Shrunk At College: Diana's Little Situation (Commission) by Mini-Materia

Diana finds herself mysteriously shrunken down to barely an inch tall, at this miniscule height she’s forced to survive for a period of time within the house of her friend, Liz. Unaware of her tiny friend’s predicament Liz does little to help her survive during this time, forcing her to fend for herself on the floor and beneath the furniture of her now massive unaware warden.

Unable to escape the house safely or reliably get the attention of the giant woman, Diana seeks shelter in Liz’s closet, taking residence in various unoccupied pairs of her shoes. Until the fateful day when Liz opens the door quicker than she’s able to react, and she finds herself trapped under her gigantic friend’s foot for the day. 

(Commission for fellow size content creator Sheograth10 for a side story in his wonderful "Shrunk At College" setting, and featuring his original characters.)

Categories: Giantess, Adventure, Entrapment, Footwear, Humiliation, Odor, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 6223 Read: 3301 Published: December 09 2021 Updated: December 09 2021
Chapter 1: Living Under Liz by Mini-Materia

Diana Williams was unsure of how long it had been, she couldn’t remember how she had gotten here, or what exactly had led her to this point. Brushing her normally well cared for, but now long, dirty, and unkempt, blonde hair out of her face she searches her mind for how she ended up in this mysteriously shrunken situation.

The last thing she clearly remembered was she was on her vacation time, spending a few fun nights gaming and hanging out with her friends. Yet, it was all a bit of a blur now. Something had definitely happened. She and the other girls, Liz and Tanya she clearly remembered, and possibly a few others, had been having a bit of fun with a little friend of theirs- playing games and teasing a shrunken little person under their feet. But that’s about all she could recall, everything after that was a bit foggy.

Since then, everything had been so different that she’d had trouble keeping track of time in any kind of meaningful manner. The next clear memory she had was waking up here, in this place that used to be so familiar and comforting to her, the home of her good friend Liz Orfino. However, now it was more like a harsh and inhospitable alien landscape.

The plush carpets she had helped her friend install swayed like great fields of waist and shoulder high fronds, slowing her progress, and wrapping themselves around her limbs as she tried to move amongst them across the room. The fine modular furniture they had picked out together ages ago now towered far overhead like some sort of monolithic structures built for oddly shaped creatures of myth.

Diana wasn’t exactly sure how, but she must have ended up shrunken sometime after or during the time she spent with her friends. The stress of surviving for the following period of time within Liz’s home, unknown and unnoticed by the gigantic woman and her other titanic friends, had left her mind somewhat frayed.

Finding herself unable to focus or effectively harness her own previously present control over spatiality and size, she was unable to find a way out of the situation. Not to mention there seemed to be no safe way physically to get out of the gigantic house she now found herself trapped within. Left stranded on the floor like a forgotten speck, she’d had to fend for herself now for some time.

Over time she had grown skilled at avoiding being stepped on and crushed unaware by the huge slippers or bare feet of her aloof red-haired goddess figure, previously her close-friend, as they slammed across the surface of the new world she found herself in.

On more than a few occasions, she had attempted to gain the attention of Liz’s mountainous form but had been knocked away like a bothersome piece of debris. She had given up hope of easily gaining her friend’s attention when she came dangerously close to being obliterated beneath an absentminded stomp when her touch was mistaken for the movement of an insect.

It was as if no one even noticed she was gone, or they had forgotten she was ever there, and so far, she hadn’t even heard Liz, or any of the others mention she was missing. Since she couldn’t be sure when exactly, or how exactly she ended up this way, she tried not to hold it against them. Remaining uncertain if they were even aware of her plight.

Realizing she had to find a way to survive and reach a place or find a way to reasonably gain Liz’s attention at her near microscopic size, Diana had taken the first few days of her newfound captivity to learn the lay of the land and find reliable sources of food and water.

Subsisting off of bits of food she was able to scavenge throughout the kitchen while Liz was away, and occasionally sneaking close enough to snatch fresher pieces of fallen crumbs from around her body while she ate, Diana was able to manage well enough. Water was more of a challenge however, and she found herself becoming more and more desperate for a renewable source of the precious liquid, only able to find the occasional spilled drops and puddles of dirty fluid around the floor of Liz’s apartment.

