Reviews For Erica's House
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Reviewer: Glaazius Signed [Report This]
Date: January 09 2022 5:02 PM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

Hey! Just found this story on amazon and finished it in two sessions.

What can I say?...

It was great! Really well written. And I think I'm in love with Erica. So adorable, yet so powerful.

Reviewer: Nodqfan Signed [Report This]
Date: September 30 2016 7:20 AM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

I was glad I could help you out on this story.

Author's Response:


Reviewer: reversehero Signed [Report This]
Date: September 04 2016 12:04 AM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

where is chapter 8 it only goes up to chapter 7 for me is something wrong?

Author's Response:

Chapter 8 has not been posted.

Reviewer: MrSirk Signed [Report This]
Date: September 03 2016 5:39 AM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

What happened to Brittany?!...I swear if you hurt her!....Pffft I'm joking. Her leaving was the natural evolution of her character.

Now real talk uh....Real....(irs)......I kind of really want to write a story in your universe. I really see some potential there and I've been thinking of doing something since I've disappeared for actual real life YEARS!..ew. Maybe with a cameo from Brittany or the Rockwell house because I would actually have to! So I'm asking. Please?!

Author's Response:

Ummmm.....YEAH!  That would be flipping awesome.  Shoot me an email at if you want to chat about it (which I would love, as I'm a big fan)


Reviewer: MadHatter Signed [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 10:50 PM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

I thought this one had died as well. Very excited to see it return! 



Reviewer: QMajor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 02 2016 10:15 PM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

Here's the thing about detail.  Everyone has experience dealing with small things, picking them up, etc. so we can sort of imagine what it's to be the big one.  But no one has ANY idea what it would be like to be that small.

I mean, hell, people can get intimidated just talking to someone who is 4-5 inches taller than them.  Once you're talking about building size, where they can get right up to you and you can't even see them all at once, you have to focus on parts of them one at a time...

The point is, after getting jaded with it, it's easy to forget that gts stuff would be really intense to experience.  You don't really need a lot of "stuff" to happen if you can actually convey the intensity of it.  The spacial descriptions and details REALLY help to do this, they are not pointless in the slightest.

ps. okay, so part of me was still a little disappointed that Terri got interrupted so early lol

Reviewer: reversehero Signed [Report This]
Date: August 02 2016 11:40 AM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

ok that was the knee jerk comment first off the guy who likes your level of detail i whole heartly agree. and this chapter wasnt junk it filled in a gap in ericas strienth she was willing to make terri her bitch for almost hurting her family and as a personal request let erika dress beautiful someting that says I WILL show you true beauty strienth and power you cold nanotech slut


your work is amazing


Author's Response:

Thanks!  Hope the confrontation with Joy lives up to your expectations.

Reviewer: reversehero Signed [Report This]
Date: August 01 2016 11:18 PM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

I WANT TO SEE THAT ENHANCED BITCH THROWN INTO A MIRCOWAVE CIRUCA metal gear solid 4 of shrunk and crushed under ericas heel or return the mother to normal and let her oh dear lord that that serority bitch i want to see her die horriable she hurt erika

Author's Response:


Reviewer: QMajor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 01 2016 10:30 PM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection


This is one of the very few stories that I will occasionally go back and re-read.  I thought it had joined the graveyard already, never to be completed.

And now it's back, YES!

Honestly I really have to commend you for how well thought-out everything is in this story.  The characters, how they react, every little tiny carefully thought out detail that goes into every scene.  How the power dynamics shift everything in subtle and not so subtle ways.

At this point I'm assuming that you have some sort of portal into an alternate universe where you can just watch this stuff happen.  Otherwise, I have no idea how you manage to come up with ALL THIS DETAIL from imagination.  Admittedly I'm not a writer in the slightest but even I can tell that this shit is really hard.  How??

Anyway, keep it up!  And whatever you do, don't stop writing, you're too damn good at it.

Author's Response:

Thank you very much.  I often worry that the level of detail and constant spatial descriptions will be boring, so I'm relieved to get the positive response.  Genuinely considered junking this entire chapter to get to the big finale.

Reviewer: chip Signed [Report This]
Date: August 01 2016 12:04 PM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

I thought I was going have a heart attack when I saw a new chapter of my favorite story posted. It had been so long I had basically forgotten about it. 

