Date: September 19 2024 12:50 PM Title: Chapter Twenty-Two
I only came here because I really felt like leaving a review to repeat how good this story is. It is legit one of the best this site has to offer, and goes well beyond simple smut. It's not even just smut. I believe this is one of the few character driven size-kink story that actually is a story for its own sake, instead of being a story as an excuse to write smut. The main character is one of the very few biggies that I believe is someone you could actually meet in person. Far from being an unrealistic psychopath, she is an incredibly flawed but realistic human being - and all the other characters act so much like regular people as well. It makes the story uncomfortable at times, but only because we are suddenly confronted with the fact that this kink, when taken out of fantasy into the real world, would be a horrible experience for most. But this only adds to the quality of the writing, and ironically makes me appreciate this even more for its smutness. I have been planning to re-read this again for a couple of years, and I think I might do that soon.

Date: March 24 2023 9:36 AM Title: Chapter Twenty-Two
Holy, shit, I-
This story had both the perfect beginning and the perfect ending, oh my GOOOOSH
The penultimate chapter had me emotional, but the very final one had me squealing in delight, oh my goooosh <3
Seriously, with that penultimate chapter you almost had me abandoning my cruelest tendencies, but the final brought them RIGHT back and more forceful than ever~
Flat out, THE best size series I've ever read- and reading size stories is practically all I do in my free time, so that's saying a lot.
SOLID 10/10, and this is maybe the second time I've ever seriously rated anything that.

Date: March 24 2023 5:05 AM Title: Chapter One
OH, holy shit...
I've only finished chapter one, and just realized there's more of this gold...
Already obsessed with this, with it being everything I want to do to a tiny, can't wait to see where future chapters go- I will try to savour it but I am definitely binging it.
Usually the max review I'll give is 9, since almost nothing deserves a perfect score, but THIS...
This is perfect.
Already 10/10.

Date: June 10 2021 12:47 PM Title: Chapter One
Now this. This is the level of quality all giantess fiction should strive for. Not just smut for smut's sake, there's a real story here. Shift how the horrors Melanie inflicts are presented and this becomes a really brutal horror story, and I mean that in the best way. Melanie as a character is already so horrifying, that a college girl could be so broken and so twisted that her obsession could push her to do such terrible (yet extremely sexy) things. And how she developed from being a nervous doormat to becoming empowered and letting the power (arguably rightfully) go to her head was so fascinating. Not to mention that you gave her a totally believeable cause for being the way she is. A family teaching her toxic lust and obsession as love fits perfectly for a Yandere character, and most Yandere in fiction that I know of don't have that, they were just born that way which is so lazy!
As for Adrian, I suppose I should have seen her ending turn coming. She certainly didn't start the story being willing to enslave tiny women for her own sadistic sexual pleasure (unless I forgot about a moment establishing her as a petty, vindictive person) but combine being the object of adoration by a cruel goddess for weeks with being forced to kill someone, then being forced to compromise your morals even further to even have a chance at returning to normal, anyone would lose their empathy in this situation. I do have to wonder if Melanie spiked the cure somehow to make sure Adrian would fall in love with her once she returned to normal, but that'd be way less interesting from a character arc perspective.
Also, I love that Nicky, once in a non-abusive situation, is shown willingly remaining tiny. Gentle giantess stories feel rather hard to come by, and Juniper, while not getting a ton of focus, was a fun character and perfect for that style. Like, of course a stoner would be totally chill being the tiny buddy of a friendly drug dealer. I'd love more fluffy stories about Juniper and Nicky's misadventures. In the end, Nicky was really the only one to come out unscathed and likely happier than before being kidnapped. Scarlet accidently did her a favor! XD
Speaking of the other victims, having so many different reactions and perspectives made the story constantly engaging, and they all were always believable. Then Paige. What a great, climactic antagonist for Melanie (yes, I'm claiming Melanie is Thanos levels of a good villain). At a certain point I stopped reading for the smut and just read for the story, I mean that sincerely. You crafted an immensly engaging narrative and always kept the plot moving but character focused. So many hard choices made from all the characters, it was genuinely entertaining likely even without the smut.
All-in-all, this is an amazing story and I definetly plan on reading more of your work!
Date: June 05 2021 1:48 AM Title: Chapter Five
One of the best chapter's of any story I've read in a while. I can't wait to continue reading it
Date: March 04 2021 1:53 PM Title: Chapter One
More giantess Stories : giantessstories.com

Date: September 11 2020 7:18 PM Title: Chapter Twenty-Two
This was an amazing read. Not just a typical fanservice, but a well told story with interesting characters and some good twists. I would love to read an epilogue telling just how far into madness Adrian has gone now that they are together. I look forward to more stories from you. Keep up the good work

