Date: June 06 2024 11:33 PM Title: Hot Springs
One of the best stories I've come across on this site, we'll done.

Date: June 02 2024 4:04 PM Title: Old & New Friends
Genuinely one of the best stories on this site. It's incredible the balance you've managed to strike between smut and plot, let alone actually making me genuinely care about the characters. Not to mention the worldbuilding being solid enough to carry the story, but delivered effectively enough as to not interrupt immersion. It's a scant few that manage to pull all that off. Seriously, bravo.

Date: May 17 2024 6:05 AM Title: Aftermath
Baaaaaahhhh Sarah is perfect. The way she deals with accidentally crushing those soldiers and then her eating the other two. It feels different from Jennifer in that she comes at it from a logical standpoint. 10/10

Date: May 15 2024 7:24 PM Title: Taste of Harmony

Date: May 15 2024 6:38 AM Title: Interlude - Sarah
Baaaaaaaahhhh this is adorable. I love the guardian goddess role Sarah so effortlessly falls into, and the budding relationship between her and Soren is just *chefs kiss*

Date: May 15 2024 1:04 AM Title: The Queen
Love the seeming change of heart that Jennifer is having. Also, great work weaving all these elements together. Well done!
Date: May 14 2024 11:22 PM Title: Vengeance Unleashed
Not gonna lie, this is intriguing! Interesting to see the logic Jennifer uses to eventually eat the Lilliputians. Looking forward to reading more!

Date: May 14 2024 8:13 PM Title: Hot Springs
Well, this chapter was a payoff I knew was coming at some point but just didn't expect here.
I've seen you say a few times that you are concerned that some readers will lose interest in your stories because you spend time focusing on more than just smut, but this chapter is a perfect example of why those other story elements are so important.
Yeah, I know you've given us plenty of fetishy fun in this story and even some proper smut (I'm not sure what exactly counts as smut to most people here, but I'm referring to sexual things specifically here) with Sara and the tiny siblings, but you took your time to develop Jen and Kara's relationship, and I'd argue that the more interesting parts of that development up until this chapter have been the personal interactions between them, rather than the scenes that emphasized the size disparity.
And that development is paid off quite beautifully here. Every aspect of this chapter feels more meaningful, and the smut between our favorite mix-sized couple is so much better because of it. There were even a couple lines of dialogue here that I would normally describe as corny or cheesy that I actually found really touching because of everything that has built up to this moment (I can't emphasize enough how much that impresses me, so please take this as a compliment).
So, because of the way you built this relationship, this chapter was incredibly satisfying to read! So don't sweat focusing on non-smut so much. That stuff has been interesting in each of your stories, and, when done right, it can make the coming smut reach a higher level.
It was also nice to see Jen open up emotionally. We haven't seen a lot of that, even in the narrative, where we have gotten a few peaks at what's going on inside her head. So it felt special to see her break down and just say out loud what she was thinking. That also helped emphasize how important Kara is to her that she decided to be honest and open instead of just pushing her away.
As for Jen's concern that she had intimidated Kara into liking her, as well as the guilt she felt for how she treated her little girlfriend when they first met, I thought this line was maybe the most interesting:
Jennifer shook her head. It was that erroneous thinking that led her mind to the untenable conclusions of the Lilliputians
To be sure, everything she's worried about regarding Kara, particularly the Stockholm Syndrome concern, is focused specifically on her favorite Lilliputian. However, the above line seems to indicate that this is also part of her starting to come to terms with what she has done to the little people. In recent chapters, we've seen Jen put off dealing with any guilt about eating the littles by peer pressuring Sara into being a dinner guest and her rationalizing her actions by pointing out how cruelly the Microlings are treated. Now, through Kara, I think she's starting to slowly accept that at least some of what she did was wrong. So when we see her agonize over her treatment of Kara in the past, there's probably more going on there internally.
That's not to say that I think Jen is on her way to becoming a pacifist. On the contrary, I think she'll have no qualms about eating enemy soldiers or anyone else who means to hurt the people she cares about. But I think we're probably going to see a shift in how she views and treats the average Lilliputian relatively soon. In fact, if my previous predictions on what's going to happen at that little hamlet they're heading to pan out, the kind of revelation she had in this chapter might help her better process what the group is going to find there.
That whole opening scene was so endearing, from Jen's uncharacteristic shyness to Kara testing Jen. That second one, in particular, was really fun to read. The wonder Kara felt as she realized that Jen is so devoted to her that she would do almost anything Kara asked of her.
Of course, the reader was already aware of this, between Jen asking for permission to slaughter the soldiers trying to kill them (which, again, was incredibly cute in a quirky sort of way) and Jen complying with Kara's demand to kill the soldiers that killed Osmund, even though she was kind of annoyed at being ordered around. But in both of those scenarios, Kara was understandably too stressed out to comprehend just what this meant. So to see her come to understand this, as well as kind of grasp the concept that she would share responsibility in whatever she asked of Jen, was pretty cool.
And I love Jen's reaction to this. She knows what Kara is doing, and instead of being annoyed, she's happy to comply. Not only that, but she seems amused at the idea that Kara is testing the waters with her a bit. I can't really explain exactly why, but this reaction struck me as the most Jen way she could have handled the situation.
I'm also glad that Jen's feelings about Anton were addressed here as well. I wasn't sure exactly how much time had passed over the course of the story so far, but it was clearly not a lot. So while we've been pulling for Kara and Jen for a while, handling how Jen could move on so quickly from her fiancé's death was always going to be at the back of our minds.
I think this has been handled well throughout the story and culminated nicely in this chapter. The few times we've seen Jen focus her thoughts on Anton specifically early on saw her key in on her anger to avoid processing her grief, instead giving the Lilliputians something to grieve about. Like most cases of revenge, this didn't actually help her deal with her fiancé's death, and we finally saw her grieve when she met up with Sara, another victim of Anton's killers and someone her own size, on the farm.
Now we see Jen fully embrace her feelings for Kara, which leaves her feeling a bit guilty because of Anton. I think her rationale that he would want her to move on makes a lot of sense, as it's hard to imagine someone who loved her wanting her to be lonely and suffer just because he isn't around anymore. I'd go so far as to say someone who wanted that for her never actually loved her at all.
Also, while I absolutely love Jen, from what we've seen in this story, a relationship for her isn't for everyone. She's generally closed off emotionally, has a short temper, is the jealous type apparently, and can get pretty aggressive in the heat of the moment. That's not to say that she doesn't have a ton of good traits as well (there are a lot of reasons that I like her as a character, after all), but these things would likely be deal breakers for a lot of people at some point in the relationship (she did say that she has had a lot of fucked up relationships, which might hint at this). And Kara has undoubtedly seen the worst of Jen, given how things started between them. So it would be hard to believe that Jen finding someone who accepts and loves her so soon after Anton's death was a mere coincidence.
So yeah, nicely done dealing with this complicated issue, both in previous chapters and especially here.
And finally, the final scene, from Jen teasing Kara before stuffing the tiny inside her to her profuse apology at going too hard on Kara to Kara herself demanding that they do the whole thing again sometime all fit perfectly with their characters. Given the emotional fluctuation throughout the scene, it's a testament to how well you've conveyed the uniqueness of these two that it all made sense.
Oh, and what a great nickname Jen thought up for Kara. Whoever recommended that is clearly a genius!