What an amazing chapter too! Your writing style is amazing and portrays the kind of details that make the story come to life. I hope to see more of this soon! 

Btw, can't wait to see what happens with Danielle after her "coming out." 

Author's Response:


I think Danielle's coming out will be limited to the event itself for now, as Danielle said, it's not a big part of her current life plans.  But I'm glad to hear that it wasn't wasted, seriously considered deleting that portion of the chapter and move straight on to Terri's attack on Derrick.

Reviewer: Gille Signed [Report This]
Date: August 01 2016 10:52 AM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

another great chapter! what a douche that chick who got kicked out of erica's house is

Author's Response:

Nah, Terri's allright, she's just...No, she's the worst, Terri is the worst.

Reviewer: edexdexx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 01 2016 9:02 AM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

Another of me letting a story slide past my radar for far too often. I've been meaning to take a read at it, but never got around to it until today. This is a prime example of something super practical done execeptionally well.

The most impressive part to me is how well you  portray what a thin line Erica walks on being the gentle, benevolent, caretaker of her family which she wants to be. Or a patronizing, condescending, ruler who dominates every last aspect of their lives (which worries some of the family). We see her teeter-totter in both realms, where she truly does have everyone's best interest at heart (which keeps her likable).

I'm extremely interested in how Erica's behavior will shift, with how well you portrayed the amount of pressure she's under and how dangerous a lack of proper judgement can be. Which can be a lot to bear on someone who is still a kid

Author's Response: Thank you. Erica still being a kid is at the center of her character, and I'm glad that she stays likable despite frequently veering into her patronizing tyrant character. Thank you so much for the detailed comment.

Reviewer: Nodqfan Signed [Report This]
Date: August 01 2016 8:40 AM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

As a gentle fan myself, I have to say that I have enjoyed this story very much. The characters feel realistic in their interactions with each other, and you can really feel the emotional moments between Erica and her tiny family. I can't wait to see how it all ends.

Author's Response:

Thank you, very appreciative of your taking the time to comment.

Reviewer: zbh Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 01 2016 7:11 AM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

Been waiting for the next chapter forever! Worth the wait, period. Hopefully in the end if Erica manages to save Brit they all realize who is the boss finally, maybe Erica makes them all rub her feet!!!(her shrunken family)

Reviewer: diesel Signed [Report This]
Date: May 29 2016 12:29 AM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

Also looking forward to the continuation of this story.

Reviewer: rygar300 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 22 2016 12:46 PM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

love this story, do you plan on finishing it?

Author's Response:

Yup, very slowly working the final chapters.

Reviewer: Blahblahblahh Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 18 2016 2:19 PM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

Absolutely love this story, I can't wait for the final chapters. I think my favorite aspect of it is the shift in the power dynamic between Erica and her parents, and the way she intimidates them with her presence to show she's in charge now.
I think it would be really awesome if, once everyone has been shrunk down, Erica gives her mother or father a punishment point or does something embarrassing to them in front of the whole family to remind everyone who's in charge going forward.
Keep up the great work!

Author's Response:

Well everyone is shrunk now, so maybe we'll get to see exactly that!

Erica is definitely having the most trouble with her mother, so I would expect to see the little woman finding herself in the hot seat.

Reviewer: Coldsnow Signed [Report This]
Date: January 08 2016 3:30 PM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

Enjoying the story so far. I really love the interactions between Danielle and Erica as it really shows how well Danielle knows Erica. It also makes me wonder, what could have happend if Danielle never gave Erica her advice on how to treat the family. Would she be running herself ragged thinking only of her family and ignoring her own needs, possibly snapping under the weight of the responsibility leading to a much darker place? Anyway, thanks for the story can't wait to read the next chapter.

Author's Response:

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

That's a good question.  I think that without Danielle's guidance, Erica would have become a nervous wreck and would probably have failed in her role.  Or who knows, perhaps she would have grown resentful of the weight of her tiny family, and cracked down on them much harder in retaliation.

Reviewer: diesel Signed [Report This]
Date: November 11 2015 5:55 PM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

Greatly looking forward to when you continue this.
Later ,

Reviewer: Kranz Signed [Report This]
Date: April 27 2015 4:35 AM Title: Chapter 1: Morning Inspection

wow I rellay love this story

You are a great writer all characters are great and make you want to know them better.

so please write a lot of new chapters

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!  Glad you liked it.

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