Date: May 30 2022 10:37 PM Title: Dance the Night Away
One of the absolute best anthologies on this site. Great opening chapter, and the little shop is another great one

Date: February 11 2021 2:27 AM Title: Baker's Delight
I love your stoires I do hope to read more
Date: October 26 2020 3:58 AM Title: Dance the Night Away
More of the little gift please. Super excited for the next part

Date: October 19 2018 10:29 PM Title: Gym Day
this one would be da crème de la crème if it was longer, (and personally if Laura liked the buttstuff more).
Love most of your work and hope you do more, glad to see these back up!
Author's Response:
Between this one and another chapter (17 I think...?), I'm starting to enjoy gym sessions with tinies. So many places to put them!

Date: August 13 2018 9:59 PM Title: Dance the Night Away
I legitimately hate you. A couple of days ago, I was going crazy trying to find this story. I couldn't remember who wrote it exactly, either. I checked all my favorite authors, even, because I swear one of them wrote it. Gah!
Also, I can't hate you. Your stories are too good. I take back what I said, but I refuse to delete it.
Author's Response:
Sober me works in the IT world. Drunk me should not go near a keyboard because of stuff like this. Sorry for causing any mental crazies! :P
And yours are too! I just saw you have another chapter up for Hyde that I need to read later, looking forward to it!

Date: August 13 2018 9:00 PM Title: Baker's Delight
So thats what happened to this story, so glad to see it back!
Another brilliant chapter!