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Reviewer: Edgedej4 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 13 2023 1:36 AM Title: When Life Gives You Lemons (Commission)

Interesting story. I haven’t read one of yours in a while, but I can see the quality is amazing as ever.  Especially with the social media graphics.

Author's Response:

The fake social media graphics just work well with the garter lamia stories I think

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 06 2023 5:06 AM Title: When Life Gives You Lemons (Commission)

Okay, I think Rusty Shackleford is my favorite reference used in any of your stories. And the fact that he has no profile picture is absolutely perfect! It'll be harder for the government to track him down that way.

The social media graphics for this are awesome, by the way. They look really good, and the back and forth between the posters is hilarious.

I find the relationship between Penelope and Lemon to be pretty intriguing. Lemon sees Penelope as her best friend, and I think Penelope wants to feel the same way about Lemon but is getting in her own way. More specifically, that garter lamia book is getting in the way. Of course, letting a book tell you how to socially interact with someone is always a bad idea, but I can understand why Penelope relies on it. She cares about Lemon as a person, but the garter lamia being sold as a pet and being ignorant of the human world has led Penelope to lean on the guide, convincing herself that it's the best way to help her little friend acclimate to this new world.

But the book has Penelope treating Lemon as a child rather than a friend. She even tells Lemon that she's "in trouble" before going off to find an antidote for Callum. It's true that Lemon still has a lot to learn about the human world, but I don't think trying to keep her in the terrarium is the right way to fix that. Also, simply trying to keep Lemon away from sites like has only kept Penelope ignorant about Lemon's desire to shrink a human. She straight-up told Samantha that Lemon had no interest in that stuff, which is clearly not the case. Honestly, just having a few open conversations about stuff like that would help Lemon understand what's cool to do and what's not.

I'm not even sure that Penelope made it clear that the problem here was that Lemon was going to digest a human in general and not just that it was Penelope's brother or that the whole thing was a misunderstanding. I guess she kind of did when she mentioned calling the police or her on that tablet, but I don't think that was enough to really hit the point home. Open communication is key, and I don't think that's what's happening here. Maybe Callum can help with that.

Speaking of Callum, I can't really blame him for thinking Lemon was role playing, as odd as it is to jump right into something like that with a total stranger. After all, he probably assumed his sister had clued Lemon in on the change or even that he was coming at all, for that matter.

I also like that he seems to be the most casual around Lemon. His time on seems to have given him more insight into Lamias than Penelope's book. Then again, he just seems more laid back than Penelope in general, so maybe that has something to do with it?

Him being into Lemon's video with the plastic doll a nice touch as well. Nobody online really cared since it wasn't a real human, but it was doing it for him. It's the first sign that he's attracted to Lemon (and that's before he even met her), and it sets up their "interaction" later on pretty well.

As for Lemon, it was pretty interesting to see her reflect on garter lamias' status as pets. Like Penelope, I would assume that actual people would have issues with being sold as pets, but it was pretty cool to learn that the little lamias are more or less volunteering in order to get to the human world. I would think that would be a pretty big gamble, given that some "owners" are going to be less understanding than others, but it's nice that Lemon went home with a decent person who understands that Lemon is a person, too.

Anyway, I'm sure the next week (or is it two?) will be uneventful and boring for Callum, with nothing interesting happening to him at all.

Author's Response:

As far as the setting itself it's one where magical creatures and the like are common, the first one of these I wrote kind of hinted that when the Garter Lamia started popping up in stores people didn't realize they were sentient until they got them home. The Lamia themselves are obviously pretty clever and view the whole thing as a roundabout form of immigration, sort of. I try to keep the garter lamia stories fairly lighthearted and upbeat, but I imagine that anyone who doesn't treat their garter lamia well will see her escape easily, or worse yet engage in the usual shrinking plot ending with a one way trip to her belly. You can certainly tell from the web posts which Lamia have been in the human world longer than others, I imagine there are some that have jobs, pay taxes, and even vote when they're tired of the whole "pet" thing. Still they're very anime inspired, they get crushes on young men easily and probably stick to "master" for life and keep calling him that even when he insists they shouldn't.

