Short Story - The Ogre by Jessajess99

A tiny man gets sold to be a foot slave to a cruel and disgusting ogre.

Done as a commission!

Categories: Slave, Feet, Fantasy, Odor Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1792 Read: 3054 Published: June 09 2022 Updated: June 09 2022
The Ogre by Jessajess99

Just a warning, this story's pretty gross.




I was curled up on the bottom of a small box. I had been kidnapped and sold on the slave market. I was scared, worrying I'd be sold to a mining planet or a pit fighting organization, something painful. If only I'd known I'd be suffering in a whole different manor. I felt the box shaking as my new owner shook the box, feeling my tumble around inside. I felt the box set down and the top was suddenly ripped open, the light briefly blinding me as I saw my new owner.

A giant, orange-skinned ogre, probably 50 feet tall at least, looms over me. She grins, showing off rows of stained teeth. "Finally..."

"What? Who are you?" I say, shaking with fear, having heard rumors of the cruelty of ogre women.

"I'm your new owner!" she growls. "You don't need to know my name though, all you'll ever call me is Master. Got it?"

"M-master?" I stutter out, nervous and apprehensive.

They're always a lot more fun when they're so scared like this, she thinks to herself. "YUP!" she yells back, and turns the box upside down.

I scream as I'm thrown around before plummeting onto the table below. I land with a thud, landing onto my hip and shoulder, rolling onto my back and looking up at her. "What do you want?"

"I just wanna have fun, that's all," she shrugs, and takes a seat. "You wanna guess how?" As she asks the question, she leans back in the chair and raises her legs up onto the table. A pair of oily, greasy, spongey looking orange feet land on the table with such force that they vibrate the table.

I close my eyes in preparation to be smashed but the impact never comes. I slowly open my eyes and see the massive soles in front of me, the foul look of the soles making me grimace in disgust. The sweat oozing down the soles and creating a puddle under the heels. I begin to gag and retch as the smell washes over me. "Please... stop..." I beg through dry heaves.

"Stop what?" she asks with mock innocence. "I haven't even done anything yet."

I try to cover my nose and mouth to shield myself from the stink. "Your feet... they're horrid," I say, my voice muffled.

"Well DUH, I'm an ogre. Do human schools not teach you that it's impolite for us to bathe like you guys do?" She crinkles her toes together for emphasis, and a loud squelch is heard as several beads of sweat slither down her sole.

I gag strongly once again as a fresh wave of stink is released by the toes. "Please! Just let me go!" I beg, looking around for a path of escape, wondering if I could chance a jump from the table.

She laughs, "For how much I paid for you? Yeah, fuck that." Her foot leans over and she flicks my face with her toe. "Why the hell do you think I would have bought you in the first place? I'm a busy girl, I need someone to help me out around the house," she sighs, leaning forward and picking at an overly long toenail.

I let out a yelp as my face is smacked by the toe, leaving a thick, slimy trail of greasy sweat as it made contact, knocking me back onto my ass. "I DON'T KNOW! Just eat me or squish me already!" I cry out as I watch her dig at the toenail, large piles of toejam seeming to have collected underneath all of them. "Wait... help? How could I help?" I say, confused.

She raises an eyebrow. "Squish you?" The large foot raises up suddenly, looming over my  body and slowly descending towards it. "I thought you said my feet were 'horrid,' now you want them to squish you?" The ogress revels in the foreplay; half the fun for her is just watching me squirm, since we both know deep down where the conversation is headed. Drops of sweat collect beneath her sole and begin dropping down on me.

"No! I don't! But the smell, it's putrid!" I shout, pressing myself flat against the table as the sole looms above me, the heat and stench radiating off of it as drops of sweat dripping all around me. I hear a wet slap and glance over, seeing a mound of toejam splat against the table.

"Well, how about this. I wanna get to know my cute lil slave a little better, right? So I'll give you a decision, either I can squish you, or you can stick your head into some fresh toejam." She tears off the toenail she was picking at earlier and uses it to scoop several greasy clumps of funk from between her other toes.

I shake with terror at the prospect of either but, the idea of being squished to death absolutely terrified me. "Please, don't squish me... I don't wanna die" I say, nearly sobbing.

