Boruto's Goddesses by idunnow

Boruto get shrunken down and is made to serve at the feet of several women.

Categories: Breasts, Adult 30-39, Body Exploration, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Slow Size Change Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 5042 Read: 10914 Published: September 30 2021 Updated: October 06 2021
Sakura by idunnow

Having been left alone with Sakura after the pink-haired ninja sent Sarada out on an errand, Boruto found his gaze drifting awkwardly around, going from one object to the next before settling on Sakura's sandaled feet as if drawn to them by some force. That had been happening very often of late, not only with Sakura, but with any woman who showed her feet around him—whenever his mind drifted, his gaze always went to their feet, sometimes staying there for minutes at a time.

This time he had only been looking at Sakura's feet for a few seconds when she turned to look at him. He returned her look, trying not to seem too embarrassed, though he didn't really know what he would be embarrassed about. Surely there was nothing wrong with looking at someone's feet. Maybe it was strange but there was no harm in it, right? But he still gulped when Sakura gave him a smile that seemed to say she knew all about his staring.

“You like looking at feet?” she asked. Boruto tried to deny it, but she was having none of that. “Stop pretending you don't; only a blind woman could miss the looks you've been giving me recently. When I came in the room, your eyes instantly went down to my feet, and before that you were looking at Sarada's.” She slipped her sandals off and walked towards him, her bare feet capturing his gaze. “I can understand you being into hers, but looking at someone my age like that? Aren't you a bit young to be interested in women like me? Not that I mind it, myself. In fact, I think you and my feet should get more closely acquainted.”So fixated was Boruto on her feet that he didn't notice when Sakura started a series of hand signs, nor did he notice himself start shrinking. Hand on her hip, Sakura watched Boruto's with great amusement, waiting to see when it would sink in for him. It was only when he reached two feet tall that he jumped in alarm, noticing that he barely came up to her knees now. He took some startled steps back, only for her to catch up to him in a single stride and push him to the floor with her foot on his chest, watching as his shrinking continued.

Boruto grabbed Sakura's foot by the sides, meaning to try and push it off, but as soon as he felt her sole in his hands, he forgot all about that. Running his hands against over her foot, he quietly allowed himself to shrink, entranced by the whole process of Sakura's foot growing to cover more of his body.

It wasn't long before he got so small that his head was nestled under her toes, and soon after that he was well and truly blanketed by her sole—and still shrinking, without any clear notion of how small he had gotten, or any care for that matter. All he knew was that he loved being under her foot. It wasn't until that foot was lifted from him that he saw just how tiny he was now, and the realization shocked him; at the size of an ant, even the toes in front of him were a good ten times his height at the least.

“Is that enough foot for you? Or would you rather be a grain of sand next to me? I can make you that small, if that's what you want,” she said, wiggling her toes before him. The idea of being nothing but a speck of dust at her feet was terrifying, yet so very tantalizing at the same time. To be so small that her toes were the size of mountains to him... why was that such an attractive thought? “I suppose this size is good enough for your first time. I wouldn't want to lose track of you so soon.”“First time”? Did Sakura mean to shrink him down again in the future? Maybe he would start visiting Sarada more often.

“Anyway, Sarada should be back any moment now, so... Stay put while I pick you up.” Boruto gaped in awe as her foot rose into the air. As her twitching toes descended on him, he found himself gripped between a pair of them and lifted into the air.

Slipping her sandals back on, Sakura wiggled her toes a bit, making sure that Boruto was securely nestled under them, then went out to the kitchen with him in tow.

Nestled comfortably in his little nook, Boruto closed his eyes and basked in the sensations of her foot, taking in the musty atmosphere, the warmth of her skin, and the slight smell of dirt and sweat all around him. He was in heaven, and if you'd asked him right then, he would have told you he never wanted to leave this place.

After Sarada got back from her errand, Sakura made up an excuse for Boruto's absence, telling her that the Lord Hokage had him home to discuss something important. When lunch was ready, they ate together, then each of them went into their own rooms.

Once inside, Sakura sat on her bed and slipped off her sandals, then kicked her feet onto the bed with Boruto under her toes. She loosened her grip on him, letting him fall onto the mattress, then moved her foot to she could see him.

“Enjoy your time down there? You were so still and quiet that I almost thought you fell asleep. If only you could be like that all the time,” she chuckled. “I'm glad you were having fun, but I don't want you thinking that I'm only doing this for your sake. There's some things I want from you at that size, and as long as you do them, you can stay like that and keep enjoying my feet. If you refuse, I'm afraid I'll have to grow you back. Understand? For starters, I want you to climb up my sole until you reach the space between any two of my toes. Go on, get climbing now!”Boruto was relieved to hear that was her request. For a moment he'd been worried she would ask for something he wasn't ready to do, but crawling between her toes was exactly what he wanted to do.

Sakura felt Boruto grip the bottom of her heel with his tiny hands, slowly making his way up her sole. “I hope it doesn't bother you if I stretch my feet a bit,” she said, mischievously scrunching her soles. Though the movement made the climb harder, Boruto found he didn't mind it one bit. If anything, he loved that it drove in just how small he was, and how big and powerful she and her feet were compared to him.

