Leon 'n Lulu: The Hurricane Kids. by The Little Titan

Contains a giant male and female child, viewer discretion advised. Things are pretty PG though. Two kids are just enjoying their dreams of being giants. That's it. Now for the summary;

A catastrophic Typhoon is approaching to the valley city of Mink. And Leon is told to wait for his father at the conference hall where the plans for surviving the storm are laid out. But asking a child to stay attentive to a boring conference proves too much of a challenge for Leon, and accidentally slips out his boredom into words . However the consequences seem to be getting smaller by the minute.

Meanwhile Lulu is in a car riding back home in preparation to evacuate. Longing to see her "brother" again. upon passing by the local supermarket, stories of a giant start to spread around, and the super market is a perfect place to stock up on gifts! However.... things...just, happen... You know?

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Categories: Giantess, Crush, Destruction, Fantasy, Gentle, Giant, New World Order, Slow Size Change Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.), Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.), Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.), Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.), Mega (501 ft. to 5279 ft.), Mini GTS (16-30ft), Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.), Munchkin (2.9 ft. to 1 ft.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FM/f, FM/m, M/f, M/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences, This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: No Word count: 25434 Read: 22955 Published: November 11 2021 Updated: December 01 2021
Story Notes:

Technically my first story on this website. Don't be afraid to voice your opinions~

Note: As of writing this now, Lulu's side of the story has not been written up yet and is still a little off from development. But as she is the second main character of the story,well, she'll appear soon enough :P

Also,  it may not mean much but when i write my stories, i tend to imagine them in an anime or cartoonist setting. Please feel free to imagine the landscape as realistic or as anime as you'd like~

The size tags are what's planned for the story. I'll remove and add new ones as the story progresses. But uuhh yeah! Enjoy~

Edit: (There is a high chance of an edit log going here in case things need to change.) The first edit being..changed the last sentence of the summary to something that will be more suitable for what's to come.

1. Chapter 1 - Prologue: Storm Conference by The Little Titan

2. Chapter 2 : Satiating a child's curiosity. by The Little Titan

3. Chapter 3: Doug himself a hole and The kid who tried to prevent it. by The Little Titan

4. Chapter 3.5:(Interlude) Recording + Mink city. by The Little Titan

5. Chapter 4: Lunchtime! by The Little Titan

6. Chapter 5: The 8ft giant and the leech. by The Little Titan

7. Chapter 6 Kurt the officer Part 1 by The Little Titan

8. Chapter 7: In Lieu Lieu of gigantic proportions. by The Little Titan

9. Chapter 8: In for a Luloop by The Little Titan

Chapter 1 - Prologue: Storm Conference by The Little Titan
Author's Notes:

Leon forgets reality from his imagination and converts boredom into words.

"You two need to look out for each other you know? No matter what happens. I have high hopes for you two kids."....

Restless chatter filled the large conference hall, rambling about various mundane things slurred together that ended up making little to no sense. A young boy sat in one of many seats, the adults near him talking up a storm, and quite literally too. According to some folk, a storm would be approaching, and not just a little rain storm, but a hurricane level storm. While the thought of a storm was scary and all, but this young boy had his attention elsewhere, in imagination land. Trying to flee from the boring desires of adults.

A sudden hush came across the audience, quieting things down by quite a bit, it made people appreciate their ears for a bit. Especially the boy,  as it was allowing him to make the distant journey to save…to slay a dragon or something.

Unfortunately, the young boy, named Leon, would find that a painfully piercing voice would soon interrupt his journeys into the ever more. It was so annoying! He looked up at the fiend, a rather smart looking man presenting on a screen with some  map and statistics , god knows what else he had lined up in his stockpile of lectures. School was one thing, but this was another. As the man spoke, Leon had his own interpreter in his brain working at full speed to try and numb the voice. “and looking here we have the state of minkeroony,the point of evac----- blah blah blah storms coming this way help us all --- blah blah blah” . Leon could only try to imagine the man’s voice as some sort of evil character from a movie, and portray him as the boring sidekick who was going on an evil monologue…that nobody wanted to hear.

It was then a brief lapse of the mind made Leon forget reality and Imagination land.


Leon sighed, dragging his voice out to try and drown the other out. And you know what? For some reason it worked!... But for ...other reasons, the attention had all turned on him.Leon looked up in slight confusion, his mouth slightly open contemplating what had actually happened. Suddenly, as if the umpire called out STRIKE, Leon covered his mouth as quickly as he could….


But it was too late,  everyone was staring, and the nice people in the rows ahead all managed to shuffle aside just so the presenter could see the perpetrator nice and clearly. Not quite nightmare fuel, but it certainly did remind him of a lot of cartoons he watched.

“Young man” the man screeched…well, not screeched but it may as well of sounded like it because of his voice. “I know it was you, would you be so kind to stand up for everyone so they can see you?”

Leon looked away, uncovering his mouth with an awkward smile.


His name may as well of been Sternly. But the 7 year old couldn’t refuse the authority of this man’s voice…. Something just lulled him to stand up, like he was a prisoner lining up to take his mug shot or something. But Leon wasn’t exactly,  well suited to the task, as he stood up on his chair, then and there. It was quite nice looking down at all the adults actually, he stood with such honesty, knowing he did something wrong, he couldn’t help but fidget a little. The presenter contorted his face disapprovingly at the restless child.

“Boy, where did you learn your manners? You don’t put your feet on the chair, let alone stand on it! You could fall or get hurt, people sit on chairs, don’t you know?” The main nagged on,

Leon however, look at the man with a confused look.

“I just uhmm… I just wanted everyone to see me like you said.” He politely responded. Leon's tone sounded so innocent that the audience of adults couldn’t help but chuckle, to which Leon only looked down, guilty of his actions, rubbing his hands together with a fidget.

The now annoyed spokesperson tucked his shirt in, was this boy being snarky or did he actually mean it? It was clear to himself that the boy was just being a smart alek, his past experiences with kids told him so, this kid - to him - was no different. But he spilled a ten dollar coffee earlier that day, so he was particularly frustrated.

“Very smart, kid, you’ve clearly become the towns clown, did your mother forget to teach you how snooty little kids like you should behave? Or did she just fall between the gaps like you did? I pity the poor woman.” The man straightened up his tie. “Now that you’ve done embarrassing yourself. Get off the chair “

Leon felt this crushing weight of fear of an angry adult trying to crush him through sheer guilt alone. However, he was particularly hurt when he mentioned his mother. He wanted to shrink away at that moment. The feelings residing in him were throwing junk at each other trying to enthuse a response, a polite response and shy away. But the left wing crowd in his brain couldn’t stand it for some reason, why did he have to insult his mother? What did she do to him? As far as Leon was concerned, only he should be insulted for this and not his mother. Having won the war of replies, now it was up to his brain to quickly scramble for words to make a comeback at the mean man. But the milliseconds ticked by, seconds even, Leon tried his best, but when he looked down at no particular person, then his inner typewriter spat out a response for his mouth to read.

“W-why? Why ask me to stand up then sit down again? Y-You afraid I’m taller than you or something?”Leon retorted.

A for effort Leon. A for…affecting the situation quite dramatically. For you see, the man was the son of a onetime horse rider who won the big bucks in their first and only race. Of course, that meant he was a jockey’s son. After inheriting the genes he was particularly not fond of being raised up to be a jockey, even ending up just a little shorter than his father at 4’11’’, making him, 4’10’’. It just so happened that day, being put through vertically challenging comments tipped him over the edge. Even when he could of ended the conversation right then and there....

“Adults, don’t do favours little kid, Besides, if you needed a chair for people to see you, you grabbed the short end of the stick yourself. I’m obviously taller. Now sit down.” The irascible guy retaliated. But Leon started to gain a little bit of confidence, scrunching up his fists, then gently relaxing them, with a minor fidget or three, he looked at the presenter with a leap of faith.

“B-…Bet you ten bucks that you’re shorter than me..."

The man went a little-, err, a   bit hysterical. Now the boy wants to be money on our height? The infuriated speech maker (named Douglas by the way) was fuming, but also had an arrow strike his heart. Not only did this kid strike his height, he shouldn’t of humoured the kid, but on a bad day like today…

“Ten dollars is chump change kid. Make that…One Hundred dollars. And if you don’t have the money, you have lick my shoes clean till their spick and spam.” The man compromised, unable to sublimate his feelings.

Victory was all but the smug expression that was stuck to the man's face like glitter all over the floor.

End Notes:

So Leon triggers a jockey, how wonderful!

I've always wanted to meet a Jockey myself~

Wondering if i should release the chapters at a slow rate or just dump them all at once when they're ready~ Anyway Hope you enjoyed the first chapter~ More to come as i figure out how to manage and edit these stories~

Chapter 2 : Satiating a child's curiosity. by The Little Titan
Author's Notes:

The screecher of a presenter walks the talk. But Leon was standing on a chair.

                                         Things get start get a little sizey here but nothing major.

Leon’s heartbeat rose, this guy meant business, but Leon was just off the back of a broken video game console, and he had been saving up all his pocket money just to get a new one. One hundred dollars would be a dream come true! He only needed one more Christmas gift of ten dollars anyway, so imagine what nine ten dollar notes could afford him! That toy store down the road won’t know what hit them if he had that much money. He peered down the empty middle path leading up to the small steps to the podium the man was standing on, trying to measure his height with a hand gesture, his gears turning trying to make heavy calculations of addition and subtraction and the newer times tables he learnt recently. His heart had skipped a beat when he looked up at the potential jockey.


Douglas scoffed.

"Easy money. My shoes needed a touch up anyway.”

Douglas took a good look at the kid as he took his sweet time walking at a snails pace out of the speakers box and towards the steps of the podium. The child wore an orange flannel shirt (with two buttoned up pockets), what seems to be beige hiking shorts with loosely tied straps being a testament to his naivety.Thanks to the crowd opening up a clear view to the kid from earlier, he could also see his uninteresting black socks and hiking boots. His fair hair from a distance looked combed, but far from what a real man’s do could do.

Douglas on the other hand was just smitten, he had taken the liberty to come to a conference meeting wearing his best attire, shirt and tie, black formal pants and even a business shoes adding two whole inches to his height! With a solid 5 feet of height to work with, there’s no way a boy who looks as young as he does could ever be taller than he. Poor Douglas. If only he knew what kinda story he was trapped in. He drew the short straw as well, not many stories like these exists as well so he was particularly unlucky.


Douglas reached the first step, the people around the boy were unimpressed by the charade being put on from what was supposed to be an important storm warning plan of action. He glanced at the child standing above the other people, the odd one out supposedly out to embarrass himself to get a few laughs from his school friends hiding elsewhere recording him.

He took the first step down…. Then another…

His brain started to churn as he realised, the boy had to look down at him. And Douglas has his breath stolen away for a second. The more steps he went down, the taller this little kid seemed. The chair was his saving grace as he realised it's existence and snapped out it.

“Since you agreed boy, you should step down to an e-even…battlefield…wouldn’t you agree?” Douglas challenged, and Leon slowly nodded his head, and hopped down from his seat, and excused himself from the crowd, standing in the middle of the runway.

Douglas continued his departure from the podium, his legs cramped up, he had nightmare legs, the kind that were well suited to a horror game experience. He was on ground floor, and the people on the ends of the rows towards the middle row started shaking their heads, hoo boy. With his petrified legs, Douglas’ already snails pace turned to a tortoises midday jog…. if you can choose believe if either one is faster. He crept on closer, fearing the worst.

“Oh uhmm I’ll come to you!”

Those words K'O'ed Douglas's legs he was barely managing to stand up straight.

Leon had hopped down from his seat. The complaints among the crowd were making him feel a little awkward.  But on the other hand, he really wanted to see if this dude was actually shorter, he kinda liked the thought, but the lure of ninety dollars was more at stake here ( well, one hundred dollars but ten was needed for a new console). He’d just run away if it seemed bad anyway. But he didn’t really like the idea of the chances of seeing this guy again, so he walked on closer to the smartly dressed man.

Nearer and nearer, the closer Leon came to Douglas, the more Douglas started to cower. Douglas felt a slight dizzying sensation, witnessing the boy’s approach with absolute stupor.

*Step… step…..*

Douglas had a bead of sweat coming from his forehead.

*Step, step.*

Oh no... This kid can't be...

*step, step step….*

*step step* Stephanie????

Douglas could see the boy’s curiosity being fed with wonder on the spot. His foot falls becoming painfully more detailed evidently from his big bloody battle boots...errr hiking shoes actually.

*Klo-doonk, klo-doonk, klo-doonk**Kla.... doonk*

.T’was the sound the boys shoes made when he halted himself in front of Douglas, both mouths were agape. Both eyes were scanning each other, one with malicious escapism, the other with wonderland amounts of curiosity.

“B-b-boy! Don’t try and cheat! Don’t stand on your toes!” Douglas stammered. The pit fall from beneath him sent him straight into the pit he had dug himself as he saw the child fluster a little in response.

“Uh-uh uhmm… Sorry, but…” The boy almost stopped himself from proving himself before reluctantly rising in height as he stood on his toes. Taller than Douglas, with Douglas’ eye level being just at the mouth, otherwise his nose bridge if he hadn’t stood on his toes.

“This is me standing on my tip toes m-mister.”Leon softly continued.



Gutted, shocked, ….would be just a few of the many feelings that arose from Douglas as he looked up and down at the boy, even attempting to stand on his toes as well, but no matter how hard he tried, he was still shorter that the little kid. Granted, not by much, but still noticeable enough to warrant the boy’s amazement that’s currently rocketing towards an epiphany towards financial success.

“H-ho-how old are you?” Douglas stuttered.

“T-turning eight this year.” answered the not really little boy.

Douglas could feel the strength being sapped away from himself, seven years…just seven years it took for this boy to become taller than 35  years of living as a man. Well, a Jockey but still, ol’ Doug’ was having a rough enough day as is, never realising that  the brief dizzy spell he had shrunk him an inch. The boy was also 5 feet tall. As evidenced by a bit of exposed belly indicating a recent growth spurt.

“You….you win …. Ch-champ…. “ absolutely depressed, and feeling like his body is starting to receive a depression on itself, he reached for his wallet, and pulled out…

“O….No..I’ve…” adding salt to the wounds, Douglas eyes went wide

“Only brought a fifty…”

End Notes:

Oooo, Douglas! Shouldn't of made a bet you couldn't win eh?

There will be a chapter in the future describing Mink city it'll be passed off as a side chapter but since i haven't written it up yet, expect more story in the future!

Edit: Gosh formatting is weird! I'll try to fix it up in the future but for now, please bare with me~

Thanks for reading~

Chapter 3: Doug himself a hole and The kid who tried to prevent it. by The Little Titan
Author's Notes:

Douglas only looks on at the kids shoes...He brought this on himself

But Leon doesn't exactly want a shoe shine.

P.S This chapter forgoes the use of the differently sized text

Leon went silent, mouth slightly open to let the air in as he forgot how to think for a bit, his brain faxing a letter of remorse for the poor guy, but the mail was jammed, so Leon went to the next best thing, and gently wrapped his finger around the fifty dollar note

“C-can i?” Leon inquired.

Douglas nodded very …very slowly.

Pulling the notes slowly from the shorter one’s hand, Leon couldn’t help but stare into the fifty bucks he had just won. With glee and pent up excitement ready to burst, a celebratory fist pump ensued.


Leon jumped excitedly, yelling at the top of his voice while doing so.

