Lisa's Tiny Daughter by idunnow

Jenny, victim to a condition that will have her shrinking throughout her entire life, finds herself wholly dependent on her mother Lisa, who couldn't care less about her bug-sized  daughter's wellbeing. Follow Jenny as she tries to cope and adapt to her unfortunate situation.

Categories: Slow Size Change, Breasts, Mature (40-49), Body Exploration, Feet, Gentle, Incest, Maternal, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/f, FF/f
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 4186 Read: 26126 Published: July 03 2021 Updated: August 27 2021
Chapter 1 by idunnow

As, Lisa, having just arrived from work, kicked off her high-heeled shoes and settled into the living room couch, Jenny left her spot under that couch and made her way to her mother's bare feet. At a mere quarter of an inch tall, Jenny was easily mistaken for a bug, and she shot uneasy glances at her mom to see if that would be happening again today. Fortunately, Lisa was too focused on her TV show to pay attention to what went on below.

From her foot there emanated a smell and a heat that told Jenny it had been a hard day for her mom, and that she wouldn't be in the best of moods right then. She almost reconsidered her plan but in the end, the rumbling in her belly pushed her onward.

Jenny went around to her mom's toes, which she knew held some of the most sensitive spots on her feet. She would have to wait a bit to get to them, though, as the toes were stretching and curling against the ground over and over again, moving in that sporadic manner which indicated that Lisa had gotten really into one of her programs.

As the commercial break came on, the toes settled down and Jenny made her move, going between the first two toes on Lisa's foot. Once there, she began pinching and squeezing the leathery skin between them toes to grab her mom's attention, knowing that Lisa was sure to sense anything done to her on this spot.

Feeling an itch between her toes, Lisa wiggled them together to deal with it. Then she noticed that something was caught between her toes, so she propped her foot up on the coffee table to see what it was. “Oh, it's you,” she said, frowning as she recognized her daughter. She scrunched her toes together, squeezing them around the tiny woman while scrutinizing her. “I suppose you want me to feed you, isn't that right? Sorry, but I'm too tired for that right now. Tell you what, though: you help massage my tired feet and when you've finished I'll feed you. That sound good to you?” Without waiting for a reply, she lay face-down on the couch, her feet resting soles-up on the armrest. “Hop to it,” she said, relaxing her grip on her daughter.

Jenny herself was no less tired than her mother—she had just finished a long and arduous journey down from her mother's bed, out of her bedroom, down the stairs to the living room, and under Lisa's favorite couch—and was in no condition to be rubbing anyone's feet. Still, she knew she wouldn't get anything until she had massaged her mom's feet, so she climbed onto her sole, got down on her hands and knees, and started rubbing it.

Jenny had been dealing with her mother's feet for months now, almost as long as she'd been a tiny, so knew just how to handle them. She crawled all over the sole and rubbed it carefully, paying special attention to what she had come to recognize as her mother's most sensitive spots. She thought that she was doing a good job despite her exhaustion, but then her giantess mom scrunched her foot, throwing her off balance and causing her to faceplant on her sole. “Put a little more effort into it back there, dear; I can hardly feel you,” she said.

“Yes, mother,” Jenny replied. Straining her tired body, she did her best to please Lisa, rubbing first one sole and then the other with all the strength she could muster. Once she noticed the foot start to twitch at her touch in ways she knew indicated her mother's approval, she knew she was doing a good job and felt felt proud of herself.

“Mother, I'm finished,” she said once she'd gone all over both of the giantess's soles, but she got no response. She noticed a snoring sound and realized that her mother had fallen asleep. With a sigh, she made her way up to her mother's heel and, from there, began walking along her legs. It was a long and tiring journey to be making after she'd just finished rubbing her mom's feet, but her rumbling belly impelled her to continue.

She walked over her mother's calves and thighs, past the hill of her butt cheeks, then down and up the slopes of her back back, before reaching her neck. After wading through a tangled sea of her brown, wavy hairs, Jenny at last reached her ears. There she called to her mother, who, after some sleepy mutterings, yawned and opened her eyes.

With a grunt, Lisa plucked her daughter up between a pair of pillar-like fingers, holding her with more force than was necessary. It was a good thing that Jenny's condition made her body much more durable, otherwise she would have been popped like a bug in her mom's grip.

“So you've finished,” Lisa yawned. “I suppose you've earned your meal now,” she said, rolling onto her back. She held Jenny in one hand while the other unbuttoned her blouse and unclasped her bra before pulling it off, leaving her breasts bare. Goosebumps sprouted on their pale skin upon contact with the cool, air-conditioned breeze.

Lisa's fingers squeezed and rubbed her nipple until it grew erect, then she brought Jenny up, leaving her perched atop the peak of her tit, straddling her nipple.

Lisa threw herself at the nipple, wrapping her arms around it and running her hands over its sensitive, bumpy surface, feeling it harder further at her touch. She was unable to get anything from it, however, having been left exhausted by all her work today. “Do you even want my milk?” Lisa said. “I guess I'll have to do this myself.” Jenny soon felt a finger pressing at her back. The digit dragged her down from the nipple and rubbed her all over the massive mom's areola while her moans of pleasure reverberated though Jenny's world. Off in the distance, she knew, the giantess would be touching herself, svelte fingers lowering her zipper before dancing on the surface of her panties.

Lisa didn't always grow aroused when she fed Jenny, but it happened more often than not. The only question now was how far she would to take it. If it went far enough, Jenny would still get to eat one of her mother's fluids tonight, but it wouldn't be her milk. Maybe Lisa wasn't in the mood, though, or maybe she took pity on her feeble daughter, because she soon zipped her pants back up and removed her finger.

Getting back on her feet, Jenny saw a single drop of her mother's sweet white nectar glistening atop the nipple. Starving, she rushed to drink from it, chugging until she'd had her fill. Then, exhausted, she collapsed and let herself roll down the huge boob's slope until she lay nestled in her mom's cleavage. She was already dozing off as Lisa slipped her bra back on and buttoned up her blouse, leaving her trapped between her boobs where she soon fell asleep, cradled against the warmth of her mother's body and listening to the droning of the voices coming from the TV.

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