Date: May 31 2023 1:50 AM Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
I really have enjoyed the story thus far and would love to see more come off it. I love the alteration to the story of the Pandoras being anywhere between 9-12 feet tall, and the fact that Kazuya has 23 so far is interesting. Keep up the good work, and I would love to see this story continue.

Date: January 21 2023 5:30 AM Title: Chapter 47: Group Bath, Part 2
I'm sorry that you feel burned out about the story. I really enjoyed the story because it didn't have the normal stories tags you find on the site. I'm not big fan of like for crushing women bigger than skyscrapers men's wrecking to microscopic size and expected to live.
So like I said I really enjoyed this story line I do wish you would keep it up but take the time you think you need.

Date: December 16 2022 9:31 PM Title: Chapter 46: Group Bath, Part 1
I would like to see more yandere side of all of the pandoras, but this scene is pretty good too. I wish kazuya can just let go his concern and be more active to the ladies
Damn i really like this series, but yeah take your time man
Author's Response:
Glad it still holds your attention. I confess that I'm internally conflicted in conveying yandere tendencies among the women in Kazuya's harem, aside from an occasional bout of play-fighting between them here or there. When it comes to romance pieces, I consider myself something of a softy.
Anyways, thanks for the review!
Date: December 16 2022 7:01 AM Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
I would like to say great work. It is nice to have a story that is all about vor, crush, death,and destruction. The height of the girls are little taller than I like but I can definitely work with it. I personally i like them to be about 8' to 12'. But the way you are playing there height off is great. I'm enjoying the story so much.
I like how the main character is trying to find answers. I also like how stand off ish he is with grandpa for with holding the info about everything. Since he's the key to this whole program. I thought I would be great story idea that he got fed up with grandpa about him with holding information and pushing to fast and hard. that he just sneaks out for a few days. Get his grandpa to worry. take a couple girls with him. Something like that. Just an idea.
Anyways keep up the good work and thank you.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the review. Glad you're enjoying it.

Date: November 20 2022 10:06 PM Title: Chapter 44: The Close Call, Part 1
Somebody want to hurt kazuya? Finally we can see th yandere side of all of the pandora
Author's Response:
Probably not what you're expecting, though I hope you find it entertaining all the same.
Date: October 29 2022 11:57 PM Title: Chapter 42: Revelations from Gengo
The filler we need, im sure this event will make kazuya even more mature. Less than 40? I doubt that tbh :v
Author's Response:
I don't want to give anything away, but I do have a set number in mind. I figure that even for a harem fanfic, there has to be a limit at some point. I'm sure there are those who think I've gone too high up as it is already :) But anyways, glad that this fic still holds your attention.
Date: October 15 2022 10:04 PM Title: Chapter 41: Heart-to-Heart with Gengo
Yooo...i really need the next chapter ASAP. Its just too good
Author's Response:
You flatter me. I sometimes wonder if the drama might be a little too drawn out for some people, but I'm glad that my work has garnished at least a few fans here and there. Admittedly, this piece doesn't have as much GTS content as one might typically expect (perhaps far less than what they would desire), but I'm more focused on the character dynamic throughout the broader story. Anyways, enough ranting on my part...glad you're enjoying it.
Date: October 02 2022 9:43 AM Title: Chapter 40: Waking Up & Moving Forward
Kazuya has to be the most humble human being ever created. The Collins dictionary should change their definition of the word humble to Kazuya Aoi
Author's Response:
I'm glad his 'goody-goody' streak intrigues you. While I'm not necessarily trying to make him out to be a literal saint or a messiah, it's my intention to portray Kazuya as someone who isn't ruled primarily by animalistic desires or pure lust. He doesn't simply want to screw a Pandora and then cast her away like she's some prostitute once he gets bored with her. As corny as some might perceive him to be in this fanfic, I'm trying to basically have Kazuya portrayed as a bona fide gentleman when it comes to courting women. There'll be more on that topic when Kazuya and Gengo have their one-on-one sit-down.
