for this already horny and perverted girl, it was more than enough for her to get a “green light” to try and do stuff with them.

And as I was basically inserting my tongue inside Anna’s pussy, and Anna’s mouth was about to enclose around the tip of my dick, a sudden yet massive pressure literally knocked me down with full force, forcing me to literally be pressed against Anna’s pussy lips with all my face buried against it, and the fleshy walls of Clover’s pussy, getting me fully covered by her juiced in just a second.

One finger, Clover inserted just one finger deep inside her to try to tease herself with the movement, trying to explore her inside while looking at the camera on the phone and the sudden monster that appeared on the screen that was only her finger but somehow managed to completely hide under it the little couple that she just saw about to fuck a moment ago.

The fact that she could somehow interfere and control the situation with them was surely arousing for her, releasing her finger just a bit, just to see the tiny couple practically stuck to her unique finger, releasing threads of her own pussy juices, and literally holding the couple mid-air with just a thread of her juices.

She quickly pushed them back down, enjoying the perverted view of her own insides and the couple being totally buried in her lewd intimate place, Clover smiled at this and continue applying a bit of force.

Practically a single and simple push, but it was more than enough to press Anna even more against me, making her fully insert my dick inside her mouth, as much as making my whole nose and mouth against Anna’s asshole and pussy, both of us feeling an intense amount of pleasure that we could not avoid.

This was also something really hard to fight against this, since Clover, at this point, was practically a force of nature to us, and if she wanted something with us, we could practically do nothing against anything that could cross Clover’s mind at this point, as she kept pressing us and rubbing us together, our privates in constant stimulation by just this finger.

And in between all the pleasure and pressure, just one single finger was doing to us, in the middle of all these pheromones and vaginal juices, rubbing us against each other…. I could feel a strong amount of cum coming from Anna’s pussy, directly hitting my face as there was literally no other way to go, just this special attention from her was more than enough to make me cum as well, directly inside Anna’s mouth with no way to hold it or take it out either…

All of this was the doing of just a small finger from Clover, pressing us ‘softly’ against the walls of her insides, she really didn’t even have to try it, any small movement from her in such a thighs space for us was more than enough to rub both of our bodies together, and as she started to rub us against it ‘softly’ she was practically rubbing our bodies in different directions, separating us in just an instant as we were at the mercy of this goddess who practically started touching herself and abusing of our tiny bodies in the process.

My face was now deeply buried in another pussy, but this time it was a million times larger and bigger, and I was literally inside of it, completely engulfed by it as it was literally tasting me with her hot fleshy walls.

“Hnnnhhhgg… Oh god… this is so wrong…” I could barely hear the voice of Clover coming from my phone wherever it was, as she was starting to groan with pleasure regularly.

Her finger moved, even more, increasing the speed at which she was touching herself, making it really hard for me to keep on, I tried to grab something but the juices were making everything so wet and slimy that it was practically impossible, the only thing I could do was going along with the ride, getting covered again and again by her juices, with my body violently being pressed against the carnal walls.

At some point, even I got lost in all this mess of lust, practically swimming in Clover’s juices, then suddenly hitting myself against Anna who was also at her limit.

When we managed to hold ourselves together in all of the intense masturbation Clover was doing, in between all these moans she was releasing, and completely deeply covered by this girl’s juices.

Anna and I embraced each other, holding our nude bodies against each other, as the gigantic finger simply pushed us as closer as we could ever get, rubbing my head against Anna’s breasts, rubbing her legs against mine, pushing myself against her, there were even moments where I could feel my dick furiously rubbing against the entrance of her pussy, but all this intense environment was making hard for us to actually try anything at all, teasing us with this intense lust, tiring the hell out of us, and letting us moan and pant from all these intense emotions that we weren’t able to even hold.

And at some point, an intense moan came from the girl who was too deeply lost in her own thoughts to even remember the tiny couple that she violently grinned against every corner of her pussy, cumming with a giant torrent of female juices that could easily fill hundreds of pools without any problem, and at the same time, releasing us from this whole mess, as our naked bodies practically got unstuck from her finger, falling both of us again on the soft, and even warmer ground that was Clover’s vaginal walls.

Anna and I fell without a problem, hugging each other as we did, with the only result of our intense respiration trying to finally get a rest from all of this.

