Reviews For Deliverance
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 02 2022 1:54 AM Title: Stolen Scheme

Offhand, Jisoo, I'd say she's preemptively sabotaging any attempt at enacting a second admitting the true cause of the first one!

Result:  shan reintroduced to fit!

Author's Response: That's a very fair assumption! Suji isn't keen on another poorly thought out cataclysm.

Reviewer: Viper07 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 30 2022 4:17 AM Title: Stolen Scheme

As it would turn out Suji did have an alternate plan

The immediate thought which came up after finishing this chapter. And just when Jisoo wished that she would propose an alternative. Talk about timing. Ultimately, this was sort of inevitable. History had a way of repeating itself and once again the original influencers of the diminution are finding themselves on opposite sides of the playing field.

Jisoo has the clrsr advantage in most cases no, seeing as she's practically all-powerful. The one thing holding her back from putting a stop to Suji then and there would be her vow to never harm another living creature. A vow I am more than certain Suji is banking on. I don't think the scare tactics Jisoo used prior will have much affect on her sister. 

There's also one variable who's own opinions should be addressed that I think Jisoo is overlooking. What exactly would her mother think of her decision?

Jumping the gun again, Jisoo. Just like you did in a past life and just like you did with Maddie. 

Author's Response:

You're spot on in this analysis ^. Jisoo pretty much did exactly this in her past life as Daiyu, and Suji basically did exactly what she did as Baochai. This time Suji is trying to pre-empt her sister and using her knowledge of Jisoo's willingness to hurt other people, intends to do things her own way. 

As for Keqing, she's more or less content to let whatever her 'daughters' want play out and focus on her monastery and the people there, and now she's responsible for reincarnating Satsuki and raising her properly. But she's definitely got her eyes on things.

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 30 2022 12:56 AM Title: Stolen Scheme

And the suspense keeps ramping up! Very curious to see what Suji has planned.

With how many crazy twists and turns there have been throughout the story, I’m expecting it’ll be something even bigger/more grandiose than Jisoo’s plan to shrink the world. 

However, this sentence near the beginning of the chapter got me thinking that a relatively simple solution might also do the trick:

“Perhaps eventually the world would learn of the truth behind The Diminution”

Based on that, it seems like revealing the truth to the public regarding the Diminution (if done right) may be enough to change the plite of the specs. People already seem to be ganging up on the Amrita Corporation, So maybe spilling this last bit of tea would get the whole world (specs and normal sized folks alike) to rise up and Unite against a common enemy.

Author's Response:

Sometimes the best solutions are often the simplest indeed!

Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 29 2022 9:04 PM Title: Stolen Scheme

Here I thought this story was wrapping up and yet there is another twist.

 I got to say Jisoo's character has been at least pretty consistent throughout the whole story. She very much lets her emotions take the drivers seat most of the time and is a big hypocrite. Almost everything she's done has been an act first, deal with the consequences later kind of deal. Now with her godlike powers, I'm not surprised if she's made up her mind about doing the diminution round 2. It doesn't help besides her sister, she just has an echo chamber telling her it isn't a bad idea.

She doesn't want to be a goddess ruling over humanity but she's about to do it anyway by imposing her will on humanity for something her family did. She may have recognized how much of a monster she used to be, but her core personality hasn't changed that much. 

Now I wonder what her sister is going to do.

Author's Response:

You pretty much hit the nail on the head ^. Even though Jisoo isn't evil anymore, she still is guided by her emotions in the present rather than any thought to the future. Which is the same mistake she made in her previous life. And it doesn't help that she's content to just ask people who directly stand to benefit from a second shrinking, like Maddie for instance. 

Meanwhile Suji is pretty keen to avoid the mistakes she made before, and realizes that unless she does something drastic there's nothing she can do to stop her sister from making the same mistake all over again. So we'll see what her plan is next chapter! Thanks for the feedback.

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