Date: May 13 2024 4:08 AM Title: The Experiment
I finally took the time to sit and read this masterpiece. Amazing work, can't wait to see how you bring it home!

Date: May 12 2024 12:31 AM Title: Hot Springs
I love Kara’s growing realization of the physical power she now possesses through her relationship with Jen.
They’re so cute together! The intimacy of this sex scene was definitely worth the wait.
I liked how you show Jen’s mouth as both a nightmare for most but heaven for Kara. You could give the same treatment to the rest of Jen’s body. Give us a POV of some poor Lilliputian soldier for whom Jen’s pussy is actually the big scary monster that’s going to eat him up. Show Jen’s fingers crushing or contorting someone then giving Kara a gentle massage.
I want to find out exactly how many Lilliputians Jen can fit up there. I wonder if Kara would like to see that too? Would Kara be comfortable with Jen adding her victims to their lovemaking?
Can’t wait to read more!

Date: April 02 2024 12:18 AM Title: The Microlings
I wouldn't worry about any "delay" in the release of new chapters. You don't owe us anything, particularly not timely updates to your work. Besides, the moment you start feeling even the slightest sense of obligation is the moment this starts to feel like work, which it obviously shouldn't.
So I guess what I'm saying is that you don't need to apologize if motivation to write doesn't strike you as often as you'd like.
On the other hand, you've got three of the best stories on this site going right now, so if you feel the need to trudge through that lack of motivation, I won't complain!
As for the chapter itself, I was happy to see Jen and Kara pick up on the conversation they ended the previous chapter on. I think Jen needing to reiterate her point about Kara's people being the "baddies" displays just how much she's clinging to this newest excuse to push aside her guilt over her eating habits (and the squishing too, I'm sure). That's not to say she doesn't have a point, but her viewpoint does bring into focus a moral question that this story has posed for a while now:
Just how accountable should individual members of a society be for any evil practices of said society at large?
This is a tough one to answer. Several people in "Lilliputian" society have gone from ignoring Microlings to mistreating them to varying degrees since the latest queen ascended to the throne and placed height above all else (now that's how you do a pun). I think most people would agree that individuals should be held accountable for their own actions, but is there nothing to be said for the role leadership plays in shaping those actions?
Then there's people like Kara, who may not have mistreated any Microlings but also gave them no thought or made any effort to help with their plight. Is that evil in and of itself? If a good person does nothing, then blah, blah, blah, right? But again, if the forces guiding your society are telling you something (in this case, the value of the Microlings) it's difficult to break out of that mindset, let alone go against it and do the opposite.
If the highest authority figure not only tells you that something is okay but outright encourages you to do that thing, that's a hard force to fight against, not only externally but internally as well. People trust their leaders, even when they're psychotic (we've seen this each time Kara defended the queen's decisions, even when she suffered from them). Yeah, some people are just terrible humans, but government-sanctioned terribleness isn't always so easy to discern when you're in the thick of it:
"If our great, powerful, and supremely tall (which again, has been deemed a sign of power and respect in this society) queen tells that the Microlings aren't really people, who are we regular peons to argue with that?"
So I don't know how fair it is to judge Kara's society for their treatment of the Microlings. These people are led by an absolute monster (which this chapter illustrated beautifully once again), so it kind of makes sense that their sense of right and wrong would become messed up over time. At the same time, that doesn't change the fact that Microlings are constantly being abused and murdered, and I doubt blaming the monarchy would help the teeny tinies understand the reason behind such cruelty.
It's a really interesting question to consider!
Moving on from that tangent but sticking with Kara's role within it, I don't agree with Jen's conclusion that Kara is a hypocrite. I get what what the larger blonde is saying, and again, she has a point, but I think Kara's handling of her first actual encounter with Microlings in this chapter kind of shows that the smaller blonde's valuing of life never actually changed.
The first thing about the encounter that stuck out to me was that Kara didn't seem to have to overcome some sense of disgust or superiority in order to interact with Ania and Tomasz. She was surprised when she saw how small they were, but her initial reaction to seeing them was to reassure them that she meant no harm. Then she offered them food and was both attentive and concerned enough to notice that Ania was suffering. From there, Kara's natural inclination to help and just be an all-around good person took over.
So while we know that Kara remained loyal to the queen up until she the queen's insane policies led to Osmund's death, that societal programming never penetrated who she actually is as a person. She even apologized to the tiny couple for not helping their people up until now. I really think Kara ignoring the problem was a simple "out of sight, out of mind" scenario. She heard the queen's thoughts on the Microlings and never actually saw how they lived and what they had to go through, so it was easy to push that unpleasantness from her mind and focus on other things.
I personally don't think that makes her a hypocrite for wanting to stop Jen from killing and eating her people. I admit that this is slippery slope, though, and that there are strong arguments that could be made in the other direction as well. I just think that Kara not focusing on the suffering of the tiniest tinies is different from endorsing or even partaking in causing that suffering.
