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Reviewer: Jsm109 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 05 2025 6:32 PM Title: Chapter 15

This and Marooned are the only current stories on here that I  periodically check for updates. I can hardly wait until the next installment, whenever that may be. Perhaps in a week or two, LOL? One can only hope :)

Author's Response:

I've not read Marooned. I'll have to give it a look. I appreciate you checking in through my sometimes spotty schedule. I try to post every monday at this point, but it depends on what stories I have that are both ready to post and I feel like I want to post. As for this story, we're still at least a couple weeks from Chapter 16. The commissioner and I just started talking over what they wanted to see next. 

I appreciate your continued patience and thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Rimuru_Iwatani Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: February 04 2025 12:56 PM Title: Chapter 15

Tftc! Damn, this story's giving me anxiety, great job!

Author's Response:

I get that way sometimes too. When I was reading MXP20's "Downsizing," the early chapters gave me insane amounts of anxiety. I hope that this will only lead to a satisfying surge of relief before the story's over. 

Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Eternal36 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 04 2025 5:12 AM Title: Chapter 15

Genuinely another fantastic chapter, I'm looking forward to more interactions with Natalie, hopefully some less aware and seeing how this nightclub adventure goes and whether ryan will be dragged along.

So much potential! 

Either way, glad to see the story still going and excellently written, easily my favourite

Author's Response:

Thank you so much. I'm never really in the know about the direction of future chapters beyond the one that's coming next, but I think its safe to say that we'll be seeing some more Natalie in the next couple chapters. 

Stay tuned and find out! Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Giganto Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 04 2025 3:28 AM Title: Chapter 15

I really want Natalie to shrink. See how she copes with it.

Author's Response:

Ooooh, that would be cathartic, wouldn't it? Not sure how likely we are to see something like that, but it's definitely a fun thought! 

Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: JerkyLover777 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 04 2025 2:49 AM Title: Chapter 15

I think i'm seeing not only Brooke's problem, but maybe the problem with the whole Miller family in how headstrong and independently minded they all are.

Amanda is the best of all 4 of them at curtailing this and re-assessing herself, which Ryan should count his lucky stars for (even if so far he's probably the second best at this) and I can only imagine Ryan will be more and more finding his more pleasant moments in the next few weeks being when he's talking to Amanda on the phone.

Brooke herself is proving to be a double edged sword in that, while she doesn't inherently think less of Ryan FOR shrinking down like his own mother does, she also is a bit self absorbed and flat out has blinders up for the new difficulties he faces in avoiding danger from unobservant full sized humans which...she is very unobservant and flat out unsympathetic at many stages through this chapter. Just the behavior of a still growing teenager to be fair, but it comes off much harsher when she doesn't account for her brother's new limitations. Not irredeemable though.

Natalie though...I don't know if redemption is in the cards for this, as the staff of the shrink clinic put it, 'frigid bitch'. But man, part of me is glad she isn't in this chapter as much, i'm really anticipating and dreading in equal measure another bout between her and Ryan, and I really just hope things work out for poor little Ryan more than likely after this two weeks with the dread mom and ignorant sister.

Author's Response:

Yeah, they're certainly a stubborn bunch, aren't they. I do think that the bulk of this narrative is driven by poor communication and an unwillingness to think that oneself might not be correct at all times. 

Amanda is definitely the most even mannered one of the bunch, though I don't think that Ryan is out of pocket for reacting poorly when everyone seems to be disregarding his wants/needs at every turn. I do think that Brooke is located pretty firmly in the middle between her mother and sister, though I think that if she's given a chance to really see and reflect on how her actions impact someone that she allegedly cares about, she'd be more inclined to land in Amanda's camp. But the real fun of a story like this exists in the moments that lead up to that sort of character growth. 

And Natalie? Yeah, she's... alot. I actually had to tone her back a bit from the initial pitch that the commissioner gave, because she was bordering on genuine supervillian levels of cruel. We've been discussing the specific reasons why Natalie feels the way that she does, and because things are so up in the air, I cannot say whether or not she'll ever receive any sort of redemption arc, or if something like that will come before she does something too reprehensible to be redeemed. I think that you and I may be of a similar mind when it comes to things like this. I was frustrated beyond belief reading another story where the protag had a ruthless mother. I was getting overwhelemed with stress before finally she got her just desserts and it felt like a weight lifted from my shoulders. So, I'll just take your disdain for Natalie to mean that she's serving as an effective antagonist :)

All I can say is stick with it if you can. Ryan's got plenty more good times ahead. Thanks for reading and thanks so much for the review!!

