The Philosopher Boned by LMeir3
FeatureSummary: Markus has recently learned of the dark hunger that his elven adventuring companions have for humans. The elves meanwhile, have just learned that Markus isn't nearly as off-limits as they had always thought he was.

Markus tries to work his ass off and not end up on the menu while the elves try to get their weird human friend to just take a break and have some sexy fun for once.

Original setting with a lot of worldbuilding attached, feel free to ask questions about it.
Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Breast Enlargement, Entrapment, Fantasy, Gentle, Humiliation, Insertion, Mouth Play, New World Order, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: Yes Word count: 27507 Read: 106067 Published: January 18 2022 Updated: January 18 2022

1. Chapter 1 by LMeir3

2. Chapter 2 by LMeir3

3. Chapter 3 by LMeir3

4. Chapter 4 by LMeir3

5. Chapter 5 by LMeir3

6. Chapter 6 by LMeir3

7. Chapter 7 by LMeir3

8. Chapter 8 by LMeir3

9. Chapter 9 by LMeir3

10. Chapter 10 by LMeir3

11. Chapter 11 by LMeir3

12. Chapter 12 by LMeir3

13. Chapter 13 by LMeir3

Chapter 1 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:
Introductions, both for the charectars and the world they inhabit.

62nd of Sunspeak, 3418, Somewhere in South Wlyette, Markus' Journal

On the whole, my life isn't so bad. Humans in general have it pretty good in elven lands, provided we live as honestly as our benevolent overlords do. For the most part I've never suffered anything worse than a bit of indignity at the hands of any random high elf who thought I looked cute. Perhaps I should back up, I don't know if the hypothetical person reading this journal entry is familiar with elves afterall. The idea boggles my mind a little, but apparently there are some isolated island communities where humans live alone and rule themselves. I honestly can't imagine what that's like so logically an audience from there would similarly struggle to comprehend life under elves in general and high elves in particular.

I'll get this out of the way first: Elves are tall. The shortest kind are wood elves and the shortest wood elf I've ever met liked to carry me under her bosom and 'forget' that she had me there before sharing a mischievous titter with the other elves in our class. Elves are rather fond of sexually charged teasing like that, as far as I know she wasn't actually interested in me, it was just another game to make me blush and stutter in embarrassment. More relevantly to this journal however, are high elves. High elves are very very tall, tall enough that all four of my adventuring companions often find it easier to wrap a single hand around me and lift me into the air in a casual carry than to wait for me to follow after them at my own pace. Now you might be thinking to yourself: Why is this person traveling with such large folk? What could he have to offer them, even as a slave?

Well first of all, contrary to the social strata of humans in orcish and dwarven lands, I'm not a slave or even an indentured servant. I'm an equal partner and receive an equal share of the loot, and I provide my combat-capable teammates with an invaluable service in our often deadly line of work. I am an alchemist.

You see, elves aren't just big for no reason, they're also incredibly magical. Being magical generally has a lot of benefits such as being tall and not much in the way of negative effects, but it does mean that casting any kind of spell on them, even the ones meant to help like healing spells, won't always work. But potions are apparently natural enough to have no such risk, so a high elf who finds herself frequently engaging with danger is going to need to spend a lot of her earnings on potions, both to fix herself up and extra things. I can't imagine it's very fun exterminating dragons without the influence of a fire resistance potion, for instance. And that's just for one high elven adventurer, four of them basically need to have their own personal alchemist, the fact that I'm a human and thus adorably tiny in comparison is just icing on the cake to my companions. Though like most elves, they've got a funny way of showing their appreciation.

When the team is actively plunging some dungeon or hunting some monster, I'm not really capable of defending myself or even getting away in time. So naturally that means one of my teammates has to carry me so I don't get hurt, left behind, or worse. Which naturally means that I get constant reminders that I am very small, very weak, and very cute for practically the entire time I'm in their clutches. But the money is fantastic for how much work I do so I put up with their belittling words and games. Plus Mere and Elya let me ride in their bosom when it's their turn to hold me, and thanks to magic, it's actually more comfortable than it sounds.

I paused in my writing to look up at the elves in question. How should I describe them to an outsider? Mere was cleaning her sword off to the side, seemingly in her own world separate from reality. Her skin was a pastel pink, and she could be mistaken for a sunburnt human if she were quite a long ways away. The only sign that she was still paying attention to our surroundings were her long ears twitching and swiveling around in reaction to sounds that weren't audible to a human. Or to me at any rate, It could be that I'm just individually useless at tracking, weren't some humans on the border towns rangers by trade?

Meanwhile the light green sisters, Teale and Elya, were engaged in an animated discussion comparing the merits of wild venison to pastured beef. I'd heard similar arguments between my two brothers, though the tastes of elves were wildly different from what a human would find palatable. Being magical, elves didn't have to worry about being harmed by something as mundane as food poisoning, and they typically consumed their meals as seasoned meat with a side of vegetables, but also raw and whole. Apparently it was far more flavorful and enjoyable that way, and 'fed their souls as well as it did their forms'. I lost my appetite the first few times I witnessed elven 'cooking' but well, I've been to a slaughterhouse too and I still enjoyed a nice steak. Plus it'd been years since I took this job.

Finally Aure was tending the cookfire for my own meal. That woman is a blessing and probably the reason I stuck around so long. I don't know how, but her human cuisine was somehow better than my mother's, the light blue elf deftly manipulated cooking implements the length of her fingernails with all the skills of- of well, myself, when I'm rendering down monster viscera and magical plants into usable potion batches. The main difference between the team wizard working her delicious hobby and myself doing my job was that Aure didn't have to worry about being snatched up by a mischievous teammate for anywhere between a few minutes to the rest of the evening filled with lewd comments and casual manhandling.

Rarely the elvish bullying would escalate into an actual sexual encounter if I accidentally said the wrong thing in response and goaded her on. Not a serious one though, I was just often the only man within several leagues and it's apparently a good natural way to relieve post-battle stress. That's just typical adventuring parties having more urges than boundaries, it almost never went further than being held in between her breasts and pressed against her thighs. Sometimes I'd be released when my captor was sated, other times she'd fall asleep like that and I'd be trapped in comfort until she remembered to pull me out. And once this last season I also got a blowjob when she was done using me, followed by a return to normalcy within hours of the event. Like it never even happened. I probably wouldn't be writing about that stuff though. Random strangers didn't need to know how irrationally proud I was of being told by Elya that I had a tasty penis, and neither did any elves snooping over my shoulder. goddess, I do not want to know of what kinds of teasing they'd escalate to with that knowledge.

Speaking of, I probably shouldn't have taken my eyes off of Elya if I wanted to remain on the ground with my dignity intact. At least then I could have maneuvered myself into a more comfortable position than being dangled over the archer's breasts while she and Teale deliberated whether I was an ass man or a breast man. Eventually I was let go to eat my dinner, but not before Teale and her sister shared a giggle over Teale's odd statement of me being a better fit within the team than without it. I didn't really understand the joke until halfway through my rabbit, when Elya made a crude gesture of shoving something- or someone up into her womanhood. I can only imagine how red my face must have gotten because all my companions shared an uproarious laugh at that.

End Notes:
Fun fact, I was originally just posting this on Psstpaste, but then Psstpaste decided to abruptly stop working as I was about to post the final quarter of this thing. So I'm mirroring it over here until they're done doing maintenance or whatever the problem is.
Chapter 2 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:

The terrible secret is revealed.

64th of Sunspeak, 3418, Grimath's Grave, Markus' Journal

Our latest job request was rather unusual compared to our team's usual work of tracking down and killing troublesome beasts. We'd really only gotten it because ours was the only Guild-affiliated adventuring team nearby with more than one high elf. Bandits. Specifically, bandits who had moved into an old dwarven fortress and were using it to rob and kill countless unwary travelers in nine different elven queendoms. Being dwarf-made, there was just a single entrance to access the fortress, and taking it would put any normal army in full view of the fortress' artillery for hours before they managed to find a way in. And that was without taking any of the undoubtedly nasty magic traps laid by the stout slaver folk. In short, it was a nightmare enough just approaching the place, trying to clean out the bandits would be impossible for most warriors.

Most warriors who aren't high elves anyway. The siege weapons were still a problem, but high elves are the biggest and most magical folk that exist. That immunity to magic that guarantees my job security also guaranteed that none of my companions gave two shits about what runes they were stepping on, regardless of what it would do to any river elf a bit less than half their size.

But it wasn't the fortress that had me feeling sick with sudden worry, it wasn't even that we weren't likely to be paid by the destitute queendoms who had been victimized by these bandits for so long. It was my own team that worried me, more specifically-

I set the quill down on the page where it magically adhered itself to avoid getting lost, and stared long and hard at my previous journal entries. Was it proper to speak of that? Perhaps it was some great dark secret? I certainly hadn't known of this particular facet of high elf culture even after traveling with them for so long. Yes, that must be it, for my own safety, I'd have to keep my audience as in the dark about this new viscerally terrifying insight into high elf culture as they'd kept me in for so many years.

We weren't getting paid not because the queendoms couldn't afford it, if nothing else the Guild would happily reimburse us for increasing their fame in a region that would soon experience an economic boom with the bandits gone. No, we weren't getting paid in gold because my teammates were more than happy to be paid with the bandits themselves. Aure specifically said that live humans were a delicacy that they rarely got a chance to indulge in. And all four of them were certainly eager to indulge. Never before had I felt so vulnerable in Elya's bosom, just a dozen spans away from what was apparently a tomb for any human she deemed worthless, like these bandits. I was safe of course, since I was the party alchemist and the furthest state from worthless for as long as the team drank my work faster than a fish drinks water. But still, what a thin defense that truly was once you thought about it.

As I stared up in thought at her, she happened to glance back down and the tomb in question smiled brightly. “Bet you're happy about getting to lounge all day today, huh Markus? Want me to tuck you in deeper so you can pretend to help moving my boulders while I actually help move these ones?” She was of course, speaking up the work that the elves were doing to block the only entrance to the cratered mountain. Already their makeshift barrier went up past their knees, as humans only came up to the midpoint of a high elf's ankle, it was a formidable obstacle, but not an insurmountable one. All four of them agreed that they didn't want a single bandit to leave this place on the outside of a stomach.

“That won't be necessary, Elya. I'd like my hands free so I'm able to write.” She snorted at that.

“Right, that memoir idea of yours. I don't know why you're bothering, surely you're cute and smart enough to persuade some cousin elf into taking care of you in your old age. Or even a human woman, I don't know.” Elya scrunched her face up in thought for moment, it was a rare sight, she was usually rather sure of what she had to say. “Human women do do that right? That's how marriage works for you little things?”

“How am I supposed to know? I've never been married.” My parents were but neither of them were old enough to require care just yet.

“Aye, and color me surprised at that. Surely the short and pudgy bookworm would be high in demand, aye?” Elya said in that typical elvish style of wordplay. “You're so cute and helpless I'm surprised your first caress of a woman was when I unceremoniously wedged you there so I could use my bow that first week.” I felt my face heat up at the memory, as ordinary as it was now, back then it felt like some grand milestone had been shattered and desecrated.

“Oi, back to work you slacker! You can seduce the alchemist later.” Thank the goddess Elya didn't think to look down at me that moment, or she'd have seen my blush at Teale's remark.

Chapter 3 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:
Elya learns something fun about Markus. Surely this won't result in a hilarious misunderstanding.

Once the mountain pass was completely blocked off with debris, it was so tall and formidable that even my teammates had to be careful when they climbed it, the bandits would likely be trapped here even in the improbable case that our team failed to eliminate the threat. So technically our mission was already accomplished, but the elves wanted to make absolutely certain that none of the scoundrels escaped this place with their lives. So after a brief equipment and readiness check, the four of them stalked into view of the den of murderers.

It was chaos compared to their usual work, every step produced some exotic and horrible magical effect splashing across the ground, rocks the width of myself twice over pelted and bounced off their armor, more magical spells flew through the air, occasionally lighting up Elya's face in some unnatural nameless color. If I was anywhere but my customary place high, above the ground in Elya's bosom, I might have been in serious danger. But as it was, it seemed that the team had been overly cautious.

A reader unfamiliar with elves might wonder exactly why this was, not fully grasping the sheer enormity of high elves. I shall endeavor to explain it as concisely as I am able. In the Terela Queendom, where I was born, distance is typically measured in the arm span of the average wood elf. A human is half and a third of 1 span tall, a high elf is over 12 and a half spans tall. What transpired next couldn't be called a battle at all, it was a slaughter.

A harvest, more like. I watched in morbid fascination as Elya lifted yet another struggling human to her face and carefully removed everything he wore, from his armor to his undergarments and jewelry. Once the bandit was sufficiently naked, she simply popped him into her mouth and swallowed after a moment before reaching down to grab another. I could still faintly hear the ones still alive inside her screaming; wailing in obvious pain, wishing curses on their devourer, and pleading with the goddess to save them.

The elves were being very careful not to inadvertently harm any of the bandits before they could be consumed. I hadn't asked why because like many aspects of the endeavor, I was afraid that I wouldn't like to hear the answer. But I suspected they had a similar reasoning as when they ate their animal meals. And really, what is a bandit, if not a human who has turned his back on society to live as beasts do, taking from the weak and hiding away from the cities and their laws?

And Elya was simply eating them. These terrible people, who had built their existence on the pain and suffering of others, were now just- just food for one of the nicest, if teasing, folk that I had ever met. Their lives were being snuffed out in her digestive tract, which modern science had recently shown to primarily involve powerful acids. As an alchemist, I worked with acid on a near daily basis, even a small burn was incredibly painful and debilitating, more than once I'd misjudged the potency of a reagent I'd never worked with before and needed Aure to magically heal me when a drop of it seared through my gloves.

Being bathed in such acid... She's barely even paying attention and she'll inevitably be the horrifying death of everyone she finds, all my teammates will. It isn't costing them anything more than a few hours to pick through the buildings and grab the criminals one by one. Indeed, the act will grant them energy to work with. Surely the murderers here being feasted on at least had to worry about their own victims fighting back.

I don't- It's been so long since I was really confronted with just how overwhelmingly powerful elves are compared to humans, I've gotten used to their gentle handling of me between bouts of monster hunting that the latter almost didn't seem real. Elya is swallowing other humans alive while I relax here in total comfort and watch her do it, the lower half of my body pinned in place between her breasts. There is a non-zero chance that she'll want to celebrate after such a big meal, a non-zero chance that she'll insist on my- on observing me while she- of sucking on my- Oh no.

Elya had paused with a pair of kicking legs in her mouth to look down at me, her eyes half-lidded. It wasn't until she slurped the unfortunate and sent him down that I became aware of my own arousal pulsing almost painfully into the side of her left breast. “Like what you see Markus?” My cock twitched again at her words and she smirked knowingly before grabbing the sides of her bosom and giving them a few light shakes and squeezes. Thankfully, my journal had been enchanted to teleport to Aure's backpack if it ever got lost, so I didn't have to worry about losing my work from the motion. Between the jiggling motion and the small amount of sweat slicking her flesh I slipped down until only my head and hands were free to move, though my field of view had been restricted to a sliver of sky periodically interrupted by Elya continuing to eat.