Shelter, at first, was a chaotic affair. Being left to survive beneath the constant battering assault of Liz’s huge size 9 feet, slamming into the ground around a small crevice or under a piece of furniture proved nerve wracking and potentially deadly. Instead, after what felt like a few days of searching, Diana had found refuge in the lower levels of Liz’s closet space.

During the night she would sleep in the softer pairs of unused shoes or slippers laid throughout the small shelving cubby where the giant woman left them, and in the day, she would venture out to scavenge the basic things she needed to survive.

After what felt like it must have been weeks, if not months of mastering this lifestyle enough to feel like she was confident moving about and managing in her newly shrunken form. She knew the time was coming soon that she’d have to brave the upper reaches of the furniture or find some other way to get Liz’s attention without ending up squished or slapped away. However, as the days wore by, she found herself hesitating, falling into her shrunken life’s fairly regular schedule.

Hearing a far-off buzzing sound, Diana wakes from her dreams of a far off normal sized life, to the now familiar sight of the fuzzy beige walls rising up around her. The somewhat hard feeling of the matted fuzzy surface of the overturned slipper’s wall stretches under her back. She lays for a bit, staring out at the morning light creeping in through the slats of the closed closet doors.

For a moment, she thought, she might even miss the freedom and sense of adventure she had found wandering the gigantic home of her friend unseen and unheard. Yet, as the musky, almost distant seeming scent of the well-worn slipper fills her waking senses as she fully raises herself from the slightly dingy surface, she frowns at the thought.

Wiping the dirt from the side of her face and hands onto the tattered remains of the clothing and makeshift outfit she had fashioned for herself she sighs dejectedly. Taking a moment to laugh at herself for the silly, fanciful passing thoughts and remembering the truly dire nature of her current situation.

She didn’t know exactly what day, or even month it was, but she was definitely getting tired of the constant smell of Liz’s sweaty feet hanging all over everything. Not to mention sleeping in a woman’s shoe she previously considered a friend, an equal. Now she was starting to feel, and to her horror she realized, even kind of think like, more of a bug- some kind of insect. A thing.

She shook her head, questioning if perhaps this is how their shrunken little friend had felt those times they had been used as a tiny plaything. Still though, they had all always made sure that the effect was fairly short term, that there were breaks where people got to experience being normal size again. Being this small for this long seemed to be doing… weird things to her mind.

Readying herself and starting to stand, she takes in a deep breath of the dusty air within the lower reaches of the closet. The faint stale sweaty odor clings throughout the cave like structure of the shoe’s entrance as Diana peers out from her shelter.

Suddenly, the entire area shakes, a thunderous serious of booms echo within the closed space and the toppled over shoe shudders around the tiny woman within.

The closet doors swing wide open, filling the dark recesses with the bright light flooding in from the open shades of the bedroom windows beyond. Standing somewhat silhouetted within the glimmering morning light is the far reaching, goddess like figure of Liz’s titanic body clad only in a large night shirt and panties.

The huge pillars of her bare, pale legs flex impatiently above Diana’s shrunken hiding spot in her slipper below as her freckled shoulders flex, placing her hands onto her hips she gazes around the closet. The plush sole of her bare foot slaps against the ground anxiously, tapping her foot as she quickly surveys the available clothing for the day.

Each impact of her giant foot against the ground sends Diana bouncing into the air, gripping roughly against the fuzzy walls and floor of the jarring mass of the slipper to maintain her balance as the massive woman towers over her.

“Ah- What the hell, I didn’t expect them to deliver a package this early… how I am supposed to even- Oh well these will do for now.”

Liz mumbles to herself, rubbing her eyes far above with one hand as she slowly bends over, the loose fabric of her night shirt draping down from the surface of her body as her fingers swing through the air towards the pair of rarely used house slippers on the ground below. Diana feels her stomach lurch into her throat, watching the neatly painted nails of Liz’s redwood sized fingers slide into the confines of the fuzzy cavern she had taken residence in and grip against the ceiling above her.

The entire space jerks sidewards, slamming the tiny woman against the soft wall and bouncing her deeper within the dimly lit recesses as it’s tipped onto its sole from its overturned position. Panicking and breathing quickly, Diana looks around for some potential form of escape as she lifts herself off the ground but is unable to easily think of anything.