Somehow, even after releasing all that I could give, my dick was standing erect just like ever, my first thought was that the whole lewd scent was practically making me get into a dangerous state that I should totally avoid, reactivating once again my survival instincts.

“Ugh… I have to go look for my phone…” I said, completely tired from all of this experience.

“It could… be anywhere” said Anna, bringing out the obvious thing.

I managed to sit back and turned to look at Anna.

“We have to look up for it…” I said.

Anna then turned to look at me back, and with a really tired expression, she nodded while still panting out of breath.




And like that, we started another rescue mission the both of us, screaming for Clover’s name as we made our way through the tunnel of this girl’s pussy… being an almost funny image, that we were looking to contact the girl we were already inside of, but as a matter of fact it didn’t take us too much time to find my phone completely soaked on Clover’s juices

“Ugh, this is such a mess” I said, cleaning the screen with my hand.

After being able to contact with Clover once again as she literally was in a small state of bliss and happiness that she was almost oblivious to the small situation we just had here.

We talked with this gigantic idiot, refusing at first to let us all out from her pussy and even inviting us to spend the night inside her, but after releasing all that libido before, and before the pheromones inside her pussy would drive me wild to a point I could not think straight at all, I was able to get on her logical side and her help for us getting out of the dark, warm and wet love cave.

We saw the monolithic finger getting inside once again, Clover letting out a soft groan while doing so, we were already familiar with this situation already, but this time the finger stopped to a point we were able to hold onto.

Anna and I hold onto the digit with all our might, as we left out that dark prison, suddenly feeling the fresh air from outside, feeling the light over us as my eyes tried to adapt once again to this whole new environment.



We relaxed for a bit, as Clover took us on her finger to a close view of her face, letting us rest for a while as we talked a bit the three of us.


Clover seemed happy about this whole experience, Anna seemed pleased that Clover managed to enjoy herself, and I on the other hand, was tired as fuck…

And while Clover was holding me on her finger, talking to us with a really more relaxed tone of voice, after a couple of minutes, I fell asleep at that moment out of exhaustion, Anna took my phone at that moment, and let me sleep on her lap... and as I closed my eyes from my tiredness, it all turned into a peaceful black...

End Notes:

I hope you guys liked this chapter!
this one was by far the one I took most of my time working on, so next week there won't be a chapter because of the holidays!
But if you enjoyed it make sure to leave a review with your thoughts!

Two big reasons to look foward by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

This is just a chapter with a bit more of lewd content before the final chapter next week

I woke up, who knows how much after that event with Clover and completely physically recovered although with some sore muscles here and there (damm, interacting with normal size people when shrunk sure is a load of workout) I thought, waking up and stretching my arms as I did.

“Where am I?” I asked, turning to see around me, only to find myself in some sort of container with barely any kind of light, my phone was at my side but there was no sign of Anna or Clover in any direction that I could see, not that I could see too far away in this container but it was still unsettling.

I grabbed my phone, turned it on and I received a message from last night, from Anna “send me a message whenever you wake up” it said.

“Huh…” I decided to reply with something short “good morning, where am I?”

Almost instantly I heard some stuff moving around me, a soft giggle and then just the sound of my phone ringtone as I was receiving a call from Anna.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Hi Nathan! I know you might be all confused about this but last night when you suddenly fell asleep, Clover and I kept talking for a while and we thought of something” as Anna was speaking to me through the phone, the ceiling of this container started to get lifted on the air, releasing the light inside of where I was, making me realized I was inside a small box, probably an old box where you could put some earrings or something similar in size, and replacing that ceiling, there was something that startled me for a moment, a big dark eye appeared in the sky, it was Clover’s eye.

“Clover?!” The realization that Clover was still big was a really sudden surprise that took me off guard for a moment and I fell on my back while still looking up above me as the gigantic idiot just answered with a smile.

“Ah, yeah, I’m with Clover right now, last night we decided to put you in a secure place for the night and I got myself to grow back to normal size and I had a small sleepover with Clover” Anna explained.

(They even had the time to have a sleepover? Why even? And why they didn’t growth me back as well?!)

“You might be wondering ‘why we didn’t grow you back’ or something!” Clover said reading my way of thoughts “but as Anna said, we thought of something fun for you”

“We wanted to show you that we appreciate you really much and that since you came to the complex we really have been happier because of you” Anna said, suddenly the whole ground moved as the container I was being held inside started to rotate, tilting so much that I was practically now falling from the place that just some minutes ago was my ceiling.