I don't know if it's what she intended, but now that I had little choice but to watch each man and woman transform from vicious killers to helpless squirming morsels. And to my even more confused delight, Elya had taken to stripping and swallowing the bandits with a blatantly sexual flair. Sometimes she even moaned and traced the lumps in her unblemished throat as they were sent to her stomach. I could only imagine what the bandits whom she'd yet to catch were thinking, watching the elf treat them like this in their final moments. goddess, she was so-

That non-zero chance was starting to look fairly certain. I wondered what those fellow humans inside her who even now were steadily being reduced to a nutritious slurry would think of when my semen followed after them. What despair would they feel, knowing that their predator had another human in her mouth whom she only wanted to pleasure rather than devour? What strange and perverted thoughts I've been having lately. It seems my travels with these four have changed me more than I had thought.

Chapter 4 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:

The fun begins!

64th of Sunspeak, 3418, Grimath's Grave, Markus' Journal

The night after the massacre of the bandits was almost alarmingly typical. We had opted to make camp in the fortress itself, since none of the elves particularly felt like moving elsewhere after being on their feet all day. So they simply draped a tarp over the tallest towers of the fortress and called it a tent before pooling all the loot from the day into a pile at the center to divide evenly between ourselves. Said loot naturally consisted of the poorly-made and ill-fitting armor and weapons previously owned by the dead, but it could still be made useful with a bit of alchemy.

It was a little tricky, but with the right reagents, anything could be transmuted into gold that could transmuted again into whatever non-magical material we needed or else simply accepted as payment by any merchant for goods. Fortunately for the team, I had just the things for a pile of leather, copper and pig iron. And I was able to reduce the mountain of junk into a cubic block of gold about 2 spans tall. It was one of the larger masses of gold I'd made in my tenure as the party alchemist, and it could have been bigger had my companions not seen fit to dispose of the dead in a more traditional fashion. And if I were willing to desecrate the dead like that.

Once I was done with my task, Aure further compressed our prize with her magic and then stored the compressed cube in with the rest of our money. And it was time to eat. As usual, I had enjoyed a lovely meal of the various canned goods kept in the fortress kitchens, while my companions had already eaten and simply relaxed around the bonfire at the center of camp, making idle chatter that I doubt the reader would be interested in.

Or rather, I was uninterested in writing it. The very first thing out of Elya's mouth had been that I'd gotten an erection watching her eat, and that she'd theorized that I had gotten a thrill out of being reminded how the foodchain works in the wild. Specifically, a human's natural place on it when we refused the protection of proper elven society and insisted on being a brutish animal.

That she was entirely correct did nothing to ease my utter embarrassment at being spoken of in that way. Especially when they all began teasingly asking if I wanted to feel or listen to their swollen bellies or hear descriptions of what it was like to swallow my folk alive and wriggling. But what really crossed the line was when Elya leaned in close and asked if I wanted to feel what it was like to be in the jaws of a predator and have my flavor savored by her.

Through all my flustered stuttering, I didn't get a chance to answer verbally beyond a few 'um's, 'I's, and a single meek 'yes, but'. But the raging hardness between my legs must have been all the answer Elya needed. I was simply plucked off the ground and brought with her as she leaned back against the main keep, until I dangled upside down over her voluptuous chest. Then I was disrobed as calmly and casually as she had every other human she'd held today, exposing my form for all the world to see, or at least the tent. Elya smiled warmly at me and the sight of her gentle expression calmed my nerves somewhat before her tongue darted out from her lips to give me a lick. The muscle was delightfully hot on contact but the saliva left in its wake was almost unbearably cold from the cool night air. “Mmm. Yes, I think I'll take my time with such a tasty snack as this.”

“W- wait, what d-do you mea-?!” I didn't get a chance to finish stuttering out my objection to Elya's alarming terminology before I was enclosed in darkness. It was warm, wet, and utterly dark. My ears had popped from the difference in pressure as a tongue with more muscle than I had in my entire body rolled me around the flower-scented fleshy cavern. Occasionally I was pressed into a vaguely hard surface and my exposed side was ravished by the organ; up to down, side to side, probing all my body's crevices and contours. When this happened, I was also subjected to a bone-rattling moan, more vibration than audible sound from my experience. At some point I don't recall, I came directly onto Elya's tongue and she slathered the entire front of my body with my production while she moaned again.

I thought she'd let me out then, or perhaps swallow me down with the rest of her prey while I was helpless to defend myself. But instead I was kept imprisoned in the elf's mouth as she continued to thoroughly enjoy my presence within it, even as the heavenly treatment had suddenly become almost too pleasurable, like some perverse elvish re-imagining of the orcish hell. She continued to assault my senses for some unknowable period of time before I felt another orgasm rising within me, this time while I was in the middle of her mouth. Instinctively, I grappled with Elya's tongue as though it were a human woman and bucked by hips into it's delightfully squishy underside. In response to my wild abandon, Elya pressed me down into the bottom of her mouth, completely submerging me in her saliva before she flexed the organ and squeezed me. I was sent over the edge a second time and once I went limp from exhaustion she instantly took advantage again, going back to licking every bit of me while I was too overstimulated to resist her before I eventually slipped into blissful unconsciousness.

Soft. I'm somewhere warm and soft. I can't move, or rather, I can move, but my confinement moves with me. No matter how much I adjust, I'm surrounded by warm softness. I'm also naked. “-Oh definitely. I don't think I can go back to normal after stuffing myself like this.“ Elya was talking to somebody, I could hear her voice from somewhere above me. I was in her breasts. She didn't actually eat me then. That's good. I didn't think she would, but who be be sure what an elf is thinking?

“And the taste! Goddess, it's better than the stories.” Her younger sister Teale, of course. They were always talking about something. Or rather, Elya was always trying to draw Teale out of her shell. The younger elf was actually quite shy and quiet when her older sibling wasn't around. I wonder what they were talking about now? I hadn't been paying attention.

“Ha, if you thought those dirty lumps of meat were good, you'll love sucking on Markus.” Oh. Yes, of course, that makes sense. If that- that experience had been purely for my benefit, Elya would have let me rest in the interim. So the flavor that had captivated the archer so thoroughly just minutes or possibly hours ago would naturally be the first thing on her mind in a discussion about- about humans being- I was hard again. There is no way she hasn't noticed that, goddess damnit.

Teale took a while to respond, and I could barely hear her when she did. “I heard, yes. But I also heard you moaning during the hunt, so perhaps you're simply tongue-blind after so many?”

“Those first ones were just an act for Markus' benefit; the scum tasted nice, but they obviously didn't bathe any more than humans think they should. And Markus actually enjoyed it enough that he seasoned himself twice over.” Seasoned myself. Sure, I suppose that's one valid way of looking at it, for my apparent natural predators. I'm sure I was quite salty in those moments.

“Really, now? Twice?”

“Ask him yourself, he's been awake for a while now. Listening in and getting himself worked up for a possible round three.” Oh goddess. There was a scuffling noise as Teale undoubtedly got up from her seated position to stalk over close enough to make eye contact with me. I didn't even bother try to hide my obvious arousal, nor that it had only grown from the almost hungry look that formed in Teale's eyes when I slowly nodded. Elves can probably smell it or something anyway.

This night was the start of something unprecedented, I could feel it. But I was oddly more excited than worried at the prospect. Indeed I had changed significantly from the boy who had become too flustered to speak coherently the moment Elya had set me in her bosom that first time for her own convenience.

Chapter 5 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:

Poor Markus.

3rd of Sunsfall, 3418, Somewhere in North Yaavy, Markus' Journal

It seems that I could pass for an Oracle if only my ears were a bit pointier, because many things did change after that night. We'd become famous for ending the threat posed by the bandit fortress, and the fact that we were content to be compensated in just the loot of the act meant that the Guild had been receiving even more requests for our team specifically to visit and dislodge a stubborn criminal infestation. Of course, we were well in our rights to turn down these offers since most of them were charities and the loot was unlikely to be anywhere near as lucrative as the crime syndicate citystate that started the trend. But the jobs were easy, and high elves are nothing if not magnanimous and helpful towards those who desperately need it.

I personally would have at least liked to at least stopped in a few Guild outposts to upgrade my lab equipment with our now sizable fame discount, but as usual I was outvoted on the matter. The only time my vote ever matters is when my teammates are split 2 to 2, and usually they prefer to settle the matter with a game instead. Not that I'm bitter about it or anything, that's just elves being elves and I know they mean well. High elves in particular tend to think that even their smaller kin don't quite know what's best for themselves and need high elf guidance.

Of course, the greatest change was to our party dynamic. Not only did my companions insist on taking every opportunity to feast on bandits even at a loss, they also had collectively decided that I would tide their appetites over in the interim periods. Where before I earned my keep by spending three-quarters of my waking hours foraging for reagents, now I rarely had more than half that spent safely outside an elven mouth. If we weren't almost exclusively taking all these easy jobs, it would have seriously endangered the party's supply of potions.

And the verbal teasing that followed wasn't any better. I was both quietly terrified and also somehow flattered when Teale confided in me that I was her new 'favorite flavor'. The introverted elf hastened to declare that she had no intention of swallowing me right then, and that she meant it as a complement of my health. But that talk had cemented the precariousness of the situation I now found myself in.

It boiled down to a few hard facts and the logical connections that an educated folk could make of it. Elves enjoy eating humans. Elves claim that they only eat humans who have refused the protection of elves and thus become uncivilized. Humans at large are unaware that elves eat humans at all. My employment contract states that I will be paid an equal share of the party's profits and be protected from harm so long as I keep the potion supply per elf reasonably high. Logically, if I decided to leave or otherwise fail to uphold my part of my employment contract, then I could be construed as “refusing the protection” of the party according to the contract. If I left the party, I could conceivably tell other humans that elves enjoy eating us, as could any other human in my position. This has apparently never happened, because humans at large are not aware that elves enjoy eating humans. Therefore if I- If-

My mouth went dry at the thought and I had to resist the urge to drink from my waterskin. My hands were still covered in stinging nettles, it was very uncomfortable but I had a magic charm for that. The charm wouldn't help me if I contaminated an object that I frequently raise to my lips and drink from. Rather I decided to refocus on the present while I diced the nettles for storage.

I had woken that morning much the same as I always did, wrapped in blankets at the bottom of a pocket. Being so small in comparison, it was actually no trouble at all for me to sleep on real mattress on a bedframe every night, my “bedroom” was just one of Aure's backpack pockets and it was frankly one of the coziest and most spacious dwellings I'd had since my older brothers moved out of my parents' home when I was still a boy. Everything I owned save for my laboratory equipment was in that pouch, and the only reason the lab wasn't there was because of ventilation concerns, rather than floorspace.

So as usual I climbed the ladder embroidered into the side of the pocket, and then started climbing back down on the outside ladder before I was snatched up by the closest elf who noticed that I was finally awake. I broke my arm once a few years back from falling off of the outside ladder, as the whole surface had been slick with freezing rain, so they very rarely let me fully climb down on my own power anymore, just in case. Today I had been snatched up by Mere, who had without fanfare deposited me near a human-sized platter of breakfast foods before going back to reading her morning prayerbook.

As I ate I listened to the elves as they began discussing their activities for the day. The team had nothing on the agenda save for traveling onward to the next waypoint, but that generally meant nothing as elves were always playing some sort of sport or gamble with one another. I didn't used to pay their talks much attention before, but as of the 'Paradigm Shift', these talks were often the only indication of how much time I had to complete my duties to the satisfaction of my employment contract before my work was abruptly interrupted to begin my second, new role within the party.

Some days I had several hours, others I only had until I was done eating. But no matter what game the elves had decided on that day during breakfast, I was unanimously declared to be the perfect victory prize for the winner of their gamble. As soon as they finished their game I'd be snatched up and stripped, before spending the rest of the day being sucked on until I lost consciousness and waking up to find myself ensconced in elf breasts until the party stopped to make camp.

The worst part was perversely that they always asked first, and I couldn't honestly say that I didn't want to be treated in such a way. If I said yes I was intentionally sabotaging myself and had to live with that, and if I said no their keen senses would know that I was lying and they'd argue me out of my paper-thin excuses into agreeing to go along with it afterall. It was simultaneously a no-win and a no-lose situation.

I truly enjoyed my new place as the team prize, even in spite of the fact that the lack of work on my part was increasing the risk that one day I would wake up trapped in a very different part of whoever had tasted me that day. On some level I was absolutely thrilled to be subject to the whims of folk who made meals out of dozens of humans. The prospect of vanishing down a throat to fatten a bosom wasn't any less terrifying, but the idea that it could happen without any warning made every encounter of that nature far more intense and pleasurable when it didn't happen than that simple fellatio I'd enjoyed with Elya seemingly ages ago.

Damn it all. I was thinking about being eaten again. Worse, I was thinking about being eaten and it had made me hard in addition to being anxious. Being hard before being made into a prize wouldn't have any effect on how long I was tasted, but it did generally mean I was teased before and afterward. Elves can't really help themselves on that sort of thing, I was beginning to recognize that and many of their other peculiarities as specifically predatory behaviors. Like a cat playing with a vole, except the cat had a keen understanding of how much playing the vole could tolerate before it died and was careful not to overdo the game.

Chapter 6 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:

A look into the Elven POV.

First Hymnic of the Goddess, Mere's copy, (Annotated by her grandmother)

    1. At the dawn of time, there was only the Earth, and plants, and gods.

    2. The plants were Wild and grew in the Earth, while the gods were Folk and were masters of it.

    3. But one day something changed, a god had accidentally fallen asleep with his mouth on a plant, and he had swallowed it in his dreamless slumber.

    4. When he had awoken, the god had realized that he was in fact a goddess and had been made slightly Wild by consuming the plant.

    5. She gave birth and her children became the first animals.

    6. We call this first goddess the Earth Mother, for she would become the first mother of us all. (A title which is actually quite odd when you think about it, as the earth apparently coexisted with the goddess at the dawn of time, I suspect that it came from the ancient human religion originally)

    7. But there were still other gods in the world, and they ruthlessly mocked the Earth Mother for becoming lesser by consuming that which grew in the Earth.

    8. And at the height of their childish cruelty, they began eating the first animals in front of her, believing that the essence of godliness in their prey would be enough to save themselves from becoming similarly debased.

    9. They were wrong.

    10. The other gods, in their playful mocking of the Earth Mother had consumed much more Wild than the single bite that she did.

    11. Before even half of her children had been devoured, the Earth Mother was the only true goddess who still had her full power.

    12. And she had learned from her own and her Folk's mistakes, she would never again fill herself with Wild things with more than a single bite, lest she be reduced to an animal.(She later goes back on this promise without any consequences, and it never gets addressed in the original hymnic verses. Modern theologians theorize that by that point she had adapted enough of her prey that her core had been insulated from wild influences as elven cores are)

    1. And for a time, this was how the world stayed.

    2. But soon enough the Earth Mother became discontent with the quality of her children. They moved and had mastery over plants, but they did not have mastery over the Earth itself.

