Date: April 26 2020 5:53 AM Title: Day 10: Nurse Jessica
That was a very good chapter. Some thoughts.
1. You don't have to apologize so much about the parts where the ladies poop him out. It's inevitable that he's going to come into contact with the poop, farts, and pee of the girls who swallow him in full tour scenarios. It's a one way trip and the girl's digestive systems job is to process food and expell waste, along with anything that can't be digested like our hero, so everyone can pretty much expect scenes like this to be inevitable.
2. It's kind of funny how Sarah has him turn around so he doesn't see her nude when she gets off the toilet. She seems to forget that he must be very intimate with her body, having travelled through her insides, and seen, and felt her asshole when she shit him out into the toilet earlier in his saga. He definately saw her anus and genitals when that happened.
3. The main character is pretty young, and like most teenage boys he's probably horny, and probably a virgin. Yet despite this, the only times he's "gotten inside a woman" has been in a vore sense rather than in a sexual sense. There's a lot of warmth and intimacy in traveling through a girl, but so far his only views and interactions with girls private parts is when their being used to expell, things like him. At his age these are likely among his first few views of in person female nudity. Him gawking at Jessica's asshole even though he's just been shit of her asshole encased in her shit, and her asshole is currently farting on him, is something a horny teenaged boy would do. Take the opportunity to gawk at any female nudity on the rare occasions it happens in person. You mention how you like to keep the focus on the woman's privates instead of the poo during the inevitable scat scenes. Well gawking at their privates is something a horny teenaged boy would do.
3. I have to wonder how his experiences effect his view of females and his developing sexuality? Girls are supposed to be the weaker sex, and he's supposed to be a gung ho young man, yet the girls around him are in charge, carrying him around, hiding him, even swallowing and pooping him out. A very dominating scenario. Girls are supposed to be the fairer sex, yet at his size he's been witness to some potentially gross and unladylike actions. He's seen girls eating and drinking heavily, from inside their stomachs too. He's seen their digestion, he's seen and been part of girls pooping, and witnessed girls farting, peeing, and burping. I wonder what kind of attitude he's developing about his experiences thus far?
4. I liked his interactions with Jessica. It was funny how she first thought Matthew was a parasitic worm while while examining her work, then tried to get Karl to look. Or her burping to annoy her coworkers. She seemed like a brazen, mischevious, and seductive type. I thought she was going to seduce Matthew. I was kind of suprised she didn't reveal him at the hospital, mentioning how thet met, andshowing off his invulnerability by swallowing him with a pill cam, or something like that, where they could have done tests on him. Or revealed him to the media and getting famous that way, but I guess she wanted him to herself. It was good to see them interact but I kind of would have liked to see even more between them.
5. Jessica mentions how Matthew has "really been somewhere no man has been before" once she realizes Matthew has gone through her digestive tract after she swallowed him. Does this take place in the same universe as "Blast From The Past"? If so this has to have happened before to other guys as well, before. If this is isn't in the same universe this must truly be a unique occurence.
7. Matthew mentions having to clean up poop in store aisles regularily from people pooping in there as pranks. I've worked part time at a major store for a while, and I've never seen this happen before. Even on the very rare occasions when a little kid throws up or someone cuts themselves regular employees aren't supposed to clean up bio material, only the janitorial contractors are. Never seen this as a prank, the customer pranks generally involve positioning toys in suggestive positions and poses, and occasionally opening condom boxes and leaving them where they shouldn't be. Like on the cucumbers.
8. On the return homehe's going to have get one of the girls to swallow him to get him through airport security after 9/11 and on the long flight home, and through airport customs again. He might have to be swallowed and pooped out, then swallowed and pooped out again due to the long time.
9. Is he going to stay small when he gets home? If so will this story get a sequel? Will he go public and reveal his small size and invulnerability to the media? Maybe get a woman who isn't shy to swallow him along with a pill camera on tv to demonstrate.
