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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: April 21 2015 11:54 PM Title: Chapter 1

I wouldn't be surprised if I saw "Giantess Carla" by Benton next week.

Summary: We continue our journey with former contestants Andy and Carla and see how their relationship is going. (Must read shrinking show season 2 first).

Size roles: F/m, Giantess

Tags: Creative, insertion, Sadistic, Kinky, Crazy, Insertion, bra, panties, more insertion.

That would be awesome.

Author's Response:

Without giving too much a way, much of Carla and Andy's story is already written. Whether I will post that soon or not is still undecided by me at this point.

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 21 2015 1:34 PM Title: Chapter 1

ANDY, congratz you're doomed for rest of your life !!!!!!!!!!!! storyline wise it could be interesting bcz that open several scenariis like what if andy is found by an unknown. it could be an scandal for betty.  

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 09 2015 12:03 PM Title: Chapter 1

I gotta say, Jerry not winning is a definite upset here.


See! I'm not alone !

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 09 2015 3:29 AM Title: Chapter 1

Oh come on Benton, jerry should've won this plus Marie is sweet girl and deserved immunity, great scenes tough. just hope the next shows will al least a male (good hearted) winner! 

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03 2015 2:57 PM Title: Chapter 1

GO Jerry, go jerry, im gender equality a woman won last season let a cool guy like jerry this!!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Could happen!

Reviewer: Nhencjnde Signed [Report This]
Date: March 30 2015 8:33 PM Title: Chapter 1

Hi. It´s me again.

Volví a tu blog para ver si había alguna clase de adición referente a tus futuros proyectos. No quiero sonar ansioso ni desesperado, pero mentiria si contradiciere esos sentimientos; sobro todo de tus proyectos principales. Así que, me tope con la ídea que tienes para una historia, sobre camioneros espaciales y maquinas dispensadoras de personas. Sinceramente, para mi, no es algo que esperaría leer con entuciasmo desde la perspectiva que piensas manejar la trama: un camionero enamorado de una mujer pequeña, quien esta enamorada de un hombre de su mismo tamaño. Como escribes, habra algunas mujeres camioneras, pero esto tampoco me incitaria a leerla con febril emoción. Sin embargo, es una idea interesante y estoy seguro que habra gente que disfrutara de ella. Inclusive, puede ser que la trama sea lo que me atrapé. Solo dire que decides dar carta blanca para comenzar a escribirla, una vez que la publiques, la leeré. Con posible ecepticismo, pero como he dicho antes, soy de mente abierta y no la juzgare antes de haber leido parte de ella.

Si mi comentario te ofendio de algun modo, de antemano te ofresco una disculpa.

Sin nada más que añadir, me despido.

Bye :)

Author's Response:

It always makes me happy when people check my blog! The "Space Trucker" idea was something that just occurred to me a few days ago. I dowbt I'll be working on the idea soon, but who knows? My interests shift quite a bit and I'm not sure one moment from the next what I want my main project to be. Yes, it will be a little different as the story will be mostly M/f rather than F/m, but I like to explore that end of the fetish as well from time to time.

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 25 2015 5:26 AM Title: Chapter 1

@ Benton, I forgot a word in my last post. so i meant to say that I want Jerry to be the winner even if Betty keep HIM at 4 inches.

Author's Response:

AH, I see.

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24 2015 2:01 PM Title: Chapter 1

Giantess fantasy apart, I want Jerry to be the winner even if Betty keep at 4 inches! 

Author's Response:

Betty likes to be large and in charge, so I dowbt she would let herself willingly be shrunk for any reason. However, I do like SW as well as GTS, and it is entirely possible that he may win, and if he does, there are several shrunken women with which he could potentially have a good time!

Reviewer: Nhencjnde Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23 2015 10:38 PM Title: Chapter 1

Hi. It´s me again.

Solo escribo para comentar que, depues de haber leido la respuesta de mi anterior comentario, volví a tu blog para buscar el pequeño resumen de la historia que me podría interesar al que haces referencia en tu respuesta, y debo decir que me tope con más de lo que pude haber imaginado. Primero debo aclarar que si no comente antes esto, fue porque la primera vez que revise tu blog (uno que tiene buenas ideas y buenos argumentoas debo añadir) no encontre nada deferente al la historia que señalabas, solo fue hasta que decidí implementar una busqueda más exaustiva (que en realidad se trato de acer click por los diferentes vinculos de cada título) y descubrí el resumen al que te referias, y en serio que me dejo anonadado.

