Biding her time, Selina watched Amber and the aryans having fun through
the bars. A member of the aryans stood guard at the cell door, keeping
her inside. An ironic twist in the penal system. Inmates guarding
The alarm system had been decimated by the white whale
of a woman. She'd crushed the speakers and broken the lights, annoyances
while she was having fun. A feat no one else could have done with them
all being at least a dozen foot out of anyone else's reach. Now one lone
speaker gave a high pitched, pained blaring sound. A broken, wounded
animal. A metaphor for what the prison had become.
Entropy had
been tamed by the new apex predator. The holding cells looked like the
aftermath of a medieval battle. Fires burned themselves out, broken
shields, cracked and smashed, weapons and bodies, all laid out across
the hall. Amber had thinned the heard into a smaller, more manageable
group. Easier to catch or kill any stragglers trying to escape when
there were fewer people, after all. She was currently sat atop the
rubble and bodies she'd created with her grand entrance. A throne of
destruction. Her thick legs were splayed to either side, feet almost
brushing the bars of the cells along each wall.
A new game had
begun in the wake of the riot. A new set of trials. "Next!" Shouted one
grinning aryan, stood in front of a towering foot. One Lobos member
delved into the canyon of limbs, stepping away from the front of a long
line. She had a thin scar over her nose and a defiant grimace. The woman
shuffled forwards, eyes searching for any signs of a possible exit. Her
journey took her passed Amber's ankles, deeper into the valley. Girthy
legs loomed larger on either side of her as the path grew narrower. The
heat and humidity pouring off of Amber increased, a cloying scent that
was omnipresent in the room becoming more overpowering. In front of the
woman was not only Amber, stretching skyward, but also a voracious,
slick, crimson, throbbing, hungry cunt.
At this size the Lobos
member could see every twitch of excited muscle, every drop of nectar
and, of course, the engorged clit sitting smugly above the spread folds.
It was huge, larger than an orange and had shrugged off the clitoral
hood, bloated and practically humming in ecstacy. As she stared into the
abyss, it seemed to stare back, swelling and pulsing tauntingly, more
cum oozing out to drip onto the rubble below.
By virtue of
Amber's size, she divided the room. New contestants in front of her,
kept between her legs, previous stowed away behind her. In the shadow of
her vast rump there were two groups of women. One, a disheveled group -
tousled up hair, smeared make up, ashamed expressions - all soaked in
thick, viscous juices. Each and everyone of them kept their eyes glued
to the ground, refusing to make eye contact with one another... Or with
the other group. The group of equally soaked dead bodies piled into a
The name of the game: Make Amber cum or suffocate. It was a
cruel, perverse game that the monster had thought up mid rampage while
stuffing a terrified inmate into her slit. Once she'd brought the
survivors to heel in the holding cells, she knew exactly how to create a
group of 'loyal' subjects. Something to bind them all. Mark them. Brand
them as her slaves. It was the perfect bonding experience for them all.
Amber's delight, quite a few had been proficient at passing the test.
Due to the colossal bundles of sensitive nerves that had been bolstered
with G37, she'd been easier to push into climax for most. On the other
hand, those too proud or not dexterous enough to pass were held down in
her sex until they stopped struggling. The twisted woman had joked with
her lackeys that those that didn't make the cut could at least have a
taste of heaven before going to hell.
"Bet when you came to
prison you never thought the pussy would be eating you." Amber sang,
making herself laugh and sending her abs fluttering. She shot a wink to
the Lobos member below who, surprisingly, didn't show any fear. She just
grew angrier.
Selina realised it was Alvarez when she heard the
voice drifting out from the danger zone. "Nah, puta, fuck that! I ain't
eating your dirty, nazi snatch and it sure as fuck ain't eatin' me!
Better fucking kill me now, hoe!" She couldn't see the source of the
voice over the gargantuan curve of quad between them but a bittersweet
smile curled Selina's lips. Of course Alvarez would say something like
that. If only what was coming next wasn't....