Also, seeing Kara interact with Ania and Tomasz was a lot of fun. After constantly hearing about how tiny Kara is even among her own people, seeing her as a 300-foot-tall giant put a unique perspective on the size differences between the three size groups.
It was also nice to see Jen still being super protective of Kara, even though she was mad at her. The way she watched Sarah when Kara made the offer (and that almost begrudging nod of approval) and had to be shooed off by Kara herself gives us an idea just how much Jen cares for her little Kara, especially when paired with the first half of the conversation at the end of the chapter. Little touches like that help really endear the reader to what's an already interesting and compelling relationship.
And it was pretty cute that Kara didn't even mind that she's going to be punished so long as she gets to keep being Jen's. Kara's dedication to her even pierced Jen's bad-ass exterior for a second. Admittedly, it probably helps with Kara's lack of fear of her coming punishment that, if it is indeed the same punishment that Kara received earlier in the story, she's probably into that!
It's hard not to feel bad for Sarah. She's going through such intensely conflicting emotions right now. She loved eating those soldiers in the moment, but it only makes sense that she would feel overwhelming guilt after the fact, given what we've seen from her so far. Not only that, but she's also dealing with hunger, and now she knows that all "Lilliputians" make for yummy treats, so chances are that she's going to eat more people, although I assume anyone consumed of her own free will from here on out is going to be an enemy soldier, someone she can justify doing it to.
I also liked that Sarah was concerned that Osmund's family would fear or hate her for eating their kind. She has become quite attached to all of them not named Gwen (and even then that's more Gwen's choice than anything), so it only makes sense that she would care about what they think of her. That they don't care at all, as well as Kara and Jen encouraging her, is probably going to gradually help get more comfortable with shifting her diet a bit.
I'm pretty sure Felicia has a size fetish. I've kind of picked up that vibe from her for a bit now, but between the detail she went into when describing what she would have done in Sarah's place and her casual assumption that eating her kind is "just what giants do" makes me feel more confident about it. So while I think Soren just likes Sarah because she as nice as she is hot, and I think there's a bit more to Felicia's attraction to the giant Latina.
You already know how I feel about Tarkus. I love seeing him lose it after that battle. Not only that, but rather than fear, he only feels hatred toward Jen. He isn't even afraid of the queen killing him for failing. His real fear is of losing. He puts everything he is into his role as a general, and winning is everything for him. I've said it plenty of times before, but he makes for a great villain, and I love how simple, yet nuanced he is.
Like I said before, we get to see just how unhinged the queen really is here. She's such a terrible leader, but most tyrants are. We've seen before how power hungry and gluttonous she can be, but now we know that she's batshit crazy! The more we see of her, the more this society makes sense to me.
Lastly, I've been waiting for our heroes to make a return trip to that little hamlet. I think seeing what the soldiers did there is going to be a big moment for several characters, so here's some speculation on that.
For Sarah, seeing that the villagers have been murdered will likely help her get over that last hurdle holding her back from doing what she needs to do. Coming across that level of evil will probably strengthen her resolve, especially if they're aware of why the soldiers killed them (I'm assuming they'll figure it out or maybe a survivor will emerge). This is exactly what they were trying to do to Osmund's family. That's surely going to awaken something in her.
I mentioned before that I was glad that we rehashed/continued that conversation between Kara and Jen this chapter, and this is another reason why. Kara has gone from not wanting Jen to kill/eat anyone to accepting it to no longer feeling sorry for Jen's victims (provided they're soldiers at least). But I think seeing this, seeing her one successful experiment in coexistence between her people and Jen wiped away because of the queen's policy is going to make Jen's words sink in deeper. I think Kara is going to start to believe herself that her people are, in fact, the baddies, that their society is inherently evil. She's likely going to think Jen is right. This is going to be a trying time for her, I think, and, if I'm right, I'm curious to see how you handle that and where you go with it.
Jen, I think, will have the opposite takeaway from the scene. I think seeing those people murdered, people whose only crime was doing what she asked to avoid being eaten, is going to make her feel things for the "Lilliputians" that she doesn't much want to feel. She's going to be upset that they were killed for no good reason. She's not going to view them as food or pests or baddies. She's going to view them as people, and probably get that same urge she feels toward the Microlings, that people like this need protected. Of course, if she starts to go down that road, she'll have to move past her latest guilt avoidance technique and have to deal with what she's done. That would be interesting, to say the least.
And I think Gwen will be affected by this as well, although I could see her going one of two ways. She could realize that this could have been her whole family and put the blame for Osmund's death where it actually belongs. Or, more likely in my opinion, she could see this as another example of what happens when you try to help giants, blame Jen for the whole thing, and go on to do something stupid in the chapters ahead. Either way, she's been creeping in the background for a while now, and I think we're going to see her role in this story increased by at least a little bit.
Or I could be wrong and this visit to the hamlet won't be the moment I think it is and all of the above speculation was just a waste of time. Wouldn't that be fun!

