Reviews For Deliverance
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Reviewer: sandman579 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 06 2021 3:43 PM Title: Reticence

Interesting, so Tae is a family member of a large Chinese family owned mega-corporation. Maybe something like a branch family or adoption since she doesn't have the army of assistants lingering around her like Grace. Curious what her role was, it seems to hint she dealt with some of the shadier parts of the company, since she has access to weaponized shots of the diminishment virus, is a proficient fighter, and has contacts that can track down or even kidnap people for her. The last mystery for her is whatever tragedy happened in her past. She keeps calling herself a monster and had an instant reaction to Alice calling her one, she either killed a friend/family in a fit of rage or is guilt ridden for failing to protect them from someone else.

Curious if Thomas is going to be able to walk away from his probably inevitable encounter with Tae. He's protective enough of Alice, and I don't think Tae is going to bring her back up to torment her further, so if he brawls with Tae when he learns she's already dead I wonder who will end up shrunken and what actions Grace takes in the worst scenario. It would be interesting to see if he hesitates and talks things out if Eren confesses to him what the girls did to him the night at the bar. If he has any measure of sympathy for specks I can see Tae letting him go.

Finally Eren's job interview. I have a suspicion. I think Madeleine Lacroix is possibly either a speck friendly scientist/engineer or maybe secretly a speck herself. I think speck friendly scientist is the more likely, I sort of get a feeling from a character from the Titan Empire series who found humans adorable and loved working with them as what her personality could be like towards specks. I imagine at some point if she's speck friendly she reveals she realized he was a speck weeks ago but didn't see a problem with it. Or alternatively if I read her wrong and she's a "specks are pests" supremacist who learns Eren's a speck when someone outs him and she then fires him.

One last topic I'm curious if Grace Chen learns of how bad the specks in Norwich's situation is from Eren and if she does anything about it. A billionaire would lose pennies setting up a new and safe community for hundreds of specks. It would be an interesting twist if it was revealed her family conglomerate manages to shelter and care for specks by employing them as an innovative workforce.

Author's Response:

I greatly appreciate these very thoughtful and insightful reviews, they are a joy to read as the story progresses and the mystery unfolds. There is a lot of mystery left for Tae, at least that is the plan as more is revealed with each chapter and new questions replace old ones! We will have to wait and see what happens with Thomas and how future encounters with him happen, but you are as always onto something!

Reviewer: johnsmith10992 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 06 2021 2:52 PM Title: Reticence

Holy hell this chapter was good. The way you write Alice's perspective almost makes you feel sorry for her. Almost...


Looking forward to seeing Eren and Tae's relationship develop. The gender role reversal sue to size and power has me hooked. Though I am interested in seeing how Eren reacts to her extra curriculars. Somehow, I don't think he'll be a big fan.

Author's Response:

Thank you! It was very interesting to write from Alice's point of view, I am happy I conveyed her reaction in a satisfying way.

We will see how Eren and Tae develop together, hopefully you enjoy the direction it goes!

Reviewer: Barrowman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 06 2021 10:12 AM Title: Reticence

Superb revenge story. I love it very much.

Hope we see more soon.

Author's Response:

I am glad you are enjoying it so far!

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