Amber's almost
white eyebrows rose high on her forehead. "Awwww, isn't that cute,
guys?" She looked from one aryan member to the other near her feet, toes
wriggling at their eye level. "She thinks she has a choice!"
was almost a whistle of air as her hand came swinging down. Alvarez's
entire body was slapped into the jaws of the beast. Hyena cackles filled
the air, Amber grinding Alvarez into her cunt, humping her hand
aggressively, mashing the doll into her erogenous zones. This was more
brutal than any of the 'trials' before. Bundles of muscle bigger than a
grown man flexed, floor quaking as Alvarez was fucked like a cheap toy.
grit her teeth, watching, praying Alvarez would just give in and throw
away her pride. She could barely make out the sound of tiny fists
beating against the steel of Amber's inner thighs. It was drowned out by
a moan. The powerlessness to stop this was crushing. Even if every
inmate in the hall attacked Amber it would be completely futile.
wriggled, fighting, turning her head, gasping for air wherever she
could. That life or death battle served as nothing more than tingles for
the giant. "Ah fuck. That's right, ke-keep struggling!" She said, words
catching in her throat as pleasure spiked. She was enjoying the fact
that her getting off was enough to kill someone - that she was sapping
the life out of someone while they acted as her plaything. It was
disgusting to watch. Her legs lifted in pleasure, coming down like
felled trees to shake the walls. One aryan at her feet tumbled out of
the way, rolling and dodging what would have been a life ending
Selina did a double take, blood mixing with ice in her
veins. Had that woman been in close enough proximity to be crushed
before? When this had all started hadn't she been much further away from
the foot? Selina looked from Amber's ass to her heel again and again.
Being so frustrated she hadn't actually been paying attention to her,
instead plotting an escape. This revelation troubled Selina though and
now she stared along the leg that stretched passed the row of cells,
mentally soaking in details. Had the massive posterior ahead of her been
covering that much of the debris earlier? Had her gigantic thigh been
blocking that much of the view? Selina felt anxiety constrict her chest
when she saw it. A haze of heat, a half second of movement that didn't
match the rest. A spurt of size. Amber was still growing. Selina
blinked rapidly, eyes affixed to Amber. She tried to tune out Alvarez
being drowned in cum, tried to ignore her friend being fucked to death -
There it was again! Blonde hair shifted further out of view, demonic
grin stretching wider, canines bigger, lips juicier. Selina's eyes
wandered down. Tiny, sporadic bursts. Inches at a time, maybe. Amber was still growing. The
notion was mind numbing. Her wrecking ball of a breast jostled as she
moved, swaying back and forth as it swelled heavier. The huge, pink nub
that sat proudly on her tit widened and thickened, rigid from pleasure.
Selina needed to get out now. She needed to do something to stop her.
wet gurgling could just about be heard as Amber thrashed up and down,
breathing heavy. Alvarez didn't have long. Grimly, Selina wondered if
this the distraction she needed? It felt dirty using someone else's
death as a way to slip out, but -
Metallic clinking was the only
warning the inmates got. Flashbangs exploded, ringing ears and blinding
everyone. Tear gas followed. Inmates hit the ground and Amber,
practically unaffected, waved away the clouds of irritant. Shepherding
two aryans away from the attack, she led them to the third woman in
front of Selina's cell. A hushed order was given. "Cell block A. Now."
She muttered, hustling the women away with her palm. Selina had heard it
all. A clap of deafening sound made her jump. Amber winced, whirling
back around to face the double doors. A barrage of lead greeted her,
digging deep into what marble like skin.
Encouraged by Amber's
scream, they laid in. The giant shielded her face with a meaty arm, and
swiped at the guards with the other. Selina couldn't help but think of
King Kong on the empire state building, swatting at planes. The guards
broke formation scattering, going for cover, but not before Amber's
front had been pock marked, bloodied and bullet ridden. Elated by their
success, Selina gripped the bars and peered out, hoping goliath would
fall. All hope died when Amber instead rose.