Date: April 01 2024 6:43 AM Title: The Experiment
I check basically each weekend to see if there’s an update to this story! I love how the relationships are progressing and the way Sarah and Jennifer are learning more about the world they’re in. Thanks for a new chapter, I totally devoured it! (No pun intended.)

Date: March 30 2024 7:39 PM Title: The Microlings
I just wanna say that i do check everyday for an update on this story. I know it sounds a bit much but i am invested so much in this story really. I just love how you write it. The interactions between Jen and Kara just makes me melt inside. But i do wanna say to take your time writing it. I understand the motivation a lot myself. Just know im a huge fangirl
Author's Response:
D’aww :) Thank you so much for your kind words. They really mean a lot to me and they help with my motivation greatly. I’m ecstatic to hear others enjoying this story. I’m also happy to hear you’re loving Jen & Kara’s relationship! Aren’t they great together? XD

Date: March 06 2024 8:20 AM Title: Aftermath
My first thought after reading this chapter is that I might have underestimated Jen a little bit in my last review.
I previously thought that she wouldn't be able to come to terms with and accept that the Lilliputians (really Gulliverans in this universe, if we're sticking with that terminology) as a whole are actually people and that she has murdered and eaten several innocent people. I think we saw a lot in this chapter that shows that she's slowly moving down the path to doing just that.
I was a little surprised that her main reason for getting Sara to eat those soldiers was to have a partner in crime to help alleviate the guilt nagging at the back of her mind. I really thought she was just going to push ahead and ignore the contradiction toward her love for Kara and her viewing the rest of her race as food (and evil food at that). And speaking of that, I love how that contradiction came out in her rambling argument to Sara for why the soldiers are pests but Kara isn't didn't make any sense to our Latina goddess. While Sara is starting to adapt to Jen's cross-dimensional diet, I have a feeling that this won't be the last time that Jen's faulty logic gets to her, and she's probably going to call her tall friend out on it at some point.
And Jen gaining a new respect for the late Osmund is another sign that her way of viewing the Lilliputians is changing. Before she was thankful that he saved Sara, but now she actually appreciates what he was trying to do and (it looks like) she's willing to take up his cause (beyond just killing the queen, which she was down for before even meeting Osmund and company). In the early chapters of this story, I couldn't have imagined her feeling this way about a Lilliputian, and Kara earned that over the course of several chapters after that, thanks in part to being able to speak English. Jen never even have an actual conversation with Osmund, so I think this is some real growth from Jen here.
I love the evolution of Sara in this chapter. Her hesitation to eat or even kill Osmund's murderers herself fits with her gentle personality, but between their taste, her hunger, and what they did to the family that saved her life, she was able to get past that and eat them. She even briefly wanted to take it back and throw the first one back up, which I found to be a bit cute.
I wasn't sure if we were going to see her go that far in this story (I figured she would move away from her pacifism a bit, but not that far), but it makes sense that she did. And her framing of the act as being a sort of avenging angel kind of helps her maintain that gentle, good-person status, despite killing two tinies in maybe the worst way possible (and knowing exactly how torturous the digestion process is for them).
But all-in-all, something like this needed to happen. Sara had to become willing to hurt enemy soldiers at the very least. The battle at the farm probably would have gone better had she been more aggressive during the battle (I'm not sure it would have saved Osmund, though, to be fair).
Kara's got a lot going on inside her head right now. I think this chapter shined the most when it showed her processing her grief, anger, and guilt over Osmund's death. The way she took command and ordered Jen to eat the soldiers in the house showed a serious yet very believable change in her, which also needed to happen at some point. I feel bad that she blames herself for what happened, and Soren's quick appearance in the chapter to let her know it wasn't (and to quietly endorse Sara killing his father's killers) was a nice touch as well.
I also thought her reaction to Jen's anger after telling her about the Microlings (see real Lilliputians) was intriguing. Her greatest fear with Jen isn't death or digestion but Jen abandoning her. That's pretty remarkable when you think about it. It really built off the time that Kara explained to Jen that she was basically ostracized from society because she was so short. Jen's acceptance of her is the most important thing to her, and losing that is the worst thing that can happen to her. That's pretty sad, but it also makes the relationship between the two of them that much more special, especially with Jen more or less forgiving Kara and briefly wishing she was small enough to comfort her properly immediately after hearing that from her tiny friend/love.
As for that relationship, this chapter continued to show how serious Jen's feelings for Kara really are. Aside from Kara's sadness wiping out Jen's anger (which isn't an easy thing to do, based on how this story has gone so far), there were plenty of little things scattered throughout the chapter. There was Jen asking Kara is she could hold the tiny woman after that near-death experience (she's not normally the type to ask tinies for permission), her letting Kara get away with ordering her around with those soldiers, the fact that she had to really focus on not ripping into Sara for Kara almost dying on the Latina's watch, the way she gently stroked Kara's cheek while she declared that she would rip the head off of any Lilliputian that would so much as look at her little friend the wrong way, and even how she has gotten really good at holding Kara steady in her palm while walking, as well as other minor details peppered in as well. You've really nailed down the whole "violent giantess with one special tiny" thing down.
And I vote for Shortcake as Kara's pet name. You didn't say we were voting, but I you don't hate democracy, right? RIGHT?!