Anyway yes I imagine Callum will decide to take that college transfer and move near his sister and her lamia after his eventful week, because of their fine academic programs of course.

Reviewer: TerryLarka Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 06 2023 2:22 AM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

Apple is precious, and this story is excessively adorable. The social media posts are a great touch, and the references in them are amusing and work well within the narrative. A world in which lamias come in three distinct sizes, each fully aware of humanity's position on the food chain, is truly a wonderful thing.

Author's Response:

Yeah I included some social media posts for all the Garter Lamia stories, they make for great jokes imo. Anyways yeah it is something that all the lamia regardless of size seem to believe humans are on the bottom of the food chain, with the garters going as far as to be infamous for shrinking humans to fulfill that desire.

Reviewer: wisecrack3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 05 2023 4:46 AM Title: When Life Gives You Lemons (Commission)

Favorite series on this site by FAR and they just keep getting better!

Author's Response:

Thanks! There's something about being shrunk to tiny size around someone who's already tiny that just does it, huh?

Reviewer: bigfly20 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 05 2023 1:47 AM Title: When Life Gives You Lemons (Commission)

Fun story. I love how Lemon decided to use Callum for her video. The way she teased him before swallowing him. I wonder what Penelope would think if she saw her brother hitting it off with her lamia.

Author's Response: I imagine Penelope is already a little frazzled by the whole thing, but eventually she'd be like "oh I should have known, you always were into weird stuff!"

Reviewer: wisecrack3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 26 2023 10:26 AM Title: Strawberry Shortcake (Commission)

I'm printing this out so when the bombs drop I'll still be able to read it, 10/10

Author's Response:

Thanks, maybe you can trade it for cans of spam and ammo lol

Reviewer: wisecrack3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 26 2023 10:26 AM Title: Strawberry Shortcake (Commission)

I'm printing this out so when the bombs drop I'll still be able to read it, 10/10

Reviewer: Stehlampe Signed [Report This]
Date: August 21 2023 2:15 AM Title: Strawberry Shortcake (Commission)

Just love your stories!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: lightwing Signed [Report This]
Date: August 18 2023 4:51 AM Title: Strawberry Shortcake (Commission)

This was an adorable story.  I want a lamia too.

Author's Response:

I'm not sure if these stories are advertisements or cautionary tales lol, glad you enjoyed!

Reviewer: MrD Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 15 2023 11:04 AM Title: Strawberry Shortcake (Commission)

The online life surrounding these lamia is my absolute favorite part of these stories.

Between the forum interactions and with it's catch phrase of 'get snekked', it creates a layer of verisimilitude that I enjoy. It's also pretty damn hilarious.

Author's Response:

Yeah the fake media screenshots don't play as big a part in this one, but it wouldn't be a garter lamia story without at least one right?

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 26 2023 4:26 AM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

This was super cute, very engaging, and a lot of fun. Apple's very easy to get a crush on, and I admire the mythology you've built around lamias. Really well done.

Author's Response:

I can't take all the credit, the trope of your tiny lamia trying to shrink you is a recurring meme on 4chan size threads at this point lol. Glad you liked it, thanks!

Reviewer: Stehlampe Signed [Report This]
Date: December 31 2022 2:44 PM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

Second story of you I read and another banger! I love your descriptions, and your writing in general. The fake media post, SNEKKED: COM, Solid Snek and the monstergirl network were so nice and creative too. If only monster musume could hold this level of quality. I love your gentle takes on monster girls! Will read the harpy story next. Thrilled to see which species you will pick next. A fairy falling into her favorite alchemist's newest growth potion? A ghost girl visiting her crush in his dreams? A spider/ dragon girl that has vastly outgrown the only childhood friend that was never scared of her? Of course, just a couple of suggestions ;)

DISCLAIMER: This review was not written by a tiny tail. :D

Author's Response:

Thanks, as you can probably tell from my catalog I like monstergirls a lot haha. I'll have to keep some of those suggestions in mind next time I'm in the mood for a one-shot.

