Reviews For Pariah
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Reviewer: angeloflife Signed [Report This]
Date: September 27 2013 3:13 AM Title: Michelle's Return

I dislike what both of them had become not that they were any better at the start of the story, he was a big jerk and she was a know it all jerk.

Now she is a bad know it all jerk and he is just feeble. She just took everything from him, as you wrote it went way beyond some chemistry project for a grade. She could have just ruined his whole life and his family’s also. He is a son, his family when they see what had become of their son they are not going to be very happy at Michelle.


Yes he did try to rape her and he may have to pay for it like some of the things she put him through but after a point she went beyond that, she took his free will, his body and his mind.

The best way I see this ending is something in the middle for the both of them. She restores his mind but his not the jerk he was, she gives him his height back but not all the way maybe leaving him around six feet tall and not quite as athletic as he was but still on the handsome side.

Michelle at the cost of restoring of his mind, loses a bit of her intellect that she had at the start of the story, at the cost of restoring his height loses almost all the height she gained from him leaving her around 5’6 but keeps most of the looks she gained
like her curves and such and is a bit more on the athletic side now.


As for giving Nick the formula to return him, she might have to try giving it by a needle into him with her drinking it.


My thoughts on the whole manipulation and torment thing.


I find that at some point it wouldn’t even be that. He couldn’t really fight back and was helpless with little to no way of fight back to her what would make the whole torment thing worthless, if you are going to torment someone for sexual satisfaction wouldn’t you want them to be able to fight back somewhat at the point Nick has reach Michelle might as well tormenting a baby or a small animal seeing as he couldn't fight her back.


There was manipulation throughout the story, but once again he reached a point that it didn’t feel like he was getting manipulated by her as it felt he lost all his free will to even get manipulated by her.


Since am not into that type of thing and dislike it my thoughts on it may not sound right to what I want to say.

Author's Response:

Sure man, I get it.  We all have our own particular sexual proclivities, so that's cool if yours don't align with mine.  There isn't much to be done about that.

As for your later point; "if you are going to torment someone for sexual satisfaction wouldn't you want them to be able to fight back."  Not necessarily, but I see your point.  I usually prefer stories where the shrunken male always resists and tries to fight back (that's partly why I don't read much micro-gts or stuff like that, since at that point it's utterly hopeless to fight back).  However, at the same time, it can also be very appealing to me at times to have a guy utterly helpless and the girl just torment him for the fun of it.  Like, for instance, a BDSM scenario where the guy is completely immobilized and helpless and the girl is free to do anything she pleases to him.  May be a similar kind of thing here in this story.  So what you're saying is not necessarily true for everyone.

Also, to me, the story has become even more interesting now, as now he actually finds himself wanting to be tortured -- it's not really even about him resisting her anymore, he actually wants to be degraded and humiliated -- and all the interesting implications that brings.  So yeah, this story is definitely catered to people like me who can relate to that type of paradoxical or at times self-destructive desire to be fully helpless at the hands of a cruel/dominant woman, and therefore to an outsider who might not share this desire, this concept probably doesn't quite 'click' or make sense.


Reviewer: Jim1989 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 26 2013 9:48 PM Title: Michelle's Return

1. Story seems to be nearing its end by the looks of things.  Got a feeling that Nick's probably gonna end up in this state most likely of his own volition, unless Michelle is able (and willing) to return some of his height and intelligence - not all of it, but enough that he shows decent cognitive function and is slightly more physically capable.

2.  Curious as to who Michelle's contacts are (from the previous chapter) and what part they may play in this story.

3.  Like how you showed more of Michelle's inner conflict, both with her reflection on how far she's gone with punishing Nick and the realization of the schism between her compassionate side and her darker side.  Curious as to which side will ultimately win out in this story.

4.  Love the plot twists in this chapter - Nick's defiance, Michelle being brutally honest, Nick's ultimate breakdown, and Michelle's unexpected reflection.  Threw me for a loop.

5.  Wondering how Nick's family and "friends" will react to him staying permanently smaller (from the look of where things are going).

I know this is a lot from a review.  Just felt like getting it all out.  Overall, I liked the way everything seemed to coalesce in this chapter with a sense of a closure coming round the corner.  Great stuff!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review.  Michelle's inner conflict was something that wasn't really there in the previous draft, but I added it much stronger this time around, so I'm glad you liked it.  And yes, things are definitely coming to a head now after this last chapter.  Hopefully I can post the remaining chapters without too much delay on my end ...

Reviewer: riczar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2013 8:05 PM Title: Michelle's Return

Oh, I hope her "solution" isn't to end his life.  I'd really like for there to be some way for Nick to survive this.  She needs to convince him that life would so much better if he accepts her help.  Still some mysteries left to resolve.  Who is she meeting with for instance?  Good story, looks like you're headed for a conclusion.  Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thanks.  Everything will be resolved soon ...

Author's Response:

Thanks.  Everything will be resolved soon ...

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