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Reviewer: officerkc Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 22 2015 2:35 PM Title: Chapter 14. Progress

Wow! So glad you were able to post this this week. What a great episode. Had some fun story building while still a lot of fun. Great great chapter! Can't wait for next one! 

Author's Response:

Yes! It was a challenging weekend, but finally I managed to post it. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. There was quite a lot of story building in this one, since there were some storylines that had been craving for attention for a while. But still, the set up allowed for quite some action to be included, so I'm happy that the chapter could be fun as well.

The story is heading towards its conclusion (it will be a long conclusion, though). I'd say that the next chapter will probably be the last of the second act and will open it up for the third and final act, which will be VERY packed with action (and, of course, the plot conclusion, where I think there are still some surprises to be had)...

As usual, thanks for the feedback!


Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: November 22 2015 1:07 PM Title: Chapter 14. Progress

Is Casey gonna be the first to grow then? She wasnt near death was she?

Author's Response:

I'm afraid that you will need to wait a couple of weeks to find out... next week will be all about Kelly. I'll be eager to read what you think once the "mistery is revealed"


Reviewer: Lordslug Signed [Report This]
Date: November 22 2015 9:31 AM Title: PROLOGUE

Hope Casey lives can't wait for the next chapter hope it's all about Casey. Hope to see the next chapter soon

Author's Response:

Well, as I was mentioning to Nostory, you'll have to wait a couple of weeks to find out, since next week it will be all about Kelly. From your feedback I gather that Casey is your favorite giantess i nthe story? May I ask why? She is usually the one with less supporters (not that she needs them ;)).

Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: November 22 2015 9:19 AM Title: Chapter 14. Progress

I think Casey is either dead or going to wake up and her height will be measured in miles(or kilometres  depending on where you are from.) Kelly won't be the biggest girl anymore and well, she'll need to get really big now. Lisa should not shrink down, not yet at least. 


Great chapter, a lot of development here!

Author's Response:

Well, you'll have to wait a couple of weeks to find out. Next week the focus will switch back to Kelly. After next week's chapter everything is going to start moving towards the conclusion. It will be a long wrap up, though :)

I'm glad that you liked the chapter. Volume 3 has a lot of plot development (at least from my point of view), but I know that some storylines had been underused for a while and that Kelly's could start to feel less original to some readers (others loved it). The ending of the story will be richer, since it will develop some of the storylines that had been set aside for a while.

As usual, thanks for the feedback!


Reviewer: iHategiants666 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 19 2015 8:11 PM Title: Chapter 13. Chaos and hope

Now I might be a little "impetuous" to ask, but how are you planning on setting the rest of the story up?

What I mean is... who's perspectives will be be seeing throughout the last seven chapters overall?

Author's Response:

Well, I'm not going to say anything that gives away the rest of the story, but you are going to see points of view for: Casey, Lisa, Kelly, Ron, Mendel, a couple of FSD directors, the Secretary of Defense and a couple more people that will show up later in the story (as supporting characters).

I think you'll like a few of them.

Reviewer: officerkc Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 15 2015 4:21 PM Title: Chapter 13. Chaos and hope

The review section here is starting to get unbearable. I'll still keep reviewing because I like the story, but I used to read the reviews to see what others thought and see where some constructive criticism might be (and there still is a decent amount of that, but the few spoil it for the whole). /rant


This was an interesting chapter. We got a peak of how the world is preparing to deal with the girls and a little more insight on what is going on in our own government. They think they know what can stop the girls, but can they effectively do what they need to do? Is the next chapter going to jump to casey or stay with the current situation? Maybe find out what happened to Lisa?

Author's Response:

I'm glad that you will keep reviewing and doing so in the same tone as always :)

This chapter was long overdue and I know it has created frustration in some readers that it did not come before. The 7 remaining chapters of the story will answer your questions about what was laid out in here ;)

As for the coming chapter: it will be another mixed chapter. It will mostly focus on Casey, but you'll also find out more about what happened to Lisa. 

I'm travelling, but I hope I will be able to post it over the weekend in any case.


Reviewer: iHategiants666 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 15 2015 9:24 AM Title: PROLOGUE

NOSTORY: I admit I was harsh though I'm glad you complained yourself, not just the author. Anyway, I take back what I said.


