Date: November 24 2014 4:24 AM Title: Chapter 1, Le Rétrécissement de Simon
Je laisse encore une review, mais je viens juste de relire ton histoire, et j'en suis encore tout ransporté ! Il faudrait que tu la continues, je t'en supplie... Ou alors peut-être as-tu posté la suite ailleurs, sur un autre site..? J'en sais rien, mais j'aimerai tellement que tu poursuives, je trouve le scénario de cette histoire super intéréssant (quoique pas forcément très recherché, dans le sens où ce n'est pas quelque chose de nouveau), et quand je lis ton commentaire qui dit que la blonde va revenir, être plus importante que Mana et tout ça, je ne peux pas attendre !!
En tout cas, encore félicitations pour ce que tu as déjà partagé, c'est de très grande qualité.. Merci. :)
Et pour répondre à ta question, je pense que oui, la romance a largement sa place dans le monde du giantess, je dirai même qu'elle ne fait qu'embellir l'univers ! :)
Date: August 09 2014 6:48 AM Title: Chapter 1, Le Rétrécissement de Simon
Ce n'est pas courant les histoires en français ! Honnêtement, j'ai vraiment aimé cette histoire, j'espère qu'elle sera continuée ! Cela correspond réellement au genre de choses que j'aime dans le giantess, je t'encourage à poursuivre !
Merci pour ces chapitres en tout cas :)
Date: August 03 2014 11:39 AM Title: Chapter 1, Le Rétrécissement de Simon
Salutation , je viens de lire ton petit roman . C'est pas mal du tout , j'aime beaucoup le lent rétrécissement !
Merci au passage pour m'avoir laissé un commentaire! N'hésite pas à m'en laisser d'autre si tu veux voir quelque chose , ou a des idées!
J'espère que tu feras plus d'histoire dans ce genre et que celle ci sera continuée . Au fait , si tu veux un de ces quatres on pourrait se réunir pour faire une histoire ensemble ? :)
Bye !