Author's Response: 1. Eh, yeah I just didn't want to gross out anyone, so yeah that's why I kinda did that. 2. I've dated some girls who had weird standards like that, so I added that in. 3. I mean, he does have a girlfriend back at home haha, so he does wanna keep loyal to her. Plus I really wanted to stay more in the R rated stuff and less X rated stuff. I feel like every dude at one point figures out that girls can be as gross as guys in one way or another, so this would definitely be his experience and how he realizes it. 4. Thanks haha, I kinda tried to flesh out Jessica a bit before we left her. 5. All my stories I write on here are set in the same universe, and the last chapter of "Blast From The Past" Anthony mentions that he's never told anyone. 7. I mean, I've heard a couple of stories from friends who've worked at stores and all and hearing about some idiot taking a dump in the aisles and running off, I just really added it as a after thought. 8. He'll grow back during the story, trust me. I'll put out another story after this one is finished about a guy who didn't grow back. 9. No, he won't. There's a character in this universe named "Jack Cooper" (He was the main character of the first story I wrote on here awhile ago, but deleted) who actually does become famous due to this (This story was set in summer of 2007). Matt will bump into him in the epilogue section of the story, to show off how he was before he was famous and shrunken. Jack Cooper is mentioned in "Just Like In The Movies" a couple of times too, and the main character of that story meets him at the end. Mattthew and Anthony will make a appearance in one of my future stories, I plan on writing it once the virus is over for it would be way easier for the story to happen, it'll be one of the few Modern day set stories on here that'll write. So it will kinda be like a sequel for most of the characters I've made a story about so far.

Date: April 24 2020 2:36 AM Title: Day 9: Lost In Berlin
Matthew's self pity at the end was a nice touch. He's 18, lost in a foreign country, and in the hot and cramped intestines of a sexy slightly older young woman who unkowningly ate him with food. To make things worse nobody knows where he is, not even the female stranger who "abducted" him by swallowing him.
Blast From The Past had the scenario where the main character was swallowed by an unaware girl who got indigestion and defecated him out outdoors in the town park where he was able to get the attention of a friend. But he's so far away from anyone he knows, in a foreign country, and inside an unaware female stranger that he's going to have to get her attention when she poops him out, without getting flushed away. His journey's through Emily and Sarah were relatively clean, but with the huge amount of food and drink that Jessica ate and drank he's for sure going to come into contact with a lot of girl poop and pee when she lets him out by relieving herself. He'll probably be encased into a log. If he's lucky she'll clog the weak european toilet, forcing her to look down and notice him. Or maybe she's the tomboyish type of girl who looks down to admire her work and notices him that way. Since she's unaware she swallowed a minature man, her reaction to finding a minature toy in her poop, then seeing it moving and alive is going to be such a shock to her. I look forward to her suprise and interactions between him and Jessica. After she gets over the shock of finding a tiny young American, in her poop of all places, his invulnerability to suffocation and digestion, and the improbability of it all her interactions with him are going to be interesting. She seems to be a bit of a tomboy, unladylike eating, drinking, and burping and after such an intimiate view of her own body feel she has nothing left to hide from him. I can see her playing the role of the slightly older more experienced and assertive big sister type to the naive young American and guiding him on the female body.
Author's Response: You've got it exactly right, I might let her figure out who he is, but I'll decide that tomorrow. I wanted to pull on the heart strings with that ending, so that's why I added it. I plan on having him travel through the sewers in the next chapter, but who knows, we might get some more interaction with Matthew and Jessica. His trip in Europe is almost coming to a end, so we'll see what happens next.

Date: April 10 2020 11:50 PM Title: Day 1: Welcome to England
Giant British gals, top of the pops!
Author's Response: Yep, there's going be a couple of them this in this story.
Date: April 09 2020 5:48 AM Title: The Day Before Takeoff
Great to see that your writing another story, "Blast From the Past" is one of my favorite stories on the site. The amount of detail you put into your latest stories is amazing, and they are well researched. I tried looking for anachronism's in your last story and couldn't find any. This story is off to a richly detailed start too. You get the idea that the main character is usually the setting, especially in works dealing with the past.
Things I really liked about "Blast From the Past" as well were the indestructability of the main character, gentle more realistic giantesses, and the richly detailed vore and full tour scenes. I really hope these things carry on into this story as well.
Author's Response: Thanks haha, I always do research before I write a story. And these things will definitely carry into the story, no doubt about it.