I just hate it when people root for hateful characters. Or rather characters I hate. That's my problem and I will not make it yours from now on.


I'll admit I might hypocritical, but I want to see K and C suffer for their actions.



PAPA: i appreciate your support of other reviewers, but I do not need threats or warnings laid against me. Whatever that P.S. was, don't ever give me that again. For my part i promise I will leave everyone else alone.


Author's Response:

That was neither a threat nor a warning. It was a request and since my tone in the answers tends to be relaxed, I wanted you to understand that this particular request was serious. Honestly, I don't know what is it that you could potentially interpret as a threat...

A couple of considerations:

- I did not know if Nostory would reply or not. I replied because this is not a forum but a site with a Review system, and reviews are addressed at the author and the author alone has the ability to reply. Having said that, this is my story, which I think entitles me to politely request reviewers to avoid flaming other reviewers. 

- I'm sorry every time someone takes something I said badly, even when they get a different message than the one that was intended. In any case, I have to honestly say that I think that I tend to use a quite softer tone in my answers than the one you use in your reviews. I don't care about it, really. I've repeatedly said that I like having feedback of all sorts and I think I've proven that in all my answers. I maybe had incorrectly assumed that you would not mind a sentence like "I'm asking seriosly" in a review where you had sent someone to hell and mentioned that several parts of the chapter were bullshit (or something along these lines...).

Anyway, if we could go back to the dyamics where you told me what you liked and what you did not like in an honest way ("brutally honest" as Dr. House would put it ;)), I think we were both enjoying that type of interaction...


P.S. In any case, thanks for taking back what you said to Nostory.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: November 14 2015 8:59 PM Title: PROLOGUE

@iHategiants666, we all have our own opinion about this story, why flame me for mine? You have issues with it but I like it as it is. I don't take it too seriously because ultimately this is a fetish, that is it for all our stories. 

@papayoya, thanks for that. 

Author's Response:

Not a problem :)

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: November 14 2015 6:35 PM Title: Chapter 13. Chaos and hope

Pretty good chapter! And it looks like theres gonna be a change of dynamics soon with that little tidbit at the end! Hopefully the story will have a reasonable opponent for Kelly soon enough, I'm tired of her unstoppable rampage and her "high and mighty" attidude. It's like I wanna build a giant metal hand with a huge ring on it's ring finger to pimp slap her across the face with XD.

Author's Response:

Thank you! There are seven chapters left, so while the story is still in its second act, it's getting closer to its third and final act. Of course, the "discovery" of the cause behind the women's growth and the fact that this opens up the possibility to make them smaller is a very important milestone to allow the story to progress. It was overdue, as a matter of fact (if I started to write the story now I would have included more "material" in the FSD sooner); I understand that for a while it seemed like Kelly would go uncontested in her rampage without anyone to stop her, since there had been no reference to the possibility.

I kind of suspected that you would not stand Kelly and what she has become too much. One of the things I'm feeling happy with in Side Effects is that its characters seem to be meaningful to people. There are people that like Kelly and people who hate her; same happens with Lisa, since some people think she is just too wimpy and annoying while I know for sure that you don't think that. I think that the only character that manages to create consensus is Casey, even if there are also those who hate her but enjoy her and those who "just" hate her. In the end, what I mean is that it seems that the characters were developed enough to generate some sort of reaction from the readers.

I understand that one of the logical reactions is to want to slap some of them in the face with a ring :P


Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: November 14 2015 5:46 AM Title: PROLOGUE

I hope they fail :)

Kelly is a favourite of mine and the chapter of her fighting planes was cool to read! 

Author's Response:

Thanks! You'll get your answers in 7 weeks. If I can keep my posting regularity, by New Year (or shortly after it) you'll see the end of the story and all your questions will get answered :)

As you know, Kelly is a favorite of mine too ;) This does not mean that the story will end one way or the other, of course...

I'm glad that you emjoyed the plane fighting scenes. It was very fun to write too. Thanks!

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: November 14 2015 4:50 AM Title: PROLOGUE

So Kelly's DNA is now with them and they know how her body fuels her growth, so stopping her liver from doing so will shrink her? 