“Look out Red plumber! I’m coming for you!!” Seemingly not worried by the lack of funds that was originally promised, the boy continued jumping for joy.Douglas was in a complete daze as he gazed at the jumping boy in disbelief. Each jump seemingly higher than the last, each thud of the boy landing idly wandering to his mind, getting subtly stronger with each foot fall. His loss cut deep, now he had to pay the price too

Leon was so excited, that he almost forgot to thank the shortie before himself. So he stopped jumping, and gave the man a big brief hug, Douglas didn’t have the strength to fend it off…but somewhere deep inside, he didn’t think he could after this. Being pulled into the boys embrace, now was the good moment of time where he unfortunately noticed  could see how smooth the child’s hair was, like it had been washed thoroughly still getting the aroma of the shampoo that was nagged upon the boy. He even noticed the small clump of hair that was slightly longer at the center of his fringe neatly combed to the boy's left. 

Now that it was confirmed that Douglas was short (I’m sorry to the struggling readers), Doug’ started to think that the boy might as well had more girth than him, thanks to Leon being a well fed kid and his proportions as a kid, he seemed a little beefier than Douglas thanks to the flannel shirt he wore, but that brief hold he had on him during the hug  felt like his limbs were slightly bigger too. Not willing to think about the boy’s naivety about how close two men should be together,  He might be bigger too, but the thought perished.

The hug ended as quickly as it came, followed by a series of frantic excite driven handshakes that rocked Douglas’ sanity as well as his world. Was the boy’s hands bigger than his too? it sure felt like it.

“Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Now I don’t have to wait until Christmas to get a new console! Thank you ….uhhh?”


“ Thank you mister Douglas! My name is Leon! Your- con-tree-bee-you-shon will be uhhmm… helpful! Very, VERY helpful!” Leon said with a giggly giddy grin, still looking at the cash in his hands. From the corner of his eye, well, bottom more like, he noticed Douglas kneeling down his head leaning towards his feet. Leon tilted his head in response.

“Uhh, Doug’? What’s wrong?”


“It’s Leon”

“Liam….I’m sorr—“


“Leon, sorry for-“

“Leon Neeson…Not!” The boy giggled.


The boy stopped, and zipped his lips.

“Leon, sorry for…for," a prolonged exhale of a sigh escaped Douglas' lips. " Sorry for all the trouble I caused you. Since I am a man of my word, and that I don’t have the money, now I have to…ugh…”

The boy froze, as Douglas was about to do the deed.

“Eww wait a minute!”

Leon swiftly held Douglas accidentally lifting him up in the process to look down at  him at the eyes. Douglas' legs had iven out, so he looked a little pitiful as the bigger boi gave him a scolding.

“ You can’t do that! That…that’s…. that’s only something a bully makes you do!....and I’m not a bully!”  the larger lad cried out. “ And it’s kind of gross too….” Leon looked away as he held Douglas firmly in position, thinking hard about a compromise. A thought popped up, his previous challenged seemed to work... So…

”How about….. since you don’t like being shorter… maybe you should promise me that you will get taller so you won’t be afraid any more, how’s that?”

This kid’s logic was on point. Douglas had his legs wake back up and stood from his err clutched position. He was just a kid after all, but still.

“Kid- I mean….Leon, I’m an  adult, adults don’t grow taller after they reach a certain age”. He despondently responded. Leon frowned at the man’s lack of enthusiasm.m

“ Okay…then I promise I’ll get taller to make up for it then!” Leon replied in full stride. Douglas gave up.

“That’s like promising the sky is blue, and will ya let go of me already?” Douglas shouted out.

“Oh, sorry.”

People started expressing the digressing this had lead to, some were disgruntled enough to march straight on out of there, citing casseroles in the oven and actual storm prevention activities, you know, the point of the conference. So the assistant clerk of the whatever kind propped everyone to be nice and all that stuff thenshe ushered Douglas to continue with whatever his presentation was, Not that Leon really paid attention in the first place.

Now that it was over, Leon thought he would head back to his seat, he caught a glimpse of some sort of lumberjack person looking at him. However just as the child was about to walk, Douglas grabbed Leon by the arm, it was a tough effort but he managed to stop Leon, who looked at Douglas in slight surprise.

“Hey buddy, it might not make up for the shoe thing, but… there is something you can do since you won.”

End Notes:

Hope no one was dashed by Leon's pure minded nature bwahahahah!

Yes, as you may of noticed it is slow on the size change. But from next chapter, things pick up!...  Well, sorta~ Nyahaha!

...No Douglas isn't a secret alchemist that makes growth potions. No, the growth is much simpler than that!

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3.5:(Interlude) Recording + Mink city. by The Little Titan
Author's Notes:

Douglas resumes his speech. And Leon doesn't hear any of it as usual.

But the crowd catches on to Leon in secrecy.

Bit of a side chapter after Leon's part. After Leon's part it's safe to skip to the next chapter when it comes out if you don't mind skipping the details of Mink city.

A few moments later and Douglas was back on the agenda, now tagged along with Leon who was constantly comparing his height to Doug’s it was compromised that since Leon had never actually met a jockey before (the real  fake reason why Doug is short), that Doug’s penalty (if you can call it that) would just be Leon getting to stand near Douglas for the rest of the speech. Definitely distracting,, but the people who struggled through the ordeal thought this was nothing in comparison. It was also a little sweet and fun to watch. But what some of  the crowd started to notice, is that during the speech, each time the boy tried to stand tall,  his face creeped ever so slightly higher above Doug’s head.

Someone actually had recording this in secret, and after some time was sunk into the restarted speech, that someone put the recording on fast forward upon playback and shared it with his immediate neighbours, revealing a moderately paced event was happening right before their eyes…and cameras.

That little child was growing bigger.

A little girl watched from her car seat as the vast series landscapes of the valleys and forests  presented themselves infront of her, then quickly dashed off out of view. The car was posh. Very posh, very porche actually. with the roof currently overhead, the girl had to open the window slightly to feel the midday breeze gush through the window as the car ran its course on the highway. In the rear view mirror, a palace could be seen quietly shrinking away from view. The little girl looked forward and tilted her body to see in front of the drivers chair. It was the road that went around the capital city of Mink. Leading back to the north side of Mink.

"Sweetie, it wont be much longer,"

Those words were exactly the same as ten minutes ago. And the tens of minutes before that. It would be hours before they actually got home. If they even reached it at this rate.

"When we get home, we'll visit the supermarket to get our supplies and leave this city okay?"

But the little girl was unimpressed. but her thoughts for another overtook her pouting face as she gazed into the wide open land to the side.

"Hope you're doing okay...." she sighed longingly.

The screen on the back of the chair turned back on for the umpteenth time. It was that same TV rerun that peddled the city that she lived in.

A man is seen standing in front of a podium seemingly before a cliff side that gives way to a gorgeous vista at the enormous city below

"Good morning city of Mink! I hope you're enjoying the fantastic weather that nature's bounty has given us! Who wouldn't want to go outside and smell the fresh air these mountain sides let through!"

The picture cuts to a pan of a terrace adorned with terrariums,giving bait of a hint to a much larger palace that was offscreen.

"I'm here at the southern side of Mink valley at a place called Le Palayze De Mink! Which is french for The Palace of Mink! (mmm, no it wasn't really) One of three beautiful places that serve as the entrance  and exit places for this astonishingly beautiful urban jungle The land is smooth as the grass caresses your feet! I'm joined by the proud fitfth generation host of Le Palayze Mink, AND number one corporate identity according to the trending magazine 'Minked '. He is responsible for the upkeep of the south country side of Mink, please welcome, Adam Malandez!"

*clap clap clap clap clap* The screen back to the makeshift studio, flashy text littered the screen with introductions as another business suit heavy man comes in. His hair is red and in a pompadour fashion.

"Thank you, thank you. Seven generations ago, when my great, great, great, great grandfather started a farm on the outskirts of Minkun valley just bordering the outer, -valley way- as i like to call it. He never would of dreamed of the day that his lineage would be the proud owners of a grand palace that serves as the second major landmark of the city. Home to three different seven star accommodations, such as 'The Minkling hotel' and our spicily named 'The Hinky Minky' restaurant, and finally, the place you all know as Le Palayze De Mink. Which houses these two entities, but also servers as the grand social hub of the south side. Featuring luxury resorts, inside of the palace, outside the palace AND underneath the palace. "

The picture cuts back to the host of the show

"A-mazing! That's what we call a world landmark right there! It's a wonder how Le Palayze De Mink hasn't been added on in the wonders of the world!"

The screen fades into a close up of the main palace building, it was seemingly merging with the massive mountainside it had been built on.

The camera slowly zooms out revealing the grand social hub and the luxury hospitality buildings the man had mentioned. The camera continues retreating, it shows the grand country side Outside of the capital city of Mink, a smaller city  that makes up the south country side of Mink, having two small suburban areas, each with an impressive mount of residential buildings  and their own features to behold, but one look and you clearly distinguish the difference between high and middle class here. The lush forests on the left side  and the right open landscape, with these two put together, it made up the country forest of Mink.  As the camera reaches the max distance and had the Palace way off into the distance following the road towards a much more densely populated area. It reveals a man standing next to the railing on the rooftop of an office skyscraper in the center of the city, otherwise known as Mink Building. The tallest tower in Mink, rivaling the mountains surrounding the city.

The camera then rotates for a full 180 and turns to the north side of Mink City. A large river glistens in the day light towards the right side of the camera. Near the mountain base just about  two stories higher than ground level, water can be seen flowing downwards into the beautifully enormous body water at ground level.  The man on camera walks around following the rotation of the camera, then points to this grand lake.

"That there's the Inkun reserve. Flowing for some thousands of years, we're lucky to have our own water resource. Of course, it's all filtered and safe to drink. Nothing gets by the Malendez company. Safety for the people, safety for the mind."

It seems there were no mention of the northside at all during the re run, but supposedly, that's where the lower class had their days spent, there were quite the mish mash of houses and apartments located on the northside but nothing worth mentioning, at least...to the people on the screen.

The Mink Valley, home to the city of Mink. Which is really just a combination of 3 cities linked together to make one mega city. To the south, lies Le Palayze De Mink, owned by the Malendez company. Who, really, are some overrated big shots and aren't that important to the story at hand, at least, the people aren't. you see the people need some sort of figure to stand by or have a source of income so that the city prospers, and it just so happened that the Mink government one day agreed to fund literally the largest project for Mink Valley that it has ever seen. And it earned its keep very fast, quickly gaining a monopoly over the majority of the central city, now known as the capital city of Mink. Its coperation pretty much lines the south mountain.

Mink Valley is an almost elliptical formation of linked mountains that make up the perimeter of the huge mass of land that is Mink. The south side has the palace, the east and west side don't hold much significance other than being bloody tall, but considering the valley mountains stretched a thousand meters high (some three thousand and two hundred something feet),   it wasn't that special. The north mountain however, was Mt Alexandra. which is an extinct volcano that went out some four hundred years before this story takes place.

The story of Leon takes place in the northern side of Mink Valley at a community suburban residential area it was your average line up of streets and neighbourhoods, If there's one think Mink is known for is putting the major landmark at the center of the cities with the exception of the palace.( And for trying to name everything after or rhyme with "Mink" )The conference hall where Leon is currently seated in is the center of Minkleburn town.Which branches out in a nice cryptic circular fashion.  There are 4 super markets on each corner on large acres of pavement vying for business, each with their own carpark, and even a petrol (gas) station or two sectioned at the other side of the road. and then the residential area scattered amongst the ellipses surrounding the business district.

To the very north of Minkleburn was a massive food factory, it's one of the few entities in Mink that isn't owned by the Malendez. It is the one part of the reason why the north side of Mink even stands on its own. As much of the supermarkets in minkleburn import goods from this factory.

On the opposite side of the factory on the north east side of Mink was Inkun reserve, they never advertised it, but there was a farm dedicated to basic ingredients like fruit and veg, countless paddocks for chickens and cows to roam upon, all thanks to the inkun reserve. This reserve and farmland pretty much covered the entire north- north east side and was the second reason why North Mink even was a thing.

And finally, the capital city of Mink. Best comparable  as a New York City of this world. An Urban jungle that has many office buildings towering above the rest of Mink's buildings.Not quite laid out in circular fashion but was pretty darn close to it you could akin it to putting an irregular square inside a circle.

Yeah, that's all the info I can provide you with. Let the story progress and perhaps absolutely none of it will be used in the story Muahahahaha!.....

End Notes:

Gosh i kinda just let myself go explaining everything about Mink city when originally i just wanted it to be short and lazy so people could imagine it for themselves....ahaha look how that turned out.

There may be edits if i'm willing to add more detail but don't count on it. I wasn't even meant to give out this much detail in fear that i wouldn't actually use some of the details or use the information correctly in the future. But it's nice to have a chapter that details what a city once looked like before it's turned into a playground no? Hahah~

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Chapter 4: Lunchtime! by The Little Titan
Author's Notes:
Lunch is called and Leon looks to indulge himself. But a peculiar lumberjack interrupts.

Beeg chapter, well to be fair not as beeg as the one's I've already seen on this site, haha.

Lunch was called and everyone was up and at em, conversing with themselves and generally having a good meal, which consisted of a sausage sizzle and hotdogs. Leon, who had suffered through Douglas’ piercing voice had all but nullified it thanks to satiating his curiosity over the Jockey and was now in line for a hotdog.  A couple of people look ed at the little boy as he lined up, watching as he yawned, murmuring  about the strange even they witnessed, or if it was just an illusion. The kid was 7 and had already surpassed 5 feet tall supposedly. Not only that,  boys don’t get their growth spurt until early to late puberty, and this kid clearly didn’t seem to have any signs of teenage atrocities. Goodness knows what in store for that little boy’s future.

Leon had finally become first in line after a small wait, he was feeling particularly hungry today and somewhat giddy. After winning fifty dollars, he could buy just about anything he ever wanted but there was something else on his mind at that time. He looked at the food tender and was a little bit hesitant to ask looking around trying to divert his gaze before attempting to look at the hotdog man’s eyes.

“May I have three hotdogs?... Uhmm, two is for me and one is for my father.” Leon asked withan awkward smile.

“Bwahaha!” The tender laughed “ I like your style kid, but you should let others get their food first before asking for more than what you can handle!” Leon looked down with a bit of gloom, agreeing and nodding his head like a good boy but the plus sized woman managing the sausage sizzle elbowed the man in the arm.

“Now don’t be like that! He asked very politely and we have more than we can handle! “ the woman stressed, looking at little Leon, holding bread with a sausage (that’s the sausage sizzle) in a pair of tongs and gesturing it towards the boy.

“Here you go, it’s on the house! You’re a growing boy aren’tchya? You need to eat what you can to get big and strong to become a good looking man when you grow up!" The woman exclaimed.

The hotdog tender was consistently shoved until he reluctantly sighed and put three hotdogs inside paper bags inside one plastic bag for the boy to carry. As Leon took the not hotdog bread,  he thanked the woman twice and the man thrice, and  walked away from the line to the juice bar (table) chewing through the make shift sandwich as he did so.

Leon had just finished the sausage sandwich and forgot he didn’t get any serviettes, but after looking at the boggling long line for the food, he decided to compromise  by sneakily looking around to check if any …authority figures were watching and wiped his hand on the sides of his pants, they didn’t get stained but it did leave a smudged food mark on them. After “cleaning” himself, the fair headed boy grabbed a cup of orange juice …and chugged it down, gosh what a nice drink! Chucking the cup into the bin, he grabbed another, and this time he didn’t feel the need to drink this one all in one go since this was going to last him the rest of the conference.