Reviewer: Trahsi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 16 2022 9:33 AM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

This is fantastic.  I already know I'll be rereading it a few times.

I know this is a one shot but I'd love to see more in this world.  Maybe with other garter lamia or other creatures, like the faeries mentioned.  Always like mythical monster girls mixed with modern day society.

Author's Response:

Thanks, I might return to the "pet" monstergirl stuff someday, on the /d/ thread people were discussing all sorts of other pet monstergirls, guppy mermaids, tiny dragons, etc, obviously they all want to shrink master lol.

Reviewer: akilmilo Signed [Report This]
Date: October 15 2022 4:36 PM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

Also, I feel like Noodle has some great story there.

Author's Response:

Yeah I'm sure she had to get very creative in winning over both master AND a girlfriend lol, but high risk high reward, especially for a tiny snake girl.

Reviewer: Intheliar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2022 4:02 PM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

  I've been meaning to leave a review on this, but now I've finally got a short break to do so. Firstly, I'm impressed you were able to crank this out in such a timely manner. I don't have much free time to write usually, but I saw the time span between that thread and the upload of this story. You work very fast and keep a consistent quality. This whole thing was very cute and had a nice lighthearted theme to it.

  I am beyond pleased to see one of my comments made it into here: the Norm Humanton post. It actually had me laughing pretty hard, that's such a suspicious (sussss?) name for a profile. I also like how the name Cake made it into here as well, and she even made her own comments!

  And being a fan of vore, the snappiness of how quickly Darren got Snekked at the end was charming. I'm thankful she snapped to her senses and rectified the situation quickly.

  The story kind of reads like a goofy anime kind of deal. I loved all of it, thank you for uploading this.

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it, yeah the Lamia trying to hard to fit in in the online comments was too good to pass up, Norm Humanton probably always recommends that other users by a garter Lamia lol. Darren getting nommed immediately is a natural consequence of letting his pet Lamia watch SNEKKED videos all day, like it's only natural that the poor girl would want to try him once. Anyways thanks for the review, these monstergirl stories are always fun to write and see people's reactions to.

Reviewer: DcZ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2022 3:58 PM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

Highly amusing. 

Author's Response:


Reviewer: akilmilo Signed [Report This]
Date: October 15 2022 6:15 AM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

I'm not a fan of lamia and it feels somewhat wierd but GreenAnon makes it work somehow. 

Author's Response:

The whole role reversal with your cute pet hits some notes with this fetish I think, even if she's half snake.

Reviewer: MrD Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2022 3:49 AM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

I definitely do not want to meet Solid Snek on a boat... You know, because of the implication...

Author's Response:

Yeah anything could happen out there, all alone lol, thanks for the review, glad you liked it

Reviewer: rrclover Signed [Report This]
Date: October 15 2022 1:52 AM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

should do a spin off were a guy experments to turn his pet lamia into giant one

Author's Response:

I'm sure the Lamia would love that lol, the little ones all seem to fantasize about being bigger.

Reviewer: titanic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2022 12:16 AM Title: Things Can Happen When You Have a Pet Lamia

Garter lamia-mania is runnin absolutely wild these these past couple days. Good story, the monstergirl-focused side of the internet is a lot of fun. Lolling at the idea of some lamia leaning back, grinning smugly, after coming up with the name Norm Humanton after 10 minutes of thought. "Nailed it."

Author's Response:

I thought the facebook parts would be fun and they worked pretty well I think. The Lamia are obviously not so clever as they believe themselves to be lol, luckily most of the humans that put up with them in the first place are fairly receptive to their advances.

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