Looking up at the now rising steep walls of the slipper and the far-off light coming into the mouth of the deep, fuzzy space she laments to herself that perhaps even these barely used pieces of footwear may not have been the best choice for a sleeping spot.

“It’s pretty cold out today, I barely ever have an excuse to wear these cute slippers, so I guess this is the best opportunity I’m going to get.” Liz says yawning in the distance.

The fabric around her barely inch high body groans in protest as the opening of the slipper is stretched wide by the shining tips of Liz’s fingers, and to Diana’s horror she looks up towards the clearly unfocused eyes of her freckle faced friend, her still partially asleep looking face gazing into the confines of the shoe towards her unnoticeable shrunken form within.

She shouts up towards her, voice still hoarse from waking, and weakened by dehydration but watches as the view of her face is slowly replaced by the sight of her lowering, massive toes. Each one of the huge digits stretches and wiggles eagerly in preparation. The boulder sized pads coursing against the plump surface of the fleshy mass next to them as they squeeze together, ready to fill the interior of the tightly fitting slipper.

The expanse of Liz’s flexing, pale wrinkled sole sails through the air behind their moving forms, ominously descending from overhead like an aircraft crashing down towards Diana’s now backing away body below. Turning away from the intimidating sight of her friend’s gigantic foot as it rocks the area, forcing its way into the mouth of the slipper like the mass of a hungrily moving monster behind her, she begins to run the only way she can, deeper within towards the well-worn depressions lining the curved toe section.

“No- No no! Ahh! I fucked up this time- I really messed up, ah god. Liz! Look in your damn slipper would you! Ah she’s never going to- I gotta move!” Diana shouts, mostly to herself within the fuzzy cavernous space as she begins sprinting.

As her feet hit the soft fuzzy insole beneath her, she feels the surface quickly begin to become slick as she nears the dingy reaches of the tip of the shoe, Diana hears the fabric around her whining, stretching, and moving as the rumbling girth of Liz’s foot crams its way into the space.

Behind her she feels a wave of hot, moist air rush over her flowing from the flesh of the huge woman’s bare foot. The wave of thickened air catches up to her before the flesh of the other woman’s sole or toes can fully reach her, and the heated mist carries with it an overbearing earthy aroma and the now familiar but heavily intensified scent of Liz’s fresh foot sweat.

“Ugh, it’s really been awhile since I wore these huh… I hope they still even- fit- get in there- stupid- big feet- stupid- slipper! Come onnn!” Liz’s voice reverberates again, muffled within the space within the slipper but shuddering through Diana’s tiny body.

Nearing the grime coated wall of the end of the shoe curving before her, she feels her small frame rocked as Liz slams her heel down against the floor, jarring the entire slipper roughly. Diana is thrown backwards onto the fuzzy surface of the dirty depressions within the toe section and scrambles across the ground. Looking upwards, she sees the outstretching forms of Liz’s huge toes spread above her knocked over, tiny body.

Bits of lint and specks of dirt coat the already somewhat sheen skin flexing above her and she shudders as she feels the heat and breathes in the intensified odor flowing from the previously trapped crevices between her toes. Realizing what’s coming she tries to curl herself into a defensive position, cradling her own body as one by one the giant masses of each tip of Liz’s toes slam down against the giving surface around her.

The ball of her huge foot spreads out across the insole, crushing down against it- beside the shrunken woman’s curled up form. The huge foot fully fills the space cutting off the light from the outside and leaving Diana trapped deep beneath the arch of her toes.

Peering out from the folded view of her arms into he dimly lit space, she looks up towards the shifting wall of flesh before her, the curving smooth surface of the ball of Liz’s foot fully taking up one direction. The other way barred by the slowly motioning, prodding masses of her toes dragging across the fuzzy insole.

Not knowing the exact nature of her own strangely shrunken condition, she remembered that the other shrinking effects she had seen before had come with increases to durability and such. However, not really wanting to test it herself, Diana hunched nervously under her huge friend’s toes.

Before she can think of a rational plan of action however, she’s suddenly thrown through the air. The entire space, and the shifting masses of flesh surrounding her, violently rush backwards.