I fell on top of something soft and warm, my head trying to recover from this sudden movement, I turned to see at the ground I was standing on and the sudden realization of (I know this place) came to my mind.

It was a giant mountain of flesh, one of the first challenges I ever had when meeting Anna at this small size… and it was completely nude, as the almost erected nipple of my gigantic girlfriend was standing in front of me.

“Geez, he really is super small compared to your nipple… then again, the bastard tried to get inside mine…”

“That sounds like fun” Anna giggled.

“It was not!” Clover complained.

I turned to see my surroundings, watching as Anna, the perfect goddess of a girlfriend that she was, lying naked on her own bed, with another girl at her side, staring at my tiny form standing on top of my girlfriend’s boob, she almost as naked as her, except she was wearing a bra to cover herself a little bit.

“What is this about…?” I asked, looking back at the standing nipple in front of me.

“This is a reward, from both of us, and for you, you can freely explore us to your heart's content” said Anna.

“I-I mean… that was Anna’s idea but I wanted just to keep teasing you around with your girlfriend’s body… b-but if you want to explore me as well I’m also up for it I guess…” Clover said with embarrassment.

“I can… explore her however I want?” I asked perplexed, looking at the mount nipple calling for me.

“And whatever you want…” Anna remarked with a soft giggle.

(That’s it, I’m definitely dead and somehow ascended to heaven, I probably died on Clover’s masturbation session and this was my reward after dying like that… or whatever)

I walked a bit forward to approach the giant nipple in front of me, being my first instinct to just go over it and beat it as much as I could such as last time, but before I even managed to get there, I saw a shadow coming from above, it was Clover’s finger, coming directly at me and in a matter of an instant, pushing me from my back and against Anna’s nipple with an amazing strength.

“Eeek! Geez Clover you scared me… I didn’t think you were actually going to intervene” said Anna.

“How do you expect me not to?! When I see how cute he looked compared to your nipple I just had to give him a little push…”

“You… hnngg… are squishing a bit too strong though”

“Oh! Sorry!”

I suddenly felt my body being released from the pressure that I was getting against the monumental figures that were Clover’s fingers and Anna’s now erected nipple.

“Are you okay Nathan?” Anna asked a bit concerned.

“Y-yeah I was just taken by surprise…” I said.

I took a look at Clover, who was just watching me with an annoyed expression, the idiot was probably being jealous once again and tried to mess with me, but I already know how to get back at her even if she was hundred times my size…

“But I’m now thinking about getting back to Clover”

“Huh?” both of them asked.

“Last time Clover was the one who choose as to where I should be exploring, now if I can decide where to explore, her back should be fine” I said.

“Wait what? No! I refuse!” Clover said with a mad expression.

“But Clover, you agreed to this…” said Anna, looking back at Clover with now a manipulative smile.

As for Anna’s intentions, she probably would like to see me walking around on top of Clover’s back so she could actually see me better.


“Pretty please…” I said.

Clover sighed in annoyance, Anna held onto me in her hand as I saw Clover getting herself lying face down on top of Anna’s bed, letting her face to look at us, and sticking her tongue out at me.

There it was, Clover’s giant vastly back and fully nude, something that had quite an impressive image in general and if I wasn’t doing this just to actually mess with her, it would be an actual sight that I could get lost into.

“Where should I drop you?” asked Anna with some concern.

“Lower half should be fine” I said.

“Lower half?! Hey! You’re not really planning on…”

“Can you give Clover a massage on the rest of her back while I’m exploring?” I asked.

Anna looked at me with a confused expression.

“Sure, I don’t know what you’re planning but I hope to see something fun” said Anna with a soft giggle.

Anna dropped me on top of Clover’s lower half of her back, and as soon as I fell on top, I could see Clover actually trying to move to try and escape but Anna held her against the bed, forcing her suddenly to try and stay still

“There, you don’t need to move that much Clover, let yourself just feel loose” Anna said, starting to try apply some pressure on Clover’s back.

“Eek! Wait no, I’m actually really sensitive to massages, I cannot take them really well and I…”

“Relax” said Anna, applying pleasure on her shoulders and then on her neck.

“Hnnnnng!” a sudden moan of pleasure escaped from Clover’s lips as she was, indeed sensitive to massages in a way that neither I nor Anna could expect, and even if that was just a small fun thing in the mid-way, I took this to my advantage and started running on the opposite end to where those two girls were.

