Reviews For Workday
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Reviewer: GoodbyeGlass Signed [Report This]
Date: March 25 2023 7:29 PM Title: Short cut

This is extremely funny, thanks for the story! 

Author's Response:

I'm glad that you thought so! I was trying to see if I could blend smut and satire. 

Reviewer: hfff Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 12 2023 5:57 AM Title: Short cut

One fires this site up to read some size-related hijinks, but doesn't expect such precise criticism of capitalism's bullshit jobs. But then I remember that it's not your first foray into this topic, and you tackled it before in Exchange Students.

It's a fun thought experiment to see this utopian political and economic system implemented. Giantesses, who are fewer in numbers, can support such a system. But they rely on humans and their capitalism to run the world you created in a semi-predictable way.

When it comes to the question you posed at the end of the first chapter - I would love to catch up on this story in a second chapter. Especially, if you're planning on adding some details on the bathroom attendants job.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review and for creating a new account to review the story.

It's funny that you should say that. The idea that a small number of people can create an ideal welfare state on the backs of exploited masses else where is a socialist critique of social democracy. So maybe that's an angle for a subsequent chapter. Shitting on social democracy and making the exploited victims clean it up, so to speak.

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