"Yeah, I don't want you to fucking die either," she spits. "Toejam it is!" She scoops several more clumps up before flicking them together into a collective pile, and then picks my body up, squeezing everything but my shoulders and head between her powerful fingers. She aims my head towards the glob of orange muck, and then slowly and teasingly begins reaching out closer towards it.

I scream as I see the mound of toejam, nearly as big as I was. The stink visible in greenish waves as the pile oozes and squished as more toejam was added. I cry and struggle against the unforgiving grip, the toejam getting ever closer with no way to fight back. The feeling of being powerless driving me nuts. Just as my head touches the hot pile of disgusting toe-waste, she pauses. "I'm curious, would you rather me forcefully bury your head into all this shit, or do you want to willingly... eat some of it?" She cackles at the absurdity of the idea. "At least you'll get some of that freedom you seem to be craving so much if you go with the second option. Of course... my toejam probably tastes like fucking shit, huh? Soooooo... a bit of a trade-off." She dragged my hair back and forth across the surface of the cheesy pile, while squeezing some fresh droplets of sweat on top from her foot. "Although if I buried your head, you might accidentally get some in your mouth anyways..." she mused.

I feel the thick, greasy toejam squish as the top of my head touches the pile. I scream again but I wasn't pushed in as I'd expect. I gulp heavily as she offers me the choices. I try to rationalize the situation as best I can. "I can't eat this! It's... disgusting!" I say, almost stunned by the absurdity of the prospected meal.

"Fair enough!" she chuckles, and without any further fanfare, she shoves my head so deep into the stinking orange blob that I get buried up to my waist.

My scream is quickly silenced as I'm buried in the toejam. My mouth and nose instantly flooded with the putrid toe crud. My feet kick and flail as I try to free myself, the sheer heat of the toejam would be uncomfortable but the sme and taste explode in my mouth and my mind, causing me to fight for my life from within the gooey pile.

"I wonder if you stopped screaming cuz you smartened up and realized you should close your loud-ass fuckin mouth, or because a bunch of my jam filled up your mouth anyways." She pulled me back out and held me upside-down, bursting out in laughter as she saw that it was the latter. "See? I told you that you should've gone with the second option! How's it taste?" She curls her leg over and bops her foot against the back of my head, dislodging enough of the toejam from my mouth to give me a chance to say something.

I gag and cough as I'm yanked from the pile and dangled upside down. I can't breathe, the toejam making a plug in my nose and mouth, until the blow from her foot knocks it loose, also a small amount of toejam I puke up, splattering against the distant floor. "It tastes like death..." I say through choked sobs, everything from my waist up covered in a layer of sticky, orange slime.

She pauses, thinking about the answer. "Hm. So, you wanna eat it willingly now then? Do you think you could make yourself do that? Or should I just bury you again?" She swings my body back and forth, quietly chanting "tick, tock, tick, tock."

"I don't want to eat any more!" I say through tears, begging her to stop.

"Man, you guys are really fucking stupid huh..." she mutters, wondering how much longer she'll have to torture me before she can get me to obey. She drops me on the table; "Plop." Then picks up a handful of her toejam and drops it on my face; "Plop!" And finally, she raises her foot back over my body again and brings it down, squishing her jam against my face while covering the rest of my body with her warm, odorous sole. "And squish!"

I land with a thud, barely having time to raise my hand as the toejam slops down on top of me, filling my mouth and nose once again. Then the immense weight of the mountainous foot crushed me down, my body sinking into the sweat softened sole. I begin to suffocate under the toejam, as my instincts take over, I begin to chew and swallow as fast as possible, my air running out. I eventually chew a channel through, my mouth visible under the toejam, everything from the nose up, still buried.

The ogress can feel something tickle the bottom of her foot, and she lifts it up to see a hole in the pile, with my mouth at the other end, and everything else still buried beneath the gunk. "Oh! Look at you go, good for you!" she laughs. She maneuvers her toes above the hole and scrunches her toes again, letting some of the sweat trickle into the hole. "And there's something to wash it down with."

I sputter as the thick sweat flows down the hole, filling my mouth again. I've got no choice, and start gulping down thick, salty mouthfuls of the putrid slime.

Smiling with satisfaction, she grabs my legs and yanks me from beneath the pile, roughly shaking my body about to "clean" me off a bit. "There, that was your first lesson in obedience," she grins.

"We can pick this up later, mkay?" she says as the stands up, and then heads over to the door to drop me into one of her boots before leaving.


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