Date: December 01 2014 7:25 AM Title: A coming consequence
Awesome story, I know it's been years but if you can please continue!
Date: March 13 2007 10:34 PM Title: Midnight Play
gotta love psycho chicks like beth, just makes you wonder what is wrong with women sometimes when they flip out and do the crazy on you.. some might think you should feel bad for her about losing her father and all, but the way I see it, the chick really let herself get messed up and any punishment that comes her way for her derangement shouldn't be blamed on anyone else. Great story though, I love what i've read so far, the ballet flats confuse me but I dig it. Keep it going.
Date: March 13 2007 7:36 AM Title: Midnight Play
it's a nice start it just nees more action, and i'm thinkin if u want to make it better make the person at the door julia and and insted of being mad, beth talks her in to joining in the 'fun"
Date: March 02 2007 3:13 AM Title: Evening Rush
I'm curious about Beth. She doesn't seem to be all there as a person and may have some anger towards men from her father leaving them that she might take out on Linda's dad. I'm really enjoying this story and really look forward to the next chapter. Thank you!
Date: February 23 2007 11:09 PM Title: From secrets to warnings
I dig Beth and this story.. You've really taken things at a perfect pace to build anticipation without it getting boring.. and that's a fine line to walk.. I look forward to see where things go from here.. I have to admit I am curious what exactly will happen if he gets left alone for the night with Beth.. You've made a great story here and I thank you.. Please continue..
Date: February 21 2007 7:17 AM Title: To be a good daughter
IT was very moving and it has its good points. I loved it cause it showed that a death can lead to a new life, but not the one you expect.
Date: February 14 2007 12:02 AM Title: Linda's thoughts
This could shape up to be an awesome story. Slow shrink stories seem to be coming back in vogue as of late. I really am enjoying the pacing you put forth, it seems rather gradual and laid out.
I am however, interested to see what linda starts to think as her dad get shorter and shorter, and it seems like you are making him get younger and younger. So it will be like she is gaining a little brother and losing a father.
It could be quite emotional for her.
Date: February 11 2007 6:51 PM Title: Coming thoughts
A very beautiful story so far.. let's see where it leads.. thank you