I saw there two giant butt-cheeks, and I was in a great position to just run straight up above.

My general plan was just to take a photo of Clover from on top of her own butt cheek, and take her in a general position where Anna could be taking care of her, and with this photo, I could extort her for any future situation.

The general image should be her vast and long back, being looked at from on top of one of her cheeks and the two girls at the distance, and any kind of compromising photo could have worked to mess with her any time but this one was surely the less risky one by far, or so I thought.

After what seemed like ten minutes of pure running all the way up, I was positioning myself on top of Clover’s butt when suddenly something unexpected happened.

“Hnnggg! No! wait!” Clover got herself all messed up and moved so suddenly after the pressure and pleasure Anna was applying on her.

The ground shook so quickly I didn’t have any time to react as I now falling in the crack between Clover’s butt cheeks.

“Woaaaaaaah...” my mouth shuttled once I found myself against a terrible monster.

A dark and wrinkly ring of terror stared directly at me, a giant hole that could easily eat me whole with any effort, and I was now just around its entrance watching in awe at it.

The smell was rather bothersome but once again, it was thanks to being small as I was that it was harder for me to be fainting as soon as I got close to this monster of really scary proportions.

Just the mental image of what was behind that door was more than enough to give me chills, and even if I was used to watching the anal walls of Anna almost every day, it was all from the safety inside the complex… but being close to an asshole, and Clover’s nonetheless, was making me lose my mind in just an instant.

“H-help…” I said with fear through the phone.

“Huh? Nathan?” The first one to answer was Anna, who clearly heard me through the phone, but had already and completely lost sight of me on those moments she was teasing with Clover.

“What happened with Nathan?” Clover asked with curiosity, trying suddenly to move and try to look at her own back, thing that only made her cheeks press together with her hips movement, and making my whole world shift from one place to another.

I suddenly found myself face to face against this terrible monster, glistening with some kind of oily texture, her wrinkles completely surrounding me, and my head now touching the skin of this cave of danger that was Clover’s asshole.

“H-Help! In the asshole! Help me!” I screamed, trying to hold with my life onto my phone, getting close to the massive sphincter inside…

“Wait did he say asshole?!” exclaimed Clover.

“Don’t move! You’re just gonna-” Anna tried to stop Clover from moving just from the surprise of my comment, but it was already maybe too late for that.

In just a second, my tiny body, was completely engulfed by the powerful and gigantic asshole from that idiot girl, it didn’t even need to ‘swallow’ me at all, I was too small for that, I could literally just get fully covered by her asshole getting all tight around me as some kind of nervous reaction.

After that, there was just darkness and a really scary tension….



It took the girls around two minutes to take me out of there, and once I was finally out of that scary place and back on the safety of Anna’s finger.

Clover was looking at me with a seriously embarrassed expression, blushing deeply just by thinking that I was literally trapped in her asshole just some seconds ago.

On the other hand, my giant girlfriend stared at me with some kind of annoyed expression like some sort of “seriously dude…?” kind of look, but somehow I could also see some kind of blush on that expression or it was probably my imagination, being all tired from being tiny and all that.

“So…?” Clover broke the silence that was getting build.

“So?” I asked in return.

“How was… my asshole… at that size…” Clover asked.

“What?! How is that even a questi….”

“I-I also wanna know…” said Anna.

“…” I stayed silent and confused for a moment, before getting a proper explanation from these girls.

“I-I mean you know how you always are so small and inside my ass… but you never been properly ‘inside’ my ass as how it is said…”

“Y-yeah and I was just talking before with Anna that how we actually have never really been on a proper exploration on that area and that…”

“I… I don’t even know how to react to this” I said with all honesty, being probably the most reasonable voice between these two horny goddesses.

“C’mon Nathan! You do live in my cute tiny little asshole, I just want some details on how does a proper asshole looks from… you know, really up close...” Anna said with a blushing red expression on her face, it was clearly something she was embarrassed to talk about but this whole topic was something she was kinda into.

“…” Clover thought about something for a moment and then gave me a devilish smile, some smile that I didn’t like at all because I knew she had something messed up on her head right now and would probably be another one of her ‘teasings’ if there was any way to call them.