Leon had only just walked away from the drinks table towards the entrance before that lumberjack looking guy came before him, ohh he was a one of those strong looking men a kid didn’t want to be around. Leon only looked up in a shy manner, sipping on his juice with a faint smile, self conscious and trying to divert his gaze to try and avoid a conversation.

“Saw what you did there kid, no uhh…Leon wasn’t it? “ The man asked through his mustache and beard.a not a gingerly fellow but his hair said otherwise. Leon only nodded shyly in response , to which the lumberjack stereotype gave a big hearty laugh giving big  (and quite frankly hard) pats to Leon's back. “Haaaa harr harrr harr ha! Didn’t you teach that guy a lesson? GAhhh harrr harr harr! “ Leon couldn’t help but smile, but still look away while fidgeting.

“And that moment you stood on your toes really nailed his coffin! Nyarrgh harr harr harr harr!!!” after a few hearty laughs and witty comments from the burly man, his face lightened up a little, well, his forehead did because that only what Leon could see behind all the facial hair, well the eyes and a bit of the cheeks were there but the forehead was the main focal point

“Hey, that reminds me, I feel like I recognise you somewhere, you must be errr r….. Alexander’s kid right? The buff  looking man asked. Leon looked up, feeling as if the sun had risen above the clouds

“ You know my father?” Leon surmised in surprise.

“Yoarrrr harr harr har! I knew you looked familiar! You were only knee high to a grasshopper when I last saw ya!  Now look at-chya!” The bag mahn tusseled the boys hair. “Yep that’s the smooth head I remember. Hwarrrr! Harr harrr harr har!” And another tussle ensued, Leon tried to put his hands up to stop the overwhelming man, but was far from producing any sort of counter measures, and the ‘jack stopped before Leon could get much of a grip anyway. Then the man grabbed the child’s hand with the bag  and shook it, somewhat conscious of the goods inside.

“ The name’s Dolan my boy! Yeahhhh I know your father! We go way back to around college time long before you were born sonny jim!” Leon responded with a woahhhhh, letting out air of wonder. “Say! Where is your father now anyway? Wouldn’t mind chatting up a…storm with him! Gwarr harr harr harr haa!”

Leon looked a away a little,  the clouds had set over his eyes well, was trying to anyway, his demeanor didn’t change but…

“Well, uhmm I’m waiting for him here.” The perhaps little child worded with a little angst. The bearded Dolan looked up and away from the boy.

“Still a busy one nowadays aren’t ya Alex?” He questioned the air before looking back at Leon “Say, how old did you say you were again?”

“ I’m seven turning eight this year mister Dolan “  the boy responed, to which Doalan nearly spat out his own tongue

“Pfthh what? Don’t tell me it’s only been a year since I last saw you! You’ve grown so much I could a sworn you were at least twelve or something!” Dolan inquisitively measured the boy up,  “Probably not just in height to! Jarrr harr harr harr!”

Leon couldn’t help but smile and wriggle a little bit, he always liked being complimented about how he was growing or how tall he was. He really wanted to grow up fast, and so he should, he’s in the right story for it too. Leon cheeks became a light rosy colour thinking about it.

“Well! When you do become a bigger man like me, come see me I work in the forest in the mountainside of Mink! I’m a lumberjack!” So he WAS a lumberjack, come to think of it, his red flannel shirt and his crumpled brown long pants should of given that away combined with the flannel cap. “ Maybe you might just grow tall enough to pluck the trees out for us! Byaarrhh harr harr harr harr!”

Leon’s cheeks flushed a little redder, boy his birthday wish for three years ago seemed to somehow end up in this conversation too, but he never spoke anything about it, probably just a coincidence, gosh.

“There you are!” A slightly piercing voice from behind the lumber jack came. It was the in  your ears annoying voice Douglas man. Or so Leon thought, but this dude seemed even short er than Douglas! And there man seemed to notice the difference in height too, stopping abruptly, with a confused look.

“Woah um…wrong person I guess…” the “not” Douglas was about to turn around, before he caught the boys features…same smooth hair, wearing the same clothes as that boy, but everything about him seemed….bigger? Just physically bigger without any change in proportions?

“Wait…. You’re name’s not Leon right?” Douglas asked, pointing at the larger boy, who nodded his head very slowly. Douglas had to keep his jaw from falling.

“Oh my gosh what in the world happened? Were you just bending down  to pity me or something? You’ve grown bigger!”Douglas exclaimed, and Dolan started laughing his guts out, talking down to   the jockey saying something about his jealousy because he’s a kid or something and that he ate prime meat as he grew up or about how he’s well fed and stuff. But Leon was too busy thinking about the compliments he had received, this shorter person was actually Douglas…. it was only just before he was just a smidge taller than this guy (and no he didn’t actually shrink, the boy’s a growiin!). Leon stood a little closer to Douglas he was a whole head taller now! Leon hadn’t even realised he’d been growing ever so slightly since Douglas resumed his speech! No wonder the chairs seemed a little lower!

But Leon, Leon uhh, Leon was encapsulated by his own thoughts he was taller, what was this feeling?  This pleasant surge of  a tickly sensation that was coursing through his body started to take over, his cheeks were  red by this point.

That’s when his heart  gave a  strong  pulse for that split second. The cup of juice plummeted to floor as did his bag of hotdogs, Douglas’ quick reflexes made him jump out of the way, trying to avoid the spill from the juice

“Woah woah woah! Watch the shoes kid! these were expensi-“ He looked up at the boy, who had closed his eyes and was smiling. Slowly rising higher, growing, bigger.

 “…sive….you….know……Holy..." Douglas uttered out. Even Dolan shut his mouth from the revelation.

End Notes:

A lumber jack? Where there's no supposed forest!? Well, not any that i should of detailed in that half chapter >.

Chapter 5: The 8ft giant and the leech. by The Little Titan
Author's Notes:

As Leon enjoys growing bigger, Douglas attempts to avoid his doomed fate.

But the curiosity of a child remains the superior foe.

Content warning. Contains description of injuries related to the mouth and limbs.

(Considering I gave it the gentle tag, i thought I'd let you's know.)

Leon didn’t know what to think, it was a mix of some euphoric sensation, like you had just ate your favourite food or drink or that morning stretch that goes really well. Or a really big yawn also in the morning but spread through the entire body. His arms, legs feet, you name it, every inch of his body felt as if it was being gently massaged and egged on to become a little larger, and his body did just that, reaching the 5’11(~180cm) mark in just minutes.

“I-I’m  getting bigger”   Leon moaned slightly,

“Wh-what’s happening to him?”Doug’ asked as if he needed the narrator to copy paste the entire growth spurt again.

“A little boy is growing? What don’t tell me they serve nuclear waste here and he’s going to glow green any minute! Gahhh! Harr harr harr harr!” Dolan Nonchalantly chuckled, but it seemed like he was hiding his surprise too.  Douglas turned around to face the lumber jack.

“What? That would be even worse! What if he grows as tall as the conference hall or worse, outgrows it?“ Douglas warned, but Dolan seemed to play it off.setting his focus to calm the little screecher down.

“A lotta ice cream companies are going to go bust that’s for sure Hwaaarr harrr harr harrr harr” cackled Dolan.

“Ahhhh” A familiar voice sounded, and Dolan looked back towards the source only to find a certain happy “little” boy, letting out a satisfied exhale, sssweeeelling up larger in the process, gaining size and reaching Dolan’s height at 6’2 (~188cm), or rather, being able to look him in the eyes. Not only that, thanks to his child like proportions gaining a little bit of mass (more so thickness than muscle) he was actually physically bigger and more imposing than the lumberjack . So it was safe to say while he was the same height as Dolan, he definitely wasn’t the same size as the bearded man.

“He-he’s as tall as you now….and he seems to love it too…” Douglas whimpered slightly, feeling less than significant as a relatively buff lumberjack AND a sweet overgrown young boy were significantly taller than himself…it was the sweet young boy that he was more or less wary of. Still unsure if he held a grudge from the incident they had earlier. Boy that spilt coffee was all it took for his day to go bad and now look what happens.

“Mmm—nnnnn….” Leon hummed , spurting another few inches taller, surpassing the infamous  6’6.6 in’ tall which was (around the) 2m/200cm mark in the metric system and growing. Douglas felt the urge to step back a little. He had a bad feeling about this.


Leon opened his eyes, and was greeted to a new world. Having grown from 5ft to a not so a devilish, 6’7, he felt awesome, having the world shrink before himself was tantamount to Christmas morning. And Laid out before him was the two presents that he had met before to now compare his height to. He gasped upon settling his eyes upon Dolan, gazing upon their new comparison in height.

“I-I’m as tall as mister  Dolan now! Wooooowww!!” Leon’s eyes started to sparkle, while Dolan chuckled a little awkwardly, the power of an adult hid his wonder for the enlarging boy.

“A-Actually young man,” Dolan said extending his hand above Leon’s head and gently patted him on the head before moving his hand towards his own head for comparison.” You’re bigger- er taller than me now!”

Leon’s eyes could of lit up the entire night sky if it weren’t for blatant metaphors. His mouth agape,  puffing out his total amazement of the situation at hand. And Leon used this hand, to give Dolan a pat on the head of his own, unaware of his increased strength with his new size, the pat doinked Dolan  harder than he realised.

“Woahhh… you’re right!... This is sooo coooool!” Leon  exclaimed with rising excitement.

“Woah there champ! Easy on the head! Being a big man comes with showing restraint you know?” Dolan responded, trying to ease off the big kid’s pat by  holding his arm.

While the bigger Leon had his way with Dolan through shock and awe plus a few giggles, Douglas was inching away slowly. Not wanting any of the otherworldly stuff going on.

“I might have to call the police…would the police even believe me?” Douglas though, clambering onto any escape options he could muster up. “ I could run, but… apart from the two fire exits, the only other exit is where that boy is standing…” Even though Douglas was thinking rationally, he turned away from the boy. “I might just fade into the crowd, he may recognise me, but it wont be easy to…ugh, find a needle in a haystack.” And so Douglas crept away inconspicuously.  He was getting away with it too.

Kla donk, kla donk, kla donk kla donk

“Hey mister!  Aren’t you Douglas? The loud voice man?”

Oh no.

Douglas froze, his legs cramping up in an encore performance, even his nightmare legs shuddered with the looming presence behind him. Unable to turn around, more so unwilling to do anything at the moment, he prayed it was a mistake from the boy…but really, who else could he have referred to? …Except for that other guy also named Duglas, but that’s not important.

“Wow! That’s neat! You’re so small now I could probably lift you up now!” the big boy menace confidently announced.

Dolan ‘s legs  shook off every fibre of the nightmare, and instinctively kicked into action, he tried to bolt for it, but he was much, much too late. Before even getting a single step, the boy’s hand was already  latching onto his torso, his arms already trapped between himself and the embiggened hands. Douglas panicked,  flopping around  like a fish out of water.

His earlier outburst wasn’t even enough to phase a little boy, what hope did he have against a growing one?

Absolutely no chance.

Suddenly, Douglas’s view of the world began to lower, in a shocking twist of events, he started to have some hope that the supernatural growth spurts would apply to him.

…Too bad his feet left the ground.

“Oh wow! You’re so easy to pick up now! “ Leon boldly announced again as he lifted the son of a jockey into the air, finally resting him at a level where Doug’s head was above Leon’s “How does being taller feel mini mister? Do you like it? I know I sure do!” Leon gave off a bright smile that could make the plants photosynthesize just from its warmth alone.

Douglas was in a state of frenzy, mercilessly trying to escape in a futile effort, his voice would be his only weapon left.

“PUT ME DOWN KID!” Douglas cried out as loud as he could, using his gifted talent of ruining people’s eardrums with his voice. “ LET GO OF- M- Mmmfff!!!”  a single hand from Leon wrapped over the entire lower portion of his head, covering his nose, an occupying his mouth with the plushy flesh that was the boy’s finger. Leon had snuffed his voice out with dreadfully good timing, err dreadful ease more like. Leon’s eyes were shut tight and his face was still scrunched up from the earlier outburst.

“A-Ahhh heyyy! You’re voice hurts!....Owww” Leon retorted trying to shake his head from the brief pain. Re opening his eyes in recovery mode, Leon inspected the flailing mini man Douglas. “What’s wrong? Do you have a fear of heights or something?”

With his mouth still covered up, Douglas could only make muffled cries of fear, panic, distress , and added spices of pure agonising torment.  But it wasn’t as if his life was in danger, well, in regards to the boy’s good nature anyway.

“If you want, I can let go of you….. would you like me to let go of you mini Dougo?”  Leon reassured.

But Douglas had crossed the point of no return. Upon hearing the words “Drop”, a chill went down his spine, spreading a freezing impression that spread to his core and his livelihood. His thoughts began racing, overtaking his sense of rationality with pure survival instincts poorly mixed with the seven stages of grief wildly blended into the span of a few short seconds.
Then Leon temporarily blinded him by placing a finger over his flinching eyes.

That was the day, mini Douglas experienced a meltdown.

“Let go of me? Let go of me he says? What if he’s grown taller? How far will I fall?” (evidently two feet.) “ What if the kid literally drop kicks me? Will I die? I’m struggling to breathe as is! There’s nothing I can do, even before he grew, I – I knew I punched him in the nose and yet…and yet this kid took it with a smile, it didn’t…it didn’t even make him flinch! He’s not normal! Of course he’s not normal, he’s the tallest little boy in the world! Of course he wouldn’t be normal! Even if I do magically escape, he could of grown fifty feet tall and I’d die just from the impact of landing and he’s saying he wants to let go of me? This is it, what should I do?

…What can I do?

..I can’t give up…”

Douglas’ struggles relentlessly, He had to try. He had to try with all his might. It was accident before that he punched the boy’s nose, but this was for his survival. His current state of reason had contrived a regression into aggression.  His adrenaline soared as he made his last ditch effort.

He used his teeth to chomp the boy.

He had his fingernails pinch and stab the boy’s grip.

The rest of his limbs quacked with intense adrenaline, attempting to overpower a little growing boy’s hold.

He could feel his teeth sinking in. Feeling like the soft flesh could be pierced any moment
His fingernails were making progress, as the rest of his hands felt like the boy;’s skin was bending to his will. His heart was pumping like made, his muscles never had such a workout before
his limbs felt like they were on the cusps of success being able to slowly drive out the boy’s slightly pudgy hands.

But all was not to be… The boy started to grow again,

His mouth was slowly being pried open wider to accommodate for the growing boy’s finger

His fingernails were giving way to the expanding flesh of the boy’s hands

His upper legs were  being pushed back

And the rest of his limbs were slowly being compressed in on each other.

I wont let it end like this! Not today kid!

With one final push, Douglas hammered his nails into the boy,

Clamped down with his teeth like there was no tomorrow,

And gave a final out burst of strength to fend off the growth of Leon .

Stronger, he needed more power!

Almost there!


…..Douglas felt numb.

Douglas’s Teeth were torn from his gums.

His hamstring gave way

His fingernails bent,

his fingers broke.

His muscles were torn.

His triceps split into two.

His femur snapped like a twig.

There was a brief wince and a split second of the fiery depths of hell as pain unleashed it’s fury on Douglas before his body was stripped of the pain by his numbing body. Losing all sense of feeling everywhere after his shoulders..

Leon’s skin simply puffed back to normal as if being poked by a little baby.


