Reviews For The Plan
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Reviewer: asapshvn Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 06 2018 3:16 PM Title: Chapter 3

Honestly, one of my favorite parts of this story are the aliens talking at the end as they provide a whole new POV and insight that I might have missed. Other than that, the bit of crushing gore and gentleness keeps this story flowing well. Great job on this chapter, and I'm excited for the next!

Author's Response:

Thanks! I'm glad that you enjoyed the chapter. The bit with the conversation between the aliens at the end of each chapter is one of the parts of the story I felt would be more original when I was planning it. It was not always obvious to include the comments, but overall I believe it has been a nice addition to the story, since it allowed me to use the aliens to explain some of the behaviors and changes in attitude of Laura that otherwise would have been only implied (and it helped me not to have to abuse the figure of the omniscient narrator). 

Hope that you will enjoy what's coming too. Please, keep letting me know what your think!


Reviewer: officerkc Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 05 2018 12:29 PM Title: Chapter 1

Laura gets to love out her dream. Let's see what she does!

Author's Response:

Well, she has wanted to be 1000-foot-tall to enjoy and rule for a very long time. So, now that she is 1000-foot-tall she will... enjoy and rule. First she will need to take over, though!

Reviewer: officerkc Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 05 2018 12:28 PM Title: Prologue

Good to see you back my man. Great fun set up so far!

Author's Response:

Thanks! It's good to be back too. I was looking forward to posting a new story and getting the feedback and interaction. I've been working on THe Plan for a long while; I hope that the results will be to everyone's satisfaction. 

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2018 6:33 PM Title: Chapter 2

Great start. Like Laura an awful lot as a giantess/goddess of the world. Curious to see what happens with her and the military later on.
I'm hoping she can somehow find her soon to be wife, Stacy. I'd love to see that happen actually, there being some sort of wedding vows exchanged with a ceremony.(hopefully the in attendance will be forced to see their marriage as official even though they are completely against it) Heck, maybe she'd have some sort of harem later on with tons of sexy ladies to appease her in certain ways. Probably not insertion unless she forces the masses to construct some sort of gigantic vibrator(would love to see her at least broach the subject with the tiny populace).

Anyways, I'm enjoying this idea for a story with aliens empowering a woman to take over the world for their own purposes. Glad she can still easily communicate with the tinies/normals. Ordinarily I'm a bit put off by the giant woman against a military that is wholly inadequate and incapable of scratching her let alone killing her. But here is a woman how knows she's going to rule and may in fact just be given her crown. Unless some crazy country just tries to kill her but I doubt the US would nuke themselves to try and stop her without knowledge that it will.

Can't wait to see what happens next for Laura and I apologize if I'm coming off to strong with how I would like something to go. I'm just really liking this and can't hold back on random ideas.

PS glad to see a story from you on here again.

Author's Response:

Hi there!

Glad to see that you are enjoying the start of The Plan and that you like Laura as a character. No problem on getting feedback on how you'd like to see the story going. As you know, I only start posting a story when I have a first complete draft of it ready, so that I know I won't leave it incomplete. So, the plot for The Plan is done and what has to happen is already more or less written. We'll see how much matches what you are saying versus how much doesn't.

As for Laura, we need to keep in sight that one thing is to wish being a giant to rule the world and the other is actually being a giant and having to face the situation. Sometimes things happen in a way that is less than ideal and drive certain courses of action...

Good to hear from you again. Please, do keep letting me know what you think as I continue posting chapters. The Plan is going to be long (it's longer than Side Effects Volume 3) and my intention is to post a chapter per week, as usual (the time I need to polish and edit them).


Reviewer: asapshvn Signed [Report This]
Date: January 04 2018 4:02 PM Title: Chapter 2

Really interesting start and first two chapters. I'm interested to see where you and Laura take this.

Author's Response:

Thanks! I'm glad that you like what is posted so far. Hopefully you'll enjoy the rest of the story as well. It will be rather long. Please, do tell me what you think as I post new chapters! 

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: January 04 2018 9:12 AM Title: Prologue


Author's Response:


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