“I wonder though…” Clover put a finger on her mouth as if she was actually thinking about something, lying as if were breathing for her “now that Nathan has seen my asshole up close and personal and actually has gotten inside of it for a short period of time… do you think he could actually might wanna live inside of it if there were a new complex shrunken facility just for him?”

Anna thought about it for a second, then turned back to look at the tiny guy on her fingertip.

“Cheater…” said Anna in a monotone voice and looking at me with a serious expression.

“DO I HAVE THE FAULT HERE?!” I exclaimed.

“Well, there’s only one way to know for sure Nathan will prefer me overall!” proclaimed Anna with a delighted tone, showing some eyes full of lust at that instant, making me shiver in fear as I knew Clover might planted the right seed on her head to bloom that mischievous idea she had from the start.

The world moved at some amazing speed, I could only fall on my back as Anna’s finger moved all the way down, passing through all the walls and columns of flesh that covered my whole world, only to allow me to be greeted by the meteor size butt of my gigantic girlfriend.

“N-now now… Anna, we know that you don’t have to do…”

“Nu-uh Nathan! I wanna be 100% sure you will definitely prefer living with me than with Clover!”

“Do you even hear yourself?!” I exclaimed, looking at the pair of butt cheeks hanging out above me, looming over and completely dwarfing my size with the already big butt of Anna.

A hand was all it took to move an entire mountain of flesh and to reveal to me the second monster cave I was seeing today.

Anna’s finger got close to her own asshole, she could literally shove it inside her and I could do nothing to just go with it and be completely eaten alive by my girlfriend’s asshole…

“What do you think Nathan? Normally a guy would kill to eat my ass, but I won’t allow anyone to do so besides you~”


“Shove him in! Shove him in!” exclaimed Clover at the distance.

Anna could only laugh as she retrieved her teasing, just letting out a simple “maybe another time” and holding me back, taking me all the way back up above where I was just some seconds ago.

“I mean, I bet you are tired as fuck right now Nathan…” Anna said with a nervous expression.

“Lame…” said Clover, pouting.

“Now now, if you keep teasing MY boyfriend that bad, next time you are going to be the tiny one exploring my back entrance if you so want it” Anna suddenly let out this massive attack to Clover, who could only reply shivering at the landlord lady.

“Y-y-yes m’am!” Clover literally held her embarrassment, excitement, and sudden fear at just the thought.



After what seemed like the longest weekend that I ever had ever since I started living here, Clover and I got back to the complex after getting her shrunk back once again, my body falling into literal pieces as I was arriving to my room to try to finally take a better break at my own room, probably to fall asleep for the next 24 hours and to start my day once again, leaving any other talk with Anna or the staff members for the next day, as I knew that too was going to be a tiresome experience.

But while we still were getting back to our rooms and I was mentally preparing myself to get myself the longest shower in a good while, Clover could only look at me while we were on the elevator and made the random comment of the day.

“You stink” she said, oblivious of the whole literal hours I passed trapped inside different parts of her body

“It’s completely your fault, you idiot” I said, completely burned out.

And even if it was a tired reaction on my part, Clover only looked at me and smiled for a brief moment.

“I know” she said with a short giggle, happily releasing that she, actually enjoyed herself fully for once.


And like that, another week ended…

End Notes:

Thanks for reading so far!
If you're liking the story leave a review!
Next chapter should be the final one (or so to say)

Final Chapter: Welcome to the complex by TinyEd
Author's Notes:

Enjoy this chapter

I was sleeping on my bed as any other day, the complex was a pretty much well designed environment for people who also wanted some space where everything could be silent, with no noisy neighbors since the walls were soundproof, you don’t have to worry about anything from the outside world and pretty much every person in here knew one another, and ever since Clover started getting out of the complex more regularly to do who knows what even, things have gotten better and better.

And as I was enjoying myself on the sheets of my bed, a sudden movement of my sheets getting taken off completely disturbed my peace.

“Who…?” I questioned myself, half-asleep as I was opening my tired eyes.

“Wake up silly, it’s already 10 am” a sweet voice tried to wake me up from my slumber, a thing that worked perfectly fine as I got suddenly surprised by the realization of who this voice belonged to.

I completely woke up at the sight of the beautiful woman that was in front of me, and also surprised by the fact that Anna was greeting me in the morning, inside the complex.

“Anna? Wh-what are you doing here?!” I asked confused, still half asleep but really getting to be fully awake just by the sudden confusion.