Liz slams her foot down against the ground, adjusting the slipper to fit more comfortably and squeezing at the fuzzy surface within. Catching something solid beneath her foot, she prods at it and begins to enjoy the feeling of a piece of rubbery lint caught between her toes. Squeezing the little plaything and flattening it beneath her weight, she puts on the other slipper and steps happily out of the room.

Her foot falls slap heavily against the ground as she rushes towards the front door. Slamming her soles down on the interior welcome mat she breathes in deeply as she throws the door open, seeing a delivery truck already pulling out of the parking lot to the building.

Looking down at the doorstep her eyes shine, and a smile crosses her face as she sees what she’s been waiting for, a neatly marked delivery package. Plucking it off the ground she quickly shuts the door and rushes back through the house towards the living room. Sitting down roughly onto the couch, she shifts her feet beneath the coffee table, putting the box down onto the surface and beginning to tear away at the packaging giggling to herself excitedly.

As Liz begins to walk, Diana’s entire existence becomes a moving mess of fuzzy material and warm soft foot flesh surging and moving around her. Unable to keep up with the constantly moving direction of gravity in the space beneath Liz’s toes and the far wall of the slipper’s interior her shrunken body is battered against the fluffy fabric and back again beneath the crushing underside of the massive redhead’s toes.

Diana tries to shout, finding her voice easily muffled within the tight space and paying for the motion as she’s squished flat beneath the surface of the larger woman’s grasping digits. Feeling the entire weight of her friend’s body press down onto her, she feels her tiny skeletal structure creaking beneath the intense pressure.

Unable to properly breathe, she sucks in deeply through her mouth and nose reflexively, her lungs and senses filling with the thickening scent of Liz’s already moistening sole trapped alongside her in the heated space.

Then as suddenly as it began the intense pressure fades, and Diana feels herself sailing through the air within the space at the front of the slipper again, gravity shifting as the Liz’s titanic body casually struts throughout her house, retrieving her package and going to relax. As the fuzzy slipper slams back into the ground and Liz shifts her feet nervously as she picks up her parcel, the tiny girl within is assaulted by the probing masses of the huge fleshy forms surrounding her.

Sitting down onto the plush surface of the couch Liz sighs, she was enjoying the sensation of a little plaything her toes had found deep within the fuzzy recesses of her slipper but knew that meant she’d probably have to throw them out soon. These kinds of slippers were really cute since they were so fluffy, but they were always getting little bits of stuff, or grime stuck in them that she carried in on her soles and toes.
The tips of Liz’s curious toes press down against the fuzzy surface of the slipper, searching curiously for the bouncing object that was felt beneath their sensitive skin. Diana rolls out of the way of the arching grasp of two of the smaller toes as they curl and grind against the soft fabric towards the wall formed by the ball of her foot. However, her quick motion leaves her exposed, now fully beneath the rest of Liz’s unaware toes.

The hungrily moving warm pillars come down on her with an intensified vigor, eagerly grabbing the shape of her tiny body and dragging her screaming into the tight, compressing space against their undersides. Diana tries to struggle against the soft flesh wrapping around her body but finds herself bound with her limbs against her sides, the tender skin of Liz’s toes curiously grasping at, squishing, and investigating her shrunken body.

Her entire frame is manipulated easily by the car sized toes grasping at her. To her shock, instead of recognizing the form of the shrunken human being played with by her huge foot, she simply moves her tiny body around. She realizes quickly that Liz is seemingly using the small, unknown object, in this case her entire body, to simply stroke and scratch against the ball of her foot and toes.

Treated like a piece of common debris or lint, Diana writhes in panic as she sees the view of the somewhat sweaty, unwashed space between Liz’s big and second toe come rushing into her sight. Gasping mouthfuls of the increasingly stuffy air, already thick with the scent of Liz’s foot, the lotion she likes to use, and the well-worn surface of the slipper surrounding her- the shrunken woman braces herself as her head is shoved into the grasping, slick crevice.

Shaking her head and remembering the parcel, Liz returns to the task at hand. Opening the package, her lips twist into a wide smile, looking down at her new copy of Pokémon: Shining Pearl. Knowing full well she has the next few days with nothing to do, she prepares herself to begin a marathon gaming session on her switch.

