Date: December 26 2015 7:01 AM Title: Chapter 2
I think why Misty's husband wants to kill himself is because of how Misty babies him, there's a sense that she dominates to the point he feels emasculated. He loves her but doesn't want to keep this going on, so he tried to kill himself.
I hope all this can be satisfied over the length of this story, 5 chapters seems short and I feel this can be longer.
Date: December 26 2015 5:34 AM Title: Chapter 2
Sitting on the edge of my seat now
Date: December 25 2015 7:45 PM Title: Chapter 1
Do continue, the giantess here doesn't seem to be dominating our little guy just for the sake of it, she actually seems fleshed out.
Author's Response:
Thanks I really am trying to make these characters have depth and realistic motives for their actions. My feet are getting wet as this story progresses so hopefully it will flow more freely in the upcoming chapters.
Date: December 25 2015 5:53 PM Title: Chapter 1
Art. Please continue.
Author's Response:
Thanks,I am aiming for this to be at least five chapters maybe a couple more. We'll see how much content I can input without being repetitive or just having senseless dialogue or action.