Date: March 30 2024 10:58 PM Title: Prologue
Amazing story
Date: March 25 2024 12:56 PM Title: Prologue
I love Saturn Seven! What an amazing one-of-a-kind masterpiece. I am only at chapter 8 and it’s already blowing up my mind!
In my personal opinion, Saturn Seven is a Giantess Power Fantasy that is unparalleled in scope, scale and depth. The power dynamics are multi-faceted and incredibly fleshed out. I love that power is not only acheived through standard simple violence, but by many other creative ways as well, e.g., Laura creating Lauraville to serve her.
I also really love the setting of having Janna and Laura stranded in this new strange fantasy world where they initially focus on survival, and then re-defining their lives with respect to the tiny inhabitants, while also discovering how much they both enjoy the power dynamics it entails.
Regarding the main characters, they seem very realistic and credible in terms of their motivation and the actions they take. I really love the work done on the psychology side in terms of their god complex. I especially love how Janna initially starts taking actions from practical and noble considerations (e.g., eating, working creating a better world) but quickly realizes that she also actually enjoys her Giantess status in this fantasy strange world where they are free to do as they want. The story arcs and side characters as well as the lore and fantasy elements are all so well written, and the overall world and factions that live in it seem alive and complex.
Anyways, this story is blowing up my mind, really it’s all I can think about (even at work… damn). I hope this finds you well.

Date: July 19 2023 11:00 PM Title: Chapter 56
Great chapter even though I missed the previous chapter and had to read it. But I did and I’m up to speed now.
First of all I’m extremely disappointed my favorite character is dead but the dynamic of Janna and Christina is fantastic. I didn’t even consider that after all this time Christina and Steve would turn into a couple. Great job of Janna’s writing here cause she’s as shocked as I am however she sees Christina as competition for Steve and I can’t wait to see where that goes.
Was kinda glad and sad to see the giant zombie dude because I was right about him and that always feels good and sad because now something on Saturn Seven is bigger and stronger than Janna and Laura. I’m still kinda reserved on the dark wizard( or whatever he is) don’t really know how I feel about him.
But the fact that they have a chance to finally get their suitcases whilst does his mission is icing on the cake. I hope that the have tents and some kind of weapons be it just a metal rod or whatever along with survival gear of some kind(flashlight, flint fire starter and maybe even some MREs).Wish they’d have soap, toothpaste, lotion and possibly nail polish and maybe even a razor. Who knows(except you) but the possibilities are kinda endless. But I really hope one of them packed a dildo.
Great chapter and I cannot wait to see more.
PS the addition of these other people landing on Saturn Seven responding to a distress call(we don’t know yet if it’s Janna and Laura they are referring to or the others don’t know if it matters yet but it’s a neat distinction. And I don’t really know what to expect from these new characters except it’s going to be fun to read what happens next.