Date: September 24 2022 4:38 AM Title: Chapter 39: Talking to Myself
This chapter sounded like something you really enjoyed writing. Like an experimental idea you really wanted to see how it would work. I thought it was quite interesting and something that completely took me by surprise. I can imagine those two sides of his brain putting some boxing gloves on and pommeling their opinions into each other. Looking forward to what Kazuya will do next. Whether it be succumbing to what ID wants him to do and ‘unleash the beast’ or if he goes with superego’s idea and decides to continue being chivalrous and maybe even taking it upon himself to have a chat with the old man
Author's Response:
Glad you liked it. Wanted to experiment with the idea of personifying the struggle of Kazuya's conscience. The inspiration came largely from the character interaction between the Narrator and Tyler Durden in "Fight Club," with Kazuya's Id basically serving as Tyler with him trying to get Superego to embrace the harem and stop being so restrained and chivalrous about the whole thing. Anyways, glad that it amused you.
Date: September 16 2022 11:48 AM Title: Chapter 37: New Arrivals & Kinky Dreams
I had no idea what to expect when I began reading this story. It turned out to be a pleasant experience. Your story is not bad at all! However, I think you don't have to try to spell out everything. You know, "show, not tell"?
And why don't you post this story on FF.net and AO3? Freezing fics are really rare, so the more places people can read your story the better, right?
Author's Response:
I appreciate the love. Sorry if my work comes off somewhat redundant when describing things from time to time. It's a weakness of mine when writing out scenes involving beautiful women to emphasize and accentuate their physical features. I also like to "break the fourth wall" in my work from time to time, which I'm sure some people might find excessive.
I've considered posting this fanfic on FF.net in the past, though I'm not sure if folks over there would have much of a taste for giant women in general. I'd be sure to include that in the descriptor, of course. Maybe I'll have a change of heart and put it up there, just to see if I get a decent amount of likes and positive feedback. Time will tell.
Date: September 16 2022 10:10 AM Title: Chapter 37: New Arrivals & Kinky Dreams
Leyendo estás Historias te hace querer pensar en ideas para que autores interesados en ellas las tomen si quieren escribirlas, o por lo menos hacer publicidad de ellas como por ejemplo de animes como Pokémon o attack on Titan, las ideas serian:
Attack One The giantess un bikini:dónde misty y sus hermanas después de comer unas bayas especiales se convierte en gigantas en bikini que arrasan las ciudades, y misty que después de su alboroto decide pasar momentos tiernos y seductores con el protagonista mientras que sus hermanas destruyen otras ciudades
La reina de sinnoh cynthia está pasando un buen momento en la playa con su bikini negro pero de alguna forma se convierte en giganta y después de su alboroto decide conquistar la región
Hora del almuerzo de Sasah: después de ingerir algo en el laboratorio de hangy Sasah se convierte en una Giganta no en Titan con un gran apetito por las personas y después de que uye ahora es conocida como la Giganta de la isla nota:además de Sasah estaría también Petra y Mikasa con sus respectivos dramas como gigantas
Nota: en todas incluye vore y todas elas gigantas en tamaños considerables porque no me gustan las gigas, sería un sueño que estás Historias se hicieron realidad porque soy bueno pensa en ideas pero no en hacer las historias
Author's Response:
Eso es mucho lo que has puesto en tu respuesta. Si bien me alegro de haber despertado su interés hasta el punto de generar una lluvia de ideas sobre otras fanfictions de gigantas, lamento decir que tiendo a rehuir las historias demasiado violentas o las que involucran un exceso de vore más allá de algunos "juegos verbales". como algunos se refieren a ella. Tiendo a preferir en su mayoría historias con temas suaves en general, generalmente con gigantas que son juguetonas, cariñosas, maternales o una combinación de las tres. Aun así, le agradezco que haya mostrado suficiente interés para publicar una respuesta.
Date: September 16 2022 10:01 AM Title: Chapter 37: New Arrivals & Kinky Dreams
I enjoyed reading Kazuya’s introduction. I can imagine chairman Gengo laughing at the nervous introductions between Kazuya and his new partners had he been there to see it. I love how you have also given Satellizer this cheeky he’s mine and mine alone personality that she occasionally indulges on. It makes her look really cute. Can’t wait to see where the story goes next!
Author's Response:
Happy that you've come to enjoy it. In this fanfic, Gengo is essentially the matchmaker, pairing up Kazuya with a literal flower garden of sexy amazons who will all come to smother him with affection throughout this story (some will just be a LOT thirstier than others). Basically, think of Gengo's actions as somewhat similar to those of Momo Deviluke from "To Love Ru," insofar as him being dead set on saddling his grandson with a massive harem.
Also happy that I've made Satellizer's character come off as amusing. From what I remember of the anime and manga (it's been some time), Satellizer has fallen HARD for Kazuya, so naturally, she's going to want to keep him all for herself when possible, even though that's going to be next to impossible in a harem as big as the one that she's a part of (and it's not even at completion yet!).