    3. They were not Folk and did not truly understand that they should love and be grateful to their Mother rather than fear her. (Here we have the first example typical ancient misconceptions about the natural world that were plentiful before science. In case my probable descendants are unaware, animals do indeed love their mothers and offspring. Or at least, they make a convincing show of it)

    4. The Earth Mother yearned as all mothers do, for the love of her children.

    5. So one day, she decided to rectify it.

    6. If partaking in concentrated Wild meals caused Folk to become more Wild and beget animals, then surely devouring nearly pure Folk would would beget children who could love her as Folk do.

    7. So she approached the god of dreams as he lay slumbering, fat and happy and completely unaware of the Earth Mother's intent.

    8. And with one great swallow, she had devoured him, and he became one with her without ever waking up.

    9. From this, the Earth Mother gained power that could not be physically expressed on the Earth.

    10. She gained not only dreams, but philosophy and memory.

    11. She remembered and understood that she had killed and felt grief for her now dead brother who had previously been Good, she understood the growing Evil of her other still living siblings and felt sick at what they had become. (Which implies that up until this point, she tolerated all the other gods because she couldn't remember that they were evil, except for this guy, somewhat randomly. Why only him? Never addressed, he's only referenced as being eaten)

    12. But more than anything, she felt a fullness inside herself that she had only felt once before, and she gave birth to the first Folk who were not gods.

    1. These were the humans.

    2. Folk who bred like animals do but were masters of the world as goddess were.

    3. They smell and taste as animals do but are born with souls full of Good rather than Wild. (And they feel amazing in the sack, if you can find one who'll agree to try it. You'd think wood elves would be better for that being more than twice as long and thick, but no, if they hadn't come before us I'd have thought humans were made to be specifically to be gifted to us)

    4. They are clever but lacking magic, are easily swayed by Wild influences to become Evil without protection.

    5. They are our oldest, weakest true siblings and must be cherished as such.

    6. Seeing the humans brought joy to the Earth Mother, for in them she saw her gentle brother, alive once more.

    7. They were masters over the Earth, plants, and animals.

    8. They could dream and love her as children ought.

    9. The Earth Mother forgot her woes and doted on her youngest children in utter happiness.

    1. But the other gods saw her simple joy and grew jealous.

    2. Evil though they were, they understood love and wanted lesser Folk to love them the way humans loved the Earth Mother.

    3. Some of these gods simply stole away the Earth Mother's children, tricking them into loving the Evil gods instead of the Earth Mother.

    4. While others would not be satisfied with the Earth Mother's children of Goodness and decided to create their own.

    5. These gods fell upon their siblings and devoured them, causing the bloated Evil gods to become goddesses and give birth to more kinds of Folk.

    6. They begat goblins, dwarves, and even more wicked children still.

    7. The Earth Mother wept, for humans were powerless against these younger children who with magic held mastery over all they surveyed but the gods.

    8. She knew that humans would all be devoured if nothing was done.

    9. So the Earth Mother went to the other evil gods who had previously stolen her children, falsely believing that her siblings loved her children as much as she did.

    10. But they refused, the love from humans was simply a passing interest for the Evil gods.

    11. They cared not for the humans' eventual extinction and would simply steal goblins and dwarves to replace what was lost.

    12. The Earth Mother was horrified, and finally came to terms with what must be done.

    13. Though she regretted the act, after devouring the dream god, she was twice as strong as any god who had not devoured another.

    14. She set upon the weakest of these goddess and swallowed them before they knew they should defend themselves or run away.

    15. Unlike the dream god, these Evil gods were fully aware of their impending demise and sought to escape.

    16. They struggled to free themselves and brought the Earth Mother great pleasure, which she deemed was only fair for the grief that they had wrought against Goodness.

    17. Soon the struggles of the weakest Evil gods subsided, and the Earth Mother was filled with even more power and life than any time before.

    18. She gave birth and begat the first elves.

    1. These were the wood elves, twice as tall as humans but colored in the same woodlike tones on their skin.

    2. Like the evil Folk begat by evil gods, they held mastery over all things but the gods. But unique to elves was that they bred as gods do, and only lay with other folk to make merry.

    3. Better still, elves had mastery over both magic and dreams, and could devour Wild and Evil things and not be made Wild or Evil.

    4. The Earth Mother saw these most beautiful of her children and bade them to protect and watch over and guide the humans, as the gods who they came from should have done in the first place.

    5. As it was the wood elves who first kept and protected humans, it was wood elves who first laid with humans and enjoyed their flavors in joyous friendship.

    6. The Earth Mother told them of houses and baths, of city walls and farms, of weapon smithing and baking bread.

    7. She told the wood elves of all these things knowing that the humans they protected would have to be insulated from Wild things as much as the elves were able.

    8. She told the wood elves of these things that they may stave off the Wildness that had been planted in the hearts of humans after being stolen by the Evil gods.

    1. But her work was not done.

    2. The Earth Mother was no fool and had the strength and wisdom of many gods at once.

    3. She saw the pattern forming before it had come to fruition and sought to eliminate her enemies before they could escalate once more.

    4. So she began to hunt and devour even more gods, all across the elven continent.

    5. Those who had wronged her, those who had mocked her, those who helped her not.

    6. The Earth Mother gave them no warning and allowed none to escape and tell the others.

    7. She did not give them a chance to understand what had changed before she was upon them.

    8. She only stopped when the elven continent was empty of gods save for herself.

    9. And there the Earth Mother rested, in the jungles of the South, where the sun is always at its lowest and the air at its warmest, and in her respite she birthed the dark elves.

    1. These were the dark elves, twice again as tall as their wood elf sisters, and dark in skin tone though much more vibrant with skins in every color as gods themselves were.

    2. As the dark elves were born from both ambush and complacent prey, they too are prone to simple desires to laze in comfort and to strike foes without warning. (They're also nudists. So the lazing about verse here might be a reference to how much they hate having to be out and about in places that require them to clothe themselves)

    3. It was the dark elves who first married with humans, promising the pleasure of their forms and entwining their souls into one with a single friend whom they loved above all others.

    4. It was the dark elves who first devoured goblins and dwarves whole and alive, consuming and purifying their Evil souls as well as their Wild forms. (Goblins have an unfortunate tendency to piss themselves in your mouth, which leaves a foul aftertaste. You won't regret eating them alive for what they do for your core, but I recommend keeping a supply a cocoa handy if you're expecting to find goblins)

    5. The Earth Mother had little time to spare, but bade her newest children to cherish her smaller children and to devour only those Evil Folk who would harm Goodness.

    6. Though the dark elves do not remember our shared Mother as fondly as other elves do, they have upheld their duty in between seeking pleasures and must be as cherished as any other Good Folk. (A polite way of saying that dark elves are atheists and only practice reverence of their flesh-and-blood mothers)

    1. But there was still yet more gods in the world to threaten her children, and the Earth Mother is nothing if not a wrathful defender of her offspring.

    2. Next she went to the longest, and widest, and deepest river of the world, known as the ocean. (The second unfortunate case of the ancients not really knowing how the natural world worked. “Ocean” is itself a human word with human roots, that ancient elves didn't have anything closer than “river” implies that they had not strayed far from Mt. Mother by the time the Hymnics were compiled into written word, but that humans were wide-spead)

    3. The depths of which teemed with all manner of Wild and Evil things. Gods and animals and mers and sirens and far more wicked things, they writhed in the deep and devoured one another with Wild abandon, growing bigger all the while. (This is the only mention of “sirens” that survived their extinction, but “mers” were folk with fins who could breathe water like air. They had a penchant for drowning human sailors apparently)

    4. The waters would never be safe for elves and humans for as long as the goddess of the ocean still lived.

    5. So the Earth Mother drank the ocean in great quaffs, swallowing entire lakes at once.

    6. For she had devoured the gods of an entire continent, and even in the ocean, there was no other god who could hope to match her in power.

    7. Only when the waters were drained away into her gullet did she rest easy, and she allowed herself to enjoy the struggles of all the Evil in all the ocean of the world. (The Goddess was doubtlessly titanic in scale at this point, assuming size means anything at all to a god)

    8. She fell into a deep slumber and only awoke when the Evils had faded away into her being and left only Wild things.

    9. And with her mission completed, the Earth Mother rebirthed the ocean and all the fishes within it.

    10. And much to the Earth Mother's delight the last things to be birthed into the new ocean were elves.

    1. These were the river elves.

    2. They were twice as tall as dark elves and had anointed skin that helped them to swim at great speed. (It also means that they're fun to bed, assuming you're fine with having to wash all the bedding the next day)

    3. As they had been borne of endless feasting creatures who were in turn feasted on all at once, they were fond of food and filling themselves much more than the average elf.

    4. The river elves were the first to enjoy filling their mouths and delighting their tongues with a human friend's flavor. (The original verse did not specify that the humans being suckled were friends, that part came later as elves began questioning why they should ask permission from a friend when they had a perfectly bad captured human bandit whose opinion they didn't care for)

    5. And they were the first to enjoy filling their nethers and delighting their souls with the presence of a human friend's form. (I don't recommend forcing a bad human into yourself like this. There's technically nothing wrong with it in the eyes of the Goddess as long as you definitely eat them afterward to purify their souls, but you never know when the little bastards have hidden a knife up their ass or something and they could do you some real harm while you're unable to grab and pull them out)

    6. The Earth Mother welcomed her newest children into the world and bade them to enjoy themselves and to provide for their smaller siblings. (Incidentally, the best restaurants that cater to high elves are always owned by pious river elves. They make sure you leave with a full belly at minimum cost)

    7. For river elves were the best suited to reap the new ocean's bounty and had little to fear from even the greatest of Wild predators.

    1. Finally, the Earth Mother's task was nearly complete.

    2. She had devoured and remade all the gods of the elven continent and the great river into beautiful elven children.

    3. Even if all the remaining gods had been wise enough to join forces to oppose her, they would not be able to save themselves.

    4. Their fates had been sealed and the Earth Mother allowed herself to enjoy the hunt and their pitiful struggles as each one tried to resist her clutches alone.

    5. When at last the final Evil god slid down her throat, the Earth Mother went home to surround herself with all her children and their love for her.

    6. On the peak of the tallest mountain, far above the clouds, the Earth Mother used her now unlimited power to fashion herself a grand palace. (There's still some marble pillars up there, but nothing else is left of whatever it looked like before. Scholars are pretty sure it was discovered and looted by the dwarves back when they took the capitol region and held it for a decade in the 4th great war)

    7. And she invited all the queens and all the chieftains of each of her children's tribes on the elven continent.

    8. She told those Folk gathered there of the orcish continent and the many tasty Evil things that lived there.

    9. And she declared that she had eaten the gods of Evil for her children, and that it was the birthright of elves to feast on the Evil Folk who yet lived.(Must have been awkward for the human chieftains who were invited, since they were presumably of some renown. No birthrights, no grand destinies; just relax, be good, and be tasty)

    10. The Earth Mother then declared that she would slumber until the world had been purified by feast.

    11. The Earth Mother promised that when the world was pure once more, that she would return to the Earth to rule the Good Folk eternally in utopia.

    12. It was there that she birthed one last time and begat the high elves.

    1. These were the high elves.

    2. Our people, the last and the greatest in stature.

    3. Destined to protect and rule over all others with a gentle hand in the Earth Mother's stead.

    4. All high elves are equal by the Earth Mother's decree, we are her living Will on Earth and we hold mastery over all but the Mother of us all.

    5. No high elf may rule over another and no lesser elf may claim dominion over us.

    6. Under our righteous and holy rule, none of our Mother's children shall ever fear the Motherless again.

    7. It is our solemn duty to ensure that the world created by the Earth Mother's love for us be purified in totality and never again be tainted by Evil.

Or so the story goes anyway. Our superiority. equality, and right to rule was self-evident and widely acknowledged by elves everywhere, with or without a proclamation by the Goddess at the summit Mt. Mother. The exact story however varied in particulars from tribe to tribe, only the dark elves and us high elves had any consistent interpretation of those ancient events. We had the story that I had just finished rereading, and the dark elves largely rejected the notion of a Goddess or goddess at all. Rather they retold it as though each of the gods in the story were actually whole tribes of Folk, and that this was the story of how our ancestors gorged themselves on the plentiful old Evils of the world before modern times. It was a neat idea, though it failed to explain where evil came from like the high elf story did.

I was getting away from myself. I was only rereading my book of scripture in first place to see if our honored ancestors had any unique insight as to Markus' problem. He was clearly stressed out about something, but he was being very tightlipped about it. He was the sort of person to throw himself into his work to get his mind off whatever was bothering him. Normally an admirable trait, but right now there just wasn't any need and ignoring the root problem was just going to get him sick or something.

Unfortunately, there weren't very many verses that addressed humans, as the ancients had generally assumed that such tiny things had no business venturing out from the safety of the cities. I guess using your breasts as a pocket hadn't been invented back then. Which was strange now that I thought about it. From what we'd discovered since we first started eating all these bandits, devoured folk go straight to the bosom and thighs. The look on our adorably oblivious alchemist's face when he first noticed it happening was hilarious. But as busty as the four of us now were, the ancients would have had more Evil folk to eat on a much more regular basis and would likely be even more top heavy than Elya was. Breast-holding human friends was just another case of the daughter surpassing the mother, I suppose.

Back to my scripture studies, most entries I found had nothing to do with how or what humans thought of things. Not even of their idea of the relationship between our folks. The closest I'd found so far was the story of Ast, which was more about not keeping an evil human around to taste whenever you wanted just because none of your friends would consent to being licked or sucked on. Lest the evil human corrupt your friends into mistakenly sympathizing with their completely deserved plight and becoming evil themselves. That wasn't really applicable though, because Markus didn't share more than a weird look with any one of them. Additionally, unlike Walu in the story, Markus actually gets off on the idea of getting tongue-fucked by someone who just swallowed a handful of his folk moments before.

His apparent trust and bravery at willingly climbing into the mouths of what he now knew to be his natural predators was one of the many things that made me admire the little human. That couldn't be the minor decision he tried to play it off as, considering how he still had to be talked into not denying his true feelings by hiding behind his equally admirable work ethic and his silly human ideas of 'dignity'. I wasn't sure how much of Markus' seed I needed to swallow before it equaled a whole Markus in my core, but I was happy to accept his donations for as long as he was happy to continue making them. There was no such thing as 'too brave' or 'too smart' for the daughter of a high elf. Not that I intended to birth one any time soon.

Still though. He was starting to worry me. It was clear that he needed to talk about something but none of us could figure out how to get him to open up. Indeed, it was generally easier to get a folk to vent about their problems when they were already willing. We were high elves, not being able to protect him from whatever it was that was bothering our tiny friend felt like a spiritual failure.

“So how did it go?” Aure questioned Elya on the matter, as she was the one watching his back while he gathered stinging nettles. One of the more unpleasant reagents he regularly used, if I recalled correctly. Completely nonmagical, so magic worked to suppress its effects on Markus, but we weren't so lucky. Thankfully he could clean himself off of the residue and he'd be safe to play with by midday.