Date: July 09 2023 9:05 PM Title: Chapter 56
I have been waiting YEARS for Christina and Steve to be reunited with the Lara and Janna...and it was worth the wait! Any scene between Janna and Christina was GOLD! My favorite scene was Janna cleaning Christina and then using her as toilet paper. I'm going to LOVE seeing more scenes between those two. I realize that this will likely not happen but part of me is hoping that Christina takes the giantesses up on their offer for a threesome and she finds she actually likes being used by giantesses as a sex toy, and as a result...these four all become one big open relationship! Like I said, I know that's unlikely but a guy can dream, can't he? lol
Date: October 08 2022 9:28 PM Title: Chapter 1
The action is very nice, and there’s a good use of pacing and flow in the story, as you used multiple perspectives for that. I would just like a bit more description for the action scenes themselves.
Author's Response:
I'll try to be more descriptive. Thanks!
Date: September 19 2022 11:54 AM Title: Chapter 53
Wait, is Furio dead!? Please don't let it be so. Please let it be part of some ruse, and not have him get killed offscreen like this. It's a testament to how long this story has been going on (for years) that you get attached to some of the characters that have been there for years, and while it becomes a little hard to keep track of some of the newer characters, and the characters that come and go, Furio has been there since nearly the beginning. The weird dynamic between the free spirited giant girls and the serious and resourceful old wizard is a recurring highlight of the story. He's the closest thing the girls (or at least Janna) have to a friend, to the point that others amusingly assume that he controls them, and he's the only "tiny" that they respected enough to confide their true origins to. His point of view confusion about earth technology was an amusing highlight. His straight man role and interesting point of view perspective to Janna and Laura's immaturity is a lot of fun, and his knowledge and intelligence make the character a good conduit through which to impart information to the reader to. He's got the interesting position of being the one "tiny" that the girls (or at least Janna) respect enough to really care about.
That's not to say that he's a helpless pet. He seems to be the kind of guy whose knowledge, abilities, and potential, the empire overlooked, until he used his resourcefulness to hand one of the girls their first defeat. And to make it more impressive, once the spell wore off, and Janna realised what happened, she didn't seek revenge, but instead came to respect him. And in Chapter 26 when the girls were rendered helpless by the demon worshipper it was "little" Furio who had to rescue them, and defeat the guy who even they couldn't handle, with a technique that frightened even them, in what had to be the most crowning moment of awesome for a character who isn't Janna or Laura in the story thus far.
A lot of characters have been killed off in this story. I just hope that this interesting, and longtime, stalwart character can get a reprieve and continue to defy the odds.
Author's Response:
This made me laugh so hard! Thanks!
Also, I never thought anybody would get emotionally invested in any of the characters. Unwise, if I may say so, whatever the circumstances.

Date: September 18 2022 3:33 AM Title: Chapter 53
glad to see this back. cant help but feel really bad for thorsten though. also i cant wait to see janna's reaction to seeing dari face-to-facefor the first time, hope there could be some sexual tension between them(laura too). of course thats if dari doesnt piss off janna by trying to kill either one of them. krool is weirdly turning into a likable character.
ps i hope that the powers that be bring back jake to wipe out varg's army
anyways great chapter and i cant wait to see more.
Author's Response:
I knew you would spot that. Great work, I'm really glad someone did! I was getting scared nobody could see the foreshadowing. You're completely wrong on all the rest, though :D Thanks!

Date: September 15 2022 7:38 AM Title: Prologue
Great stuff, happy to see so much detail given beforehand and world building. Helps immerse into the world. I like how it’s a bit more of a slower burn into the story too, it really feels like it’s setting up for a grand tale.
I know you’ve gone way past chapter 1 by now, but I do think for this chapter specifically, a bit more description per scenario after they landed would have been nice.
Author's Response:
Hey, thanks! Yeah, I was a bit overeager to get into the action in the beginning. I didn't know it would become such a long book at the time.
Date: September 15 2022 5:22 AM Title: Chapter 52
Glad to see you are still updating. I liked the high Laura getting the muchies as a GTS on something akin to weed. Was a neat concept.

Date: September 14 2022 11:04 PM Title: Prologue
I wasn't sure if this story had died but happy to see it hasn't cheers. Interesting change the shrinking thing.
Date: November 05 2021 3:39 PM Title: Prologue
Don't worry, the pictures are NOT here :D
What is here is a broken link to an image somewhere on your computer - it's only a problem if you don't want people to know that your username begins with a 'j' and you use windows; on the other hand, I guess it also acts as a reminder that people can pay for the version with images :)
Author's Response:
The version with pictures is absolutely free. They're not really pictures either, just map bits and family crests and stuff like that. Nothing major. Thanks for letting me know.
Date: November 04 2021 5:51 PM Title: Prologue
Just a tiny thing in the grand "more work for squashed123" tradition - whatever you're doing to get the html is screwing up the images, they render as local links like file:///C:/Users/Jelte/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg (and I don't have msoffice installed, so don't ask me how to fix that)
As a wild guess, if you can view the images ok on your computer, you should have some way to say that you want to save the page as a single file, the exact wording depends on you browser, and that should include images - or you can try extensions like singlefile, but honestly I would just ask someone here how they added pictures to their story.
Good luck & good work
Author's Response: Oh, shoot! Pictures are not supposed to be on here. They're for the PDF-Version. Guess I'll have to manually remove them when I paste my text into the editor?
Date: September 22 2021 9:22 PM Title: Prologue
I hate that I'm late to this legendary series. I'm hooked after chapter 1! And now I've put them all on my Kindle. This story is amazing! Great work!

