Reviews For Dollhouse
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Reviewer: 42Rurik Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 30 2021 6:00 AM Title: Dwindling

Amazing and cute size play!!

Reviewer: tyferty23 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 21 2020 2:12 PM Title: Realization

Good story!!

I love the idea of the dollhouse

keep going!!

Author's Response:

Thank you!  This story is quite finished, but I like the enthusaism.

Reviewer: tyferty23 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 21 2020 2:12 PM Title: Realization

Good story!!

I love the idea of the dollhouse

keep going!!

Reviewer: oxa749 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2018 12:22 AM Title: Realization

A great story. Thank you ! 

Author's Response:

You're welcome, thanks for reading!

Reviewer: randomwierdness Signed [Report This]
Date: October 14 2018 9:27 PM Title: Almost Disappeared


Author's Response:

Glad you enjoyed the story, it was nice to write too!

Reviewer: jx59syun Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 12 2018 10:18 PM Title: Almost Disappeared

Loved this, breezy pacing and richly descriptive. One of my favorite stories of the last few months. 

Author's Response:

Thanks, I'm really glad you enjoyed it so much!  I considered continuing it past the first day but I think it's wrapped up neatly as is.

Reviewer: D W Signed [Report This]
Date: July 23 2018 11:33 PM Title: Almost Disappeared

Hmmm, what happened to all Natalie's previous doll people?  Will he shrink so much he gets trapped in the doll's shoe?  So much more to find out.

Natalie sounds a bit crazy, wonder just what she would do with him if he were doll sized???

Keep it going!

Author's Response:

This is something I might continue, but wouldn't count on it.  I'm glad a lot of people are interested in where it could go, but I only ever intended to write one day.  If there is a continuation it'll be a bit while I plan out what happens.

Reviewer: kyary Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 22 2018 6:47 PM Title: Realization

Great story! You've been on quite a roll lately. I really like stories where the giantess shrinks people by humiliating or beating them. I also enjoyed that she wasn't completely sadistic (not that I don't enjoy the sadistic girls in your other stories). Keep it up!

Reviewer: diesel Signed [Report This]
Date: July 22 2018 12:11 AM Title: Almost Disappeared

Greatly enjoying your story.

Reviewer: D W Signed [Report This]
Date: July 21 2018 12:10 AM Title: Dwindling

I really like this story.  The slow yet quick shrinking is nice, and I'm curious how small he will get.  I haveto wonder from Natalie's comments and almost non-existant concern if she is not somehow behind this (just what are those special collector's editions she keeps in her doll house, or perhaps rather "who" were they?).

Most definitely keep the story going.

By the way, you have a pleasant writting style.

Reviewer: diesel Signed [Report This]
Date: July 20 2018 11:20 PM Title: Dwindling

You had some cute lines. Rent in the dollhouse is not going to be cheap. Greatly enjoyed this chapter. Now he's half the size of her calf. Will his worth to her dwindle also. Will he end up in the dollhouse? I hope so. Will he then end up in a gerbil cage or a small aquarium?

Reviewer: DollSize Signed [Report This]
Date: July 20 2018 7:18 AM Title: Realization

Good start

Reviewer: diesel Signed [Report This]
Date: July 20 2018 12:41 AM Title: Realization

I really liked this story a lot. We don't know why he's shrinking. I guess we will find out later. I prefer a slower shrink but this is a fun story so far. Greatly looking forward to the next chapter.

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