A few moments past, then two…. then five, and then two whole seconds passed by.

 With his vitals still intact…. Douglas could only breath the boy’s hand

and cry.


Leon was in the middle of a short growth spurt, inching his way towards 7’5(~226cm), he had diverted his mind into experiencing the joys of his growth spurt.  Relaxing his body, letting the pleasant massage of growth work its magic before an abrupt sting of brief pain interrupted his idle thoughts.

A brief hit of a Leon sound “Nnn!” and the massaging feeling had already eased the pain surging Leon higher to a burly 8’7(~261cm).

This brief sensation of pain snapped Leon back into reality, and looked back down at his new “shrunken” half friend something. He could barely hear a brief whimper, but that’s all it took for Leon to know what had gone wrong.

“Awwww I’m so sorry, I I must of grown uh Bigger!, B-but you really don’t like being so high up do you?” Leon softly caressed Douglas’s limp body, turning him around and hugging him, pulling Douglas onto his shirt during the embrace, almost cradling him but not quite.

“It’s okay, I promise I wont drop you. It’s okay,” Leon coddled the broken man. Giving his little head a rub. His other hand’s fingers gently massaged his “miniaturised” body.


Douglas could only just make out the words Leon threw at him through his ears being plunged into a low stuffed muffle.

..What’s a man to do…. Having broke his entire body just trying to escape from a young boy’s so called feeble grasp, Douglas lay limp. Pondering his thoughts, the final stage of grief hit home like a truck.

He was absolutely powerless in front of this boy. And now he was nothing more than a shrunken vegetable, cradled by a young boy who has yet to experience “The Talk”. Douglas’ world felt like his world had ended right then and there. He was hopeless beyond belief. No more than a feather in the grip of a child, a useless feather that wasn’t even capable of even tickling the boy.

Douglas limped around as his body  was controlled by the now somewhat giant sized boy. His legs and arms wobbled around as Leon’s fingers attempted to massage his humanity. With his face buried into the boy’s shirt he gazed into the darkness that was his new world. It smelt of cotton with no candy and a tinge of washing powder for that refreshing finish.

While Leon was coddling Douglas, Douglas could begin to feel a strange soothing sensation wash over his face as his cheeks with poked by the boys fingers in order to get a better hold of him, then, a his face was rubbed gently, the rest of his body was caressed and taken cared for by the giant’s hands. This soothing sensation attempted to appease his fractured mind, slowly mending its injuries with thoughts of a new life and the giant’s voices encumbering his body  like a lion to its cub. This sensation spread through his body, his senses were slowly coming back to him, he could feel his leg muscles repair themselves, granting him strength to move around again. His once torn ligaments healed themselves with the embrace of this feeling. Like a plant to water, his entire being , rejuvenated. His muscles were no longer torn, his tendons no longer split, his triceps felt more like quadceps, and his gums felt like they were at the dentist without the fear of drills! Unfortunately he didn’t regrow his lost teeth but  Douglas was unable to think of a way to cut his losses nor even know that it was a loss in the first place.

With each passing quote of reassurance from Leon, Douglas seemed to drown himself in senses that only related into the being before him. His sense of belonging was being lured away into insanity. His clouded mind fizzing out to the new entity that was his sole purpose that was this child.

Leon’s soft spoken voice permeated throughout his existence.

“You must be short because you don’t like being so high up….” Logic.

“You must of hated being so tall” Intelligence.

“I’ve got you… you wont fall as long as I’m holding onto you.” Strength.

“If it’s too much for you, I can put you down whenever you feel like it.” Intelligence version two.

“It’s okay, I’m still afraid of my nightmares, One of my nightmares was being killed by a meteor  and Ultraman died trying to save me.” Wisdom….but, Leon style.

Douglas’ head swirled these passing voices of empowerment around, feeling like his DNA was being rewritten (it’s just his sanity guys). This divine being has granted him the gift of the second life after he spent a futile struggle to fight back the entity, only serving to power him up even more so. The heavens had forgave his wrongdoings, and cleansed his body from previous failures, almost becoming  androgynous in the process.

“I am afraid of heights  if being high up in the air is what scares me, I will make it so that I ‘m as low to the ground as possible.”

Douglas let the divine being’s senses overwhelm him again. Allowing it to compress his fear, and compress the weak body that he was stuck in. shrinking himself in the entire process, giving more space to his ultimate living being of worship. He could hear the divine one express much gratitude for shrinking himself, expressing his shock and awe for the shrinking creature halving his size in mere minutes (2 feet tall or 61 centimeters ).

“If there is no ground beneath me, the divine being must not trouble himself in placing me to the ground gifted for his feet, for that, I ask forgiveness as I must use his bounty of flesh and skin to stand on”

Halving his size yet again to a single foot tall (~30cm), he was more than small enough to lay on the divine being’s hand, who had shifted to grant the minuscule thing with his grand eyes of curiosity.

“You must not fear for my well being now, your bountiful world has provided me with enough sustenance that I may continue on for years until the day I expire. I will contribute to the magnificence of the divine one with my body, nay, my entire puny existence itself.”

The little leech reducing itself to a measly 5 inches (~15cm) of space, began feeding off of the new supreme world entity that was Leon.

Douglas had become  a human lump on a child’s skin. Needlessly feeding off from the growing boy.

But Leon had other plans. And plucked the lump from his finger dangling the cretin high into the new world, appearing before the great one’s face.

“Oh…My Gosh…You  became so tiny!” Douglas’s new lord boomed.

Unable to think without appeasing his second life giver, his body reached for the fingers that held him in the sky, when another booming voice from behind his divine being spoke out.

“Hey uhh I’m here about the report of a uhh…. an assault of some sort? They didn’t mention the world’s tallest man would be here though.”

It was the man in the uniform, a graduate police officer had arrived on the scene. Bewildered at the site of the overgrown boy.

End Notes:

Leon Grew bigger

What did it cost?

Douglas's sanity.

I'd like to see how this chapter fares. But otherwise see ya at the next chapter!

Chapter 6 Kurt the officer Part 1 by The Little Titan
Author's Notes:

A fresh graduate police officer, and his misunderstanding.

First officer private Kurt had driven to his first undertaking as an official police officer. The 5’8 (~172cm) officer had donned his trusty cap from graduation, and a badge proudly denouncing the evils of mistruth and love.  His first task, an emergency call, citing an assault on a man. Suspect is believed to be involved in a robbery, and is trapped inside a building with a large object blocking the entrance. The fire doors are  under maintenance so only the front doors would be accessible if it weren’t for the blockade. It’s believed that the suspect is attempting to barricade himself in the super market over a loaf of bread. Typical cease and desist job.

Unfortunately, Kurt wasn’t the best with directions. A fatal flaw in his appropriation of orders. He had ended up in the wrong district of super markets and went for the smallest building between them, which happened to be the building in the center, the conference hall.

When he had arrived, there was a strange object at the door, but it wasn’t necessarily blocking the door. More like, it was the world’s tallest man standing right at the door, he seemed to be staring at his fingers given how his head was lowered . But this unusually tall man had unusual proportions, like he wasn’t the typical lanky tall dude, but a “hunk” of a man. What’s more his hair seemed oddly smooth and combed rather oddly, as if it were meant for a child.  As a police officer, he needed to be in tune to all sorts of people even the tallest bloke in the world should not undermine the law.

Kurt went to pat the burly giant on the shoulder.

“Scuse me bud, have you witnessed any robberies around here?” he asked the beefy gentlemen.

The large lad turned towards the source of the question,  his childish instinct was to look up towards that of an adult, that which should be authoritarian, failing to notice Kurt.

What Kurt saw surprised him to no end. The face that failed to notice him belonged to a child. It was an enlarged child’s face! What was the head of a kid doing on such a big body?  Kurt knew better than to fall for a trick though. It got him real good. He wasn’t even holding anything incriminating, well, he was holding a doll, which was a little weird, but it still was enough to fool Kurt. Jerk.

“Hah, okay very funny guys you can take off the costume and get off the stilts, I need to speak with you guys on account of –“ As Kurt spoke, he reached  his hand out to grab the so called mask and pinched it trying to pull it off. They must of got their money’s worth, because this mask felt like the real thing!   The so called Mask looked down, eyes glittering in the light whilst looking at the officer.

“Heyy that’s sooo awesome! Even Police officers are super small now!” The imposing giant called out. His voice was unnaturally high for such a giant; it really does fit his face though! What a clever trick! It sound just like a child, but slightly more compelling due to the increased volume.

“Yes a police officer would look short when you’re on stilts. Okay guys, time to hop out of there, come on. You’re interrupting the….people…” Kurt did the guys on the stilts a favour and undid the oversized flannel bottom buttons. However was in for a shock when he ended up Exposing a warm belly underneath and a dinky little inwards belly button.

“You’ve got to be kidding me, come on guys get out of there” Kurt asked again. He knocked on the supposed belly button  but the warm skin replied in an appropriate response to the time of day. And gurgled very loudly.

The  so called mask of a face blushed lightly in response to the sound.

“U-uhmm, mister, is my tummy being naughty? I just need some food and then he wont be naughty any more.” The large disguised man said.

“They thought of everything with this disguise, I might have to ask them where they got it from so I can show it off a t a party. So I’m guessing they must be in the legs then…just look at them, I’ve trained to be fit myself and even both my tree trunk legs couldn’t match them together!” Kurt admonished.

Kurt stepped closer to the stilted giant, he was a little uncomfortable since it was such a well made costume. It was sure imposing, especially to a guy that was 5’8. During the whole progression of this he swore that the shorts had elevated to a higher position during this whole ordeal, as the decorative straps were right in front of his face.

Kurt tried to pry open the overly sized shorts. Damn, seems like the straps aren’t for show, it was too tight for it to be some decorative piece.

“Alright bud, you asked for it I’m dropping those duds of yours, hope you didn’t make this  indecent for the public.” Though technically it would be indecent of him for revealing it. But it shouldn’t exist in the first place.

Kurt attempted to undo a single strap. Oh snap, it’s damn tight. Only a parent  or a friend playing a prank would do this level of tightness, but it seemed like a simple kids double loop tie. Just pulling on one strap should undo the lot. But why was this so difficult? Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a round shape appear from the pants, two round shapes in fact. Both were smaller than a normal human head but with these pants, maybe they were just making a small impression. Jeez they have to stand like that all day? Then the third round shape threw his head for a loop, this was the big one. What an absurd joke this was. They even made it seemed like it’d be the size of a human head. Kids these days playing pranks on poor officers. How’d they fit three people in there? Was he doing the splits or something? It looked very awkward from where Kurt was standing.

Just as he was about to undo the strap, the apparent free hand grasped the officers arms. Crud, this impressions strong too.

“Uhm Officer?. My pee pee isn’t in trouble is it?”

The comment the stilted behemoth gave was very concerning. But now he knew this lot was hiding something. They wouldn’t stoop so low otherwise.

“ Sir or madams, your pee pee  can get you in serious trouble for indecency in public, having three heads in there doesn’t mean you can make a sick joke like this.”

The masked face continued to blush slightly, getting  awkward, the expression was on point for such a contraption.

“I uhmm I’m sorry Officer…it’s because I’ve grown so big that…my,…. My doodle is bigger too now…”

“Right, that’s it. This isn’t the time for crude jokes .I’m going to have to put you into custody for public indecency towards an officer. Get out of there. Now!”

In one fell swoop, the finally managed to undo a single strap  causing the pants to visibly loosen, and

Well for pg’s sake we can’t put the rest of what happened in the story. Just know that Kurt had opened the pants to the underworld. And freaked out the moment he realised what lurked in the depths of darkness itself.

For a brief moment, the giant boy winced in embarrassment, and a soothing feeling washed over him again, causing the boy to power up and grow larger still. Because of his big proportions of a thickened giant, his waist had grown to push the officer aside. The objects inside the pants said their warm goodbyes as they rose higher above him as the giant’s free hand covered them up shyly.

“Nnnn….. Officeerrr! don't look there!!!!” The giant boy cried out. Having to use his other hand to cover up as well, even though his pants were still on relatively tight, just a little loosened. The unnoticed insect on the hand that was douglas clinged on for dear life, but was generally and mentally unfazed thanks to the earlier incident.

“Ooo-oohh ---! I gota get out of here! They were right! This case WAS too big for me!” Kurt stammered, struggling to make an exit as the growing boy pushed him off balance, thankfully for Kurt, he pushed him outside the building. Having been left to fall to his butt, Kurt scurried backwards and quickly got up on his feet, hastily running towards his police car. Ignoring the presence of heavy rain outside.

“W-wait! Officer! I- I can’t tie it up by myself! Could you at least tie it back up for me?” The giant said while trying to crouch through the door, obviously failing, bumping his head on the frame, as he continued thundering larger  now surpassing 15 feet(4.57meters) in just minutes.  The giant fell on his butt as a growth spurt had caused him to hit the frame again .Despite his worry about stranger danger, it still seemed like he needed an adult to tie laces for him, god knows if his shoes ever get untied… "What if my pants fall down officer?"

 “Not my problem ya overgrown mutt!” Kurt yelled back, doing his seatbelt as quickly as he could. He drove out of there as fast as he legally could, scratch that, he turned on the sirens and sped off as quickly as possible.

“Wh-what in the world did I just see, who the ---- would do such a thing? I seriously hope that was a prank. I can’t handle pranks like that, nuh-uh” a distressed Kurt spoke in a rush, avoiding traffic as he sped into the local neighbourhood. First day on the job and he gets some freak show growing abnormally huge like in the movies? Maybe he needed to find out where they were keeping the nuclear waste...

Krsshh “Come in! Kurt? where the hell are you?” The radio transmitted through the walkie talkie speaker. “ We got a 10-18 on suspect! We need you, NOW!” 

Kurt picked up his speaker.

“Yeah 10-18 my ass! That boy was growing larger! He’s a freaking giant! No way am I doing that!” Kurt cried out, his voiced breaking under the stress.

“He??? HE??????” The woman’s voice shouted furiously, distorting the sound for the transmission temporarily. “ Kurt where the heck did you learn about genders? It’s a SHE! SHE’S Growing Larger! Are you hiding in a dumpster anywhere? Confirm your location!”

“-------! What in god’s name are you talking about? I was at the conference hall! The suspect was clearly a boy! I saw the doorbell myself! It rang as loud as a ding and a dong could you know?!?!?”

“Kurt! You ----- IDIOT! It was a SUPERMARKET down in the north WESTERN side just on the highway  GOING TO the conference hall! She’s almost out grown the entire building! Get your mind out of the gutter and bring your arse over there and provide backup ASAP or else it it‘ll be more than just her ass getting a spanking!”


Kurt shook his head in disbelief.  First the hurricane evacuation effort and now TWO giants were growing rampant?

Way above Kurts pay grade, but the closest exist to Mink was the west side anyway, it couldn’t hurt to confirm the second giant….could it? Just a quick drive by and that’s all he needed. Then he's outa there.

Unfortunately, Lulu had other plans, whether she knew them or not.

End Notes:

Poor poor Kurt.

...At least Leon grew! xD

Next up, Lulu's story, stay tuned and hope you enjoyed  the chapter!

Chapter 7: In Lieu Lieu of gigantic proportions. by The Little Titan
Author's Notes:

Note: Long...Looong chapter, some 7000 words? ...Then again, some of the other chapters on here are just as long...errrrr Enjoy!!!

Lulu and her ascension into the world of giantess begins here.