After a few minutes, Boruto finally made it between two of her toes, then sat down between the two of them, admiring the view all the way across Sakura's body to her smiling face. “So you finally made it; good job. Here, why don't I reward you with a hug?” She squeezed her toes lightly together, encasing him between them for a brief moment before letting him go. “Anyway, now that you're up there, your next task is to kiss my toe.”Boruto was shocked. Kiss her toes? That seemed like it was taking things too far. Sure he liked being with her toes. Heck, he had even thought of kissing her sole when he had been trapped under it. But, now that she asked him to do it... he wasn't sure if should. There was a part of him that wanted to give in to her demands, but another part felt that, if he went though with it, he would be surrendering a part of himself to her. He wasn't sure what that meant, but he felt there was something dangerous in it.

A casual wiggle of Sakura's toes interrupted his musings, forcing him to cling to her or be thrown off. “Well? What do you say? You know I won't let you stay like this unless you follow all my orders, right?”Boruto struggled to make a decision. This experience had been magical—the best thing that ever happened to him—but he wasn't quite comfortable with this. Then again, there couldn't be anything wrong with a simple kiss, right? At the end of the day, his desire for Sakura's feet won out over his reluctance. This had been such an amazing time, and he couldn't allow it to end when it had just begun. Turning to Sakura's toe, he closed his eyes, furrowed his brow, and puckered his lips, slowly leaning towards it.

When his lips finally met her skin, it was an electrifying feeling, for him as well as her. Sakura had looked so hard for someone she could make worship and obey her, only to have such a person fall right into her lap. An ecstatic smile spread over her face, and her toes twitched unconsciously, gripping Boruto between them.

Meanwhile, pressed between the objects of his desire, Boruto lost all reluctance and allowed his desire to get ahold of him, driving him to kiss her toe as he'd never kissed anyone before. The taste of her against his lips, the way he was encased in her toes, the complete submission he was giving her—through it all, Sakura was transformed from his friend's mom into a goddess, to be obeyed and worshipped unconditionally.

“Very good,” said Sakura. “Now, lick me.”

Boruto didn't think twice before sticking out his tongue and running it over her toe, greedily taking in the taste of her. His subservience had Sakura all excited, and with how adorable he looked down there, she had to restrain herself from reaching between her legs, instead expressing her arousal by playing footsies with herself, splaying and scrunching her toes by turn, running her feet against each other, almost bucking Boruto off with all the movement. She would definitely be thinking back to this moment in bed tonight.

Hugging himself tight to Sakura's skin amidst all the movement of her feet, Boruto licked her passionately, not once thinking of stopping. “Excellent, Boruto, Excellent!” Sakura said after a while. “For being so obedient, I think you deserve a something really special.”Moving her feet back, she placed them both soles-up next to each other, then grabbed Boruto and dropped him in the crevice between them. Immediately he threw himself against her foot, lying face-down on its sole, nuzzling, licking, and kissing it. “My, already this excited when you haven't even gotten your reward yet? Well, hang on while I give it to you.” Sakura then pressed her soles together, trapping him between them, then started rubbing them against each other.

Boruto couldn't even think, only keep licking his goddess Sakura's foot, his puny mind being overpowered by the sheer intensity of the stimulation he was being subjected to, a bliss unlike anything he had experienced before. He clawed at Sakura's skin, sinking his fingers into her smooth, soft sole, all while inwardly affirming his adoration of her and her feet.

By the time Sakura parted her soles to see how he was doing, Boruto had been reduced to a mindlessly moaning mess, still squirming in the nook between her soles. “Boruto~,” she said, and at her voice he opened his eyes to see the face of his goddess hanging over him. “We've had our fun, but it's getting to be about time I returned you to normal. There's just one thing I want you to do for me first. Use your shadow clone jutsu and both my feet in tiny worshippers. Do that for me, and I can promise you another session like this tomorrow.”There was no question in Boruto's mind whether he should do what he commanded—his goddess's word was absolute. Focusing his chakra, he made well over two hundred shadow clones, all of them primed and ready to give Sakura the worship she required. They spread out over her soles, crawling like puny ants on their surface; ants eager to partake of  her feet and express their gratitude to their goddess for everything she had done for them.

Sakura reveled in their worship, absentmindedly moving her feet in response to their tiny touch. To close things up, the pressed her soles together firmly, feeling the shadow clones dissipate one by one as the pressure increased, until she felt only one tiny body remaining: the original Boruto. Smiling, she picked him up and carried him back out to the house's entrance, where she set him down on the floor and undid his shrinking.

“Come back tomorrow, or whenever you feel like doing this again. Oh, and be sure to keep this between the two of us; I don't want anyone else learning about this technique, got it?” she said, giving him a wink; Boruto only nodded. “Good boy. Now go on, I have other things to do.” She showed him out of the house, then went humming back to her room.

Boruto had looked very embarrassed after she'd grown him back, but if she knew him at all, he'd be back tomorrow to worship her all the same. Already ideas for their next session floated through her head, each one making her more excited than the last. Tomorrow couldn't get here soon enough.

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