Author's Response:

Essentially yes, that's what they believe they've found out. Easier said than done, though :P

Reviewer: iHategiants666 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 10 2015 11:02 AM Title: Chapter 12. Reunion

OK, admittedly, K is not an idiot. She has systematically disabled the U.S. Government and one section of the Army, albeit in a rather simple manner.

However, she is either extremely stupid or naive in thinking that Casey or Lisa (ESPECIALLY CASEY) would just listen to her. She thinks that they are SUPPOSED to listen, like she has complete dominion over them. Furthermore she could have just crushed Lisa's head instead of trying to 'educate' her... after all, instant death is much different from near-death... it takes some time for it to happen. (At least a couple seconds) And then she thinks that she can just head over to the UN and arrange a conference... that is the dumbest idea yet! Like that reporter said, she is literally improvising her plan to rule. Even making Stan President was something that just came to her.

I can picture her quite clearly, all right. She is arrogant, short-tempered, and in the deepest state of denial. In that sense, she is even worse than Casey. Casey doesn't delude herself into thinking that she can be a benevolent Goddess. She knows she is beyond redemption and doesn't care at all. I just can't hate her the way I hate K... she is still slipping further into madness, and thinks that it is her purpose to take over the world... like Osborn of 1610 thought that God wanted him to kill Spider-Man.

In fact, I no longer care who it is. Whether it's Lisa or Casey, one of them has to confront her and give her a taste of reality. She is not omnipotent... any woman could become as powerful as her. So there needs to be a major problem that forces K to make a desperate decision. I don't care what: just make her really, really mad. Not psycho-mad but bloodthirsty... make her want to kill anyone who stands in her way... make her drop that phony delusional pose and reveal all the anger bubbling inside of her...


Whenever something deosn't go her way, K acts like a spoiled brat. She throws a tantrum: like when the military attacked her EVEN after her increase in size, when she found out that the President was not in Washington (she almost lost it), when someone suggested that she might be defeated, when she found Lisa coming to fight her... everyone of those moments was like a rod in her back. And all the things she's overlooked, from the FSD, to rest of the world... will be coming home to roost.


I noticed that in your postcript to angeloflife, you said no growth, but you were referring (incorrectly), to One-Punch Man, right?

Author's Response:

I think that we may be close to agreeing on this one! I did not do a complete review of all the previous comments, but this may be the first time!

Yes, Kelly is not stupid. And yes, she is making her plans up as she goes and overlooking several important things that may play bad for her in the future. The ones she is focusing on, though, she flawlessly executes: the government, the army, the pentagon, the FSD campus, the press, ...

One of her main problems is that she has got so powerful that she has convinced herself that she is invincible and this is actually weakening her, since it's making her act as too overconfident. It's also making her significantly less patient and much moodier (acting as a spolied brat, as you put it).

I agree that Casey is much more consequent with who she is (the problem is that she is a terrible person). 

Anyway, these are the characters... now, let's see how the rest of the story plays out. I believe that I may still have a couple of surprises hidden in the plot for you.


P.S. Yes, I was referring to his reference to One-Punch Man. I have not made any comment (in any direction) on whether there will be other women growing more or not. And I won't make them...

Reviewer: Algo Signed [Report This]
Date: November 10 2015 8:21 AM Title: PROLOGUE

Hey man, just passing to telling you i am enjoying Kelly being so big even Lisa and Casey are scarred of her, i hope for a scene where a even bigger casey just find herself as big as Kelly toe even when i dont think it will happen. Keep up the good work!

Author's Response:

Thanks! I'm glad that you are enjoying it. I'm not going to reveal what's going to happen, but I believe that you are going to enjoy the rest of the story. Please, keep letting me know what you think!


Reviewer: iHategiants666 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 09 2015 10:09 AM Title: Chapter 12. Reunion

I'm sure you realize I was venting. I didn't expect you to have crossovers, though I am surprised at how little you know of the Manga:

(Saitama deosn't grow, he's like Superman only more badass)


I should tell you that I want to see a trial in this story, but I don't know if there is room for that. There must be LEGITIMATE closure, and leave no open endings, otherwise I don't know why I spent the last twelve or fifteen months reading this...