“I came to wake you up, of course, I promised my boyfriend I would be going with him to eat something for lunch today and I’m getting that promise done!, so get ready and change your clothes because we’re heading out!”

“B-but it’s not even a weekend, how are you… you know... inside...?”

“Oh that, yeah, the staff gave me permission, it seems they have been getting really great results on information from me, so now they have been working the last few weeks, so while they analyze some of the recent data, they are giving me a free time from the complex so for the next days, completely open to going in and out whenever we want” she said with a soft and happy expression.

“I… See… I guess that means we’re going to see each other more frequently then?”

“Yeah! There’s so much stuff I want to do today so you better prepare!” as Anna said this, she walked towards the door while just telling me “I’m gonna go check on Clover to also give her the surprise” before closing the door behind her and leaving me to change my clothes again.

I saw the pile of dirty clothes laying on a corner and wished I had done some laundry before…

I searched for some of my clean clothes and changed myself before leaving my room, then I walked all the way to Clover’s room door, and when I managed to reach the door, I heard a sudden scream.

“EEEEEEEEK!!” A clear and loud scream that managed to surpass the soundproof walls and that allowed me to get the sound of something coming fast from the other side of that door, as it was suddenly open at an intense speed, and this idiot short girl appeared as if she was just running, only looking at her back as the door slammed against the wall when opening, and not even trying to look in front, this idiot ran against me and we basically collided, the force of speed making me fall down and the ‘object’ on Clover’s way making her completely fall.

I found myself on the ground with this girl practically on top of me as her decent-sized boobs were basically now over my face, as my head just hit the ground and my whole body was in so much pain from the actions of this girl.

“Nathan! You gotta help me! There’s something inside my room and I don’t know what it is but it looked like Anna and I-”


Clover turned to see over me, now looking with an expression or realization of what she had just done and what is actually happening right now, waking up with a big surprise and probably still thinking everything was just a dream.

Clover got off of me and started apologizing deeply as Anna got out of Clover’s room with a nervous smile of discomfort.

“I-I’m sorry, maybe taking a small prank on her was not the best idea”

“N-no! I-I’m the one who should be sorry, I never mentioned that when I wake up I get all anxious and stressed suddenly that I usually take my time to wake up and... and… and…”

Anna gave Clover a soft and warm hug, making sure to calm down her friend.

“G-goddess…” Clover muttered, getting a sudden change of attitude, now being all calm and with an expression that only could be described as ‘in love’.

“Geez, I told you to stop calling me that” said Anna, taking Clover a bit apart from her, scolding her for the nickname that Clover calls her from time to time on moments of weakness, and taking in mind is Clover who we are talking about, those moments happen really constantly…

“Anyways, since we’re already all awake and Clover needs to change before going out, would you mind if you show me the place?” Anna said with her so classical sweet smile, asking me to give her a short tour of the place.

Clover pouted after taking a quick glare at the two of us.

“Hmph! You guys can start without me if you want, I can always stay the whole day in here instead” and with that, Clover got back to her room, slamming the door behind her as she did before.

“She will take her time, let’s get back in a couple of minutes” Anna giggle sweetly and started to take the lead, walking over to the elevator.



I gave Anna a short tour of the complex, the kitchen, the jogging track, the infirmary, the bathhouse, the social community area, and then we came back to the dorms, all the time Anna had this speechless expression, she was surprised by the amount of actual space this place had.

“I know I heard this before from you guys but I cannot believe it, this place is just enormous… you guys are really living it great in here…” Anna said, impressed by the whole place.

“I know something bigger” I said jokingly at her.

“What? My ass crack?” Anna jokingly giggled.

“I-I mean…” I said nervously.

Anna took a look at one of the external windows from this place, the buttons that allow you to imitate a suburban area outside, a plain forest, a waterfall, and the classic transparent window.

“Yeah, I bet the views from inside here are really great huh…” Anna said, giggling at herself “I bet you love it here” she smiled at me with one really sweet smile once again.

“Since I came to this place, everything has been better for me, living in here has allowed me to save so much money, and then I met you and Clover, and it’s been all as if it was just a great dream…” I said, trying to explain my comfort from living here.

Anna came close to me when we were still in the middle of the corridor, and kissed me softly.

“It’s not a dream Nathan, I swear it to you” she then poked at my nose with her index finger while giving me a cheeky smile “Is just that you are way too lucky~”

And while we were having a sweet moment the two of us, a sudden voice interrupted us.