Date: September 12 2022 1:15 PM Title: Chapter 36: Welcome to the Family
I didn't expect to see Sister Margaret being added to the harem. It's not an addition I like, but I'll still read this story.
At this rate, if the rest of Kazuha's sisters joined in too, I wouldn't be surprised.
Author's Response:
Sorry that her being added is somewhat of a downer. Before I started this fanfic, I already had the harem planned out as to how many women would be paired up with Kazuya. Apologies in advance if the others I include aren't your cup of tea, though I'm glad you're still open to reading more of this story.
Date: September 12 2022 1:30 AM Title: Chapter 36: Welcome to the Family
Another brilliant chapter. It definitely took me by surprise that these woman would be partnered up with Kazuya so soon. And I definitely didn’t expect sister Margaret to be partnered with Kazuya at all. Looking forward to the next chapter, whenever it comes. And most of all, how Kazuya will be able to love all these women and spend enough time with them and also to when we get to see his cousin arrive at west genetics to finally unite Kazuya’s entire family
Author's Response:
Glad you like it. I have other harem additions in mind in future chapters, but I plan on having them come in a somewhat piecemeal fashion over the course of the story. By this point, it's a safe assumption that if there are more women being added to Kazuya's harem, it's thanks to Gengo, given the amount of power and clout he wields. I confess that with regards to Margaret and the older women, it's a pervy fantasy of mine to have them paired up with Kazuya as members of his harem.
As for Kazuya being able to adequately provide enough love for ALL of these women, I have a sort of deus ex machina in mind after he performs his Baptism. Hope you find that enjoyable and not too much of a cop-out solution.
Date: September 04 2022 4:10 PM Title: Chapter 35: Kazuha's Confession
- There's more girls incoming? Looking forward to see who they are.
Author's Response:
Glad you're amused by this latest development. I don't want to spoil anything, but the final number to Kazuya's harem is rather substantial (at least in my opinion anyway). Next chapter will have the latest addition of incoming women.
Date: August 08 2022 3:29 PM Title: Chapter 31: Kazuya's Confession/Gengo's Nightmare (Part 1)
Huh. Didn't expect that Cassandra Aoi would appear. That's a nice detail.
Author's Response:
I got a WHOLE lotta other Pandoras in mind in this story to introduce. It may very well be more than I should include from a rational standpoint, but I'm rather greedy when it comes to stories involving beautiful women. I don't want to give anything away, but I have plans involving Cassandra (and others yet to be formally introduced as well). Anyway, glad this amused you enough to warrant a response.
Date: August 02 2022 1:16 PM Title: Chapter 30: The Pow-Wow (Part 3)
I loved this. Can you make this a recurring dream for Kazuya, so that way every couple chapters (or more frequently), we can have both amazon stuff and giantess stuff.
Author's Response:
While I'm glad this chapter amused you, I can't promise anything. I might be able to work in another sort of dream sequence where Kazuya's harem members are in the giantess category, but for the vast majority of this fanfic I intend to have them in the amazon category.
Date: August 02 2022 2:10 AM Title: Chapter 30: The Pow-Wow (Part 3)
Brilliant story! I’ve been eagerly checking everyday for new chapters and am so happy when I see one, love your other harem story with Keitaro and am currently in the middle of reading that one. Keep up the good work!!!
Author's Response:
Glad that both of my stories got your attention. I'll try to come out with another chapter for the Love Hina story, as I know it's been a while since I put one out there. Anyway, I'm happy that you're amused by both of these fanfics.
Date: August 01 2022 5:27 PM Title: Chapter 30: The Pow-Wow (Part 3)
Oh, a wedding scene, but the girls grow to giantess sizes? I like that.
Author's Response:
Glad you found it amusing.

Date: June 15 2022 11:12 PM Title: Chapter 1: Prologue
I’m really enjoying this so far. I’ve never become so quickly invested in characters from an anime I’ve never seen haha, so you’re clearly doing a great job. Looking forward to the next update!
Author's Response:
Thank you. I'd recommend giving the first season of Freezing a watch or peruse through some of the manga if you're curious to learn more about the broader Freezing universe. Given that this is a harem fanfiction with gts elements in it (albeit somewhat minor in terms of size), that will be the main point of divergence between this little project of mine and the actual Freezing storyline. Having said all that, I'm glad this story caught your attention.