Reviews For Eat the Rich
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Reviewer: Nothingness Signed [Report This]
Date: July 19 2018 4:20 PM Title: Eat the Rich

Very nice! You're not messing around when it comes to updating new stories. Why don't you share whatever it is that's giving you all of this motivation my way, huh? lol

Author's Response:

But if I did that everyone would know about the deep, dark pit and want to drink out of it too!

Reviewer: meereten01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 19 2018 1:11 PM Title: Eat the Rich

I was already sort of wanting to ask if we would see an entire building shrink in one of your stories. You already suggested that Fulda pulled off  shrinking and stealing a house in The Prom Incident.

This story also has a nice role reversal and is in a way literally justice porn.

The only thing I'm wondering with all of your stories is that the police never seem to notice all the people that disappear. I would imagine that would go something like "Luna" by deSol on this site, where basically Fulda is lifed off her bed and professionally arrested by a carefully planned police squad and then basically taken to a police/FBI whatever station that is underequiped to handle the force of nature that is Fulda with her shrinking and stealing the entire facility or something. Maybe a story idea for when you are bored again ;)


Also, thanks for writing!

Author's Response:

This group also shrank one in Ransom, it just got glossed over since it seemed ancilliary to the main action.


Until now most of them have been written off as missing persons, because no sane investigator would believe someone got shrunk.  It's like the village in Hot Fuzz, where there's a very low crime rate but a very high accident rate.  Now that the tinies are escaping, shrinking is being used for political purposes, and the sorority is shrinking dozens of men at each party... yeah, I've been thinking about getting the police involved for a while.  Maybe not a full task force at first, though.


Thank you so much for reviwing, too!  It brightens my day when I see reviews, particularly detailed, thought-out ones like I got for this story.  They really do make me want to write more.

Reviewer: Goddess_Lucy_tinycrusher Signed [Report This]
Date: July 19 2018 3:20 AM Title: Eat the Rich

Wow! This story is wonderful! I absolutely love all the detail of their hopelessness and the, dare I say, "delicious" role reversale from rich to nothing but bugs.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!  I'm incredibly pleased people are enjoying these stories, I was worried there would be some pushback.

Reviewer: io1908 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 19 2018 12:06 AM Title: Eat the Rich

Nothing less than fantastic!

Author's Response:

Thanks, glad you liked it!

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