Date: August 15 2019 8:12 PM Title: Chapter 1
If what you said in the description is true, then lmao.
You should've seen the reviews of Pixis's Vera. It was fucking hilarious and saddening at the same time.

Date: August 14 2019 6:35 PM Title: Chapter 1
I read this on the plane today. It felt surreal to read your descriptions and look out the plane and imagine myself as the giant. Sigh. One can only dream. Thank you for sharing this story!
Date: August 13 2019 5:00 PM Title: Chapter 1
When I saw your description I thought I had to read this. It wasn't bad, at most I'd say there were a few points where you got almost unneccessarily descriptive in a way that felt more like rehashing what you'd already described rather than adding new elements. But it's hard to pinpoint exactly where this happened. Otherwise the descriptions were very good as always.
I did think it was funny how you revealed at the end that there was a girl there the whole time that got left behind, basically trolling the people who think male giants are "wrong" somehow. Teasing them that, yes, there was a girl there, but she didn't do anything. The story also seemed purposefully uninteractive which was surprising at first. I thought from your description you might go the other way and show that you can have interaction but it seems you went the way of "interaction doesn't matter all the time or to everyone" which was interesting. Overall it wasn't a bad piece and I think its generally one of the best male giant things that I've seen. Largely thanks to your descriptive style and pacing
Date: August 11 2019 5:16 PM Title: Chapter 1
This is probably my favorite story youve written, besides thie . Can't imagine why people would hate on you occasionally writing a massive hunks rampage now and again..