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Reviewer: smotherslave101 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 24 2017 11:33 AM Title: The test

Wow what an amazing plot tiwst with the crash keep it up (:

Author's Response:

Thank you, it was the beggining of the end.The next chapter will be the last.

Reviewer: smotherslave101 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 30 2017 1:34 AM Title: The test

it would be great to read more of this im not a massive foot man and i love this keep up the good work

Author's Response:

Thank you smother, this kind of story is not very common around here, i dont see many object tf stories, i really hope you like the rest of the story.

Reviewer: blackairow Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 29 2017 1:04 AM Title: The test

It's great seeing this story again. I remember reading it when you posted it the first time via google translator 

Author's Response:

Dude you really made my day telling me you went trough all the trouble of using the translator to read this story.Hope the translated version is better than the google translator one, im not that good in writtin in english.

Reviewer: Small Matters Signed [Report This]
Date: October 05 2016 5:30 PM Title: The test

I love this set up and cant wait to see where it leads. I know translations not the easiest but please let us see where this goes

Author's Response:

thank you very much, its really hard to translate, since im not that good in english, and it is more fun to just jump into a new story than to translate a finished one, i almost gave up of this one.Nice to see that someone liked it.

Reviewer: insoleguy Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 19 2016 3:19 AM Title: The test

great start to the story, are you going to be uploading the other chapters in english also?

Author's Response:

Sorry to take so long to answer you, it was a little difficult to me to translate this first one, and i didn't have any review last time i've checked, so i tought it wouldn't worth translate the rest.Now im working on another story, in portuguese, as soon as i finish it, i'll try to get back to this one, and finish the english version.


Thank you for reading.

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