Reviews For The Shell Game
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Reviewer: kbDArt Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 27 2023 7:53 PM Title: The Shell Game

Fun, very good short erotic story; I really like the idea. I'm glad she changed them all to little Sheldon's prior to consuming them.

Reviewer: girlfood Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 09 2011 2:21 PM Title: The Shell Game

This was an increadable story and one i am going to add to my list of favorites! I love it. More stories please  Oishi1

Author's Response:

I enjoyed writing it as well. it just took me a while to get around to revising and submitting it.

Reviewer: timescribe Signed [Report This]
Date: July 27 2011 1:55 AM Title: The Shell Game

Since you liked my "Then Came Food," I wouldn't mind seeing how you go at an aware vore story (with an involuntary non-transformed participant and no other food involved in the scene).

Author's Response:

single participant and single predator right? strait up shrunken vore? I enjoy those kinds of stories. I'll certainly work on something like that.

Reviewer: fated11 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 26 2011 2:44 PM Title: The Shell Game

good story. love how she swallows them regardless

Author's Response:

In the shell game (also called 3 card monty or the ball and cup game depending on what is used) they player never wins. The whole thing is rigged from the beginning. I wanted a sense of that for Sheldon in the story.

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