No quiero sonar como si menospreciara tus demás proyectos, pero este en especial es el que más me ha llamado la atención. Tus demas historias tiene ideas muy buenas y, sobre todo "Las Viudas Negras" y "La Mujer Dragón" (otro proyecto que espero con febril entusiasmo) son las que más me han atraído por su premisa: hombres siendo tratados como meros objetos sin más valor que el que las mujeres les dan. Soy fan de este tipo de historias, y basandome en tus anteriores escritos, puedo decir que, aunque no traten los conceptos más apetecibles que con frecuencia se tratan estas historias (y por la respuesta a mi último comentario puedo decir que estas implemntando algunos cuantos de los conceptos clasicos o darle alguna especie de matiz dentro de la obra), si que sabras mantener al lector al borde de la pantalla. Pero la razón por la que creo que "The Strand" estará por ensima de estas obras, desde mi punto de vista, son por los siguentes puntos:

-Primero. Una vieja clasica: "El Bien contra El Mal". Esto supone mucha especulación de mi parte y solo me hace pensar ¿qué clase de enfrentamiento se llevara a cabo entre los dos bandos?, ¿comó se desarrollara toda la historia hasta el atercado final? ¿en qué circunstancias se veran envueltos los personajes para verse involucrados en todo esto? Una trama contestando este tipo preguntas ya es más que suficiente para sostenar una historia por si sola.

-Segundo. Trama poco convencional. Un virus encogiendo el 99,5% de la población mundial es algo que por si solo ya es poco convencional, pero que es de esperarse de historias de este tipo, Pero lo que más llama la atencion desde este punto de vista es la referencia que haces para señalar tu obra: "Stephen King". Soy un gran admirador del autor. De los libros que ha mi país han llegado, solo he leído algunos pocos en un país tercermundista (la lectura no parece una prioridad relativa en el tiempo libre de las personas y los libros terminan siendo un mal negocio si no te hubicas en el areá geografics sdecuada), y aunque no he leído su obra "The Stand" (creo que en español se conoce como "Apocalipsis"), con todas las demás referencias que tengo de el, sus historias son muchas cosas, pero no convencionales. Personas combirtiendose en extraterestres (Tommynoykers). Demonios habriendo tiendas de articulos ("Needful Things"). Autos habriendo portales a otros universos (Buick 8). Este hombre sabe como dejar al espectador con la boca abierta, y tu historia basandose en una obra de él me ayuda a saber con que clase de trama puedo enfrentarme.

-Tercera, y creo que la más relevante para mi. Ambición. El resumen solo me hace suponer una cosa: quieres contar una historia. En ningun momento parece que la premisa satisfacera ningun fetiche y eso es algo por lo que siento que es algo que la esta historia tracendera. Algunas solo quieren compartir una trama superficial donde los personajes apenas se pueden sentir como personas reales y todo se desenvuelve en circunstancias tan iverosimiles que nadie puede tomar enserio, y ver historias que rechazan este tipos de tendencias es apuntar más alto. Estas son las historias que dejan un estado melancolico y una sensación de vacío porque sientes que dejas algo atras tuyo entre las paginas, como si enrealidad haigas compartido una experiencia real con los personajes o sido testigo de importantentes acontecimientos de sus historia, de sus vidas.

No quiero hacerte sentir comprometido a entregar una historia solo por mis palabras. Solo comparto mis pensaientos de lo que ahora siento por tu proyecto basandome en lo que logre entender del resumen. Todo esto esta señalado desde mi perspectiva.

También quisiera agregar un comentario rapido de tu pequeño proyecto "La Mujer Dragón". Como ya deje claro anteriormente, la historia me tiene emocionado, sobre todo el como planteas la premisa: hombres siendo engañados, capturados, encogidosy vendidos y mujeres para hacer de ellos lo que les plasca. Casi puedo decir que me suena a la premisa de "Hostel", solo que en vez de pagar para torturar, pagan para poseerlos. Lo unico que quisiera preguntar es ¿qúe clase de trama manejara la historia? Tu pequeño resumen no aclara mucho esta parte. Solo quisiera saber como planeas manejar este pequeño proyecto.

Si mi comentario te ofendio de algun modo, de antemano te ofresco una disculpa.

Sin nada más que añadir, me despido.

Bye :)

Author's Response:

Don't apologize, I love long comments like this! Once again I'm sorry if Google Translate butchered your comment and anything was lost in translation, but as I don't know Spanish it's the only way I can understand what you've written. My two years of high school Spanish are a long way in the past by now :(

I'm really glad you checked out my blog! I try to direct people over there every now and then, but I don't want to be obnoxious and spam my blog link on every single chapter so I only put it up every now and then, usually when I have just written a new entry.