Date: March 02 2021 8:57 PM Title: Chapter 50
Fantastic! Was glad to see this story back.
I don't know why but I'm more intrigued than even with Janna and Laura. Although my favorite character is probably Dari. I still hold out hope that Steve and Christina are alive and will be reunited with the two towering titanesses.
I remember being interested in what's her name with her army of giant ogresses however, now I hope to see either Janna or Laura squash the bitch.
Now I wonder if that conversation with Sly and the loon are about Janna and Laura's former pilot? If so well done, I'd completely forgotten about him.
Well great story and I can't wait to see more.
PS I loved the length of this latest chapter.
Author's Response:
So glad to hear from you! The conversation between Krool and Sly, observed by Andarion, is not really about any former plot but about a very crucial future plot point. Perhaps you should read it again, because there's massive foreshadowing in there. Frankly, I'm baffled nobody has mentioned this so far.

Date: February 28 2021 6:19 AM Title: Chapter 50
I was just thinking about this story a couple days ago. It was one of the first ones I read that motivated me to start writing. Glad to see you on it again. This was another fantastic chapter... and this story is one of the best. To be honest, I didn't make it all the throught the chapter...but what I did get through was awesome fun. The catapult flinging people into her mouth was so hot and great to read! I will definetely come back to finish, but in the mean time, thank you for adding to it again!
Author's Response:
Thank you! That's a real honour. I love the Beaumonts and All in a Day's Work.
Date: January 07 2021 4:35 AM Title: Prologue
The Return of the King/Queen! I love you work!!
Date: May 21 2020 11:30 PM Title: Chapter 47
Of course these evil bitches are atheistic
Date: May 21 2020 10:16 PM Title: Chapter 2
Its quite a leap for a righteous girl like Janna suddenly decide to eat people alive

Date: March 31 2019 6:47 PM Title: Chapter 48
The dream/fever induced hallucinations for Jenna which was seemingly caused by her eating Boyfuckers' diseased men has impacted Jenna in an irrevocable way.
Not gonna lie, I was a bit disappointed when I learned that it was dragons instead of an earthly spacecraft however, my whiny bullshit outta the way. Dragons are an amazing addition to this incredible world you've created. I can't wait till the bigger/smarter dragons are showcased.
The part that I really enjoyed was when Laura put a hit out on 'the chosen one' using Dari as her assassin which I think was the first time Dari has done so in the story(sure she's killed numerous people and several giants but this seems to be our first time seeing her carryout a contract). Which would make sense why she was so rusty, that makes her more relatable and endearing in my opinion and I like her character even more. Like when she was at risk of being tortured she seems to relive both her previous torture sessions or a kind of traumatic induced episode. In my opinion Franka set her up hoping she'd get caught or killed. Then again nobody knew that the duke was at this stronghold or that the other guy was in league with him pretty much right after swearing allegiance to Laura. Still don't find Franka trustworthy however but then again who is?
And you've added a completely new element to this story with the addition of Linbirg Madahild Farnwart. I'm probably more intrigued by this development than maybe anything else at the moment, now that's saying something because this story is superb.

Date: March 25 2019 6:19 AM Title: Chapter 48
So glad this legendary story is updated more frequently as of lately!