Contains light destruction, and (worded) imagery of people getting hurt. Discretion is advised.

Earlier, in Mink city. At the north western local super market. It was the fifth Supermarket or north Mink, serving as a joint, supermarket and petrol (gas) station for the residence of north Mink seeking to leave the city or travel else where into the city for sight seeing. Mink was a surprisingly large place, being its own mountain continent and all.

The supermarket was aptly named FiveHives thanks to it’s multitude of honey products,  yet another car had driven into the parking lot. Hopelessly trying to find a free space in a time of evacuation and panic buying.

“Darling? We’re here, get ready we’re going to get out of the car once I find a parking space.” A mother reassured her daughter. For the umpteenth time.

The daughter in the back seat or the family SUV (or 4 wheel drive), looked out the window  watching the rain splish and splosh onto the window, blissfully unaware of the panic vibes that her mother was giving off. But it’s okay, she wasn’t scared one bit, she was a good girl. When her mother doesn’t know what to do, she will look after her the best she can….

“If it’s raining, I can protect her by holding her in my hands”  she idly thought. “If there’s a thunderstorm I’ll hide under my bed and sing her a lullaby…I’m not scared…I’m not scared of thunder. Even if the wind blows away our house, I’ll put her in my dollhouse and hold very tightly. I’ll protect her…and him too….”

The day seemed to drone on countless minutes, seconds would pass by without a successful result.

Then her tummy growled.

“Muum? I’m hungry, could I get something to eat please?” The daughter asked politely

The mother exasperated and exhausted only let out a sigh.

“I’m hungry too deary, but we need to find a parking space or else we wont be able to pack any supplies.”

Lulu looked down in earnest, probably a little disappointed.

“But I’m really hungry” Lulu whispered, but her mom’s sharp ears plus the slow ring around the rosy in the car park made her concentration double in on her daughter.

“Lulu , the moment we get in there we’re going to buy up everything we have and then you can eat as much as you want” Janice the mother comforted her daughter, but unfortunately, she would have no idea of the fate that awaited her daughter.

Lulu was at the very impressive age of 5 years old and had been spoil silly by her mother over the time she could remember. She probably didn’t understand that it was to try and make up for the fact that her mother got a divorce when she was only 2 years old. But at the time, there was a certain someone who would watch over her, she remembered his name very well.  It also didn’t help that he would often make her feel empowered  feeling like a giant by giving her stacks of blocks to topple over, that helped too, along side her mum he was also very important to her....well, as important as a little girl could make it anyway (You'll see)

Lulu was wearing a dark purple overall dress with a maroon short sleeve shirt underneath. Over the  overall, was a yellow raincoat. The dress had three pockets, two at the chest, one large pocket at the tummy. Her dress was also adorned with two layers of frills towards the end of the dress.  She also wore  shin high socks that had been furled down to her shoes, which were  light orange sneakers with purple as the accent colour on the pattern and the sole. Her hair was a deep auburn colour, with a little orange ribbon accessorising it as her fringe was done over to the left, while the rest of her hair was a somewhat short length lightly grazing her shoulders at the back.

Lulu  stared outside the window, as they were driving around the car park, she had noticed a blurry  line outside of the supermarket, which could only mean that the people inside were responsible adults on the outside, but the store clerks inside could guarantee you the opposite story.

With an abrupt force of inertia, the car stopped, and the horns soon followed. Lulu covered her ears scrunching her face from the noise.

“Are you blind?!? There’s a baby on board here you know!” Janice screamed at the obstacle in her way.”

“Speak for yourself! I had my indicators on you wench!  You nearly hit my car!”

The two adults bickered at each other, each no bigger than the other driven mad by the approaching weather event. It was already  drizzling outside, and all the last minute buyers were in a frenzy. Lulu though, was just bored and hungry, and a little distressed due to the yelling adults.

As Lulu covered her ears, the muffled yammering  of the adults seemed to wash away with the arrival of a pleasant sensation coming from her tummy, groaning lightly as if she had just digested something , but her tummy desired more. And so the feeling spread throughout her body, soothing her skin and relaxing her state of being, while also politely massaging her body. She could feel herself having that good stretch feeling without even stretching herself, the girl slowly uncovered her ears. The painful yelling didn’t seem to faze her just as it did before. The world lowered itself before Lulu’s eyes as she was beginning to grow bigger. The little girl smiled realising what this meant, with her mouth open in excitement, and was about to squeal before knowing better and covering her mouth. Giggling as she gazed at her mother from the rear view mirror, trying her best to surprise her mother


Finally the bickering stopped, Janice shook her head and was mostly thankful that it didn’t turn into anything more than throwing harsh language at each other. Luckily though, that person who blocked her way was also driving out of the parking space, which meant that it was all for the taking. Smoothly driving the SUV into the freed up space. She stopped the engine upon parking, and took a sigh of relief, now for the hard part. Seeing if anything was left in the store. During her brief period of relaxation, she noticed that her little girl was unusually quiet, though she could here periodic giggling coming from her, her daughter would of made some sort of excited yell or scream, or anything to do with getting out of the car. When she looked at the rear-view, she only small a smiling child who was wriggling about playing with nothing, she could of sworn the car was rocking back and forth very subtly as her daughter was fooling around at the back of the vehicle. Not only that, but it was  probably time she got rid of her car seat, she seemed much too big for one now. Janice unlocked the car , grabbed her umbrella and opened her door,  seemingly unaware of her daughter’s sudden growth.

As the door on Lulu’s side opened, Janice undid the seat belt for Lulu and made an attempt at picking up the little girl. With a grunt and a heave, Lulu was eventually lifted out of the vehicle and placed standing on the ground. The little girl was giggling the entire time.

“Look mummy! I’ve grown bigger!” Lulu announced with pride through her giggles.

“Ooof, yes you have, Lulu . Goodness it’s no wonder you’re so hungry with that growing body of yours.” Janice responded, shaking her arms back to life.

Janice checked her daughter’s raincoat, which had now become snug on the little girl’s body. What was strange however is that her other clothes like her overall dress , while appearing to be a little bit confined than usual, it was nowhere near the degree of which her rain coat had apparently shrunk on her. Janice foolishly thought it was just the wrong size rain coat for her.

“And! Aaanndd! I’m still growing bigger!” the chipper girl called out to her mother.

“Of course you are my sweet little bumpkin!”  agreed Janice while she tussled her daughter’s hair. “Come on! Let’s go get something to eat for the ride outa here!” Janice cheered as she plopped open an umbrella.


Janice herself was 6’5ft (~195cm) herself, from her height and at that moment, it was hard to tell if her daughter was actually bigger, looking down at her, Janice did think her head was a little closer than it usually was, but she was only 5, she was bound to grow at some point.

However, Lulu was already past the 4’2ft (~127cm)  mark, and still subtly climbing higher as the  little lady and the mother lady held hands and walked towards the supermarket.

Janice and Lulu made their way towards the line for the supermarket, normally people wouldn’t bask in the rain to get their groceries, but the reason why they were lining up was exactly because of the rain. Janice didn’t like the look of the line though, it wasn’t the amount of people that concerned her, but the person letting them in. She could only pray that the dude was just letting them through and stopping them at capacity. A middle-aged woman was in front of the mother daughter duo, and had caught wind of Lulu’s raincoat predicament from her peripherals. She turned  around to the pair.

“After a new raincoat hun? Sorry to say, this place doesn’t sell them. I’m a regular here” informed the heeled up woman (standing at 6ft with her two inch heels).

“Oh, that’s no good.” Janice replied. “Well, we still need to get some supplies here too. So it isn’t a wasted trip…I hope.”

The woman smiled and was about to look away when she noticed Lulu who tugged at her raincoat’s collar. Upon a more focused inspection, the poor girl’s raincoat was actually way smaller than she thought! It looked like a really tight vest on her! This kid was taller than she thought! And why was she giggling?

“Y-you sure that rain coat will hold for the trip? I don’t mean to pry or nothing but, the thing could just pop loose any second now, why, I’m a little shocked to see a parent willingly let a child wear it like that!” The woman exclaimed, she was almost tempted to undo the buttons of the rain coat herself.

“Thanks but I th-“ Janice had begun her retort then she noticed her daughter’s predicament. “Oh  my gosh honey are you okay? Why didn’t you say anything”? Janice quickly took a knee and went to work undoing the buttons

Begging for more punishment, Janice’s mobile rang. With much disgruntlement, she checked the phone to see the number.

Private number. Figures. Unfortunately it could be very important, or not at all.

“Ahhh, Lulu, you’re a big girl right? You can undo these buttons all by yourself right? “ Janice said whilst answering the phone.

While her mother was distracted, Lulu’s attention drifted over to the woman ahead in the line. The woman couldn’t understand what was going on except that the girl needed help…But, the little girl was giggling? Even going so far as to putting her index finger on her lips, what was she trying to hide?

“Uh, Hi cutie pie…” The woman waved at the girl, feigning a smile, though, looking at the smiling child who had not a care in the world, her own smile might of turned real at that moment. The little girl gave a look to her mother who was arguing on the phone and seemed like she was out of the loop entirely, then she crept closer to the woman acting all sneaky like, standing out like a sore thumb. The little girl gestured her hands to indicate she wanted to talk to the woman privately. The woman reluctantly agreed, she kinda wanted to have a little bit of fun anyway. She bent over so her head would be in line with the (now) 4’7ft( ~!39cm) girl.

“Pssst!” Lulu whispered. “ I’m growing bigger!” The lady in front, gave her the look, eyes halfway closed, head tilted forward and to a diagonal axis and the eyebrows furrowed.

“Yeah. I can see that.” She answered.

“Woow you can see me growing?” If it were anyone else but a child, the woman (Viola) would of ended the conversation right there.

“Uhhhhh, yeah, I mean, your raincoat looks awfully small on you” the whispering continued.

“I think my mummy doesn’t know though!” Viola was silent for a minute, then decided to enthuse the girl anyway.

“How can you tell?”

“Because she’s not making the same face as you were” Dayum, this kid had intuition! Although, Viola  was impressed for a different reason, she never knew the context behind those words.

“Okay, so, are you going to tell her?”

“I’m keeping it a secret, I want to surprise her!” Lulu giggled for a brief moment, before covering her mouth with both hands, looking back at her mother, who was still furiously talking away at the phone, even standing up and getting out of line to walk. The coast was clear. Lulu turned back to Viola and continued giggling that was best suited at her age.

“You know, she is your mother” Viola started, keeping an eye on the poor mother. “ It’s no good to keep secrets from your Mum like this, maybe you should tell her.” This would be a moment where she’d pat the girl on the shoulder, as Viola wasn’t her mother, she thought better of it.

“Noooo it’s a secret remember?” Lulu whined, misunderstanding the woman’s intentions.

“Look I think she’ll be surprised enough if you just tell her. Trust me.”

Lulu shook her head with a pout

“Nyooo!” Lulu argued , her voice squeaking as she retorted “ I told mummy I was growing! But mum doesn’t know that I AM growing!”

Viola couldn’t understand what this kid was getting at… of course she’s a child, of course she’s growing. That was mother nature’s helping hand in action. Unfortunately, mother nature was going to be a little biased towards two particular kids if that were the case.

“Okaayy….uh, how old are you?”

“Five!” Lulu proudly stated. Viola gave another The Look to the supposed little girl.

 She was much too tall to be a five year old…but something about her voice and the way she watched, maybe she was just a very giggly nine year old, but she had the face of someone who was five? But, the more viola looked at the cute girl’s smiling face, a cult within her mind started to take over, if she really was five, then her mother had to of known she was this tall right? But what if it was just some eight or nine year old girl pulling tricks on other women?

After a moment, Viola, just played it safe, and decided to let the other adult know the situation. If her own daughter -granted a little too young to understand- thought her mother didn’t realise her apparent abnormal growth spurt. Perhaps she should know just in case. It was a shame that the surprise couldn’t be maintained for the future, but that’s the way the cookie crumble.

“Sorry dear, I have to confirm it with your mother. Secret’s gota come out eventually.” Viola said as a matter of fact , she stood up, but she stopped as her arm was held back firmly.

“Noooo!!!!!  Don’t you know?? It’s a ….a se-….seee-…..c….Nnnhhhh” Lulu raised her voice, stopping the woman with all her might…and it worked too but something else was happening too… The feeling, that soothing feeling that comes to massage her body kicked into over drive.

“Wha- what’s wrong kid? L-L-Let me go!” Viola shouted trying to pry the kid’s hands from her arm, but to no avail, what was the point of exercising if she couldn’t even get a child’s hands away from herself?

“Nnn…Ny---aahhhhhh….” Lulu  moaned.

Before Viola’s own experienced eyes, she lay witness to the most surreal experience she’d ever witnessed in her life.
The little girl’s hands , were slowly sliding across The womans arms…but not because of the movement,  No, she was growing ,like actual growth in real time! Along with the girl’s hands, the rest of the body grew in tandem, probably gaining more mass as her body seemed to gain a little bit more pudge than before, however more importantly, her raincoat was now attempting to stretch itself to meet the little girl’s growing demands. As if to deny her wishes, not having any of it, the raincoat had no placed her body in a choke hold. Lulu was very uncomfortable, and she tried to pry the rain coat off of herself, but to no avail, the rain simply made her fingers slide off , well she was kinda clumsy about it….But then the feeling washed over again, and Lulu’s movements stopped.

Lulu felt the urge to  do something, SOMETHING, she felt the urge, to, to… it was just this feeling, the feeling of being compressed, trying to be choked, but no! She had to get this stupid raincoat off! The forces that be told Lulu to instinctively try and curl her self up, wishing to agree to the laws of nature to be a normal person, someone not fit for a giantess story. But Lulu,  her heart didn’t want any of that! She wanted to break free! With a grand heart pulse, that projected telepathically to the minds of everyone within a three meter (~9’10) radius, she jerked her body, unfurling into a budding flower pose aka a really damn god stretch.

“Ny-aaaaaa” Lulu moaned again, her body compelled to break the laws of the world further, surged larger. Each individual button of the raincoat popped out one by one, the seams started to tear at the pits and the arms of the pits and out budded a the girl’s growing arms., the collar tore in thirds, sprouting the girl’s shoulders. The rest of the child grew in similar fashion, thundering bigger, surpassing the 5’5 mark and swelling larger still. Her raincoat groaned and yearned to be free making all kinds of painful sounds that only other raincoats would understand. Then….SHHRRIP!... the raincoat almost exploded into pieces as the girl out grew her raincoat (and only her raincoat mind you).  But that wasn’t enough! This feeling had to stay! The growing child wriggled her body all around, urging herself to grow bigger and bigger and bigger yet!

“Muuuuuuu!... Ngggghhhh!” Lulu groaned,

Viola looked in horror as the freakish monster before her huffed and puffed larger yet, one of her arms was still being held by a singular hand from the growing child, unable to wrest free from her expanding grip, and the grip only tightened further as she grew. Because of the child's soft pudgy and squishy hands, the pain wasn’t much, but if she tried to break free, she might end up straining her arm too much. So viola did the stupid thing and stood up to her full height, and yanked her arm and… Nothing, nothing, but…her peripherals caught wind of the figure in front of her.

That’s when she saw Lulu’s sweet face…bulging larger and higher than her own face. Scrunching itself occasionally to try and eek out a spurt, closing her eyes to size up even more.

With one deep breath, Lulu inhaled….then greeeewwww and sweeeellled biiiiggger as she exhaled, growing past six feet… hulking past seven feet bulking past the seven and a half feet mark..growing…and growing…until.

