Date: January 27 2019 1:12 AM Title: Chapter 6 War to the Knife, Knife to the Hilt
I re-read some parts again. Everyone who loves The Titan Universe and read the very exciting Hybrid novel will love this story. This what-if story is a very interesting idea that many Titans would want to read about.
5 out of 5 stars for this incredibly detailed progression from the point where Bulldog made its entrance, changing the power structure in this Titan Universe forever. Also so the subtle changes in history that happened before their arrival are interesting.
I'm curious how they will finish off the last Insectoid world and if they will use their DNA to create their own insect warriors or if some of their technology could be useful.
I hope the readers give more reviews. There is so much effort and thought put into this story. Thanks for sharing this story.

Date: January 23 2019 11:14 PM Title: Chapter 6 War to the Knife, Knife to the Hilt
I love chapter 06. The detailed destruction, the detailed methods, the weapons use, how you describe in detail the complete take over/ destruction of the Insectoids and the Hive planets.
Genocide has never been this enjoyable.
But the most enjoyable thing about it, is how scared the Titans are off this and that this annihilation is a clear message what could be in store for The Titan Empire.
The ending is a little cliffhanger. I wanted to see how they clean up the last part of their forces and officially erasing the Insectoid threat to humanity for good.
Can't wait for the next chapter. Forna or Ridgemont can celebrate their political victories, but what is happening must make them scared out of their pants. I wonder how nervous this makes the Titan politicians and the Titans that are known for extreme wrongdoing to humans.
They were already nervous when they first showed their strength at Tau Ceti.
Their whole way of life is changed for good. Can't wait for the next chapters about all this.
You have written something the writers of the original wouldn't dare doing alas.
In the original I had hoped that after Hybrid, Humans would take over some Insectoid worlds, expanding their realm into Insectoid space. Building somewhere in secret enormous amounts of Acolytes and other space ships. So when the Titans become fully aware or when they start to care, it is already to late to take over Earth solar system without sustaining enormous losses of Titan lives. Securing a human empire that grows. Incorparating many Hybrids too as soldiers of Earth.
This situation in your story is more interesting because it speeds up the process, humans are instantly in the dominant one and The Titans have to deal very suddenly with this new realility.
The Titans who have treated humans badly have to watch out. The interesting part will be how Naskia, Kiri and Eryn feel about it and will act,
Tigoni is also interesting. I like her more. She hasn't shown condescending behavior towards Ted or most of her human friends.
Could these situation lead to trouble between the former human pets and their Titan friends when some of the human cheer this development on and the Titan friend are affraid of it.
Again, can't wait for the next chapters. :)