Reviews For They Grow
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Reviewer: darkone Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 05 2025 3:28 AM Title: Chapter 1

I've been meaning to leave a comment for some time now, so here I go :)    First of all let me point out that I don't usually go for what I call "true giantess" stories. I prefer shrinking. But I've been chatting with "It Was Me" quite a bit and I saw that he liked your story, so I figure I would give it a try. I REALLY LIKE IT!!!  I don't feel like being redundant by repeating what others have already said, but keep up the great work.

One thing I will say is that in some ways Holly is just as naive as Sunniva, which kind of surprised me. In the first half of the story I really though Holly had it "more together" than she turned out to be. It's going to be interesting as to how she and Calla will interact in the future.

Also, kudos for your unique ideas regarding the giantess society.

Again keep up the great work!  Thanks!

Reviewer: Banga2005 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 31 2025 2:09 PM Title: Chapter 22

This one of the if not the best story I have ever read in this website or anywhere. I am addicted to this story so much that I keep reading it over and over on a daily basis. Keep up the good work can't wait for the next chapter to drop.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 29 2025 7:00 AM Title: Chapter 22

Poor Robot John!

I really liked Holly's turnaround here. She starts the chapter off as though she's learned nothing, doomed to repeat the same mistake over again. That she wanted to destroy parts of the Middle East without understanding the "complex" nature of the region (understatement of the year there, Mark!) was really discouraging. She was so lost in her guilt and refusing to accept it that she was about to make things even worse!

It turns out all she needed were a couple little pushes for her emotional walls to come tumbling down. Finding out John had not only left her but that Aiysha had helped him get away was a big wakeup call for her, although she handled it a lot better than I though she would. I think realizing that John would do something like that, let alone her best friend, made her stop and consider that maybe she had gone too far. Then, when she got called out for Moscow, she couldn't hold back anymore. The whole sequence was nicely done and well written!

I love how much Aiysha has "grown up" since the beginning of the story. She went from being a aggressive, self-centered person to a truly great leader and friend. I really enjoy every scene with her in it at this point! It was great to see her look out for John, making sure Holly understood that John wouldn't stand for being a prisoner anymore.

Of course, Holly was still a little stubborn when she finally found John. But she was emotionally open and willing to listen to him. I get where she's coming from, wanting to end all war. When you have the kind of power that Holly does, it's easy to fall into the trap of believing that you can solve every problem. But no matter how much power or influence you might have, no one can change human nature. Unfortunately, war is a part of that. 

What's worse, in her quest to "fix" our warring issue and save the men, she lost sight of what she initially saw in humanity. Of all the giantesses we've met in this story, Holly in the beginning easily had the best read on humanity. But that power of hers, the guilt over what she did to central Moscow, and the issues she was having with John (and a little nudge from Calla), she started viewing humans as truly lesser beings that needed to be "guided" to the appropriate behavior. Men were suddenly a resource to her, rather than potential partners for other giantesses. She lost a little bit of her own humanity with her brutality that day in Moscow, and, in turn, the people of Earth lost their humanity in her eyes as she projected those internal feelings back out to them, which would explain why she suddenly became so mean.

I'm glad John could finish pulling her out of that way of thinking, and it was very touching to see them end up together once again! Having lost John briefly, she realized that she had been taking him for granted and this time took his words seriously. I also liked John's slight cautiousness, with him saying he hopes she doesn't give him a reason to fight so bad again. The healing process has started, but a little paranoia on John's part is perfectly natural here. And Holly still has ways to go before healing from what she did. But this is a great start, and the two of them having each other to lean on should help a lot!

The double proposal was great! Aiysha's enthusiasm and Holly's humbleness in that moment was a great contrast. Our two main couples are in very different places at this point, even though they're both taking this next step at the same time. John saying the ring is a symbol of what he hopes Holly and he can work back to highlights this really well. And Aiysha saying "I do" over and over again because she "forgot" to say it was super adorable! Her not quite getting the custom right but being so excited about it is such a lovable thing.

In fact, both Holly and Aiysha understanding the significance of this moment shows how much regard they have for not only their now-fiancés but Earth as a whole. They've pretty much already done their "wedding" with the Goddess's orgasm, at least as far as I understand things here. That's their lifelong commitment. So to see them value John and Frank's version of this (even if it lacks telepathy) is so endearing. 

So yeah, this was a pretty pivotal chapter, having to deliver on all that buildup with Holly and John, and you didn't disappoint here! Great chapter!

Author's Response:

I would just like to say that "It Was Me" didn't want to review his own work as he helped to author this chapter in his role as the character Tom. I would like to say that I thought he did a really great job developing this character more as he faced the horror of meeting Holly, which his character had previously compared to Hitler. I thought it was charming the way that Sunniva's "make the world a better place" attitude was grudgingly accepted by Tom. His love for her was greatly tested, and luckily for everyone involved it really paid off in a big way. Sunniva's teasing Tom with some city destruction stuff was pretty sexy, and it was fun to watch Tom really get into the play with the city aspect of things. I bet there will be more of that in future chapters! I have been really happy with the character of Tom. He has been a real test for Sunniva who was so anxious to have a relationship with an Earthman that she went about it all wrong initially. But with Tom, their relationship has developed a lot more naturally, and it's always a joy for me to co-author with "It Was Me" as we develop that relationship further.

