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Reviewer: timescribe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 09 2013 9:10 PM Title: Chapter 6

And that's the naked truth.

Author's Response: Sad, but true, in itself. :-(

Reviewer: wildcatman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 21 2013 5:44 PM Title: Chapter 6

'Steve, sensing trouble, instinctivly sprang to his feet and started to run.'

  Oh yeah,  I could see that,  he might actually get away,...  OR- he could just, be inadvertantly stirring-up these young giantess' 'Playful-Side'  subconsciously of course,  instantly arousing their feminine nature at being in complete control of the situation...

*Just a bit more more 'pyscho-analisis' there.  I mean,  Hay, if you were in that 'exact' same situation, that's what  any red-blooded )shrunken) man, would do, right?  ;`)

Author's Response: In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny: "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Could be."

Reviewer: Mr_G Signed [Report This]
Date: August 21 2013 3:24 PM Title: Chapter 6

oh dear. They have no respect for shrunken men. And the aliens plan to save us from ourselves. It sounds like something out a B movie. 

That said, I will be reading this story.

Author's Response: Thank you! And, needless to say, this will be tied in with I.O.T.B.T.F.O.S. ;-D

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