I also think that K is acting more like a child, as she gets more delusional. She also refuses to acknowledge the idea of anyone defeating her... as does Casey. Though she clearly saw the FSD as a threat, which means she thought that once she had gotten rid of them then her plan for global conquest was secure.

But Karma's a bitch, isn't it? She doesn't know about Ron and Mendel and there will be repercussions! At least, there must be!

Cheers, to your plans.


P.S. Should have my story ready soon.

Author's Response:

I kind of had guessed... 

No, I'm not that familiar with manga. It's not that I don't like it at all, but it doesn't pick my interest as much as other topic. 

I hope that you will consider the ending legitimate enough. I'm sure you'll tell me in a few weeks, when I post the Epilogue. 

As for Kelly: yes, she is delusional and she rejects the possibility that someone can defeat her. She is more cunning than what you picture her, though. So far she has been successful enough with her strategy. 

Of course, she has overlooked some dangers, and who knows what this will mean for her...


P.S. I will wait for your story to be ready!

Reviewer: officerkc Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 08 2015 7:58 PM Title: Chapter 12. Reunion

Ahh you skipped the meat of this chapter! Lol leaving some to the imagine I see. Haha. Interesting how she met with Lisa, gotta be careful not to hurt her too bad or she will grow too! Still Kelly is seeing that Lisa and Casey are problems still. How will she deal with them? The government has already had some ridiculous casualties. How many people are still willing to try and fight? Keep it coming and keep up the great work!

Author's Response:

Sometimes some things if they are hinted ;)

Handling Lisa and Casey is a worse headache than she could have imagined, for sure. The rest of the resistance is definitely much easier...

I'm glad that you keep on enjoying the story.


Reviewer: officerkc Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 08 2015 7:54 PM Title: Chapter 11. Closure

Soo that's why Casey came back! I figured she would see her old boyfriend, but hiding the vials, I didn't see that one coming. Love how Casey just does what she wants. . ;) what will happen when/if she gets bigger though? Holy crap! I am starting to get as annoyed with the people still trying to fight the girls I understand the military, but small town law enforcement? Please, I don't feel bad for them at all lol

Author's Response:

I'm not sure if I feel bad for the cops and soldiers. Casey definitely doesn't :P

And yes, Casey does what she wants all the time. I'm glad that the story still keeps the ability to surprise you.


Reviewer: angeloflife Signed [Report This]
Date: November 08 2015 6:04 AM Title: PROLOGUE

Ok, i will accept the gamble. So the proposal is for how the rest of the story will play out or is it for how each chapter alone plays out to the end?

If i do this would you like to do it off the comments page? I seen that you have a dA page i to have a page on dA. Would you like to have it take place over notes? If so here is my page link feel free to take at look at my gallery if you like to.



As for other stories that have the same thing as each time the girl has pain or comes close to death grows bigger am sure i read a lot of them over time and some that grows by taking in energy, lot of the names has slip my mind over time, so am not going to wreak my mind trying to think of forgtton stories, but don't bring up The magnificient Maggie that story just went down hill big time and needs to be forgotton.

Its just the over all thing with the females to always seem to grow bigger in some form or another instead of a set size from the start, by having them grow bigger by will or some other form just makes it hard to enjoy it because the female in the story will always seem to have the edge to win.

Now if it was in a setting where people have powers and size shifting was a thing, than that be understanding. But to have someone make a growth potion and one of the things it ends up doing is making the girl bigger each time gets old for me.

I have nothing else to add so i will end it here.

Author's Response:

The proposal is for the rest of the story. There are 7 chapters and an epilogue left and as I've been mentioning in the last couple of weeks the story is now in the middle of the second act and quickly advancing towards the third act, where it will conclude. The challenge is that you'll tell me what will happen with each of the girls from now until the end, what will the rest of the characters do (Ron, Mendel, the government) and how will the story end. 

