Date: May 26 2019 6:33 AM Title: Prologue / Welcome Home !
Normally I’d give a story this poorly written a half star rating. I awarded the remaining half for effort as this is clearly a language the author is still learning. Plus I’ve come across worse by xandermartin98. With that said, it sounds like it was put through google translate, making some of the syntax and word choice so unnatural it’s distracting. The premise is solid, but I can’t really say anything beyond that due to the writing. Might I suggest either starting with shorter simpler stories to work yourself up, or investing in an actual translator.
Author's Response:
Thank you for these advices. Il'be honest with you: I'm french, so I wrote that story in French. You're right, I use google translate to creat the englsh version. I'm going to try to improve the quality of my synthax in the futur. Thanks ;)
Date: April 07 2019 1:02 AM Title: Nick VS High School
It is an interesting story, and I get that your first language is not English. One thing that really breaks the story is that you repeatedly get “his” “her” and “he” “she” wrong, making it sound like every character in the story is male! If you can fix that it will make it a lot better.
Author's Response:
Thank you for your review. I'm very happy that you find my story interesting. I'm gonna try to fix the problem to improve the story. Have a good day !