Reviewer: Rise8 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 04 2025 12:11 AM Title: Chapter 15

Another great chapter. Love all the bits of detail especially how he was forced to see his own moms ass in just a little thong. Hoping he finds himself seeing Natalie in just a thong a few more times while he's staying with her ;)

Author's Response:

I'm not sure that I agree with Natalie's choice to wear her thong to work, but hey, this is smut after all :) Thanks so much for reading, I think we'll be seeing a good bit more of Natalie before these two weeks are over. 

Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: February 03 2025 11:53 PM Title: Chapter 15

Great chapter! Cant wait to see what the results from Brooke going out and getting drunk with her friends is gonna have on Ryan.

Author's Response:

I do believe that we will be seeing a bit of Brooke's friends coming up in the next couple of chapters. Stay tuned to find out more!

Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: JerkyLover777 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 07 2025 3:04 AM Title: Chapter 14

Yay, new chapter!

And damn, you've established Natalie quite well as a nasty controlling matriarch, definitely on the level of Sofia. In some ways I think Natalie might be worse, if exclusively discussing how they treat their sons, because for as controlling as Sofia got, she never verbally tore Mateo down the way Natalie is doing to Ryan here, and it was clear she still loved her son. Not sure I can say the same for Natalie, and her sympathizing with murderers is not a good look. I know we're only seeing Ryan's perspective, but I would love to see the conversation Amanda and Natalie had after they left the clinic...would wager it got heated.

Unfortunately I can only imagine it's still going to get quite rough for Ryan when Amanda is out of the picture for a few weeks and Natalie has full control of him. Again, can only hope Brooke helps where she can, but i'm sure she'll also be a headache in her own right.

I like that Ryan might get a social network of other RPs though, seems like just what he needs in some pretty dark times for him.

Still loving these characters and this world, great chapter as usual!

Author's Response:

Yes, Natalie is certainly pretty nasty. I was a bit hesitant when I first sent this back to the commissioner, because I felt like it was maybe a bit too much. But if a cruel giantess momma is requested, then I guess that's what you're gonna get. And I definitely agree with being a bit more harsh on her for being so sympathetic with actual murderers. I think this story is set in a world where the standard for tinies is much less established than it is in Downsizing. And if you've got a large enough chunk of the population who don't see RPs as human beings then you're bound to see some pretty fucked up bigotry. The good news is that Amanda seems pretty dialed in on her mother's bullshit now, so even if she's not there, she can still keep a watch on things. We'll just have to see how it all plays out. 

Thanks so much for the review and thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: SuperDuperSecret101 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 07 2025 2:38 AM Title: Chapter 14

I worry Ryan might regret not truly explaining how cruel his mother is to his fellow tinies in the long run...!

Tell those doctors ASAP about those reds flags, get her on file for caution haha.

Again loving how natural and grounded the world and characters are here, as always looking forward to more.

Author's Response:

Honestly, I totally agree. If I were in his place, I'd be telling anyone with a set of ears about the things that Natalie had said. Too much of a risk being that small and in her care. But that probably wouldn't be quite so interesting :D

I'm glad that you're enjoying the story thus far. Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Jsm109 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 27 2024 7:41 PM Title: Chapter 1

Are you still planning on releasing a chapter in December?

Author's Response:

Unfortunately I didn't get around to finishing the chapter before the holiday madness started. The chapter is mostly complete, but I'm working through finalizing it with the commissioner now. Should go up next monday. 

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 11 2024 7:47 PM Title: Chapter 13

I see what you mean with the overbearing mother comparison. If I didn't know this was a commission, I'd swear you were channeling your Sofia frustrations into Natalie/

Actually, Amanda might want to steal her mom's microwave before heading back to campus. You know, just to be safe.