“…Nnnhhhaaaaaa…” Ahhhh, the growth calmed itself down ending its furious rampage, the girl was now just subtly climb itsty bitsy higher until she reached a glorious 8’1ft. Deep breathing as the growth spurt calmed her body her mind was starting to come back to her. Satisfaction…relief, well, not really relief, but more so satiated.

Lulu first relaxed her hands, letting go of the woman who quickly backed away. Unfortunately her fill of Lulu wasn’t over yet as Lulu was yet to orient her senses to her new height as she stumbled forward moving way faster than anyone could think for an  eight foot child.

“WooooOOaaahh!” she slurred out as she stumbled forward , giggling the entire time “I’m so biiig!” The hulking proportions of a enthickened (if that were a word) and embiggened (It's a word now) child bowled poor Viola out of the way, shoving  into the man in front of her.

“Hey  you little…. Watch where yo-“ The man raised his fist before catching an eyeful of big girl. Lulu’s mouth was agape as she looked at the somewhat stocky man that had now become no more than a toddler to her.

“Wooow…. So little!” the giant “roared” as she walked forward to the man. The man could of sworn her steps were shaking the ground a little but no, it was just a teensy vibration the ground gave when she stepped. Similar to a regular person’s heavy footstep.

The man backed away from the giant child, unsure of what to think , he realised he had instinctively grabbed the woman after turning around as a chivalrous hero, saving Viola from falling down

“Hey, you alright? What did you do to her?” The man asked mincing his words as he actually meant what did the giant do to her.

Viola only shook her head in absolute horror, failing to produce anything more than confused adult sounds.

“Ahhh!” The magnified child yelled out, covering her mouth as she did so. “I have to hide from mummy! I still have to surprise her!” She convinced herself and giggled wildly. Looking back to the woman with the same umbrella that her mother had (which was her mother, she just had trouble distinguishing as her vision was still adjusting to the new size). Still distracted on the phone. Now was her chance!

But first, she looked at  the  now shrunken –to her- woman. And leaned over, putting the index over her lips again, smiling with her cheeks puffed out from smiling so much.

“Shhhhhh don’t tell my mummy okay?” She whispered at the woman.

“P-promise” Viola muttered out.

Lulu Looked at the man, who’s eyes were widened in fear. And  furiously nodded his head.

“Yaaay! “ The girl shouted, her strengthened voice piercing the ears of many within the same radius as her. Lulu then went to work hugging the pair who made no effort to break free from her immense embrace. They were probably more horrified about the fact that she had more girth than the two of them combined. Even both their bodies squished together like this wasn’t even enough to cover the horizontal length of the child’s torso, let alone being individually less dense than her thigh.

“Thaaank youuu” Lulu chimed as she gave two long smooches on the pair’s heads.

As the pair of lips smothered themselves onto viola’s forehead, the child began the kissing,, sucking on her forehead creating a suction that felt as if a vacuum cleaner was stuck to her forehead…however as this  kiss continued, a strange sensation pulsed from her head that sent chills down to her toes. Then those chills surged back up through her shins, past her waist,  up through the spine and back to her head and eventually reaching a singularity into her forehead before…poof! The chill vanished, or rather, it felt like it was popped free from her body. The strange sensation made her body feel pleasant yet somewhat numb. Then a sudden dizziness spiked her brain, which caused her to briefly jerk her body to prevent herself from loosing conscious feeling as if she just fell. After regaining her senses, another chill from her toes had arisen and flowed it’s way back to the top creating the same sensation as she fell numb, then dizzy then regained consciousness all in a snap, what a terrifying feeling, like being sleepy at the wheel.

Then Viola figured out why she felt like she was falling. She couldn’t feel the floor.

The draining sensation continued, and when she tried to focus on the face of her captor through the overalls in front of her, she realised she wasn’t in the same position as she was before….

She had shrunk… No, her size was being sucked away from her.

The child’s arms now looked absolutely  menacing but she could do anything but watch as the child kept prolonging her kiss, drinking her size in appreciation for their secret keeping skills.

She felt her attempts at struggling feel less and less significant as she tried to struggle forcing anythingng she could to prevent her from losing her…her…

…What? Her what? The more she tried to think about how dire the situation was, the less it seemed to matter. She tried to worry, her humane instincts were FORCING her to try to cower in fear.

But it too was gently sucked away by the kissing child embracing her. Enlightening her like a terrific meditation session. Her mind and soul were at piece, loosing all sense of feeling but maintaining herself as if she was floating through the air, her body was o numb it was actually more akin to having a feather as a body. Viola moaned as her felt herself floating in the child’s embrace. Shrinking and taking up less and less space, giving in to the whims of the compression that the child had stirred.

Viola’s mind had been stripped of her worries, her fears compelled by the sensation of the little girl’s kiss. Why was a harmless kiss on the forehead terrifying in the first place? Such a nice girl was just showing her affection…So what if she reduced her size? If anything it’s a new outlook on life! Yeah, time to tick back that clock and start fresh…. Hopefully Viola’s size would give that child everything she needs to grow big and strong. And so, Viola let the child take her size.

Sliding past 5’5…..

Slipping beyond 4’8….

Until gradually sheathing into a healthy 3’11 as Lulu’s lips smacked from ending the kiss letting go of the puny woman who gently floated down to the ground….Well, she slid using the girl’s overalls.

“Mmwah!!” Lulu finished…then looked at the little guy remaining.

This man (Ricky) was terrified beyond belief. Not only had the woman shrunk before his very yes, but the child had been growing the entire time too! Though it was hard for the man to tell how much she was growing, Lulu had gained not even half of the extra size that the woman had, but still beefing up to a jaw dropping 8’8 (~264cm).

“You’re next mister!” the giantess passed her judgement.

“No-noo please! I don’t want to-“

Unfortunately for the man, the effect was almost instant. He felt his worries wash away as the child kissed him, expelling his own size in the process, even losing a bit of muscle, as his humanity decreased along with his existence.

Unfortunately for the man, he got the short end of the stick, and only ended up at 2’11. A whole foot shorter than the unlucky woman..and he too floated down to the ground  both adults in a daze while Lulu giggled shooting up to a nice 9 feet tall.

The entire ordeal of the pair shrinking lasted ten seconds.

“Okay!  Time to hide!” The big child exclaimed, giggling befit her age as she “snuck” past the customers waiting in line, lowering her head to the height of the nearby adults…which proved pitifully useless, her head was almost three times as large as an adults head thanks to her childish proportions only getting larger. Her footsteps would thump the ground indicating her presence to anyone close to her.

She had “snuck” passed the couple at the front of the line before getting to the doorway and heard a loud stern voice.

“Hey! Excuse me! Get back in line! Wait your turn like everyone else! You’re not allowed to go in there anyway unless if you have a membership card!”

It was the man overlooking the line, he was actually a security guard called in to manage the populace as they bought supplies from the market. He was strong, full of (beef) stock, and a hunk of a muscle that no man would want to mess with, standing at 6’10. He furrowed his brows, gazing at this new customer (if you’re wondering, he’d been talking to a man asking him questions the entire ordeal).

It’s good to know that I’m not the only freakish giant around here. The guard thought to himself.

That’s when Lulu turned to face the guard. Who almost spat his tongue out at the child.

“W-what the? A child?!?”  the guard stammered. Lulu only giggled in response.

“I’m having my gwowth spurt!” She smugly announced before turning back to the entrance and proudly sneaking in, keeping an eye on her mother.

“Hey wait! Where’s your membership card?” The guard called out to the giant girl. As much as it pained him to do so.

Lulu had stopped in her tracks, and looked back at the officer with an awkward face.

“Well?” the man on duty asked, tapping his foot.

The guard knew what this meant. He approached the oversized little girl

As the man came closer, Lulu was trying to stop her giggling in front of the adult, but it was just too much for the giant. Bursting out into laughter as she then ran away from the security guard and into one of the isles of the supermarket. She’d found another person to play with.

The guard sighed, and signed for the waiting customers to stay put while he walked inside to chase the little giant. He really didn’t want to chase something that looked to be above his pay grade, but it was still his duty nonetheless, rules were rules and even if you’re 8 feet tall, you have 'ta follow them.

“Come on you get back here, you’re causing trouble  for the customers”. The officer asked politely.

But Lulu was already in game mode. Not allowing the guard to tip her because he was “it” …or was he? Did Lulu ever tip him in the first place?

As the man once again confronted the young giantess,  he extended his hand.

“Come on now.  This isn’t very fun you know? Playing around in a store is quite dangerous. Especially for a big girl like you, right?” the very adaptive guard calmly spoke. “ Be responsible for your actions”

Lulu thought for a second….Then extended her hand very, very slowly out to the officer.

“That’s a good girl, why don’t we head outside? I’m sure your mum’s waiting for you outside.”

Finally, Lulu touched the sentry’s hand, the guard was stunned for a moment upon realising just how large this girl was her hands were bigger than his. Probably almost two of his burly hands could fit into her pudgy one hand!

And it seemed Lulu took this opportunity to give a big tap to the officers chest, using way too much power due to her new size and sending the man flying a few feet backwards. Lulu already turned away before witnessing how far she pushed the poor man, and started running again.

“You’re it!” She called back out whilst running.

After crashing onto the floor, definitely knocking over the stereotypical stack of supplies someone had worked so hard to build. The on duty guard winced in pain, he’d never been swept of his feet so easily before, being 6’10 meant you were pretty intimidating in itself and no one would want to mess with you…but even being one of the tallest people in the neighbourhood meant nothing in the face of a growing child. Luckily though he’d been trained to handle himself in case something does knock himself over, probably not at this scale…but the game was on now. He was thoroughly angry, this girl needed a lesson in obedience…and probably restraint too.  He picked himself back up and started chasing the girl.

 “GET BACK HERE NOW!” He roared as he stormed his way passed the isles in the market. Lulu responded by giggling and continued running herself. Her unrestrained vigour caused her large foot steps to thump and echo through at least the majority of the market. The waddle in her steps made it look like she was shaking her butt to the officer, taunting him.

As the enlarged child ran away from the “playful” officer, Lulu bowled over unlucky shopping trolleys in her way, spilling valuable foodstuffs everywhere. Also managing to spill a few bottles of the premium Honey that the FiveHives market is known for into her overalls pocket. Frightened customers and staff scampering out of the way, failing to believe the sight that was a 9 foot tall child bursting through the market. It was as terrific as it was terrifying to behold. Nothing stood in the way of Lulu, Knocking over anything in her path, doing her best to actually avoid colliding into the shelves that would otherwise, provide a good hiding spot from her mother.

Lulu thumped her way into another isle, and was barging through the entire isle, making the customers scatter and hug the shelves for dear life. That’s when the officer abruptly appeared at the end of the isle coming in from the left ready to catch the girl as she ran. He was caught unprepared last time, but it was time to show off his physical prowess, time to show what a 6’10 former gridiron player can do!

But before Lulu could stop herself to avoid getting caught, a poor young man holding a loaf of bread had failed to dodge the incoming giant and was smashed by a wayward elbow of the girl. Luckily the elbow hit his bread that he held to his chest  negating a part of the impact, but just the force alone was enough to send him flying into a shelf there was just enough weight behind the crash to make the shelf topple over, the combination of the two impacts had shook the poor young man’s head too much causing him to fall unconscious.

A domino effect started as one shelf after another started spilling over, some customers dove out of the way as others were unfortunately caught unprepared and were stuffed a face full of various groceries.

Lulu squealed as she couldn’t stop herself using her arms to protect herself, but it was an over estimation of her collision target. She crashed into the guard with the full might of a 9 foot tall child. The guard stood no chance, catching the arms and in that moment, the inertia overwhelmed the tall man sending both herself and the unfortunate guard crashing to the ground a few feet from the collision. The moment guard fell over, his life flashed before his eyes as the little child seemed to fall on top of him in slow motion, her giggles would be the last thing he would hear for a while yet as her giant body smothered the man, her chin hitting the man’s head knocking him out cold with a concussion. Unfortunately it didn’t end there as the rest of her body fell atop his, putting serious pressure on his beefy body.

Lulu was laughing wildly, having the time of her life as she was fooling around in the market. This was simply  the best play session ever! She wriggled all about as she pretended to get caught by the now unconscious man.

“Aiieee! You got me, he got me!!!  Awwwgghhhhh!!!!” She pretended to writhe in pain rolling around left and right, doing absolutely no favours for her playmate below her. Her squishy body would not be enough to prevent some of the injuries caused by her playful behaviour. “He’s putting a spell on me! Heeelp!” She cried out giggling, only serving to her own benefit of humour.

But what Lulu didn’t expect was that a “spell” had been cast on her as the awesome feeling returned. Providing comfort to her body, yet probably giving her even more energy as world from her already fallen view shrank around her. She was growing yet again. She sat up, much to the lack of dismay that the unconscious man  had. Yawning and stretching it out, Lulu swelled larger yet pumping up to a ridiculous 13 feet (~4.53m) tall.

“Woooahh ! Everything’s smallerrrr!” Lulu bellowed (well, her voice projected easier)

The grown up little girl stood up carefully, still under the daze of the growth spurt, and almost immediately threw herself forward thanks to her new size being a little too much for the young girl,  smooshing a nearby toppled shelf with her weight alone .

“eeyoooowwwiiieee” the giant cried out, giving her a brief moment of wincing from pain before the feeling took over again, relaxing the pain in her body and essentially converting it into a good stretching feeling that only made Lulu become even more stupendously big. Growing and unfurling and unfolding and stretching and growing again into a 20foot(~6m) behemoth. Her arms pulverising nearby food supplies to a pulp puree, he legs placing divine judgement on shelves and escaping customers alike as they flailed wildly and her body smothering anything that came it come across.

The Supermarket was in utter chaos, the hurricane had already came in the form of a growing child. Panic had set among the faint of heart as they tried to flee from the scene, other more fearsome customers taking this opportunity to take what they can get however, Lulu’s antics just didn’t end. She rolled her body over, growing bigger still, her legs were now at the checkouts near the entrance shoving them aside making more room for her supreme growth spurt. As she surged larger reaching a hefty 27 feet(~8.23m) tall in a matter of moments.


Thanks to Lulu’s newest growth spurt, the entrance was now sealed off by the debris of the checkouts. With no way to escape the distraught customers who were faint of heart screamed for help banging on the glass windows in futility. They couldn’t break free because the glass was bullet proofed because one of the high profile people around were so paranoid that they literally installed bullet proof glassing using their well earned money to “protect themselves from the people watching”. Having doomed themselves by shopping with a near 30 foot giant little girl, people frantically tried to clear the debris out of the way. Cash registers were nothing more than trash littered in front of the doors as people rushed to throw them out of the way for their lives. The path was beginning to clear up and a few people squeezed their way out of the door.

Then a looow grumbling sound thundered through the entire complex.

Suddenly, a leg came hurdling through people and food products alike, smashing itself unto the glass, shattering it in one fell swoop, we don’t talk about the people caught in the mix. Then the little giant’s body rolled itself and smothered the entrance windows. Having grown to 35 feet tall(~10 meters), Lulu’s girth laying  could now cover the entire surface area of the supermarket from head to toe. The Insurmountable wall of Lulu had planted herself at the entrance of the  market, effectively trapping everyone and thing inside. Some had given up, others continued screaming wildly. People tried to shove the mass of little girl away, but her body just bounced them back, probably causing her to grow a little bigger.