Date: June 30 2013 11:50 AM Title: Chapter 1, Le Rétrécissement de Simon
you could send me your bad english version so i can send you a corrected one
Author's Response:
Thanks for that
This story is entirely in French, so I would recommend a translator or expert knowledge.
April 22, 2013.
My name is Simon Tulaketh. Despite my name, I am human, and I do not get a weird video game. I'm 16 and I live with my mother and my big sister, the first 42 years, the second has 19. Personally, I have hair falling to the shoulders, white and I have red eyes. I measure about 1m80 for 54 kilos. I am very shy by nature, and biting with people I do not know. It usually tells me I'm beautiful, but I like too have a daughter.
I deeply love my family, my mother, Flora, could be a better mother she did now. This is a beautiful woman, brown hair reaching to well rounded buttocks. His chest was huge and incredibly well done. Looks like balloons to the touch. I know because I have the touch to make it kiss hello every morning, because it measures 2 meters to 87 pounds.
I also love my sister, Mana, as calm as me, but she tends to blush as soon as a boy addresses to him. I do not often talk to her, but unlike a lot of little brothers, I love my big sister. I do not know if this is mutual. She has brown hair of his mother, arriving the same length, and beautiful clear blue eyes of my late father. His chest was also quite impressive. I've never touched, but I know it is at least the size of my hand.
So on April 22, the first year of high school. I am in my first year of high school, and we are in the second quarter. Obviously, I have no friends in this class, and I systematically reject any type of approach. At the end of court SVT, a very pretty girl stopped me after the door trying to communicate. "Simon? I ... I ..." she stutters. I listen without reacting. She can not talk to this girl is petrified. It annoys me, so I was walking hands without a word. "Wait! Pity, waiting ...". She has tears in her eyes. But I impartiable "Look, I do not talk much, and I would not want to speak out of such debilitated. Off me." I told him, I walked away. I suspect it started to drop tears, but I do not care. 17h, the day is over. I do not live far from the school, so I go home on foot. And then the same girl stopped me, and the puffy red eyes, as if she were crying. She throws herself on me, and I feel that something gets into my stomach. Throbbing pain overwhelms me, and I kneel. There is a person from us. There are no marks on my black shirt, but the pain is there. The girl looks at me, with tears in her eyes back, then runs off to school.
It does not hurt anymore, I get to meet me, I inspect my stomach, lifting my shirt. Nothing. No hole, no blood, no wound. The pain was gone, and I restart to home. I wonder why this girl did it, but above all: What has she done? 17:30 I arrive at my front door, I opened the door. "That's me," I said with my usual calm way, trying to forget this story. "Hello My Heart" immediately replied my mother. No response from my sister, of course. I'll put my bag in my large room tidy (Yes, I'm a bit manic), and I'm going straight into the bathroom. I started doing the hot water, then I undress. Once naked, I watch my hairless body, where I felt the pain. Nothing unusual. Bath and full, and I slipped into the water with delight. I look at that blonde girl, I do not even know the name. I wonder how such a person may be sad dice being told "No". I never ask for anything, I have no reason to be happy or sad. Anyway, I leave the bathroom, and I suddenly a huge flash. Thousands flock of colors on my eyes, and I fell to the reverse.Je lifted me, I headache. I have my towel on my penis. "At least you have been protected," I thought, with a sneer. The water was too hot, it should be because of the flash.
"Simon, a table!" cried my mother. I leave the comfort of my bed and I read to eat. I descended the stairs, and I found my mother and my sister already at table. I sits at the end of table, as usual. The pasta is served. "Bon Appetit" we all say in unison. After eating, I do léve and a kiss on the cheek from my mother, doing the dishes. Strangely I find it hard to reach, and I am obliged to put me on tiptoe. I've never had to do that before. Mana léve in turn, and we do the usual bow. It léve her skirt nodding, and I put my hand on the back couor tilting forward. It was generally our only communication of the day. I'm pretty tired, so I go for the walk go directly to bed. Hardly have I stretched and pass coverage on my body, I sleep soundly.
It's Saturday today. I léve stretching me, and I jumped out of bed. Once the feet on the ground, I realized that something did not go. My pajama bottoms slides at my feet. Yet it was tighten yesterday! I remt up and trying to leave the room, I noticed that my head is at my door handle. Handle this happening to me in the chest. Something not not go. I open the door and go out into the hallway, I also seem larger. I started to rush me, which is not like me. In the end, I hit something in the kitchen. I léve my eyes and see nothing more than the sweet face of my sister looked at me. "Sorry," I murmerai. She did the same and grabbed me by the arm, she helped me get up. Once standing, we remain speechless all the two. I reached him in the chest! While I was taller than her yesterday! His blue eyes are staring, while trying to remain calm. I am terrorize. My sister has two heads taller than me.
"Where ... where is mom, Mana?" I stammered. "It is part ... this morning. During emergency travel. For the job." She was as surprised as me, but not in the same direction. Suddenly, a throbbing hard my stomach. I put a scream of pain, cowering me down. Mana throws at me. "Simon! Que ..." She stopped in front of his eyes when I began to shrink. The pain passed, Mana helps me get up slowly. But my clothes fall to the ground, except my top. I'm standing in front of my sister who was now twice my size, lower body entirely naked. My head began to spin. Mana kneels to get to my size. I whispered "Help ..." before a fall backwards. My fall was stopped by the soft hands of my big sister that stop me in the back. Everything becomes a blur, and I fall asleep in a dreamless sleep
Chapter End Notes:
I hope that you ca more. Do not hesitate to comment in order to improve the novel (which is of course not finished).

Date: June 30 2013 11:08 AM Title: Chapter 1, Le Rétrécissement de Simon
I'm wondering about the shy (but, of course, jolie) girl that your protag. rejects. Does she have some symbolic importance to the narrative (that is, should I read her as being the sort of female double of your protagonist -- and when he rejects her he rejects his own self, and thus after she kicks him he begins to shrink, etc.)? Or does she have a name and a place in the narrative, apart from being the direct cause of his situation?
The rest is standard fare for this site (i.e. "I'm in school, something happens, I get out of school, go home, and the next morning everything's different") -- and personally I hope you keep your distance from the brother/sister side of things & reintroduce that first girl -- but I've never read a "something happens" scenario like that before. Depending on whether you bring her back or not, give her a name & a reason for being, that scenario will either become a major weakness in your narrative, or incredibly weird, surreal and dreamlike. Waiting to see what you do.
Respond in French.
Author's Response:
Pour la fille qui a rétrécit le protagoniste, je la ferai revenir plus tard. Elle a un rôle trés important a jouer, et elle est lié au personnage. Je peux vous donner un seul indice: Simon la connait, mais ne s'en ai pas souvenue a temps, ce qui va être éclaircie par Mana plus tard. En faite, il est même probable que la fille timide soit plus importante que la soeur du héros

Date: June 30 2013 5:13 AM Title: Chapter 1, Le Rétrécissement de Simon
please make an english version
Author's Response:
Sorry, but I do not speak English well enough--'I use a translator to write you this. So in English it would be too weird