Reviews For The Small Sisters
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Reviewer: msad99 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 30 2022 9:57 PM Title: Voyeur

Definitely Diana.

Would love to see her grow up bigger than the other two.

Reviewer: pillgram Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2022 8:03 AM Title: The Small Sisters

Glad to see the pace at which you're updating now, I hope it continues! I know you were fielding what people would like to see, I would kill to see Vicki grow not only exponentially larger in height but also grow fatter as she continues on her quest to be larger than planet sized. And maybe needing something big that could actually fill her up since it seems Diana no longer wants to be with her. I'm excited to see what's next!

Author's Response:

Let me know what you think about Vicki in the newest chapter! I tried to do a variation on the classic giantess rampage. 

I don't think there's much left besides ending(s), but I thought I might try to flesh any endings out quite a bit!

Reviewer: msad99 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 07 2022 12:03 AM Title: The Small Sisters

Elaborating on something you commented on a prior review about wanting to know what people wanted to see.

I would love to see Diana taking charge and being more domineering, even to the point of making Vicky kowtow to her.

Scenes, where she exudes more dominant energy like she did back in the chapter about the movie director.

Scenes, where she grows even while people are grinding against her, her body becoming a literal pleasure park.

Involving an increasing amount of people getting turned on by her scent, the sound of her cock as it rises above the mass below.

All such things would be greatly appreciated. 

And it could be fun to see Vicky brought down a bit, the other times the two have had sex, Vicky has been in a more dominant position. So flipping that dynamic could be rather fun, even if I know Vicky will likely end up on top.

Reviewer: G Man Signed [Report This]
Date: June 06 2022 12:48 AM Title: The Small Sisters

Ok so now that I've learned the secret to the girls' growth and who's behind it,I honestly have a few thoughts. 

I think Sylvia could outgrow Vicki but she'll have to really focus on not only putting making herself the biggest but also more of a maternal role for her sister Vicki. Diane can help herself and Sylvia grow by taking charge of the situation like the Big Sister she is. Out of the three,Diane is truly the most responsible and has put so much effort into giving her and her sisters a place to live and food on the table/Vicki's gut. I also think Nate could play a roll in Distracting Vicki while the other two accumulate size,especially since Nate is more of her Kryptonite than her sisters! I can see that everytime they're together like in the last chapter where even though she was SUPER full of herself,Vicki took the time to gently lay Nate on her nipple and made him feel safe while he was there. Another bit of evidence is when she said in an earlier chapter that no matter how big she got she will always know where Nate is on her body🥰 Honestly these are just my thoughts.

I'm honestly hoping you'll have something for Nate to do since technically this is his story lol. Also,Are you considering doing 3 endings or just one?

Have a BLESSED June to you Charlie and to Everyone reading this comment 🥰🙏🏿💜💜

Author's Response:

I think that the three sisters have certain roles to play left. 

Vicki - I think that she's going to end up playing a center-stage role before the end of the story. She's someone who has put on a selfish front, because she doesn't have many friends. But... for all the times mass destruction has been threatened, there hasn't been very much in the way of death or deep destruction throughout this entire story... until pretty much the past chapter. For everything she is, she doesn't have a whole lot of self-confidence towards anything other than her looks; even if she's smart enough, Vicki herself thinks that she's a complete moron. And very brilliant people are telling her mankind is on the brink of extinction. Telling her that there will be ZERO people left from events of the future. That - no matter what Vicki does - she will save people. Save mankind. Between these people manipulating Vicki and Nate's - albeit half-unwilling - encouragement, there's no telling what Vicki will do. Vicki thinks that she's going to save the lives of the few friends she has - and millions of other people - no matter what she does.  

Diana - Diana used to be the most responsible one. That's how she's been known. But, throughout the course of the story, how often has she been responsible? I think Diana's having second thoughts recently - the only question is what she does in response to realizing how things have gotten out of hand. But Diana may have some cards up her sleeve still. Especially now that she's actually mad about something. I think she's only been aggravated at most in the entire story I've written so far. And there's a large part of Diana that wants to be as carefree as Vicki. 

Sylvia - I think that there may be more to come from her maternal role. I think that we've only ever seen her happy or sad at worst. But, even if she didn't have much of an ego before, Sylvia knows how people see her. How much they adore her. And I think that a large part of her is aggravated enough at Vicki no matter how much she wants her to lose. Alien implant aside, Sylvia knows that all three of them could very well die soon. Along with Nate. Along with all of her friends. Sylvia may feel that it's her time to step up and be the responsible one. 

Nate - Isn't the issue that it isn't his story. I think he's only now begun to realize that he's not the one driving it. And, of course, he probably wonders how he can possibly drive it! When dealing with three sisters, his childhood friends and even lovers, who can squish him like a bug! And now he's dealing with a fanatic group on top of it. 

When I wrote to pillgram below about what Vicki would do as she grows, "no matter how depraved," I just meant "what would a brash, high-ego, party-girl sex-fiend, hundreds of feet growing, free of any sense of responsibility, do?" If you think that a part of Vicki would still hold back - that's good input as well. People never get complete freedom to do what they want - even regarding other people - so it's hard to know how someone in that situation would act. I'm working on it right now lol. 

So I do want feedback and suggestions on the story. I have the overall direction charted out.

What I'm really looking for are scenes/moments that you want to see from the three sisters, even for fetish purposes. Especially for fetish purposes. 

Reviewer: pillgram Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 05 2022 8:08 PM Title: The Small Sisters

I can't believe this story is back. Can't wait to see Vicki grow to the heights seen in the new tags!