But Natalie is such an interesting character. Internal struggles like the ones she's going through usually makes characters more relatable, but the fact that I think most people would find her general demeanor and approach to life unlikeable kind of throws a monkey wrench in that. So I find it particularly intriguing trying to figure out exactly where her head is at regarding everything that's going on with her family.

For example, at first glance, the scene at the end of the previous chapter, with a drunk Natalie letting her bigotry hang out in front of her son, makes her seem pretty heartless. But then there's the question of why she was drunk in the first place. Yeah, she clearly meant the things she said to him and even enjoyed putting him in what she feels is his place, but if that was really the extent of her feelings on her son's condition, why would she need to go on a drunken stupor and take her bitterness of the situation out on him?

Oddly enough, to me, this clearly signifies a deep love for Ry on her part. All of that RP hatred is real, but it's in direct contradiction to how much she loves her son. But I've also noticed that she tends to bury her real feelings under a need to be in control, often expressed through a few layers of harshness. So while I think she feels bad for him and wants what's best for him (hence why she scheduled the appointment for this chapter), none of that comes out in her actions.

Actually, I kind of thought she'd feel some remorse for the previous night at the start of this chapter. While the bigotry that she expressed is obviously real (as seen in this chapter), I don't think she wanted to be quite so direct with it toward Ryan, and it was probably the alcohol that let that hatred bubble to the surface when dealing with her son. I still think that, if she remembers how she acted then, she probably actually does feel this way, but I don't think she'll let that show even if I'm right about that. The "weakness" that would show could threaten her authority, after all.

Another indirect example of this love is actually something that I think most people would consider a cruel thing on Natalie's part: not giving him privacy with the toilet. When she said that the reason she was staying there was because she didn't want him falling in, I assumed this was going to be followed up with her saying that she didn't want to have to touch the water fishing him out or something emphasizing an inconvenience to her. Instead, while her hypothetical was, in fact, ridiculous, it showed a level of concern for his safety and wellbeing. This, unlike most of her actions this chapter, wasn't purely about control for her; she just doesn't trust Ryan with his own safety anymore. Still, I actually count this one in the nice column, as she actually cares about what happens to him.

But aside from her love of her son clashing with her worldview, there's also the conflict of Natalie being upset that her children "lied to her by keeping Ry's condition from her a secret for five days and the fact that she knows exactly why they did. We saw this when Natalie first found out about Ryan; it was a passing thought of maternal guilt for realizing that she made Ryan feel like he couldn't come to her with this. Of course, she couldn't accept this, so she buried that shit deep, and I think that has led to some of the passive aggressiveness we've seen from her in these last two chapters. She's in denial, so, ironically, she's doubling down on all the things that made him (and now Amanda) so hesitant to tell her in the first place.

But maybe the most interesting thing about Natalie is the reason why she hates RPs so much. Mainly because we have no idea what that is. This really didn't hit me until the end of the chapter, when she was giving that hateful look to the RP called back. He had done nothing to her, not been an inconvenience at all, yet she had so much disdain for that guy. Why? Up until now, I assumed her bigotry was just based off annoyance at society accommodating RPs or some shit like that. But now I'm wondering is she has a particular reason for feeling the way that she does.

This made me think of the scene just before, when she sat on that guy (which was fucking hot, by the way! Her attitude about it and how slow she was to get up was amazing!). When Amanda called the RP a man, Natalie thought of her late husband and how the way he made her feel when she sat on her lap made him a man, making her feel even more angry at poor Ethan. I can't recall, but did we ever find out what happened to old Jack? Maybe there's a reason that Ryan was susceptible to the virus while his sisters and mother weren't. A little bad luck in the genetic lottery perhaps?

I also love how the start of this chapter uses her to highlight what I feel like is one of the major themes of the story: that there's just no way for a big to properly comprehend what it's like to be an RP. Natalie going about her morning routine, ignoring Ryan for most of it, only to rush him and forego the standard that she holds her normal-sized children to leaves him feeling so hopeless. But when he tells her that, if she can't except that he's not staying with her, then he's going to cut off all contact, she seems shocked by the prospect (this is also another sign that she really cares about him despite what her general attitude implies). What was such a devastating morning for him wasn't even a thought for her. What seemed an effort to be cruel to him was just simple thoughtlessness. This is something that we've seen from all three of his family members already, albeit in different ways.

