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Reviewer: diesel Signed [Report This]
Date: May 15 2017 5:46 AM Title: Chapter 1

Sharon King, shrinking. Now I feel stupid. Great idea. Points to you.

Reviewer: Duggernaut Signed [Report This]
Date: October 06 2016 6:09 PM Title: Chapter 1

Interesting depiction of the food chain. Quirky interlude. Let's see what machinations you've in store. :)

Author's Response: Thanks! It took me all summer to do the background research, so I could keep the zoological terms straight.

Reviewer: Duggernaut Signed [Report This]
Date: June 09 2016 4:45 PM Title: Chapter 1

You are going all out! Keep it up.

Author's Response: I will do my best. :-)

Reviewer: Duggernaut Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 08 2016 11:52 AM Title: Chapter 1

Suddenly I have an image of John Hurt aboard the Nostromo...

Author's Response: Insert sneaky giggling, here. ;-)

Reviewer: Duggernaut Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 03 2016 6:21 AM Title: Chapter 1

All caught up! I still enjoy the voice you've employed to tell this tale and as always your attention to minutiae weaves a compelling and plausible framework to gives this story. All this horsing around...

Author's Response: Thank you. And, nice going with that last-second pun, there. :-)

Reviewer: Duggernaut Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 20 2015 4:34 PM Title: Chapter 1

It has been awhile but worth the wait. Still very much enjoying.

Author's Response: Always good to hear. :-)

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 06 2015 2:28 PM Title: Chapter 1

Interested to see where this goes...

Author's Response: I'll do my best to show you.

Reviewer: Duggernaut Signed [Report This]
Date: August 06 2015 2:20 PM Title: Chapter 1

I like the start, particularly the attention to detail typical to your work, and I'm curious to see where you take this tale.

Author's Response: Thanks! In the meantime, if you get the chance, peruse the Old Archive for this tale's inspiration. You can find it in the Titles section under "S" (for "Stranded").

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