“Ugh you two make me wanna puke” Clover said while making fun of us sticking her tongue out and pointing at her own tongue with a painful expression.

“Such a child…” I said.

“What was that?!” Clover complained while pouting.

“Hey you can’t complain, I’m paying for both of your lunches today!” I complained even further.

“Hehe…” Clover giggled, trying to make fun of me once again.

“We should get going guys, I think Becks needed Nathan and I for something on the afternoon or something like that and I think we have to come back early if we want to help her”

“What about me?” asked Clover.

“She didn’t mention you this time” said Anna.

“Why does she need me though?” I asked.

“I don’t know, it seemed like a surprise for what all I know” Anna said.

And with that last comment left on the air, we went out with Clover and Anna, passing through the growing process to be greeted by Beatrice who just waved at us from her office while she was checking some papers.



We made our way into the town, Clover making random comments about size stuff she checked the other day, while Anna was really paying attention to it and curiously asking questions back, as I was just enjoying my time with these two girls and seriously praying for my life that Anna wasn’t actually thinking too much on all the stuff Clover was saying since it could all be considered possible scenarios to toy around with.

“And then in that story, she trapped him in her panties and…” Clover was saying, while Anna just nodded back at each sentence she said.

And after a while we had our lunch at the nearby pizza store that was near my old house, I invited them both for some stuff they offered.

A personal pizza for Clover, with some pineapple, since she’s the only person I know who would be asking for something sweet in a place that specializes in salty food.

Anna and I shared a pizza with some basic toppings, pepperoni, some extra cheese, and some other stuff.

We talked there for another while as we were enjoying our time.



Since I arrived at this place… I started talking with these two girls…

I took a look at Anna, the perfect girl of my life, who I only knew barely before actually meeting her and that we both quickly developed feelings for each other, and as we get to know more of each other, it all went smoothly from there… and we shared so many memories together talking all night every day, be on classes or on dates… she was just… making me feel happy that I managed to meet someone so special all the time…

I took a glance at Clover, my dumb neighbor that I met on my first day on the complex, who I owe for allowing me to enjoy my simple days on my daily life inside the complex and who allowed me to come in contact with stuff that I didn’t know before… and even if our relationship is still a bit weirder than anything, I think we have managed to find this state where I’m just glad she’s there and that she’s happy.

All those memories… all those moments that we spent together and how many moments we will spend in the future as well…

I started smiling at myself for a moment, taking the sudden attention from these two girls.

“What’s so funny?” asked Clover.

“Nothing, I was just thinking… that I was taking this same pizza all on my own just less than 6 months ago… and now…”

Clover and Anna giggled almost at the same time.

Anna grabbed my hand and covered a bit of sauce that slipped on her palm without her noticing.

Clover noticed this and tried to also grab my other hand as if this were some kind of competition, a thing that only made me laugh as I just simply dodged her approach and she pouted at this physical answer.




And as time passed and it became a bit late, we made our way back into the complex office building, leaving Clover to stay in the living room as she wanted to wait for me for the shrinking process…



Anna and I got inside Beatrice’s office, as we had something to do there... and when we entered there, I saw Beatrice sitting down behind her desk, and in front of her, sitting on the couch at the other side of the room, there was a girl I haven’t seen before, she had a long black hair and dressed as if she gave up on her own fashion sense at some point, wearing just some simple white t-shirt and some jeans, if it wasn’t for her chest and that hair I’d completely have confused her with a guy on the street.

“Oh, you guys are just in time” said Beatrice with a short smile.

“…” The girl glared at us with a bit of suspicion in her eyes.

“Well, these two are Anastasia Cruz, the landlord lady, and Nathan, her boyfriend… I’m sure these two can tell you anything you might have a doubt for taking in mind the… complex… circumstances” Beatrice said with a clear and neutral tone, her usual professional tone I remember hearing from my first time meeting her.

“…” The girl glared at Beatrice while she presented us, and then glared back at us.



“…” There was silence for a moment until this girl decided to break it back.

“So you two… are dating, even with the circumstances of the shrinking process?” she asked with a really serious expression.

“U-uh… yeah we started dating shortly after I moved in…” I said.

The girl stood up and confronted me directly, suddenly grabbing my shirt without any previous warning, she looked me in the eyes and stared at me with an anger intensity I could not describe.