Going into this chapter, I wasn't quite sure how to take Brooke. Some of her actions toward Ry seemed harsh, but I also saw signs that she still saw him as a person rather adopting her mother's stance on RPs. There was her listening when Ryan yelled at Amanda and her to stop arguing, her guilting him into applying sunscreen on her back instead of just making him do it, and even how she dimmed the lights and suggested moving her conversation with Amanda into her room when Ryan was clearly upset at Amanda's deception about staying the night, with it being noted that she didn't want to disturb Ry. Of course, that all was weighed against carelessly almost killing him and the ass-kissing/farting incident and potential blackmail, so she was still a bit of a mystery to me.

Seeing her defend Ryan against her mother, however, settled things for me. Like Amanda (more on her in a second), she sees her brother as the same as he always was, which you would think is a good thing (and, in some ways, it is). But she doesn't understand how fragile he is, both physically and mentally. I think she thought Amanda was being dramatic when telling her that she almost killed Ryan by tossing him like that. She surely thinks the video she has on him would just be a little humiliating if she posted it, not realizing that it would not only out his condition to everyone but would also permanently change the way everyone who sees it would look at him even more than just becoming an RP would. In other words, she's a bit immature and doesn't understand what he's going through.

But seeing her tell her mom to let him finish what he was saying and giving her mom that look that made Natalie fear that she was losing even her youngest daughter in this fight, I now have no doubt that Brooke has Ryan's back when he needs her to. It's just a matter of her figuring out that Ryan really needs her support and that he's not necessarily doing as well mentally with this as he'd like everyone to believe. This is part of why the next two weeks at the Miller house will be so interesting. I could see Amanda really driving this point home to her in order to have her protect Ryan from Natalie whenever she can. I could also see her continuing to fuck with him until she either accidentally hurts him or pushes him to a mental breakdown without realizing it at first before she figures out that she fucked up.

Or maybe she remains blissfully unaware throughout Ry's stay, and his time away from Amanda is all the worse for it (although we, the reader, would still have some fun with it!).

Speaking of Amanda, it's been pretty clear from the start that she sees her brother as the same as always, just smaller. Unlike Brooke, though, she's more aware of how hard being tiny is for him and is trying to help. There are two problems she has, however: she's impulsive and, again, she can't understand what it's like to be tiny.

Things like deciding that Ry needed to get out and stuffing him in her pocket, for example, are impulsive decisions that she made with good intentions. And honestly, I could see her dragging her doing the same thing if he were full-sized and depressed, only dragging him by the arm instead. She impulsively decided to "help" him get over his issues by getting him out of the apartment, but she didn't understand how different it is to do this to him at a tiny size nor how demeaning it can be to just be stuffed in a pocket. She realized her mistake later and felt like shit about it, though, which shows that she's trying to understand at least, which is more than the rest of his family can say.

That same impulsiveness is what led her to lie about staying overnight at their mother's house. She truly believed that Brooke and Natalie would rally around Ryan like she has, and only now, in this chapter, does she realize how wrong she was. I'm glad she already felt like shit seeing his reaction when he learned the truth last chapter, but now, seeing her mother in action, she's starting to realize just how right Ry was about all this.

I liked how she initially thought he was overreacting when he told her that Natalie had taken him to her room in the dead of night, only to do a 180 once she heard about the appointment and her mom taking him away from her. I loved (and maybe that's not even strong enough a word) how strongly she defended him during that first confrontation with Natalie. Even Ryan was surprised, and I admit that I was too. I knew she'd fight her mom on this, but I didn't expect the fury with which she did it. This was fantastic.

I also enjoyed how almost overly protective she was of him for the rest of the chapter. She was almost too paranoid to let him out of her sight, which only makes the fact that she's going to have to leave him for two weeks all the more stressful for her. If anything, this chapter has shown that she's not just watching her brother as a favor to him or some obligation to family or anything like that; she wants him with her. While she'd never admit it, I bet a small part of her is happy that Ryan shrank, if only because they now have to spend so much time together.