“No good. He visibly panicked for a split second when he thought I wasn't looking, but when I asked about it he denied that anything had happened. Then he started another batch of frost resistance potions. Frost resistance! It'll be a whole season before Sunsrest even starts, the man just doesn't know the meaning of 'good enough' I swear. Whatever's bothering Markus didn't stop him from ogling me though. You sure it can't wait until we can get a mind wizard to take a look at him?”

Aure huffed in annoyance. “If it's an issue that requires the use of mind magic, we need to know about it immediately, and if it's not-”

“Right, that's just a bad look for the Guild's top squad of high elves. Fuck though, it's hard enough socializing my sister. I don't know anything about how humans tick for something like this. What about you Mere? The ancestors have any wisdom for us?”

I shrugged. “Nothing we don't already know. Humans are tiny and weak, the Goddess loves them, it's our job to keep them from turning wild because being wild makes them bad. The usual, you know.”

“Nothing? I could have recited that from my time in academy. Your grandmother's comments didn't have any juicy tidbits?”

Um. “River elves are fun to bed and have the best restaurants. Dark elves are nudists and get grumpy when they have to wear clothes. And humans are so perfect for fucking that if they weren't made before us all she would have thought they were made specifically to please elves carnally.”

That started a round of giggling. It almost lightened the mood. Then Elya posed an interesting question. “What if- What if we're overthinking this?” We all looked at her at that, it was plain as day that Markus had a serious issue that needed fixing. “Not that there's nothing wrong just- He's a human, the whole thing with them is that they need elves to keep them in a good place mentally, aye? We've known that for thousands of years.”

“Aye, that is indeed the most embarrassing part of our current dilemma,” Aure drawled. “Do catch up Elya.”

“Not what I meant to get at. I mean, elves have been helping humans sort out their inner demons for thousands of years, and it's never failed before- there's never been a bandit who didn't live apart from elves, aye? Well what great wisdom did our ancestors see fit to record about humans that we make sure they stay safe and taken care of? That they need a firm but gentle hand when it comes to correcting their path and that the goddess likes it when show humans how much we appreciate them!”

None of us spoke at that proclamation, because as strange as it was, the pieces did line up. Except- “We're not-” Teale almost silenced herself at the attention she suddenly had. Poor girl. “You're not supposed to do that stuff to good humans unless you know they like it. It's bad.”

“True. But Markus hasn't given us any reason to believe that he doesn't like it, aye? And we know that he loves being tasted, but we still have to almost force him into doing that with us. Trust me, on some level, he's disappointed that we haven't taken our well-deserved liberties with him. And he'll be overjoyed to finally be put in his place liker he wants us to. Trust me, it'll work out fine.”

I voiced my objection. “ And if it doesn't?”

“Then I-” Elya's voice faltered a bit at the thought, before she continued with a much more serious and somber tone. “Then we can pay the mind healer out of my earnings and I'll make absolutely sure that he understands that this was all my idea.” … Well alright. Hopefully she's right, but if not- Well it wasn't like we had any better ideas.

End Notes:

Turns out there aren't any secrets. They just didn't think it was a big deal.

Chapter 7 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:
Here we start to get into the real meaty part of the smut.

??? of Sunsfall, 3418, Somewhere in North Yaavy probably, Markus' Journal

I probably shouldn't have to inform the reader about alcohol. It's the source of more mischief and hardship than virtually any other facet of civilized society, and yet for some Goddessforsaken reason we keep it around.

Not many people know this, but there is no single accepted test or achievement for becoming a certified alchemist. At least in Yarrowsi. It might be different in other queendoms. I'm rambling as I write and the astute reader might have clued into just why that is from the subject matter. But I'll spell it out: My teacher made sure I knew how to brew a strong pint before I was allowed to call myself an alchemist. Strong enough to put a dark elf like herself on her gloriously shapely ass.

No don't write that. Erase it. Stupid enchantment. This is why I don't usually use these things. Oh whatever, I'll erase it myself later when I can trust my hands not to be so clumsy.

I'm rambling. And drunk. I'm rambling because I'm drunk. And I have no idea what time it is. Had a party last night, I think. Celebrating another bunch of bandits dead and eaten, No stop, erase that last part. Damn it. They had dozens of barrels full of cheap wine, but I know how to turn cheap wine into good, strong wine. For a dark elf's reckoning anyway, might be weak for a high elf.

Anyway, I woke up today in a place that was distinctly not my bed. Wasn't a bed at all. Find yourself wedged betwixt a high elf's bosom as often as I do, and you learn to recognize the signs that that's where you are. If not from the two massive clues on either side of you, the heartbeat tends to be what lets you know right quick. I mean, you can sort of feel a high elf's heartbeat from anywhere on them, just like any folk. But in their breasts its like a great drum, with a very soothing and hypnotic quality to the sound of her very life and soul roaring around you like that. Especially because you can't hear anything else. Pretty sure I fell asleep again when I first heard it this morning. Or noon, whichever.

Hard to tell which one stole me out of bed though, assuming I even made it there. There's not much light down here to judge the skin color by. I misjudged which way was up and ended up squirming down instead. Luckily she was wearing some padded breast wraps on the underside so I didn't fall down into her- Well it would have been quite the talk I'm sure. Teased into oblivion.

Physical descriptions are important. I guess I could sort of describe my current predicament as a tent. Loosely. A triangular prism that extends from my companion’s midsection and curves up and around her generous bust to presumably meet the open air outside. I've got just enough space to get to my hands and knees before brushing up against her looming self, but it should be enough to climb out of here once I feel steady. I could probably squirm back into her tits directly as well, but that had the chance of my getting very turned around again.

The fabric I knelt on as I dictate these words on is damp and smells heavily of elf sweat. More pleasant than it sounds, everything to do with elves smells like a blooming meadow at the height of Sunsrise on their worst days. I asked about it before, years back; apparently it's from eating flowers. Hopefully that adequately explains it to you, reader, because it didn't make any sense to me as I pretty sure not even the magical parts of alchemy that humans can't directly detect or interact with are supposed to work like that. Speaking of alchemy.

End Note.

I rubbed at my eyes and took a sip of my water as I felt the sobering potion take effect. Doing it this way was significantly nastier to experience than dealing with a hangover naturally, but it'd steady my hands and mind faster and I couldn't afford to waste any more time when I had to get my work done after sleeping in. Yesterday I barely managed to get half a batch of poison cure potions for the team.

Poison cures were one of those all-important brews in my job requirements. Elves, for all their impressive senses, didn't always acknowledge that something was wrong inside their own bodies. They tended to simply assume that they could whether any minor ailment, which is the exact opposite attitude that you want to have when you've been exposed to the devious toxins cooked up by a dwarf through a small cut. Luckily the combat side of the team were all veterans of the 7th and most recent great war with the dwarven scourge, so I didn't have to try and somehow bully them into dosing themselves preemptively after encountering dwarf-made weapons. Though I'm sure they'd enjoy my trying to.

In any case, this bosom wasn't going to climb itself. And if she hadn't seen fit to release me when I first woke up then I surely wouldn't get any help in the matter, she was likely enjoying this harmless plight of mine. My options were climb and get to work or stay here and waste time. So I set the journal to banish itself back to my room in Aure's backpack and got to work crawling to the front of my containment.

Would have been nice if I had some charm to banish myself like that, but alas. Not only was creating enchantments that could be used by humans a daunting undertaking, apparently banishing and summoning folk is very tricky to do even for professional wizards like Aure, not without killing the folk you're looking to banish anyway. Not even most queens had access to such enchantments, the tyranny of having to walk ruled supreme over us all.

The first stretch was easy, the fattened breasts above me bulged downward from a combination of gravity and the pressure of the bindings above, but it didn't block my progress at all. I was subjected to a bit of jiggling when my head strayed too far up and tickled the elf with my hair, but the force of the orbs coming down wasn't enough to do more than pin me to the padded floor a few times. No, the hard part was when the floor started curving upward and I found myself standing at an awkward angle, bracing myself against her sweaty mounds for balance that I not slip and tumble back down. How in the hell was I supposed to do this?

Do I turn around to grasp the slicked fibers of the cloth? Or do I climb as I am, back to the moist wraps and squeeze bits of flesh to form hand and footholds as I need them? The first option risks pushing myself back in between my teammate's breasts, but this time with even less leverage than I started with, while the second opens myself up to even more teasing than my current state already merits. On the other hand, getting stuck again was likely to result in even more teasing than simply climbing her, so perhaps my dignity was going to take a big hit regardless.

In the end, I went with my gut, and my gut said that getting teased for something that I meant to do was better than getting teased for an accident. Thus I found myself pressing my back to the wall, inching myself up by sinking one palm into the heavenly squishiness at a time. I lost my grip a few times when she clearly started to giggle over something, possibly my movements, possibly an unrelated joke, it didn't particularly matter. Once upon a time, I'd have tried to pretend I wasn't enjoying this whole situation, but well, being around elves really changes you. They go out of their way to engineer situations just like this one and can tell when a human is lying about what we feel about it. A year ago, I thought it was all in good fun and didn't worry so much over it.

A year ago, I thought my high elf companions didn't have a mean bone in their bodies and especially couldn't find it in themselves to intentionally harm a human. Now here I am, grappling with a pair of fatty catacombs for all those dozens of souls that whoever this is swallowed without a second thought. And while the idea of it all greatly disturbs me, I am still also very aroused. My own remains could one day find their way here and I still can't help but luxuriate in the wonderful feeling of her flesh spilling out between my fingers.

I should stop thinking about my situation in such terms. There wasn't much to do but climb and think, but thinking about my death was just going to demoralize me until I couldn't climb. Instead, I focused on what information I could gather to try and guess at whose chest this was. A useless exercise ordinarily, but it kept my mind off of things.

Well the biggest clue was that the bindings behind me were rigid against the armor she wore, which ruled out Elya and Aure as the two of them wore flexible and 'lightweight' mammoth leather lamellar. I'd previously flexed the material myself when Elya got refitted a year or so ago, I couldn't lift it by myself but it does indeed bend a bit when I'm putting all my body's force into the action, as I would be now. So these breasts were on the chest of one of the two swordselves on the party, either Teale or Mere. Of the two, I'd say that Mere was the most likely. At least unless Teale was being goaded by her sister to try this.

Once the slope of the breasts had angled low enough that I could lie down and rest, I did so. It was a bad idea because I risked slipping down and getting stuck again but well, my plan failed to account for the fact that I'm just an alchemist. I don't run around and fight monsters all day, I crouch around rare plants and mash them up to bring out the natural magical properties of one another. I didn't even walk around our campsites most of the time, that took too long and my companions would rather grab and carry me than wait for me to move at my own pace. So I rested for a few minutes at least, I didn't sleep though, and instead watched the the glimmer of light and shadows playing across the elf's translucent red blouse some distance in front of me, and over the small circle of daylit skin at the end of the tunnel.

Last I recalled, we were somewhat close to the 'Earth Mother'- the enormous mountain that could be seen from everywhere else on the continent, and if rumors are to be believed, from the coast of the orcish continent as well. So naturally the shadows were probably cast from some of the also enormous Yggdrasil trees that grew there natively. I didn't know much about traditional elven religion, having grown up in a dark elf queendom that had outlawed any sort of proselytism, but my understanding was that these trees were considered sacred in some way. Apparently the high elves of the second empire had planted a scion of them in every major city, and that since then they'd spread out and become a great forest that dwarfed everything and everyone but the mountain itself.

None of that was terribly important to my predicament, which was rather the point. Focusing on the little history that I knew of the region helped me get my arousal under control, so I could maintain some level of composure when I confronted my captor about her agreeable yet not agreed upon choice of accommodations.

Unless I had agreed to it. I was probably quite drunk and suggestible if I couldn't remember much further than making the wine better. Hmm. Well it's still rude to take advantage of a drunkard's impaired judgment like that, so I still had some cause even if that were the case.

Once I felt ready to continue, I didn't bother to sit up or anything, and just crawled as I was. This leg of my escape wasn't quite as enjoyable as I was mostly focused on keeping balanced on my elbows and knees than really digging in to propel myself upward, but I knew from prior experience that I'd fall through and get stuck if I didn't spread my weight out, at least while I was in the middle. I could have negated the problem if I crawled atop one breast or another, but that would just recreate the problem of not having any way of knowing if I was going in the right way until I wasn't. In her cleavage I could clearly see my goal.

At last I made it to the edge of her armor and was utterly blinded when Mere pulled her neckline low enough to peek down at me. “Good morning Markus! Did you have a nice sleep?”

“Unfortunately yes, I enjoyed it so much that I slept too much and I'm not behind schedule.” Mere frowned at this remark but I didn't get a chance to understand the mistake I'd made until it was too late.

“Excuse me? Are you calling my hospitality 'unfortunate'? That's not a very nice way to speak to your friends Markus.” That's when it occurred to me that I should have spent more time rehearsing this conversation instead of agonizing over matters I couldn't change. Now instead of communicating my humble desire to continue doing my job, I've accidentally offended my teammate who thought she was doing me a favor. I doubted I could make her angry enough to actually hurt me, but there was very little stopping a high elf from utterly embarrassing and belittling you if she felt justified in it.

“Mere, I was perfectly fine in my own bed- you didn't have to-”

“Are you calling my tits anything less than perfect?” Oh. Oh no, I've fallen into one of those word traps that human women are so fond of. Elves are so physical with their own bullying that I never considered this outcome.

"No! No of course no-"

"Then you won't mind getting a few more hours of shut-eye between them, aye?" I didn't get a chance to stumble through my probably incorrect answer before she smiled brightly and pulled her breasts apart with two fingers on either side of me and a giggle, causing me to lose my grip on their sweaty surface and slip down several feet before they came back together to pin me in place. And then this time I wasn't able to climb my way out at all as Mere had seen fit to tighten her bindings or something, effectively sealing me up until she decided I could come out.

Well. That could've gone better. Hopefully our next campsite will have ample foraging opportunities to make up for all the time lost to Mere's mischief. Until then all I had to occupy myself with was idly squishing the flesh that confined me and listening to Mere's heartbeat until I fell asleep. It wasn't so bad, I supposed.

Chapter 8 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:

The party wizard's POV. Lots more misc cultural stuff.

5th of Sunsfall, 3418, 638 spans north, 342 spans east of Celes, Yaavy, After-Action Guild Report

Initially written up by Aure Feresi, reviewed by Teale Deei, Elya Deei, and Mere Saavfi

Outpost located within the vicinity of disappearances, and identified as unofficial- not appearing on any provided maps. 9 human inhabitants, no elves, officers or otherwise. Less than 2 full Yaavian militia uniforms between them. Suspects failed to provide any sort of authorizing documentation from either the Yaavian Crown or from local militia administrations and were evasive as to the purpose of the outpost. Suspects turned violent upon mention of our mission, this was assumed tentative confirmation of banditry and the suspects were firmly but gently subdued without issue for the rest of our investigation.