Everyone else was busy with family things for the holidays, or preparing for one thing or another, now was the perfect chance to spend some relaxing time all by herself and get some refreshing, holiday gaming time in.

Grabbing the console out of the nearby dock, she flips the TV on to idly watch some things in the background and grabs herself an iced coffee drink from the fridge in the kitchen. Returning to the couch, she kicks her feet up onto the coffee table. Carefully inserting the game cartridge, she powers on the device, wiggling her fuzzy slippers back and forth happily on the table beside her drink as she begins her Pokémon catching journey.

Diana struggles within the now humid, sweat filled slipper like a trapped insect. Kicking against the massive wall of flesh, her body is crushed beneath the ball of Liz’s foot as she makes futile striking and scratching motions at the tree trunk sized forms of the two toes grasping her head between them. Miraculously, the shrunken girl notes that her body seems to be able to endure the weight and pressure it's being put through.

However, her senses are less lucky, as again and again the clutching mass of the toes surrounding her bury her face deep into the trenches between Liz’s toes, filling her mouth and nose with the accumulated grime and sweat amassed within the tight spaces. Spitting out bits of filth and gagging in the dimly lit, pink space, Diana’s psyche struggles to analyze the situation, a mixture of fear and strange arousal overwhelming her mind.

She had always thought Liz had pretty attractive feet, she even took good care of them. She had even enjoyed having her own soles and toes worshiped in the past, and had fun teasing another shrunken little friend under their feet alongside Liz. But this was something else, something new, and too much for her, happening all too fast.

Used like a human cotton swab, and winded from sucking in the musky, heated air surrounding her Diana found herself becoming dizzy and confused. The rapid movement and crushing force of the toes gripping tightly across her shoulders, neck and head made it difficult for the tiny woman to keep track of Liz’s giant motions throughout the house.

Unsure of where she was, or what her massive unaware captor was doing, she found herself unbalanced as suddenly the entire chamber surrounded her shifted into a vertical position. The floor of the slipper gives way beneath her, as the center of gravity suddenly moves again while Liz props her feet up on the table. Diana’s miniscule form swings through the air in the space beneath the larger woman’s foot. Her small form dangles as her upper body remains pinned in place, grasped by the slick surface of Liz’s massive toes.

Her torso and legs slap hard against the warm, soft sole of Liz’s foot as the giant woman adjusts herself and the entire space begins to rock back and forth. Diana’s body is slid back and forth over the wrinkled, giving surface of Liz’s sole as it rocks back and forth, amused with her game.

Feeling her legs kicking out into the abyssal space now yawning beneath her she realizes that freeing herself from the clutches of Liz’s toes would mean falling deeper into the slipper under her sole. Or even the crushing mass of her heel, at the thought Diana feels her stomach lurch into her throat out of fear, reflexively.

This is it, she thought to herself as her barely inch tall body scrambled against the fleshy cliffside, struggling to maintain her position against the quickly slickening sweaty surfaces rubbing against or grasping over her. This was her best, and potentially only chance to get Liz’s attention before she’d have to spend the day, or god knows how long being compressed beneath her weight in these slippers, she had to do it somehow- and quickly.

Up until this point she assumed Liz was under the impression that the sensation beneath her toes was some kind of mass of lint, errant thread or some “thing” stuck within her shoe. If she was able to make enough motion, cause some sort of feeling that was clearly alive and moving down here and not some inanimate object, that would be her best chance to get her to take off the slipper and check it out.

The trick was finding a way to actually do that. Liz was always playing footsie with things even when she was barefoot, as far as Diana could remember. There was no telling how long she could keep this up, and from the muffled sounds coming from outside the slipper she could tell she was already getting comfortable and starting a game or something.

Liz finally makes it past the intro dialogue portion always common to the Pokémon games and begins to get excited as she walks out into the 3D rendered tall grass for the first time. As the story continues and she gets more focused on the game, she’s surprised by the sudden flashy animations introducing the first battle scene.

Fumbling to use the starter she chose moments ago she grinds her toes against the little stress toy she found in her slipper, crushing it into the space between and enjoying the feeling as she fights her way to an easy victory.

Pushing weakly against the clutches of the toes crushing against the sides of her head and shoulders with as much strength as she could muster from her mostly pinned down arms, Diana wasn’t sure how she was even going to begin to go about her plan.