But not only is she now realizing that Ryan was right about Natalie, she's also starting to compare herself to their mother. That moment when she compared Natalie sitting on Ethan to the time she herself sat on Ry was heartbreaking, because we know he's not afraid of her (and certainly not in the way that Ethan feared Natalie here). She's starting to overanalyze everything she's done with Ryan, which can be a good thing to an extent, but hopefully she's not too hard on herself. Despite the mistakes she's made, she doesn't deserve to be lumped in with someone like her mother.

I do think that whenever Ryan gets back to her, they're both going to have a new appreciation for each other. Between all of that shit I said above and going (at least) a couple weeks without her brother around, Amanda is going to stew in her guilt over how it's her fault he's not there and how she should have listened to him when she had the chance. She's going to continue reflecting on everything, I think, while worried about what he's going through at the same time. I think this is going to lead to her adjusting her approach with him once she has him back (I could even see her doubting her decision to keep him from contacting his ex and reluctantly letting him meet with her; I mean, she's been wrong on so much, I think her doubting herself about that makes sense, too).

Ryan, meanwhile, is surely going to have a new appreciation for Amanda. We're already starting to see that in this chapter, actually. The rough way that Natalie handles him made him think of Amanda right away. I can only imagine how living under Natalie's rules, especially as an RP, is going to make those petty complaints he had about living with his sister feel. I don't know if he'll vocalize that to Amanda (he tends to keep shit to himself, kind of like his mom; don't tell him I said that!), but I would be shocked if he didn't feel a deep sense of gratitude toward her for everything she's done for him once he gets back.

As for Ryan, he showed exactly why someone like Amanda would so vigorously look out for him. Contrary to how Natalie views men, he was a real man throughout the chapter. The way he stopped that fight between Natalie and Amanda, taking the blame and agreeing to go to the appointment was so great! He could have easily asked Amanda to leave on the spot and I'm pretty sure she would have, but he knew that leaving things between Amanda and their mom like that could have lasting damage on their relationship. So he sucked it up and agreed to do the thing that he didn't want to do for their sake (I like how he hardlined not living with Natalie, though). Natalie, of course, was too obsessed with her "authority" to realize that Ryan was doing this for her sake!

Then we have him agreeing to stay with their mom for the duration of his appointments. Amanda was more than willing to skip classes for his sake, but he refused to put her in that position. He already knows how awful Natalie can be to him and I'm sure he's still not sure what to think about Brooke, but he's willing to put himself in a terrible spot strictly for Amanda's sake. That's incredibly selfless of him. There's no visible benefit for him in doing this. Part of what makes him great as a character is that, while he can be a bit of a jerk from time to time and make some bad decisions, he really is a good person overall. This makes him feel more real and relatable.

So yeah, I'm really interested to see what happens next here. I've already talked about Brooke, but what happens next between Ryan and Natalie. It's obviously going to be hard for Ry at the start, but will it get better or worse by the end of his stay (and will his stay end when it's supposed to)? I could see Natalie not changing and even getting worse in her treatment of her son, but I could just as easily see her love for him winning out and things getting better (which is part of what makes her character so great!). The ideal outcome of this is that Natalie and Ryan get to a point in which they can start the long process of fixing the gap between them by the time he leaves her house. This could be Natalie's only chance to do so.

Well, if you're still reading this, congratulations! You made it! If the length of the review wasn't clue enough, I really liked this chapter! Keep up the good work (to both you and the commissioner who's mapping this out)!

Author's Response:

Alright, I’m going to give this a SECOND try since a review this long shouldn’t go unresponded lol. First off, thanks so much. It’s genuinely so much fun to read these reviews, even if I start to feel the pressure to make sure that my response is up to a high enough standard haha. 