The double-sided hypocrisy between Kara and Jen about the MIcrolings made a lot of sense. Kara was raised to not view the Microlings as people, so while the reality that Jen is to the Lilliputians as they are to the Microlings has surely been in the back of her head for a while, she views people her size as having value and needing to be kept alive. She was never cruel to the Microlings, but she doesn't value them in the same way either. It's an illusionary crime against her (and most of their kind) committed by the Queen (I know they didn't think much of the Microlings before, but at least they mostly left them alone back then).
Jen is right to be angry. After all the shit Kara has given her about being peaceful with the Lilliputians, it has to be annoying to hear that most of them do the same shit to people so much smaller than them. I also like that she rationalized her own mistreatment of tinies as unknowingly helping the Microlings. Just another way to try and unburden that deeply buried guilt over her actions.
Which, of course, makes Jen a hypocrite here as well. She calls the Lilliputians evil monsters for what they've done to the Microlings when she's done the same shit to the Lilliputians. To be fair, she did the worst of it shortly after Anton died, so grief and vengeance were factors while the Lilliputians do their terrible deeds for fun or annoyance, but that doesn't change the fact that she ate and flattened several people that had nothing to do with Anton's death and were really only guilty of being under the wrong boot at the wrong time. Like I said above, I'm starting to think Jen will actually confront this reality at some point, so I'm pretty interested in seeing how that goes (if it does actually happen; some people run from shit like that, and I'm not sure I could totally blame Jen if she was one of them).
I do like that while Kara automatically assumed Jen would think about eating the Microlings, the giant blonde went the other way and seems to want to protect them. I think that shows that Jen is a good person despite what she's done throughout the story, and without being blinded by the hatred that can only come with the love of your life being murdered in front of you, her first instinct is to stand up for those weaker than herself. I'm really curious how her coming into contact with the Microlings will go.
And if they go to where the Microlings near the farm were, Sara is probably going to be pretty devastated when she finds out what she unknowingly did to them a while back.
Lastly, it was a small thing, but I love that Tarkus can speak some English. It just makes it feel as though the man is prepared for almost anything. Like I said in my last review, even though he's not the primary villain here, he's probably the most complete one. I absolutely love him as an antagonist!
Author's Response:
First off, I apologize for not responding earlier. I wanted to make sure I had some undistracted time so I could properly respond to you your essay :) Seriously, I love your comments! You’re making observations no one has—or at least haven’t brought it up before. I’m super stoked that someone ‘gets it’ when it comes to the behaviors of the characters.
JENNIFER - Guilt for eating Lilliputians? She was rather cavalier in the beginning, following the death of Anton and what she thought was Sarah’s death. But in between, there was a time of self-reflection where she let Felicia and the others go. You’re absolutely right. Jennifer has guilt for eating and killing them, and mentally blocks her actions as a way of not acknowledging her actions. Getting Sarah to eat a Lilliputian was manipulative on her part, with the express goal of having a partner in crime that would help ease Jennifer’s guilt, because she could point out to anyone who asks, she’s not the only giant eating Lilliputians.
I had another person questioning Jennifer’s reaction to the Microlings. Why would this ruthless woman suddenly care about micros when she treats Lilliputians awfully? Let’s not forget the lingering guilt that she has in the back of her mind about killing Lilliputians. Let’s not forget, her hatred for the beings first stemmed from losing Anton, but are now more targeted to self-defense. Kara has shown Jennifer they’re not all alike. The night before, Jen left a whole town alone and only ate the Lilliputians attempting to kill her. Is Jennifer an awful person, or someone suffering PTSD? Now, she has proof that her victims are also awful oppressors to a tiny race of people—using their size to rule over them. If … if Jennifer were to save these micros … would this be a chance for Jennifer to, let’s say, redeem herself for her past crimes?
KARA - The whole reason I started this story. My little Kara. I’m with you. I love dynamics where a giantess is kind to one special tiny, and cruel to others. Kara is probably going to undergo the biggest character development. A girl trapped in a dead-end job, society ridicules her for height, and men don’t find interest in her. Now, she’s commanding a giantess, going on an adventure, constantly targeted by the military, and considered the most dangerous person in the kingdom. I don’t know about you, but I love her arc. Her pacifism could only bear so much, and seeing Osmund murdered in front of her eyes was it. She’s done. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
The hypocrisy is real, and it was something Kara either avoided or forgot about. But as her relationship with Jennifer grows, she wants nothing to shatter or threatened it. If Jen took the portal home, there’d be no need to bring up the micros. But, now that they’re going after the Queen, Jen might inadvertently learn about the micros, and then figure out Kara was keeping a secret, which would lead to a conflict in their relationship. Kara is smart. Better to come clean now—BEG for forgiveness—and then hopefully continue building her relation with Jennifer.
SARAH - Poor Sarah—put in such an awkward position. Your observations on her were spot on. Her gentle personality, her hesitation to kill the soldiers … I hope I showed how much she didn’t want to do it. But damn, those Lilliputians just taste so good that it can flip a gal like Sarah.
TARKUS - He knows a few words … probably overheard Kara and her trainer back in the palace, when Kara used to work there. We’ll see the stoic general breakdown as the cunning giantess makes a fool of his men.
Thank you for your review and support! I greatly, greatly appreciate it. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth writing, but getting comments like this help my motivation to keep on trucking. Feel free to hit me up on discord if you ever want to chat some more.
P.S. “Shortcake” it is!