Amber stood, back to
Selina's cell. She wasn't looking at the muscled, sculpted knots across
her back or the round, hunks of glute below. Even with her ears ringing
her attention was drawn to a peculiar series of sounds filling the
abrupt quiet. It sounded like someone was pouring out a bag of coins
and, between the ivory pillars of Amber's legs, Selina saw a downpour of
lead twinkling in the light. Bullets. Bullets that had just been lodged
in her flesh and skin and bones. Bullets spat from her body, wounds
healing, plugging the injuries, forcing the foreign material out. The
guards all stared, bloodied, red holes filling, skin and muscle
stitching itself back together until little pink marks were all that
remained. Even they faded, leaving no scar tissue at all. Just perfectly
smooth, white skin or red marks, a testament to her growth.
moan that left the pale structure signified something else coming.
Purple veins shimmered, the overdose of G37 in her system being awakened
by the need to heal it's vessel. Amber ground her teeth and muscles
flexed... And swelled... And grew. The sound of leather being pulled
taunt, creaking, filled the air and the titanic shape before them pushed
up and out. In the middle of the hall, Amber grew. She reached out,
gripping the ceiling to steady herself as her head weeded closer to it,
body twitching and shuddering as she struggled to stay upright. Selina
hadn't been able to estimate the woman's height before but now as she
filled the hall, floor to ceiling, she felt a dreadful comparison
becoming apparent. The holding cells, one of the few rooms with an
uncharacteristically high ceiling, topped out at 25 feet. A height that
Amber had just encroached.
Finally the growth stopped and Amber
ran her hands across the concrete her head was pressed against. Her
voice had even more bass in it when she spoke. "Mhmmmm, fuck. Boys,
you're really getting me worked up." She smirked. "Wanna try that
again?" Their was a come hither look in her eyes beckoning them. If they
weren't so traumatised it may have been alluring. Their dumbfounded
faces made them look oh, so powerless. So defeated. So pathetic. She
drank it in, squeezing her thighs together. It was hot seeing people
this broken by her doing nothing but stand there. She didn't need
to give a grand display of power. She didn't need to flex her size and
crush them to dust. She didn't even need to scream or shout. All she had
to do was stand there. Stand there and take all the bullets and huff in
all the tear gas and let it make her even stronger and bigger and better.
Shrugging off their most desperate attempts. No, not shrugging it off -
guzzling it down, absorbing it, feeding off of it. That level of defeat
made them delectably distraught. It showed them that she'd transcended
them completely, a bastion of perfection that was un-fucking-touchable.
She came again thinking about it.
Scared, powerless men gave a
laughably predictable response to her most recent climax. They fired
their guns. Scattered, unorganised shooting. A futile act to comfort
them as they tried to turn tail and run. Just because she didn't need to
give a grand display of strength didn't mean she wasn't going to. Her laughter rumbled like the thunder outside, storm still raging.
was going to kill them all. All but one anyway. One that she'd ask a
question to. She only had one question: 'Where's Smith?'
the showers three women were continuing to bloody and bruise one
another. The surroundings as well as the inmates were being battered.
Waist high walls had been collapsed in some areas, blue chips of tile
littered the floor like fallen leaves. Pipes had been bent and
ruptured, spraying water along one wall.
Trish and Jessica had
done remarkably well as a duo. Both had received about as much damage as
they'd dished out. The surprise attack from Jessica, the numbers game
and the enclosed space were adding up. Vásquez was breathing heavy,
blood dripping from her hip to mix with the puddles on the floor. Knife
still sticking out of her back, she was covered in bruises. Left eye
swollen, right eyebrow gashed open, blood in her teeth. Yet she refused
to stop.
Jessica was gassed out, fuel tank running empty after
repeated clashes. She'd protected her head from most strikes but had
been taking hits every time she got close. Her limbs now felt like lead,
forearms dyed blue and purple. Not only that, but she'd also been
thrown against the wall, leaving her hunched over to the left, back and
side aching. There were probably some broken bones somewhere.
was doing even worse. Despite her stamina being better, she'd been
fighting for longer than Jessica and her older injuries haggled her,
sapping her energy. She still felt like she was seeing triple and,
although adrenaline was carrying her, she felt like she could topple
over at any second.