I’m so tempted to put some microwave based shenanigans into the story in honor of the villainous Sofia. I definitely think that I’m channeling a bit of MXP’s monster mom energy with Natalie here. Obviously the commissioner gets to dictate the nature of the story and the characters, but I certainly think that I’m subconsciously aiming for that signature hypocritical arrogance that made Sofia such an incredible villain to me. I’m very glad that you find her interesting though. We’re going to be seeing quite a bit more of her in the coming chapters as Ryan is going to spend some time with her and Brooke. And all that I can say right now is that she’s going to get worse before she gets better (But I’ll say that she’s not just a bully for the sake of being a bully) That being said though, I think an antagonist’s motivation isn’t about excusing their behavior so much as explaining it. Natalie has at least some underlying reason for why she dislikes tiny folk so much, but that doesn’t really excuse her behavior. So we’ll just have to wait and see if redemption is in the cards for this monstrous matron. 

I’m glad that you enjoyed the little buttcrush scene! I’m always eager to sprinkle a little booty action in when a story allows it. Especially when that butt is attached to such an apathetic giantess. It was actually enjoyable enough for someone to reach out about commissioning a spin off story regarding Ethan and his three daughters so there may be a little side story coming up in the next couple months. As for what happened to Jack, we just don’t know his story. I can say that Ryan was quite young when he passed, so much so that his sisters really don’t have any memories with him. 

Amanda is really growing into my favorite character in the story. She’s shown a bit of growth and has the capacity to acknowledge her shortcomings while endeavoring to make up for them in the here and now. So its hard to be too harsh on someone who isn’t afraid to be critical of themselves when they’ve fucked up. I’ve been asked a couple times in the discord, about my preferences with giantesses and while I do love a cruel, relentlessly evil giantess when I’m reading smut, when it comes to an actual narrative, I really love when someone steps in to protect the vulnerable. Like, I love a cartoonishly evil woman who sews her husband into the back of her thong so that she can get his life insurance money, because that's awesome and butts are hot. But when it comes to getting enveloped in a story, there's literally nothing sweeter than a powerful hero showing up right at the “all is lost” moment. So for me, that’s Amanda. She wakes up and happens to find Ryan right before he’s carted off to the clinic, and once she knows the whole story, its fucking go time. But now here we are, stuck in a position where Amanada has to surrender her brother into her mother’s care, after learning a sliver of the truth about her rotten attitude, so just how much influence can she wield to keep her brother safe from a distance? That’s what’s making the story exciting for me at the moment. 

Brooke… Brooke’s still a bit of a wild card at the moment. She could go either way, but I predict that she’s somewhere in between Natalie and Amanda. She’s not a bigot like her mother, she doesn’t feel any different about Ryan, he’s the same old brother she’s always had, only now, he’s small enough to pick on with impunity. This is where the danger comes in for Ryan. Sure, he might be “safer” with Brooke than with his inebriated mother, but she’s already shown her willingness to have some fun at her expense. And like me, Brooke seems to think that farts are always funny :) Aside from that, I think we can expect Ryan to try to use his little sister as a shield of sorts to keep him safe from his mother’s wrath, even if it requires some not so figurative asskissing. 

Hopefully this response makes you want to leave another heartwarming review on the next chapter (Even if it was a bit later than I initially intended), because I can’t stress how much I appreciate folks like you in the community. Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Giganto Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 11 2024 4:36 AM Title: Chapter 13

I think Natalie will probably end up pushing her family further away before it's over. I think it would be hilarious if she lectured her son about his choices and ended up shrinking as well. 

Fun chapter.

Author's Response:

Glad that you enjoyed it! I would definitely understand anyone's desire to distance themselves from Natalie. But maybe she'll wind up doing a bit of self reflection. Only time will tell. 

Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: JD1910 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 10 2024 8:36 PM Title: Chapter 1

Great chapter, like the continued world building, with the introduction of other RP's views. Was a bit confused at the sudden use of RP in the kitchen scene instead of Ryan, like was used in most of the scenario, but other than that, really good.

Looking forward to what situations Ryan finds himself in staying with Natalie. Possibly more inattentive shenanigans and perhaps see we'll Natalie learn she likes RP's, just not the way Ryan hopes.

Author's Response:

Yeah it does read a bit odd now that I'm reviewing the chapter. To avoid falling into the trap of just saying "Ryan said this," "Ryan did that," "Ryan ran here," "Ryan looked there," I'll try to mix it up from time to time. Sometimes it's "The tiny man did this," or "The giantess hovered her foot over the shrunken blonde."  In that instance I also think I was trying to reintroduce the term reduced person because it would be getting used more in the clinic setting. But I can definitely see how it's a bit jarring now. 