I really like the premise for my Dragon Women story, but I'm still working out the details for that one. At this point I have several characters and situations developed, but I don't have a concrete idea about the direction I want to take the plot in. I have a few ideas, and at some point I will work it out into a cohesive story. One idea I have for the story is taking a leaf out of SomeRRight's "Power" and have every other chapter flip back and forth in time, with the odd chapters telling about the protagonist's life with Hu (or whatever I'm going to have her name be), and the even chapters telling the story about how he got in this situation: how he came to China, what life was like in the Shrunken Man store, and so on. I might not get to this story for a while, but it is definitely one I want to write.

I've gotten pretty far with "The Strand", by which I mean I've written about 100 pages but still feel like I'm just starting. As The Stand itself is a very long book (over 450,000 words in the uncut edition!) it is very likely that The Strand will surpass Season Two in length. I have tons and tons of characters planned out, many original, many gender-flipped "expats" from The Stand. Since you are familiar with Stephen King you might have heard about Randall Flagg--I am writing a female Randal Flagg-like character who is going to be the leader of the forces of evil! The leader of the Good forces will be an elderly black man, as opposed to an elderly black woman as in The Stand. I am also very fond of the Evil character who is the analog of the Trashcan Man--I call her either "Trash Bin Lynn" or "Garbage Pail Gail", but her actual name is Phyllis, and I've already written her introduction. She is a strange and intreaguing character and some might find her somewhat sympathetic--but she's ultimately a twisted and evil character and I absolutely love the introduction I've given her.

Speeking of things already written for "The Strand", I have written the introduction of Ashley, the main Good character, a normal 16-year-old schoolgirl who has found herself thrust into a horrible situation and then one of leadership following the events of the "Great Shrink". Her introduction is possibly my favorite thing in the GTS world that I've written so far. I might actually upload this chapter (which is about 30 Microsoft Word pages, a.k.a about the length of 3 Season Two chapters) on its own because it actually can stand on its own as a short story. It was my first foray into the darker world of the GTS fetish and is filled with domination, humiliation, crushing, and vore, and the more I wrote the more I felt myself sucked in. I might upload this chapter after Season Two is done and before I start uploading "Shrink U", my current project.

Unlike the Dragon Women and even The Black Widows to some degree, I have a very good idea about the plot of The Strand and I know how it's going to end, which characters are going to survive the end of the novel, etc. Along with The Black Widows it is my maginum opus, and I want it to be good. And yes, almost every aspect of the fetish makes its apperance in this story, most multiple times. I'm looking forward to sharing it with everybody! As you pointed out the story is very ambitious, and even if I worked on it regularly it would take many months to finish. But I will work on it!

Thank you again for your comment and your words! They really do motivate me to keep writing!

Reviewer: Nhencjnde Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18 2015 8:52 PM Title: Chapter 1

I´m sorry for my language but my english is limited and I can´t communicate my ideas fine. I hope you understar.


No hay palabras para describir la cara de anonadamiento que las premisas de tus nuevos proyectos me han dejado en el semblante. 

No finjire diciendo que he seguido tu trabajo efusivamente. Sería hipocrita de mi parte. Ley tu historia "Shrinkuccino" y consiguientemente "The Shrinking Show", y aunque, practicamente las considero un diez, mentiria si dijiera que más de una vez mi atención se desenfocaba y mis ojos vagaban hacia la nada.

No es que no fuesen buenas. Pero, desgraciadamente, me resulto tedioso cada nuevo capítulo al carecer de mis conceptos preferidos, o, en concreto, concepto: los pies.

Tal vez la razón principal fue que las leí en la epoca en que las primeras historias que leí que ofrecian una trama trabajada, con personajes con identidad y conflictos propios, fueron historias donde el concepto de los pies tenia una participación profunda en la historia, tales como "Homunculo" de Cayce o "A Little Blackmail" de Jacksmith, donde el autor le daba una justificación creible al concepto sin terminar pareciendo exagerado o colocados a la fuerza. Y tus historias, al carecer de conceptos atractivos como estos, en realidad parecian pasar por debajo de mi radar. Fue con la llegada de Zanderas y su historia "After Shrink High " que me desprendí por completo de este concepto y comence a abrir mi mente a nuevas horizontes.

