Date: June 05 2016 4:56 PM Title: At the Witch's Pleasure
Very well done story! Shame we didn't get to see any more night elf action but everything was amazing! Hope you come back to this one day or add something new, cheers!

Date: January 26 2015 9:35 PM Title: At the Witch's Pleasure
Wow where o start with this story.
I'm an avid fan of WoW and game/Anime related stories so this immediately peaked my interests.
The plot was actually that, a real plot and that's always a plus since many stories here lack one that I find enjoyable so this was a thrilling change of pace.
The fact your grammar was impeccable made my day, not a single error I could see even when you did the accent for the troll.
The scenes o m god the scenes. Perfection, nothing else but perfection.
All and all this story deserves a 5 out of 5 in my book and what I'm giving this, never stop writing my friend your talent is real and I'm eager for more.
Date: January 25 2015 2:06 PM Title: At the Witch's Pleasure
I really like it even though it's non-human giantesses. Is there going to be a sequel? I would really like to read more.