Definitely some more time with Natalie in Ryan's immediate future, but we'll have to just wait and see how she acts when Amanda is back at college. Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Toothpasted Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 10 2024 7:49 AM Title: Chapter 13

I like this continuation. I was so anxious about how this was gonna shake out, right up until Amanda walked in the kitchen I was scared for him.

I’m glad that Amanda is feeling some guilt about this situation but I’m also glad she was able to stand up for herself, and allow him to stand up for himself in his own words. I hope after this that Ryan and Amanda are able to get back to regular life at the apartment. 

I like natalie but I am also afraid she has ulterior motives, the smirk as she agreed to the two week plan makes me nervous. I’m am worried/excited at the prospects. I figure best case scenario she messes with him, sits/crushes him a few times, and tries to totally control his day to day, worse case scenario she tries to make his stay permanent, by either withholding him from Amanda or alienating Ryan and Amanda from each other and somehow makes amanda not want to take him back. Either way Ill be reading.

you have such a great way of weaving tension into these scenes and keeping the size difference in the forefront while developing and expressing these characters. You’re really cooking with this story, can’t wait to see what happens next

Author's Response:

You and me both! I was reading a story recently where an overbearing giantess mother was trying to keep her son and husband under her control and it was filling me with so much anxiety. But the payoff for that sort of tension is the huge wave of relief that comes when someone else steps in for the rescue or when the tiny gets some much deserved payback. I’m really glad to hear that I’ve managed to capture a tiny bit of that sensation here in my story.  Ultimately the direction of the story comes down to the commissioner, but I do find myself typically rooting for characters getting their comeuppance in the end. 

I agree about Amanda. I think the guilt is deserved, however well intentioned she might have been in trying to get the family back together, she definitely out Ryan in a touch of “danger.

As far as Natalie goes, I think her ulterior motive comes down to control. Her some fucked up and now in her eyes, he can’t be trusted to make decisions for himself anymore. But if she were to get her way, how would her perception of her tiny some change given the benefit of time. Would she eventually start to treat him like normal, or would she start to see him more as her property? I think that’s the operative question. 

Thank you so much for the kind words. Hearing from the community is what makes writing so much fun for me. So thanks for the review and thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Eternal36 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 10 2024 6:07 AM Title: Chapter 13

Another great chapter, I would have loved to see Ryan interact with his mom more physically, but genuinely enjoyed seeing Ethan being sat on.

On another note, the writing style and the dialogue is honestly really enjoyable, it really builds a nice family interaction, it's both so unique and well written, that this story is easily one of the best on this site.

I'm looking forward to more chapters and seeing where it goes from here, do you think you'll write over Christmas? Or is it more likely we'll see something later into the new year?

Author's Response:

Thanks so much, I’m really glad that you’re enjoying it. I’d also love more buttcrushing all around, but I’m working within the scope of what the commissioner is looking for with each chapter. I do try to make sure there’s at least a little bit of giantess interaction in each chapter, but I can’t get too carried away and abandon the nature of the characters and their story. Hopefully the narrative is interesting enough to make the journey between smut scenes enjoyable all the same.

And thanks so much, I’m so glad that you enjoy my writing style. A lot has changed since writing my first story and I like to think that I’ve grown quite a bit as an author. It warms my heart to hear from the community and know that people are getting some enjoyment out of my work.

I’ll likely post one more chapter of this story in December. I’ve closed my other comms for the month, but because this commissioner and I have been working so closely for a while now, I have a partial outline for the next chapter that I’ve started to work on. 

Reviewer: JerkyLover777 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 10 2024 3:51 AM Title: Chapter 13

Boy, what a wonderful mother.

I do hope Natalie comes around to being at least a bit nicer to Ryan. Having someone she cares about become something she has so much disdain and hatred for could be a learning experience for her, and if her own maternal instincts fail her, maybe the stakes of the love and respect of all 3 of her kids and being excommunicated by her son if she keeps this energy with him will at least make her second guess her actions. At the very least it feels like karma was visited upon her being forced into this scenario.