“Why?! Why you guys are allowing yourselves to live under such degrading circumstances? How are you not disgusted by any of this? Are you guys insane?! Why would you even allow yourselves to be just part of such a messed up experiment when you guys could end up in any kind of danger?! And don’t let me start with the enclosure, it sounds like such a pain to be limited to be there only in weekdays?! This is just a stup…”

“Shut up” I said.

The girl looked at me with a more angry expression.

“What did you say?!” grabbing me more strongly and with her expression getting lost with anger.

“What do you even know about the complex?! I haven’t seen you before! And I don’t know what’s this all about but if there’s something I won’t allow is you suddenly me disrespecting me like this out of nowhere and insulting the place they received me with open arms! Anna is working really hard on this place and she’s making her best to be a landlord lady that can allow herself to protect all of the individuals that live in the complex! AND YES, the circumstances might be a bit weird in general but all works perfectly when you live inside, you have all the accommodations you might need and the place is really cheap which has allowed me to save a lot since I live here! And the neighbors are all just great in there and treat everyone as well as they can, so let me tell you this once again, I don’t know who you are… but I won’t allow you to complain just like that out of nowhere without a reason”.

I let out a sudden burst of complaints at this girl who just made me mad with all her comments, it took me by surprise that she suddenly grabbed my shirt but even so I tried to stay still no matter what was her deal.

Beatrice smiled a bit after my sudden burst of words… while Anna found it a bit concerning.

The girl stopped, suddenly realizing something as she let go off me, as she freed me from her grip.

“I-I’m sorry I just…” the girl suddenly came back to her senses as she sit down back on the couch with a really embarrassed yet apologetic expression while looking down at the floor in front of her.

“Sorry for not presenting you guys before, but this is Nathalie Stuart, she’s a bit broke on the money side and saw our posts on the internet and tried to apply to get to live in the complex at a cheap price… but it seems she has some peculiarity… and it’s that…”

We saw this girl shivering in some combination of confusion, fear, anger, and sadness as she tried to avoid eye contact.

“She hates size-changing technology” Beatrice explained.

“…” Nathalie kept quiet for a moment.

Anna sat down beside this girl as if it was nothing and stayed there in silence for a moment.

“So… you’re almost broke on money… I know that feeling” Anna said with a soft smile.

Nathalie, who was still a bit unstable, just turned to look at her with a concerned expression.

“Before getting this job, I got into all sorts of troubles, it was a mess I swear… and my family ran off money… so I applied to get this job where I try to help people who were in a similar situation than I was back there” Anna smiled a bit.

“…” Nathalie still seemed concerned.

“So… it’s only if you want… but we can allow you to have a better life in the complex… even if the circumstances are not the best for everyone… we all are a big family here at the complex…” Anna said with a more sweet smile.

“…” Nathalie kept quiet for a moment, but suddenly a worrisome expression came into her head.

“I-I’m sorry… I didn’t want to… yell at you like that…” Nathalie apologized.

“It’s okay” Anna said.


Nathalie sighed as she turned to look back at Beatrice.

“I guess I can quit whenever I want… so I guess I will try at least for now…” Nathalie said.

Anna smiled and then glared at me with a more sweet smile once again.

Beatrice turned to look at me, and with a nod of her head, she also smiled at me shortly.

“You two can go off now, I will take care of the rest” said Beatrice.



Nathan and Anna left the room at that moment, while the guy looked a bit mad about how he was just used by the smart receptionist, he just sighed and left the room with the landlord lady.

Beatrice gave Nathalie the papers to allow her to sign to be a new tenant living at “AAAC” or “Anna’s anal apartment complex” as what it was standing for.

Nathalie on her part, sighed at what she was getting herself into, as she really disliked the idea of being shrunk down with all her might, but she couldn’t allow herself to start living on the streets either… and as Beatrice passed her the papers to sign, she just closed her eyes and wrote her name on them.

And after that, Beatrice ended the contract with a mandatory greeting introduction she might have planned from the very beginning.

“Welcome to the complex” and with a short smile from the busty woman with glasses, the curtain closes and a new act begins…





End Notes:

Here is the final chapter of the story (or at least for now)
I would more likely be posting new chapters later on but would more likely be episodic
Hope you liked the story! leave a review with any of your final opinions or what did you like the most
Thank you for reading until now!

This story archived at