A thorough dissection of the site revealed a loot pile filled with common human civilianwear and a freshly dug pit of human remains in varying states of recent decay. Suspects definitively confirmed as bandits and summarily executed in the traditional form as allowed by Guild charter. Human remains and identifying objects within the bandit loot pile found at site sent to Celes by enchanted wagon for proper funerary procedures.

I reread my report for the final time before nodding to myself and folding it up to be sent back to the capitol when we next visited a city with mailing services. Now all there was left to do was figure out what to do with the last human. Obviously, we were going to eat him along with the rest of his little rabid pack of wolves, the problem was who would be the one to eat him? We'd captured 9 bandits today, and 9 couldn't be split evenly between 4 elves.

Not without butchering 1 of them anyway, but no elf would ever cut apart their prey if we didn't have to. Butchery was messy, frequently ruined the taste, and risked killing the head where the folk's soul resided. You might as well eat fire-tamed food like a human had to for all the good it would do for you and your bloodline. Though elves without a background in thaumaturgy or theology just knew it wasn't as enjoyable if your food found guilty of high crimes didn't struggle and fear as you ate them. A useful instinct that, Goddess' wisdom be praised.

So we had an extra bandit who couldn't be split evenly between us, because that would practically defeat the point of eating him. But we couldn't just let him go because that was even more wasteful, not to mention an unforgivable betrayal of all the folk that he had harmed and would harm in the future. It was quite the issue, one unique to high elves. River elves could have a similar problem, but simply resolve it by giving the extra to their leader in the group. High elves didn't have any leader or creed to bind us into loyalty but the Goddess herself, and our freely given vows made in her seldom spoken name.

Dark and wood elves meanwhile, were so small that they frequently had little choice but to butcher their captive evil folk. A dark elf looking to swallow a bad human would have to at the very least remove the limbs at the knees and elbows first, and for the best digestive results, cauterize the stumps so that the scum did not bleed out before settling down. Wood elves could do the same but at the shoulders and hips. Even then, a human torso was a bit too much at one time those smaller kin and they risked choking or organ ruptures without imbibing the smoke of specific magic herbs to both drug their meal into compliance and make their throats and stomachs more elastic throughout the endeavor. As a result, it was really only members of the wood and dark elf nobility who still tried to improve their lines in this way, with the majority sticking to either devouring dwarves and goblins or else getting friendly with skilled humans like Markus for fractional reinforcement.

I rubbed circles between my temples and ears, this was supposed to be easy and instead the whole mess was giving me a headache. At first we simply put it to a vote, each elf voting for someone besides herself. Unfortunately, that resulted in the very predictable scenario in which the sisters voted for each other, and Mere and I, knowing that would happen, also voted for one another. A 4-way tie.

I looked down at our lunch, enjoying the way they cowered under my gaze. They probably never thought it would happen like this. Most of the communities in this part of Yaavy were entirely human, so options to capture bandits were fairly limited unless a squad of elven bounty hunters like ourselves happened to be in the area. Humans were forbidden from carrying out their own justice by heavenly decree, so most humans don't even know what happens to the folk they send to be found guilty a second time in elven courts.

These 9 probably thought we were as deviant as themselves, preying on their convenient weakness as they did other humans. In reality, this was probably the best they could have hoped for from the path they'd chosen. Most murderers and rapists in Yaavy were traded to the neighboring queendom of Buor in exchange for mass amounts of seaweed and fish; and there they'd end up populating the plates and soup bowls of river elf nobility, or perhaps the queen of Buor herself. Perhaps if they knew that, these humans who'd consigned themselves to be food would be more grateful that their lives would come to a painful end in the bellies of the greatest of the Goddess' children instead merely the second greatest.

“You want me to- what? Take a vow in the Goddess' name over something so petty? Have you no shame, Mere?”

“I wasn't suggesting anything that drastic, no. I was just pointing out that holding another vote is useless when Aure and I both know that you'll vote for Teale and Teale for you.”

“Oh I apologize! Is my love for family bonds inconvenient for you?”

“No! Yes! No in general, I think it's very sweet. But right now it's a trap that forces Aure and I to either pick 1 of the 2 of you to win or else create this deadlock.”

“Is that so bad?”

“In the spirit of fairness? Yes. I'm just saying-”

I sidled over to Teale who was quietly watching Mere and Elya bicker over the results, before mumbling just loud enough to be heard by her over the argument. “When do you think they're going to kiss?”

Teale, instead of laughing immediately, hesitated for a moment before quipping back. “Not for a while actually, Elya takes after our mother on that and prefers dark elves at the tallest.” We both shared a giggle at that remark, which had the gratifying result of getting the others to cut off and glare at us.

I took the initiative while I had their attention. “I agree with Mere,” I said, ignoring Elya's squawk of annoyance. “What we need is a tiebreaker to decide who gets the human, not another vote. All in favor of a tiebreaker?” Three hands went up. Thankfully, I had not just Mere's support, but also Teale's. Elya was still frowning, but she wouldn't argue the point any longer, there was no conflict with a fair majority among equals. “So what should we decide it with?”

“A game, definitely.”


“Perhaps a race?”

“The human might get away if we did that.”

The bandit leader in question, hanging by his feet from the watchtower of the outpost, chose this point to speak up. "Can't you just let me go anyway? I promise I'll never-" A quick finger flick to the scum's midsection knocked the wind out of him before he could say more though. Idiot. Alas, if bad humans were smart enough to realize that food couldn't bargain out of being food once caught, they would have doubtlessly been smart enough not to become bad and therefore food in the first place. Every time we rounded a bunch up like this, there were always some that begged and pleaded with us that they had no choice. But not one of them could honestly say that they ever asked an elf for assistance with whatever matter it as that supposedly caused their banditry though. Pride, it seemed, was more important to bad humans than the lives of their fellow folk.

"Although that is an interesting idea, what if we let him decide who eats him?" Mere posited thoughtfully.

"Kinky, but no. That's too good for him." Elya shot it down immediately.

I had to agree with her on that. "Aye, he's had plenty of chances to make decisions and all he's done with it is ruin the lives of other folk. Clearly he doesn't have a fair bone in his body and would make a poor arbiter."

“A game of riddles maybe?”

“That's just handing him to Aure without a contest.” I couldn't help but snort to myself at the admission. Riddles might be more about memorization than intelligence, but most spellcraft used riddles as mnemonics so I did in fact have a bit of an unfair advantage as the party wizard.


Then it came to me. "What about Markus? He's fair and impartial." Really we should have just defaulted to asking him his opinion. He deserves as much of a say in the party as any of us, even though he's of a lesser folk and prone to strange ways of thinking.

Mere perked up at that "Oh good idea! I should've let him out anyway since he's bound to be just as hungry as us at this hour." She immediately began digging between her tits to find him. Sometimes I envied humans for how decadent that must be, Goddess knows if I had a friend big enough to get lost in her chest I'd never get anything done.

When Mere took longer than a half minute to find him, Elya spoke up. "I wouldn't say Markus is impartial, he very clearly has an interest in watching high elf justice in action." Pfft! Aye, he's a real stiff supporter of it.

I almost said my joke out loud but before I could Teale replied. "So he can be bribed, whatever. He's still a good human and that just means we can have our game decide it anyway."

“Oh, true! I like that.”

I snorted to myself at the ongoing deliberations as I rummaged around the outpost's cooking supplies. They didn't have much, but I did find a can of smoked bacon, Markus' favorite if I remembered correctly. What was that old human woman saying I'd heard? 'The shortest route to a man's heart was through his stomach.'? Somehow I doubted the saying had thaumaturgical significance, but I didn't miss how happy Markus always was to eat my cooking. I hoped that it'd be enough to sway the man's judgment, but pleasing my dear friend was also its own reward.

Chapter 9 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:

Markus, you gotta stop doing this, you're gonna give yourself an ulcer.

5th of Sunsfall, 3418, Somewhere in North Yaavy, Markus' Journal

I don't know how much of the previous entry will have survived my edits made later, but suffice to say: I was deemed too drunk to be of any use as an alchemist and confined to the comfortable darkness of Mere's bosom until I'd recovered, and when I tried to escape early I suppose I must have still been slightly drunk and insulted both her hospitality and womanly beauty. So naturally she saw fit to keep me out of the way even longer than had been originally planned. By the time I was allowed out, it was well past lunch time and I was called on to settle a very important matter while the food was being prepared.

It seemed that the bandit outpost they quashed while I was indisposed had played host to a small number of rare and apparently delectable prey animals that are usually reviled as vermin by most upstanding humans. Though evidently not by humans who've turned to banditry. But if split evenly between the 4 of them, 1 of the animals would be unclaimed. They all agreed that someone was going to eat it today, but not whom, so naturally it fell to me to break the tie as I often do. Normally I try to emulate my companion's sense of fairness and impartiality in my rulings, but matters were complicated when they each decided to bribe me.

I set my pen down and had the book banish itself once again as I recollected the bombardment of events that had occurred not even half a minute after being fished from Mere's bosom.

"I- you- what?"

Mere was able to get her argument in first, and she loomed over me even more than an elf did by nature of being the one who currently held me."The last bandit, Markus. You think I should eat him, right? I mean, I did let you sleep in my tits and all, it's the least you could-"

I was spared from the almost starved look in Mere's eyes when Elya snatched me away to make her own argument with her own hungrily crazed expression. "No not her! You know that I should be the one who eats him because I'm the one who realized that you like being our little candy, right Markus? Surely that kind of perception deserves a reward?" I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out.

The 2 of them continued to bicker over which of them had provided me the most sexual pleasure and who deserved to excruciatingly melt the spare bandit apart in their innards more, and all I could do was look between them with a growing sense of trepidation. Even the gentle and quiet Teale had that same gleam In her eyes, though she was visibly struggling to get a word out and make her own case to me. Exactly what had happened to make the team so hungry for human flesh? Had they always been this way or were they being corrupted by some mystical force that I, a non-magic folk was blind and deaf to?

Aure chose that moment to make her own case "What's in the past is in the past. I say that you should vote for me, because I've taken the liberty of preparing all your favorite foods for a wonderful lunch while we enjoy our own."

The other 3 whipped their heads around to stare at her and the frankly delicious looking platter of food that she held between her thumb and forefinger "What?! Since when?"

"Since a few minutes ago while you lot were arguing minutiae."

"That's not fair." Teale whined.

"You were going to bribe him with your womanhood, how is food any different?"

"None of us can cook human food as good as you!"

Wait back up, did Aure just say Teale was planning on bribing me with her- I looked over at her, she caught my puzzled expression and blushed a deep reddish brown that stood out on her pastel green skin. ... Huh, she was actually going to- They must really want- they must really be hungry for- Oh fuck. I needed to nip this in the bud before it occurred to any of them that I was also just as made of food as any of the bandits. Or at least give myself an excuse to slip away for a few hours and hope that this- whatever it was was out of their systems by then.

I cleared my throat and instantly had all of their attention, it was a little scary considering what they were arguing over but I steeled myself and continued "Instead of that, could I maybe just quickly check on my-"

"Vetoed." they said altogether.


"We've got more than enough potions, Markus. We'll be good for another month at least."

But if I stop working for over a month, how else am I-? How am I to keep safely within the bounds of my contract? "But- if you let me just check on it then I'll-" Before I could stutter out my objection, the elves all shared a look before Teale gently grabbed me and deposited me up in the surviving watchtower with the food.

"On second thought he seems to not have his head on straight right now."

"Aye, same as us, he missed breakfast. We should let him eat before asking him pull himself together." Oh, they skipped a meal to get here. Yes, that made more sense than some sort of maddening sorcery that affected elves more than humans, in every other case it was the other way around. I should definitely eat up if I had thought that was a possibility.

"Number guessing?" Mere suggested.

"A bit boring, but it'll do I suppose."

“We could spice it up and say that the second placer gets Markus next.” Wait, what?

"Ooh! Good idea! Once he gets his strength up he'll make a fine consolation prize for winning the first round. All in favor?" It was unanimous.

Chapter 10 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:

Elya takes her time savoring her favorite treat while musing about her duties as an elf and an older sister.

5th of Sunsfall, 3418, a bit north of Celes, Yaavy, Elya's journal

Still not sure what I'm supposed to write in these things just yet. But Teale thought it would be nice if we kept a record of our recollections for when our ears drooped long with age and our adventuring days were over. I think she's just trying to have something in common with Markus so he'll consider the matter if she ever figures out that she wants to marry him. I don't think she's aware of it just yet, but he's just her type: quiet, academic, and a fan of busty elves like our bloodline tends to produce. Not to mention he's exactly the sort of human who should be settling down with an elf rather than a human woman: inordinately tasty, easy to fluster, and fine with being held. None of that “independence” blasphemy that you get from humans who weren't raised around their betters and somehow think that they're better off without love and protection. Markus was a great match for my little sister and would no doubt significantly improve the stock of my future adorable nieces.

But that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy him in the meantime while she figured that out.

Case in point, I already had wrung the first rope of cum out of the alchemist while he lay gasping in a warm sticky pool of saliva under my tongue. I couldn't actually taste it on him yet, but I felt the hot liquid impact my tongue's underside and had diligently smeared his seed over what I could of Markus' tired body to increase my enjoyment of him once it had been properly rubbed in, the salty fluid paired wonderfully with his natural oily flavor and it was well worth the finesse required to milk it out and season him with it before I got my next proper lick on him. I'd had other humans in that spot before, even had a wood elf at one point, so I knew what I was doing. And I wasn't the only one who moaned when I started back on tasting him again.

Markus' enjoyment would have been palpable even if he hadn't painted himself flour white in it. Probably. It's not like I had eyes in my mouth to see what color he was. But I could taste and smell him, and our team's adorable human couldn't be happier than when he was being ravished in an elven mouth where deep down, he knew he belonged. And I was doing my part to ensure that when Teale finally worked up the nerve to stake her claim on him, that he'd last a lot longer for her than just 2 or 3 orgasms. My baby sister deserved the best.

"You cheated!" Speaking of my darling sibling, it seemed she'd figured out my ruse. Oh well.

I deftly scooped Markus up under my tongue and pushed him back and to the side, sliding him into my cheek to reply. From the sudden change in his sweat, Markus evidently got a bit of excited fear of how close he got to my throat but his dick also throbbed harder so I thought nothing of it. Sorry little pervert, but nobody's swallowing you today, or ever. Markus would just have to content himself with staring longingly into the darkness of our throats while being relentlessly tasted. Or whatever it was he did.

Friend safely stowed away, I could enunciate my fiendishly clever rebuttal to the entirely true accusation. “I did not.” Then I slurped Markus back into my mouth, delighting in his gasp when his still-sensitive dick grazed over the rough yet squishy surface of my tastebuds. Not to mention the wealth of information I got from him. Markus seemed to have some awareness that we could tell what he truly thought of things, but I don't think he really had any idea as to what extent.

Simply from pulling his weary body back into its pride of place under my incisors, he had rolled over and dragged across hundreds of tastebuds, and given me an accurate idea of everything about him that had a physical sign. From the moment he entered my mouth I could taste the emotions on his sweat and smelled the sweetness in his blood, I knew how many more times I could make him cum and how long it would take him to physically recover enough to drain his balls a third time after he'd reached that point. Were I to orcishly decide to swallow him afterall, I knew that Markus would be capable of pleasing me with his struggles for 2 days and a half before he finally succumbed and nourished me.

