Date: February 08 2025 4:55 AM Title: Meryl's Garden
I like it. That was sweat yet sour. I feel for Meryl. Also like how the witch never got named. Kept her distant. Like a god or something. Yes hopefully merry will find the courage to ask her master to free the others to.

Date: February 07 2025 10:07 PM Title: Meryl's Garden
This is a really neat scenario. I love the way you painted the scenery with the little people frozen in time, dressed like dolls and figurines just serving as a decoration for the witch
I'll admit that the sentence structure is a bit hard to follow at times, maybe some of the periods could have been broken into smaller ones for the sake of an easier time to follow the narration, but it's still a good read.
Date: February 04 2025 4:42 AM Title: Meryl's Garden
I like it. That was sweat yet sour. I feel for Meryl. Also like how the witch never got named. Kept her distant. Like a god or something. Yes hopefully merry will find the courage to ask her master to free the others to.

Date: February 04 2025 4:10 AM Title: Meryl's Garden
No smut!?!?!?!?!?1?!
I didn't cummed! zero out of ten >:((((((((
(Nice little story lmao. It's a really neat idea.)
Author's Response: Thank you again for helping with it! It was a really cute little 'short' idea.