"What the FUCK are you guys doing?!" An angry
voice bellowed. The trio didn't turn to look, afraid that the others
would take advantage. Instead, they edged themselves around marginally,
glancing precariously at the source of the voice. "Are you all
imbeciles?!" Ranted a sweaty, red-faced Selina. She'd run here, through
the holding cells and through the crowds in the halls. Everywhere she
found morons still fighting. "You three are squabbling like children in
the fucking showers while the whole prison is falling apart!" Her arms
waved wildly. None of them had seen her this animated before. "Everyone!
Punching and kicking and - People are dying!"
"Selina, this isn't the time." Vásquez said, not dropping her guard.
is the ONLY time. Andrea, you have to stop. You all do! Amber is
tearing everyone apart. Lobos, Nation, K13, Niners!" That got everyone's
attention. Heads turned to Selina now.
"Amber? What the fuck can she do by herself?" Grunted Trish.
"I do not know what she did but she is a giant now!
Taller than you!" She pointed at Vásquez. "More than double your size."
A ripple of disbelief killed the animosity momentarily.
"How the fuck is that even possible?" Jessica mumbled.
"Where's Jennifer? Where's Maria?" Vásquez asked, voice terse.
"I do not know! The riots are everywhere. Amber is in the holding cells but Maria and Jennifer are gone!" Selina answered.
wasn't in her cell this morning." Jessica said. Everyone looked to her,
the only person in the group that had seen inside of her cell today.
"Rachel was dead and Jennifer was gone." She said, voice steady and
monotone, still not over finding her friend that way.
Trish had an epiphany, understanding what must have happened. She
thought aloud, "they fucking planned this... Jennifer stole an ID card
for Smith's little testing grounds. The aryans must have known. They -
they kidnapped her and took her to the labs. That's how Amber grew. She
must have used Jennifer to get in there and take a bunch of G37." The
silence settled, each of the amazonians taking all the information in.
"We have to stop her." Selina broke the silence.
that." Scoffed Jessica. "How would we even try? We're like toys
compared to someone double her size." She jutted her chin angrily at her
former opponent.
"She's killing Lobos." Vásquez stated, a new anger blooming. "I don't give a fuck how big she is."
"Ohhhhhhh." Trish waved her hands, "big, bad Vásquez on the case." She mocked.
"Fuck you." The titan spat back. "Didn't have any trouble fighting me, why you being a pussy now?"
how well that's going." Jessica was indignant, swinging her arms up
wide to present her current state. She gave a grunt, leaning to one side
to stop the pain. "I'm falling apart. So is Trish and so are you. This wasn't some walk in the fuckin' park, V. And if she's that fucking big, we can't do shit."
we weren't so beat up it wouldn't be a problem." Vásquez rubbed her
eye, smearing the blood from her eyebrow out of her vision.
"Oh, and whose fault is that?" Trish leaned on a wall, adrenaline dwindling in her blood stream.
"Fuck off. You two both been planning this. If you didn't lie we wouldn't be here."
stood and the atmosphere in the showers began heating back up.
"Enough!" Selina barked. "Children. You're acting like children! Amber
is torturing people to death and you still want to fight each other?" Trish stepped back and slunked down along the wall. Vásquez, proud and tall, finally sagged a little.
"So what? You got a plan?" Doubt laced Jessica's voice. There was a short quiet.
"I do not." Selina eventually said. "Maybe we cannot stop her but we need to at least help people. We..."
to find Jennifer." Trish cut in. "We need to get to those labs and find
out what happened. There must be some counter serum or something. They
couldn't have been stupid enough to not have fail safes."
still need to go through the holding cells to get to medbay." Jessica
added, shaking her head, clearly not enjoying that notion.
blah, fucking blah. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the
face." Vásquez drew herself up again. "I'm going. If you two have a
spine between you, you'll come too. C'mon, Selina. Let's go."
we need to stick together!" The massive woman shuffled out, ignoring
the smugglers protests. Selina followed, trying to calm her friend down.
Jessica looked to Trish who threw her hands up, annoyed.
"Fuck it, let's go see how big this nazi whore actually is. Gotta go that way no matter what anyway."