Goddess be praised, by her blessing I knew he was having trouble sleeping, that he no longer felt the need to masturbate himself, that he was dealing with an inordinate amount of stress for his size and build and should really take a break, and most relevantly, that he had another go left in him before his balls would need to refill. Granted, most of that information was obvious from traveling with the man for a week and knowing what we did with him. But had I been a total stranger, I'd have known it all just from his overstimulated dick getting pressed into the top of my tongue in that split-second. Humans had no secrets in the mouths of their benevolent betters.

My favorite variant flavor of his was the moment when he finally let go of that foolish human self-lie and embraced how much he loved having a greater being's attentions. Humans were very egotistical yet self-flagellating things, wanting all our freely given love for them but not wanting to admit to it and fearing that an elf's love was weakness rather than the strength the Goddess meant it to be. Naturally this was just another challenge and responsibility that my folk needed to resolve before the Goddess could come home. But it was an enjoyable challenge, at least. Markus got just a little bit tastier each time I got him to that point.

Indeed, all of that information was made readily apparent to me in a handful of seconds. Enough time for me to begin savoring my treat's futile attempts to direct my tongue to slow down and let him rest, enough time for my sister to respond. "You did! First you slyly added him to the stakes and then you intentionally guessed the worst so that you'd get Markus!"

I smiled brightly at Teale, knowing it'd have the immediate effect of making her pout. As a big sister, I had the honor and duty to make her look cute whenever it was possible, second only to my duty to make her happy in life. Then I shifted Markus to my cheek again, from the taste, he was also curious in what I had to say for myself. "We all agreed that he made a fine consolation prize for second place."

"We all agreed to that thinking that the real prize would be the bad human!"

"Why are you even complaining? You're the one who won, did the knave truly taste so foul?"

"Yes! Also I feel like that was all a ruse for you to skip ahead to your turn in getting Markus!"

Mere cut in "Aye, it does feel a bit suspect now that Teale mentions it." Talking around my friend was getting inconvenient, I may as well let him take a nap until we were done with it. So I slipped him between my tits and tightened the clasps on my armor to keep him from moving around and tickling me. He needed a nap anyway.

"Well fine. Maybe I might have intentionally thrown my chances so I could get Markus a day or 2 early, but that's not something any of you couldn't have done, is it?" More importantly, I skipped ahead to my turn so that it would be Teale's turn fast enough that she didn't lose the nerve that she'd built up to have her way with him. Even if only the once. I didn't think Markus was going to say no once he was there, but Teale wouldn't give him the chance to decline her if she was allowed to think about what she was about to promise him to get the last bandit. Getting the two together was a delicate balancing act of plotting and prodding.

Aure spoke up, she's an older, level-headed elf who doesn't usually get involved with our squabbling but when she did was usually right. It was a wizard thing. It was also a mother thing, though I wasn't sure if her current admonishing tone was more motherly or wizardly. ”It's the spirit of it, Elya. You can't just introduce another layer of deception to the game and not expect us to bring up fairness. Especially not when the whole point of the game was to break a tie.”

"Well it doesn't really change anything does it? It's currently my turn and when we wake tomorrow it'll be Teale's turn and then she can actually make good on what would have been her bribe if she so chooses.” Teale blushed right then as she seemed to realize that I'd done her a favor after both giving her the extra and skipping to her turn with her future husband faster. She has so little faith in me sometimes, it'd hurt if I wasn't such a brat to her when we were children. Aure, likewise, seemed to get at what my actual motive was and she snorted at our sisterly byplay. “Until then though, I'm going to enjoy my favorite human friend the way I already know he likes to be."

Mere meanwhile, was paying less than her full attention again and only caught the last thing said. “Since when do you have other human friends? You're from Toolif!” I huffed at her, faux-insulted at the insinuation. It was true there weren't many humans who lived in the foothills of Mount Mother, despite the best efforts of the Empresses to encourage them, but that didn't mean there were none.

"I do so have other human friends, most of them just aren't adventurers so I don't see them much."

“And just how close are you to these friends of yours, whom I remind you, you haven't seen in years because they're not adventuring? Do they know what you do for a living? Would they be calm about it?”

Did they know that I devoured folk exactly like them in all but soul, she meant. Rufgus might've, being a bailiff last I checked up on him, but no I couldn't gamble on that. Sal though... "Well no, but if Markus was fine with learning that I'm sure my other human friends would be fine know about it too. I've heard Sal wish all sorts of fun punishments on bandits before, he'd probably be just as enamored with watching me eat them as Markus is." Sal was a retired border guard who lost his leg and livelihood to a band of criminals who apparently took offense to a lone human just trying to do his job. I set him up with my Teale's and my friend Ghiffe, and as far as I know he's been very happy with her, if still a bit bitter at losing his leg. Dwarven poison was nasty enough that it couldn't be regrown in time.

Chapter 11 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:

Markus has some Deep Thoughts about the relationship between elves and humans.

7th of Sunsfall, 3418, Somewhere in North Yaavy, Markus' Journal

Yesterday was interesting. I went into a cave, and I only had Teale for company. And together, we learned some things about eachother. It put a great many things that I knew about elves and her specifically into perspective, and I think I have a lot of thinking to do before I know what to write about it.

I stared at the entry I had made, thinking back on it all. I was kind of an idiot sometimes, I realized in hindsight. Even now when I looked back on what had happened after Elya had decided she had enough of me for the evening, I still couldn't really believe it had all happened like that.

I woke up in a place completely unfamiliar to me. I was utterly blind in the darkness, but from what I could feel the ground was made from a delicately quilted cloth that sank under my weight, with my head and shoulders sinking much deep into the cloth than my feet, keeping me at an incline. The air meanwhile, smelled of mostly flowery elf sweat, but with a hint of something I'd never detected before now. Another clue was the swaying, wherever I was was gently rotating about an axis somewhere around my feet and in the distance I could hear more cloth and some metal clinking together in what I was beginning to recognize as walking.

So, I deduced, I must be in someone's money pouch or some other more traditional method of carrying me. I guess whoever this is wasn't in the mood to taste me then? But when I tried to sit up, I discovered the biggest, most important clue. I still couldn't see anything, but then my face brushed against those lips in the dark, suspended just a quarter-span away from myself. I knew then that I was in a very intimate place. I froze on contact with her flesh, and from the sudden jerk in her waking, so did she. But then the moment passed as though nothing had happened and she kept walking, and I leaned back to stare into the darkness where I now knew she was, and I-

I couldn't stop myself from running a hand across her, marveling at the smooth and slippery texture present in the chubby lips that guarded her opening. This was probably Teale, I knew, from the context I had available to me. Teale, the quiet introvert of the team, had finally made good on that common elven playful threat, and slipped me into her undergarments. This was- I'd been with human women before, but the scale here was practically incomparable and I couldn't even see what I was doing. Elves always seemed so untouchable and borderline sacred, eve now that each of them had fully explored me, I never thought I'd see one of these outside of communal bathing. But I supposed it was probably just different for elves, as so many other things with them are different. They certainly thought almost nothing of seeing and touching my nude form or bringing me to orgasm in full view of the others. But none of that changed the fact that I had no idea what I was supposed to do now.

I supposed the obvious answer was to pleasure Teale somehow. That's clearly what she wanted me to do, since I was here and not literally anywhere else she could have put me. I don't- I liked Teale, but I didn't really know what she expected me to-

And that's when Teale helpfully informed me as to what she wanted with me. With a much louder clinking noise and an abrupt shift in the swaying of her underclothes, I was lurched out of my thoughts as I felt her hand gently cup me from underneath the fabric and begin to lift me up towards herself. She did so slowly and delicately, as though she were afraid of breaking me, or perhaps herself. And I had plenty of time to blindly stare up at the dark and imagine the orifice opening wide to greet me. Except when I actually met her nethers, she was still closed, and instead I was briefly sandwiched between her firm fingers and her moist and pillow-soft labia. It was oddly comfortable, and I was almost upset when her hand receded and left me lying on the cloth.

Well Teale clearly wanted me to touch her, and I found myself wanting the same. So what exactly was stopping me? I sat up again, not simply ignoring how my head brushed against her, but sliding forward to press more of myself into her. And then I gave her a tentative lick, her juices tasted bittersweet, a stronger variant of the air wafting off of it. I couldn't say that I liked the flavor, but I also definitely wanted more.

I still had no idea what I was doing, but if elves were anything like the women they resembled, then simply touching and tasting her as much as I can couldn't go wrong. At the worst she'll simply tell me how to do it better next time. … I was already thinking of doing this again. In fact I was thinking of pressing myself against all the elves of my team in this way. I kind of owed it to them, really. How often did they do the same for me? Granted, they suckled me for their own benefit, but I craved more of Teale's juices, did I not?

I quickly lost myself to it all. The sashaying sway of Teale's gait, my arms sliding and squeezing as much of her lips as I could reach, her taste, her smell, the all-encompassing darkness, the utter silence save for the distant ruffles and clinks of Teale's walking and the lewd wet sounds as I caressed and licked her. I didn't want it to end, I couldn't see how it could possibly get any better. So I was pleasantly surprised when Teale reached down again.

Once more I was lifted and cupped in her palm, just beneath the quilted surface. And once more I was pressed into her womanly flesh, for a moment losing the ability to draw breath before her magic compensated and filled my lungs anyway. I thought she would release me then but instead Teale began to rub me into herself, and it was so much better than any of my own meager efforts had been. I was dragged up across her slicked surface and I felt my cock part her like a boat parted waves, then I was rubbed back down towards where I supposed her elven anus would be and I was deftly twisted around so that some other part of me would be lubricated in her plentiful juices. It only took 7 strokes of this before Teale was satisfied with my predicament, and the fingers retreated, leaving me suspended in her lips.

It was- divine is the only word that came to mind. An elf's heartbeat is always vaguely present in any interaction with them. In their hands it was a subtle vibration, in their breasts, it was an all-encompassing gentle rhythm that all but demanded that you heed its ceaseless call to relax and sleep. From the outside of her womanhood, Teale's heartbeat was a pleasantly warm pulse that encouraged me to get comfortable while I did my best to please her; but here, partially surrounded by it? It was all of those at once. Teale's lifeforce continually squeezed and pulled at me, like a series of small but strong hugs all across the left half of my body. Teale's body wanted me in a very primal way, it wanted to pull me inside and take everything I had to offer, it was- I've never felt so wanted in my entire life.

And then just like that I slipped back out, splashing into a small puddle of Teale's excitement and just laying there in shock before I rolled over onto my back to stare up at where I'd fallen from. I stared up into the darkness and breathed in Teale's scents in deep calm breaths as I contemplated my feelings and desires.

Within the more liberally theological queendoms, there exist humans who- in the absence of any actual signs of divinity or at least benevolent divinity, choose to worship elves instead. I know nearly nothing at all of their theology, beliefs, or practices, but having spent just- not even 5 minutes within Teale's depths. I found myself sympathizing with elf-worshipers, and almost fully ready to cast off a lifetime of Earth Mother worship that I was raised to believe in. I wanted more, even at the risk of Teale's body turning around to smite me for my insolence, I was ready to give myself to her pleasure completely and utterly.

So I rolled over to my stomach and curled up until my feet were planted into the fabric, my back and shoulders making a slight indent in her lips. I luxuriated in the sensation of her pulse for a moment, and then I stood up while the world itself seemed to fall away for a moment before righting itself as Teale gripped every bit of me with even more desire than I held for her.

Chapter 12 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:

Teale's POV picks up where Markus' left off.

6th of Sunsfall, 3418, On the road to Sofferth Spring, Yaavy, Teale's journal

Thought for the day: Mere's grandmother was right.

Today I took Markus while he was asleep, and when he awoke, I pressed him into my womanhood. Just once at first, I gave him plenty of time to make it known if he didn't want to be played with like that. And then he played with me back. At worst, I only rubbed him on the outside until he was stuck to me with my juices. He was the one who decided that he wanted all the way inside and I

I bit my pen thoughtfully as I read over my journal entry. I was wrong, expressing myself on the page was almost as hard as with words. But it was nice too. I wondered if I would ever share these words with anyone, Markus perhaps? I looked down at my bosom and gave them a small squeeze. My friend wasn't visible between them, but I could feel every movement of his tiny body and didn't really need to see him. Feeling him wake up slightly and give me a squeeze back with both of his hands before falling asleep again was all I could have asked of him in that moment, he'd already given me so much of himself today.

I had almost tripped when Markus decided he liked my idea of getting more intimate. I'd never done this before, with Markus or any other human. But I'd heard that it was rather hard to find a human who was comfortable with being toyed with this way. So I figured if there was a chance that Markus would only ever do it once, why not that once be with me? That's probably a good way to explain my actions to my future daughter or whoever else might read this though. Context makes all the difference.

I should restart from the beginning. It makes sense in context.

I've always liked humans. From the moment I first laid eyes on one, I knew I wanted one to- I didn't even know what at the time. I knew I wanted to make one mine in some way, but I was too young to feel desire of the flesh and instead just wanted to grab and lick a human my own age. Perhaps luckily, I did not meet any humans who were not obviously adults until my breasts started coming in, I doubt I would have eaten anybody, but as a child I was impatient and likely would not have waited on a doll-sized folk's permission if they weren't an adult.

Eventually, years later, I made friends with a boy name Dahl who let me taste his penis in exchange for letting him feel my small (for a high elf) bosom. In hindsight, I'm fairly sure we both thought we were getting the better of the other one, but the end result was Dahl deciding that he didn't like it after I leaned back with him carefully cupped against my mouth so I could really enjoy him. Apparently he was afraid of heights and that had ruined whatever feelings my inexperienced lips and tongue were giving him, and he especially did not like hearing my compliment of his taste. I on the other hand, had discovered a flavor that I couldn't get enough of, only to ruin it by scaring the only human who would put up with my eccentricities.

And of course, I'm a bit of a turtle in personality, so it seemed for a long time that I was doomed to taste heaven on earth just to know that I'd never have it again. Elya always told me I was being melodramatic and just needed practice, but I went 10 years of knowing exactly what I was missing and being seemingly incapable of mustering the words to say and get it without sounding like I actually wanted to eat my friends. Meanwhile Elya can get any sort of folk she wants between her lips without any effort at all.

In any case, it wasn't until we'd hired Markus that I had met a human who wasn't put off by my natural quiet demeanor, and it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I finally got another taste of humans, though admittedly, that second taste was even less appreciated by the human giving it to me than my brief encounter with Dahl. But then that same night, I learned that Markus liked being tasted too. Better yet, I learned that he was both scared and aroused by the thought of being tasty instead of just scared. For so long I hadn't thought of actually getting to have fun with a human beyond some playful ribbing among comrades by playing off of my sister's charisma, and then Markus had revealed that he was open to so much more with some time and effort.