Date: February 21 2024 6:51 AM Title: Battle at Osmund's Farm
It took me a month or so of sporadic reading, but I finally caught up!
This whole story is fantastic, but I really feel like this last chapter is especially well done. Your descriptions of this battle were incredibly easy to picture, and between that and the map you included in the author's notes, it's clear you put a lot of thought into how this all played out, which is very much appreciated. It would have been really easy (and completely understandable) to have just written that the soldiers charged the farm and made the battle into just a vorefest (to be sure, it was, thankfully, still a vorefest, just an intricately thought out one with a deep story behind it), so I wanted to give you credit for putting a lot of effort into things like the military's pre-battle formation, how they came out of those positions, the intricate details of Jen moving through the woods while feasting on the western flank, and so many other minor details that you took the time to include to give this battle a very "live" feel, if that makes sense.
Also, like me, you use a lot of words when you write. But very much unlike me, those words aren't at all wasted. With this chapter, in particular, I felt like every syllable served a purpose. Every description were intricate and conveyed clearly not only what was happening but also how those actions affected the characters' surroundings, every line of dialogue built on things established in previous chapters and walked balanced the drama of the battle with bits of humor quite well, and every action taken by the characters (even the nameless ones) made sense and seemed realistic (or as realistic as attacking two roughly 140-foot-tall women with medieval era weaponry can seem, I suppose).
But yeah, like I said, this whole story has been great so far and has had several moments worthy of praise, but this last one just seemed to come together perfectly. I think maybe the action-oriented nature of the chapter displayed some of your talents that maybe weren't needed as much with the more one-sided nature of the previous chapters or the less action-oriented nature (at least so far) of Divinity Lost. In any case, good job!
As for the story as a whole, I'll echo everyone else in praising the relationship between Jen and Kara. I love the complexity of how this developed, as well as the way that, as two people on opposite extremes (Jen's extremely violent nature toward the Lilliputians and Kara's extreme pacifism) has caused the both of them to slowly "move toward the middle" over time. We went from Kara choosing to stay in Jen's boot over the giantess's eating habits to her getting in Soren's face and defending Jen for eating enemy soldiers in a relatively short amount of time. And while I don't think Jen will ever be able to accept the Lilliputians at large as equals, at least on a conscious level (more on that in a minute), her putting Kara in charge of who she can and can't eat is about as big a step in that direction as I think we can expect from her.
While we're on the subject of Kara being the keeper of Jen's stomach, I absolutely adored the fact that Jen felt that she had to get Kara's permission before eating the western flank. The fact that she took her promise to the mini-scholar that seriously in such a critical situation shows just how much she cares for and respects Kara. And it was the cutest prerequisite to that level of bloodlust that I've ever seen!
Between that and threatening to break Sara's legs (before trying to laugh it off when she realized that she needed to find her filter again around her equal-sized friend), Jen's love for Kara really shined through in that scene. Man, I'd hate to be those soldiers in the farmhouse right about now.
Jen, in general, has been a fun, yet surprisingly deep character. Early on, I thought this was going to be just a really good revenge story with rich perspectives of tinies given from time to time. But the emotional rollercoaster that she's gone through throughout the story has been really moving (and incredibly hot at the same time!). I especially loved the use of the language barrier in the earlier chapters, sometimes with Jen not understanding her victims' begging and others with those victims not understanding her actions (like the people taken from the bar and later let go). It was a unique way to get her emotions across and express both her frustrations and short-lived pleasures.
But like I said a few paragraphs back, I don't think Jen will ever be able to consciously see the Lilliputians as humans, even though it's pretty clear that she does on a subconscious level. Honestly, I think if she accepted that they were just like her, it would break her. The things she has done to them in a rage, especially devouring helpless villagers, would be pure evil if they were the same as her, and she's clearly not that. That's why she concluded that they were just food, even as she's explaining that to Kara, who she obviously didn't see as food even then. The consequence of this, though, is that she's going to keep eating them. If she stopped now, that would be acknowledging that she was wrong before, and I think the guilt of that would crush her.
Thankfully, Kara gives her a nice workaround for this. Jen can now keep deluding herself and not eat or have her fun with good, everyday people at the same time. I don't ever foresee Kara abusing her role in this, although she's still growing into it, and I think this battle going on right now is going to alter her perspective a bit more. And if that doesn't, if/when she finds out that Tarkus had that whole village killed, completely undoing all of the work she put in to show that peace was possible (not to mention murdering a whole town's worth of innocent people), that certainly will.
Tarkus is a great villain, by the way. Yeah, the queen is the main villain, and I love that she's so arrogant and easy to hate, but I'm digging the general, He's smart, measured, and logical. At the same time, he takes following orders to the extreme (that could just be the culture the queen instilled in the military, but he didn't even blink when he ordered that town to be killed. That's cold-blooded). That makes him really dangerous. Where I think most people in this society would overlook Kara no matter what, he actually respects her and acknowledges how capable she is, which is why he recognized her role with the giants so quickly and ordered her death as quickly as possible. He has the queen's ruthlessness but none of the arrogance. That's a lethal combination.
Sara is a really fun gentle character. Yeah, she's super nice and wouldn't hurt a fly (on purpose), but she's also ridiculously horny. I mean, she's had Soren and Felicia so far, and it looks like she's got Jen in her sights, too. Give it some time, and she'll find a way to get Kara inside her at some point too, if she can get her away from Jen long enough. Her role in the battle is particularly fun, though, as her refusing to fight makes things more difficult for our heroes but more interesting for the reader. And those accidental killings brought a log of humor to a really tense scene. I'm just curious if she's going to be able to continue her peaceful ways throughout the rest of the story or if she'll have to get her soles dirty at some point in the future.
I love Felicia. There, I said it. We haven't had a ton of time with her yet, but she's pure gold whenever she shows up. This last chapter especially. The way she turned on Soren as soon as Kara defended Jen's eating habits had me rolling! I also love how quickly she just accepted it. I don't know if it was Kara's passion that swayed her or if it's just that she has a thing from Jen too (she picked the perfect time to make that known), but it was nice to see someone judge Jen for how she's treated them versus what she's doing to the people trying to kill them. I'm eager to see how her role might expand as the story progresses.
Soren's pretty likable, and I'm curious if he'll get Sara all to himself like he wants or if he'll have to share her with his sister (at least). His rapport with his dad and sister has been pretty fun, and he's good with Sara. I don't think he's really had his time to shine yet, though. I think his dad's death will probably hit him the hardest, and it'll be interesting to see how he deals with that.
Lastly, I'm intrigued by where you're going with this Nectar of Subjugation angle. I mean, on the surface it looks like there's a clear arc for that to take, but I've noticed that you're pretty good at subverting expectations at opportune times, so I don't think it's a given that Jen gets subjugated at some point. It could really go either way in my mind, so that's created a bit of intrigue for me.
Again, great story so far!