Reviewer: MintDisco Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 08 2024 5:48 AM Title: Chapter 11

This keeps getting better, I  love to see where you take each new chapter.

Author's Response:


I try to make each new chapter have new stuff to keep the story interesting and fun!

Reviewer: iambeowulf Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 24 2024 11:53 AM Title: Chapter 1

Great story so far! Btw, you open to story requests? I'd message you but the contact option on this site is broken.

Author's Response:

I can be found on the following discord server

Reviewer: lightwing Signed [Report This]
Date: September 11 2024 12:07 AM Title: Chapter 8

I'm surprised by the lack of reviews for this story.  So far I'm enjoying the story's progression from sci-fi mystery to sci-fi love story to, likely, new world order as the giantesses take more men and steadily colonize human world.  The fact that they have those portals for fast travel and cloaking systems to hide in plain sight even when on the surface gives them plenty of options.  Unlocking special abilities due to love was sweet and adds another layer of power to the giantesses.  They're gigantic, they have advanced technology, they have immortality and eternal beauty via their milk, and they get super powers.  I can't wait to see where things go next.  Maybe an escalation of their takeover of humanity?  That rumble between Kali and Aiysha in the city had to have consequences.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your review!

Don't forget that many of the benefits the giantesses get are from their association with humanity. It's a two way street.

The special abilities have only been granted to Holly and Aiysha.

I have already written some of the consequences of what Aiysha did in the city.  But there will be even more! But it is a few chapters away.  Stay tuned!

Reviewer: lightwing Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 29 2024 5:43 PM Title: Chapter 6

Well this turned out to be delightful find.  I like the concept, the scale, the smut, the bits of worldbuilding each chapter.  I also enjoy the giantesses being strong for their size in addition to big and that they enjoy being dominant over their tiny but are also protective and loving of them.  It's a nice two way street.  I'm also looking forward to seeing more of the giantess society.  They must be technologically advanced if they have portals and robot bodies.  Not only are they superior in size and strength but also technology and intelligence plus have a natural way of extending their lifespans.  I love that stuff! Then there's the matter of taking over human world and how many men there are compared to how many giantesses there are. 

It was mentioned that plenty of people had already been abducted but only Frank and John have found love.  I wonder what experiences the other men have been having.

Author's Response:

It's going to take a while to get more into Giantess society. Right now men are so very rare on the home world, that there is a huge reaction when one shows up.

Not too many men have been captured so far.  Only about 20 maybe from the meeting.  But yes, those giantesses aren't as good at dealing with the men as Holly and Aiysha have been.  There will be more info on what happens to those men, as their situation will change in a future chapter.

Reviewer: rave777 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 23 2024 6:50 AM Title: Chapter 1

Excellent smuts here and there, love how relentless everything is when it kicked into high gear. The way the giantess taking care of the tiny guys are all so good. Can't wait for what's next!

Author's Response:

Yeah, the high gear is going to get even higher! lol

Reviewer: MXP20 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 23 2024 2:45 AM Title: Chapter 5

lol, I didn't think the fourth wall breakage was bad, haha. This was a smut-packed chapter! Now that we're out of the movie's timeline, I'm curious what you got planned. Really interesting how the giantesses are fighting back other giantesses and normal women for their prizes.

Author's Response:

Well I have a lot more in the works.  I am already working on chapter 7, so stay tuned for more!

Reviewer: MintDisco Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2024 11:22 PM Title: Chapter 5

This quickly became one of my favorite stories here. Please keep it going!

Author's Response:

I am so glad you are enjoying the story.  This is all supposed to be fun for everyone!

Reviewer: EchoofZen Signed [Report This]
Date: August 22 2024 4:29 AM Title: Chapter 5

Don't break the fourth wall. No, it's not funny, nor is it needed. It's like a Geico commercial interrupting a story: obnoxious.

Author's Response:

1) My wife laughed when she read it.

2) no giantess smut is technically "required"

3) I think the little lizard is cute.

Reviewer: MXP20 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 15 2024 3:07 AM Title: Chapter 1

Well, I watched the movie recently, and I was really curious how you were going to make size-change smut out of it. After reading the end of chapter 3 ... this was really clever! I didn't see that coming. This was a fun little homage to the movie, but with that slight twist. Looks like the guys on earth got it good for once, haha. Oh, BTW, the descriptions of the billboards made me laugh, especially the KFC one, haha.

Author's Response:

Glad you liked the twists!   I know it seemed weird at first with all of the robots, but I wanted to keep the suspense up for a while on how this was going to pan out.

Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: August 14 2024 10:04 PM Title: Chapter 1

Love what you have so far. But I feel like I really need to see They Live for this to really click with me. Ill add it to my watchlist 

Author's Response:

That's fair.   But luckily the smut in chapter 3 has nothing to do with movie.   So enjoy!

Reviewer: Master_Builder Signed [Report This]
Date: August 12 2024 3:36 PM Title: Chapter 1

Ooh, interesting start.

Author's Response:

Thanks!   I don't know if you've seen the movie "They Live" but it's free on youtube right now and puts my story into more perspecitve.

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