Or rather, by making him open to it. Markus is apparently of a certain class of human who wants and needs more sexual intimacy than he's willing to admit or ask for. Against everything I've ever learned about how to love and protect humans as every elf ought, Markus is happiest when we don't give him a choice but to indulge in his secret desires. If you ask him he immediately and obviously lies, but if you badger him on the falsehoods he agrees that he didn't mean it and allows himself to be taken, like some sort of game. And if you simply force him to be pleasured and to pleasure in turn, then not only does he not resist, but Markus actively and eagerly participates. So if he were anybody else, I could never forgive myself for what I did to him; but as it is Markus, I rightfully feel like I did him a favor.

I had already been riding the high of the three evil men in my belly who had yet to perish as they writhed in agony, devouring bad folk was so much more satisfying than mere animals. The same magic that kept Markus alive and comfortable when air had no natural way of reaching him also kept my meals of evil folk awake and aware until their souls had relinquished what little good was left in them to be reborn as my daughters. Until then, they could do naught but wriggle and hope for a quick death that was still between hours and days away from each of them. Until then, I could enjoy every pitiable movement deep in my body as they dragged themselves around in circles and clawed at the walls of my belly in futility. The nights following these jobs were quickly becoming my favorite time to masturbate myself as I imagined the decadence of also having a good human somewhere else in my body at the same time.

So when I finally felt Markus wake up and consequentially brush against my nether lips, I was quite in the mood to escalate to the real thing and I felt that was all the warning he probably needed before I broached the subject of- deepening our friendship in that way that only river and high elves truly can. It was easily the most pleasure I'd ever felt down there, I only regretted that I hadn't pressed him in deeper and he fell back out after just a minute. Then my recollection of Markus' stress returned and I felt disgusted with myself for thinking that way, this was for Markus, not just for me. My self loathing evaporated though, when he plunged himself even deeper of his own volition. Oh goddess, please let him enjoy this enough that I can feel him again. That all of us can, really. "Teale? You listening?" And then Aure reminded she was talking. Thankfully it wasn't quite her lecturing voice, she reminds me uncomfortably of Mother when she's admonishing me on keeping my head about me.

"I'm sorry what? my mind was elsewhere." Specifically, they were on the delightful creature wriggling and worming his way up into my nethers. Sadly he had gotten stuck without the leverage of my undergarments to push off from, but the serpentine wiggles he was making to try and climb in deeper were far better than anything I'd ever done to myself. I wanted it to never end.

"I asked if you thought it would be alright if we switched at the hotspring rather than after we make camp." I nodded absentmindedly, yeah that would give Markus plenty of time to really enjoy this new experience. The more he enjoyed his time inside me, the more likely that I'd be able to enjoy him a second or third time. Perhaps this could even become part of his routine when we make camp? I could have certainly used this treatment after we drove off that vampire last year, vampires are the worst.

I flexed on Markus at the thought, and to my delight this had the effect of pulling my- my lover? No, not my lover, that implies an intent to marry and I'm sharing Markus with the others. My friend at least, Markus wasn't the type of person to give himself to just anyone. My friend was pulled in so within me not even his feet were poking out now, and I marveled at his form. So elf-like in many ways, yet alien in others.

I was almost in awe at how totally I could feel Markus. It was even better than eating a human, and in fact the sensation of Markus completely overpowered anything I got from purifying his evil kin. I could feel not just his weight and a tickle of his movements, but also his every contour, every feature on his tiny face and each of his fingers. I felt him before, of course, but now that I had him completely the amount of tiny details was almost staggering. As my pulse danced across his miniscule body in waves, so too did I feel his pulse flutter against me. Elves had many more nerve endings in our womanhoods than we did our hands or mouths. When he sucked one of my folds in his mouth for a lewd approximation of a kiss, it was the first time I'd noticed that human tongues are not just smooth but bumpy like an elf's, or that the tiny dark colored dots on his body were raised above the rest of his skin.

I shuddered as Markus swept his arms around what he could reach of me, I felt the tiny squeeze of his palms as he gripped my insides to adjust and orient himself before he found a pair of folds as wide as himself and wedged his dick in between, gripping the mass with his legs and holding that position for what seemed like minutes. When Markus started gyrating his hips in an increasingly frantic pace, kissing my walls all the while it was almost too much for me and I started seeing stars dance through my vision. Sadly, while I felt Markus mouth what must have been silent words against my flesh in between his lewd kisses, I lacked a way to hear or otherwise interpret exactly what he was telling me.

I also wasn't sure how well the sensation on his end would compare to actual penetration with a human woman, but some selfish part of me hoped that his own folk far paled in comparison so that he'd always seek out his teammates for relief. Because having felt a human inside me this way, I desperately wanted to feel him again and again for as long as I lived. Goddess, feeling my little friend grip my flesh with his knees as he rubbed himself on my- I came harder than I'd ever been able to push myself before, and to my ever increasing delight, the uncontrolled contractions pulled Markus even deeper than my controlled movements had. He was beyond even my fingertips now, in a sudden turnabout of what had previously been the case, I was the one helpless as Markus pleasured me. Goddess, I-

At some point I ended up on the ground, flat on my back and panting heavily as I stared senselessly at the Yggdrasil branches overhead and thanked the Goddess over and over again for allowing me the privilege of being born a high elf who could enjoy humans like this. Markus had similarly been closer to my entrance as I came back to myself, also sedated in his own post-orgasm state but still running his hands along what parts of my walls he could reach. I heard chuckling and rolled over to see our teammates, each reclining against the nearest tree trunk and chewing the light blue bittersweet bark that had been shed off of the Yggdrasil. I blushed heavily as I caught their mirthful expressions.

My facade of having full control over myself as a highly skilled and accomplished swordself was obliterated mid-step, and I simply stopped thinking of anything besides the feelings that Markus had been giving me. The other three meanwhile were all smirking down at me, like I was some kind of human. Elya in particular looked like she just tricked me into playing along with one of her plans again, like she had when she cheated yesterday. Did she mean for me to embarrass myself with Markus? Or perhaps my older sister was simply glad to see that I'd lost my virginity so long after she'd shelved the plot to focus on my conversation skills?

I should be more annoyed about all of that, but I just couldn't bring myself to care about anything other than the adorable creature who was even now giving me such amazing feelings I could hardly stand. If it were possible, I would have laid there all day. Whiling away the hours by flexing my human friend deeper into myself and twitching in helpless glee at what he did while I was at his mercy before he slid back within reach of my grasp and I flexed him in deep once more. I was sure he felt the same. We were meant for this, I was suddenly sure, the Goddess had planned that our folks reward one another for our love and devotion to her ways. Heaven was surely defined as basking in her unending love for her children as our loins squirmed full of blessed human friends.

But alas, I couldn't lay in the dirt all day. We had to get reasonably close to the hotspring to make camp if we were to actually bathe there following breakfast. It wouldn't do much good to get the dust of the road off if just getting back to camp meant that we sweat enough to need another bath just from getting back to camp. Every elf without a father knows that for bathing to be effective, you need to relax for at least a full day afterwards to let the cleanliness sink in, half-assing your hygiene just makes you smell like a human does when they think they're done bathing.

So reluctantly, I reached up my armored skirt again, navigating past the cloth of my underclothes by touch and poking into myself. I did my best to ignore the whistling and giggling of the others as I inadvertently gave them a show, but I blushed a deep brown anyway. Thankfully the tiny clench I made at the feeling of my fingers only pulled Markus slightly deeper, and I was still able to pinch his ankle to pull him out. Once he was blinking the stars out of his eyes in the setting sun I admired the man who with his mere presence had reduced one of the Goddess' most powerful children to such a pathetic state. When Markus turned to regard me back, I kissed him on his adorably tiny face before he could get any words out and then tucked him in between my breasts again.

I was glad for his attention, but I think I need more time to think on things before I could speak of it with him. Or anyone. Even now, all I really know for sure is that I want to feel him inside me again. Possibly without a belly full of partially digested humans so as to not distract from the pleasure and love I felt from and for him. Or perhaps with freshly devoured humans who squirmed more vigorously thinking they could still escape their judgment, there was a lot to experiment with on that front. I was eager to find out. And somehow without asking him I knew Markus felt the same.

Chapter 13 by LMeir3
Author's Notes:
The Hotspring Special Episode

7th of Sunsfall, 3418, Somewhere in North Yaavy, Markus' Journal

So that was yesterday. Today was- cathartic I suppose is the right word. Like yesterday it put many things into perspective, but the experience was more perspective about the last few weeks, rather than my thought on elves in general. Suffice to say, I had made some very incredibly stupid assumptions that could have been cleared up in just a single talk.

Did in fact, clear up in just a single talk. Aure had a knack for that sort of thing, wizards in general had a reputation for wisdom and sensibility and the supposedly older elf very much lived up to the legend. I say supposedly older because despite the assurances from both herself and the other eves that her appearance was quite telling of her age- I had no idea what signs to look for. I remember marveling at the seeming agelessness of elves when Aure had plucked me from my dreams in Teale's breasts and gave my still somewhat sticky body a once over while I groggily took in her own wise yet not wizened face.

Elves of all sorts I've personally encountered seem to almost freeze in time once their femininity comes in and they cease to be children. Aure might very well be older than my mother as she claims, but no human would ever figure that out from just her looks or the feel of her heavy breasts as she cupped a man against them. Aure snorting to herself shook me out of my groggy reverie, and it occurred to me that perhaps I should avoid thinking about subjects that will get me teased when my erection inevitably poked into her hand while she was holding me up against the underside of those same 2 subjects. Too late now I supposed.

High elven bathtime was harrowing enough without my encouraging my teammates to make a game of it. Well, no. Harrowing was probably the wrong word. But elves were nothing if not very exacting when it came to cleanliness. I'd clean myself as best as I could, but not even an alchemist's attention to chemical detail was fine enough for their sensitive noses. I would inevitably find myself in hand and scrubbed to Aure's standards no matter how raw I rubbed myself. And then she would have the gall to admonish me of my harsh treatment of my body rather than simply take the time to 'do it right'. The 'right' amount of time to bathe according to an elf was 'all day'.

As usual, I had started my bath when Aure set me down in a shallower bit of the massive steaming caldera. While I set about squeezing and working the gel-filled washleaf into a lather to get the worst of Teale's residue off of myself, she and the other elves made efficient work combing one another's hair with a comb carved from a dragon's jawbone. From prior experience, I knew that this first mutual combing was just to get the stray leaves and sticks out from their locks before they sat down to soak, they had no intention of cleaning their hair just once while we were here.

I was no stranger to the elven love of cleansing, I was just used to doing it in the steam rains that commonly fell from the middle of Sunsrise to the beginning of Sunsfall in Terela and the other the dark elf queendoms of the south. It was more or less impossible to tell for how long the pleasantly heated rain would fall so I was used to using the water quickly and efficiently at a moment's notice. The alternative was a visit to the public bathhouse where a combination of magic and high technology replicated the experience of a hot rain shower for as long as a visitor wanted, at the cost of literally being surrounded by elves who would doubtlessly be delighted at the opportunity to carry, cuddle, and otherwise embarrass any hapless humans sharing the “shower” room with them. Given the choice, I preferred the somewhat common natural occurrence.

Supposedly, the steam storms themselves were sourced from the sea far to the south of our continent literally simmering like a soup pot as the sun got closer to the world during the warmer part of the year. This, combined with the icebergs in the far north continually rising from the abruptly liquid water and violently shattering during this same time of year, contributed to a cylindrical weather pattern that pushed the air and clouds far above the world north even as the wind down here seemed to blow south. And of course when the sun began to move away during Sunsrest, the pattern would altogether halt, as the north sea solidified and the shattering winds stopped pulling in the steam storms with their vacuum. Though obviously, no exploratory effort into either such hostile climates would ever take humans along to observe the phenomena in person, so I simply had to content myself with written descriptions and sketched illustrations from the expeditions rather than see for myself.

In any case, my learned habit of quickly rinsing myself in the open air while I could was at odds with the mountain queendom tradition of making an entire day of lounging in these hotsprings that wouldn't be suddenly disappearing or cooling down without notice. And so my technique was at odds with the rest of my team's sensibilities. So while I was at first allowed to wash myself, I would not be allowed to declare myself clean until I had been washed by an elf.

So it wasn’t truly harrowing, but it was often restrictive as Aure needed me to be contorted in a specific way so that she could get the wash leaf pressed and gently scrubbing at my skin in a specific angle. Being so much larger than a human, each of a high elf's fingers was about as thick around as I was, and I wasn't obese or anything, but I wasn't skinny either. Handling me was one thing, getting a small, rough, and yet naturally slippery leaf into all of my body's crevasses required some awkward positioning. And I think they just liked the excuse to dangle me over their naked bodies with my own nakedness in full view of anybody who happened to be in the area.

But after several years of the treatment I was used to it. I was even able to make conversation while held upside-down, my torso pinched between her thumb and first finger while she carefully ablated away the callouses on each of my toes. “Flatterer.”

“I mean every word.”

“Aye, you do. But it's flattery all the same. I'll not go easy on you just because you say nice things, you realize?” I did my best to shrug at that.

“Fair enough. It was worth a shot.”

“It really wasn't Markus, I wouldn't normally object to the smell of a man but-”

“But on this occasion it's because I smell like Teale's- er, her-”

“-Her womanhood, aye. Or elfhood, if you prefer. Scientifically speaking, we're not exactly 'women', for all similarities on a surface level and shared ancient lineage.” I didn't know exactly which lineage Aure was referring to, but I clearly recalled that particular taxonomic ruling had come out when I was a boy. My elven classmates were in an uproar over it for weeks and it marked one of the few times I'd ever seen a human tease an elf before they collectively embraced the change and teased the human girls right back.

“Either's fine with me I suppose.” Despite the science of it saying otherwise, elves had much more in common with women than they did anything else. Even orcs who gave birth from nothing as elves do were much more like man-shaped animals than anything else. Not that I'd ever seen one up close whom wasn't an extermination target for our party. Perhaps they were more personable when they weren't fighting for their lives against folk who towered over every other.

“And yet you still struggle to enunciate when speaking of the experience. Did you dislike it that-”

“No, it was amazi-! I mean, uh-” Aure smiled slyly at my outburst, and I suddenly became aware that I had an erection again. This time it was out in the open, and with my arms pinned between her knuckles, I had little choice but to blush and shiver when Aure's fingers trailed up my thighs to cradle my balls on a single fingertip. “I- I mean- I liked-”

Aure cut me off, “You mind if I take a little break in cleaning you Markus?” her finger lightly tapped agaisnt me, making my erection bob with every word.

“I- What?”

“It's been a while since I held a cute little man like this, all vulnerable and pliant. It hasn't been very long since I washed you last, of course. But that was before all of this, back then, you hadn't made any indication of wanting to be- more than strictly professional.” I suddenly noticed that I was being eyed like a piece of meat again, Aure was actually interested rght now, not just teasing me. “And of course I've tasted you plenty, but I couldn't watch your expressions while I did that and- well I'd rather not get a mouthful of soap today.” Understandable.