Date: February 19 2024 9:05 AM Title: Battle at Osmund's Farm
Just spent several hours binge reading Echoes of Liliput. I'm hooked in the plot and characters! Not to discourage you from writing them, but I actually found myself blurring through the smuttier parts to find what happens next, because of how anxious I was.
I can't help but find Jen's protectiveness of Kara adorable, even if it's a "the best defense is offense" kind of protection. Absolute mama bear vibes. Hopefully she'll also give her little girlfriend(?) more gentle loving in the future.
There's so much I'm hoping for and looking forward to. I really want to see Jen and Kara continue to grow as people and be happy together. To see how the giants react to microlings (esp. Sarah when she discovers what she did to the refuge) and how Kara hid their existence. To discover what Sarah will do next and how her relationship with the family will progress. I feel for Gwen, I truly do, I don't think she's fully to blame for her worries so far and I hope things get a better for her. Poor woman even lost her husband... which I'm also sad about! I liked the divinely touched prophet, and I wonder how Jen and Sarah will feed themselves without his help. Maybe the answer is obvious, but still. I hope we get to see more of Jaina, that she's ok and that Kara can reconnect with her old friend---and introduce her to her new ones, that'd be both funny and cute.
There's no guarantee that anything I want will happen, of course, but despite all of the death this story has left me in a hopeful mood for its characters.
Apologies for the messy and unstructured review, currently very sleepy... But also very happy. Thank you for writing this.
Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