I'm fine with doing it via Notes in DA. I checked your gallery there; it's interesting but unfortunately I'm not too much into furry. I'll wait for your note and in a few weeks we will be able to close the loop and evaluate how predictable the story really was :)

On the second part of your comment: this is far from the first story where the girls grow more than one time along the story. I tried to provide an explanation for that other than willpower, but now I see that you would not have liked any scenario with more than one growth spurt. My guess, based on all your comments, is that you do not like it when the giant woman gets so powerful that she is almost impossible to stop, and the scenario where the woman grows when someone tries to kill her is the ultimate representation of this. I'm afraid I cannot do too much about that, since precisely one of my objectives with Side Effects and especially Volume 3 was to show the "power corrupts" trope in a giantess scenario (and in this case in the figure of Kelly). I have other stories in the work where the giant woman grows "just" once, but with a couple of exceptions, I like to explore the topic where the growth comes together with a significant change in her power position with the rest of the world. 

Anyway, I don't think we are going to agree on this one, so I will end it here as well. Up to a point it's becoming similar to a conversation between someone who hates a story where the hero always ends on top and gets the girl and a screenwriter of a 007 movie (I'm using this one because it's the last movie I've seen, not because I find any similarities at all between 007 and Side Effects or the giantess topic in general).

I'll wait for your note! I feel curious myself about how predictable I really am.


Reviewer: angeloflife Signed [Report This]
Date: November 07 2015 4:55 PM Title: Chapter 12. Reunion

For me one of the most frustrating things that have been part of these last two stories parts 2 and 3, being the whole near death thing makes them bigger, it was fine the first time when they grew to 250 but that the idea to have it keep working like that each time when they came near death well, that is the typical thing that people use when doing these kind of stories and that it has been used so often is now old.

I think if you made part two a bit longer you could have closed out the stories than going to a part three with the growth in size, if you just ended it with one last fight with the three girls.

Part three is just for the killing, and destruction. For most part of the story it has been a back and forth of Kelly and than to Casey again with very little bit of Lisa here and there. as i thought there will be very little screen time of the other characters till the story has near reached the end with what mostly will be a chapter or two of the fighting and the stopping to two of these girls.

In the story it has been just over half of a day that has been more than enough time for the military to get themselves together to put a stop to this, just saying because when 9/11 happened they already had fighters in the sky ready to shoot down any plane that they need two with in the few hours of the attack.

Also just because Kelly destoryed the Pentagon dosen't meen the military no good, Just because its gone has not done anything to military power, sure there are military men there but not the main men that over see it and run it, once again the Pentagon is not the heart of the military and taking it out has not hurt the military.

Kelly has lost her shit, her and Casey are no better than one and another the only thing that is not the same is how they go about killing people.

Am starting to get tired of hearing Kelly talking like she knows it all, her words are nothing more than the words of a crazy person that has been slowly falling deeper into the madness of their own mind.

Casey's words are better because she is not kiding herself to who she is, she is a killer and she knows it, simple as that.


Anyway, story needs to finish up because its getting a bit old with the back and forth of Kelly and Casey and some of the things that are going on is getting frustrating to deal with more and more with each chapter.


Am with the guy below me, one punch man would have this stop by now and Across who is another character would have put a stop to them back in part two.

Also bring in a giant Ron he had six years to make it work on males have him go after Casey and Lisa be the one to stop Kelly, none of this not working on males thing.

Author's Response:

I'm afraid that this is becoming a little bit like Groudhog Day...

I understand you would like to have giant males in this story, but I did not, so the formula does not work on men. It did not work on men in Volume 2 (as a matter of fact, Ron does not know how to make it work on anyone else) and it will not work on men half a day later. It's a plot choice. I understand that you don't like it, but this doesn't turn the entire plot senseless. It would be like saying that the entire Pacific Rim story doesn't make sense because you don't like the need of two people connected between them to pilot a Jaeger. True, the story could have been explained with a single pilot, but someone decided that they preferred the other option because it opened up some interesting plot possiblities.

Regarding the reaction of the military: I explained it 2 chapters ago, it's coming, and it's coming soon. This chapter happens just after the previous one, so let's just give the fighter pilots a short while to get ready and take off :)

I think that we had already established in the previous comment that Kelly is delusional and Casey is a psycho. They did not change their characters in the last half an hour...