“Oh uh ye-! I mean- um. I don't know if-”

“Markus. You know there's no point in lying to me, aye? We both know what you really think of my request and you certainly don't have any other plans today.” Well I guess we're doing this now. At least I'd already written off the day as far as my primary duties go. Plenty of time to devote to my secondary duty of appeasing the sexual appetites of my team, better that than sating the other appetite they had for my folk.

“... I suppose I wouldn't mind taking a little break from the-” Almost instantly I was dangling by my elbows from Aure's fingers while the fingers of her other hand palmed my ass and hips in a vicegrip before her thumb and first finger reached forward to encircle my penis in a pinch, only when my limbs were pulled back behind me did Aure begin to stroke me. It wasn't painful, but it was immediately clear that I was utterly at her mercy, angled just low and close enough to my captor that my predicament was all I could see, hear, or focus on. I always was of course, but dangling and exposed like this, while the elf stroked my genitals with slow and deliberate purpose, I could do little more than look around and take it all in.

Only my head was free to move around in my current pose. Aure's grip never threatened to squeeze too hard or too soft, she relentlessly robbed me of any hope of feeling something beyond her powerful hands holding me still as a statue and that damned yet blessed steady tempo. I wasn't allowed, it seemed, to have any sort of say in how quickly I received my slowly building orgasm, my teammate was too engrossed in the journey to allow such liberties to the lowly human she had set to reach her chosen destination.

Aure pumped my cock with a pace that glaciers would be jealous of. Her grip on my shaft was gentle and plush but utterly unyielding, and the sensation of her fingerprints lubricated by the washleaf fluid was like- I could scarcely think of an apt comparison. The wavy lines engraved into every folk's fingertips were much more prominent on a high elf than they were a human, they were over half the width of my own fingers and 3 to 4 times as long, but squishier and unsegmented given that lack of bones. It was as though I was actually being wrapped around by dozens of small feminine hands rather than just 2 fingers, they slid up to my tip and down to my balls over and over again, without any of the imperfect deviations that a human woman would have. I couldn't think of any other way that I could have possibly compared these particular feelings beyond some other river or high elf with a grip slippery with washleaf suds.

Of course that was just the feeling of it, what really stood out in my mind was the sight of her stroking me. Above me I could just barely make out my own fingers wiggling on the other side of the fingertips of Aure's left hand, beyond that, the tangled silver branches of the Yggdrasil grove that had grown around the hotspring and the blue sky up above that.

Looking down I could only see Aure and what she was doing to me. The stark contrast between my pinkish wood colored body and her bright blue hand with its dark purple undertones only served to draw my eye down to where I was being sensually tormented. For several long minutes I found myself unable to do anything beyond watch as my penis was rhythmically devoured and regurgitated, in and out and in and out, never deviating but endlessly captivating. And when I tore my gaze up from the sight of the digits that continued to glide across my member, all I could see was the relaxed rise and fall of Aure's breasts, each tipped with nipples as firm and erect as I was. Above the fleshy globes, Aure's perfect face smiled warmly down at me even while her eyes gleamed sharply, as they had at the bandits that had begged her for their lives just days ago. I'd memorized her face after years of travel together, but I still couldn't help but take in every detail of her peculiar countenance now. That mixture of gentle intentions and yet unmistakably carnivorous excitement, it was one I'd seen before, but never directed towards myself for more than the split second it took her to slip me into her mouth after winning me in a contest with the others. She was regarding me with a silent promise that I was both perfectly safe in her possession and that I was her prey and would not be escaping before she had had her fill of me.

Aure was ever so slowly but surely building up to the moment when my mind would blank in bliss and I'd be even more helpless in her hands. Her palm kept me from bucking or otherwise disrupting the pace that she'd chosen, her smallest three fingers hooked my legs and kept me from kicking or otherwise distracting myself from my companion and her actions. Her thumb and first finger curled around my pudgy midsection and pinched my manhood, and if I had my hands free I'm sure that I could have reached down to feel her iron-hard tendons just beneath the skin working back and forth as the digits flexed, I could certainly feel them straining and relaxing against my sides. Such immense power brought to bear to entrap and massage my penis like it was the milky teat of some manner of livestock.

My agency as a folk was being almost entirely stripped away for this wizard's amusement, and I loved every agonizingly slow minute of it. All the pretext of our previous encounters was gone, I wasn't trapped in this game of hers because I was tasty or because I'd stumbled into some clever joke. Aure had decided that she wanted to make me helpless, to enjoy me as I enjoyed being helpless, and so now I was just her toy. Those predatory eyes were trained on my face no matter where I looked, I could feel her smug stare everywhere I craned my head. I might be the one getting masturbated, but Aure was clearly deriving the lion's share of satisfaction from my predicament. The gleam in her eye only got more triumphant when I gave up on distracting myself and gazed back at her without care for how my expression appeared, wordlessly begging the elf to speed up, put me in her mouth, anything but this erotic monotony. But alas, Aure did not have mercy and continued to pump me as methodically as before I surrendered. I had no choice but to endure it.

I have no idea how long I was reduced to wanton moaning under those eyes, but eventually I was allowed to release and I remember doing so with an almost strangled yelp, held just as still as I had been the entire time she worked me up to that point. Aure though, had broken her amused and leisurely recline to dart forward and catch my production on her tongue, I remember the moment very strongly as it and the heavenly suction she applied to my still-twitching manhood immediately afterward were all I could think of as I basked in the comfort of both the heat of the bath and the softness of Aure's hands. My earlier thoughts echoed back to me in that liminal state, that I was milked much like livestock. And evidently my milk was so delicious and valuable that my herdself refused to waste a drop.

By the time I was coherent again she was back to scrubbing me as though nothing had happened. It was all so ordinary that I myself might have written it off as a daydream, had I not noticed that I could make out Aure's womanhood through the steamy waters and my sore cock didn't even twitch in response to the observation. Apparently Aure had seen fit to drain my body as dry as she had my willpower.

I was positioned to be sitting between her second and third fingers while my arms hung over the first and her thumb held me in place. Meanwhile her other hand was gently rubbing circles into my back, any knots of tension that had once been there had already been replaced with newly popped vertebrae and relaxed muscles. Generally speaking, none of the elves who washed me were ever satisfied with my cleanliness until I'd had the suds massaged into my skin and giving me an almost elf-like earthy scent that persisted for days instead of hours, which naturally meant that I also got the other benefits of having a massage. Even if I hadn't just been brought to orgasm, I don't think it would be possible for me to be any more comfortable than I was right then.

“Did you have a nice nap, Markus?”

“Aye. A much needed one.”

“I'm glad. Feel free to let me know if you'd like another one like it.” Ah? Are we not going to ignore the mammoth in the room then?

“You mean, sleeping in your hands? Or-?”

“I'll be 296 seasons old this next Sunsrest, Markus. You're hardly the first human who let me play with them like that, and you'd not be the first to want me to make a game of them again once they'd recovered.” 296?! That's-! Oh wait, no. Seasonal age, right. That's what they do up in the northernmost queendoms. So, 296 divided by 4... It seems I underestimated her age a little, while not a bicentennial, Aure is still just 2 years shy of my grandmother's age. And yet, even knowing this, I still couldn't make out any sign that she wasn't as young as Teale or me. Elves are truly the most mysterious creatures under the goddess.

Then, before I could muster a response to Aure's invitation, I was abruptly dunked in the water to get rinsed off, effectively putting an end to the subject. Thankfully the hotspring was very very large, and thus had quite a bit of thermal capacity compared to smaller phenomena such as geysers that could cook a man alive in seconds. So even though the water was literally boiling as it streamed into the caldera from beneath the earth, the center of the pool itself was only slightly too hot for me for anything more than a brief dip. And those brief dips were luxurious.

Once I had finished coughing and sputtering the residual water from my nose and throat, Aure leaned in and gave me a big sniff. Instantly my hair was air-dried as all the moisture went up her left nostril, and if Aure had noticed that or found it uncomfortable, it was masked when she wrinkled her face for a completely different reason. "Teale really soaked herself into you, huh?"

I would have shrugged in response, but my arms were held fast between Aure's knuckles while she dabbed at my armpits now. "I like to think it was a team effort."

Aure cracked a big smile at that. "Perhaps, or perhaps it was mostly your work. You know she couldn't even stand for a few minutes there?" She looked up at presumably Teale and giggled "We're going to have a lot of fun in the future, you understand?"

I nodded slowly, thoughtfully. Of course, while Aure had clearly enjoyed seeing me in such a state, I rather doubted that she or any of the elves would be content with stroking me when they could be filled by me instead. While they shouldn't be mistaken for humans, elves weren't that much different from human women. "Aye, if I feel that good to you then I must have a third job to do from now on." At least all my jobs in the party were enjoyable. Some folk hated their jobs.

Instead of seeming pleased at my submission, my words prompted Aure to cock her head in confusion. "You don't seem too happy about that."

I waved her off. "No it's fine, I'm still just a little tired after our- um.” Aure slyly smiled at my blush and I had to stop before I started stuttering. goddess, I was going to hear about that slip up later, wasn't I? “Well anyway, I'm truly glad to be more useful to you all without my lab and-" I had to cut off as my vision was briefly blocked by her finger suddenly and briefly pressing against my face. When I could see it again, Aure's face was plainly concerned and mildly disapproving.

"Hush, you. It's not about usefulness, you're our friend and we just want you to enjoy your lot in life as much as we do." Not about usefulness? What? But then, what about- Wait.

"So if I were to stop making potions?" Surely I couldn't have had this all backwards? There's no way I'm that far mistaken, right? I'm an educated man, logic was my strong suit, right?

"We've been trying to get you to hold off on that for over a week Markus, we've got plenty and you're allowed to take breaks." Oh. Yes that sort of put the last few days into perspective. Fuck, maybe I- goddess, that actually throws a lot of my assumptions and educated guesses into question. But then, I'd never actually confirmed my fears with any of the elves, had I?

I- I wanted- No. No, I don't want it at all. I would love to remain ignorant if my fears were true, but I needed to hear it from them now. I was terrified of what would follow if I heard Aure confirm that she would happily eat me if circumstances allowed, but knowing how wrong I'd been about how to view these past few weeks, how the elves had viewed it- I was terrified still, but I had to know for sure.

Here goes everything. "What if I stopped altogether?"

Aure's expression shifted to be slightly more disapproving, as I expected her to be. Oh goddess. "That'd be different." As I thought then- "We'd have to find another alchemist and we sure as shit would stop paying you a fair share for a job you weren't doing, but that'd be it.” What. “I personally wouldn't mind still keeping you around afterwards, just in case your replacement was a stick in the mud." I don't- I was wrong? I- What is this feeling, I-? I needed absolute confirmation, that much I knew. “Markus, is something wrong? Your heart is beating awfully fast, you should be relaxed right now.”

I barely managed to stutter out my request for Aure to clarify. "So I'd be free to go? You wouldn't- I'm not-"

For as long as I'd known her, Aure has always been a very sure sort of elf, so this was the first time I'd ever seen her look so mystified. "Free to- What do you mean, exactly? We wouldn't what? Spit it out Markus, I'm more of a fireball throwing witch than a mind reader."

"I-” Aure held me a bit closer to her face, presumably to hear me better. “Uh, you-” Unfortunately, this meant I was also closer to her mouth, which did not help my sudden bout of nerves. “You wouldn't eat- eat m-" I couldn't finish it, I couldn't even look her in the eyes. Instead I stared hard into the bubbling water below while the wizard struggled to comprehend what I was even asking.

The color drained away from Aure's usually vibrant face when it clicked in her mind. "What- Of course not Markus! We only eat bad humans who rape and murder other humans! You're our friend! Goddess' grace, what kind of monster would eat their friends like that?!" Faster than I could blink, I was suddenly hugged tight against her breasts as Aure clutched at me possessively as though I would be snatched away by some evil folk if she didn't keep me close.

I couldn't really answer her if I wanted to, pressed into her breast as I was I could barely even hear her. But I did hear her, and it was like somewhere in the deep fear-ridden recesses of my mind, a parched desert of worry was suddenly flooded in a deluge of relief. I was never going to be eaten, it was just- it was just harmless fun between adventurers, that's all it ever was. I just- It was too much for me to handle in just a handful of minutes, I had no idea how to process and contextualize it all.

Meanwhile, this outburst of Aure's got the attention of the others on the team, and they all apparently wanted a turn to hold and reassure me of what Aure had said. All the high elves were incredibly distraught at the thought that I had feared them, possibly more distraught than I had been when I imagined myself in place of any of the dozens of bandits that had been devoured in front of me.

Looking back, I supposed we were all in a state of shock, as I can scarcely remember any specifics of what might have been a panicked hour in the time that followed. An hour of being held against elven flesh and listening to the rush of displaced water and high pitched elven babbling. I don't think I've ever actually heard an elf sound so scared before, and that they were scared on my behalf was truly touching. They actually truly cared for me beyond what my profession and form could provide them.

While I had started to recover the feeling of safety in their presence again, each of my companions were suddenly feeling horrified on my behalf. I think I started crying in sheer relief at some point, which almost definitely did not help reassure any of the elves of my relative okayness compared to the last several weeks of my subtle terror at the thought of becoming expendable.

And then I spent what seemed like forever being passed around and fretted over by all 4 of them, I was just aware enough of what was physically transpiring to note what was happening to me but not who was doing it or what any of them were saying, and I'm not sure if my lack of comprehension was because of the distress of the party or because they had switched to a mountain dialect I didn't know.

What I do remember is being subjected to a microcosm of every comfort the elves could think to provide a scared human with until they were finally convinced that I was no longer scared of them. I found myself clutched in the darkness of their interlocked fingers. Every bit of me was kissed, and half of those kisses were wet with spittle. I was pressed against cheeks, and lips, and hands, and all over their breasts, and finally I drifted off to sleep completely surrounded in someone's breasts deaf to the world save for the elf's heart reverberating around me.

As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but marvel at how light I suddenly was. Physically, I was unable to move from my comfortable prison. But mentally, spiritually, it was like I'd been carrying- I don't know, the weight of the elves themselves on my back and it was suddenly lifted off with just words and their gentle touches. That combined with the almost religious experience I had had inside of Teale that I suddenly remembered was going to be repeated at least as frequently as becoming intimate with the breasts and mouths of my- my friends- that I just-

Goddess, I don't know what it was that I did to deserve such amazing and powerful and gentle friends. Surely mixing crushed plants into magic juice wasn't worth more than a mote of this? For weeks I had thought such horribly uncharitable things about them and their character and they reacted by- They instantly forgave me, what they thought of me was never in any question and they only wanted what they felt was best for my health and mental wellbeing. I have never felt so deeply ashamed and loved by the same people. I would just have to make it up to them. My friends of 5 years deserved nothing less than my best efforts.

I- words cannot describe how ready I am to enjoy the rest of what remains of this little vacation our party is currently mired in. I want nothing more than to be surrounded by my friends and to show them as much love and appreciation as they have shown me. The astute reader who is familiar with high elves might recognize the wordplay there.


End Notes:

And they all lived happily ever after.

Except for the bandits.

They all died horribly after having their suffering artificially extended by magic.

This story archived at