Date: June 05 2024 11:02 PM Title: Chapter 13: A Day Worth Naming
Coming back and re-reading this, I get just as much enjoyment out of it as I did when I first read it.
Still quite disappointed that we never got a conclusion for Leo and Vela. Would love to have seen the resolution for their story, and the mystery of how a borrower seemingly rejuvenates a vampire.

Date: July 30 2023 7:54 AM Title: Chapter 4: Exploring Our Love
This... it's incredibly rare for me to enjoy a flat-out sex scene, normally I skip them to get to the story faster, but this... this was different, I'll remember this for a while.
Thank you for uploading to this site,

Date: July 30 2023 7:44 AM Title: Chapter 3: Traveling Light
Awwww, chapter 3 was beautiful! I only today discovered there was more than the first chapter, and I'm so happy!
It was amazing seeing their thoughts on their own feelings, their thoughts on each other's feelings...
And it was wonderful watching them both develop, and seeing more about the vampire species! You've crafted a wonderful and unique fantasy world here, with species resembling existing ones but such a novel take on them- the inability of certain creatures to enter human houses being a human magic and not a weakness of those species was incredibly interesting, in particular.

Date: February 16 2023 12:22 AM Title: Chapter 7: Happy Hunting
Too bad for anyone who skipped the narrative stuff this is very well written.

Date: February 16 2023 12:22 AM Title: Chapter 7: Happy Hunting
Too bad for anyone who skipped the narrative stuff this is very well written.
Date: February 15 2023 3:14 PM Title: Chapter 3: Traveling Light
This is really cool. I can't remember the last time I read a giantess story that was a romance.

Date: July 15 2022 3:37 AM Title: Chapter 12: A Brief Review
Great series so far. Can't wait to see more I really hope that Vela comes back.

Date: April 30 2022 7:59 AM Title: Chapter 1: Unlikely Friends
Brilliant story, who knew I needed a vamp/borrower relationship. I love the characters and the way they interact. The use of vamp actions like breaking the wall, or just always knowing where Leo is were skillfully used to foster immersion.
The fight with green and the banter between him and vela was fantastic. Loved how they were both civil while acting in ways that they must, cant wait for him to show back up.
As always looking for the next chapter, keep up the good work!

Date: April 30 2022 7:59 AM Title: Chapter 1: Unlikely Friends
Brilliant story, who knew I needed a vamp/borrower relationship. I love the characters and the way they interact. The use of vamp actions like breaking the wall, or just always knowing where Leo is were skillfully used to foster immersion.
The fight with green and the banter between him and vela was fantastic. Loved how they were both civil while acting in ways that they must, cant wait for him to show back up.
As always looking for the next chapter, keep up the good work!

Date: March 11 2022 10:00 PM Title: Chapter 13: A Day Worth Naming
A very interesting story so far. A bit long winded at the end, but still very good.
I just hope that we don't have to wait very long for a performance

Date: January 12 2022 5:04 AM Title: Chapter 1: Unlikely Friends
I have been a long-time lurker, but I finally created an account to say that I absolutely love this story. I've read through from Chapter 1 several times, (though I admit I come back and cherry pick the more sensual scenes when the mood strikes me) but from start to finish, there are a few things that strike me with every reading session.
Even after I-don't-know-how-many re-reads, I cannot get over is how sensual this story is. You constantly engage the imagination with details for all 5 senses, and frame the sensations in a way that the reader constantly desires to experience more. I also enjoy how you maintain tension throughout the story; you use little things like the townspeople leaving and Vela's need to react for survival, or the build-up to discovering Leo through the wall, to keep the reader engaged - and then you build the tension into something sexual. Finally come the scenes that bring many of us here, and your pacing and detail in the height of passion does not disappoint.
I suppose rather than waxing rhapsodic, I should cut to the chase and say that I find the story and characters engaging, appealing, and, well, quite sensual. I've long held oral vore at arm's length, as something deeply alluring, but with too much danger and all too oft holding the promise of tragedy at the end, but the soft, relatively safe vore you portray has made me a convert. That being said, if you wish to continue with the vaginal insertion scenes, I will be here eagerly awaiting them.
I very much look forward to the next chapter of this story. Please keep writing, for we will definitely be here to partake of the fruit of your efforts. And, most importantly, Thank You for all you have written thus far.
Author's Response:
Right off the bat: thank you SO much for this glowing review, I’m sorry it took me so long to respond. But I read it the day you posted it, and I have to tell you how much it meant to me on that day in particular to get feedback like this. I needed it then! I’m glad I have the bandwidth to reply to you now.
Just hearing that someone chooses one of my stories of all the ones around to give repeated reads does wonderful things to the dopamine levels, let me tell you. And especially when you go on to say that you’re not always into this sort of thing for the vore, and that’s the crux of what appears to be your favorite chapter—I’m very touched.
I will surely be continuing this story as soon as I’ve got the mental bits to spare for it, and trust me, your favorite tag is a close second for me. There’s always gonna be more of that.
Than you so much for taking the trouble to make an account to tell me you dig my work. It’s so considerate. It’s folks like you that make this satisfying. <3