“I’m hungryyy” Lulu projected out. Covering her stomach, the sensation tried to sooth her hunger pain, but to no avail causing her to needlessly grow even larger. Curling up her body to try and fit inside the cramped space as she shot up even bigger to reach 40 feet (~12.2m).

Playtime was put aside for Lulu as she rubbed her tummy, her eyes scanning the ruined supermarket. She smiled at the idle products that looked nothing more than gummy snacks to her. With a casual “surveillance sweep” of her hand, many food products and tangible drinks alike were now collected by her greedy hands as they extended out to the nearby ruined mess. Scooping up whatever she could to feed her belly. even a few of the broken shelves were now part of her prized food collection. Lulu opened her mouth and guzzled the various products like a bowl of cereal  for breakfast, Munching and crunching up everything valuable within the supermarket. Her unrefined sweeps  barely avoided scooping up random people as she collected more and more sustenance for her growing gut. Each round of eating, after swallowing, the energy from the food was quickly ravaged by her digestive system, but the growth defence force within her tried to overwhelm her hunger, attempting to calm them down, surging Lulu larger  thwumping and frumping the walls at the front of the market, causing them to crack under pressure until Lulu reached 48 feet (~14.6m) tall.

Outside of all this chaos, were a squad of riot squad vehicles, having just arrived a few minutes before Lulu’s spike in mass, they were called in on a wild chase with a giant who had assaulted a man with a loaf of bread, allegedly sending him flying into a shelf causing major property damage in the process.

A police officer was  instructing those who were in the line to evacuate to the central north area to get their supplies while the rest of his buddies were assessing the situation, most likely ready to try and bring out and take down the giant by force.

Good lord what were they getting themselves into?

As this police officer patrolled for any stragglers, the officer came across a woman who was laying on the ground with a phone just out of her reach, on that phone…was she the one who called them in? No, apparently they had already found the caller…then who was she? Upon closer inspection it looked like she had passed out, probably fainted because of all the “excitement”. Expert officers and medics came to her aid, and it was revealed to them that this was actually the mother of the menace inside the supermarket. She however didn’t wake up, it was unclear why she had fainted in the first place. But the experts assumed that the shock of seeing a giant in the form of her daughter must of traumatised her too much to the point of making her faint. Which was highly understandable given the day she was having.

What they didn’t know however, was the truth behind her passing out not because of trauma…well, okay maybe at first there was a bit of shock. But Janice was far beyond shock when she realised who was rampaging inside that supermarket and had collapsed because her baby girl had surpassed the impossible and was growing up.

Lulu was growing, and that’s all that mattered to Janice. With that reasoning alone, there lays a deeper meaning behind her fainting but that story is for another time. For the exact same reason why the rain hid the deep truth of the matter, and why she was smiling in her unconsciousness.

Definitely hysteria after she snapped. There’s no way someone would be sane enough to accept anything that was going on.

End Notes:

It would appear that Lulu has gotten a little taller, ahah.

But wait! Lulu's getting another chapter right after this one!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you in the next one!

Chapter 8: In for a Luloop by The Little Titan
Author's Notes:

Lulu Grows bigger.

Police do what they can to appease her growth.

Again, more destruction and some extent confronting imagery(to those faint of heart) in this chapter, discretion is advised.

Deputy Chief Inspector Rory shook his head as the window wipers of his car sloshed the rain out of his view (how polite!). Of all the places to be brought out to, this must have been a prank. But there she was, blocking the front windows, seemingly consuming the entire range of products the supermarket had to offer. He was brought to a place, expecting a large hassle of mobs pilfering from supermarkets, or perhaps a terrorist making use of the hurricane’s threat level to instil trouble by assaulting an innocent man with a loaf of bread.

But no.

A young child had warranted the arrival of three ambulances for the victims and twenty individually decked out riot squad cars. At least eighty or so officers, complete with bullet proof armour, riot shields, helmets and half of them were even carrying assault rifles, like they were up against a terrorist. Of course, there was one missing car from the lot but that was the least of the Chief’s worries.

A torrential downpour, with the full force of the hurricane to hit probably the day after, and a giant little girl…. Now he knew how those police officers in stories, TV shows and movies felt when they were up against larger than life creatures.

“Chief?” A man outside his car called out to Rory. It was Lieutenant Harley, approaching the Chief’s car coming to the driver’s window, the chief let the window down slightly, the rain took no qualms and spluttered in.

“Ah Lieutenant Harris, back from the Oyster club I see?” The Chief joked

“Very funny Chief. Just like the last dozen times and the thousands of times everyone at the station gives me.” Harley retorted.

“You act just like him when you’re angry though. Well, maybe I should call you Maxwell then. You’re a –Smart- one aren’t ya?” The chief chuckled, Harley biting his bottom teeth in response. “Well, whats up then? If you’re not here to call me a dirtbag, then you should wait for a command and get back to your car.”

“Well, that’s just it Chief, what’s command told us to do? Some seventy or so officers in heavy uniform is a bizarre way of babysitting a young girl.”

“Pft” Rory spat. “Eighty officers might not even be enough. Apparantly this kid almost killed a man who formerly played gridiron. Well built, Six ten.”

“Yeah at that siz-“ Harley spoke, but the Chief cut him off.

“AND Lieutenant, she was only nine feet tall at the time. Even if the witnesses are  saying the truth, fact of the matter is, we’ve got a young girl trapped inside the body of a giant and god knows how much larger she’s going to get.”

“Then we should start getting her NOW while she’s as small as possible then!” A good point made by the Lieutenant.

“Boy I wish I knew the semantics of the thought of detaining a little child like you do Harley. This isn’t just a slap on the wrist we’re talking about. She’s pretty much devastated the entire supermarket, trapped everyone inside the complex and is committing large scale larceny it a fit of gluttony.”

“And what happens if she grows bigger? I don’t think a child is going to listen to a bunch of toy officers hiding in their cars like half built Lego men!” Harley raised his voice in frustration.

Rory gave Harley a mean look.

“Lieutenant. I hope you understand that no one is above the law no matter which way traffic goes.  Whether it be a gigantic girl or a lab rat. We will give out the correct punishment applicable for the nature of proceedings. This girl will be held accountable and we will punish her with the full force of the law. She is just a child though. So it’s not like we can go into this willy nilly.”

Harley  glared back.

“Chief, with all due respect, that’s a load of baloney . Especially since nothing has happened but that girl  being big enough to smash that market into pieces!”

“It’s BECAUSE nothing has happened that the situation is under control!”

“How is this -under control- when the darn girl doesn’t even know we’re here!?!?”

The police radio butted into their argument.

-krsshh- “This is HQ, Come in Chief, Come in Chief Rory, do you copy?  This is HQ, Rory are you there?” -krrshh-

“If you’ll excuse me Lieutenant. Please go back to your car and wait for orders. You’ll catch a cold in the rain.”

Harley shook his head and went back to his car. Rory on the other hand raised his driver’s window to silence the ambience with exception to the falling rain atop his car.

-krssh- “No need to worry. This is Deputy Chief Inspector Rory.”-krshh- The deputy chuckled in vain.

-krssh- “Now I see why you’re still a deputy, Rory.” The woman over the radio spoke. “ Word’s just come in,  we are not to provoke her. Do anything you can to keep her from moving from that spot.” -krssh-

Rory sighed

“So this really is just glorified babysitting huh? “ He said to no one in particular.

Meanwhile, Harley decided to take a quick detour towards one of the ambulances where two of the  supposed “victims” laid in a complete daze. To Harley they just looked like a bunch of life sized yet well dressed (barring the soaking from the rain) dolls . And this made the not quite irascible officer furious.

“God, what happened? Who’s birthday is it? Don’t tell me the chief bough midget dolls for us again. What a terrible sense of humour that man has.”

One of the paramedics sitting by the patients on a chair looked at Harley, and sighed.

“I wish I could laugh at that, but actually these are real life people we’re seeing here.”

Harley was gobsmacked.

“I don’t believe that.” He vented, shaking his head,

“I had the same reaction when I heard that too. But no, your buddies asked them a few questions, and when they answered, it was all but confirmed. Identity checks out, hair, face arms and whatever, you name it, these are shrunken people down to the shrunken state of their  house keys.”

The woman then dangled a pair of Keychains, each miniaturized at different levels with one being larger than the other.

“They’re even smaller than kids toys!” Harley exclaimed.

“Yup, that’s what makes this all the more…terrible for them you know? The worst part of it is, they don’t seem to understand how bad their situation is.”

“How so?”

“Well, Viola here” the woman gestured to her left  “is an Aged Care worker, and  I’m sure you might of noticed, but being at that size doesn’t exactly help with the tasks she can do. Especially with the strength she has now.” The Paramedic continued.

“Strength? What do you mean?”

“The little tykes can’t even lift up anything more than five pounds(~2.2 kilograms). The man especially is lucky to even  hold anything that’s more than a pound(~450 grams).”

“They’ve been weakened??” Harley exclaimed Clearly not understanding his position as a listener so that the story may explain the status of the shrunken individuals.

“Yes, but there’s more to it. Seems like they’re mass was stolen from them.”

A visibly confused Harley only shook his head, failing to understand anything the medic was saying.

“Not only that, intense levels of  dopamine found in their system’s has completely robbed them from their senses We’re keeping them in here in case of a crash. What’s unusual is that this strain of dopamine is foreign to their systems.  Meaning that it was transferred into them somehow. And this is the effect that it’s caused. It’s practically feeding off of them”

“But doctor … I mean” A very discombobulated  Harley tried to reason.

“Paramedic, rather. And yes. You look at them and you wouldn’t be wrong if you were to call them baby adults, baby sized adults, adult babies…..You name it. They may as well be it.”.

One of the machines started to beep in the ambulance. The Paramedic cursed under her breath.

“Close the doors, and help me out, the man is crashing.” The woman instructed as the shrunken man started to err well, shake much more vigorously than the hokey pokey. Harley wasted no time and hopped inside the truck, closing the doors behind him.

“Why do you need my help?” Harley needlessly argued.

“Because OFF-FISS-SERRR,  I can’t give my full attention to both of them if one is prancing about the place now can I? sit over there and make sure the woman doesn’t leave her stretcher. Hold her down if you have to. Don’t worry, if it’s your first time I can show you the ropes.”

“What’s with all the crude jokes today?” Harley whined as he shook his head and sighed, getting to work by keeping at the tiny woman’s aid.

The man woke up with a vengeance. As much as he did enjoy the site of a nicely endowed enlarged woman in his face he-

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH” he  screamed  as if his stepped on a Lego without restraint in his voice. Thanks to his reduced stature and the effects of it, his voice sounded like a boy who had failed to go through puberty, it was a, not so favourable man child voice, very much on the verge of being inaudible.

“ I’v- I’ve I’ve been shrunk!! Just like her!!!But, I… I KEPT HER SECRET! WHY, WHY DID I SHRINK? Ohh God what’s going to happen to me??? Am I going to die? I don’t want to shrink away! I have a wife! My child’s thirteen! She’ll never listen to me again!  Will my wife even go out with me?!?!” The man violently tries to flee the stretcher, but is quickly pinned down by the medic.

“Sir, please calm down, everything’s okay. You’re not injured anywhere.”

Not the wisest choice of words. The medic would of agreed that she could of phrased that a little better.

“Injured ?? Okayyyy?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???!!! Look at me! You’re a literal gigantor to me now!!! I’M A ----- BABY! I’m even small enough to be in a foot long sub! I’m breakfast now!!! OHH GOD I’m never going to be able to play a video game ever again! I’m never going to be able to type properly on a keyboard again! I was a master programmer!  I even work out to impress the lady and now I’m pinned by a plastic gussied up nurse!”

While the nurse did want to let him roam free, it was her job to try and resolve the situation. She reached out for the transceiver she had.

“This is Pam, Ambo number 3 here, I require immediate medical assistance, patient is coming down from a dopamine high. I’ve got nothing to treat him with. I repeat, I need immediate medical assistance right now!”

Now Viola started screaming, her screams were bit on the gibberish side. Her voice had been pitifully reduced down to a squeak.

“Aren’t you a nurse? Why aren’t you prepared for this sort of situation?” Harley shouted over the screaming woman holding her down…politely. . Not exactly inspiring the mood with the paramedic.

“We were called in preparation of broken bones and life threatening wounds, not overdosed victims who -mind you- had supernaturally shrunken down to essentially DOLLS!” The paramedic yelled back.

The shrunken duo seemed to snap at that moment.

“We’re ----DOLLS! -------DOLLS NOW!!!! DOLLS THAT FREAKING KIDS  PLAY AROUND AND BREAK AND CHEW AND SPIT OUT LIKE THE GUM ON THEIR FEET! WHY DIDN’T WE KEEP THAT SECRET??  SHE’LL GET US FOR THIS”  Only the man was audible for Viola’s voice seemed to squeak much too high, reaching a frequency that’d make dogs shudder.

“Sir, you were on a high from abnormal amounts of Dopamine, please, don’t strain yourself too hard” The paramedic reached back to her transceiver calling for help again as the man continued his doomsday speech.

“Dopamine? What in god’s name happened to give me DOPAMINE? You’re a doctor! This is the complete OPPOSITE of DOPAMINE! You should be the ones GIVING ME DOPAMINE!” The man wailed and flailed like a poor turtle on its back.

Within that moment,a powerful voice beckoned the entire ambulance, echoing through their minds.

“Heyyy !!! Tiny police officers!!!” The voice bellowed…..girlishly. A child’s voice?

“W-was that what I thi-?” Harley shuddered as he got up

Then…Almost as if going from 100 to zero in an instant, the shrunken duo stopped their fruitless  struggle, and were washed over by a sense of security. Both of them shrank a few inches on the spot, moaning as the joyous relief of compression hit them.

“Wh-what happened to them?” Harley exclaimed.

“I-I don’t know! Their heart rate went back to normal! Bu- but- “ The paramedic tried to reason.

“It’s her..” Viola now audibly spoke. “Nurse?.... Please bring me to that heavenly voice, I’d like another does of it please… Its …my reward for keeping a secret you see”

“W-what?” The paramedic was confused, and started to shudder from what that might of meant.

Hiiii little peeeeoppllleeeee!!!” The  otherworldly child’s voice projected again.

“A-aahhhh-“ Viola moaned. The intense voice from her deity  beckoned her. It’s voice penetrating her body, causing slight vibrations within her body, the child's voice soothing her very soul, politely asking her to pave way for her uprising. Her body having agreed willingly, she let the vibrations of the all powerful voice shrink her very slowly for she was pathetic and couldn’t to do it herself.

Harley was mortified by what he was seeing. He felt uncomfortable as the woman seemed to moan and wriggle about under his manly touch up. But something even stranger was occurring. The hand that was touching Viola started to get a little tingly, as if he was rubbing his hand gently across an electric blanket. And for a split second, the tingling sensation turned into numbness in the arm that spread like a disease throughout the rest of his body.

Harley quivered

“M-m-medic…h-h-!!!!” Harley uttered, but the Nurse had already suffered the same fate with the man.

Both normal sized adults jerked themselves forward a little bit. Their habitual instincts began to fade, their inner sense of reason was being eaten away by a strange echo that pierced through their minds, they could swear it sounded familiar somehow. The voice vibrated through their existence, demanding more from their bodies, but they couldn’t keep up with the demands, their entire state of being was now being sucked away as everyone in the ambulance was now shrinking.

Harley, being the fastest shrink er in the room, already dipping below 5 feet was attempting to fight back. The voices just kept hitting him harder as he shrank faster, quickly diving to the same size as Viola at 2’6 now.