Si volviera a leer tus historias, y viendo que has vulto para terminar la segunfda temporada de "The Shrink Show", es muy posible que lo haga, estoy seguro que encontraría con algo totalmente difrente a lo que vi por primera vez. 

Ahora, tal vez esten surgiendo algunas preguntas respecto al timpo. Para tratar de esclareser esas pequeña dudas, te comento que yo soy del tipo de persona que espera a que la historia haiga terminado para comensar a leerla y "After Shrink High" termino de escribirse 17 dias despues de que terminaras las tuyas; y cuando publicastes la nueva temporada, al haber leido tus historias antes de mi nuevo enfoque de perspectiva, y siendo esta nueva temporada solo una nueva historia, usando el mismo escenario, no senti la necesidad de retomarlas. Solo ahora que has retomado la segunda temporada, y estas embarcado en nuevos proyectos, uno de ellos siendo una secuela, me han hecho mirar en restrospectiva y cavilar sobre ellas.

Ahora que ya termine con esta... "pequeña introducción", quisiera continuar comentando que estoy emocionado con tus nuevas historias. La premisa de tu primer proyecto es la que más me ha llamado la atención, aunque decir que el enfoque que tendra la trama no es muy llamativo para mi. Me gustaria que fuese la hisoria de un hombre tratando de huir de esta secta maligna. Pero de una mujer entrando a formar parte de ella, debo admitir, suena interesante, sobre todo si ella es descripta como un alma gentil y transformada en un ser cruel. Y sobre todo, tratar de darle una justificación a los actos tan moralmente cuestionables de estas mujeres hacia los hombres, es una historia que merece la pena explorar.

La secula de "Shrinkuccino" es algo que también espero con apenas controlable emoción. De lo poco que puedo recordar de la primera parte es también lo que considero la parte más atractiva de la trama: la relación entre Jackie y nuestro narrador anónimo. En serio, lo que recuerdo de esta mujer es lo juguetona, cariñosa y atractiva que puede llagar a ser. Ansio ver a donde llegara a parar su relación, si es que hay una; recuerda que recuerdo poco de la historia.

La tercera es, ironicamente, la que esta al ultimo de mis prioridades por leer, pero no por ello no la leere una vez que sea publicada. Tu resumen no enclarece demasiado de ella, pero estoy seguro que sabrá atrapar al lector de princio a fin.

Antes de terminar, quisiera añadir una ultima pregunta. Se que, basandome en tus escritos anteriores, tus historias no se enfocan en los conceptos clasicos: como los pies, el vore, butt, etc. Pero retomando el resumen de tu primer proyecto, me ha venido la pregunta ¿trataras este tipo de conceptos en tus nuevas historias?, más en concreto, la primera y la tercera.

Si mi comentario te ofendio de algun modo, te hizo sentir incomodo o lo sentistes como fuera de lugar y nada tiene que ver con los comentarios que tu esperabas resivir, por favor hazmelo saber, lo ultimo que quiero es incomodarte y me disculpo de antemano si fue así.

Sin nada más que añadir, me despido.

Bye :)

Author's Response:

Hi, thanks for your detailed response! Unfortunitely, I don't know Spanish so I had to run your comment through Google Translator, which probably mangled it, but I still think I got the gyst of what you were saying.

It is true that my older stories don't include much if any feet, crush, or vore. I was never much of a foot person starting out. However, having said that, I must admit that having spent years in the GTS community since then Feet are starting to grow on me a bit. Now I'm not saying that I'm going to go out and write a story that's entirely foot-based, but feet are definitely starting to play a bigger role in my more modern stories. Also, I was a quite different person when I was younger; I couldn't get into the more brutal parts of GTS. However, I went through a major personality shift a couple years after the Shrinking Show was written, and now I fully embrace the darker sides of the fetish. Crushing and Vore are definitely things that pop up a lot more frequently in my stories than they used to.

I'm glad you liked the ideas for the stories I'm working on! I'm very excited to be doing them. Your idea about focusing on a little man escaping from an evil cult is an interesting one, however, in the case of the Black Widows, none live long enough to make that a viable idea, lol. The transformation story of Emma is something I find very compelling to write about. As for Shrinkuccino two, I'm glad you feel basically the same way about Jackie as I do, and I am looking forward to writing more about her. And Shrink U is coming along quite nicely--in fact I'm going to get back to writing after replying to these comments!

To answer your final question, yes, feet, vore, even butt, are going to start appearing more in my stories. One thing you might like is "The Strand", which I summarised in brief on my blog. I haven't worked on it actively in a while, but I can tell you that there is much written for it already, and those parts already contain at least one butt scene, multiple crushing scenes, and some vore. There are some pretty crazy people in that story! There might also be some "gentle" foot scenes in there as well later on.

