Date: March 03 2019 9:47 PM Title: Chapter 8
Interesting what kind of conclusions the Insectoids make of the DNA and how they desperately realize how little there is left of their forces/kind. This was interesting where the destruction of the Insectoids was displayed in enormous detail over several chapters.
This display of power will surely shock the whole Titan Empire when it comes real to them in a few days or weeks.
What a beautiful detailed scene of Naskia and Niall having great sex and the result is interesting. Sorcha will have a brother. Very detailed description of a very passionate moment.
Sorcha seems to have deeper feelings for Victor and Naskia is pushing it a little.
Will Sorcha and Omi clash or some relationship involving 3 people.
Jana and Galen I like too. Nicely done in the background of Sorcha's conversation. I like their spontaneous fun and the fact that it is her first time with a human she views as a miniature Titan, which make the experience even more fun.
Can't wait for the next chapter. Have a feeling that there is a storm coming.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the comments, all I can say is humans and titans have different time scales, and that might lead to things being misunderstood or worse...
Naskia in this story wasn't as 'overwhelmed' by Sorcha as some would have you believe (Niall in a side story telling everyone though he loves his daughter, they should of outlawed hybrids because of her-of course this is hyperbole in jest, but Sorcha is Sorcha...), and having nearly lost her husband wants at least one more child.
Victor is very much a one woman man (New Avalonian Catholic and all), I think both Omi and Sorcha have sufficient respect for the other and honor in themselves not to make it an issue, or not...
Galen will have other opportunities with Jana to look over both her ship and the ship's pilot...
Again thank you for your comments and interest!