The heat within the slipper had grown to an overwhelming temperature, the now sweat covered surface of the flesh of Liz’s huge toes and the massive girth of her foot filling the space tightly. The fluffy fabric surrounding the shrunken form wrapped tightly within was already heavily moistened, sticking against and across anything touching it.

Coughing, and attempting to catch her breath, Diana is forced to breath in another lung full of the now heavily permeating aroma oppressively coating everything in the musky, feminine presence of her gigantic friend’s foot.

Feeling somewhat delirious, Diana struggles to swing her body against the wet surface of Liz’s wrinkled sole as she tries to get her arms free from the writhing grasp of the idly clutching giant toes. Kicking her legs against the giving flesh of the huge sole seems to have little effect, as she hears the muffled sound of Liz continuing to simply giggle at her gameplay in the distance.

After only about 30 minutes or so of laying back and grinding her way through the first town and route areas, Liz had found herself at the door to the first gym. She took some extra time to backtrack and pick up a small roster of monsters to assist her with the coming battle. Wandering around and enjoying the game’s cute aesthetics for a while, she gained additional exp to catch them up a bit to her already boosted starter, Piplup. Flexing her soles and stretching her legs she yawned and sat forward to take a sip of her coffee.

Wiggling her feet happily, she enjoys the sensation of the now soggy feeling little trapped bit of lint or whatever it is being twisted between her toes. Pouting down towards her slippers she almost feels a bit bad for the tiny piece of floor trash, these fluffy slippers always make her feet so hot and sweaty but they’re worth it for how comfortable they are.

Sighing to herself and laughing at the thought of being concerned for some speck of dirt, she muses that she must be spending too much time with her shrunken friends lately. Cracking her knuckles, she takes another sip of coffee and checks her party before walking into the gym.

Dizzy, and exhausted, the shrunken girl stares at the flexing, fleshy crevice moving before her in the dim light. Her head had now been completely wriggled tightly into the space between Liz’s largest and second toe, and the skin of her face was being pulled and pushed by the continual kneading motions of the vast forms grasping over and against her. Her vision blurred and face battered, she tries to get a better grasp on her surroundings but finds herself unable to see beyond the moving pale flesh of Liz’s toes.

A slick layer of foot sweat was visible, sloshing in the dip formed within the gap between the two moving pillars. As tired, beaten, and thirsty as Diana was, the sight almost appeared inviting- feeling herself strangely compelled to lean her head forward closer towards it, perhaps her dehydrated state beckoning her body to action.

Suddenly, an idea crosses her slowly breaking mind, out of the insane sense of desperation the answer to her issue becomes clear to her. Although it’s less than desirable, it seems like it may actually be the only way.

Bracing herself mentally she breaths in deeply, no longer as bothered by and somewhat used to the thick scent of Liz’s sole filling the heated space. Diana shoves her face down against the slick flesh before her, lapping up the liquid and roughly licking against the ticklish crevice between her friend’s toes.

Towards the end of the fierce battle against the gym leader, Liz switches out her Pokémon, planning her next move carefully as her thoughts are interrupted by a familiar sensation coming from within her shoe. Without thinking too much about it, Liz reflexively slams the sole of her foot down against the table and shouts towards the slipper.

“Hey, whatever you’re doing in there, knock it off for a second will ya, I’m trying to concentrate-“

As the words leave her lips she pauses for a moment, gazing down at her foot as the writhing, slurping feeling continues and realizes that she’s not sure exactly who she’s talking to. Having become pretty familiar at this point with the sensation of a tiny mouth licking away between her toes, she blushes, realizing she just reacted that way reflexively without even really considering it.

Last she checked no one was around shrunken today… but she could definitely feel someone tiny, struggling and pinned beneath her toes now that she was looking for it.

“Hey- wait a minute! Who- what?! Who’s in there, what are you doing in my favorite pair of slippers!?”

Putting the game down on the couch and sitting up quickly Liz reaches forward and pulls the fluffy footwear from her sole and wiggles it over the table in case of any occupants. Gazing down towards the sweat soaked space between her toes where she had been enjoying the feeling of crushing what she assumed to be a little errant ball of fuzz, she sees a battered mess of a shrunken woman staring back at her.

