Reviews For To Defy Gods
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Reviewer: 280077s Signed [Report This]
Date: July 03 2018 6:20 AM Title: Chapter 18

Your descriptions are very well done. I'm curious as to how you seem to be so insightful about swordsmanship and other fighting styles. Are you in the service? Do you practice any IRL? I ask because I realize that most of the best author's stories/books/novels contain at least some part of themselves, their experience, it makes their writing more believable and authentic, more sincere.

Author's Response:

haha, no I'm not in the service, and I haven't had the time to seriously study martial arts, though after I'm done school I hope to. I guess I've just got a vivid imagination for action scenes, and I'm just good at describing it. Plus I suppose it also comes from reading authors who are much better at that than me. But I take it as a compliment that you thought it was well written enough for it to mean I was experienced in combat.

Reviewer: meereten01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 03 2018 5:56 AM Title: Chapter 18


Today, Gaelin defied gods!

Author's Response:

Roll credits

Reviewer: geeman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 02 2018 7:30 PM Title: Chapter 18

Really Nice well written chapter! It reminds me alot of the "Amazon Lily" arc in One Piece, dunno why, it's nowhere near as silly but it just popped into my head while reading this. Also I like the path you chose: two estranged friends (lovers?) separated by a cruel fate, each dealing with their own hardships and vowing to stay alive to meet once again. Sort of a cliche' at this point but hey, it works and gets the emotions boiling, especially when it's well written! I'm REALLY looking forward to more!

Author's Response:

Did it? I was afraid everyone would think I ripped it from Thor Ragnarok, even though I came up with this idea before I saw the movie. But I can definitely see Amazon Lily, I'm a little behind on my One Piece, but I've seen that arc. Yeah, I suppose it is a tad cliche to have them sepparated and imprisoned, but hopefully I'll be able to shake things up soon enough. Thank you for the comment

Reviewer: Nothingness Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02 2018 5:34 PM Title: Chapter 18

What a pugnacious race the Titans are. Makes me wonder if Gaelin would have killed Nefferel if she was older, you know, to honor that Warrior's Pride code. I think it was cool how Gaelin taught her some proper swordplay while they fought and thanks to his display, the other inmates  know not to mess with him. Perhaps they might even admire his skills as a warrior? 


I swear, your story could even become a movie. Er... Maybe a book. They always know how to screw up the book version when they convert it into a movie.


I eagerly await more!

Author's Response:

it's possible, but he didn't just spare her for her age. Maybe that'll be explained, maybe it won't. Yeah I found myself enjoying writing out that part as well, giving lessons to an opponent who legit wants to kill you as you fight them. Personally I don't know if I'd want this to become a book or not. I'd certainly be overwhelmed if it did. Thank you for the compliment, though

Reviewer: HABERZphantom Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02 2018 4:28 PM Title: Chapter 1

some fairly good writing in terms of the fight scene, good job

Author's Response:

thank you very much

Reviewer: MadHatter Signed [Report This]
Date: July 02 2018 2:30 PM Title: Chapter 18

I truly do look forward to this stories updates. I want to see what will happen to this status quo between the titans and humans if this keeps up. Good luck and keep it up man! 

Author's Response:

I'm interested as well. Will anything with the titans change? Do they even want to change? Can't wait to find out myself. Thank you for keeping an eye out for updates

Reviewer: meereten01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 17 2018 1:50 PM Title: Chapter 17

It's always good to see an update to this story, I really like it!

And I also see that I forgot to review the last chapters, whil I thought I did that. Sorry for that.

I saw the Gaelin being Guarding thing coming when they broke out of the city and sliced a guard. That didn't look like something a normal human would be able to do.

But its a pity these bullies found our special village and feel the need to punish Annalya and the village for their failures.

I'm looking forward to what happens next, and hope for a quick update!

Reviewer: gtstory Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2018 11:55 PM Title: Chapter 17

Another excellent chapter! As you said, it appears to be setting up the next chapter, but even a shorter chapter like this one was a great one.

Annallya now realizes that she doesn't know everything about Gaelin, but she's been with him for some time now, and has her intuition and gut to trust. Also, as she stated, she's now reached the point where she can no longer simply go back home and pretend like everything is fine. I also enjoyed the bit where the temporarily-small prison guards were quite nervous being around Gaelin. Maybe they have good intuition, too.

One thing I've been meaning to mention in my reviews of this story, has been how much I have appreciated the pacing of it. While nothing has ever been slow, the author has taken the time to let the story unfold at its own pace, and not be hurried or rushed. I cannot tell you how much this is appreciated. Having gone back and re-read it from the beginning recently (all 17 chapters now), I'm utterly amazed at how much it actually does read like a book -- and a major reason for that is the detail and pacing of the story.

Keep up the excellent work!

Reviewer: foreignkanto Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2018 8:42 PM Title: Chapter 17

You know, it's not actually as bad as I thought it would be. At least both of them are still alive, and the village seems to be safe, at least for right now. And it seems as though Annallya is not going to take any of what's coming sitting down either. It's all in her hands now.

But interesting bit of worldbuilding in this chapter as well, learning how perpatraitors of severe crimes are held prisoner in their small states. I'm very interested to find out what the other prisoners in the maximum security one get to do to Gaelin. It had seemed that he was going to be tortured by full sized titans, but there's a bit more going on? We shall see.

Gald to see the quick update! Thanks a lot for working so fast! But don't push yourself too hard. Take the time you need. Until next time!

Reviewer: 280077s Signed [Report This]
Date: June 15 2018 3:45 PM Title: Chapter 17

Good stuff as always. I'm excited to see revolution in the future.

