Date: December 08 2024 4:07 AM Title: Chapter 6.5 - 10,000 years ago (???)
Very interesting and didn’t think we go back in time but this is great world building
Author's Response:
Thanks for your review.
Hope you enjoyed the peak into the past, more to come soon.
Date: December 03 2024 3:31 PM Title: Chapter 6 - Liberation (Ren)
Ehem... sorry for that outburst im just so excited for the second part.
man cant wait for ryemi to meet her dad, and even more so for ryan to meet mimi again.
Our two main characters have quite a different dynamic than ryan and mimi, as mimi is a human turned goddess, lucy is a goddess turned human, honestly great work on mimi for teaching her manners shes a great mother ( you cant fool me thats their daughter ).
Ren also gives a different role than ryan. firstly, ryan is someone ryemi just met while ryan and mimi were already best of friends on the start of the story.
and more importantly now is the change of instead of there being two major groups ( ryan's and mimi's ), we have one group thats ren and ryumi, our two new characters, and ryan who gets a lot more of the limelight as he explores the world now ruled by goddesses 16 years after.
on another note i really like how Ithyrminah becomes more of a neutral force in the story instead instead of before, shows that maybe... just maybe theres a chance that humans and goddesses could coexist after all.
Thats all for now! I think the time ill be writing my fan work for your amazing piece will be after the second part ends so i have a full understanding of your work! Its great to have you back! ( even though im more than half a month late from saying this lol )
Author's Response:
Thanks for your review.
I'm glad that you are still interested in writing fan work and I would really love to read it someday. Although I might still have plans to extend to a part 3, the ending of part 2 will definitely give sufficient information about the world to write a comprehensive fan story, so I'm excited and hopefully I'll be able to write faster lol.
From hearing your thoughts, I can see that you have already been able to identify some of the key ideas that will come into play later in the story. Although I won't be revealing what they are. I think the way the ideas get woven into the story and characters will still end up surprising you though, at least I hope so.
Date: December 03 2024 2:24 PM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryemi)
Author's Response:
Hello and welcome back, hope you enjoy part 2 as well!
Date: December 02 2024 2:48 AM Title: Chapter 6 - Liberation (Ren)
Yeeeeeeeessssssssss Ryemi go cuddle your man now! Or breastfeed him, or have his babies, whatever. You earned it!
Author's Response:
Thanks for your very excited response!
Ryemi definitely earned it after all her hard work in that last fight, but we will see what happens next.
Date: December 01 2024 11:24 PM Title: Chapter 6 - Liberation (Ren)
Fight was great, im surprised ryemi could grow considering how scared she was at moments in previous chapters. Nice to see her and ren get a well deserved win. Im really loving their relationship so far.
Im guessing she has multiple domains or a domain that lets her copy other domains. Im looking forward to see how ren reacts to ryemi now.
Ive realized that zu's entry being deleted in the previous chapter was probably because she was killed here. Though speaking of the previous chapter, I thought that the people were killing and trying to eat each other was zu controlling them with her power. But then its revealed her power is just lightning and that it was her rules that caused them to be in that desperate state. That was a nice twist.
Author's Response:
Thank you for your review.
There's still a lot of mystery surrounding Ryemi and her powers so hopefully we get a bit more clarity about that in the upcoming chapters. As you can probably guess, Ren and Ryemi will feature a slightly different relationship from other giantess-human pairs shown in part 1. There will be a more wholesome dynamic between these two so I hope you enjoy that kind of thing too. Good eye for identifying the Zu's entry thing.
Date: December 01 2024 10:52 PM Title: Chapter 4 - Cleaning (Ryan)
Great chapter, and just what has mimi done to ryan lol. His giantess fetish is pretty crazy and hilarious, though it is now a perfect match for mimis desires. I bet he wont be so reluctant to be in her crotch this time Im looking forward to when ryan meets mimi again.
The ithyirminah scenes were awesome. I bet the place she goes to is some kind of dark secret where shes actually terrifying to humans and not kind like she was in this chapter. I still remember her first appearance being her destroying cities and eating people. Its like she had a whole different personality.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your review.
Ryan's giantess fetish is a serious problem in the world that he is in, considering how many goddesses he has to interact with every day. I try to capture that when I can, but I also have to keep him focused on the important stuff too otherwise the story will never go anywhere. :P
Date: December 01 2024 6:20 PM Title: Chapter 6 - Liberation (Ren)
I knew it !!!!! Hahah amazing chapter and Ren.character is officially my favorite right now second is definitely Ryan in terms of humans.
I hope they get other to join the team too protect the humans who want peace !!!
Betting we see a parade after this lol
Author's Response:
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I'm glad you liked this chapter and I hope it was worth going through all the build up from the previous chapter for it!
Date: November 25 2024 9:47 PM Title: Chapter 4 - Cleaning (Ryan)
Ryan with the amazing plot armor lol and Ithyrminah is becoming a bit of a favorite!!!!
The mouth scene was awesome and can’t Ithyrminah bring up that some people want to get eaten by her is kinda hot can’t lie lol
ryan dealing with his morals and giant fetish is interesting to!!!
Overall great chapter
PS hope for some vore and ass scenes !! Hehe
Author's Response:
Thank you for your thoughts, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I really liked the mouth scene and put a lot of effort into it, so I am happy to see you also liked it. Sad to say there won't be that much ass and vore scenes from here on out, but maybe in the future that may come true!
