Date: December 22 2024 9:59 PM Title: The Accidental Experiment
Such a tease that last chapter. Im eager to discover what direction this story will go.
Well done, you've got me hooked.

Date: December 17 2024 9:15 AM Title: Drowning in Terror
Wow, I'm really into the story now. The sheer terror that she instills into her victims is amazing. I like stories that take their time with the whole giantess role play a lot more than most simple smut stories. It's nice if there are longer build-ups before the action, and I'm loving that in this story

Date: August 29 2024 1:40 PM Title: Infinitesimal
Wow, this story's been amazing so far! I really hope it continues
Author's Response:
Thank you! It will, slowly, but it will!

Date: May 27 2024 10:48 AM Title: Gentlemen, Welcome to My World
Best story I've read in years. Maybe decades. I'm connecting everyday to see if a new chapter has been posted. You're talented.
Author's Response: Wow, thank you so much :)
Date: May 22 2024 4:57 AM Title: The Accidental Experiment
Buena historia amigo, lo de hacer a los machos microscopicos no se ve tan erótico ya que no habría mucha interacción de dominio de la mujer, para los siguientes capítulos sugiero que ella atormente a los tinys obligandoles a lamer sus pies sudados, ella también podría usar la lengua de los micros para limpiarse el trasero despues de ir al baño, hacer que se alimenten solamente de sus desechos etc
Date: May 21 2024 2:09 PM Title: A Goddess Unleashed
I hope, as the name suggests, we see Sarah start to shrink people absolutely nanoscopic (or maybe flat out shrink them to nothing). Maybe she experiments with shrink triggers like arousal, anger or the like to make them shrink when she teases them?
Maybe she likewise decides some women also deserve to be similarly tiny? :)
Author's Response:
Thank you for your feedback! They will indeed get smaller, and the story is heading towards someone shrinking to microscopic levels. I also like the idea of shrinking someone to nothing and will explore that concept further. The shrinking process in the story revolves around a formula Sarah created, so any type of shrinking must involve ingesting it. However, as a biochemist, Sarah loves to experiment, and she certainly has some devious and creative ways to tease them.
The story centers around a traumatic experience Sarah had, which transformed her into a person with a toxic feminist outlook towards men. Her ability to shrink people stems from a desire to punish men who think they can mistreat women. This drive fuels her actions throughout the story, which is why her targets are exclusively men.
Date: May 20 2024 9:08 PM Title: The Accidental Experiment
Love it!
And its very well written with catching dialogues.
Hope they get even smaller.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I think the direction I want to take this story, they will get smaller.