Author's Response:

Remember, I really appreciate feedback, and am aiming to put anything in. I have the rest of the story lined out, but let me know if there's anything you want Vicki to do as she grows, no matter how depraved!

Reviewer: msad99 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 05 2022 7:43 PM Title: The Small Sisters

Personally, I hope Diana ends up on top.

But, I am also really into the futanari being the bigger party by far.

Reviewer: memesRlife Signed [Report This]
Date: June 04 2022 11:09 PM Title: Titanic Vicki

I cannot believe that actually updated this i've been waiting for so fucking long.

Author's Response:

It's been difficult to think of how to end it. But I think I have an idea... look at the new tags. 

Reviewer: G Man Signed [Report This]
Date: October 06 2021 6:38 PM Title: The Small Sisters

I really to do hope you can come back and finish this story especially with Sylvia being the Biggest so can teach her sisters a lesson and have more fun with Nate😉

Author's Response:

Sylvia may end up being the biggest, but she has a long way to go! 

Reviewer: Sunshine1 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 06 2020 8:09 PM Title: The Small Sisters

This is on my top3 of all stories on this site. I hope to see it updated <3

Reviewer: Ugly one Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 19 2019 8:57 PM Title: The Small Sisters

More Slyvia!!!  Bigger Slyvia!!!  Have her kick her sisters but!!!

Reviewer: Bigdawg K Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 16 2019 11:49 PM Title: The Small Sisters

More Slyvia, much bigger Slyvia, she needs to be able to deal with her sisters before they all get NUKED.

Good chapter.

Reviewer: Ugly one Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 11 2019 4:50 PM Title: The Small Sisters

Keep up the good work, more Slyvia, more Small sisters!!!

Reviewer: Last_one_33 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 01 2019 8:33 PM Title: The Small Sisters

Again great Chapter, again more Slyvia! though some Diane might be nice, and Yuki being even larger wouldn't hurt either!  Looking forward to more.  Thanks.

Reviewer: Bigdawg K Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 31 2019 5:33 PM Title: The Small Sisters

Great Chapter love Slyvia and her ways, though as she gets larger I have no doubt she willl become more dominering, but she is also a protector.  She more likely to be to much a guardian then hurt someone.  Again would love to see her sample and indulge in her own amborsia.  Keep up the great work and thank you!

Reviewer: Last_one_33 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 29 2019 8:51 PM Title: The Small Sisters

loving the last chapter, if you want some view on where the story could go, Sylvia should be the dominate sister, she should grow much larger the other two.  It should go to her head a bit, but her natural responible nature and gentle character prevent her from hurting anyone, intimadating the hell out of someone... well she's ok with that.  She should grow her dolls and experence the joys have having nate and yuki mate in her 'mating' tube (basically mating with her as well).  I like the concept of her growing off her own milk as well (other reviewer).  Maybe as she get larger and stronger her milk has other properties that allow her to be the resonpible and gentle one, those that drink it are more 'inclined' to follow her lead and she produces ever greater amounts, since it is so 'good' for everyone she shares with reseriovros, lake basically any source of fresh water (and drinking water).  Just my two cents, thank you anc keep it up!

Reviewer: Ugly one Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 28 2019 7:16 PM Title: The Small Sisters

Sylvia is awesome in this chapter, more!!!  Keep it up, if possible less time beteewn chapters!

Author's Response:

I already have quite a bit written out. I aim to complete it within a bit of a reasonable time. However, at this point I'm taking suggestions because there're a few thibgs I'm unsure about when it comes to ending it.

Reviewer: randomizetheplot Signed [Report This]
Date: January 28 2019 3:07 PM Title: Crashing the Convention, Part 1

I’m not sure how I missed this one. I’ve only skimmed a few chapters so far but it looks fantastic.

Author's Response:

I hope that you're enjoying it!

Reviewer: Bigdawg K Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 28 2019 2:26 PM Title: The Small Sisters

Really liking Sylvia, liking how she is thinking she will keep her 'dolls' at a playable size via her milk.  Doubt that all the gachas she could want would be able to consume all she produces, would be a shame to waste it and since it has the ability to grow things maybe she could 'sample' her own supply?  She wants to grow big enough to protect her dolls and innocents, their powers are based on imagination and of the three sisters she likely has the most and most varied.  Just how big Sylvia could get if Sylvia put her mind and mammeries to it???  I think in no time she would dwarf he sisters.  Really like where she is heading and keep up the story.  Thank you!

Author's Response:

I'm glad that you're enjoying Sylvia's progression so far! I plan to do much more with her!

Reviewer: Sunshine1 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 11 2018 2:08 PM Title: Cross-Country

I seriously need more of this.

Reviewer: johnrussi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 19 2018 5:55 PM Title: Cross-Country

Always do love updates from you. Sylvia is definently my favorite character, or at least was till she insulted Diane :( (I'm sure its come off that shes a favorite of mine from my story, from Seven Deadly Sins). Even if it was short, pleasure to see this on the recent page!~

Author's Response:

Sylvia just knows what anime series she likes lol. I'm hoping to be able to update more frequently, as I'm actually beginning to realize the direction my story will go in. I think Vicki's beginning to think a little about control, but fear can spread pretty quickly when someone's as big as her. Then again, what's to say that Vicki will ever learn self-control?

I'm looking forward to the next chapter of Puberty as well. It's interesting how Diane is beginning to desire growth... I don't think that the government will get what they bargained for in trying to control her. 

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