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Reviewer: Odysseus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 25 2025 2:52 PM Title: An Inconvenient Store

Another great chapter. Now that Marie found them underfoot, maybe it's time they get punished for trying to escape. They know Laura's butt was an effective place to keep them, maybe Marie wants to try that herself? Or they split up Samara and Sebastian for a bit (as long as one of them ends up in a butt) 

Might be interesting if a girl adheres one of the tiny people to each of her butt cheeks inside her butt crack, so they're mounted on opposite cheeks across from each other and get slammed into each other when they clench or walk or whatever

Author's Response:

They're definitely in for some punishment. The methods may vary though. 

Thanks for the ratings!

Reviewer: Zuxby Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 29 2024 8:50 AM Title: An Inconvenient Store

Happy to see the story continuing! 

The bath provides for an interesting setting, and I'm excited to see what lurking dangers await Samara and Sebastion during their time with Jordan. Keep up the good work, man!

Author's Response:

There's plenty of water-based hijinks coming soon. Again love your stuff so a review is very appreciated! 

Reviewer: Recoveringlurker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 27 2024 6:12 PM Title: The Bath of the Righteous Man

Good chapter.   I am glad to see this story get updated.

Author's Response:

Was busy with other stuff but I'll be able to update more regularly now, stay tuned!

Reviewer: Recoveringlurker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 21 2024 6:34 PM Title: An Inconvenient Store

Any plans for a new chapter?

Author's Response:

Yup more on the way soon!

Reviewer: Odysseus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 30 2024 10:40 AM Title: An Inconvenient Store

The recent butt focused chapters have been great. I hope the other girls are curious enough to try the tiny pair between their cheeks now that they know Laura did it. Maybe to sneak them into a concert or something like they were discussing.

Author's Response:

Much appreciated!

Reviewer: Rise8 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 29 2024 11:22 AM Title: Orange Colored Sky

Another amazing ass focused chapter. This was great and can't wait for the next one. I'll just tell myself the underwear they got scared off when they saw it was a thong since the story didn't specify haha xD 

Reviewer: Recoveringlurker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 29 2024 5:38 AM Title: Orange Colored Sky

Good chapter.  I look forward to who the shrunken pair will be stuck with next.

Author's Response:

Much appreciated!

Reviewer: Rise8 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 24 2024 3:51 AM Title: Cheeks and Geeks

Wow what an amazing chapter and loved the ass theme. Hoping there's still a bit more of it in the next one. Any chance one of our two tinies can get trapped in her thong for bit? 

Author's Response: There just might be more. Thanks for the rating!

Reviewer: Recoveringlurker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 21 2024 6:02 PM Title: Fun-Day Monday

I absolutely love how the witch trio somewhat cares for Sebastian and Samara but are so nonchalant about it at the same time.  I am also a big fan of shrunken couples and I know this isn’t technically a couple but it’s close enough for me.  I also like the banter between Sebastian and Samara.  Great work.

Author's Response: Really appreciate the ratings! Gonna get into the character interactions even more in future chapters

Reviewer: Storyreader21 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 21 2024 5:03 PM Title: Fun-Day Monday

Nice, is it bad I hope the bandaid falls off and they get stuck to someone else that doesn't know about them?

Author's Response:

Lol, something like that might just happen

Reviewer: SWlover Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 21 2024 2:05 PM Title: Fun-Day Monday

Glad to see another chapter! Even though I'm looking forward to the use of the unaware tag I am enjoying the tiny two's interaction with the witches

Author's Response:

Thanks for the rating, unaware coming soon!

Reviewer: Recoveringlurker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2024 3:59 PM Title: Fever Dreams and Waking Nightmares

It’s been a long since I have been this impressed and exited about the beginning of a story on this site.  Great job.

Author's Response:

Thanks for high praise! The next chapters are on the way 

Reviewer: Odysseus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2024 9:51 AM Title: An Inconvenient Store

Amazing so far, looking forward to some proper giantess interactions / some butt content.

Author's Response:

Really appreciate the rating

Reviewer: sticktoyourguns256 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 03 2024 2:51 PM Title: An Inconvenient Store

This is a great start! Can’t wait to see more.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the rating, more coming soon!

Reviewer: Raso719 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 31 2024 7:31 PM Title: An Inconvenient Store

You had my interest when you include X/f Nano shrinking. 

Then you described the thunderstorm of voices from the STILL SHRINKING girl on the endless expanse of floor and you have my full attention. 

I so look forward to more nanoscopic SW content!

Author's Response:

Appreciated, SW on the way

Reviewer: greenpeon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 31 2024 1:15 PM Title: An Inconvenient Store

Damn, shrunk over the cost of a few snacks. Hopefully these apprentice witches aren't sworn to permanently remove any witnesses...

What a spell of misfortune.

Author's Response:

There's definitely trouble brewing for the clerks. Appreciate the review 

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