Thanks for your comment! It's pretty much impossible to make me feel awkard or uncomfertable talking about any of this, and I don't mind of the comment goes off the expected tract--in fact, I welcome it, because I like talking about the broader ideas and concepts.

See you!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 15 2014 1:55 AM Title: Chapter 1

Sorry, I think my review looks painful to the eyes.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 13 2014 2:40 AM Title: Chapter 1

In addition, I don't see how Jerry or Vera will win. I can't picture them having a good time with Betty. I think it comes down to Carla and Marie.

In season 1, Sherri returned from Betty and won the season. Perhaps Carla can do the same. Carla and Betty will defiantly get along.

Speaking of Carla and Betty. I think Carla is truly the sex master. She surprised Betty in the doll house act, and is basically controlling Andy.

Betty got jealous of Carla or admires her, so she copied Carla's actions to get Andy's attention.

Now back in the compound, we have Marie, Carla, Vera, and Jerry. 3 girls, 1 guy. Hmmmm. Then Sherri comes along, make it 4 girls, 1 guy. Lucky Jerry.

The next competition is a physical competition. Jerry is the only guy, so he probably will having a lot of fun in there. But will he be tough enough to fight a girl? That could be interesting.

Back to the winner choice, it feels like it is really close to Carla. I mean, she loves Betty, unlike any of the other 3 contestants. Carla loves dominating tinies. She can toy with Andy while Sherri toys with Tom. Carla might even buy a shrinking machine with her million and buy Andy. Lol. Seems kinda realistic every time I think about it.

This story just gets better and better!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 11 2014 11:57 PM Title: Chapter 1

I agree with antitee. I really want Carla for queen.

@Antitee, I agree with those votes, except the one for Marie.

Hailey is the reason why Marie is afraid of being small. Hailey suggested putting Marie inside her. It kinda ruined Marie's dreams about shrinking and turned them into nightmares.

Marie kinda fears Hailey for scaring her and Carla for getting tangled with Andy. She is also upset with Paul and Dale for fighting.

So I think Marie could vote for anyone. She had rough experiences with all those 'naughty' people.

Im still rooting for Carla to win! :)

Reviewer: riczar Signed [Report This]
Date: September 11 2014 6:14 AM Title: Chapter 1

I've finally caught up!  This series is great!  You can definitely tell that you're writing has matured over the years.  I like this 2nd group better then the 1st.  In the 1st, there were only a couple of characters I cared about, but I care just about every member of this group.  I hope that Dale can somehow get it back together before he returns to normal life or he's going to have some problems.  Its interesting that some of the more permanant couplings are with people from season one.  I'm not sure if Tom and Carla are long term, but I suppose its possible.  I wonder what Betty intends to do with her former scientist colleagues in the long term?  She doesn't seem like an evil person, just selfish and self absorbed.  I can't imagine her killing them when she's done with them, but she can't let them go either as she stole their tech and kidnapped them.  I can't imagine her willing to give them "treats" forever either.  Maybe she'll set up a little shrinking community with willing and not so willing people that might give them a chance of a "normal" life.  I look forward to how this all develops!

Author's Response:

I'm glad you like it! Yes, I like the second group better than the first. And I do have a bit of an "arch" planned for this series if I ever write Seasons Three through Five, so you'll see some of how this plays out!

Reviewer: lancealot501 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 09 2014 12:53 PM Title: Chapter 1

I have been reading this and loving it so far. I was only disappointed when sherri wouldn't shrink Jerry for Haily to have fun with. I would love to read what would have happened

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 03 2014 3:25 PM Title: Chapter 1

Sweet! Ancient Relic has the same guess as me! Let's see if we're right! :)

Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 16 2014 5:57 AM Title: Chapter 1

I thought that you get eliminated when you shrunk at 1/25...Paul is at 1/16 of his size

Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 16 2014 5:55 AM Title: Chapter 1

Why did Paul get eliminated? I thought that the elimination was supposed to be at 1/25

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: July 29 2014 10:23 PM Title: Chapter 1

Hey Benton, if you go to Youtube, there is this giantess channel called CrushGuy05. He has some good clips and stories there. I recomend you check it out.

You could also find his channel by simply typing in "Giantess" in the search box of youtube. His "A giantess story" series are my favorite videos.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: July 25 2014 3:48 PM Title: Chapter 1

@Ancient Relic, ok. I will take a look. Thanks.

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