The idea was crazy, but it was crazy enough to work. Diana’s fervent licking motions were rewarded as suddenly the entire fuzzy prison pinning her against the flexing form of her friend’s giant foot pulled away. The area was awash with cold, fresh air flowing over her tiny, wet body and she gasped at it weakly, holding onto the sides of the now spreading toes surrounding her for balance.

Blinded for a moment by the bright light flooding over her, she raises a hand to shield her eyes, gazing up at the lowering mountainous vista of Liz’s freckled, ivory face and loosely tied up crimson hair.  

Coughing and still somewhat awestruck by the situation as a whole, the shrunken woman finds herself unable to speak or do much to react besides motioning towards the massive face staring down at her with a wave, her arms shaking as she raises them.

“Oh- Oh my god. Diana?! Is that you? How did you- Heyyy what are you doing down in my slippers licking my toes hmm? Pretty lewd. Is this some kind of early Christmas present hmm? Looks like you bit off a bit more than you could chew though, huh.”

Liz says, laughing as she pinches the midsection of the tiny girl between two of her fingers and plucks her out of the sticky space between her toes. Raising her up and dropping her into the palm of her hand she adjusts herself, sitting up and looking down towards her.

“Ah, you kind of look terrible Diana, how long have you been in there, wait- Where have you been anyways? It feels like it’s been a hot minute since you’ve come over or said ANYTHING. Wait a minute- how good at Pokémon are you?”

Looking up at Liz’s aloof face as she begins to talk so naturally towards her tiny form on the warm surface of her huge hand, Diana feels so overwhelmed for a moment that she has to fight back the urge to cry. She wasn’t even sure how long it had been that she’d been surviving shrunk down to this size, trying to avoid being caught in exactly the kind of situation she had just escaped.

Yet in a strange sense of irony, being caught in that danger was exactly the thing that had finally allowed her to be found. Overcome with the feeling of safety now washing over her she shuddered as she turned her gaze back up towards Liz’s beaming grin and cleared her tiny throat to respond.

“Well… uhh… I guess get comfortable, beat your gym and I’ll tell you a bit of a story of where I’ve been. So anyways- you’re not going to believe this-“

Diana proceeds to tell Liz about where she’s been and how she had woken up shrunken in her home some time ago. Sitting back and listening to her friends account Liz tries to piece together the exact timeline alongside her so that at least the two of them can begin trying to figure out how long she had been shrunken and how she had ended up that way. After some time, conversing Liz mentions that she’s not sure if she’s going to be able to help Diana immediately.

“You know I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get a hold of Amy any time soon, like during this current holiday season it’s pretty nuts. So, you might be staying here with me for a while I’m afraid.”

Now sitting on the coffee table with a small bottle cap of water and a shredded piece of rag, cleaning herself, Diana looks up towards her.

“Ah, well I mean, it’s not that bad. I’ve already dealt with it this long I’m kind of used to it. Just try not to step on me or whatever, alright, and I mean some actual food would be pretty awesome.”

Liz smiles and pats her shrunken friend on the head, pouring a bit of the bottled iced coffee she’s been drinking into it’s cap and setting it down beside her.

“Haha, alright I think we can manage that. Just try to stay out from beneath my toes then, huh? I mean- unless you feel like being under there some more. You were licking so hard I felt it even focused on my game, are you sureeee you weren’t into it? I mean, it felt pretty good…”

Liz says teasingly as she sits back onto the couch and plops her bare feet down onto the table beside Diana’s tiny station. Looking up at the towering form of Liz’s soles as they flex over her, the huge woman’s long toes wiggling in the distance far above, Diana just laughs in response.

“Eh- we’ll see. It wasn’t all that bad honestly, but I could do without the slipper sauna. Hey, why don’t you at least  take a tiny lady out to dinner first!”

The two laugh together as the heater kicks on in response to a thick layer of snow beginning to fall outside. Feeling relieved but still somewhat unnerved by the prolonged experience of being shrunken like this, Diana looks up at Liz’s laughing face and the relaxed, cyclopean scale of her body stretching out before her.

Wringing the grimy water out of her mess of long blonde hair, the shrunken woman realizes it’s going to be a long, long winter.  

This story archived at