Date: November 20 2024 8:51 PM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryemi)
The construction of the characters and their feelings, as shallow and sometimes forced, manage to capture my attention a lot and that's why this is one of the stories I like the most. Most of the stories are fetishistic and sometimes ridiculous, but this one has really proven itself worthy of being called history. Seeing the development of the story, if I were in her position I would highlight the romantic relationships of some giant characters with humans, such as giving Alluria a situation where she finds a boy who is different from the others and makes her rethink all her actions so far, or her continuing as she is but with a boy who is her favorite. I think I'm trying to intrude too much into the story, but I have to say that even if it was going to reflect my ideas or not, your story will definitely be in my favorites.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the feedback.
I tried my best not to make characters that are too straightforward and simple(although the cast is relatively big so it can't be helped if some of them are less fleshed out), so I guess it can sometimes become rather lengthy and forced when I depict their feelings. I am still relatively new to writing so there are times when I struggle to put my ideas into fruition in a natural way. I've already written quite a bit ahead, and I hope to say that future chapters probably improve on this aspect and actually feature some genuinely good(although rather melodramatic) character development. Hopefully.
With regards to romantic relationships, that was more heavily the focus in part 1 of the story, this part probably won't be highlighting that much of it but such ideas will still make it to the story here and there in the future. I hope you keep following the story anyway and I'd like to keep seeing your thoughts.
Date: November 20 2024 4:09 PM Title: Chapter 3 - Compassion (Ryemi)
Ryemi is such a sweet girl. I can't wait for the day she grows to Goddess size and cuddles the living daylights out of Ren.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review.
We will have to wait and see if that happens haha.
Date: November 18 2024 4:40 PM Title: Chapter 2 - Prison (Ren)
Why I love this duo and also Ren is becoming a favorite of mine besides Ryan in term of the full human characters
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for the response.
These two will play a very major role in this story and I'll really be trying to dive deep into their character development, far deeper than I did for anyone in part 1. I'm putting a lot more emphasis on character development in part 2, so if you are into that I hope you will enjoy the direction the story is taking. At the end of part 2, I'd like to do a poll to see who are everyone's favourite characters.
Date: November 13 2024 8:46 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Haven (Ryan)
Guess that answers my question about Ryan. This was an awesome return. It seems I was right about him being on earth all this time but I didn't predict him getting a phd in theoretical physics lol.
Guy is one of the best martial artists on earth and now a genius as well, would be crazy if his opponents weren't colossal goddesses with powers as well. Feels like how batman is ridiculously peak human but still the underdog when compared to the rest of the members with actual powers.
Ren was also some kind of scientist so I guess Ryan and Ren might get along well if they meet. Anyway this was a great chapter.
Author's Response:
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Ryan will continue to be integral in this story as well so I hope you can look forward to that. There will be other returning characters from part 1 that play major roles here as well.
Date: November 13 2024 6:53 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Haven (Ryan)
Damn the sweet return of ryan was perfect and damn this story keeps getting better and better every chapter. Also don’t mind if it’s less smut and more character focused this time maybe part three will be heavily smut lol
Author's Response:
Thanks for the suggestion, I will try to figure out what is best. I will try to write the story as spicy as I can even if there won't be as many explicitly smutty scenes in this part. (although I can definitely promise there will still be some for sure)
Date: November 13 2024 2:21 PM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryemi)
I just left my review for part 1 and then came here. Great story as always.
I have so many questions, I definitely was not expecting a 16 year time skip and new main characters.
It looks like ryemi is the same age as mimi and Ryan were in part 1. Though I hope the person ryemi is looking for isn't Ryan due to Ryan being on earth all this time.
I felt bad enough for Ryan when he had missed mimi and her eventual baby for 1 year, let alone 16 years. He just missed her entire childhood. And its pretty rough for mimi as well, in nearly every chapter of hers there was always a mention of her love for Ryan so she must have been hit hard. Well assuming this is what happened but I guess the person could be someone else and Ryan was there with mimi to raise their daughter.
Also its funny how in this one chapter ryemi used her flames more than ignis did in all of part 1 pretty much, though I'm guessing aunt iggy was the one who trained her to use her flames.
I like the dynamic between ryemi and ren so far, im eager to see where it goes.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your reviews.
I did the 16 year time skip to accelerate the story. There are many ideas I have for the characters introduced in this part and I wanted to skip the parts that the reader would probably be less interested to see in depth(e.g. Mimi's training and raising her daughter). I also didn't want the story to drag on too long and become too intimidating for new readers to get into. Given what I have planned for the series, I will most likely need a part 3 as well to fit all the content in.
Regardless, I will try to keep the chapters exciting and filled with enough giantess content to make it easy to get through.
Date: November 12 2024 8:47 PM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryemi)
Happy to see you back. I'm looking forward to the new chapters
Author's Response:
Happy to see you here! Hope you enjoy this part as well, although it may be a bit more story focused than the previous one with more main characters.
Date: November 12 2024 1:22 PM Title: Chapter 0 - Prologue (Ryemi)
Omg !!! My glorious king has returned!!!!!!!
Wow 16 years and I’m guessing this mysterious girl is the daughter of two known characters that I won’t spoil for people who don’t know.
I honestly can’t wait to see where this goes now
Author's Response:
Thank you for the review.
More chapters will be coming soon, but do expect my upload schedule to be slightly slower than part 1 since I have been getting busier lately.