Date: April 29 2020 10:42 PM Title: Chapter Twenty-Two
sooo. i felt like i had to say something after i spent almost a entire day reading every single chapter as each one got more and more interesting. i havent felt such reading joy in years and i cheered so happily when it ended the way it did. it was so interesting and being teh vore maniac i am one of the best parts was the vore scenes heh.. wish it had more with melanie.. heh. this is truly one of the greatest stories i have ever read and im so happy it ended good. i just wanted to say that.
9/10 only reason why it isnt a 10 out of 10 is bcs im cheeky as heck and it needs more vore for me heh. :3

Date: December 02 2019 7:06 AM Title: Chapter One
There's not much to say honestly, this story is absolutely fantastic and manages to be a complete rollercoaster of emotions all throughout it. I don't know if there's a word for the combination of horrified and giddy that I felt from the ending, but in any case it was a true delight to read through. And even though your gf was right, Kimberly does deserve better, I can always comfort myself with the giggly fun that is Nicky and Juniper's ending. 10/10, I'd consider this story to be one of the bests I've ever read.
I do have to admit though, I am dreadfully curious whatever happened to the people who were randomly chosen and shrunk by Melanie at the motel to make her potion an instant-shrink potion. They didn't show up in the news report at the end so I assumed that they either all died, were kidnapped, or ended up in the hands of family or friends who for whatever reason decided not to bring them to a hospital.

Date: May 20 2019 10:47 AM Title: Chapter Twenty-Two
Rarely have I read a story in this community that filled me with such rapture. I absolutely loved everything about this story. The shrunken woman genre is my favorite and this story just nailed it – everything I love about the genre was captured so perfectly. I love the cruelness mixed with the gentleness. I loved the motive behind Melanie in that she wasn’t a bland sociopath; she actually had depth. A great anti-hero in my opinion. I was cheering her on the whole time. God, there’s so much to say. I don’t think I can praise you enough Curse Crazy. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this great story. Oh, and thank you, thank you, for that vore scene and the bit where Erin was shrunk to micro-size. Those were such wonderful moments in the tale. I do enjoy how the story ended.
I would love it, if you explored Juniper and Nicky in greater detail. I love how Juniper was so grossed out about holding a naked woman – a detail often overlooked in these stories. Their relationship at the end of the story had only started. I’m super curious how Nicky and Juniper’s relationship would evolve. What about the pages Juniper stole from Melanie? Anything there she could explore? Will Melanie ever confront Juniper? So many possibilities.
Paige. I was actually falling for her. Although I’m happy you didn’t turn this into a mushy story, where the good character wins and evil Melanie gets defeated, I can’t help but think what would’ve happened should Paige win… Paige is not a saint. The was she was callously rummaging through books in the library while the SW ran from her was wonderful. I could see her morphing into an evil bitch. Maybe like a Chaotic-Good character. If people get hurt/killed around her, oh well…so long as she achieves her goal of cleaning the University. I’m also super curious how she would’ve treated Melanie should she shrink.
Anyway, great story. I can’t wait to read more from ya!
Author's Response:
A very wonderful review that tops off the reviews... Thank you for this feedback! It's quite dear to me. I really am happy that you enjoyed Endless so much, and that some of the content in particular stood out to you so much~ If you pushed me into a corner and put a gun up to my head, I'd probably say that entire sequence with Candi at the apartment is my favorite stretch in the story. It really kicks off the conflict with its plot twists, conflicting emotions, action and suspense, past relationships, dire decisions... I don't enjoy tooting my own horn, but I do particularly like that entire segment, especially for how little interaction there is between people and tinies. Adrian and the others go through various ordeals and dramas without a giantess getting involved until late, yet it's still, to me, really good shrink content.
Haha, Nicky and Juniper became fan favorites it seems... I don't have anything conrete plans for expanding Endless forward, unfortunately, so Juniper and Nicky's relationship likely won't have more to it. I imagine that the two live very peacefully going forward~ Juniper is respectful and loves Nicky's company, and Nicky really just lucks out since Melanie and Adrian basically forget about her. I had some theories that Juniper and Nicky might try to capitalize on the situation, try to find ways to discreetly sell lewd photos of Nicky or something. I haven't thought of a way to include that into a bigger, more interesting story, but perhaps as a stray short, I might end up influenced to write it~
I do wish I could have given Paige more development. In hindsight, both her and Bradz should have been introduced a lot earlier. If I ever rewrite Endless, I would probably include the two as background characters in the earlier chapters, set them up a bit more nicely to come back to. Paige is very interesting in particular and I didn't get as much time to show her off~ Ah, well. I'm glad you liked her so much with what little she got! Indeed, Paige is by no means a good person. I hoped she'd serve as a contrast of craziness to Melanie. Melanie did what she did out of passionate love, whereas Paige acted on avengance. They were meant to be rivals of obsession clashing against one another. To that effect, Paige is also a weird, creepy girl... Probably why I liked her so much!
Thank you again for this review. It was a pleasure reading it and I hope you can continue enjoying the world of Endless through the Never-Endings~