“Awwwwwww”  The mighty voice swooned .The prolonged voice awwwwwehhhhhed their fragile bodies to an adorably uniform 1 foot tall each.

Very faintly, they could hear something else, the sound of other people talking.


“She’s got the chief’s car? What do we do?”

“Where’s Harley! Call for Harley!”

The frantic voices outside calling every which direction, scrambling without their authority figure like headless chickens.

Harley snapped out of his daze.

“What in god’s name is going on out there?” Said Harley, taking his attention off Viola, wanted to forget the fact that he was literally on top of her.

That’s when he saw the imposing doors of the ambulance before him. Wait, what happened? Harley patted himself down, he was still in uniform, but he had been transported to ….a larger ambulance? No…he had been shrunk! Oh no…

Wee woo Weee wooo Wweee wooo Weee wooo!!! The all knowing voice surrrged through their genetic composition. Outside Lulu was cheerfully swinging around a certain car up and down up and down.

"A--aaarrrrgh!" Harley winced in pain, unable to resist the child's voice, he was unable to play with the child, and his body in all it's insignificance decided to give up and rest until it could play with the child again, slowly lulling him to sleep and all of the people inside that ambulance too.

Outside of that ambulance was a difference story. As if to contest her mockery of a emergency siren, one by one every police car on site simultaneously activated their sirens each one louder than the last officers grasped their ears as the siren apocalypse was upon them. Other officers stood terrified not knowing what was going on their legs shaking like a child wondering what's inside their present, petrifying the lot of them. The entire set of riot squad toy cars had all tried for superiority in who had the best siren to show that girl what the real things sounded like.

What made them feel worse was the fact that the sirens were half as loud as the little girl. And that little girl demonstrated this by showing the sirens who's boss.

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE---ooooooooooooo Wwweeeeeeeeeeeee---ooooooooo…

Wee woo wee woo wee woo wee woo!”

The police officers held their ears in pain as her voice silenced out all idle thoughts they had. Some were screaming in pain as the child’s voice kept booming through their ears. But that’s not all. The sirens fizzled out one by one as the kindergarten giant’s voice overpowered the measly sound vibrations they produced. As if that wasn’t enough now each siren was turning back on being OVERIDDEN by her voice entirely. As if her voice was being played back on the megaphone every police car muffled and jumbled the child’s voice. The mass of Wee’s and Woo’s further pierced their brains, causing their livelihoods to question their existence as a mass shrinking episode was on the rise, but their shrinking was a little slow. Only falling by one or two inches within the whole course of the episode.

But amongst all the chaos, there still stood one regular sounding Police siren, that police siren was getting louder in their heads, Most of the police officers had regained their cool as the child’s voice seemed to become a fading memory clinging to a sense of normality within the emergency siren's noise. Officers trembled as they were now looking at the only police siren that was still left intact…and the very same one that was being recklessly dangled in the air by the overgrown monster child.

“C-Chiief!” One of them called out.

The Chief was rolling all around his car, thanks to the non stop wave motion joy ride he was on no thanks to his larger than life captor, his best shot was to exit the vehicles as quick as he could. Unfortunately the giant’s hand showed way too much affection for him and his car, the sheer force of the little girl’s childish hands were slowly crumpling the car smaller, and no, not physically shrinking it, but crushing it smaller. With her palm covering an entire drivers side of the car and her delicate pudgy fingers hugging the top and the other side of the car. Rory was effectively trapped.

Half built Lego man huh? Why I ought give that kid a medal….. But things don’t look good for me huh?” Rory thought.

A pane of glass that was his rear window cracked a. That’s it!. With extreme haste he began trying to kick the rear window with all is might, even using the force of his body as he rolled around as extra leverage, with a one, two three, and THWACK! The glass shattered! Feeling proud of himself for a split second before the car caved in further. No time for celebrations. He used the force of the swinging motion the car was under and  had only just barely slid his legs out of the car when….

The frame of the back window completely caved in on itself , a pinky finger had crushed the entire back side.

After what was a blood curdling scream. The officers standing horrified as the last police siren started to fizzle out, failing to keep its status as a toy for the child. They all had started to lose hope. One even falling to his knees as they watched their chiefs car get chewed up like it was in the scrap yard.

“WHAT ARE YOU -----sss DOING!?!?!?” 



It was the Chiefs voice!

“-----HEADS  -------ING….Ru-Ru….r”… The chief started to feel numb….

Run away… Rory pleaded , his voice failing him But his voice was drowned out.

Lulu Giggles wildly as her toy crumples before in her hands, perhaps it wasn't a police car? Maybe it was play-dough?

The safety of his comrades , his inner state of reason, his consciousness slushed itself all together, none of it made sense. He felt like people should start evacuating for some reason…but why?

Why not play with Lulu instead?

Who’s Lulu? Why… Their…their….

I should warn the others…..get out of here….now…the hurricane , it…it , it’s not right. Who’s this Lulu I keep thinking of? Is that the name of the kid?...At the same time, Harley was right. Maybe we should get her now but my heart’s saying NO run, this is too much for you guys to handle….but….but….

A second wave of Intense childish giggling sends Rory into a daze. Making him completely stumble over his argument. Forgetting his entire debate with himself.

But what?...

The car crunched further reducing the man to what Harley once described. This would be Rory’s last chance to relay the message for humanity.


Rory! Get it together!


N—noo! That’s not wh- Run away!!!!....U-uuuu…

It’s all for you, the divine one. Eat up.

The chiefs car was then flattened in the name of a child’s overwhelming grip.

As the Chiefs voice roarrrred across the playground, his voice was subtly penetrating the voices of everybody but the mystical giant.

All the police officers hopes had started to fill up. Their faces brightened, one very brave officer gathered his courage and unleashed it into a battle cry.


With the chief’s final words of encouragement, everyone roared back to life and picked up their guns, mainly assault rifles that they already had or picked up from their squad car. And unleashed a fury of bullets onto the monster. It would now learn the depths of volcanic rage of mankind’s gunpowder.

Bullets spewed from  rifles and other weaponry alike, savaging the monster with hell's own bullets, each one coming from the sins of mankind itself attempting to slay the overgrown creature before them. (Bullet) Hell itself had come to Lulu.

But Lulu’s warm smile petrified hell and turned it into a flower field of joyish giggles, and a wonderland of growth spurts.

Lulu’s lesson on mankind began here.

The bullets on which they relied so heavily upon to maim her began tickling her body, the ones aggressively trying to maim her torso were caught and were given serious affection from her overalls, the very fibers would deny entrance required to pay a toll fee of a bajillion hugs, but since bullets were incapable of that, they self destructed on impact, harmlessly popping like stepping on a juice popper if they hadn’t just bounced off the child’s overall dress entirely.

Lulu Squealed in immense joy as the tiny beings around her tickled her. Her playful wriggles had all but obliterated whatever was in her hand before, the walls were becoming so distressed they had to give a sigh of relief upon crumbling to the ground. Her entire body kept giggling and wriggling and squirming around in sheer happiness one that only a child could feel.

Her Booming laughter surged through the entire playground the weapons in the critters hands began to fire even more frantically, their guns gaining otherworldly powers and their firing speed increased dramatically to suit the wide spread panic in the playground. Their guns seemingly never running out of ammunition as the officers were now terrified beyond belief and kept firing their weapons as much as they could as long as their sanity could hold out for.

But what about when the bullets hit the skin? As most officers began to realise that firing willy nilly wasn’t helping them much at all, so they aimed for the monster’s smooth plump skin.

The bullets made a mad dash for the skin of the giantess. And her skin welcomed each and every single bullet with open pores. Well, not that they were visible to anyone, but the pores  let the bullets make their home into Lulu. Unfortunately for the bullets. The skin wasn’t the smartest thing around, being so incredibly dense that the bullets had a tough time going through the doors that were the pores. As if that weren’t enough, even if they had made it through the door, Lulu’s very own bloodstream would then show it’s overwhelming hospitality. Her immune system didn’t even know it was under attack, it was that thick headed. The warm red blood cells  warmly greeted their new neighbours, each one assigned to a new bullet. And each bullet getting the same fate as the other.

Aiiiii!! Ittt tickklleeeessss soo muuuch! Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!!” Lulu Squeals in delight.

You see, as the blood cell showed it’s ever lasting affection for the bullet, the bullet was being hugged wildly by a fusion of red blood and platelets, the bullet didn’t know what it should of came with a gift, but the cells just hushed it coyly, they’d take care of everything. They would make certain that the body they were in charge of would get the most out of the bullet’s visit. One by one each and every bullet that had managed to make it through the door were being overwritten and restructured to further benefit the child down to their very atomic matter that they called their proof of existence. And it was consumed by the very cells that showed them such great hospitality.

Thee cells with their new found strength shared their nutrients with the rest of the body, and a warm feeling surged through Lulu once again, Lulu's now feeding off of the bullets….and started growing larger.

She Squealed again as her body began overwhelming the rest of the supermarket. Everyone inside who were trapped counted their chickens as the wall of girly girth gave them the warm embrace of a giant growing child. Surging larger beyond 60feet(~18.2m), pulsing larger to 75 feet(~22.8m). Uuurging bigger to 80 feet(~24.3m). Sweeeelling and growing and giggling and laughing in all sorts of joyous play sessions of happiness and the wonders of an amazing playtime brought her. Lulu allowed this feeling to over take her body, suuurging it up larger.

Nnaahahhhhh!!!!! Lulu moaned from her good stretch.

Her warm feeling became unrestricted temporarily overlowing her little body with enormous amounts of energy, red cordial paling in comparison. As she greewww and pulsed bigger , and larger, toppling the 90foot (~27.3m) mark. The supermarket was already in shambles , her pudgy body pounding through the walls and rooftops as her body out grew them.

This is the best eeeevveeerrrr!!!!! Eee---Wwwwaaaaaaahhh!!!!” Lulu squealed.

Her body just kept growing and growing like a nonstop roller coaster of growth, pulsing larger, and more gargantuan with each passing minute.

Rocketing past the infamous 100feet point(~30m)….

from her sides, she lay on her back, anyone up for pancakes with the police?

Oh there go the ambulances as well!... was one missing?

105ft (~32m)..

Ohh, it seems like the police were already enveloped by her growing body.

The  growing child tsunami swallowed up everything in its path.

110ft (~33.5m)..


Was that the gas station?

Shhllooooop! Growth spurt! 130ft(~39.6m)!!!!

Oh, there goes the pump will it explode?....Nope, the child's shoe snuffed it out before  it could even gain traction as an explosion.

Lulu kept pumping up bigger and bigger and bigger


Ahhhhhhhh!!!” what a greaaaaaat stretch!

Lulu had grooown to a staggering 150 feet tall.

The gigantified child, now satiated from playing so much, blissfully waved her feet around in the air, distorting the air currents around her feet as she swung them idly. Not minding one bit that the light spitting of rain glazing her body was now essentially a torrential downpour.

The city of Mink had lost FiveHives, its northern police force and a gas station.

All thanks to a young child experiencing her first (known) growth spurt. And the hurricane wasn’t even upon them yet.




All falls silent except for the imposing woooooshhes of the child's foot swaying in the air, her hands now idly reaching for the sky.

In amist the rubble, a group of 1 foot tall critters grouped up together and had managed to squeeze their way through their supposed graves. There were four of them.

“Lee-yuuuuuu –Lee-yuuuu!!!! She’s okay!!!” The woman squeaked.

“We have to protect her!” The officer chimed in.

“No you idiot! She’s protecting us! She’s the divine one!” argued the medic.

“She’ll give us Divine Punishment if we don’t hurry!” The man hastily spoke.

And with that the four of them Toddled towards their great entity. Climbing atop her clothes with their supposed lack of strength (thanks Lulu!), snuggling their way into her large overalls pocket.

“Woah! Look at this guys!” The Medic spoke with glee as she found everlasting treasure.

It was an enlarged bottle of FiveHives honey its contents oozing out from the bottle, however the fabric beneath was neither soaking nor letting any of the precious food slip past its defences, it was like a malleable concrete wall to the honey preventing it from being wasted. .The jar was roughly 10 feet tall while the blobs of honey were around 1-10 feet tall as it lead up into the jar. Other jars of various sizes never above 10 feet tall nor below 5 foot small where strewn about the huge living space only the 10ft jar in front of them was open.

“Hey! Why are all the Honey jars so big huh?” The man complained

“Quit your whining!” The officer exclaimed “It’s obviously because she wanted us to have more to eat here!”

The medic gasped upon realising something.

“Woah wait a minute! There’s four of us and like 7 jars of honey!  What if we eat them all? We get hungry so often!”

“You’re so worthless that you’re a glutton now? How could you think of your own stomach when our poor little divine being needs as much food as she can get?” The woman yelled to her shrunken peer.

They all started bickering amongst each other,  each throwing an insult over each other comparing themselves to giantess who was completely unaware (rather moved on from) that they even existed in the first place.

Then their giantess’ voice echoed through to their hearts.

Lulu’s soft giggles calmed the puny bickering adults. Wriggling around, her movements had therapeutic effects on their bodies, releasing their stupidity from their souls, causing them to shrink further down to accommodate this new change.  Each one of them becoming 5 inches tall.

“Aahhhhh” They all sighed in relief. “She’s sooo smart. The smaller we are….The more we can eat and the smaller our worries are!” The medic diagnosed .

“That’s our divine one for you~” The woman sung  as all the 5 inch leeches  pranced and hopped towards their feast with utmost joy.

They dove into the honey suckling it to preserver their existences, ironically further giving into the sound vibrations that was the child’s idle giggles and miscellaneous sounds that she made.

They slipped past 2 inches,

Ignored being an inch tall.

(Metric only from below an inch, it’s just little bit more precise than the imperial system.)

Waving good bye to being in their centimeters in heights….

Nyum nyum nyum, delicious honeeyyyy~

It was worth the milimeters that they were now…

They shrank and shrank and the world never cared for their worth , but a single child’s existence told them to keep on shrinking. Now standing in micrometers not even worth mentioning (5 micrometers) The dust mites took over their parental role as they now looked like giants to the microscopic team of adults, but they didn’t care, for the dust mites were also under the protection of the divine one too! They laughed and cheered as they began feasting on the everlasting natures bounty that was a little girl’s jar of honey.

A jar of honey in which, the little girl never realised she had in her overalls.

Elsewhere in an ambulance that had avoided all the commotion. Sweet Janice was peacefully sleeping in one of the stretchers.  Passing by a random police vehicle as they drove south.

“Our kids sure grew up fast didn’t they”  The driver sighed in awe as they kept driving. "Your kids i should say.".

End Notes:

Hoo weee!

I always loved the thought of growing bigger myself~

Ahh i digress!

Lulu = huge now!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

However, the story's uploading rate may be slowed as I'd like to write up a prologue to this story. Because of the content planned (haven't written it up yet) it's not going to be included in this story because it's a little uhh skimpy on the details if you know what I mean xD. Was actually tempted to increase the ratings on this one because if i went into too much detail about the people in the superrmarket, i could of included you know....errr, blood and stuff. Buuut anyway! that's much too long of a end note!

Edit: A fair while has passed, I ended up getting writers block on how I should move on with this point in the story after thinking through the current events. Still thinking of going in the same direction, just there might be a few edits to the story here and there. Keep an eye out  (but don't expect it to happen anytime soon).

So thank you and see you in the next chapter and or story!

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=11129