As for my choice on writing Volume 3 instead of making Volume 2 longer... I don't agree with you at all. I think that despite the death and destruction, Volume 3 is quite different in tone to Volume 2. To start with, it shows the fall of Kelly into her current state. She was not like this at all in Volume 2 and I tried to make it gradual and provide a good picture of her evolution. Based on the comments from other readers, I think I more or less got it right, even if it's evident that you do not enjoy this because you don't like the character she has become. It's this change in her character and her newly established mission to take over the world what will drive Volume 3 to its end.

And here is where I will make a gamble with you :) You seem to have a pretty good idea of where the story is going, since your main accusation is lack of originality. Let's do something: you make a proposal on what the story will look like in the coming chapters (what will happen to each of the girls and how will the story end) and we check how accurate it is when the story actually finishes? The story is written and I promise I won't change a thing (except for typo correction and editing) as I keep on posting it... Do you accept?

Finally, on the fact that making them grow when they are almost killed being old... well, this is the choice I made on how the growth would work. I know there are some other stories that touch on the subject, but not that many where it actually works in the dynamics it works in Side Effects. "No pain, no gain", a great and unfinished story from RustyRusty14 has the main character growing everytime she feels some pain and in "The magnificient Maggie" and "MonicaXL" the giantesses can grow by willpower and use it to heal themselves when they are attacked at their smaller sizes. While the idea might seem similar, I don't think it is. But since it's so unoriginal (and it's a concept I like), would you care to list a few of these other stories that are just the same?


P.S. There won't be any superhero growing to kill anyone in one blow...

Reviewer: iHategiants666 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 07 2015 1:15 PM Title: PROLOGUE

HOLD UP! You're saying that serum has made them IMMORTAL?

Or are you saying to them: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"?

Either way, I'm confused. And disappointed. I thought Lisa was smarter than this. She should have been able to figure it out. She's had plenty of time, and then all the pain that she endured was NOT enough.

Also, why do you keep messing with our heads?? That's twice where you said Lisa felt herself getting bigger?? Are you planning something BIG??? (lol)




If not... I swear I will rewrite this story up to this point, and then have Saitama come in and one-shot K with an uppercut that takes her stupid head off.

Author's Response:

I'm not actually saying that they are inmortal, although I know it can feel like that. The "what does not kill you makes you stronger" could be closer, but not completely accurate either. The summary would be: most of the regular violent methods of death would actually not kill them but make their bodies react and grow as a way to protect themselves. This does not mean that there cannot be ways to counter the obvious benefits of the serum and, hence, kill them.

Sorry that you are disappointed about Lisa's actions. I kind of expected you would. She was not that smart, true, but the truth is that she was too mad to think rationally and was completely conviced that she would be able to grow when needed. She could not figure out that there were some rational causes for the growth, not just willpower. 

As to why I keep messing with your heads... well, it's not my intention to mess with anyone's heads, but I did not want the story to be predictable. Making Lisa grow would have been less logical than what happened, considering the set-up, even if I guess that a lot of people was just expecting that. I'd rather have the story be somewhat intriguing, so that when you come for the following chapter next week you don't know what's going to happen in advance. 

As for the rewrite... sure, I'll send you my lawyer's number so that you can reach an agreement about author's rights :P



Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: November 07 2015 7:34 AM Title: PROLOGUE

So George thinks he can be Kelly's conscience? Probably should start saying his goodbyes right now. Kelly should know pain causes the growth, wonder if she remembered that when she threw Lisa across the country. Because that could trigger a massive growth spurt.

Author's Response:

It would seem like George is affected by some sort of form of the Stockholm Syndrome, for sure. Having said this: Kelly has reached a point where she does not flinch in killing hundreds to get what she wants, but the truth is that she is not yet at a point where she would just kill someone she is holding beause she has had a change of heart. It's not that she has suddenly started caring about others, but in her eyes, this would mean looking too much like Casey. Of course, there's no way George will get Kelly to not do anything she has thought about doing.

As for the end of the chapter: Kelly has actually considered that if she hurts Lisa too much, to the point of actually killing her, this could end up causing a massive growth spurt. She is aware of the possibility. All over their very unbalanced fight she has tried to hurt her while not getting too far, on one hand because of this and on the other hand because she still has some affection for Lisa. So, when she has tossed her half a county away she has taken a calculated risk, betting that this would not be enough to kill Lisa, which is the only thing that would end up triggering another growth spurt...

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