Date: August 24 2016 4:20 AM Title: Chapter Only (Just a One Off)
Great story! Will there be more? I really want to see what happens as Mindy shrinks smaller and how Kris teases her!
Author's Response: Me too! Could you write it?
Date: August 22 2016 10:02 PM Title: Chapter Only (Just a One Off)
Aww, neat idea. Too bad it won't continue, but I enjoyed the concept anyway.
(it seems most of the reviewers didn't read the end notes or the chapter name :))
Date: August 22 2016 1:47 AM Title: Chapter Only (Just a One Off)
Hope gonna be a slow shrink *_*
Date: August 21 2016 7:49 PM Title: Chapter Only (Just a One Off)
This seems more like the beginning of a story than an ending :(
I would like you to continue writing on it :)
Date: August 21 2016 8:38 AM Title: Chapter Only (Just a One Off)
looks like another awesome story is coming up! nice so far!
Date: August 20 2016 6:50 PM Title: Chapter Only (Just a One Off)
Looking forward to more.
Date: August 20 2016 4:56 PM Title: Chapter Only (Just a One Off)
I agree more flights are needed cause I actually liked how this story was going.Would suck to see this go nowhere
Date: August 20 2016 3:08 PM Title: Chapter Only (Just a One Off)
You have a way of making us care about the characters quickly. I want to see what comes next. Here's to hoping you take more flights and continue this story.