Reviews For Let's Stay The Night For Some Treats
Reviewer: Medrinisoc Signed [Report This]
Date: July 29 2020 6:30 AM Title: Earthly Blend, Watery Wine and Tokyo T-Shirt
Author's Response:
Date: July 29 2020 6:30 AM Title: Earthly Blend, Watery Wine and Tokyo T-Shirt
I wanted to say that I thought this story was amazing. Loved the level of detail and multiple perspectives. I would love to read a chapter about some boys who turn into shoes and socks for an unaware Irisviel von Einzbern or Scathach. Love your sensory and descriptive details as usual k and can't wait for whatever you write next.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your suggestions and postive feedback! For this story I was hoping to keep to the Stay Night characters at least at first. Please remember to leave a score so people can know what quality the story is at first glance.