Date: January 10 2022 1:32 PM Title: Chapter 13: A Day Worth Naming
I found the story very intresstring and promissing at the beginning but i think you introduced additional charackters to fast to the pool of interaction. And before Leo could the first time interact with Vela´s bottom wich was implied by both several times, she leaves and suddenly its all about sleeping in a snakebelly. At the momet i am not as curious how it continuies as i was at the first chapters as there where only Leo and Vela. But perhaps you´ll make it in the end or not *shrugs*
Author's Response:
Thank you for your feedback! I’m glad I had your good favor for at least a portion of this story, even if I end up sort of losing you later. The story won’t linger on the nagas much longer, though I’ll admit I’ve been hung up on them a while. If you were looking for some “butt” stuff, might I direct your attention to a little ways through chapter 10, “detour,” or is that not quite what you had in mind? Lol.
In any case. Thank you for reading and reviewing! Maybe I’ll recapture your love with later chapters.
Date: December 01 2021 11:56 AM Title: Chapter 13: A Day Worth Naming
Just read it all in one sitting. LOVED it! Not so much into vore but it was very well written :).
Author's Response:
I quite love getting reviews like that. I guess it’s lucky that, though this is definitely a vore story, smut only accounts for a little less than half the chapters, and vore isn’t the only box I check in them. Lol. I thank you dearly for the compliment to my writing. I’m just here to have fun and share what’s in my head!

Date: November 05 2021 1:09 PM Title: Chapter 13: A Day Worth Naming
Keep coming back to this. Hope there’s more eventually :)
Author's Response:
There will be, I promise! My brain wasn’t up to writing for a while, so I’ve been just letting my hands do art instead of focusing on narratives. But I’m feeling the itch begin to return…
Date: August 13 2021 6:42 PM Title: Chapter 13: A Day Worth Naming
WOW! I really like this chapter. I am very curious what will happen next.
I missed your writing a lot.
Hehe, I guess I'm addicted to this story. ;)
Author's Response:
Thanks a lot, Bartek. As always, I appreciate your enthusiastic feedback both her and on other platforms. <3
Date: July 28 2021 2:51 AM Title: Chapter 12: A Brief Review
What a fantastic series! It's impossible to not love all the characters, and the rhythm and balance between advancing the plot, developing the characters, and delivering some steamy chapters is immaculate. Looking forward to more!
Author's Response:
Thanks a ton for that review! It's difficult to strike just the right balance of smut and story to make sure you're actually invested in the characters enough that their romantic trysts are compelling, but so you're also entertained by smut if that's what you're primarily here for! So I'm really glad to hear you approve of the execution.
No need to wait! Just posted a monster of a chapter!
Date: May 05 2021 11:46 AM Title: Chapter 12: A Brief Review
Really glad this story is backed. Been missing it.
Author's Response:
Thanks! Equally glad to see you back in the reviews! I've got a lot on my plate right now, but I'm already started on the next chapter!
Author's Response:
Thanks! Equally glad to see you back in the reviews! I've got a lot on my plate right now, but I'm already started on the next chapter!

Date: May 02 2021 1:18 AM Title: Chapter 12: A Brief Review
It's great to have you back! I kind of lost hope for a second there, so it's fantastic hear that you'll be continuing this.
Author's Response:
It always gets darkest before the dawn? Haha. Glad to dispel your concerns. I took the time necessary to organize how I'd like to make the story move to the original desired end and how to keep it interesting from where I left off. Now that the gears are turning again I should be able to keep from another big freeze!
Thank you for your kind words!!

Date: May 01 2021 12:14 AM Title: Chapter 1: Unlikely Friends
What a wonderful story! I've enjoyed it a lot so far. You've got a lot of great stuff going for you~
-A fantastic writing style
-Adorably charming characters
-An interesting plot
-Great worldbuilding
More than anything else, though, I just always love to see a plot and character-driven gentle story, as it's by far my favorite type of story on this website. I hope you'll keep it up, as I'm looking forward to more! Take care.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much! Each of those bullets made me happier than the last! And I'll be honest: when I first set out to continue this story past chapter 1, I was a little worried it would be too much plot for people's taste and I'd bore everyone, but that is decidedly not the case! Turns our people enjoy relatable characters and dialog interacting in long form story arcs! (If anything, my characters are all probably about 15% too lewd?) And I personally thought there was a gap in the long-form, gentle, vore market, so I sought to address that.
I couldn't help but notice you're not idle yourself in writing longer plot-based stories. I'll have to check them out!
Thanks so much for the kind words, Pluto. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far. I hope to keep your interest!
Date: April 30 2021 7:57 PM Title: Chapter 12: A Brief Review
Welcome back.I'm glad you're writing again.
I liked this chapter very much.
Please continue this amazing story.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Bartek! Good to be back! And a welcome back to you as well! It's always a pleasure getting feedback from you. I'm glad you liked the chapter. I'm already working on the next one slowly but surely!