z32nd story transferred to my new account by timescribe

See my Timescrybe2 account, as I am going to ask the admins to terminate this one as soon as I've finished moving the stories to the new account. This old timescribe account has been malfunctioning since Jan 2019, causing hassles for both me and the readers. I plan to get rid of it ASAP.

Categories: Giantess, Adventure, Mouth Play, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: Leprechauns & Giantesses
Chapters: 112 Completed: Yes Word count: 63745 Read: 176117 Published: November 22 2021 Updated: June 21 2022
Employee of the Mouth by timescribe

Colleen’s face drew close to his cheek, and then he felt the wildest sensation of his life. The tip of her tongue came out and gently sampled the taste of his flesh.

“I’m glad you shaved for this interview,” she said, “It’s more important than ever, when you’re going for a job like this one, but I’ll be feeding you a chemical that I’ve invented to halt the growth of facial and body hair anyway. Your scalp will be unaffected.”

“Most interviews don’t place such a high importance on the employee’s last opportunity to attend a luncheon … or dinner,” he said.

“Well I like what I’ve tried so far,” she said, “Let’s examine your credentials with a little more direct staff interaction.”

This time he felt Colleen’s entire tongue sliding from the bottom of his cheek, up the side of his face, to the top. She moved a little, found a dry patch of skin, and repeated the test.

“I’m very satisfied, Patrick; and surely you must have gotten a lot more out of this than you would have gained from a typing test.”

“It was … very … enjoyable,” he said.

“Well what I’m offering is just an extension of that, on a different scale, with a journey down my throat added at the end. Think about it, Patrick. Can you imagine yourself easing gently down inside my neck, and then coming to rest inside my stomach, with the most incredibly arousing physical contact then behind you, fresh in your memory, with your whole body still moist from its contact with my tongue? Think what it would be like, settling down in my stomach, knowing that my body was going to absorb you, forever. No man has ever known such a mixture of excitement and ecstasy before. When you watch a serial cliff hanger, you know that the drama will be resolved by the end of the film’s last chapter. You know that there will be a regular predictable ending. In my stomach you’d be a pioneer, with an amazing destiny ahead of you.”

“I know, but you can’t seriously expect to find anyone who wants to be eaten by you, no matter how many people you interview.”

“Maybe, and maybe not,” she said, “But I will continue my interviews until I find someone who does, and then I will continue my experiments. I will eventually reduce a man and eat him. You can pass up this opportunity, but I know you enjoyed the touch of my tongue licking your cheeks just now. I know it’s the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you. I know you’ll be imagining what it’s like for the applicant who takes the job on. You won’t forget the feel of my tongue, or the sight of that fish going to its destiny. You won’t ever forget the opportunity you’re throwing away. Some people apply all sorts of misconstrued Freudian interpretations to the vore fantasy I’m trying to realise. I don’t go in for any of that nonsense. I just want to eat someone, and draw the process out a long time, so that I can really go to town, once the little man is in my mouth. But you go back to your search for a suitable career, Patrick. When you’ve been unable to secure any significant career opening as a raw school graduate, you can spend three years at university. After that, you can work hard for years and put lots of effort into courting someone, all for the limited experiences you can have in a regular relationship. You could have surpassed all of that in a few months, but I respect your decision to decline.”

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=11176