Date: February 18 2024 2:01 PM Title: Battle at Osmund's Farm
Miss the chance to have the soldiers asked “Hey Kara, how's it feel to betray your own race?”
Seriously though, Kara is such a capable character throughout the story who showed many positive traits, she is brave, smart and unyielding. But when speaking of the Queen in last chapter, all her rationality seemed to be gone, and that was even after the scout incident in chapter 11 which nearly got her killed.
The death of Osmund is not unforeseeable due to your hint (Well, unless he still has some tricks under his sleeve, I mean he did miraculously save Sarah earlier), but I didn’t expect Kara to go out herself just like that. I know accident and conflict are necessary for the plot of a story, still can’t help but feel a bit frustrated and facepalmed. Now she need Jen to save her ass and Osmund’s family are gonna be so mad at her.
The Queen, being the main antagonist, as I saw how you describe her obsession with size, at first I thought she would grow big with the help of alchemy and has some giantess catfighting with Jen or something during the final confrontation, LOL. Anyway, since the Nectar is completed and I think it is most likely to work successfully (or else those scenes previously would be rather meaningless), now it is quite a ominous situation for Jen and Sarah but the Queen’s plan is still rather unclear, I do look forward to seeing how the story goes.
BTW, there was a comment asked about Brobdingnagians and you avoided the spoiler, actually that’s my biggest curiosity as well. However, so far the story didn’t mention any hints of a bigger species, and if they really appear the power balance would be absolutely broken. So I think the chance for their appearance is very slim, or perhaps the story still has many unrevealed plots and there would be some surprises?

Date: February 08 2024 9:06 PM Title: Lost in Translation
Jen and Kara are so good together! Jen is my favorite kind of giantess - brutal, with a soft spot for someone special. The scene where Jen puts Kara on a throne and Kara has her break an ankle was amazing. I definitely want to see Jen dish out more punishments beyond the usual stepping on or devouring, and I hope Kara participates more.
You’ve done a good job playing up the conflict between Jen’s brutality and Kara’s pacifism. I can’t wait to see where it goes. I think it’s more likely that Kara becomes more violent than Jen stops entirely, but I suspect both will change each other. Jen has shown willingness to restrain herself, like with the villagers that pampered her, but I still don’t think she cares about most Lilliputians. I don’t see how a relationship with Kara is possible if that doesn’t change, unless Kara goes full evil too.
Author's Response:
Thank you for commenting! Jennifer is the whole reason I set out to write this story. I'm with you, brutal giantess, but kind and endearing to someone tiny they care about, is so awesome to imagine.
I, too, am excited to see how Kara evolves with Jen as the story progresses. You can kinda already see how Jennifer is changing because of Kara. But Kara has mostly remained the same person. Maybe in the next chapter, Kara will start to change *wink* *wink*
Date: February 05 2024 4:15 PM Title: Lost in Translation
What a magnificent story. I really love how you tell your stories.
Author's Response:
Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Date: February 05 2024 7:25 AM Title: Lost in Translation
Wow, I really felt you were getting back into this story better than the last chapter. I was very engaged with Jennifer's relationship with Kara. I felt bad that no one is believing Soren, but I believe him! I see the foreshadowing that a feast is going to be had of the surrounding army, but the big question in my mind is will Sarah partake when seeing Jennifer do it.... I am on the edge of my seat about this.