Reviewer: foreignkanto Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12 2018 2:25 PM Title: Chapter 16

Hey, I just binge read my way through this story for the first time. I love it so much. I've said this in a review on a different story before, but I'll say it again here: I come to this site for my fetish, but honestly the stories that leave the biggest impression on me and leave me coming back for more are stories like yours. Your story really does feel to me like I'm reading a book, it's so good. I love the world you've built and the characters within it. I care about them and their troubles. I passed by this story so many times on the most recent page looking for more sexual stuff, but I'm so glad I finally read it! (I'm also kinda glad I waited so long so I had such a large amount of story to burn through. I die waiting for every update, as I'm going to die waiting for each update to this story as I will have to from now on).

Do answer your question, the reveal at least had a big impact on me because I only read the chapter introducing the guardians this morning.  I didn't see it coming that Gaelin was a guardian at all. In fact I was so afraid last chapter that he was just going to sacrifice himself to let the others go. After he cut off the Titan's finger, I thought for sure he was going to be killed.

Though I do fear for what happens next. I always fear the transition in these types of stories from the giantess and tiny living together in relative peace to the moment that their peace is violently torn away from them in some manner or another. And that time has finally come for this story. I do hold hope for when Gaelin and Annallya might be able to find peace once more. But it seems this story has quite a lot more to tell, and I'm excited to read all that's in store.

Onto more plot related details. Though Gaelin is true to his word, I hold an extremely large amout of doubt that the same can be said for Rhaolin. I fear that the moment they have Gaelin, they'll just reneg and kidnap the humans again anyway.

All in all though, keep up the good work! I think your story might just be the most well-written thing I've read on this site, and I'm very excited to see what the future will hold.

Author's Response:

Wow, I really appreciate you opening up my story and binge reading it in one go, despite the fact that it's a lot to get through. I'm honored that you feel that it does read like a book, and that you really love the characters and world that I've built. As far as the chapters go, I'm pumping them out faster now, but not instantly.

I'm glad that the reveal had an impact on you. As far as what comes next, well . . . shit happens. Oh, and your fears are quite justified.

Thank you so much for all that you've said. I'll be sure to get to work on the next chapters so that everyone won't have to wait long. 

Reviewer: Sir Purple Wolf Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12 2018 2:21 PM Title: Chapter 16

Amazing chepter. Anallya's secret is discovered and we finally get to see the Titan's wikness (I knew they can be defeated somehow). Geline is such a badass, I really wish to see him unlish his full powers when the time is right.

Author's Response:

unleash his full powers? I hate giving things away when there's suspence hanging in the air, but Gaelin doesn't have any actual powers. The sword he carries was fordged by mages, making it capable of cutting through almost anything. No actual powers, though.

Reviewer: nedder5 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12 2018 2:15 PM Title: Chapter 16

ive been enjoying the story and saw the new chapters. lot to read thru but good. galin seems to have some tricks up his sleeve!

Author's Response:

yeah it is, but I'm trying to make it as much like a book as I can. Hoping that the quality balances out the length of the chapters

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: June 11 2018 9:39 PM Title: Chapter 1

I didn't get a notification for your review but I'll go read it now!

Reviewer: gtstory Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2018 5:59 PM Title: Chapter 16

Wow, another amazing chapter! I sent an email to you just now (please let me know if you got it or not) so I'll keep this brief.. but what a great chapter, all the way around. I loved how Annallya was able to see the love humans have, and stand up to her mother. I also liked how Annallya (though she certainly doesn't need it for her kindness and compassion) might have to experience being smaller than those around her for the first time in her life (as usually she's either been larger, or the size of those around her). And of course, there's Gaelin (with his history revealed), standing up to the Titans.

These are great characters.

And the chapters just keep getting better (something I thought would be impossible, given how good they've been from the beginning)!

Author's Response:

Just letting you know I replied to your email. Thanks for all of the comments gtstory

Reviewer: 280077s Signed [Report This]
Date: June 11 2018 9:37 AM Title: Chapter 1

No problem. Its a good read.

Reviewer: 280077s Signed [Report This]
Date: June 11 2018 7:37 AM Title: Chapter 16

I remembered the previous chapters. I do hope something very appropriate happens to the Titans, not an execution, that would only solidify their beliefs in human savagery, perhaps a trial by jury, sentencing, Annalyia's mother to live as a human perhaps. 

Author's Response:

I won't allude to whether or not anything happens to the Titans. But I'm thankful you like my story enough to remember it, and comment. I'll go get started on Chapter 17

Reviewer: 280077s Signed [Report This]
Date: June 11 2018 7:36 AM Title: Chapter 16

I remembered the previous chapters. I do hope something very appropriate happens to the Titans, not an execution, that would only solidify their beliefs in human savagery, perhaps a trial by jury. 

Reviewer: geeman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2018 2:39 AM Title: Chapter 16

Shocker! But it makes sense, if the humans were to have any chance it would have to be some previously established power. Its probably the easiest route the story could take and keep suspension of disbelief. Great stuff but why would Gaelin surrender? Does he not have the power to kill the titans? Maybe he by himself isnt enough? Holy crap! To say im looking forward to the next one would be an understatement!

Author's Response:

As long as the reveal hit in the way that it was supposed to, I'm glad. Thank you for the comment, I'll be sure to get working on the next chapter.

Reviewer: geeman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2018 2:39 AM Title: Chapter 16

Shocker! But it makes sense, if the humans were to have any chance it would have to be some previously established power. Its probably the easiest route the story could take and keep suspension of disbelief. Great stuff but why would Gaelin surrender? Does he not have the power to kill the titans? Maybe he by himself isnt enough? Holy crap! To say im looking forward to the next one would be an understatement!

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