Also glad Amanda is feeling some real regret over making this meeting happen. She really should have known better, and I think that while she's easily been the best family member in terms of respecting and caring for Ryan, she still has a ways to go when it comes to truly respecting his autonomy. 

I'm looking forward to seeing how Brooke handles all of this too, she's still hard to pin down when the dynamic will be their overbearing mother dehumanizing or having to actively stop herself from dehumanizing Ryan. Will she stand up for him, stay out of it, keep treating Ryan like nothing has changed?

Still looking forward to what comes next, kudos on another great chapter!

Author's Response:

Yeah, Natalie’s a real peach, ain’t she? We’ll have to wait and see what path she winds up taking. The way I see it, she’s got two options. Either she does some self reflection and realizes how useless and harmful her bigotry is, or she remains self centered and becomes somewhat of a villain in her son’s story. I’m in a unique position in that I get to write the words and flesh out the specifics, but I’m just as blind to the future as the reader is. We’ll just have to wait and see where the commissioner takes us next.

And I agree about Amanda. I think there’s good intention there, trying to repair strain in the family. But now that she’s seen first hand the way that her mother’s attitude affects the people that she cares about, Amanda is realizing that she should’ve put a bit more stock in Ryan’s concerns. Question is, did that revelation come too late? Maybe she can co-opt Brooke into playing defense on her behalf. I mean, “pranks” aside, she hasn’t shown any signs of sharing her mother’s cold hearted beliefs. Only time will tell.

Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Jsm109 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 10 2024 2:32 AM Title: Chapter 13

I'm REALLY loving this Natalie character. Haven't followed your stories for awhile, but this one's def a new fave of mine. Hoping to see more interaction with her and perhaps a tiny of her own. She seems to have so much disdain for them, almost like deep down she gets a kick out of dominating them.

Author's Response:

Glad that you’re enjoying her! It seems like Ryan’s going to be stuck with her for at least a little while, so we’ll see how their time together works out. It definitely seems like having an RP for a son has done very little to affect her attitude towards their kind. Ryan might just be in for a rough couple of weeks… or who knows, maybe even longer.

Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: DanceDance1982 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 06 2024 7:14 AM Title: Chapter 1

loving this story, your writing and pacing is great. I can’t wait to read what happens next.

Author's Response:

Glad that you're enjoying it, next chapter should be going up on Monday. Thanks so much for reading!!

Reviewer: Jsm109 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 25 2024 5:41 PM Title: Chapter 12

Would've preferred step-family, but it's a commission and it's still fantastic. I love the foreshadowing of Natalie's looming crotch as she crouches down. I'm definitely looking forward to the next entry.

Author's Response:

Glad you're able to enjoy it considering. Certainly seems like Natalie's threats cast a pretty heavy shadow over Ryan. Stay tuned to see how everything pans out. 

Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: Giganto Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 20 2024 6:52 AM Title: Chapter 12

I reread the chapter while I think it's a great story I think the first time I read the story it didn't click in my head about them drinking whine even the mother which mostly explains why his younger sister and mother are acting a little extra aggressive than I expected. I don't know why I skipped over that detail. Anyway I love the story hopefully we get some mischief with the older sisters neighbor.

Author's Response:

Brooke I think is just a bit less aware of how serious the situation is for her brother. Naively, she still sees him the same way she did when he was big, only now she's got infinitely more leverage on him and might need to be reigned in a bit. (But you've gotta remember that this is just smut at the end of the day. Sometimes the giantess had to just fart on a tiny guys.)

Natalie, while definitely under the influence of alcohol, is far from a saint in this story. You can only blame so much on the booze, and at some point you've gotta take responsibility for the way you speak and act. Flat out, Natalie is a bigot with some inherent prejudices against shrunken people. Now she has to deal with the fact that someone she loves is tiny and that's causing some serious tension beneath the surface. We'll have to wait and see whether she chooses to reevaluate or double down. 

And I'm definitely looking for both Hailey and Sarah to make a return at some point, but it may be some time before we see that happening. But definitely some more, non-family members coming in the near future. 

All in all, I'm glad that you're enjoying the story and I'm grateful for any feedback that the community has to share. Thanks so much for reading!!

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