Date: May 02 2019 10:55 PM Title: Chapter Twenty-Two
Admittedly I am kind of bummed for the tinies especially after Adrian was forced to kill Erin etc.. but its an unexpected ending so kudos to that. Happy for Nicky/Juniper though.
Author's Response:
Unexpected was certainly what I aimed for, haha! It is a downer ending for most of the women, for sure. Melanie and Adrian at least got a true romance ending, and Nicky and Juniper are just fine! There are bright sides, here and there, haha. Thank you for reading and reviewing all this time, it really has meant a lot to me to be encouraged in such a way~
Date: May 02 2019 3:58 PM Title: Chapter Twenty-Two
This has been a fucked up rollercoaster. Thanks for writing this!
In the end, I'm just glad at least Nicky and Juniper got a happy ending.
Author's Response:
Indeed, Nicky and Juniper sail away quite nicely. I really enjoyed their conclusion, the contrast between them and the others is, to me, very important for the theme of Endless to stick. It served a little more than just a stray happy ending, I hoped~ Thank you for the review!

Date: May 02 2019 11:07 AM Title: Chapter Twenty-Two
I stand corrected! I'm really glad everything worked out for Mel, she got the ending she deserved. This was an absolutely fantastic end to an amazing series, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what more you put out! Thanks so much for writing all of this
Author's Response:
Thank you thank you thank you~ It's been a pleasure bringing Endless to the world and to see people enjoy it so much. I'm glad the ending landed! With the twist that it was, I worried quite a bit that it might seem off, haha.

Date: April 13 2019 12:33 AM Title: Chapter Twenty-One
Holy shit that was something, a beautifully crafted dream sequence that made think of Bayonetta given the hair coming to life etc.
That ending was also a little curious so I'm wondering what you have in store.

Date: April 10 2019 4:47 AM Title: Chapter Twenty-One
Fantastic stuff. Chapter twenty-two is the end? Where can we read more of your writing, size-related or not? You've got a real gift for storytelling.
Author's Response:
These links have been added to the story, but you can support my writing at patreon.com/cursecrazy, and you can also follow me on Twitter @cursecrazy or on Tumblr at cursecrazy-writing. Thank you for such nice words!

Date: April 09 2019 8:31 PM Title: Chapter Twenty-One
Adrian’s big again, yay! She actually chose to regrow Melanie as well. After everything she did, including making her kill Erin.
I wonder how this is gonna go. Has Adrian decided not to regrow everyone, and instead to run away with Melanie? The police are looking for Melanie, so I’m not sure how well that would go. They did just try to kill her, so it would be understandable to that she would harbor resentment towards them, but keeping them as toys to be shared between her and Melanie seems like a bit much. And I wonder how things are going with Nicky and Juniper as well. Man, there is so much to wrap up in this story, I can’t believe Endless is coming to an end!
Author's Response:
It's been a wild adventure, hasn't it? Thank you for reading all this time, and especially for the reviews~

Date: April 09 2019 8:28 PM Title: Chapter One
This is genuinely a great story. It seems like it might be too late for anyone genuinely evil to win but it was a good read nonetheless.
Author's Response:
Haha~ It might be too late~
Thank you for the readership, it has been much appreciated!

Date: April 03 2019 6:01 PM Title: Chapter Twenty
A lot to take in here.
An amazing battle between Paige and Mel, like Freddy vs Jason or Alien vs Predator before it it was a back and forth tussle that left no room for mistakes.
I was not expecting the ending but I am more curious than ever to see what happens when we next visit Mel and Adrian.
Author's Response:
Hehe, I'm glad it was unexpected! I really enjoyed having this twist in mind, and it's been in my head since very early in the story's making.
Everything comes to an end, even Endless. Chapter twenty-two will be the final chapter of my story, so we'll see the conclusion to Melanie and Adrian's tale soon. Thank you so much for your readership over these past several months~
Date: April 02 2019 11:42 PM Title: Chapter Twenty
Damn this should be interesting lol. Can’t wait to see what tortures and end Melanie decides for Paige, if she even gets the chance to. Excited to see where this all goes
Date: April 02 2019 4:24 PM Title: Chapter Twenty
Is it bad that I was rooting for Melanie in this fight? I just want Adrian to get out all right :(
I think that my order of caring about the living tinies is Adrain, Nicky, Scarlet, Chloe, then Kimberly. I could give negative fucks about Bradz, the Dean, and Paige. I used to have more sympathy for Kimberly, but she just got more bitchy as time went on. At least Scarlet has been consistent.
Author's Response:
It's a pretty messy conflict! Paige had good intentions, but Melanie loves Adrian. Someone had to win~
Aww, poor Kimberly! She's been hardened for sure. After everything she's been through, as well as being the oldest of the victims (at least til Bradz joined them), she's become quite the different person. She doesn't want anyone to get themselves hurt, and she knows how the youth can be.
Thank you for the review~